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A lot of Crisis Management focus. When you are in a think tank, your real utility is not trying to secondguess the policymaker on the issue of the day, but to do some work to raise their game and help them look over the horizon to see what those issues that i will confront a year from now, five years from now, 10 years from now, how do i think more to strategically about the world. Former under secretary of defense from the center of National Security. Creationlournoy on the of the ncaa up and the tonight on 8 p. M. Eastern and pacific on q a. This morning on washington journal, a roundtable on how europe is responding to events in ukraine in the middle east with seven times Washington Times bureau chief martin klingst. Ther, lewis kelly from American Legion talking about efforts on capitol hill to address as meditations at the department. We will be looking for your calls good morning and work him to washington journal. As we come on the air this morning, there are conflicting reports about an apparent truce in the middle east. We will tell you more about that in a moment. We have evacuated our embassy in tripoli. That happened yesterday. It would to spend the first 45 minutes asking you about the 9 11 report. This is the 10th anniversary of the issuance of the 9 11 report. Are you safer . Here is how to join the conversation. We also welcome your comments on the 9 11 report. Twitter and facebook. You can always send us an email. T journal cspan. Org were asking you if you feel safer 10 years since the issuance of the report. This is a look at the actual report. If you were with us a few minutes ago we saw the end of a conversation with the former about the issuance of the report and what has been done and needs to be done. This is a take on the 10th anniversary. That is from reuters and their reporting on the 10th anniversary. Lets go to the story about the truce between the israelis and hamas. Israel had resumed some military action overnight. This is the bbc reporting. We are also looking at the evacuation of the u. S. Embassy in embassy. United states shuts down its embassy in libya on saturday and evacuated its the formats to neighboring tunisia. This was amid a deterioration security in tripoli. Fighting intensified. We to the ongoing violence, have temporarily relocated our personnel out of libya. We will hear more about that this morning on the sunday morning talk shows. We will get more details on that. On the tv talk shows the topics include russia and ukraine, the israeli conflict and immigration reform. You can hear rebroadcast of the shows beginning at noon eastern time. Includes benjamin netanyahu. He is on many of the shows today. 1 00, this week with john cuellar. D henry Fox News Sunday with steve the lease. The israelihu and ambassador to the u. N. Cnns state of the union follows at 3 00. Nancy pelosi and Lindsey Graham and chris murphy. Face the nation is at 4 00. Andressman mike rogers Madeleine Albright and Ukrainian Foreign minister. They are on cspan radio and they are brought to you as a Public Service by the networks and cspan. Those rebegin at noon with meet week, 2 001 00 this Fox News Sunday, state of the union at 3 00, and face the nation at 4 00. Onionwide you can hear them xm satellite radio. You can download our free app for your smart line smartphone. We are asking if you are safer after the 9 11 Commission Report. After the 10out it years. This is what the Commission Report said. The terrorist threat has evolved. It is still very real and dangerous. The place and see a setting in. There is a danger that this waning sense of urgency will divert attention and needed resources from counterterrorism efforts. Penny is in pennsylvania. Goahead. Felt so much safer with bush in office. We have cut down on so much of our military. We are going to be in trouble for this. I do not feel safe at all. I feel a guy cannot wait until we get a new president. Host is there a specific area . Caller i dont feel safe to travel at all. I have always loved to travel. I think that a lot of things have changed. I dont care for anything that is going on. I dont like the military. I think it is horrible how much they have cut our military. I dont feel as safe. As a this is anthony democratic caller. Caller thank you for the outstanding programming that cspan provides. It is remarkable. I have always wondered why other Cable Networks dont embrace the same format in some way. It seems as though there is always people whether they are jumping off the monument to the twin towers or taking photographs or changing the flag on the Brooklyn Bridge, every time some explosives the weaknesses in this vast array of security that has been seem to comethey down hard on these people rather failings of the impossibility of making us secure as we think we need to be. Americatest threat to that is in fukushima that was brought to us by General Electric and their Nuclear Reactor design. We need to do something about that. It has not been in the news. Can kill usactor all. It can destroy the environment in the food chain. As far as 9 11, i hope you will have further her grammy and discussion about the Unanswered Questions of 9 11. Mange bush had pardoned a who committed bank fraud and mortgage fraud. Guy and took the pardon back. Fieldingney was fred who sat on the 9 11 commission. It was a major conflict of interest. I have heard no discussion of that. Thank you for your input. We will have more programs about the 9 11 Commission Report. Are you safer 10 years since the report was issued . Security tomeland ridge talked about turf battles on capitol hill. My plea today is not to you but to the leadership of the house and the senate. Do something with regard to the massive inefficient and ineffective oversight procedures dealing with the department of Homeland Security. We speak with one voice across the board. Republicans and democrats on this. It will require leadership in the house and senate. Its structural and organizational. In myimagine wildest imagination i can only come to one conclusion as to the inability or unwillingness of congress to reconfigure itself so it can be a more effective partner with the department. More effective leader in dealing with the escalating threat from the physical to the cyber over which Homeland Security has so much control and jurisdiction. It is about turf. Tom ridge was the first Homeland Security secretary. Here is the original report. A number of recommendations that the commission made. They write lets go to bill who is in ohio. Caller good morning. America cank that ever be safe again. The american white man is hated all over the world. There is no sanctuary. Host you say the american white man. Because he is white or american . Caller because of what he does. Stolen from the indians. There was genocide is in racism. They havent changed. They are arrogant and stupid. York area joenew is on the and dependent line. Caller good morning. I just wanted to make a comment. When they were referring to the terrorist danger, the report says we should not use the generic term terrorist. Islamiculd say terrorist. My book is upstairs. Page 362. Is on you probably dont have time to look it up now. One other comment is we cannot be complacent as lee hamilton was so clear in saying. 2012 benghazi attack as an example of how this country became complacent. I think we are in more danger now. Administration, the complacency is coming from the administration. Benghazi is an example of that. I would appreciate your comment. Host what will it take to counter that complacency . Think we have to do as the Commission Report said. Dont refer to terror as the threat, referred to it as islamist terrorist. That is what he said in his book to say. Host hang on just a second. I dont know if this is the point you were making. We are asking if you are safer. They say the u. S. Should engage other nations in developing a conference of Coalition Strategy against islamist terrorism. Have we done that . Caller we have not done that. The leadership should be out in front on this Coalition Strategy. One other thing, the christians in these countries are not safer. They are being attacked daily. I think that lee hamilton was right. We cannot become complacent. Host we appreciate your call. This is a lesson cincinnati. Caller i think america is going to get hit again. Obama has terrorists in the white house. He doesnt see anything wrong with it. He hung out with terrorists when he was in chicago. Time, gett hit this ready. Bill. This is he says one thing we have not delved into yet is cyber security. Example that lee hamilton raised yesterday. The 9 11 commissions recommendations centered on how to protect this country from terrorism. We have highlighted another major threat to the country. That is the relentless cyberattacks from Foreign Countries and criminal elements. The vulnerability of our Cyber Systems and the most fast stealing of intellectual property over the internet pose a Huge National security challenge. Our cyber defenses and strategies lagged behind the threat we face. On tuesday. Milton here are the numbers to call. Sammy is on the republican line in georgia. Caller thank you for taking my call. We are not safer under this resident. He gathered the military. Gutted the military. He has done with the defense shield. Putin has taken advantage of that. By our enemiesed anymore. People is coming through the border. Obama is just letting them come. Thing is these kids. To southng to go america. Do these things make you feel less safe . Caller look at all the things that have happened under obama. Host he mentioned vladimir putin. This is an analysis. One quick note. This is from reuters. An agreement has been reached with ukraine and the separatist to allow access to that crash site. I would pull this off with one more story from the daily mirror here in the u k. The phones are still being answered by thieves who have ransacked the crash site. They have told a dutch newspaper that the devices were answered by people with Eastern European voices. Caller i am doing fine. Thank you for cspan. You inform me a lot. Host are you safer . I do feel that america is safer from foreign terrorist and i feel we have let our guard down and let some of these militias to brainwash a lot of our local people. We have more guns. I am not a safe going to a Movie Theater or restaurant. As long as we are focusing on those foreign terrorists, we need to devote more time here in our own land to make sure that we are safer from any kind of uprising here. We have more guns and never. Host are you referring to foreign militias . Caller some of the militias here in the u. S. Are not on the up and up. Klansmen who are Police Officers in florida. You may have a couple of them still being judges and prosecutors. I think we need to focus more of our attention here on our own domestic terrorist. Host we will hear from richard. Good morning. I dont feel like we are safer. One of the earlier colors mentioned bush again. Office,sident bush took one year before he took office there were terrorists in u. S. Flight schools. The security news at he had a chance to get bin laden. I think were are in the same mode right now. I think there is something out there brooding. We have our borders open. They could be bringing any kind of device and. One piece be bringing and at a time. They are bringing the men slowly. Resident obama is playing golf in Marthas Vineyard and having a good old time. He is campaigning. I think we really need to wake up. I wish george bush and dick cheney were back. He should ask them to advise president bush. The guy who called in before was talking about militias. President obamas chief of staff , one section of chicago you cant control. You look at other major cities around the country, private citizens have guns. Host thank you for your call. Some comments on twitter. This is bill. Caller good morning. Several colors that have said that obama is complacent. It was george bush who was complacent. He stated that he did not care where bin laden was. He was not interested in bin laden. Obama who got bin laden. There was no complacency. These republicans are nuts. They want darth vader cheney back. That is what is destroying america. Host since the killing of osama bin laden, do you think we are safer since he is out of the picture . Got security on the american people. We have drones looking at people. We have information taken from facebook. Face recognition. We know where every american is his living. We know everything like that. All of that security is going to destroy us one day. Thank you. Host this is a piece of the wall street journal on drones. This is the dawn of the drone air. I will just read some of what he wrote on saturday. That story is in the wall street journal. I dont feel safer. Look what happened with somebody putting up that flagged on the spring thesome the lincoln memorial. Some is supposed to be watching that. Youre talking about the flag on the Brooklyn Bridge . Taking they are surveillance cameras. What happened . I dont know. Theyre looking into it. If there is some of the supposed be watching that, where were they . They should be fired. The sprain of the lincoln memorial, what happened there . This brings up a point that mike mccall made at the gathering last tuesday. He talked about the likelihood type attack is been diminished but we should be concerned about other attacks. When i first got elected chairman, they said there has been a bombing in boston. I think the boston example illustrates a new threat that we are seeing in terms of radicalization over the internet and smaller scale operations. The good work the commission did stopped by connecting the dots and using imagination. It stopped a lot of the larger scale attacks. That would be very difficult to pull off in todays world the way the Intelligence Community is set up. The smaller scale attacks are very difficult to detect and disrupt. He is the chairman of the Homeland Security committee in the house. We are asking you if you are safer. Back to the callers. They mentioned the flag of the birkeland bridge. Avoided capture so far. Lets hear next from michael who is in georgia. Good morning. Caller good morning. I enjoy cspan and i was cspan three. One of the things that they said was the Bush Administration was planning the iraq war one year before it happened. They went in. They invaded iraq. They had planned on it. Our president that we have now is not triggerhappy as our former president bush. I think being triggerhappy causes us to be in danger of terrorists. We are hated in the middle east because of what we have done in the past. To get away from that. We cant solve all the problems of the world. We need to be very selective on where we go and where we fight. Soldiers lives in danger. When we have a network like fox news worthy owner is a foreigner that has corruption in his endless newspaper, people made english newspaper, people need to wake up before they put faith in fox. Host wayne is in massachusetts. Are you safer 10 years after the release of the 9 11 report . Caller i feel about the same. Maybe a little bit less secure. I am not confident in our congress or the administration. Necessarilys not for the borders. There are a number of people who go through the normal process. Sure abouted the. Of time for naturalization. What we have done is created areas where the clerk does not peak english. Frightens me more than anything i see on the news these days. Countries dont protect their frontiers . Is accepted. That concerns me more than anything else. Last week the House Republicans released their own version of the emergency funding request for border spending. This is in the houston chronicle. He is the head of the customs and border protection. He talked about how the administration was caught off guard with the influx of children. There is no question that the numbers increased last year. Work was a huge amount of and planning that was going on involving the department of theirnd security and colleagues at health and Human Services about what to do and how to do this. There were Great Expectations that the government of mexico would actually be doing more along that border with guatemala to prevent and help some of this. I was confirmed on march 7. I was in office 40 minutes after the vote. I have been doing my best to look forward and how were going to deal with the situation. There is a lull right now. We are concerned about after the weather cooling. What should we be doing in the future to make sure we have enough detention space and enough resources to treat people not just to mainly but with compassion until their cases can be resolved . You can see it at 10 00 this morning. Our question for you this morning, after the 10th anniversary of the 9 11 omission report, are you safer . The wall street journal says tony is in maryland. We are not safer. It does not have anything to do with president obama. People need to understand that terrorism is a business. It is a money making business. It is never going to stop because people are making money. Especially these defense contract companies. Of these congressmen need them to stay in office. Let me tell you something else. The difference between benghazi and 911, republicans love to benghazi. Thousands of people died in that attack. Thousands of people died on 9 11. George w. Bush was the president of united states. Anyasnt barack obama or democrat present. How they can talk about being strong on National Security baffles me. They are not. They are not supposed to be. Terrorism is a business. People are making lots of money off of it. Let me tell you something else. We have a problem with the government of israel. Israel is causing a lot of the problems to take lace. That is terrorism. The iraqi war was terrorism. Iraq had nothing to do with 9 11. Rge w. Bush and George Dick Cheney wanted to go into iraq. Think israel is defending themselves . Caller that is what they like to say. A rock at yourows you cant fire a missile into their house and host host there will be another ceasefire this morning. A tweet from tony. And now in michigan we have jamie on the democrat line. Caller thank you for cspan and taking my call. Ridiculous. This is not a conspiracy. It is not obama. It is america. Terrorists are all over the world. We have them here. They have them everywhere else. I dont feel 100 safe. I am afraid to go to a supermarket anymore because 70 might come in to take out a lot of people. Host you are afraid to go where . Caller even a supermarket. They have come in with guns because they have open carry. They went into target. They went in with guns. Everybody you see is carrying a gun. That is terrorist. On the bundyitia ranch pointing guns at an fbi agent. That is terrorism. You cant attack a government because a man is getting away with not paying his taxes. Host this is a story from the new york times. A couple of more calls. John is in florida. That guide to calls back ago does not know what is going on in israel. Obama has all of these

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