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The surveys about their outlook thehe economy and on success of the business. For the first time in many, many tick inwe had an up optimism among many factors, 93. 3 percent positive one year ago the number was 56 positive. To also put it in perspective, it is the highest number for optimism we have seen in our survey in the entire 20 years we have been connecting the survey. Another data point that we found it to be very interesting that we were able to share with the president is the righttrack, wrongtrack number, from the perspective of manufacturers. A month before he came to office, the righttrack number was a very low 26 . The last survey showed that the righttrack number was 60 . So we were very happy to share that news with the president , and let him know that manufacturers are very excited about his agenda for tax reform congratulatory reform, and infrastructure investment. Weve got a few folks with us today. As you can see, they represent our small and mediumsized manufacturers 90 of our 14,000 are small and mediumsized, and they were happy to be here to present the good news to the president. [indiscernible] timmons a lot of this has to do with the agenda of imagination is putting forward and the action today, and what i would like to do is turn it over to true drew greenblatt. We are affect the in Baltimore City and we make everything in Baltimore City and we export to 39 countries and we make wire baskets for automotive and pharmaceutical applications that go down the conveyor belt. We are very optimistic about the future of American Manufacturing will stop we believe there is an American Manufacturing renaissance. The Inflection Point is right now. It is a very exciting time for American Manufacturing. Things we talked about with the president include taxes. Right now we have an opportunity to cut taxes so that we can be more effective and hire more people and grow more jobs. Right now my company is competing for a huge factor in europe. We are making wire baskets for this factory in europe. Were competing with the German Company. The German Company has lower taxes than marlon does. We pay 40something percent, and because of that, we have a challenge could some of the things we talked about with President Trump is if we could get the 15 rate can we could win this job and hire unemployed Baltimore City people and bring them into the middle class and pull them up out of poverty. Time forry exciting American Manufacturing and we are enthusiastic about the policies, less regulations, cutting taxes. It is having a big impact in american many fractured just manufacturing. Johnson good morning, everyone. Im kellie johnson. We employ 200 employees come we are a familyown business, im third generation. We are a supplier to the aerospace and Power Generation industries. If it flies or it is launched, we have parts on it. Like so many manufacturers across this country from we are extremely excited that our president and the administration has a laserbeam focus on our economy the Manufacturing Industry sector. The fact that he is going to be looking at tax reform we are super excited about because two thirds of manufacturers in the country are structured as a passthrough. Ace clearwater is one of those companies. We pay taxes on the individual right. If we would have individual thes lowered, we went have ability to make more investments in a business and hire more people. We are very encouraged by the steps this administration is taking. Thank you. Mr. Timmons steve. Good morning. Im a president of a company and partial owner with my sister. We are a small, 28person manufacturing company. We make parts for many of the Larger Companies out there. We are so excited about the optimism we see from our customers. It was great discussing this with President Trump. And feel that as we grow and the optimism in the industry grows from we can have so many more people to our workforce and ring people out of poverty and people that are struggling. There is opportunities in the industry, and we feel that as the industry grows and we continue to add more people come the optimism is very strong in the industry and we are very excited. Mr. Timmons last is Karen Buchwald wright. Wright im the president and ceo of a comedy that manufacturers Natural Gas Company that manufactures natural gas compressors. If you use natural gas to cook or electricity come in all likelihood it has been through one of our compressors. We are based in ohio. And our equipment is found virtually everywhere in the world that there is oil and gas. And the thing that we are particularly happy about is that when you talk about infrastructure development, that doesnt just mean roads and bridges. It also means the entire network of pipelines, 2. 6 million miles of pipelines that move natural gas and oil around the nation. About 80 fairly large projects currently pending that will be using our compressors and that will help to make the United States domestically secure for energy, and we are really happy to see that supported because we feel that this is extremely important , that the United States have that kind of security. Thanks. Mr. Timmons and thank you. We are happy to take questions. One last point i would like to make. We reminded the president about our study we had seen that shows that these manufacturers and their colleagues across the country are subjected to 297,696 regular should come and mediumsized manufacture, that is 35,000 per employee per year in compliance costs, and we gave him a hearty thanksyou for helping us to tame the Regulatory Burden on manufacturers. With that reporter the regulations and the effects on the Environment News forns great manufacturers, we are the innovators, and we are the ones coming up with new technologies to make sure that our air is cleaner and waters cleaner and the workplaces are safer. I will say that im pretty proud of the fact that there has been a tremendous decrease in output carbon from manufacturing facilities and a tremendous increase in output over the course of the last 10 years. Because of Energy Efficiency we win. [laughter] mr. Timmons any other questions . Thank you all so much. Thank you. Mr. Timmons whats that . Thank you. Thank you, guys. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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