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Good afternoon afternoon, and welcome to this forum entitled nfl players speak up. Firsthand experiences and Building Trust between communities and police. Opportunitym is an for nfl players to provide their own take on what it was like for them growing up them, growing up in their home town communities and what theyre doing to make productive change to build Greater Trust between the minority communities and the police. If a often said that the police need the community and the Community Need the police. I would like to start by thanking my cohost for this forum. Representative john conyers is the top ranking democrat on the House Judiciary Committee and has been a tremendous leader for decades, just not only Christian Justice issues but a wide variety of Critical Issues that face this country. In fact, we have a portrait of him hanging in our antiroom because he also used to be anteroom because he used to be the chairman of this committee. Also want to welcome my colleagues, representative richmond, who serves as the chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, representative Sheila Jacksonlee, the Ranking Member of the subcommittee on crime, terrorism, oakland security and investigations. Representative brenda lauren, part of our Oversight Committee and has championed so many of the issues were going to be talking about today, and im honored that all of them are here today. What we are going to do is to have each of your folks give a short Opening Statement and well limit it to just those members that it just mentioned, and then we will ask our panelists to give statements. So we will be brief because i want to hear from these distinguished gentlemen. Then we will open it up to all members to ask questions and see how far we can get by 12 30 when we promised the playered thatll be able to leave and we appreciate you all taking the time to be here. We were here today to discuss i washingtons to build Greater Trust between the police and communities and discuss concrete proposals to help former inmates who have done their time and are leaving prison, to Reenter Society and make meaningful contributions to neighborhoods in which they live. I live in inner city of baltimore and i see the men and women coming back everyday. Theres so many of them have one question. Mr. Cummings, can you give me a job . I dont want want to hurt nobody but i got to have a job. Hear that over and over again. The Community Policing has garnered National Attention following Police Killings of unarmed africanamericans. My own town is one of the many communities working to repair the fractured relationship between police and communities they serve, and we need too ensure that individual returning to society from prison have the tolls they need rejoin society. According to the naacp in 2001. One in six africanamerican men living in the country had been in inconsiders rated. Think about that statistic and the Ripple Effect it has on families and communes throughout the country. We must work to ensure that everybody, fellow citizens, Law Enforcement officials, everyone, treats them with respect and that we afford them the opportunity to find gainful employment, get an education, support themselves and their families. I will soon be reintroducing legislation to give formerly incarcerated individuals a better chance of getting a federal job. My bill called the fair chance act, would ban the government from requesting criminal history information from job applicants until the end of the hiring process. This is al known as ban the boss. It would help people looking for contribute to their communities and their country. We know for a fact that President Trump has worked hard and continues to work to push back on many reforms that president obama had put through. But we must fight until the death because these are things that are so important to our community. Finally, i know that Ranking Member conyers is working on Bipartisan Legislation which i will let him describe, to provide incentives to help local police ensure that misconduct is minimized and fully investigated. These issues have been important to me for as long as ive served in the congress and i know the same is true for each of our members who well hear today and the entire Congressional Black Caucus. Finally id like to thank our players, anquan bowlen, malcolm jenkins, for being with us here today and for sharing their stories. And also want to think i see that hank johnson, congressman hank johnson, from georgia has joined us. Thank you for being here. And i know that all of you are preparing for spring practice so i truly appreciate you taking up your time from your schedule be with us today. Also, mr. Bolden, i know that you lost a loved win to a police encounter, and i want to extend my deepest condolences to your and your family for your loss. We cannot turn a blind eye to these incidents. We must bring communities to together to seize the moment and restore the sacred trust between Law Enforcement officers and the communities. Doctor, want too thank you for being here. Your expertise on the area of police and minority communities will add a great deal to this forum. I appreciate the attendance of all of our panelists and look forward to hearing your stories and discussing proposed solutions to these vexing problems. With that i yield to mr. Conyers. Chairman conyers. Thank you. Chairman Elijah Cummings and all my colleagues here. I want to particularly point out my colleague from detroit, michigan, brenda lawrence, for her fantastic work. She may be a new member but has been a mayor of a major detroit city so she has lots of experience and is particularly qualified to be here in the setting. Thank you so much. The rest of my colleagues, i dont have to say much about the chairman and hank johnson of georgia, but let me just make a brief Opening Statement complimenting what chairman cummings has already said. Of course, to our particular witnesses, what a pleasure to have them with us as always. For the better part of two decades, the relationship between africanamerican communities and their Police Departments across the nation have hovered in a state of volatility, a waiting a single incident to comecombust, explode, these are a result of biased based policing by Law Enforcement agencies, sometimes supported by Data Collection efforts and Video Evidence have increased in number and frequency. While the current wave of National Tension was triggeredded by the controversial shooting of Michael Brown in ferguson, on missouri, on august 9, 2014, the sensibilities of the nation have also been shocked by other highprofile policeinvolved shootings of more than 30 unarmed africanamerican and latino men. Overall, more 250 africanamerican men were killed in Police Incidents in 2016. Im going to repeat that. Overall, more than 250 africanamerican men were killed in Police Incidents in 2016. Against this backdrop, these same communities have been ground zero in the socalled war on drugs. There is bipartisan agreement that our nation has a crisis of overincarceration. Mass incarceration. With 2. 2 Million People imprisoned in this country. Thats a ratio thats higher than i think any other nation that we know of. One of the main reasons for this catastrophic level of incarceration is the use of mandatory minimum sentencing. Which often imposes sentences that are not appropriate for the facts and culpability of individual cases. Once released, these people face the prison after prison, where they can experience both housing and employment discrimination due to their criminal records. Hese burdens can be so great that over half our reincarcerated within three years of their release. All of this disproportionately impacts africanamericans and is a major factor impacting the quality of life in our families and communities. It simmers down and spreads out, its not just individual tragedies. The rise of activism triggered by the Racial Disparities in our criminal Justice System has touched diverse parts of our communities, harking back to the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s. People have taken to the streets to proclaim that black lives matter. And to seek justice for those who have died. Today we are joined by members of the National Football league. What an honor. This is the second hill visit by the National Football League Players and we look forward to building further links with nfl Layers Association to raise awareness around our justice agenda. Injure presence here is invaluable to us. As we recognize the price that some of your colleagues are paying for their activism, we note that your appearance here is meaningful and not without risk to your livelihood, though it shouldnt be. Ultimately, i believe that your activism will inspire others to aise their voices for justice. Let no one mistake or make the mistake of believing that the search for justice in than anis anything less important act of patriotism. And so i salute you and i thank the chairman and yield back. Mr. Cummings thank you, mr. Conyers. Congressman richmond, chame of he Congressional Black Caucus. Mr. Richmond thank you, Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, elijah let me just take a moment to brag just a little bit because both dante and malcolm played for the new Orleans Saints and malcolm has a super bowl ring with the new Orleans Saints, and i know baltimore won a super bowl, jacoby jones of new orleans should have been m. V. P. Of that game. To my colleague to the right from detroit, we are praying for you all. To my colleague on my left from tlanta, i just cant say much. Let me thank you all for stepping off the field and stepping back into the real life that you all lived before you made it to the nfl and before get layed in college, to out of your comfort zone, but to actually give back and fight for issues that are critical. , but dont see it enough you all do it, and most of our africanamerican male athletes do it, you just dont get the attention for it. You only get the attention for doing the wrong thing. When youre doing the right thing you dont get as much attention. Let me thank you and let me thank my colleagues for hosting this. Reforming our criminal Justice System is without a doubt the number one civil rights issue of our time. The Racial Disparities and discrimination across the criminal Justice System are undeniable. Africanamericans make up 13 of the United States population but we account for 35 of jailed inmates and 37 of prison inmates. Africanamericans and whites use drugs at similar rates but were significantly more likely to be arrested. Lets think back to when the crack epidemic hit our communities back in the 1980s. The solution was a war on drugs that put thousands and thousands of people in jail, particularly africanamerican males. But today were faced with an Opioid Epidemic that is ravaging all communities, particularly the white community, but our answer to the opioid addiction, rightfully so, is treating it as addiction and a health crisis. Where we are investing in Mental Health and Addiction Services an doing all of those things. But in the 1980s, the answer was to lock everybody up. And i think that as we talk about the open yode epidemic, we still have to go back and remember that there are significant number of people that are still doing time for crack cocaine when the sentence disparity was so out of whack. But we need to overhaul the entire Justice System. We need to reform it from end to end. From the way Police Interact with our communities, the communities they serve, to the resources that we provide the hundreds of thousands of prisoners that are returning to our communities every year. We need to ban racial profiling. We need to invest in our police. Right now we send understaffed, undertrained, overworked police into communities that have been ravaged by di vestment and neglect and by divestment and neglect and expect them to maintain law and order. We need more resources for Community Policing that puts Law Enforcement and Community Leaders on the same side of the debate so they can solve problems together. We need our tork to use his power to stamp out discriminatory patterns and practices of Police Departments an enforce Consent Decreed that hold police accountable. We need to ban private prisons and actually correct inmates in the correctional system. They should learn a trade or earn a degree so they can make something of themselves once they get out. We need to eliminate all the bans and barriers that prevent people who have served their time and who get trades to actually perform those trades. In louisiana, for example, there are 321 professions that you cannot do if you were formerly incarcerated. Although you learn how to cut hair in prison, you cant get a barber or beauticians license because you were formerly incarcerated. And we need to invest more resources into programs that help inmates when they return home, programs like first 72 in new orleans. So i would just say, members of the Congressional Black Caucus are dedicated to partnering with you and doing everything we can do to help you. I would just say that we also have to focus on the children of incarcerated people because we incarcerated so many africanamerican males, the africanamerican male may be in jail but the family is doing the time. I will just tell you that mark ingram from alabama, plays for the new Orleans Saints, started a nonprofit specifically to deal with children of incarcerated people. So let me again thank you all for what youre doing. Were here, the Congressional Black Caucus, were here as willing partners to help you fight what youre doing and dr. Goff let eme tell you, thank you for what youre doing, were going to partner with you also, so call upon us as you need us. Thank you, and i yield back, mr. Chairman. Mr. Cummings just to reiterate what our chairman said, dr. Goff, one of the thicks the chairman has been acting on is trying to figure out how to be effective in whatever we do. And so the expertise that you will bring to counsel us and let us know how to use our energy, because you can go in a circle and not get to where you want to go. I know in all of us i know all of us on the caucus want to make sure were effective. The chairman emphasized that. I hope you continue your efforts even after this hearing to help us out. Sheila jackson lee. Congresswoman from texas. Ms. Jackson lee thank you mr. Chairman. I hope you all can hear me. Thank you to chairman cummings, to chairman conyers, delighted to be able to cohost this with you. Delighted to be here with my colleagues, congresswoman lawrence, congressman richmond and as well congressman johnson who is here. A picture show you that probably far away you cant see it two little children, three little children, one would ask the question, what they have in common . But im going to ask you, are you a few years older than a preschooler, raise your hands witnesses are you a little bit older than a preschooler . Just a little bit. I dont want our member they may be way beyond that. The connection is, and the reason why your testimony is so very important is the disparate treatment that africanamerican children and children of color begin to get even as preschoolers. One might say from 0 to 3. We have just determined by Scientific Research that children of color, preschoolers, are more apt to be suspended than any other children. Can one believe that . Does that begin to set a pattern, that youre suspended at the age of 2 or 3 or 4, or that youre in handcuffs a little 6yearold, where they had to put both hands in one cuff . So what youre doing today is crucial. As a Ranking Member on the crime subcommittee i want to focus on this whole system, upside down system of juvenile justice. Who better than you to begin to talk about how africanamerican men are treated, how they begin to be treated as boys, how they respect for them does not exist from Early Education to primary and secondary education, and then the criminal Justice System, solitary confinement for juveniles, the idea that has been promoted to make your way, you overcome and you have to report on your college application, whether youre arrested as a juvenile. Or rather than finding alternatives for you, youre in the jufie, youre in detention, youre in a jail. And then of course the interactions between police and young africanamericans, americans. People who deserve dignity. So in addition to your presence here today, i want to respond. I dont think one republican should be left out of meritorious legislation that deals with the crisis of michael gardner,mir rice, eric trayvon martin. Because its got to stop now. I have a lot of statistics and i look forward to listening to you but i want to end on this note. I wanted you to see the picture of these three little children of color and i want you to think about the fact that you are here for them. Youre here in their names. On april 4 will be the 49th commemoration of the assassination of dr. Martin luther king. In his day, he was reaching out for civil rights and economic rights and peace against war. But our numbers were comparable that we were also incarcerated, incarcerated as well and struck down because we wanted more rights for our people. I think that his dream is living thru you. But our civil rights is in another context. And we cannot cease. I will not rest until we get legitimate response to what your testimony will be. From the federal level. Legitimate laws that speak as opposed to mourn what youre saying. So help us pass legislation that deals with the atrocity of locking up preschoolers, obviously education is a lifeline. Theyre in schools. And the horrible system once you get into a juvenile system that should not be a penalty punitive system but should be a redemptive, restorive restorative system. Youre a role model, we honor you, my door continues to be open and i look forward to orking with my colleagues. Mr. Cummings thank you. Congresswoman lawrence of michigan. Mrs. Lawrence i want to thank you for being here today. Just to put some weight into how important this hearing is, when you have the dean of congress here who is one of those who committed his life to civil rights, when you have an amazing voice and face of equality and a leader in our community, my Ranking Member, here serving today, and then i have my chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Cedric Richmond, with us. And the other members bhor here, im honored to be in their presence. But what i want to say is thank you. Thank you for having me courage and the compassion. So many will say you made it, you know, just look at my life and figure it out. But you have taken the time, the compassion, and the courage to use your platform to be an agent of change. Every last one of us, you dont need to be elected to an office, player,t need to be nfl you just need to be someone who cares enough to make a change and use Life Experience and turn them around to be a positive. There are some statistics out there. 2 3 of young africanamericans and four in 10 hispanics say they are someone that have experienced violence or harassment at the hands of police. 2 3. Of africanamericans. Im a mother of a son. And did i have that conversation with him . About how to conduct himself . He grew up in a suburb of detroit and detroit is our home. Were there all the time. Driving around in suburban communities, you know, make sure, i dont want you driving in a car with a whole lot of your boys because if theres more than two of you in a car you might be subjected to being pulled over. Make sure you say yes, sir. Make sure you keep your hands where they can see you. As soon as you can, call me. Dont argue. I had that fear. Raising my son. I also had the distinction of being a mayor. Having a Police Department and a police chief that i was responsible for and through me, responsible to my community. I know i mandated Community Policing. Whenever i got those complaints, it was immediate response. It wasnt like, oh, theyre overreacting. And i know that it is a culture. That you cant expect in a Police Department. You have to manage that. Set Community Policing and training and diversity awareness continuously. Not just when theyre hiring but ongoing. Today i look tpwhard to hearing, hearing your testimony and your comments. My la jackson lee is one of sisters in congress. And she leads by example as a woman who has been a member of congress for many years. Never letting go of her responsibility of creating awareness. You know, right now, were in the minority. And so our job here in congress is to never let issues of injustice to lie dormant or silent because as Martin Luther king told us, the crime sometimes of being silent is greater than the actual action. Im here with my colleague, hank johnson, who has again a personal from a southern state, who has his history as well. The one thing i do want to say in closing, please know that you have were here today because you have our commitment to work with you. We thank you for stepping up. We have a lot of work to do. And to say in america, if im an africanamerican, if im a minority, that i automatically assume and prepare myself to be treated differently, is unacceptable. Its unacceptable. Im here today to make sure that we can continue to use all of our passion, all the power that you see assembled here to make a difference. Thank you and i yield back. Mr. Cummings thank you. I understand that mr. Johnson does not have a statement. Oh. Mr. Johnson i will say at this ime that this issue of legislations between the police and africanamericans is something that we as africanamericans have to live with every day. Ill tell you that back first of march, i was out at walter reid going into center the gate. I had my suit on. Gray hair. Rushing for an appointment. Looking distinguished as i always do, and had a little incident at the gate with a guy, hes probably about 23 years old a hot fire cracker in terms of how he wanted to talk to me and how he approached me. In a threatening way. In a threatening voice. And if this guy had been a civilian, because he was a military m. P. But if hed been a civilian and if it had been under other circumstances, like it was dark and we were somewhere off by ourselves, and he had the gun and i did not, it would have been an explosive situation. So its something that even i as going ssman, you know, to a military facility, have to deal with. As a followup to that, even trying to get it resolved by higher up, still dont have a resolution as of yet. And same guy was out there last week, same guy in the same location. Doing the work that hes really hes not psychologically equipped to do but hes still out there doing it. And you know, so we have to go extra to make sure that we protect ourselveses from these threats that are always looming out there and with that, i yield back. Mr. Cummings thank you very much. Weve been joined by congressman lacy clay of missouri. Its my understanding that he does not have a statement so were going to move on to our panelists. We would ask you to summarize your statements in about five minutes but if you have to go longer, please do. But i want to try to make sure we have enough time for questions because again, trying to be effective and efficient. Well start with you, mr. Enkins, malcolm jenkins. Theres a mic. Mr. Jenkins thank you, representative Elijah Cummings and mr. Conyers for having us, giving us this time to share and speak. Its an honor for us. I created a foundation an started working in communities, certain communities that i lived in or played ball in, in 2010 and as of right now were in four different states, new jersey, where im from, ohio, where i went to the ohio state university, new orleans, louisiana, where i won the super bowl with the saints, and now in philadelphia, pennsylvania, where i play with the eagles. Its been very, very porn to me to give back to these communities, especially these underserved communities, because i see the impact and have had experiences along my way that have gotten me to where i am. We do thicks that are an array of different programs, whether it be stem scholarships, mentoring, and we understand the impact that those type of programs have. But the programs, as many as we do, do not change the environment in which our youth go back to. They still go back to poor neighborhoods, they go back to crimeridden neighborhoods and communs that are broken. So at the height of last summer, two you had the shooting of people, i took it upon myself to get involved. What i wanted to do was start with the places that i was at. So myself and a few teammates and Community Leaders sat down with philly p. D. And we had a frank conversation just about how we can reconcile this relationship between our communities and Law Enforcement which led to myself doing a ridealong with the police to get loo to get a look into their world because thats one thing i dont understand. I understand being a black man, i live that every day. But im not a Police Officer. To get a better understand, we wanted to have this conversation and have this context and dialogue. To have a real conversation. What came out of that was, an opportunity we realized that Police Brutality and the relationship and where we are is really a symptom of a bigger system. Laws and policies that are in ace that allow for brutality or mistreatment to happen. Theres our criminal Justice System and the documented disparities in which it affects the africanamerican communities and communities of color far greater than anybody else and how that has created a cycle that has created mistrust and frustration in these communities. And how our police force are the frontline of that Justice System. So sometimes, its impossible to for us to mend this relationship when the system ehind you leads to mistrust. And theres no transparency. So with that in mind i began to look at pennsylvania, specifically, an what was going on with our Justice System and what i learned was that pennsylvania, by far, leads the nation in incarcerating, or giving juveniles life sentences ithout parole. And i went to a prison and sat down with a group of six prisoners just to talk and hear some of their thoughts and frustrations and four out of these six men were juvenile lifers, all of which have been incarcerated longer than ive been alive. One went in at the age of 14 in 1987 and still incarcerated. In pennsylvania, kids are automatically tried as adults for crimes like aggravated assault, robbery, carjacking, kidnapping, whether or not they committed the crime themselves, even if theyre just accomplices, they get tried as adults. From an economic standpoint we spend about 42,000 per inmate, per year, in the state of pennsylvania. So you look at the system and its flawed. Everyone knows its flawed. So you look at the federal set m as a guideline as to the strajectry of where we want these states to go and our federal system, you have 50 of people that are there for nonviolent drug offenses. And the uses of mandatory minimums created a pipeline for people to be incarcerated. And in those 50 , the overwhelming evidence that shows that the majority of those are from africanamerican and brown communities. And we look at the recidivism rate and the long list of things that hinder you once you do serve your time and pay your debt to society, how we expect these men and women to come out of our system and be productive citizens that give back and raise the value of their community, but we dont give them opportunities to vote in some states. We dont give them opportunities to get jobs. We discriminate against them, we serve time long after theyre released back into our neighborhoods. And within three years, 2 3 of those people released will be back, or be rearrested. These are things that need to change. Over the last two days, three days, i should say, myself and anquan on our second trip back to the hill were able to meet republicans, democrats, on both sides. What we heard is that there has been a bipartisan effort to attack criminal Justice Reform. Theres support. So our question as concerned citizens, well, if theres so much support, if everyone agrees and knows the statistics about how our Justice System is not giving justice, then what is holding them back . That question really has been answered with just the lack of priorities. So were here to use our leverage, our voices, to make sure that our families, our communities, our kids, are a priority to the people here on capitol hill, to this administration, and to the rest of this nation. Because its costing us money, we spend 80 billion a year locking our own citizens up, we lead the entire world in incarceration. And its ruining lives. In all of that, you still it creates doubt and mistrust in our Justice System. When you erode our Justice System, that trickles down to every other system behind that. So theres no way to instill trust or build a relationship between our police, when our police are frontline of a broken system. And weve seen bills and legislation be brought forth but not pushed through. So what we encourage is to, what we challenge, is to reintroduce the Bipartisan Legislation that addresses these things and not sleep until these things get accomplished. I appreciate the time, allowing me to share. That is all. Mr. Cummings thank you very much. Thank you. Anquan boldin. Mr. Boldin Ranking Member cummings, Ranking Member conyers, representative jackson lee, our Congressional Black Caucus chairman richmond, congressman clay, congresswoman lawrence, and congressman johnson, i would like to say thank you for inviting me to this forum today. I believe the issues we discuss here are critically important to the communities across our country. I also believe that they can be solved. These issues, which include Building Trust between police and communities, ending an era of mass incarceration, and promoting the successful reentry of the formerly incarcerated into communities are a vital component of criminal Justice Reforms that benefit from consistent, broad, bipartisan support. But these issues are also consistently pushed to the political back burner. I believe that working together, we can not only move it to the political forefront, but we can make measurable, meaningful and sustainable change in our communities. I want you to understand that criminal Justice Reform in particular, police and community relations, is an issue that i come to very personally. In october of 2015 my cousin, korey jones, was driving home from a show with his band around 2 00 a. M. , his car broke down. On the side of the highway. While he was waiting for help, a cargo van pulled up. Ot a police car. A van pulled up. I want to emphasize two important points. First, it was a white van, not a olice car. Second, the man who stepped out of that van, officer roger, was not wearing a uniform. He was wearing blue jeans, sneakers, a tan tshirt, and a baseball hat. My cousin had no way of knowing he was dealing with a Police Officer. Moments later, korey was ead. The official report from the States Attorney Office said that mr. Roger fired six shots. His final three shots were fired more deliberately, according to the report. One shot every three seconds. Korey was a good kid. His granddad and my granddad are brothers and ive known him my whole life. Never been a kid to give any kind of trouble. Every sunday you can find him in church playing the drums. But his faith couldnt keep him alive. How do you go from spending all of your sundays playing the drums in church, working hard to support your family, and waiting for help on the side of the road, to being dead . For me, it doesnt add up. I wish i could tell you koreys story was unique. I wish i could tell you that now, over a year later, we know exactly what happened and that the issue was resolved. I wish i could tell you korey didnt die in the first place. As a matter of fact, i wish i wasnt here talking to you at all. But i am. One of the hardest parts of this whole experience has been the lack of understanding about what happened. Why it happened. And what is happening in the league process. The legal process. The lack of transparency is only hurting any trust that remains between police and the community where im from. And it is a problem facing so many other communities. The community i come from wants and needs to know that theyre being heard. We want to make sure that you, that those in position to bring positive change, understand the things that we as an Africanamerican Community are going through. We certainly do not feel that were being heard right now. Especially when it comes to Law Enforcement and the way were being policed. Our neighborhoods are feeling hurt and they want to see change. This is where you come in. We want to see changes in policy in terms of how we train and support our police. And we also want to see accountability. We want to know that justice will be served for all. To make sure that that relationship between the Africanamerican Community and olice can be better. This is work to be done on both sides because theres a huge gap of mistrust. Im here today because i want to help close that gap. The federal government has an Important Role to play here, given the approximately 4 billion in criminal justice grants it provides states, localities, and Law Enforcement, and the federal governments oversight responsibilities. Specifically im here today to ask for your support on two key issues. First we need the Judiciary Committee to convene hearings on criminal Justice Reform. The issue has consistently received bipartisan support over the past several years on legislation like the reauthorization of the Second Chance act, the fair chance act, and Law Enforcement trust and integrity act. Llegislation like the law actscement and integrity take a comprehensive approach to addressing Police Accountability and Building Trust. The legislation provides incentives for local Police Organizations to voluntarily adopt performancebased standards. These standards would ensure the number of incidents of misconduct would be minimized, and that any incidents that do happen like in the case of my cousin would be properly investigated. The legislation encourages Police Departments to pursue accreditation, best practices, training and other resources that will promote fair and just policing. It also requires mandatory Data Collection and reporting on community encounters. We cannot fix a problem we cannot measure. Data is critical. Incidentsd decrease of Police Misconduct and ensure when they do happen, they will be properly investigated. These important pieces of legislation also ensure Police Officers, the vast majority of whom are caring, committed, and compassionate, dedicated to the community they serve, are given the tools necessary to do their jobs well. There are several members of my family and Law Enforcement and over the years i have gotten to know many more who are role models for their profession. We need to make sure these tremendous individuals are performed and equipped are equipped to perform to the best of their ability. Offices better known p. S. Must be preserved. The elimination of this will be backwards. Step cops programs that specifically support Community Policing efforts and are geared toward hiring community Trained Police officers are seeing results. Communities that received these grants are seen measurable reductions in crime and arrest rates. And though harder to measure, an increase in trust. Bya arts police supported cops programs are getting out of their vehicles and building a real relationship that make a longterm different. A these difference longterm difference. These are the kind of programs that can help us move forward and leave a legacy we will all be proud of. I can to washington in november last year to learn about what is being done. To support criminal Justice Reform, and more portly, what role i can play to support reform efforts. I am here today to continue this work and let you know i am committed to using my voice and platform to do whatever i can to help improve our neighborhoods for police and the communities they live in. Thank you for your time and your commitment to these issues. Thank you very much. Afternoon. Chairman cummings. Congresswoman jackson lee. Congressman clay, comes in lawrence congresswoman lawrence. And everyone who has chosen to spend time on this important issue, thank you to inviting me. I am honored to be the nerd in the room. Remarks, igan my feel compelled to mention i was born in philadelphia. Fly, eagles, fly. Dont appreciate all that laughter but we will move forward. Today, im here in my capacity as a Research Scientist and as the president for the center for policing equity. I have generated the majority of toold old my adult life pursuing equality. Before i was a Research Scientist, i was black. Im here because of science but i am also armed with the experience is familiar to black men and boys run a country. The lies told about black men and boys, the myths about our intellect, our loyalty, and our temperament, those are part of the reason we are here today. I, like so many others, have worked my entire life to become evidence of the truth. The lieshe face of they tell. It is in that spirit that i. S. A Research Scientist and black man would like to share three myths holding us back from achieving racial progress in policing. The first method is we cannot move forward because there are no National Level data on policing. Federalt is true no data, currently collects despite collecting data on crimes. It is also true without measuring the problem, often nearly impossible to craft a solution to it. It is simply not the case because the federal government does not collect the data that nobody has it. Any Police Departments collect the data themselves and the center for policing equity that i run most International Justice database. The nations first and largest database of Police Officer behavior. Fromso post commitments Police Offices serving roughly a third of the u. S. By population. We collect information through surveys on Police Officer explicit and implicit bias. This effort, which was slow going when we got started, has recently been bolstered by a partnership with google. This partnership will soon allow us to reduce the time between a chiefs decision to participate and the chief receiving an analysis of Racial Disparities which basically says, this is responsibility is. It used to take us six months. We are going to be closer to a timeframe that looks like six minute. We are rapidly approaching a time when there will not be a plausible excuse for departments knowing how to address issues of race in their communities. To say we cannot do better because we do not have the data is quickly becoming an outdated claim. It is currently a myth that hold us back from achieving progress. Claimcond myth is the crime drives Police Behavior and therefore crime explains Racial Disparities in policing outcome. Let me say this as plainly as i can. That is factually inaccurate. It is not true. Do not leave it. While climbing plays a role in playing Racial Disparities, it is not sufficient to explain the elevated rates at which blacks and latinos are stopped and searched. That is a fact. Role findings are robust beyond our own findings. That means we should be skeptical of those who blame communities alone for how they are treated. It also means attacking crime without a dressing addressing Police Culture will not be sufficient. Inverse. Myth is the just as crime does not explain whycing discrepancies, would we expect there are not Racial Disparities in employment, housing . All of that discoloration happens upstream of any individual contact with Law Enforcement. If we see Racial Disparities in policing, they may be a symptom of a broader case of racial dissemination. Discrimination. Let me frame it to you another way. There is no chief who would last very long in his job if every ti 911, they heard, we are not coming to you are probably just racist. Are the laws of the land racist, it is the job of the police to enforce them. I hear regularly from Law Enforcement who do not like that part of the job. They are crying out for us to save them from the laws they are forced to enforce. That means the responsibility for the damage we see done in communities cannot belong solely to Law Enforcement. The responsibilities must be claimed by all of us. As a democracy, as a nation, if it continues because we allow it, we now have the capacity to collect, standardized, and analyze data in ways that reveal racial bias and disambiguates responsibilities between police and the rest of us. Those upstream factors. Knowledge we are collecting, project led by the center for policing equity, the yield justice laboratory, and the urban institute, in collaboration, we know there are interventions that simultaneously improve officer safety and improve community trust. We know with the science says and we have their faith that the signs and justice are the same thing. In other words, there are no excuses for not getting better. No amount of executive branch disinterest removes responsibility from the people of this nation. Nolies we tell about police, lies we tell about america make them the truth. Inequality in policing is a fixable problem. Requires we add our collective will to what science has taught us. We had resolved to the truth. Thank you for your time. Thank you. We will go to hutchins now. Mr. Conyers. Us the gentleman will be leaving at 12 30. I ask you to be brief. Rep. Conyers thank you. Im going to come by my questions so we expedite this process. Thank you all for your excellent testimony. Ask these questions and you can take a piece of it, any of you that have an initial response. Ive got dr. Goff s name down. President bush supported the racial profiling act and Data Collection. How can we encourage our current president to take this step . This is not an academic exercise we are in here today. What are is, what are we five members going to take back to our caucuses, to the Congressional Black Caucus, committeese judiciary . I would like you to think about this. This is what do we do about this is the what do we do about this part of coming together today. Thank you for your excellent testimony. Goff thank you for your question. If someone comes to you and says they have a problem with money, you might ask, what does your budget say . If they say they dont have one, they are not taking the question seriously. Someone says im having a say where my class, i are you struggling in the syllabus . They say i dont have the syllabus. I say they are not taking it seriously. Trust calling for public and safety but not measuring what is happening, we are not taking the album seriously. One of the undercovered angles is this can be a good news story about race in america. Too few andw our far between. Black communities, brown communities, want accountability and trust rick Law Enforcement frequently wants the same thing. We work as the with Law Enforcement. National justice database is a response to what Law Enforcement has asked for. They want to know what is going on. They dont have the capacity to do the Data Analysis that professional nerds do. Them. Sked us to do it for im not in a position to speak with President Trump, but i am in a position to speak with governors and attorneys general. It is very straightforward for a governor or attorney general to say we will collect the data and encourage Law Enforcement to do it. It would be a good news story if it came from the federal government as well. We have the infrastructure necessary to save time and money. The center for Police Equity charges nothing. You recognize the suit. It is the same one i wear every time i come in. We dont draw a salary from this. It is possible to get it done. The people concerned about Law Enforcement, the people who support Law Enforcement all want it. The question is why is he will not there . Thats the question i would ask to bring up if you have the opportunity. Rep. Conyers i want to ask another question and i would like the other panelists to join in. What is noble about the National Organization of black executives Law Enforcement . Again, the National Organization of black executives Law Enforcement . Tell me how we can coordinate with them and where we may go from here. All three of you can participate if you want. If you know. The coin flip over here came to me. Wonderful organization. The organize many of captains, cheese, and lieutenants in Law Enforcement around the country read one way to Congressional Black Caucus, around the country. One way the Congressional Black Caucus and others can partner with with them is to come together with common sense statements about what we know what works what we know works. Chiefs dont want to do that. Chiefs have a harder time coming forward than an organization like noble might. Getting the common sense out of the public record, that is a wonderful way to work with noble. That is a i would encourage you to work with them. Rep. Conyers i want to yield to Cedric Richmond if he has a comment about this. Noble does have principles on policing. Policing group that Sheila Jackson lee and ira part of, we have met with noble. I will say, and i dont remember if it was malcolm who brought up cops, that is one of the things we all agree on, republican, democrat, black and white. You talk about Second Chance act, those are issues that specifically came up last wednesday when we met with the president. We challenged him to get out of his comfort zone and engage on those issues. We are going to followup with the Vice President on those issues. The point of the law of diminishing returns. Every dollar we spend on incarceration makes our communities less safe because it could go to recreation at School Programs and other things. Leaveairman, i have to but i want to make a couple of offers. Ff it of all to dr. Go would like the caucus to partner with you. I believe your data, nobles expertise, we could come together to issue some commonly agreed on principles that are really common sense but we have to highlight. Boldin and jenkins, we will continue to do what we have been doing as a caucus. We are in the same space. We are in for comprehensive criminal Justice Reform. We want it to be aggressive for mandatory minimums. Giving juvenile lifers an opportunity at parole. The fights you all have engaged on some of us we have been fighting our whole life. I remember going to angola state penitentiary in louisiana. We had guys serving life from heroin for their first offense. They had served more time in on earth. Have been it took us 4. 5 years but those guys are home now. The legacy of the people you see up here is a legacy of hard work to change it. To the extent that we both can elevate our voice together, i think we should do that. Works you is someone who for a paper who can write. I think we should take the opportunity to do things together to raise not our communities awareness communitys awareness of it but the countrys awareness of it. That is what you have started today and let us help you get it across the finish line. Rep. Cummings im going to come to you in a minute. Goant to go back to you, dr. Ff. Baltimore we just had something that i fought hard for. The investigation by the doj. There was a stat in there that jumped out at me. It said over the course of 45 had 300,000 pedestrian stops. It said of the 300,000 4 estrians stops, less than ended in an arrest or a citation. Police, i talk to the they said, congressman, it wasnt 300,000 stops. It was probably like 1. 7 million. Which means that number, the 4 of 300,000, that number stays the same. I thought about what you said when you talk about criminal activity, about this myth. That doesnt surprise me. What i just said doesnt surprise you. I can hear you. Goff not at all. We have been working in baltimore. It doesnt surprise me in baltimore. It doesnt surprise me in many major cities around the country stopsmber of pedestrians are underreported in the return of contraband and arrests is very low. Rep. Cummings one of the concerns we had, and i am sure a lot of other cities have the same concerns, when you went Holder Justice Department to a sessions justice department, and the idea we know how sessions feels about Consent Decrees. I mean what advice would you have for us as a caucus . Stay in theying to center of the science and avoid politics, the nerd sweet spot if you will, let me tell you what we are doing in baltimore and how i think that can be a model. Openst partnered with the Society Institute of baltimore to contact conduct a residence survey. Community voices have never been counted as we think about the performance of Law Enforcement. They have never been part of the accountability metrics we set up for Police Departments. They have never beenhere is thee chief knows and is legally not willing to say on camera. The peoplely with feel comfortable calling the police about. If we start measuring community trust, cooperation, and literally the amount of times people see illegal behavior but refused to cooperate with Law Enforcement, refused to call it in. The amount of times people saw something and said nothing, if we can measure that, we have a capacity about how to reframe the conversation. Heres a piece i want to give people. We have been talking about law that is the if solution to problems with crime. What i have not said is how we need to reframe that. If we care about people who are vulnerable, we need to center the voices of the vulnerable. Crimeou ask victims of how they feel about the Justice System, here are things i want you to take away. Prefer margin, they investment in harsher schools schools to harsher punishment. By 101 margin, people who have been victimized, even by violent crime, they prefer that the person who victimized them not have to go to jail. What right did the rest of us have to use harsher punishment as a solution to their problems . What we dont think about is the victims of the crime, the communities where these folks are their neighbors. I get that back to you as a way to think about how we push forward, even if Consent Decrees are off the table. Thank you again. I just wanted to highlight, as we talk about the uptick, the disproportionate amount of imprisonment in the African American community, i want to make sure we include the female population. Africanamerican population being imprisoned. You you imprison a woman, affect the life of the you affect the life of the children. To teach them a skill or a trade, it is very concerning to me. Dr. , i heard you clearly. What is your priority . To me, that is the key. We can talk all we want. If your priority is not driving your actions, then your words mean nothing. If you tell me criminal Justice Reform is a priority, but you dont legislate it, then your words are not truthful. I am very concerned about that. I just want to thank you. We have to continue to understand we need to address the issue of women. An increasing number of africanamerican women being imprisoned. We must fund Second Chance programs. All those things we need to do to ensure if i made a mistake, if i did something wrong, if i is a young person made a decision that was not the best, or i just didnt know i was hungry so i committed a crime. In society, in america, we believe that you can be rehabilitated. Then your laws and your funding should reflect that. Thank you again and lets stay on the battlefield. We will make a difference. Thank you. When we had our disturbances, and mr. Jenkins caused me to think about this, one of the things i spent a lot of time doing was talking to the police. The police a lot of times i felt like i was almost like an interpreter. For the brothers that live in my neighborhood. We were able to avoid a lot of violence. Whenmr. Jenkins said mr. Jenkins said he did the arounds,unds, ride t to beentlemen wan helpful. I know police look at them as he roes, great sports players and great citizens. Can they have on the police . Are you following this . I know you got several methods. Im trying to figure out how to and make itesire most effective and efficient. To change things. There are so many things that need doing in policing right now, that frankly, pick one and run with it is the first answer. Want to talk about how to influence Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement responds when you are making their jobs easier very well. There are lots of ways to make their jobs easier. You talk to commissioner bass, who were working with him when we first got into baltimore. There is a culture of Law Enforcement that does not communicate frequently with their reasoning is to communities. Why are you hassling me when you get a stop . The most common responses, that is my job. There have been three robberies in this area, i am not stopping to packed you down, i am stopping you to have a conversation. That is a much better conversation. Have watched both of you act as translator in your hometowns. I have watched you do that in philadelphia. I have lost you do that in communities not as good as philadelphia. Strength comes from having watched this and done this and Police Departments, the strength comes when the communication is in both directions. As often as you see vulnerable communities with Law Enforcement having a heavy presence, i like integration class, is the first requirements for segregation. You have to show up to ignore each other and not listen. Bridging that gap, that is a powerful thing for people who are used to figuring out how to get teams of disparate folks to work together. I dont like to be very touchyfeely because i am a data nerd, but that is a powerful role folks can have. I do want to see increasingly, they cannot outcast everybody. Folks are willing to speak up and partner with the folks doing the data work, you dont want to see me on the football field. But i can be useful in that way. They can be useful to us. Forging partnerships, that is what i would suggest. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman. This is a powerful panel. I guess the only sense of remorse i have is to hear the two gentlemen were here in november of 2016. Let me be very clear, there is a top and abiding passion answer your concern. Goff, let me just say that science data is the heartbeat of Police Report reform. It is the heartbeat of stopping what happens to my good brothers cousin. In spite ofyvon, the fact that it was maybe not a police, but somebody operating under the color of law. And all the others. I would like to ask, and i thank you for this testimony, i think one of the most important things we need to get done, and i want to thank my chairman. Mr. Cummings. We collaborate together, i think you said my bill, fair chance, which deals with juveniles. That horrible noose around their neck if they have had a juvenile offense and they cannot move forward. I want to ask you this question about Police Community relations. This is what i have grappled with. Each tragedy that has occurred and we just cant seem to get to a point besides maybe local the actions of elijah when he had these otheries and some members, other Community Individuals when there have been hotspots. Dean, to thank my congressman conyers. Enforcementbout law. Lets not be offensive. Lets try to find common ground. One of the elements of the bill is mandatory collection of data. I want to broadly think the thank the nfl. To rise up onyou that issue. The obstacles are people who feel put upon, intimidated. Enforcement, there are 18,000 Police Department across america. Just told us, it is not difficult, it is not punishment to know the truth. Canw lect that data so we the right kind of law that will help change your heart. Dr. King said, i cannot do anything about hearts. Not be amake you segregationist in your heart, but i can change the law to make it against the law. We really need to drive that bill into passage. I must say the republicans and democrats, that i think we can bring forward, because i think we can do it im not going to be concerned about whos in the white house. We drive this in the congress, and helmets come forward, then the bill will have to be signed. I dont know who will be there to sign it. Of the elements of the bill, everyone gets accredited meaning the police. In that accreditation, it is teaching concepts of the escalation. On that dark night, what were all those shots being fired . What was the reason . Why didnt it meet his conscience consciousness, i am in a white van and im not in uniform and his dark . Deescalation. And then this concept of guardians, versus warrior. Police are guardians of the community. That is why 911 is there. Call help. I want them to go home to their family. The idea behind that bill is to be respectful for the question of Law Enforcement. Well, be able to deal with what we are. We are not isis. Even gangs with kids in it, it is horrible, but they are not. To make thiso really about Community Police relations . One small portion under this, as president obama was working in the midst of these police shootings, one of the most important elements was Consent Decrees that we have used i think in baltimore. I have heard baltimoreans say, thank you. Ferguson, Consent Decree. We have an attorney general that has suggested that Consent Decrees are to help the police do better. Not break them up, do better. Everybody needs a teacher to help them do better. Im not going to do that. Do understand . Able to say, we are all in this together. Your thoughts about those points. And mr. Jenkins and mr. Boldin , if all three of you would just answer that. And i thank you so very much. I want to be part of helping under the Judiciary Committee with the leadership of john connors. We are going to do something. We are going to do something. I just need to hear from you. So the idea of mandatory accreditation and deescalation, there is good scientific merit for that. You cannot manage a problem you cannot measure. We have always been in favor of Data Collection, whether it be done in public or by private researchers first as a sort of entry point. Doesnt matter for us. We are in favor of more data. One thing i would like to bring everynes attention to, Police Department has to have certification from an academy. That academy is certified by a state agency. Usually a state post. Are only 38 of those in the country. That means there are 12 states without a centralized state post. The heck that is about. Im an expert on this and i cant tell you why. Posts l you most the been posts have not politicized but they also have not been brought into this conversation. I would encourage we have more conversation about how to include those in this broader criminal Justice Reform. The federal government doesnt have control over those, but the governors and attorney general, if they want to participate and do right, the federal governments might decide they want to play a role regularly knows. Regulating those. Important it is very for us to humanize both sides. Especially in our conversations, when we communicate with our communities and Law Enforcement. It is important. Need ourree we Law Enforcement. They have important jobs and they have tough jobs. But accountability is not here an indictment but more a tool for you to do your job better written and to humanize these communities. Although they might be filled with crime, they might be dealing with all sorts of issues, that there are real people with real families and real consequences that live there. The, just as much as you, dont want communities of crime. They want to be safe in their own homes. These types of conversations need to be collaborative in their spirit. Have asure both voices place at the table. What i have seen to be most effective, and those dont always have to be conversations, what i think everybody wants is to better that relationship. The communication. That is going to come with respectful dialogue. Mr. Boldin i would have to agree with both of these gentlemen. I think anytime you can have a Police Department that is accredited, i think it gives that community a sense of security. I know in the nfl, we do a great job of screening guys because we only want the best in the league. If you are not the best, you are not afforded the opportunity to where the shield wear the shield. I think it should be the same in the Police Department. I think we can agree everyone who is a police as an deserve to be, and that is unfortunate. These are people who are to protect and serve in our communities. That is another thing. There are a lot of police that are not involved in the communities they are serving in or supposed to be serving in. I have this crazy theory, if i know you, i am a lot more likely to treat you a lot better than i dont. A relationship with you, with that relationship i am not going to be so quick to lock you up. In baltimore we have a situation where, i forget the percentage, but a pretty High Percentage of the Police Officers dont live in the city. Been,f them have never spent any time in a black neighborhood before they become Police Officers. Know ise, what they what they see on the 6 00 news. When i recently met with this is sort of an aside but it is the same situation when i met the President Trump, one of things i said to him is when you talk about the black community, act like webout are in some foxholes. All of us are doing real bad. I would appreciate it if you wouldnt do that because it is hurtful. If all you know is the 6 00 mean that is the problem. Themayor has mandated, police chief has mandated you probably know this, dr. Goff that they take some cultural training so they can meet people like my father who worked 45 years in the same job, never missed an hour. Made prayer meetings every wednesday. You know . Never been arrested in his life. That since two that he, i think you are right. It is important that sensitivity, i think you are right. It is important that they at least be familiar. And a lot of times it is sad that folks dont know what they dont know, which is dangerous. Mr. Clay . Much for thank you so conducting this hearing and to the witnesses for being here. Mr. Boldin, a couple years back i went through a similar situation as your family. But it wasy family the area i represent, ferguson, missouri. When Michael Brown lost his life. And tour that community apart. Tore that community apart. My heart goes out to you and your family. Unrest was arguson 120 point Consent Decree agreed to by the city of ferguson and the u. S. Department of justice. Have toblack caucus remain vigilant on who leads the department. I have a lot of confidence in the career people at the u. S. Department of justice who are in the civil rights division, who are in the other division. And are there to enforce the law. Let me also, for the record, because we push for the Consent Decree in ferguson, i was characterized and others were others were characterized as being antipolice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Policerelatives who are officers. Every community once good policing. We want to be protected and served by a good police force so let me put on the record so that orone mischaracterizes anyone else does not leave here saying this was a chance to beat up on police. Hen the start with mr. Jenkins are you antipolice . No i am not antipolice. I am not antipolice. Rep. Clay i appreciate that so much. I think that will dispel some of the rumors me will attempt to make about this hearing. I want to say thanks to all three of you for your testimony. I yield back. Rep. Cummings we are going to close up. Let me just say this. Up a veryrings important point. So often, when one tries to make the arguments that black lives people shouldt not just be shot down in our streets, that we should not have whos like freddie gray, lived and died in my and when you try to even talk about those subjects, a lot of times people will make that argument that, you are antipolice. They dont seem to understand, dr. Goff, that one of Police Officer dies, win a police when a Police Officer dies, i mourn. Whatever color they are, even if they are not from baltimore, i mourn. But i also mourn for freddie gray. Some folks seem to not understand you can have both. And im glad you things gett those in the way of us truly talking to each other and trying to resolve these issues. Mr. Jenkins and mr. Boldin, can you tell us what other im not looking for names are there many other folks in the league trying to do similar things to what you all are doing . Guysah, there are a lot of that have concerns about what is going on in their communities and incarceration that are looking for ways to get involved. They are not sure what to do but they do want to put in some work. That is sort of what we are doing, trying to blaze that trail for them to follow along. We have recently started a Community Engagement committee through our Players Union to consolidate the efforts of guys doing things in their own communities but want to unify, to put a big voice to issues they care about. Criminal Justice Reform being one of them. On boldin i will piggyback that. There are a lot of guys concerned about the things going on in the communities. I guess for us, we are just a safe havenate for guys to be active in communities. Just being honest, guys are concerned about their livelihood. We are trying to make it to where our guys dont have to be afraid to speak out and we will be more than willing to step up. You just said something, again, we dont want to do anything to interfere either. We are very proud of you all. Our pride is not limited to the field. Our pride goes out to the fact that you stepped into a situation you didnt have to do. You dont have to do this. You haventy, forgotten from whence you came. You care about those other than your cells yourselves. Visions you make just by showing up, express and concerns, giving your time and resources, your efforts are significant and will affect generations yet unborn. Kids you dont even know. They will see this on cspan. You will never meet them. You will affect their lives. E are going to do our part we encourage you to continue to do what you are doing. The other thing i want to go back to some and i said from the beginning when you have been around here for a few years like i have, you start asking the sure in, how do i make am most effective and efficient in everything i do . You whatn why i ask other asked you whether other folks were doing this, i am bestg you can look at practices. For example, if you are doing thatthing, mr. Boldin would makeking, i sure there is an avenue to let this isople know hey, working. Because of it is working in baltimore, it is going to work in lent. It is going to work. Going back to effectiveness and efficiency. One of the things you also do, you all help to break some of the ice. The reason i asked the question about whether you will have impact, can have impact talking to the police, because i think youre right, dr. Goff. I found in my relationship with you police, just talking to them, you know, and when i tell them i live in the neighborhood, they are like so again, i want to thank you all. And if there is anything we can do to be supportive . Of course i will. Let me put on the record that none of the members here are antipolice. Let me also put on the record that most of the members live in the neighborhood. And raise sons. I want to emphasize what doc cummings said. You all are role models. There may be colleagues sitting behind. I want to thank them as well. Nfl, are you looking and listening . Statue has just shot through the roof. Not because of your prowess on the field but because you are here in the United States congress. You are always the independent, but i hope they are seeing the sayingf what you are now , and that they should be squarely, 100 with the owners behind the importance of your message. Who you are speaking to are the to come. Ns of nflers if we can save lives through your words, we can change attitudes about policing, if we can move legislation in the United States congress, just look at the power of the nfl. I know you are here on your own distinguished career and record your own passion in your heart, but dont diminish what you are doing for the nfl. Because you are really doing it. Ant a little bit of advertisement, we also have something called the Congressional Black Caucus foundation. We want to make sure that we give some opportunities to young men in the opportunity nfl to come here and work with us. I know there are projects going on. We want to give the opportunity for fellowships and internships to be right here where the policy are. We can see the brilliance that is being exhibited here, and we need your brilliance. Thank you for allowing me to yield. You talkings when about a safe haven, im so glad you mentioned it. And then im ending on this note. Said something to this effect. Kind of likece situations that are going to make their jobs easier. When you are talking to fellow players, and you are talking about safe havens, you need to make that point. In other words, what you all are doing actually makes the police job much easier. People need to understand that. Again, thank you. If they were doing one of those commercials where they feature great things and until players are doing, your testimony should have been a part, should be a part. Im serious. Because it is so very important. Thanks a lot. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [inaudible] join us today at 10 30 eastern as we are live from the national one wareasy him one museum to mark the 100 anniversary. Richard faulkner, author of pershings crusaders. Museum andar i curator live today at 10 30 a. M. Eastern on American History tv on cspan3. Eastern,unday at noon Annie Jacobsen is our guest on book tvs and death. That it isclear is moving humans to being comfortable with the idea of merging man and machine. Missed jacobsen is known for writing on war, government secrets, and security and will discuss her for recent books. Recent phenomena would join our life conversation cspanat noon eastern on two. Yesterday, Hillary Clinton spoke at a ceremony presenting an award named in her honor at georgetown university. She talked about womens roles and honored for women four women that were involved in columbia in peace operations, leading to a ratified agreement. And a discussion of the award recipients. This is 1. 5 hours. Pients. This is 1. 5 hours

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