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One is a scum sucking bottom dweller and the other is a fish. [laughter] 33 years. 35 trips to afghanistan and iraq. Months and weeks serving as active duty in places like bagram, where so many of these evil people are kept. So much time he spent with the men and women who are serving over the holidays. Every christmas and the fourth of july. The times demand leadership. I do not know of anyone who is more qualified to lead this country and the significant challenges we are facing today. I have seen the polls. Lindsey has seen the polls. We are asking you to have a look at who was most qualified to lead this nation. There are direct threats and already attacks against the United States of america. I believe in Lindsey Graham. I think you will too. I am also here to translate his comments into english. Thank you. [laughter] [applause] sen. Graham lets see if we can find something we all agree on. John mccain is an american hero, by any definition. [applause] i have actually been to iraq and afghanistan 36 times, almost every time with him. What can you say about john . He has lost four airplanes. One short of being a black eighth. Probably should have been dead 10 times. Could have come home early chose not to. Spent 5. 5 years in a prison camp and missed a lot of christmases. But the first thing he will tell you of the highlights of his life was being in that prison camp with other american heroes. That is what i like most about john. That he moves on and keeps moving on. He led the way to try to normalize relationships with vietnam. That is all you need to know about senator mccain. He always put the country as to first. The young lady who introduced me, thank you very much. I have been in your home. I have done this the New Hampshire way. This is her husband. Stand up. They have a son serving in the military. [applause] the bottom line is this is the New Hampshire way. Do not ever lose this. The country would suffer without the New Hampshire primary. It is the last place you can go to somebodys house and be like wow, we knocked it out of the park. Neighbors. Fatherinlaw. Father. Talking about what i heard at the house party. A library with 30 or 40 people trying to figure out who would be the best person to lead a great country. When you vote up here, you will give some people wind in their backs and other people will hit a wall. It is the filtering process of New Hampshire that is the last best hope of democracy. Millions of dollars will be spent up to here. I will not be spending them. If you want to get money out of politics, join my campaign. [laughter] the whole process of early primary states is in jeopardy in National Polling. I had a hard time getting on the big stage because of National Polling. If you run for president from a small state, you do not have your own tv show and do not come from a political family, it is hard to be known. I think we have started a process that undercuts New Hampshire, iowa, and South Carolina. When you have x amount of dollars, you have to worry about your National Poll numbers and not meeting people. So i hope the rnc will , reconsider this because it undercuts what you are all about. John mccain came back from the political dead twice. He was fifth in a fourperson race in New Hampshire after the Straight Talk express blew up. He came here and it went hundred town Hall Meetings and came back because he had a message about winning a war we could not lose. And people put him back in the game. Never lose this. Fight for your primary. How many of you have come to South Carolina . Come back, spend money. Do you know why i would be good president . My dad owned a bar. [laughter] we had liquor and a pool room. Everything i learned about politics, i learned in the pool room. When i was a kid, i literally ran the pool room. We lived in the back of the restaurant bar. In one room, my sister, my mother and my dad. Until i was in high school, does the First Time Ever had a house. It was a small room. We all lived in the same room. No bathtub, no shower. Anyone ever take a bath in a metal washtub . I turned out fine. The key is not how big the house is, but what goes on inside. We were well loved. My sister and myself. My parents gave me the one thing you want from your parents unconditional love. Some discipline, but a lot of love. About that experience. So if you own your own business, you go to work every day no matter whether you feel like it or not. Anybody own your own business . Think about it. You cannot get sick. If you do not open up, you do not get paid. Six days a week. Sunday was the day off. It was the good life, but it was a hard life. The liquor store the restaurant , and bar was all one big building and the pool room was downstairs. I was the first of my family to go to college. Anybody in that boat . Neither one of my parents finished high school. My parents were so proud of me when i got to college. Life was good. We went to disney world for our first vacation in 1975. It was like going to mars. Getting on a plane and going to florida. It was a dream come true. Come back, my mother is diagnosed with hodgkins and passed away less than a year later. You go from the best of times to we were underinsured. We were wiped out financially. My dad is older than my mom. By 17 years. The bottom line is, my dad dies 15 months later. I am 22. My sister is 13. I have lost both of my parents. If it were not for family, friends, and faith, i would not be here. We moved in with an aunt and uncle and they helped me raise my sister. I went back to college. If it were not for Social Security survivor benefits, and a check for my parents contributions coming to my sister, we would have a hard time going to school. Without stallones, i would not of gone to college. I retired from the air force this june after 33 years. 6. 5 years on active duty. [applause] i i did not have the military career john mccain had, but i was proud of what i did. I was a military lawyer, prosecutor, defense, and a judge. The best decision i ever made was joined the air force. 6. 5 years in active duty, four years in the cold war in germany. I got to see leadership up close Ronald Reagan. Know how i became a republican . My pay went up. I was like i like this guy. The bottom line is that this has been a great experience. Traveling with john mccain has been eyeopening. John mccain is a world leader and figure. When he walks into any room [phone ringing] that is my phone. That is my flip phone. Donald trump, do not ever give him your number. [laughter] i am sure that was not the donald. Where were we . Anyway, me and mccain. We are going all over the world. When john walks into the room, people respect him, because he is a man of the world. If i ever get to be president of the United States, there will be a lot to do with him. If you think im ready to be president , it will be due to send her mccain. I have learned a time. I want to talk about two quick things. The war. Here are the four takeaways i have learned. It is a religious war. How many people believe it . It is a religious war. It is not about iraq, afghanistan, iran, or libya, it is an ideology that cannot be accommodated. They want to create a master religion for the world. The nazis wanted a master race. Somebody better stop it. If you leave them alone, they will not leave you alone. That is one thing i learned. On september 10, 2001, we did not have one soldier in afghanistan, not one dime of aid, and did not even have an embassy but got attacked. Why . Because we did not bend to their will. It is a religious war and if youre going to win, you need partners. You will never kill your way to victory. You have to have partners. The good news 90 of the people in islam reject what they have to offer. I have been to iraq with senator mccain 36 times. Dont tell me they are all the same. They are not all the same. I have had a lot of friends killed fighting radical islam. The hope is we will build the societies over there to protect our society here. That is the way to win a war. Build up others. It is a religious war and the people who will win the war are within the faith themselves. It is up to us to help them with the capacity, where they have the will to say no. If you do not get that, you will never win this war. Number two, hit them before they hit you. These are all kamikazes. They dont mind dying, they want to take you with them. You better find out what they are up to before they attack you. We need to repair Intelligence Systems that that have been gutted. When he does more people on the ground over there to listen. We would be nuts to withdraw from afghanistan because it is a great listening post. If we had troops in iraq, i dont believe around what a fallen apart. I am convinced that if we had troops in iraq, we would have sustained our gains. But diplomats and intelligence people over there give us a chance to hear what is going on before it happens. Does that make sense to you . I do not care about your emails. Me and bill clinton have one thing in common. Neither one of us sent an email to hillary. [laughter] i do not email, and i am glad i do not. The bottom line is no one is trying to listen to your private conversations in the nsa program. We are trying to figure out if a terrorist is calling into the United States, who they are talking to, and with a court order, what they are saying. Does that make sense to . If we can find a terrorist overseas and we get their phone number once a caption, we want to go through the list and see what they have called. If there is a match between a number over there and a number over here, we want to figure out who it is with a judge. If you are now willing to do that, you will get hit here. Im convinced we have had that program in place before 9 11, there were not have been a 9 11. You have to have them before they hit you. That means good intel. The next thing you have to do is to the battlefield. Doing to fight in their backyard or yours . I prefer the fight over there, dont you . You need more american boots on the ground to keep the war from coming here. The only way you can win this war is build up others. I am not talking 100,000 troops, i am talking 10,000 versus 3500. To give us an edge. Syria is hell on earth. There is no one else to train. The kurds are limited in what they can do. John and i proposed a regional army. How about using their army instead of ours . Make them pay for this war. We pay for the last isil is two. Coming after them just as much as they are coming after you. There is an alignment of interest here. The arabs in turkey, going into syria, 90 them, 10 us. But theyre not going to fight isil if you leave aside in power because he is a puppet of what country . I do not want to give another arab capital to the iranians. The ayatollah is a religious nazi. I do want to empower him anymore. The deal with iran is a nightmare for you. Youre giving billions of dollars for him not to change his behavior. He has a missile that delivers a nuclear blessing and he will build it one day. Other than that, it is a good deal. The bottom line is we need a presence over there. We need to end this war in syria and iraq before it comes here. Another 9 11 is in the making. We got back and we were briefed about the terrorist attack. It scared me how sophisticated it was. The next 9 11 is being planned in the middle east by isis. My plan is to destroy them. Take their land away from them. Destroy the caliphate and hold it. The last thing is if you do not have determination and will, you will lose. You have to have the determination to destroy the enemy. It is a generational struggle. Japanhad left germany and after world war ii, god knows what would happen. If youre looking for an easy way forward, i do not offer it. If youre looking for a plan to win, i got it. I seek victory, not containment. We will win because radical islam is on the wrong side of history. It is just how many people have to die between now and then. There is more debt than your kids can never pay off. Somebody better fix that before we become greece. What drives the debt . Baby boomers. Anyone here born from 1946 to 1964 . Anyone born after 1964 . Good luck. You will need it. I am a baby boomer. We will retire soon. We will want our Social Security checks paid and our medical bills honored. In 1950, there were 16 workers today there is three, and in 20 are still be too. Strom thurmond had four kids after he was 67. Are you willing to do that . If not, we better find a way to fix this problem. The bottom line is if you want , to keep the country from going through what tip oneill and Ronald Reagan did they started drinking together, which is a good way to get bipartisanship. I would open up a bar in the white house and get everybody liquored up and we would solve the problem. They adjusted the retirement age. So young people would work longer because they live longer. People at my income level if i gave up a little bit, from my income, that would help fix the system. When i was 22, i needed every penny. Now i have a military retirement and a 401 k . I am in good shape. I would pay more if people needed more than i do. Half of our seniors are not getting their Social Security checks. Social security is worth saving. If you will do Something Like have you heard of the bipartisan plan to alameda tax code limit deductions and paydown debt . You cannot get there unless both parties work together. Ronald reagan proved it can be done. I intend to prove we can do that. I think my biggest asset is i work with democrats. Thank you for coming. [applause] sen. Graham come on up here, john. Questions . What about assad . Sen. Graham do you want the war in syria to end . It will never end if assad is in power. What happens after . Sen. Graham it will get better, but it will be hard at first. 240,000 syrians have been slaughtered i assad. If you tell syrians he has to be their president , syrians will be divided forever. Number no arab will accept him two, in power. No arab government, turkey included, will accept a construct where damascus is owned by iran. He cannot last five minutes without iran or russia. If you want to leave the mideast in turmoil forever, leave him in power. To those who believed him being in power is good for us, you do not know what you are talking about. It means the war never ends. He is the biggest recruiting tool for isil. They are sunni extremists. He is allied with iran. If you want to keep the war going, keep assad in damascus. That will create turmoil in the whole region forever. Number three, besides the biggest benefactor of hezbollah the terrorist organization that threatens israel. They kill marines. The bottom line is that assad in power creates an imbalance in the middle east that will make sure the war in syria will never end and other biggest factor of terrorist organization if we do not end this war, the king of jordan and lebanon are at risk. What would i do . First things first. Isil is a direct threat to the homeland. Do you believe that . If they could, they would attack us. Lets destroy them. They are germany. They would attack us hard. A planned terrorist attack is coming our way if we do not take the caliphate away. Heres the good news. The arabs in turkey have finally woken up to the threat, because they are coming after these guys as well. I would take a caliphate down inside of syria using arab armies with turkey to hold the territory, because this is a sunni area. Then i would turn to assad and say you are going to allow the Syrian People to choose their leader. Ask the iranians to ask if they would fight the entire middle east to keep assad in power. The answer is no. Propping him up as a bad deal for us. If you take isil down to turn your attention to a thought russia and iran are on the wrong , side of the region. The best thing that can happen is for assad to be replaced by someone in syria by the Syrian People. You have to find a place for them. Issa will not take over damascus if we take a thought down. That will not happen because the average syrian is not a radical islamist. Not even remotely so. Taking assad down means you have to have a political compromise. To find a place for the. The Syrian People by nature are not radical. This is complicated, there are no good options left. If you had listened to john mccain three years ago, we would have fixed this and had this behind us by now. Every day you wait and hold on to a lesions is a bad day for americans. To those who believe that assad can stay in power and everything will be ok, you have no idea what you are talking about. Sen. Mccain the president is taking a wellearned two weeks off in hawaii. He trumpeted all of the successes we have enjoyed under his presidency. The reason why we have isis is because of bashar assad. He is the godfather of it. He murdered 250,000 of his own people. He is the reason we have millions of refugees. Because he has driven them out of his country. Our delusional secretary of state that leaves this guy in power . There is a moral underpinning to americas conduct of National Policy and National Security policy. We reject getting into bed with people who slaughtered 250,000 of their own people. I would love for you to see the pictures smuggled out of syria of the women and men and children who were killed by Bashar Alassads chemical attacks. The lines of children, its heartbreaking. And john kerry wants to have some kind of arrangement with him to keep him in power . And is now in russia with a partner in ukraine . These are crazy times. So we take out Bashar Alassad, take out isis, what happens after that . The moral of the story is we cannot walk away from conflicts. If we walked out of germany and japan after world war ii, god knows what wouldve happened. We still have troops in korea. Look at the miracle of korea. That country was devastated and now it is the fifth biggest economy. Because we were there. What happened in libya. Graham, joe lieberman, and i wrote an article in the wall street journal. October 2010 after qaddafi was killed and said we have to do certain things. You have to have a free society. You have to take care of the weapons caches. You have to get rid of the militias running around. You have to come in there. I called leon panetta and said they have 20,000 wounded. Send American Hospital ships over there. Anchor them in the bay of tripoli and treat the wounded. They do not know how to treat their wounded. We went to a hospital where there were people with no arms and legs laying on beds. When we do . We walked away. Everyone says we never should have gone into libya my friends, it is qaddafi, the guy who killed americans by bombing a cafe. The answer is, once Bashar Alassad goes, once we defeat isil, we bring in the other arab countries and they are rich bring them in and help them stabilize that country. Then send americans who can teach them how to build a democracy. Teach them how Civil Society works. Fund newspapers. Do the necessary things to build societies that can function. And to say that just because it is an arab country that they cant do that is something that i categorically reject that assumption. So, the answer is after the bad guys are killed, then you are going to have to engage in a massive Country Building effort led by the other arab countries, but assisted with the only country in the world that really knows how to develop democracies. I just want to mention one other thing. This business of iraq, we had it won. The surge had won. And they are lying when they say we couldnt have left troops behind. And i dont make that statement very often. They are lying. Right now they said we had to , get the permission of the well, therement, are 3500 americans there now. Is anybody talking about going to their parliament . And one of the most interesting things happened and i will stop about three days ago, our secretary of defense was in baghdad. Remember, isis had half their country. They had mosul, their secondlargest city. You think they would want some help, right . The Prime Minister in baghdad rejected our offer of apache helicopters and additional american troops because the people who are now running iraq are the iranians. They are the iranians. That, my friends, is in abject an abject story of how we felt after sacrificing so many brave americans lives to win with the surge. Senator graham, a foundation of Home Ownership for the middle class. When you are elected president , would you veto any legislation . Senator graham i would not eliminate it, but i would put a cap on it. Do you want to get out of debt . The answer is yes. [laughter] we are not at a Bernie Sanders rally. All right, so we went to get out of debt. Yes. Senator graham there we go. 70 of federal spending is consumed by what . No. Medicare, Social Security, and interest on the debt. [indiscernible] senator graham yeah. [laughter] and in 2040, how much will that consume of federal revenues . 100 . So the military budget is 20 of the federal budget, going down over time. Have you heard of Simpson Bowles . It sound like a law firm. Heres the deal. How do you get a democrat to adjust the age of retirement . If you dont, medicare and Social Security are going to fall apart. You are going to have to ask people like me to give up some benefits or pay more into medicare, and i would, but if a lot of us do it in the upper income levels, then we can by the time to get it through the system. How do get a democrat . You are going to have to when have to do revenue as a republican. Im not going to raise tax rates because that hurts businesses and jobs. What does some symbols do . And plans at the tax code. Actually lowers rates and illuminates most reduction. 1. 2 trillion is given out each year in the form of reductions. In the form of deductions. Mortgage interest is a popular Charitable Giving is a popular one. One. The bottom line is interest for tax credits for college, child tax credits, all these things are popular. Here is what i would do. I would put a cap on the duction so that at a certain income level you could write things you couldnt write things off. But there would be enough in that cap to write off the basic home mortgage, but you would have to pick and choose the ones that are most important for you instead of me picking for you. You are going to generate some revenue coming back in the country. Into the treasury. I would say that money to buy down rates and pay down debts. So i promise you that today would be a write off for the average middleclass home deduction, but if you have two homes, one in myrtle beach and one at her, you probably could not write them both off. Why didnt anybody in the senate blocked the budget the other day . Was there a way to block the budget . Senator graham i guess you have to get 60 votes to get it through. The process is broken. It really is awful. The reason we had to do it this way is we couldnt get any democratic support for during the appropriations process individually. There are 13 accounts that fund the federal government. The defense department, the foreign operation you have 13 , separate accounts. The best way to run the senate is to do each account separately, right . An omnibus is what happens when you cant do the 13 accounts. Who wanted to shut the government down . The democrats. Senator graham well, nobody really. You have a democratic president. So he is not going away. He has priorities. We have a house majority. We have a house majority. About 40. And if you get 40 votes in the senate by democrats, you cannot get a bill through. So this whole bill with a process of negotiation. It spent more money than we like , like but at the end of the day it put 40 billion into the military we desperately needed. This is what happens when you spend all of the money at the end of the year in one big bill. John has been on Good Government more than any Single Person i know. If john were king, he would be benevolent with a random streak of cruelty. But the bottom line is we need to run it more like a business. At the end of the day, we have to get the government find it. There are democrats who have to deal with. And every time a conservative refuses to vote for the budget, that means you have to go by a democrat. So all these people who dont want to vote for running the government, well, someone has to run the government. We happen to be in charge. And that drives up the price of government. They get the curacy they get saying they voted no, but somebody has to make the government to run. John will give you an example. Senator mccain i am proud of a lot of things a Republicancontrolled Congress has done. For the first time, we redid education. We put education out of the hands of the bureaucrats in washington and back into the hands of the local School Boards and the governors and the states where they belong. We had a budget for the first time in six years. We passed a defense bill, which is fundamentally reforming the system. We now put a repeal of obamacare on the president s desk. We passed it through the budget, and he will veto it, but we promise the people if you put the republicans in charge of both houses, we will send it there. Senator graham the keystone pipeline. Senator mccain the pipeline he vetoed again. But there are a number of things we did that i am proud of. I will tell you what i am ashamed of. We have the authorizing committee, this committee i am chairman of, and what we do is we make the policies, how much should be spent on certain programs, the pay and benefits for the military, all the things that have to do with it. But the money has to come from the Appropriations Committee. Ok . This Appropriations Committee is the worst example of porkbarrel , earmark, outrageous, disgraceful, shocking corruption. I will give you an example. A senator from alabama, senator shelby, put in 225 million for a ship made in alabama that nobody wanted. 225 million of your money. And that is the second year in a row that he has done it. No authorization, no ability to do so. We are now dependent on Vladimir Putins rocket engines, ok . We cut that off in the authorizing committee. We said no more. We are not going to keep giving money to Vladimir Putin. Well, those rockets are made in alabama. The senator from alabama lifted that cap, so we will now be giving tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars to Vladimir Putin for his russian engines. Do you know that right now we are dependent on Russian Rocket engines for anything that goes into space . That is not exactly true, but we are still i could name you about 10 other provisions that were jammed in there in the middle of the night without any vote, without any discussion or debate. And we have to take it or leave it. I chose to leave it. Yes. I had a twopart question. What is the difference between isis and isil . Senator graham good question. Ok, that is one. Is there another part . No. Senator graham ok, Islamic State and iraq and syria. That means they are located and their goal is to do what . Deal with iraq and syria. Isil is the Islamic State of the evant. Go to the dictionary, go to the website, and heres my flip phone, it wont help you, and look up what it means. Why do they say isil . They want to go beyond iraq and syria. Its not that i want them to go there. I just want you to know what you are in for. And this is the only thing me and obama apparently agree on. They want to do more than iraq and syria. The big prize is jordan. He is our last, best ally. The bottom line is, when i hear one of our guys saying that they admire russia, count me out. Russia under putin is nothing to be admired. Mr. Trump, go to the ukraine. John and i will take you. We have been there a bunch. They love john mccain because he is a voice for freedom. And listen to the ukrainian people and let them tell you what it is like to deal with their neighbor putin. Come with me and senator mccain to turkey and jordan to go to the refugee camps and meet the women who have been gang raped and orphans whose families have been killed by bombs supported by our friend mr. Putin. The reason i mention this is because this goal of isil is beyond iraq and syria. And if we dont bring stability to the mideast, they are going to keep going. They are in libya today. When our president tells us things are good, bull. They are in afghanistan today. They are coming here tomorrow. Figuratively. I want you to understand that these people want to create a master race for that region, eventually for the world. They are nots. I dont know why hitler wanted to kill all the jews, but he did. And he wrote a book. They are telling you what they want to do. And somebody ought to stop them. Back to your question. If you think keeping assad in power helps us, you have no idea what that means for our longterm National Security interests. It is the single worst thing you could propose in terms of defeating isil. It means they never go away. That is why i call it isil because i want to tell you what they are going after. Senator mccain can i just mentioned, you will hear some of the arab leaders call it daesh. That is a derogatory arab word for terrorists. Senator graham i just want to let you know where they are headed. Senator mccain another question . He said he had two questions. Senator graham you may not get Social Security, so you better be quick. [laughter] my other question is that if terrorists take over possibly the world, why dont, like, the allies or people from europe and england and stuff help . Senator graham did you hear that question . Why dont people take this threat as seriously as john mccain and Lindsey Graham . They are war wary. How did you get world war ii . People were tired after fighting world war i. The entire world gave hitler a pass. This is not the first time this has happened. They went to munich. Peace in our time. They misjudged the guy on the other side of the table. This happens a lot. Good people, like us and europe, get tired of fighting bad people. Guess what . Hitler seized upon the weakness of the west. John kerry would crawl on his knees through glass to get a deal with russia about anything. History is repeating itself here, folks. This deal with iran is a nightmare. Everybody lined up behind it. What do you think there are going to do with the 100 billion they have gotten . Are they going to build schools . Do you think they will build a library . I dont think so. Why do they want a Ballistic Missile . To put an iranian and space i in space . This is the 70th anniversary of the holocaust. If you told somebody in 1946 by 2015 the world would have been a deal with a radical islamic terrorist nation, a religious fanatic, to give them a pathway to a Nuclear Weapon, they would have laughed at you and said no, you couldnt have forgotten the war that quickly, could you . On the day we voted on the iranian deal, the ayatollah tweeted out, allah willing within 25 years, israel will be no more. The difference between ayatollah and hitler is that hitler lied to chamberlain. The ayatollah [laughter] he is saying i am still going to kill everybody in israel. Death to america at the time we gave him the money. So why would the west and other nations just like in world war ii you will see what you want to see. You hear what you want to hear. Wearyt war wary war and you believe all he wanted was more german territory and he would be happy. If you think the ayatollah wants to be a member of the family nations, you dont understand what he is doing. Two violations of u. N. Sanctions and resolutions on testing a missile. Putting Ground Troops in syria to help assad to make sure this war never ends. Put another american in jail. And the iaea report came out that they cheated when it came to the inspections. They plowed up on the ground so we couldnt find out about their nuclear testing. That has happened since the agreement. Somebody asked me what would it take to get the hostages out of iran . A president like Ronald Reagan. If you give me 100 billion to negotiate with, i could get oj out of jail. [laughter] first of all, thank you for being bipartisan and putting the united back in the United States. Senator graham there we go. Appreciate that. Scaryuched briefly on how it is to be uninsured and received medical bills. What are you doing to reduce the number of people facing medical bankruptcy . Senator graham number one, i know what it is like to be sick and not have enough insurance and get wiped out. How many people want a balanced approach to health care where individuals have some responsibility, business has some responsibility, and government has some responsibility . That is where i am at. If you turn it all over to the government, you are going to get what the government gives you when they can afford to give it to you. Aint going down that road. If you like that, moved to europe where they have two tanks and a Big Health Care system. At the end of the day, we need to Reform Health care and improve quality. How many people believe in competition . We apparently do in the republican party. We have 29 people running for president. [laughter] here is my view. If you smoke, you ought to pay more. Ok, a little personal responsibility here. Health savings accounts to help pay for deductibles. Use the tax code to give you some money to purchase products in the Health Care Industry as an individual where you will have some ownership of your purchases to keep yourself healthy. You can use the money for other things over time. Tie the consumer to the behavior. Medicaid. I want to help low income individuals with health care, dont you . I dont want anybody out in the street. But why should they be allowed to run to the emergency room every time they get a headache . You dont. Tie behavior, a little skin in the game, how about that . The point of that, it is going to cost the uninsured person 10 to 20 times more for that same service. It costs 8,000 for a cat scan, tricare paid 350. Me 350. Senator graham they are probably not going to pay much, and the rest of us will pay for it. Obamacare is not about 30 million uninsured, it is about getting everyone under government run health care. Theyre trying to do through the back door what they cant do through the front door. The way they are going to accomplish it, it makes it so expensive for the private sector to offer coverage. Companies all over New Hampshire are reducing the number of hours and they are not going to expand their business. And there are going to pay the fine under obamacare rather than keeping insurance. And there are great to put everybody in these exchanges that are monopolies. And the number of providers goes down, not out. The number of providers comes down, not up. So the consolidation of health care under the government umbrella is the goal of obamacare. My goal is to have it affordable, available, and improve quality. Open up networks to competition. Individual responsibility. And low income people, i will help you pay your premiums. I want more competition, not less. I dont want everybody anybody to get sick and lose. I dont want anybody to get sick and lose everything they worked for. I believe in catastrophic insurance coverage. I want a balanced approach. But this is about balancing consolidating health care under the government umbrella. That means over time, less quality and more cost. Here is the flipside to that. It is not just the insurance costs, it is the health costs. And nobody seems to be talking about how we fix that problem. Senator graham ok, the health costs. Diabetes running rampant. All right . Our kids are not being ok, i dont believe in a nanny state, but anything we can do to have better diets, the better off we are. The nih is being cut under the sequestration. These are acrosstheboard cuts. They are going to destroy the military, but one thing nobody talks about is the National Institute of health. The National Institute of health is the Research Body that is trying to find ways to deal with diabetes and alzheimers. If you want to i will tell you the two things you need to watch for. Alzheimers costs and diabetes are exploding. And the sooner we can control and find ways to delay and cure these problems, the better off we are. So help itself is something we so, health itself is something we need to focus on. Outcomes. Rather than paying a doctor to do something or a Hospital System to do something, how about paying them for an outcome . Let me tell you what happened in South Carolina. Africanamerican males suffer from diabetes larger than any than any group in all of South Carolina. So what we did amputations among africanamerican males were twice the population of the state as a whole from diabetes. So what we did is we started identifying africanamerican males who were at risk for amputation with diabetes and sent nurses to their homes and put monitoring devices in their homes so we could better monitor their medicine and give them better outcomes. Guess what . We reduced amputations by almost 50 . Outcomes are what you are talking about. Well, sort of, but i was really talking about hospital and doctor costs. They are rampant. 200 for an aspirin. Senator graham how high is that . That is cost shifting. How many people here are on medicare . If you dont watch it, you will be able to find a medicare doctor because the reimbursement rates for medicare are below their costs. Why . Because the government is broke and it is our second largest expense. If you dont open up medicare to more revenue and market competition, it is going to be harder to find a medicare doctor. Medicare advantage. If you are a wealthy senior than and you want to purchase something that covered by medicare, the doctor cant provide it for you because they lose the ability to practice medicare for two years. What would i do . I would allow somebody to purchase something outside of traditional medicare, but the money has to go in the pot and increase the amount of money we have to deal with medicare patients as a whole. You would be able to buy something the average person would not be able to buy. We are going to have to open up medicare to new revenue sources. The bottomline is Medicare Part d have you heard about this program . It is a Prescription Drug program. The most anybody pays is 109 a month in premiums. Bill gates and Lindsey Graham need to pay more than 109 a month. That money we would pay into the system goes to keep the system operating and we will have more money for doctors and hospitals to stay in the system. I was wondering what you and senator mccain think we can do about north korea. They have nukes, they have missiles, now they say they have a hydrogen bomb. No one seems to care about it. Senator graham im going to come up. North korea. How many think the guy is crazy . [laughter] lets start with that proposition. You are letting a crazy guy have Nuclear Weapons. Blame republicans and democrats. A both parties have let it get out of hand. John mccain has been on north korea from day one. Japan and south korea has never have never felt the need to get a Nuclear Weapon to counter the North Koreans because they trust us and they believe that north korea is not going to invade their countries tomorrow. The guy is nuts, but he is not a religious nazi. The difference between north korea and iran, if the ayatollah gets one bomb, what happens in the mideast . Every arab is going to get a bomb, too. Unlike the korean peninsula. North korea is a nightmare. It should be a wakeup call. This is what happens when you let rogue regimes get away with bad deals and blame both parties here. The effort to control the north Korean Nuclear program was a miserable failure. So will the Iranian Nuclear deal be a miserable failure. If you could go back in time, would you do it differently . But we are where we are. And once they get a nuke, they are in a safe harbor because nobody wants to deal with them the same way if they didnt have a nuke. So north korea, sharing the technology worries me. That they will sell some of this stuff to terrorist groups. That the guy will wake up one day on the wrong side of the bed and might actually use it. I dont know how to fix that overnight, other than press the regime over time to change. Hoping that people in north korea can take back their country and replace this nut job with somebody more stable. I will end with this. And i will turn it over to john. Iran is a nightmare in the making worse than north korea. If they get a Nuclear Weapon, you are going to start a nuclear arms race. And unlike north korea, they have a religious agenda. Have you ever listen to the ayatollah . He has an end of days concept. They are very much like isil. They see the world coming to a climactic end with them in charge. Trying to create chaos, not stability. Youve got to know who is on the other side of the table. The ayatollah is not a good man. He is a religious zealot. The guy in north korea is a nut. But unlike north korea, iran could set in motion armageddon. Senator mccain just real quick, i am sorry the rotund ruler of north korea recalled his allfemale entertainment troupe that was going to entertain in beijing. Im sure the Major Networks heaved a sigh of relief, because im sure they would have dominated the ratings if shown here in the United States. The key to north korea really i agree with everything that lindsey said, im not going to repeat it is china. China controls the economy of a destitute country. And why in the world the chinese continue to prop up this regime, which is of the most brutal kind left on earth, with hundreds of thousands dying in their stalinist gulags, is beyond me. A brief vignettes. When the new ruler of china came to washington in a meeting with three or four of us senators, i said, why do you continue to prop up north korea . A united korea is no threat to china. There is destitution, theres hundreds of thousands anyway, after i finished his answer, he spoke in chinese, interpreted by the interpreter, and said senator mccain is for a is a very wellknown in china for his views. That was his answer. I was really pleased to get that. But they key to north korea, they are an anachronism. But they are a dangerous an anachronism. By the way, i want to point out, all of north and south korea were the same in 1954 when it stopped. Look at what the difference between freedom and democracy and that form of government is. There is no better example of what a Great Success story, thanks to the United States of america, is all about. Senator graham one more question. Senator, thank you for your service to our country. We talked a lot about the iran deal. Now that we disagree with it, but it has been pushed through. Assuming you become commanderinchief, what are you going to do about it . Senator graham you cant police it. The first thing you have to get right as president is the big stuff. Like we are in a religious war. Right . I would rather fight it over there than fight it over here. You have to hit to them before they hit you. If you dont have will, people wont follow you. So, the biggest mistake we made let assadd cross that red line. The first thing you do is you never draw a red line unless you are willing to enforce it. Hagle is in the paper today talking about how that hurt us all over the world. Assad clearly did, and he is still standing. John mccain and Lindsey Graham went to the oval office with susan rice and barack obama. They called us there to see if we would support their efforts to go after assad after he crossed the red line, and john and i said yes. The goal was to upgrade the Syrian Opposition that was in intact, degrade assad, and change the momentum on the battlefield so you could get a political resolution minus assad. The day he thinks he is not going to win, he will leave and we will find a new syrian leader. The Iranian Nuclear deal has to be looked at in terms of our overall foreign policy. That was the signal to iran and russia and china, the store is open. Get as much as you can. What do you do . The first thing i would do as president is ask the congress to give me one tool. That if you did business with iran, you cannot do business with american banks. I think there would be enough support in congress. You have an 18 trillion banking system. I would wait for the phone to ring and his western countries would start calling. And here is what i would say to the ayatollah. If you want a Nuclear Power program for peaceful purposes, you can have it. Mexico and canada have power programs, but they do not enrich uranium. We will supply the fuel so we dont have to worry about you converting the process into making a bomb. If that is all you ever wanted, then you can have it. How many people believe they they actually want a power plant . How many believe they want a bomb . If you dont, dont drive home, because you are a danger to yourself and others. The bottom line is they actually want a bomb, not a powerplant. The embargo is never going to be lifted until you stop becoming the largest state sponsor of terrorism. I would take their behavior and to theas a tie it nuclear deal. I would tell them this if you keep doing what you are doing, we are going to grind you in the ground. If you try to break out, i will stop you. If you want a war with us, you will lose it. Give us a call. And if we are not willing to do that, we will set in motion chaos in the middle east unlike anything you have ever seen. Any last questions . Senator mccain could i just tell you one quick story . Around 2005, we saw a terrible thing happening in iraq, and that was these things called copper tipped ieds. They were the kind of ieds that would penetrate right through a humvee. There were the kind of things that really increased our casualty rates. And so Lindsey Graham and a couple of others went to the pentagon and the president said , look, weve got to get a re than thecle in thei humvee. The mwrap, thanks to lindsey and others, we went around the usual 10 to 15 year process of getting a piece of equipment in the field. And within a couple of months, we started to get these in. Where did these copper tips ieds come from . The head of the Iranian National guard. He was the one sending these all into iraq. And general dunford was asked in a hearing by senator cotton, how Many Americans do you think were killed by these copper tipped ieds that the Iranian Revolutionary guard sent into iraq . General dunford said 500. 500. Approximately 500 american soldiers and marines were killed by these copper tipped ieds. At the hearing when senator kerry showed up, senator cotton ask senator kerry i thought a very good question. He said 500 copper tipped ieds soldiers and marines were killed by this. What do we tell the gold star mothers . He is now calling the shots in both baghdad and damascus. He is the head of the Iranian Revolutionary guard and he is now controlling both iraq, syria, yemen, and lebanon. And moving it to other places. This is the result of no leadership. And this is a leader that can lead. Senator graham im going to go. I have to do some shopping one of these days. [laughter] senator graham the fact that you folks are here means a lot to me areas the fact that john mccain would come up here and give me the endorsement for president is the highlight of my political life. [applause] now senator mccain [indiscernible] to translate. [laughter] senator graham i dont know where my campaign is going to wind up, but i know this. I know who i am and why i am running. Putin has a pair of twos. His economy is the size of italy. If i was president , we would export natural gas that we have iron abundance, that we can find in an environmentallysound way im tired of spending 350 overseas from people who hate our guts so i would become energy independent. I would reinforce nato after reinforcing our military. I would set aside these defense cuts and would rebuild our military at a level consistent with the threats we face. The big deal has to be done or we become greece. I would reach out to my democratic friends and say we can do better. Lets save america while we still have time. Lets do the things that would save Social Security and medicare. Because they are worth saving. Lets have a Health Care System that has quality, affordability, and we can afford i mean access. The bottom line is, folks, none of these problems are insurmountable. The world is ready to be led, we just need to lead. If you get nothing else out of this meeting, isil is on the wrong side of history. Young people are not going to live in dictatorships for our convenience. They are [no audio] [indiscernible] we are going to win this war. And the sooner america leads, the sooner it will win. And the people in the middle east are going to be helped by us, but they will be required to help themselves. Back here at home without bipartisanship, the bad days are behind us. Upt people are more screwed than we are. Tiger the paper tiger in many ways. They need our economy more than we need theirs. I wonder have a friendship with china, but no more [indiscernible] because you can. I am tired of being locked over. It is dangerous when america doesnt lead. Lead from the front, not from behind. And bring us together. John mccain lost to barack obama, and before he became president he went to chicago to meet with him. We were both somewhat hopeful that we had turned the corner. There was a missed opportunity. Do you all agree . Yes. Senator graham here is what i offer. I am a proud republican, but i put the country first. I will work with democrats on immigration. Somebody better work with democrats on immigration. We cant win this war. It is up to our leadership. And the sacrifice that is going to be asked of most of those who are doing the fighting. I have walked in their shoes. I have done my homework. And im going to give them the ability to win and a plan that will lead us to victory. They have had our backs. To beason i am running is commanderinchief that will have their backs. Merry christmas. [applause] [indistinct chatter] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] [indistinct chatter] democratic, the the president ial debate. It begins at 4 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. All caps a longer, cspan takes you on the road to the white house. Rallies,meetings, meetings, speeches. They will take your comments on her, facebook, and by phone. As always, every Campaign Event our websiteis a on at cspan. Org. Next week, a featured at Nonfiction Author monday through friday in a one hour conversation. Starting at 9 00 eastern. Prison, whats to might year behind bars taught me crisis inabout prison america. Tuesday, John Whitehead on his book, battlefield amerco. University of georgia law professor on wednesday add 8 30 a. M. In eastern talking about her book, how the other half thanks. , physicalm. Thursday scholar Matthew Green joins us to talk about underdog politics, the minority in a in the United States house of representatives. And friday at 8 30, Frank Shirley but surely discusses last act about Ronald Reagans lasting legacy. Be sure to watch washington 30rnal starting december first may 1. Next, a discussion about how muslims are portrayed in the media. Then, george bush talks about how george bush. Announcer this Panel Focused on how american muslims can add their voices to of american conversations. By several and it is one hour and 20 minutes. Good afternoon. I am proud to have served on the council for over a decade. I feel like i have grown up in a. Were so proud to have you here. This session culminates before our annual banquet in a few hours. Thank you for being here. Before we begin this session, i would like to introduce the cofounder and president who will kickoff the and convention. End the banquet for the day. In the name of god most gracious and merciful. Thank you for joining us. I hope you plan on staying with us for the banquet tonight. It is our 15th annual. We started these events shortly go. But we are growing. Will see tonight hopefully how the impact has become a National Voice on some of these issues. Nn has is celebrating our shared humanity. Humanity thated will help us overcome the ideology of hate. Whether that hate is manifest in the form of International Terrorism or in the form of xenophobia and hate crimes domestically. We need to have a united front. People have been asking us since in bernadino, first they asked what is it in your religion that causes people to do things like what happened in San Bernardino . Religion iss our telling us to do exactly the opposite. Our religion is about mercy and compassion and justice. Our religion is about if you apparently they are not reading the same text that we are reading. Or it is not being processed. The nemesis to terrorism. The antidote to terrorism. We can empower mainstream communities to overcome and prevail the ideology. Out . To go toing muslim is obviously cannot make this problem disappear. What is required is civic engagement. We demonstrate our work to the american public. We the example in the standardbearer of our religion and we see the front exactly like that. There are french operation like every religious group has. We are the answer to the problems of people insecurities and fears in america. Work on the ideological problem. We work handinhand in partnership. Were probably up with us today the lapd. People from the cherished departments the department of homeland security, they are here to say to american muslims this is the home for all people. They are here to protect us. The way to overcome the problems of xenophobia is to not be intimidated into shoes the numbers. We will not be intimidated. You cannot terrorize us. They want to influence audiences by terrorizing people. When we say we have the stamina of perseverance and to say you will not terrorize us, finally they ask us arent you frustrated all the time . We were just commenting on terrorism of backlash over and over again. The answer to that is yes and no. Yes there is friction. There is anyway on us. The same time this is our light. The terrorism that is coming from the disintegration of the control, butannot we can control the environment here. With that i think you. Wereack over to the area still glad to have her. Shes been on radio and television into the wonderful job. He took a step back and thought one of thenniversary things that came first and foremost into our mind was to change the nature of our communities. 15 years ago at annual conventions and Convention Halls is the place for muslims met. New ones. Nds and today, conventions are not the way to go. You can go instead online. When we decided to do was to turn our convention on. Instead go out to communities to bridge the gap and listen to communities and also bring to them the voices that they may not be hearing in their local areas. And through new innovative projects both online and in person. They are changing the nature not just in our community, so you may be seeing the pictures on the screen of some of the five and Convention Sessions with had. The first one took place of the Islamic Center of san diego valley. Voicesured upandcoming who are leading change in this area is. The second session we had was at the Islamic Center california working the issue,. Its declared illegal in homelessness here in los angeles. Its original priority and one of his home for most muslims. Our Third Session was held at the Wellness Center in the valley. We did was elect the auditorium together to discuss the issues that dont get discussed very often. That was an audience full of muslim young people as well as mormon young people will be talked about religious challenges that are facing. We had a conversation about everything from relationships and 88 two our scriptures to holly make moral decisions then we moved to Orange County where we considered muslims on screen. And asked if getting any better . Lets will become to today. We have upandcoming muslims work in the industry to give as whetherhand account of things are getting any better and where the opportunities for change our. And then we wrapped it up last week of the you on Cultural Center in west l. A. Learning lessons by other faith communities will been challenged by marginalization is well. The lessons we gained there are more valuable than ever particularly considering the events of this week. This session is called new era new media. There could not be a more appropriate time for us to consider the meaning of this. When we came up with it, the new era was not the number you day. Are changing the very land and of what it means to be in negative citizen and an active is. The American Muslim Community is changing. But since you are new media challenging old media whether its print newspaper or television network. To beay im really leave able to introduce you to a fantastic panel that we have were going to share their areonal insight where they at the leading edge of some of these very much in. You have their bios and the programs are not going to read them in detail. I want to introduce the panelists and jump right into our conversation. Next she has been a long and partner with impact. You heard about our Young Leaders holly with them at cbs has been a regular stop and an amazing place. To her right were really happy theave us megan darby Deputy Managing Editor of the los angeles times. Could not be a busier news day so we wrote that she decided to get weight today. And the only male on the panel noch is a nice change stranger to this community room. Southern california and has been media isazer in new before social media listed. We started to really but islamic organizing online and really alex acted ways. Since then he went on to serve with the state department of the senior adviser. Supported young social entrepreneurs around the world in muslim countries of the change. He has since come back and started something start of a debater supposedly for muslim social numbers. Thank you for coming all the way from washington dc to be with us. Our panelists to start with opening, i want to say two things. One is that we hope to have with buto executive producers they scheduling conflict of lastminute and were not able to join us. But wee in the program are pleased to an intimate conversation here with retirement we have. I also want to say that this session is being reported by season and and it will air later this month of these and. Please keep an eye out for that. Also we are joined by viewers online through periscope. We will hopefully be getting questions from our viewers online. He asked that you share question about the session. I am thrilled to start the conversation led him to these alternate between your questions in my own. Tweakl also ask you to questions. All you need to do is use the hashtag in fact 15. Please this conversation is yours im just kick it off. With all that is going on, were talking about an intersection between old media and new media. Megan and tiffany uboats in an old media. You work in television and one of the largest newspapers. You have been a pioneer of looking at new media. Observationr broad about how the landscape has changed during your career . Changing . Is a real jason were seeing

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