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Hispanics were split in recent years. Just in 2012 it was a 70 . So 70 of hispanic registered voters in 2012 said they identified with or lean towards the Democratic Party. Today, that number is 63 . As you might expect the Republican Party has made some gains. They have gone from 20 back then to about 27 today. There have been some changes. In addition, when you take a look at the congressional vote, which is what were interested in today its interesting to take a look at the congressional vote that the intentions of the candidates to vote for democratic candidate or republican candidate have changed it back in 2010, about twothirds of hispanic registered voters said they would support the local democratic candidate in the congressional race. Today that number is at 57 or so theres been a decline in the share of hispanics who say they will support the local democratic candidate. So i want to point out that there is a wide advantage here on the part of democrats. Democrats still have a very wide advantage among latinos, oath in terms of Party Affiliation, the intention to vote and one of the interesting thing to point out is when you ask which party has more concern for the community, half of hispanic registered voters say its the democrats, 10 say its the republicans, and about 38 say theres no difference between the two parties. That democratic share is down from 63 just two years ago. So even in perceptions the Democratic Party has lost some ground among latinos. Partly because of the issues. The one big issue that people oftentimes associate with the Latino Community is immigration. Our survey shows many hispanics want Immigration Reform, the it soon. More say this now than was the case just a year ago. We also find the issue of immigration is important to many latinos. Three quarters tell us it is extremely or very important issue to them personally. But the issues of economy and jobs, education and health care are seen by many latinos as just as important or sometimes even more important than the issue of immigration. So immigration looms large and its an important issue for latino voters but other issues as well such as education, economy and jobs also resonate with them. And on these issues its interesting from our survey you will find latinos to say that democrats are generally the better party for dealing with the economy, for example, working with immigration. Despite some of the recent lack of progress on Immigration Reform from democrats and republicans. Thats a lot of data. Thats a lot of information but i hope thats been informative. But i do want to close by saying one other thing. So when we talk about the latino vote in 2010, particularly in some of the states where there are close races, lets take colorado. About 144,000 hispanics voted in 2010. Thats about 35 turnout rate in the state for that year. And in the state of florida, some 858,000 latinos voted in 2010. Thats a turnout rate of about 45 . How does it compare to the general public in those states . In colorado there was about a 10 percentage point gap. Nonhispanic devoted at a high rate in 2010, but in florida hispanics were voting at a rate very similar to their white and black counterparts in the governors race in 2010. We will see what happens this year. It remains to be seen how things will turn out but i think if theres an awful lot of interesting patterns, trends and potential impacts of the latino vote that we will see on tuesday. So with that im going to close. Thank you very much. Just wanted to tell you quickly here that we will have plenty of time for questions and answers. Have plenty ofll questions for these speakers. Thank you. Thank you. My name is ruth guerra and im with the Republican National committee. I am the communications construct for Hispanic Media and what i wanted to share with you today is back in 2012 after republicans lost the white house we realize we need to make some changes. As any of you have heard, the growth and opportunity project came out. Under the leadership of chairman made significant efforts to engage hispanic committees across the u. S. We are in 11 different states, senate and house races. This has never been done before and we are building on these efforts, yearround presence that we have any Hispanic Community. As the chairman often says, you have to engage and to build relationships with the Hispanic Community. So our efforts are now going to be yearround. We are involved in Susana Martinezs governors race in , with kaufman and gardner as well. Those races are very important. These efforts will continue, as well and as mark pointed out, republicans have seen progress in their numbers with the Hispanic Community. And i think it has to do a lot with our yearround presence in these communities. Not only are we working with state parties can we are working with republican candidates as well taking into these communities in order to communicate our message and share our story because we know that if we are not doing that, we know the opposing party is going to mischaracterize exactly who republicans are and what they stand for. And basically, what we have is let me talk a little bit about what the phase that we and 20, the first phase is identification is going to the Hispanic Community in meeting with business leaders, with pastors and identifying what the events are in the committee and getting the candidates to go to those events on a daily basis but its having all this data and identification process in one place, either as Republican National committee and state parties as well. Once we have all of that data and information, then we are engaging. We are meeting with these having candidates go and communicate. Kaufman had a spanish debate with the governor in colorado yesterday. Thats the first spanish debate that has taken place but we are seeing all these extorting extraordinary efforts and i think thats why you see republicans making inroads in the Hispanic Community. You also have the third phase that is persuasion to get out the vote effort. We have a strong presence but however we are not using our power. So we are engaging them and getting them out to vote and making spanishlanguage websites in order for them to have their information in a language that they prefer. And so we feel confident we are not taking anything for granted but we are seeing that we are making inroads and our message is resting with the Hispanic Community. Thank you. Thank you to National Press club, and good morning. I am esther aguilera, president ceo of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus institute. Just to clarify who we are, chci is a nonprofit organization. We were established by congress to educate, empower and connect. We work with latino youth through providing paid internships, scholarships and getting young people ready for college. But our vision, the organization civicallyically engaged and population contributing to all sectors of society. So clearly Civic Engagement is very important, and all elections are very important. The stats that we had by mark to a Large Population where half are eligible to vote, and a turnout as we saw in 2012, was 46 . So Civic Engagement and the importance of participating, participating to impact the welfare of your family, community and the nation are the types of work and things that we push for and do. In this election we know that over all, the latino population and the voter is more of a swing voter. You cant clearly, it leans democratic but there is a significant portion that is up for grabs so its not a population that can be taken for granted. Some of the statistics we heard was about 38 dont see either party as, that they are favoring. So that again speaks to its about the issues. Its about what is going to make the latino Family Strong and prepared for the future. We also know that the latino population is more optimistic than the general population. When you ask the question about how do you see the next generation, opportunities for the next generation, and the american dream, the latino population is there and it has higher rates of optimism for, not only where the country is, but where the next generation has to go. So in terms of what is important for the community, we know that immigration is one of those entry points to the heart, and to speak to the values of the community. But we also know that the Hispanic Community cares about jobs, about well being, about safety and health. And so things like health and Health Insurance are very important. Why do latinos need to participate . So Health Insurance is important because the hispanic population before the Health Care Act was 30 uninsured. More percentage of hispanics were uninsured in the population by a ratio of one to three. So the latino population stands to gain the most by fixing our Health Insurance system. And so, and weve seen the numbers of hispanics who are insured go up. So it is a good trend. The other thing that is important, and these are issues, you know, that resonate, the latino population is very, very hardworking. Its considered a working poor population, tends we are very diverse. We have a growing entrepreneurial and business and executive ranks, but the majority are still working hard in multiple jobs, and 43 of latino workers earn Poverty Level wages, although they work. And so clearly anything that helps with their wage levels is going to be important. And any party or candidate that speaks again to the welfare and jobs on their pay, on Health Insurance, on education and children are going to be what is going to resonate with the community. Again, its a population that swings democrat, but their significant amount, it is about the issues that matter to the population and the community. The other thing i wanted to mention is that overall, i think in the mainstream there is a huge misrepresentation of latinos and who they are. They are depicted as primarily Illegal Immigrants refusing to learn english or embracing the American Values when, in fact, the opposite is true. As i mentioned, its a growing and diverse population that is hardworking, that is building businesses, contributing to the economy through jobs in the Small Business sector, and in executive positions. And it is a population that is contributing at every level. And very much we have higher rates of latinos serving in the armed forces, very patriotic and often times the real story of the community is not understood the so its misunderstood and not spoken to with what issues the Community Cares about, thats where again these election matters and the wellbeing and issues of families matter. The last thing im going to mention is that, you know, this is about the growing of the Latino Community. We know that its 54 54 million in the population today, 17 of the population, but its also already 25 of americans under 18 are latino. And actually i referred to some of marks statistics. The growing number of percentage of hispanics growing are nativeborn, and if you look at the demographic of usborn hispanics, 18, the median age of usborn hispanics is 18 years old. This is a very young demographic. And so we are seeing impact in the elections but thats only going to grow. Theres much more potential to turn out the vote, to speak on issues the Community Cares about, and the growing numbers in the future. As was mentioned in this particular election, there is going to be just a handful of races where the population will have a significant impact, as was mentioned, on the senate. Colorado with 15. 4 eligible, voters being hispanic. On the governors races, arizona has 22 hispanic eligible electorates. Florida is important, and colorado. Thank you for having me and welcome any questions. I will call on members of the press. Thank you. So again, i think its important to distinguish between the population and the electorate. For this election, the electorate in the states. So you mentioned arizona, and im wondering if you have statistics for arizona, the senate race is important as far as turning, flipping the senate, but the governor race is interesting. And i think also interesting, governor susan latinas in new mexico. That is also a high hispanic state. So could you talk about the hispanics in new mexico, colorado, and in terms of the Party Affiliation . And again, talking about the electorate. Both colorado and new mexico i think are really interesting states. First lets talk about new mexico. New mexico which is by the way the ninth largest hispanic state, hispanics their make up about 40 of all eligible voters but its actually the highest hispanic voter percent make sure of any one of them of any state. So very interesting that this is also a state thats got hispanics who have a long tied to the state. So families have been there for many generations, which means theyre usborn, their parents are usborn. Their grandparents are usborn and they traced the roots back to spain in many cases. So when you take a look at new mexico, new mexicos hispanics have tended to vote democratic, but i think its important to note that Susana Martinez who is the Current Governor and who as you mentioned is running for reelection this year, she is republican. We dont have an exit poll from 2010. I know there were some other polls that were done prior to the election but i dont remember the exact figures for them, but Susana Martinez, i dont think she won significant share of hispanic vote, at least not compared to some of the candidates, but you might have a better sense of that than i do. Colorado is very similar to new mexico in the sense that there is a large hispanic population. Senatorialrs election, i think you will find that latinos play an Important Role and latinos are leaning toward the Democratic Party in colorado. I think there is a lot of other good questions we might want. Did you have something you wanted to ask . The other interesting state is obviously florida in the governors race. There is a lot of attention being paid to Central Florida in the orlando area where there is a huge number of Puerto Ricans. It is an area that has more Puerto Ricans than puerto rico it self. So florida in that region and in general in the past elections florida has been pivoting. Mentioning florida and i know its important to note as well that republicans have rick scott and the Lieutenant Governor who is the first latino. Those are tight races where we are seeing republicans being competitive even if in years past, hispanics have leaned towards the Democratic Party. We are seeing republicans being competitive and in many cases like Susana Martinez in new in the same way that happened with Brian Sandoval in nevada. So that is an Important Notice to make. Ok, questions from all of you. Any questions . Please identify who you are with. [inaudible] my question, there is an article in a washington publication yesterday i believe about Republican Leaders in washington already planning for a taking over of the United States senate in this election. Included in this front page article are the plans for having full control of the congress in washington and so what it says obama care, the Affordable Care act, which is providing Affordable Health care to millions of latinos. Mentionedtion, you that you are talking to the community and i wonder, what do you say to them if they ask about we know people that are benefiting from the Affordable Care act, getting Affordable Health care. They didnt have any health care before. So what do you say to them to get them to really vote for that thens, knowing republicancontrolled house voted some 50 times and to kill the affordable Health Care Act. My other question is about the gun issue. Knowing how many families are violence andun hurt by gun violence, what are your people at the grassroots saying . Because of the loopholes if they said to you, why is it that you republicans keep blocking any kind of legislation just because the nra tells you . What are your people at the grassroots saying to that . O, on the minimum wage [inaudible] to answer the first question on obamacare and while we have seen that it has given access to people we have also seen that it has canceled plans for millions of families and its not as affordable and accessible as it claims to be. People are receiving cancellation notices and doctors are not taking new patients. Our Health Care System was not perfect but with obama care, it seems it has not been the solution. That is the story that we hear each and every day. We want to make those decisions between the patient and the doctor. The government should not be involved and tell you this is what you and your family need and this is what we are hearing. That is the issue that we have. That is the issue we have. Obamacare wasnt a solution and there have been efforts to fix certain parts of the healthcare. Name one. Small businesses right now are hurting because of the mandates that have been put in place and they are having to close their doors. That hurts the wages as well. We want to provide solutions and republicans have the solutions to provide patientcentered reform to obamacare. And the minimum wage . Sure. And on guns, there have been certain efforts on both sides and i would leave that to the policy side. I am here to talk about the political aspect of things. I would leave that to the decisions made in that big building that is in the center of this city. Wage, it isinimum an important issue. It needs to be debated, yes. But it cant be debated only when it comes to election time. That is when it seems to come around. When election time rolls around you want to talk about that issue. Increasing the minimum wage on the federal level wont necessarily work in california as in texas and it will hurt certain businesses and we have heard that from Small Businesses so these are things that, yes, we need a serious dialogue but you cant bring it up just for election time talking points. [inaudible] good question. In a recent survey 62 of latinos say we should have some form of gun control and 36 say you should protect the rights of americans to own guns. How does that compare to the general public . 45 want gun control and 53 say to protect the rights so definitely a difference. On the minimum wage, latinos favor raising the minimum wage. Among the general public, that is 73 . On some of these issues, latinos are of a different opinion. In terms of health care, obamacare doesnt cover some types of individuals so if you are in the country without authorization, you will not be able to participate but hispanics have health care as one of the top three issues of concern to them. It is largely because insurance rates have been lower than they have been for the general public particularly for the foreignborn under the age of 18. That is where youve seen a relatively low insurance rates. [inaudible] immigration is an important issue to get latinos to vote this time around. Im wondering if you could give your comment on the fact that er the last midterm [inaudible] we have the chairman saying, there wont be Immigration Reform. There is a lot of talk about border enforcement. Im wondering, if you want to make more inroads, how do you reconcile that discrepancy . See thes still Republican Party as being tough on immigrants. I think that perception that you pointed out is important and that is one of the perceptions that we are focused on changing, and revealing the truth about who we are as a Republican Party. So as far as Immigration Reform goes in the senate it was republicans like marco rubio and jeff flake and senator mccain who championed Immigration Reform. You saw those efforts in the house as well with Mario Diazbalart and the very conservative members as well like sam johnson in texas. So you saw members from the Republican Party that have very different views coming together to try to solve the problem and as the chairman said we have an immigration system and we do need to address that and i think that those feelings remain and have been pretty consistent since the 2012 evaluation that we did after we lost the white house. So it is yet to be seen what the legislators have in mind but i think that as the Party Platform stands, we need to address Immigration Reform and secure the borders. We saw over the summer we saw more than 60,000 children making a dangerous lifethreatening trip from honduras, guatemala and el salvador over to the u. S. Going through and dealing with the drug cartels in a very dangerous path to make it to the u. S. And there is nothing humane about that and we cannot encourage and give our neighboring countries the wrong signal that people can come here and be able to stay. We do welcome immigrants. We are a nation of immigrants and as far as immigration goes, we are pretty confident we will take the senate is tuesday or maybe it is louisiana and georgia that will go to a runoff. We will see what happens but we have the momentum on our side. But it remains that immigration is an issue that needs to be addressed and solved whether it is a stepbystep for whether it i believe it is going to be a stepbystep but its an issue that remains a top priority. Let me add to that, as a congressional journalist that has been covering immigration for eight years and as a congressional journalist i have to cover both sides, and i talk and am known as equally by Luis Gutierrez as by stephen king. Now betweenig Issue Congress and the senate is the word left out when you talk about Immigration Reform and the and that is comprehensive. Everyone agrees that there needs to be im not sure that its broken but the law that we are talking about is going to be 50yearsold next year and theres a lot of changes that have happened in a lot of things that need to be changed. The democrats are completely committed to comprehensive Immigration Reform. Whereas the republicans talk about piecemeal. There are a lot of pieces of Immigration Reform that both sides agree to. Both sides are very interested in getting green cards to foreign students that have advanced degrees in the field. Verifyides agree that e is something that should be a national requirement, not just volunteer. Both sides are for increasing investment visas. Last july after july, 2013 after the Senate Passed the comprehensive Immigration Reform bill in june, the house subcommittee had a hearing on what they are calling the kids act which is a dream act to propose legalizing all dreamers and 100 of the democrats were against it so adamantly that he got off the panel and went to the witness stand to argue against the act saying that it was unamerican to give legalization to just a small segment of the population thats here illegally and in other words it had to be comprehensive. And ted cruz said if the democrats are going to keep insisting on all or nothing, they are going to get nothing. I think probably the biggest thing that might happen on Immigration Reform if the republicans take the senate is that some of these pieces will be passed and it will be very interesting to ask latino advocates particularly and house members if they would vote for a standalone dream act. I think that is an interesting question and that is a possibility. So when you talk about Immigration Reform just as we are talking about the hispanic population versus the electorate lets think in terms of comprehensive versus piecemeal. Thank you. I wanted to clear the air on a couple things. We did see a lot of the unaccompanied minors that cross the border but i think the important thing to remember about that one, i think it was sensationalized, and its that most of the kids that came across the border were caught at the border. So that wasnt necessarily that we have these porous borders so i just want to clarify that part and the other thing is that these children were making a treacherous journey. They were in many cases refugees. So we just want to make sure issue that was initially we see more in its true light and in terms of what kind of implications it has for immigration and Immigration Reform. The second is that we did have a bipartisan bill in the senate actionat got bipartisan with Significant Senate support and nothing was done in the house. So i think it was an opportunity and as peggy mentioned, once you take things piecemeal the system has so many problems that it needs a comprehensive approach so we will see what happens. Other questions . [inaudible] it is a number of things. For americans there has been a decline in support for the president so the Approval Ratings have been down for the last two years and its not just latinos that we are seeing a decline in the president ial Approval Rating. So Immigration Reform is a part of that because when you take a look at we asked hispanics Immigration Reform hasnt happened, who do you blame for the progress today among all latinos its interesting 40 blamed the Republican Party in congress that 40 blamed the president and the democrats, so equal blame. A year ago, republicans were more likely to be lame than democrats when we first asked the question. When you look among the registered voters however, republicans do get one of the blame for not passing reform recently than democrats, the democratic numbers are up as well. So i think that Immigration Reform is one part of a larger story about Many Americans feeling disappointed or perhaps disapproving of the way the president is handling his job as president. So it isnt just a story about immigration although that is a big part of it. I think it is also a story about what has been happening more broadly in the United States on a number of policy france and latinos just like the general public we have seen the Approval Rating declined. Talking about the changing demographic, there is a lot of talk and im wondering if you could verify the trends we are seeing. Because latinos remain more or less loyal to the democratic possibilityere a down the road that latino conjurers latino voters will make the country move . I think you will depend an awful lot on the circumstances in the political environment so for example texas is one of the states right now where the state has gone red in president ial elections but what will happen when the latinos and many of those come of age in texas and start to enter the pool of eligible voters . It would happen over the course of many election cycles. So, 2020, you might see somewhat of a change. 2024, a little bit more. It also depends on who the candidates are and what the issues are and whether or not we continue to see the same level of loyalty to the Democratic Party that weve seen in the past. Looking back i think one of the things is to look at the president ial elections. The share that support the Democratic Candidates have been over 50 . President obama hit a high of 71 . During the 2004 president ial election john kerry only won 58 of the vote. The previous high was bill clinton with 72 in 1996. But if you go back into the 1980s with Ronald Reagans was likelythe share to be in the upper 50s or low 60s. So there has been a movement back and forth depending on the candidates. That may very well either accentuate the ability of latinos to make some states perhaps even the country more blue but it also may, depending on the candidate, not be such a strong effect. I think it remains to be seen and it depends on so many things particularly as many of the young latinos that are born here, they start to come of age and impact the opinion data that we see from latinos and also from the politics. There is a lot of talk about latino advocacy. [inaudible] its a really good point. Why are the participation rates so low to other groups . At least two reasons. They are generally younger and so this vote is important because it is going to increase the number of potential voters but because they are firsttime voters, they need to be shown how to register and how to vote. Also, because they are young they move around a lot and they are going to college and starting their lives into buying a home, and that mobility means that Civic Engagement for young latinos and young people generally is generally a little bit lower. Later in life that will pick up. It just so happens when you look at the eligible voter pool, one third are between between 18 to 29 so the general u. S. Public is only about 20 so that gives you a sense of the weight of young latinos. One of the interesting things about the hispanic vote is that we have seen record numbers of voters in recent elections. We have seen a growing potential electorate and we have seen the voter turnout rate with the exception of 2012 rising. 40 to 50 , and came back down to 48 . I think there is a lot of possibility for the latino vote. Reason voter numbers are generally lower is where they live. California and texas havent been that important and that has happened with hispanic voters. If california and texas were swing states i think we would see a different story around a Voter Participation because they would be getting attention in a way they are not now and attention from the candidates, the media etc. Does make a difference. Im not sure how much of it is a reflection of apathy as a reflection of circumstances. Also, for many voters, when you ask them why didnt you vote, the Census Bureau found one of the big reasons is they were too busy and i think that those reflect where they are so the election wasnt working. Depending on the circumstances of an election, that could change about the turnout, how they vote and the relative importance of the vote moving forward. Thank you. I have a question for the full panel. [inaudible] i just wonder about i wonder how the Republican Party has changed over the past decade. [inaudible] also, how they turned their back on gun violence and Immigration Reform. [inaudible] any other questions . I have one more. On the program that was implemented by president obama during an election year, right up to about four months before november, his reelection year. If i can remind you for a second, it was actually a republican congressman from florida who authored the dream act which is essentially a piece of legislation that does similar to what president obama did it but goes through congress way the laws are written through the legislative branch and approved by the house and the senate and past and enforced by the president. So if you take a look at those efforts the way things are supposed to be done in the country, it is the republicans championing those efforts. However, you did have the president go out for political reasons and that is an important distinction to make. Its the fact that republicans want things to be done legislatively the way that the constitution dictates and not through unilateral action like the president has done often during election time. Why did the house kick the dreamers twice . What does that reflect . [inaudible] that is what im telling you. Its the fact that the program was enacted by the president unilaterally, not legislatively like the way the laws are done in the country. One quick question for all four of you. Should have any importance at all in this election . [inaudible] do you all agree on that . [inaudible] i have a question for mark. What is the sense that latino voters have going to the polls . Do they think it is worth it, that the candidate is going to worry we actually asked about the motivation to participate in this election. We find no difference that they are going to vote i think its interesting because there was a lot of concern that they were not going to turn out to vote. That may mean we dont see a change when we finally get the statistics in the spring and the second thing one says theyve given a lot of thought and that is also equal to what we saw in 2010. So overall motivation seems to be about the same as what it was four years ago. We want to thank all of you for coming, for the outstanding questions youve asked and we especially want to thank the panel. Esther, peggy, marco and ruth. Thank you so much. Come next week because we are having two representatives discussing their interpretation of the vote in 2014 and how it impacts their organization which is out to increase entrepreneurship among latinos. Thank you for coming. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] today, the International Foundations for electoral ontems hosted a forum electoral trends in the u. S. And around the world. Experts andded advocates. The event begins with a discussion of the impact of the Voting Rights act and the role of the federal government in future elections. Live coverage begins at 9 15 eastern on cspan 2. Debate for the louisiana u. S. Senate seat was held on sunday between Mary Landrieu and her republican challengers. Louisiana has an open primary system. A runoff will occur between the top two candidates if there is no clear winner. The candidates talk about Economic Prosperity and the standard of living. I am part of the first generation of americans who may not achieve the same standard of living as their parents. That is a frightening prospect. What is the role of government in ensuring Economic Prosperity for my generation and future generations . Senator landrieu first. Please note that the first real gap of the night came from the moderator. First of all, i think that is a legitimate concern. That is one of the things i worked hardest on in washington, trying to lift the economic power of our country. I am chair of the energy commission. I am in a great position to help create millions of highpaying jobs so that your generation can benefit. Lsuexcited to be here at where we have science, technology, engineering and math for men and women. I also think access to education is important. My opponent, bill cassidy, refuses to sign onto a bill to lower Interest Rates on student are 11 interest. He has refused to do that and he wont sign one of my bills to double opportunities for poor students who want to work but come from families that cant afford the cost of education. Congressman . Government doesnt create permanent jobs. If it does, they are jobs you dont want to have. The greatness of our economy comes from the american people, not the government. The government gets in the way. The keystone xl pipeline would create 40,000 better jobs with better benefits. Senator landrieu speaks for herself. She said her priority in becoming chair of this committee she has not been able to do so. She said she has done everything in her power. That just means she is not very powerful. This Health Care Law is a gaffer on the economy. If you look at those in the lowest fifth of income earners, the obamacare law hammered them. 400 custodial and Food Service Workers had their hours reduced to a parttime because they could not afford the obamacare law. Get government out of the way, get creativity going. The main thing senator landrieu has been able to a cobbler sean energy is to push through president obamas antienergy appointees. We in louisiana dont need that kind of clout. We need to pull obamacare out by the roots. It is a job killer. I have talked to Small Business owners. Every one of them gave me the same message. Do away with obama care. We cannot afford the restrictions. We cannot afford the new fees. We are not creating the jobs we could and we are cutting the jobs we have. That is hurting the economic spectrum. That is what obamacare was supposed to help. We need to unleash our Energy Sector so we can lead america to energy independence. That is what we should be doing. Drill, baby, drill throughout campaign 2014, cspan has brought you more than 130 entity debates from across the country in races that will determine control of the next congress. This tuesday night, watch live and Election Night coverage to see who wins, who loses and which party will control the house and senate. Coverage begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. You will also see candidate victory and concession speeches. Throughout the night and into the morning, we want to hear from you with your calls, Facebook Comments and tweets. Campaign 2014 Election Night coverage on cspan. Next, coverage of campaign 2014 continues with the debate of the Georgia Senate race. Then, q a with harold holzer. Callst 7 00 a. M. , your and comments on washington journal. Now, the final debate in the georgia u. S. Senate race. Democratmichelle nunn, Republican David Perdue and independent Amanda Swafford running for the seat of retired saxby chambliss. Politico reports this race as a tossup. This is just under an hour. News,m channel 2 action this is the debate for u. S. Tvate live from the wsb studios in atlanta. Here is your moderator. Welcome to this live debate for the u. S. Senate. This is big in georgia and for the balance of power in the United States senate. This is the final debate before tuesdays election. We want to welcome you watching our live stream and around the nation on cspan. Tweet us your questions. Lets meet our candidates who are trying to earn your vote to replace retiring senator saxby chambliss. We determined podium position by drawing. First, david perdue. Next, michelle nunn. And libertarian candidate michelle swofford. We want to thank you for being with us. I am joined by our panel. The assistant Program Director for wsb radio. Washington correspondent daniel malloy. Political reporter you will have one minute for response, 45 seconds for rebuttal, and these are loose guidelines today. Certain conversations may warrant more time. I am going to try to get some clarity on those campaign ads. First question, neither of you has held public office. Ms. Swofford, you have but it was with city council. No disrespect to that position but you are outside the beltway politicians. The question is this, what have you done in your life to prepare you for one of the most powerful jobs in u. S. Government . Thank you. It is great to be here this morning. As i go around the state, the number one issue that i hear from hardworking georgians is they are concerned about their jobs. If they have one, theyre worried about keeping it. If dont have one, they are worried about how hard it is to find one. In my career, i spent my entire career creating tens of thousands of jobs. I try to help provide individuals the opportunities provide for their families. I believe that there are only about 10 people who have any experience. I think we should add some depth about how to create jobs. I just believe that in this environment, the people of georgia want somebody who will fight for them and not fight for this president

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