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Bridget, you will go bridget first. Are you confident that the commerce of the apple to fund the coming days . Rep. Bishop a bill just passed in the house and it will be passed in the senate. It gives enough time to try to work through some of the other issues. I expect they will continue to be some sort of continuing resolution for most of the spring, with the possible exception probable exception of the defense department. If we do a continuing resolution for the defense spending, we harm our military in a major way. I think everyone recognizes that. Bridget to clarify, you are not expecting congress to pass an omnibus spending package for the rest of fiscal 2017 in the coming days . Rep. Bishop i would be happy if they would because theres a couple of things i would like to put on that on the package but i , can live without it. I can understand if it does not take place, with the exception being for the defense of this nation. Yet to do Something Different than a continuing resolution for the military budget. Esther you said theres a couple of things you would like to get on there. What are some of the things you are gunning for . Rep. Bishop were dealing with land issues, dealing with endangered species issues. A lot of those i would like to try to finalize in some particular way. This would be an ideal time to do it. I hope it happens. If it does not, we will find another vehicle. Esther trump on wednesday issued an executive order that im sure pleased you quite a bit directing the review of national , monuments. The last president s had created them, including those in your own state. You in the past have talked about wanting to revoke a monument. Do you think we will see the interior secretary recommend to revoke the monument if trump would do it and would you be satisfied by anything less . Rep. Bishop you have a bunch of good questions all tied up into one. What he did with the executive order gives us an opportunity to do with the right way and allow people who live in that area, elected officials in that area to have their voices heard. That in and of itself is a very good first step. Then there also is the review of a whole bunch of things. In my state, there will be two specific ones. Grand staircase, as well as there is a years. Bears ears. It affects areas in maine and new mexico and nevada off the coast of massachusetts, pacific islands, off the coast of hawaii. Anything will be able to be review, and the result i dont have a way of predicting what the secretary will say. I know there are things i would like him to say, but it will have to come under review and it also not simply be in the interior department. What the president can and cannot do also will have to come from a review of from the justice department. As well as will take place on plans that the Company Company a come from the ag department. It is going to be a multiadministration, multibureaucracy effort to tie together to do a really good, cumulative report to say maybe there are areas where we have private land and state land locked into a monument and that should not have been the designation. Maybe there are some areas like in nevada that have circumstances that go beyond just the boundary of the monument itself. Problems that develop because of that. Maybe those should be looked at as well. And to see the Antiquities Act should ever be used for water. Esther you mentioned the Antiquities Act. There has been legislation introduced in the past. Looking to revamp the Antiquities Act, what is the appetite in congress to get something done, and what particular things need to change about the law . Rep. Bishop a lot will change depending on the results of this review, but the bottom line is the Antiquities Act, which has never been changed or modernized in over 100 years, was passed in an era when there were only 46 states. There was no parks service. There were almost no environmental laws. It was in a different era. What has to happen no more than if we can modernize the Antiquities Act to allow president s to go through a streamlined process and get second input from all these other agencies. We would have a much Better Process at the minimum to get the input is what we need to do with the Antiquities Act. Just to Government Spending for a moment, your committee has jurisdiction over puerto rico. Effort,the funding medicaid reimbursement has one of the has been one of the major sticking points in the cost. The president said allowing this funding would amount to a bailout. Do you agree with that . How do you think this should be addressed in the spending negotiation . Rep. Bishop it will be one of those areas that only tangentially goes through my committee, so i only get some say into what is going on. Weve established a board down there to review what is going on, and we want to make sure that board they are the ones who understand the significance of the issue and they are the ones i think should have a great deal of say into how we move forward with that. Having said that, medicaid a slightly different, but it is kind of sad we are in this situation with puerto rico. I truly wish the former administration would have tried to deal with this before and not walked away with it. It has been exacerbated, obviously, by the obamacare act, so it will take some negotiation. Obviously, health and Human Services has a response to that and a position that has to be reviewed along with our committee, the ways and Means Committee the emc committee, as , well as the president. I think people will get together. Ultimately, theres got to be a good solution, and i think we can find one. The Congressional Task force in a recent report said puerto rico could run out of funds this year to cover medicaid costs. Do you think these things should be addressed in the larger spending package being negotiated right now . To get funds the puerto rico as soon as possible . Rep. Bishop i think it needs to be addressed, yes. Esther this weekend, protesters flocked easy streets d. C. Streets on the issue of Climate Change. What role do you think the federal government should play and monitoring and helping mitigate the impact of Climate Change . Rep. Bishop there is probably a whole bunch of areas. This is one of the things with the federal government could take a good lesson from what states are doing. In my state, the topography of the area makes it basically a big bowl, and in the winter, when it is cold and there is snow on the ground, it will always have that air quality. I grew up in that. What we have today in the state of utah is air far cleaner and far healthier than it was when i was growing up, and they make steps Going Forward with that because they understand the uniqueness of their particular area. The best thing we can do is turn to the states because every area has topographical challenges that the states know how to address. They usually are inhibited or hurt when the federal government imposes a onesizefitsall ban or standard standard on every place in the country. It does not necessarily work that way. If the federal government really wants to help in this issue, we have to turn to the people who really understand and are the experts, and those are the state and local localities on the ground. Epa made a ruling on air quality standards in my area in which they claim that the air patterns in brigham city were the exact same air patterns found in salt lake. The bottom line is they are not. The state understood what epa did improperly and understood how to mitigate it, but they were overruled by the Environmental Protection agency. Thats wrong. They have the power to do it, but it is still a wrong thing to do. It is not good science. If we really want to have good science, we will need to rely more on local government to make sure we are using it properly to affect and understand the variances and uniqueness in those communities. Im sorry to rattle on that long. Esther i was wondering if you could on that same theme talk about funding, you know, the test truck has proposed cuts pretty much across the board for the agency agencies, and a lot of those agencies deal with environmental issues. Do you think the Climate Change aspects of these agencies should be targeted in particular . Rep. Bishop once again, what you do with funding is a variance of where you put your priorities. If we do more collaborative work, you can change where those priorities are. In the areas in which i have some kind of perfume and we look at their budget, one of the problems i have is that always seem to put a great deal more emphasis on funding levels when they are on top of the administrative charts in washington and in regional areas at the expense of people who live on the ground and do the work. If you were to change that prioritization and put more money into those who are on the ground doing the work, i think we could come up with a better project and probably save money while you were doing it at the same time. Bridget shifting gears for a moment to health care, we saw a republican lawmakers revise their health care bill, making changes, making it more palatable for conservatives. Im curious what you think of those changes and how you feel about a potential vote. Leadership says they are close to getting enough votes to pass it. Rep. Bishop i have to admit, this is not my specialty area in congress. However deep down inside, i , really want to solve the problem of health care. Not just because we need to make sure that people have the coverage and that it is affordable and that we have a program right now which is on the pathway to selfdestruction, and that will hurt everyone, but also because the issues i care about so deeply in my committee are kind of on the back burner now until we get health care done, so i would really like to get health care satisfactorily moving on so we can Start Talking about my land and forest issues i think are equally as important. You told a local utah station that leadership told people in march that leadership was frustrated and disappointed that you could not move forward on health care. Are members of the Republican Caucus still frustrated about this and questioning speaker ryans leadership . Rep. Bishop we were frustrated because we had not moved on because they were so many other issues i would like to address. And also because that first voted did not take place was really as much a procedural one as it was a substantive one. The reforms and changes that would take place to obamacare were not in that bill itself. They had to be two other steps that would follow it. I think the frustration is not point the fact that yes, we would like to be able to move on to other issues. But it is better as i think the , speaker has said and other people have said, to take a little time now and that give ourselves an arbitrary deadline and do it the right way, and it will take more conversations with people to make sure everyone is comfortable that we are on a path that it will be done the right way. Susan we are at the halfway point. Health care was one of those votes President Trump felt confident he could done does he could get done in the first 100 days confident he could get done in the first 100 days. How do you think he has done so far . Rep. Bishop he has a lot to do and many of his executive orders are trying to go back and review what has been done in the past, especially in the last two of years that our regulatory enforcement such that we think inhibits the ability of the economy to grow and certainly inhibits the American People to have control of their destinies and their futures. A lot of the is the review process that very few president s have had to go through, but i think it is appropriate he has been doing that. Im actually surprised and pleased with where we are at this stage of the game. I realize there are some people who would like to want again put some arbitrary time limits on things. To be honest, i think i would, too, but its not necessarily the best thing for the country, and i think were going on a positive course. Esther you mention how trump wants to help with Economic Development, and one of the ways he has talked about doing that is helping the coal industry and increasing fall social development on public lands. He had the executive order having the interior secretary revoke the coal leasing ban, and also today he issued the executive order directing the secretary again to look at offshore drilling leasing. Is there demand given that the coal industry is struggling and is their demand for public lands and for offshore as well . Rep. Bishop demands for what . For Energy Production . Obviously, yes. The United States has become a leader in Energy Production, but that has all happened on state and private land. If the United States is truly going to live up to our potential to become a leader in Energy Production to the point that we are not only independent but dominant in that we can help our allies in a Foreign Policy it has to be development that , takes place in that of the federal lands and offshore. Unfortunately, both of those are in the purview of my committee. Development of those areas needs to take place if we are going to reach the goal americans should have where we can be independent and a source of assistance to our allies. That is the future we have for us. We should not limit ourselves in doing that, and theres an opportunity to do it, which is why im pleased the authorities have recognized we should not be be arbitrarily taking any source of energy off the table. We should be encouraging all of them and allowing everything, including socalled renewables and also feels to be developed to the extent that we have the opportunity to do it. Groups are raising an alarm about the potential impact of native species in these lands. Both Energy Independence and increase production and conservation of precious species can coexist . Rep. Bishop a lot of those groups do not live in the west. They live in the east where everything is closer together. Once you get where i live and realize that my county is bigger than the state of connecticut , once you get out into those areas you realize theres a whole bunch of land. Which means it is easy to have conservation in areas that need to be conserved as well as Economic Development in those areas that can produce a good standard of living for people and fund our Education System and have opportunity for recreation and they do not have to be in conflict. There is enough room or all of those. Even in the Public Lands Initiative i proposed and i will be proposing it again for every one acre of Economic Development and recreation, we were proposing four acres of conservation. Trust me, theres plenty of land to accommodate all those efforts and make sure they are all successful. Esther what is the prospect for your proposal . Rep. Bishop the declaration basically stopped things in their heels. There was too much we left in there and too much we spent three years trying to develop to try to just walk away from it. As a whole a lot of good stuff and the people in my state want. Im going to bring it back again. I am still optimistic about it. Susan you have seven minutes left. Rep. Bishop ill get it passed in seven minutes. Is that ok . [laughter] bridget the senior senator of your state, orrin hatch, has said he is not decided whether or not he will run for reelection. He sent signals that he will, but says he is still undecided. If he decides to retire, would you consider running for senate . Rep. Bishop i cannot tell you that. Sworn to secrecy. We would have to kill you after. The chance of me running for senate, even if there was an open seat, is pretty minimal. I enjoy the house. I like the house. I cant necessarily say the same thing about the senate. I am a creature of the house, and i find it very productive over here. I like this area. While were talking about the house, where you surprised by your comments Jason Chaffetz the announcement that he intends not to run for reelection and how , does it realigned federal politics in your state . Rep. Bishop he had talked to me about it earlier. I did not expect him to pull the trigger to be honest but i , believe him when he says he wants to spend time with his family. He has two kids in college and one in law school, and he wants to be able to be in a position to spend time and take care of them financially. So i can respect him for what he is doing. As to how it realigns, we will have to see. Fortunately that is in the Third District and im in the first. We will have to let the people down in his area sort that out for themselves. Esther the cost of forest fires in the west, or every year are getting higher and higher and taking of huge portions of Agency Budgets that are supposed to be for things to prevent future forest fires like land management. There has been talk about trying to fix that and treat forest fires as an emergency. Do you think chances are high . What are the chances of legislation happening there . Rep. Bishop im glad you hit that. That is one of my soapboxes. How long do i have . Another halfhour to go through this . With permission interrupt. Bishop this is one of the things that is one of those back burner issues i want to bring to the forefront. We have to deal with our Forest Management system. Wildfires are one of the things that affect everybody. Republicans and democrats. They all get hit by the fact there are wildfires. If were going to handle it, its not just a matter of suppression. Its how we actually manage the forest to make sure you do not have this many wildfires in the first place, and that is an essentially important effort. We passed a bill on forest resiliency in the house last year. It did not make it in the senate, but we were very close in those Energy Negotiations to and really close to having something finalized. We want to start that over again because this is essential so we that we actually do something to protect and improve the quality of our forest which , will, by its very nature, diminish the amount of wildfires we have and then come up with an alternative Funding Source to make sure we can handle the wildfires that actually exist, but they have to go together. So having a source of funding , for the wildfires as well as Fire Management i have to honest, getting rid of frivolous litigation which take the money away from management techniques all those three things have to be tied together. It has to be done. I am finding from all sorts, even senators who never talked about this before they were realizing this was something we have to do for the future of the west in the future the nation. I expect that to happen, and the sooner i can get involved with that, the happier i will be. Bridget you mentioned this is something you would really like to address. However, gop leadership laid out an aggressive 200 day timeline for what they want to a college first. Health care being one of them, tax reform. Is it up to the state to say we want to lay claim and move on these issues first . Is it holding of other issues from coming up to the forefront . Rep. Bishop all these issues have to be done. I was leadership in the state legislature. I like the syllabus for the state legislative session. All these things have to be addressed. By laying out some of the things you want to do in the very beginning and being able to take those up if you do not get those out of the way, the ability of living some of the other stuff i think is still significant and important but maybe not as controversial as those they will bog down those things coming up. Its an old i was sort of surprised because i hadnt heard many other members say that. Lamy turned the issues you focus on, energy and the environment. Approach is one of the hot buttons in the country. How do you see this playing out with the reviewed Antiquities Act . Esther i think the interior secretary has a difficult task ahead of him because there are hi strong opinions on both endsf what should happen, and the reality often is the gray area between the two. He has talked about keeping an open mind and wants to hear the people. That usually means not just listening but doing something based on what people say. You also have to be able to support what you recommend to the president , and it are some pretty sensitive areas, and he has acknowledged that, in tribal lands, burial areas and things that have been poached in the past. He has to reconcile issues of politicians with those of locals. Susan cole in the gym and describes his with the Antiquities Act which is what susan the president describes his concern with the Antiquities Act, which is what president obama used in the past. How much of his concerns reflect the broader concerns of congress . Bridget i think they definitely express the concerns of westerners and republicans. Senator orrin hatch has been vocal about this, too. I think esther would have a better sense of where things are on the ground, but as the congressman mentioned, they are also focused on health care and tax reform. They have a lot to do before adjusting some of those other issues as well. Esther the challenge to the Antiquities Act is when you talk about messing with the Antiquities Act, youre talking apart, national monuments, big areas people visit all the time. Like it or not, a lot of lawmakers have constituents that enjoy going to those parks, so it is kind of a touchy subject. I think it difficult to get something through the senate in that case. Susan as we get through, you asked a lot about puerto rico and the larger context of health care reform. What is the issue and why should people around the country care . Bridget puerto rico is an interesting issue. The congressional report i issued pointed out that needs a broader congressional fix. About half of the puerto rico population is on medicaid, and remember, there also dealing with the zika virus. The rate at which the government reimburses those lines is much lower than the rate at which they reimburse other states. The report pointed out that maybe that should be shifted, that maybe those reimbursements should be based on income level and that that needs a broader fix, so right now, puerto rico is facing a cliff with old run out of money. Susan the decision will have an effect on medicaid recipients or is solely directed toward puerto rico . Bridget it is solely directed to puerto rico. Susan we have a big budget that a week ahead. I think it will be a battle. What are your expectations for how this will play out in congress . Esther i think it will be difficult, as it always is. Theres always people who want to add things to the bill. Its called the Christmas Tree effect, it was a gets so big they have to start over again. Bridget there are some sticking points. There are different specific issues democrats won out, so we will see, although leadership has been expressing optimism. Susan do you expect a Health Care Vote . Bridget its a very good question, and im not sure if leadership knows, although they have been sounding optimistic that they are close. We will have to see if they can change some minds. Susan we thank both of you for being our guest today on newsmakers. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] tonight on q a, the house of truth. We talk with author brad snyder on his book about a group of intellectuals who met regularly in the early 1900s to debate politics and the future of the country. I think everybody associated with this house race was not a salient issue for them. They cared about the rights of workers. It took Oliver Wendell holmes junior and some of his opinions, including a 1923 case which found for the first time that the mob dominated criminal trials of southern blacks and violated the due process clause. That was the first time a state strippeddown a criminal conviction. That was huge in linking the idea of federal criminal trials with race. It tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspans q a. Fcc chairman proposed reversing the obama administrations regulations on the internet. Shared with my fellow commissioners a proposal to reverse the mistake of title ii and to return to the white touch Regulatory Framework that served our nation so well during the clinton administration, bush administration, and the first six years of the obama administration. Night, we ask the director of the center for Internet Communications and Technology Policy at the American Enterprise institute and chris lewis, Vice President of public knowledge, their thoughts on the impact of the proposal. We think the Net Neutrality rules are working. The overwhelming majority of americans want clear rules. We are concerned he could go down a path to repeal the summer rules. Internet was free and open. Dystopianno controlled internet with anybody else interfering with anyones content or the applications or the content of their choice. Watch the communicators, monday night at eight eastern on cspan two. President week former barack obama made his first public appearance since leaving office. About Civic Engagement and Community Organizing with young adults at the university of chicago. He also talked about his postpresidency plans

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