Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160602

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[indiscernible] you can watch all of this online shortly at cspan. Org. Shortly here on cspan, live from Colorado Springs at the u. S. Air force academy, president obama getting set to adjust the 2016 graduates. He last spoke to the 2012 class. When his beach gets underway, we will have a live for you on cspan. Thewhile his nominee to Supreme Court Merrick Garland was the Commencement Speaker this year at Niles West High School new chicago. We will show you as much can and to the president starts. Garland many things have changed since that first graduation speech i gave here. Ernie banks had just hit his 500th home run. Typewriter was cutting at technology cuttingedge technology. And Paul Mccartney was about the same age as taylor swift is today. Things tostill some steal a phrase from taylor swift, that never go out of style. Paul mccartney is one of them. I hear you had tiedyed a this year. While the 1970, every day was tiedyed day. Not long after i graduated, future olympic Gold Medalist bart connor joined the mild west gymnastic stadium. In 2016, the team brought home the Illinois State championship. Congratulations. On may 29 of both years, the cubs were in first place in their division. [applause] here is hoping 2016 works out better than 1970 did. It is every much as big a thrill and an honor to speak at your graduation as it was to speak at mine. At west years i spent were the basis for the kind of career ive had and for the kind of person i am today. I own this place a lot. Of course, i did not know it at the time. Like you, i sat on this graduation field. Like today, the sun was shining brilliantly. The future stretched out in front of us with what seemed like endless possibilities. And my friends and i looked on that future with great anticipation. Alson all of us, there is as i expect there is in you, a small measure of fear. Even if we were to cool to acknowledge it. And this possibility seem great in theory, but how would they work out in practice . Endless possibilities mean you might have to choose. Paths that are different than those you plan on taking today. Where we prepared for the obstacles that lay ahead or even for the first month of college . Unfortunately, im here to tell you that you cannot anticipate the twists and turns that life will take. Nor should you. Life would be pretty boring if you can plan it all out on graduation day. While no one can or should try to anticipate everything, i can tell you that niles west does or at least did for me, the next best thing. It prepared me for the unexpected in two important ways. Niles west made me feel part of a community. Sure it was a big place, even bigger than it is in your day. But they world you are about to enter its bigger still. And although west was big, and it is big, it is a big place made of smaller places. Kids feet in from lincoln hall and lincoln junior high. From fairview, parkview, and color koehler. In turn, kids feet into those middle schools from smaller neighborhoods, and in the end from their families. West takes each of these communities and stitches them together into a larger fabric. Like the hope for our country. Expressed on the great seal of the United States. Of many, makes one. Place for one a you knew some kids since guarding, some since kindergarten, some since freshman year, and some since a beginning of the year. It was a place where kids were s, kids on therest basketball team, and the kids on the course, could find common ground. This is not happen by accident. It was in part due to the work of our immensely desiccated dedicated teachers. Several of whom came back today. Mrs. Pashke, and mayor. Ks, and mr. [applause] niles west was also a place where families were involved. Many of the same parents who came out to hear me a graduation had watch me grow up on the Little League field. Here is what i look like then. [laughter] of this meant that it was a place for a lifetime friendships are meant, not born. And i mean lifetime. Several of my closest friends today where my closest friends at niles west. And my best friend was my best friend and i was west. So why is any this important . Because one hard decisions have to be made, or bad things happen, you dont have to handle them alone. Community, your friends, and her family will help you through. Because they care about you. How much money youve made, or the position you have obtained, they care about you. Things to happen, even to good people. That, thedoubted bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995 made up in the painfully clear. I spent inks Oklahoma City investigating the bombing also made me see just how important community, friends, and family are when bad things happen. Oklahomans lined up to offer care and comfort to those who are hurting. Neighbors and strangers alike. They also joins together to help the best investigators, firefighters, and rescue were skiers would flock to the city to help. Goingept the food line first 2 4s 24 7. One resident set up a Laundry Service for us another offered to cut our hair. In oklahoma, they call this spirit of generosity the oklahoma standard. I know that a similar spirit runs through the communities of lincoln would, skokie, martin grove, and niles. [applause] so when you leave here, keep in touch. With your friends and your parents. You know their cell phones they have been telling you to put away at the dinner table . To put down when youre talking to them . Starting today, they want you to use those phones all the time. To call or text them. Second, west fixed in me a set of values. Those values were first top by my parents were deeply involved in the lincoln would community. But those values were confirmed by this high school. Foremost among them was a responsibility to get back. In my day we had a Great Variety of ways to do that. Most prominent was our hunger height. And marathon walk for which sponsored spread money to feed the hungry for every mile he wanted. I hear that last week you put on a tremendous dance marathon to help the homeless. While you are a lot smarter than we were. Dancing and marathon sounds like a lot more fun than hiking one. Uni, were lucky to be born in the place and a time that got us to this graduation ceremony. All of us who went to niles , i better to i better prepared to face the uncertainties of the future than other americans. Yet not one of us did anything by ourselves to deserve that initial lot. Luck. So paid back. Devote some part of your life to Public Service. It does not matter what kind of Public Service you choose. I graduation i thought i was going to be a doctor. After my college roommate, that same best friend i mentioned finally let me know that i ially was not good at math, shifted course and chose a career in law. Specifically a career devoted to bringing the kind of faith and rule of law that Civil Society depends on. As a federal prosecutor, that consisting the residents of dangerous neighborhoods that we could keep them safe and bring violent gangs to justice. Means showing litigants of the courts will decide the case is fairly and impartially. On looking only to the law and not to our personal preferences. Only kind ofy the Public Service available. If you dont believe me, just ask one of my favorite people, hermione granger. In fact, the minister of magic once did. Are you planning to follow a career in logical law, mrs. Granger . He asked. No im not return her money im hoping to do some good in the world. That does not mean that you and your friends up to vanquish lord baltimore. Voldemort. Not everyone has the very particular set of skills required to accomplish subtest. But as professor dumbledore told harry potter, it is our choices that show what we were truly are. , more than our abilities. Make the choice to do some good in the world. On this tomorrow they weekend, it is particularly appropriate to love those who like your assistant principal made the choice to defend their country and the armed services. [applause] some of you will be fortunate enough to be able to do good through the kind of work that you choose. Your state,ntry, and even this community have all kinds of needs. And you can help meet many of those needs just by dedicating yourself to working after hours to assist others. In fact, the most personally rewarding experiences of my career have not been the high profile cases i have investigated. Or the legal disputes are resolved. They have been the 18 years i spent tutoring students in reading and math at an Elementary School in washington, d. C. Many of you are already ahead of me that regard. The niles west of but a receipt center has 155 student tutors and averages 216 visits per day. Now that is impressive. [laughter] [applause] even more impressive is the fact that their students are tutoring their fellow students at the school. 90 students speak a total of different first languages. Nice work tutors. You should engage in Public Service, not just for the brothers, the vice but look for what it will do for you. When you are facing the unanticipated twist and turns that life will surely take, when the bad things happen, it can be a tremendous solace to get outside yourself. To focus on someone else. Selfie,ad of taking a. You willamera around have a much more fulfilling life by turning your focus outward. To helping others. Well that is enough serious talk about the future. What about the present . Im hoping im not about to lose appearance in the audience with this final recommendation. Take a little break the summer. You worked very hard, now is the hardshipake that across the west with your friends. Just a make this a mistake my friends and i did when we took that trip to the lake. Make sure you all know how to canoe before you head out into the light. The lake. As some of the probably heard, the last time i shared a niles west stage with the student speaker, the students microphone was cut off and i had to defend his right to speak. I guess both of us are pretty relieved that i was not necessary the time. Congratulations, niles was class of 2016. Of 2016. Lass [applause] this is for all you have done. And for all that you will do. Your parents are justifiably proud of you. And as someone who well remembers high school graduation, not just as a student, but as a parent of two daughters, i urge you to repay your parents by remembering to phone home. Often. Thank you. [applause] thank you, judge garland. On behalf of Niles West High School in the class of 2016. , i present you this gift. [applause] i want to thank you and only my friends in the class of 1970 probably will know what i mean. This is as close as i ever was going to get to look like bobby hall. We are live not the u. S. Air force academy in Colorado Springs. At the podium with the secretary of the air force, debra lee james. Shes going to introduce president obama live coverage here on cspan. You have big challenges on the horizon. Not only combating violence, extremist or organizations like iso, but you also faced the situation in the South China Sea, a resurgent russia, ongoing korea, from iran, north but he reappeared class of 2016. Soon youre going to be confronting the challenges head on. And you will be entrusted to carry out the nations well with our most precious resource. That is not equipment, that is americas sons and daughters. I have no doubt, ive no doubt that you are ready. As you graduate, you must leave. So aim high airmen, aim high. Now it is my distinct honor and privilege to welcome our commanderinchief, the president of the United States, president barack obama. [applause] hello air force. [applause] president obama thank you so much. Thank you. It is wonderful to be back. At the United States air force academy. Thank you secretary james for your service to our air force in our nation. Academy leaders, faculty, and staff, especially your outstanding superintendent, Lieutenant General michelle johnson. [applause] and most of all, congratulations to the class of 2016. [applause] as you prepare to conclude a remarkable fortyyear career in the air force, a career that started on this day four years ago. Please join the insulating saluting someone who many of you look up to and his counsel ive relied on as well. Chief of staff, general mark welsh. [applause] thank you mark. [applause] thank you mark and thank you betty. Although he is not here today, i am proud to have nominated another Academy Graduate and a combat tested pilot to serve as the 21st air force chief of staff, general david goldstein. [applause] cadets he can take an honest pride and all the hard work that has brought you to this day. Ask you to get a big round of applause to all of your moms and dads, grandparents, brothers, sisters, on, uncles, who supported you and sacrifice for you so you could be a today. Give them another round of applause. [applause] i have to tell you, some days i spend more time with air force than my own family. Especially on air force one. You take good care of me. You are always on time. You never lose my luggage. Id dont have to take my shoes off before i get on. So i am really going to miss air force one. As well as the incredible airmen that ive to know. That includes the pilots who flew me here, the tenant kernels thorne, all three of them Proud Air Force Academy Graduates. Give them a round of applause. This academy is one of our nations most selective academic institutions. Just being accepted as a big deal. A testament to your talent and your leadership. And we are particularly grateful to those of you with prior enlisted service. Including Cameron Kistler who deployed to iraq. Clayton logan who deployed to afghanistan. We thank you. Your country thinks you. Thank you. Cadets here you were tested by fire, literally. During recognition, you ran to through iraq in a blizzard. You have more than earned your unofficial model motto, forged in fire and tempered a nice. And ice. Although itt motto, does sound like something out of game of thrones. Through it all, you have become like family. You have survived forming accountability formations. Dorms. D living in that night in f1 where you learned to earn each day. Cheered coach calhoun and the falcons as i have broken them to the white house to present the commanderinchief trophy. Which air force has won a record 19 times. [applause] out into your rights and i see government who will excel as pilots and engineers. Analysts, so many specialties. David hagan a marksman who is going to the olympics in rio, bring home the gold david. [applause] no pressure. [laughter] in usc men and women of integrity and excellence in europe made us all proud. And perhaps no one would have been more proud of your success broder door who sacrifice in afghanistan we honor and his family joins us today. [applause] you have learned other lessons as well, like what happens when you paint one of the planes in your class. Mind,uch achievements in i hereby grant amnesty to all cadets serving restrictions confinement for minor offense, only minor. Today we congratulate our newest air force officers. And on behalf of the american people, i thank you for choosing a life of service. In the coming weeks, some of you will head to the chapel to get married. In the years ahead, you and your families will serve around the world. As often as you will be responsible for those under your command and will be called upon to lead with wisdom, courage, and compassion. That is what i want to talk with you about today. I served as commanderinchief for nearly eight years now. It has been the highest honor my life to lead the greatest military history of the world. It inspires me every day. Today will be the last time that ive the honor of addressing a graduating class of military officers. There is a debate going on in our country about our nations role in the world. So with that month, i hope you dont mind if i share some lessons ive learned as commanderinchief. Lessons you may find use was you meet those under your command. And as we Work Together to keep our nation strong and secure. First, as you look at the world, be guided by an honest and clear eyed assessment. Learned atat you this academy in support of evidence and facts and judgment. And heres a fact. The United States of america remains the most powerful nation on her and a force for good. On earth and a force for good. [applause] we have big challenges in our country. In our politics, economy, society, and these are challenges yet to address. Thelook around, we have worlds strongest economy. Scientists, our research is entrepreneurs, our Global Leaders and innovation. Our colleges and universities attract the best talent from around the world. Freedom, equality, opportunity, they spice inspire people everywhere. Including immigrants to come youre ready to work and integrated helping our country. Our standing in the world is higher. I see it in my travels from have ho chi minhlin, two city, where huge crowds of vietnamese line the streets some waving american flags. So make a mistake, United States is better position to lead in the 21st century than any other nation. Here is another fact. Mile theary is by a strongest in the world. [applause] yet after two major gun rights in afghanistan and iraq, we are drawing down the size of our armed forces which is natural and necessary. We have to keep improving readiness and modernizing our forces. It is undeniable our military is the most capable fighting force on the planet. It is not close. Are best trained and equipped to land force on earth are tested by years of combat, able to sustain power anywhere in the globe. Nobody can match our army. Our sailor serve on a graph carries i can go almost anywhere and summaries that move undetected. The largest and most lethal maybe the world. Nobody can match our navy. Our marines are ready at a moments notice. First to fight our deliver help in a crisis. On the globaluly Expeditionary Force in the world. No one can match our marines. Our workers guard serves on the most advanced cutters in history. Special teams can shoot smugglers engines, who can climb, or repeller board, protecting our shores, nobody can match our coast guard. For ourirmen, airmen, with your unequaled vigilance and reach, unrivaled fifthgeneration fighters, and new generation of remotely piloted aircraft pilots, astonishing precision that calls to mind your actual class motto, on target, on time, nobody can match americas air force. [applause] not only that, no on other nation brings its forces together like we do in one joint force. As he sought an operation against iceland syria just last year. Air first provided surveillance. Nady navy provided closer support. Assault force of marines and soldiers to the target. And one of isis top leaders was eliminated. That is the power of americas military and we need to keep it that way. Heres one more fact as you go on to the world, we are blessed to be living in the most peaceful, most prosperous era in human history. That sounds controversial. Until you survey the history of the world. It is hard to see with all the violence and suffering world. And what is reported on the news everyday. If you step back for a moment, think about last week when i was in hiroshima to remember all who were lost in a world war that killed some 60 million people. Not 60,000, 60 million. For decades there have been no wars between major powers. Wars between nations are increasingly rare. More people live in democracies. More than one billion people have been lifted from extreme poverty. Africa, toericas to southeast asia, there is a new generation of young people connected by technology and ready to make their mark. They look up to america. They aspire to be our partner. Hopeis the progress in the that we have to build on. Fromo much of that derives the extraordinary leadership and andifice of our air force the other branches of our military. Wellpositioned. Moment with a lot of good cards to play. But with a serious threats. Networks slaughter the innocent plot attacks against our nation. Civil wars like in iraq terror countries apart and create humanitarian catastrophes. And havens for terrorists. Russian aggression against ukraine. Disputes in the South China Sea. These are testing an International Order that we build. Where the sovereignty of nations is respected in all nations abide by the same rules. In south korea and the specter of Nuclear Terrorism still threatens us all. Threatso meet these while also seizing the incredible opportunities of this moment in history, that is going to be your challenge. The challenge of your generation. Which leads me to a second lesson. As we navigate this complex world, america cannot shirk the mantle of leadership. We cannot be isolationist. It is not possible in this globalized interconnected world. In these uncertain times, it is tempting sometimes to pull back. To try to wash our hands and complex and seem intractable. Us from pearls harbor to 9 11 that oceans alone cannot protect us. Hateful ideologies can spark terror from boston to san bernardino. In a Global Economy is not possible to stop trading goods and services with other countries. We Public Health systems on the other side of the world allow diseases to develop that end of reaching our shores. Turn inward, we cannot give into isolationism. That is a false comfort. Allowing problems to fester over there makes us less secure here. As americans, we have to keep leading and working with others to build the security and prosperity, and just as we want in the world. Justice and we want in the world. By the way, one of the most successful ways to work with other sister treaties. Lately there has been a mindset in congress that just about any International Treaty is somehow i violation of american poverty. So they send it on this never proves to these anymore. Voted down a treaty to protect disabled americans, including our veterans, while senators and world war ii veteran bob dole was sitting right there in the senate chambers. In a wheelchair. We dont always realize that the treaties help make a lot of things in our last possible that we take for granted from International Phone calls to mail. Those are good things. Those are not a threat to our sovereignty. I think we can all agree on that. Nato. So from two treaties Controlling Nuclear weapons. Treaties have keep us safe. So if we are truly concerned about chinas actions in the South China Sea for example, the senate should help strengthen our case by proving the law of the sea convention. As our military leaders emerge. And by the way, these treaties are not a new thing, the power to make you is is written into our constitution. Our Founding Fathers ratified lots of trees. It is time for the senate to do its job and have advance American Leadership rather than undermine it. [applause] the reason it is so important is because United States remains the one indisputable nation and world affairs. I say this all a time. After eight years, ive not gone to an International Conference center, meeting, where we were not the ones who made the agenda possible, even if we were not hosting it. We have more alliances with other countries and anybody else. And there is a foundation of global stability and prosperity. And just about every issue, the world looks to us to set the agenda. When there is a problem around the world, they do not call beijing or moscow, they call us. Leave and not by dictating to others, but by working with them as partners. By treating other countries and the peoples with respect. Not by lecturing them. This is not just the right thing to do, it is in our selfinterest. It makes countries more likely to work with us and ultimately it makes us more secure. So we need smart, study principles in American Leadership. And part of the leading wisely is seeing threats clearly. Remember ebola . That was a serious threat and we took it seriously. But in the midst of it, there was a stereo. Flights must be banned, quarantine citizens, these are actual quotes. Seal the border. And my favorite, remove obama. , or millions of americans that. Die. That is an actual quote. [laughter] the thing is, one a panic, we did not make good decisions. So with the ball instead of responding with fear, we responded with facts, and science, and organization. An fixedrate coordinate a theal response, enabled by American Military and our medical workers who got in there first, we stopped the spread of ebola in west africa and saved countless lives. And protect ourselves. [applause] so we have got to engage with the world. We cannot fall back. Of course leading wisely also the temptation to intervene militarily every time theres a problem or crisis in the world. Is littered with the ruins of empires and nations that overextended themselves, joining the power and influence. So we have to chart a smarter path. As we saw on vietnam, and the iraq war, oftentimes the greatest damage to american credibility comes when we overreach. When we dont think for the consequences of all of our actions. So we have to learn for our history. That also means youre doing right by our men and women in uniform. Positions ofd your leadership, you will be called upon to sustain this balance. To be hardheaded, and bighearted. Guided by realism and idealism. And even when these forces are sometimes enough, we have got to have the realize of realism to see the world is this, where sometimes uncomfortable compromises are necessary. Where we have the humility to recognize that there are limits to what even a nation as powerful as ours can do. Be worth we cannot stop right away allies you cannot save, but we also need the idealism that sees the world is about to be. A commitment to the universal values of democracy and equality, human rights. And willingness to stand up for them around the world, not just when it is easy, but when it is hard. Because that is who we are and that is American Leadership. At times ensuring our security requires the use of military force. That is the third lesson i want to discuss. As commanderinchief, i have not hesitated to use force unilaterally where necessary to protect the american people. Military, intelligence, and counterterrorism professionals, bin ladens gone. A leader of the Al Qaeda Affiliated yemen is gone. The al qaeda leader in somalia is gone. Leader after leader in isil. Their number two. Leader in libya, all gone. The leader of their Chemical Weapons Program capture. The list goes on. Because of the target americans, we will find you and justice will be done, and we will defend our nation. [applause] even as we celebrate the courage of our true to serve and more, weand more, in war, should never celebrate war itself. War, no matter how noble our intentions may be, promises i agony and tragedy. No one knows is more than those who fight those wars. Our Wounded Warriors are where the scars seen and unseen. Our veterans to remember their fallen comrades. Our goldstar families whose heart ache with pride and with loss. We have a solemn responsibility to these americans to sacrifice in our name. We have a responsibility to be guided by intelligence, not ideology. And to never rush into war and explore other options first. Because sending our troops into harms way must always be a last resort. [applause] sometimes those decisions are tough. I know for example with my decision not to conduct strikes against syria after it used chemical weapons was controversial among some in of angton but because diplomatic mission, nations came together make up a spar more the military sex ever could have. All of syria has declared chemical weapons were successfully removed. In acting militarily, we have a responsibility whenever possible to build coalitions and partnerships. There are times where we have to do it alone. But on a whole lot of global problems, the united should not bear the entire burden of Global Security by itself. Others have to step up. Is why as reassistant trainer afghan forces, we are part of a 39 nation coalition. Isoloalition against include 66 nations. We learned that often the best way to defeat terrorism by spending large numbers of american Ground Forces to occupy it control for its cities, is better to train and build up local partners. They are the ones who have to stabilize their countries over the long term. [applause] compared to when i came into office, when we had nearly 180,000 american troops in afghanistan and iraq, today that number is less than 15,000. Most of our choosing come home. Our local partners on the ground are in relief. Sil continues to gain territory, these forces learn the same lessons of the ones before them. They will never be Strong Enough to defeat america. Part of that is because round the right side of history, and part of it is because we can mobilize others to work with them. [applause] when we use force, we have a responsibility to use a proportionally. Unlike terrorist who tried to kill as many people as possible. , the United States military goes through extraordinary length to avoid civilian casualties. It is the tragedy of war however, whenever whether it is conventional warfare or precise strikes, but innocent sometimes are caught in the crossfire. These are deaths that haunt us all. Nobody more than me. Evolves, we can never grow numb to the consequences of our actions. We have to hold ourselves to high standards. Even more transparent and do everything in our power to prevent the loss of innocent life. That is how america goes to work, and that is how ultimately america with the piece. [applause] and we have a responsibility to always give arch is a clear mission. The support they need to get the job done. And a plan for what comes after. Oursisted for example that surrogate forces in afghanistan be matched with a transition that ensures afghans took responsibility for their own security. Libya, we were right to lunch in our campaign to prevent gadhafi for massacring innocent civilians. But we did not do enough to plan for the day after went deeper to plunged libya into disorder. In syria, the suffering in the civil war has been heartbreaking. Andee a nation shattered hundreds of thousands of killed and millions driven from their home. It is gut wrenching. Father i look at serious children, see my own. Have said the dictator assad must go and why we support a moderate Syrian Opposition and why america provides more humanitarian aid to the Syrian People than any other nation. Deeper u. S. Ons for military involvement in a conflict like the Syrian Civil War has to be holy thought through. With asly examined honest assessment of the risk and tradeoff, how will it alter the config . What comes next to go when we asked those questions, we the kind of mistakes that history teaches us to avoid. If iran and russia want to know their blood and try to prop up their syrian client and get sucked into a quagmire, that is their choice. As president of the, ive made a different choice. The only real solution to the syrian conflict as a political solution including a transition away from a thought. Away from assad. That takes diplomacy. Our Foreign Policy has to be strong, but also have to be smart. [applause] [laughter] which means its my last lesson that i want to share. As powerful as our military is, we have to remember that many of the threats to our security cannot be solved by military force alone. We have to draw on every tool. All elements for national power. The we invest in development that promotes education and opportunity around the globe, it can make complex and military intervention less likely. If you want to support our military, you also have to be in favor of foreign assistance that helps some young person learn in a very poor country. Because it may end up making it less necessary to send our sons and daughters summer to fight. Somewhere to fight. You cannot separate the two. When we encourage economic and political reforms, when citizens , especially young people in other countries have jobs and can choose their own leaders and have their human rights and dignity upheld, that can help reduce the appeal of violent extremists. Affectinge hope for Climate Change and the instability that would threaten our national security. Because American Leadership helped rally the world and forge its most ambitious agreement in history to fight Climate Change. So if we are going to cease the possibilities of our time, we have to use all of these tools. And we have to have the courage to try new paths. Because we negotiated with our run, we reached a deal that prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb, and we did it without firing one shot. With diplomacy, not war. We put aside 50 years of failed policies and now we are seeing americans returning to cuba and the cuban people looking to us, and having new hope for the future. For decades after the conflict between us, vietnam and america are forging a new partnership, showing the world that peace is better than more. Then war. Of ourhaps no Element Power is more enduring than the example that we set ourselves. The values we live as a nation. And as individuals. That is how we won the cold war. Of just with the strength our arms, with the power of our ideas. The power of our examples. It is how we defend our nation. Including our refusal to torture. Because america does not distance is that other countries respect human rights, we have to uphold them as well. And the the way. Lead the way. [applause] it is how we treat those recapture. It is one of the reasons we have to close the prison in guantanamo. Because america has to stand for rule of law. And ourour values military like americas itself truly welcomes the talents of all people. Gay andtronger when our lesbian cadets and tricks can serve their country, a country they love without hiding who they love. [applause] cadets onger when muslim cadets know that we celebrate their service is proud, patriotic, Muslim Americans who also serving our armed forces. [applause] and on this 40th anniversary of the first female cadets arriving at this academy, we are stronger because General Johnson leads this institution. Because air force general lori command. Leads northern our nations first female combatant commander. And because all combat positions in our military are now open to women like you. We are stronger because of it. [applause] so there you have it. Thoughts from your commander in chief on how to keep our military strong in our nation secure. We can never know what the future holds. But in the nottoodistant future, when i no longer president , i will sleep well at night because i know that men and women like you serve to keep us free. [applause] take care of each other. Take care of those under your command. And as long as you keep strong, that long oftay true to the values integrity, service to self before self, excellence, do this, and im confidence weve always remain one nation under god indivisible, with liberty and justice from. Congratulations class of 2016. God bless you all. God bless the United States of america. [applause] [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the class president for 2016, cadet. Irst class the fall cadet Wing Commander mark caldwell, and the spring cadet commander, cadet first class will present process to the president. [applause] obama, for your dedicated service to our nation, to the United States air force, and to the United States air force academy, it is with great pride that todays graduating declares you an honorary member of the United States air force academy, the class of 2016. As evidence of that honor, we ask that you accept this painting on behalf of the United States air force academy. [applause] sir, we also would like to present you with our class coin as a token of our appreciation. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, mr. David, president of the air force Academy Foundation will present the distinguished american award. Mr. President , on behalf of the air force Academy Foundation, and all the charitable organizations that help support the air force academy, i am pleased to present to you the distinguished american award. Thank you for being here today to recognize and honor the next generation of american heroes, their families, and friends. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, Brigadier General. Please be seated. President obama, before presenting the entire graduating class to you, i would like to single out some individuals for special recognition. First, i call to your attention 84 distinct graduates who are listed at the top of your program. These cadets by their overall performance have place in the top 10 of their class and have demonstrated true excellence and in a conflict, wishing the academic, military, and ethnic requirements for graduation. If we observe the custom of academic honors, each with the graduating either summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude. Instead, we use the term distinguish graduate as most fitting in its promise of distinguished service to our nation. At this time, with the distinguished graduates of the major david larder class please rise and be recognized. [applause] thank you, and please be seated. Those identified in your program with an s beside their name are cadets regulating with the Academy Scholar distinction having successfully completed a challenging academic enrichment path through our core curriculum. We would also like to recognize those could that placed in the top 10 of our academic, military, and athletic programs. Identified with a star beside her names are cadets graduating with academic distinction. Those identified in the program with a wreath beside their names are graduating with military distinctions. Those identified it with a lightning bolt beside their names are cadets graduating with athletic distinctions. Cadetsxceptional nine graduating with all three are within ad with a star wreath resting on to lightning bolts. Please stand as i call your names. [reading names] we are also pleased to have in this class 17 International Students representing the nations of ecuador. Gabon. Georgia. Jordan. Has asked on kazahkstan. Ithuania pakistan. Philippines. Korea. C of rwanda. Senegal. Singapore. South africa. Taiwan. Thailand. And tunisia. And what all of the International Cadets stand and be recognized one more time. 812 air force Academy Cadets have completed all graduation requirements. The United States air force academy, class of 2016. As worthy of each the bachelor of science degree. Ladies and gentlemen, associate dean for Student Academic Affairs and academy registrar. Ladies and gentlemen, barack obama, president of the United States, joined us on stage to congratulate each of the graduate of the class of 2016. Will the distinguished graduates please rise and come forward to receive your diplomas. The number one cadet with. Verall academic performance names]g andrew david phillips. [reading names] [reading names] [reading names] ladies and dillman, joining president obama on stage is debra lee james, secretary of the air force and general mark welsh, chief of staff of the air force. Will the remainder of the graduates of 2016 please rise and come forward by squadron to receive diplomas . [reading names] [reading names] cadet squadron five. Names]g [reading names] cadet squadron six. Names]g [reading names] [reading names] cadet squadron nine. Names]g [reading names] cadet squadron 10. [reading names] [reading names] thats it. Cadet squadron 11. Names]g cadet squadron 12. [reading names] [reading names] cadet squadron 14. Reading names] [reading names] cadet squadron 15. [reading names] [reading names] [reading names] cadet squadron 18. Names]g [reading names] [reading names] ladies and gentlemen, joining president obama on stage. To your left, Brigadier General andrew arma costs, the United States air force academy. And to your right, mr. James knowlton, director of athletics, United States air force academy. Cadet squadron 21. Names]g cadet squadron 22. [reading names] [reading names] [reading names] cadet squadron 25. Names]g [reading names] [reading names]

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