How to do it. The center has voiced on what is best. In, you are rules. The time just a matter of before the Senate Becomes the house. Before senator durbin speak, let me ask all the members i said we probably ought to stop at 11 40 to vote. If there is a desire to do what is on the agenda, keep that in mind. Thank you very much, chairman. I have served on the committee for 18 years. I consider the Senate Judiciary committee to be one of the major committees of the senate, and it has played more continuously an Important Role in the history of our country. Pure now faced with historic decision, and i hope we get it right. I would say to my friend, and he is my friend, technology and the feinstein observation i would conclude that senator graham is one of my friends, and a person that respect on this, to say that if we make mistake today, we will make it again in the future does not give me any comfort at all. If theres one thing that we pay a lot of money for on both sides of the political o equation, it is thats the appointment and anger that people feel about us, about congress. Asbe we do two points better democrats than republicans, by dont take any comfort in that, no should we. The question is what we will do to either confirm those suspicions and hatreds, or change them. We have a chance right here and now. Let me say at the outset, senator grassley, my neighbor in iowa, has been in the sense myself traveler for over 30 years. We have spent more time together on airplanes and airports than most other members. We have come to know one another under those circumstances. We have come to Work Together on a lot of issues. The first time i came to this committee, we worked on bankruptcy reform for years. Again, we are working on important issues together. Im hopeful that we can produce something bipartisan again and cooperation. I also believe what brings us together, though our political philosophies are much different is this feeling that there is a midwestern attitude towards things. Even if we disagree, we can be respectful to one another and find common ground. Is one of the issues about the filling of the vacancy in the Supreme Court. I think there is a feeling of fairness where we live, flat and for til is one of the america, a fairness to your neighbors, even if they are not your friends. I do not question, at the end of the day, it is still going to be democratscans and 66 voting on any nominee sent by the president. If that is suspect or controversial, there may not be any votes for that nominee. What i dont understand is the notion that, for the first time in the history of our country, this Senate Judiciary committee will not offer a hearing on the nominee. They go so far as to say some members have said, i will not even meet with this nominee, whoever it may be. Then, the statement made by one of my friends on the committee warning people who are being asked to consider being a nominee, be prepared, you are going to be treated like a pinata. A pinata. What that is, at birthday parties, when young kids are blindfolded and told, beat this papiermache animal to the candyil all falls out. I hate to think that this process is being likened to a pinata contest, where we are finally finally swinging at whoever that pinata happens to be. I dont think we should write what nominee for fear of we will do. I heard that from the chairman. He is trying to protect the nominee from the hot cauldron of this committee. Who is turning up the heat . We have the responsibility to be fair. Yes, ask the important questions, go through the hearings. We have the responsibility to be fair. This will be the first time in the history of the United States, the first time, that this committee and the senate will deny a hearing a hearing to a nominee sent to us by a sident, and, deny vote. That is hard to explain. It is so hard to explain, the american have rejected it. We can argue about polls. I can tell you, the poll show, even a monk republicans, it is 46 in favor of a hearing, and 49 against uribe get the basic fairness of the question before us. Let me just say, there exists, for this committee, the creation staff, aairman and his website. This website has a page on the Supreme Court of the United States. I would like to read, from our website of our committee a website created by the chairman of this committee it reads, when a vacancy occurs in the Supreme Court, the president of the night states is givinens authority to nominate a person to fill the vacancy, the nomination is referred to the United States senate where the Senate Judiciary committee holds a hearing, where the nominee provides testimony in response to questions from members of the panel. Traditionally, they were for the nominee to the full senate for consideration. This is our website. We have announced on the website that this is a practice of this committee. Yet, in the announcement made and the letter signed by the republican senators on the committee is in direct contradiction to what we have announced to be our policy. Is chairman, i know this unusual, by would like to make a ask unanimoust, consent to make a motion very directly to say, is the sense of that,diciary committee and read directly from our issite, the president given the authority to nominate a person to fill the vacancy and the Senate Judiciary committee holds a hearing traditionally, the Committee Refers the nomination to the full senate for nomination. I would ask unanimous consent that this is our standard policy. I would like, for the record, it noted which member objected. I will conclude very quickly. Mr. Chairman, it is time to change your website. Thank you. Think, while but listening to our colleagues across the aisle, if flipflops were in olympic sport, is some gold medals would be awarded. It is really breathtaking. I do believe that the debate we are having today is the important one an important one, and we should welcome it. It is important to have this debate in the public, and visible to the American People. The question is simple. Should the senate, the majority of whose members were elected,s a check on the president confirm a Supreme Court nominee of that president in the waning months of his office when that change theld likely ideological balance of the report for decades . Justice scalia served for 30 years. Clearly the stakes are high. That is why we decided the American People should have their voice heard in the selection of this time appointment. To senate has authority demand this, and my colleagues jobi intend to do the do on theected to peoples behalf. It is fair to say that people on the other side of the aisle dont like this idea. They are feigning a lot of outrage. We know they would do exactly the same if the shoe were on the other foot. We know that because they have told us. You, mr. Chairman, talked about what now Vice President biden said years ago. You dont have to go back that the comments from the senior side of new york, senator schumer, who said, 18 months before george bush took office, i will recommend to my colleagues that we will not recommend a Supreme Court extremeexcept for circumstances. Then, there is of course senator leaderhe former majority. He stated this. Do on the peoples behalf. Itthe duties of the senate are t constitution. Disagreeing myself often with the member, he is absolutely correct. There is no duty. Withholde can grant or to that nominee. The president himself, when he was United States senator filibustered just as a leader. To that nominee. The president simple justice reqt they abide. Claim people should choose. It is simply not the precedent. More to the point. It is rich criticism coming from our friends across the aisle. Where was the precedent for returning Supreme Court nominations in the scorchedearth political battle, as they did with qualified warnbortsuch as judge were now Justice Thomas . Where was the precedent . There was none. There was no precedent. Our democratic colleagues rewrote the rule book. Where was the precedent last congress when democrats change the rules, something we call the Nuclear Option around shorthand. In order to do what . To pack the district of Columbia Court of appeals. Something called the second most Important Court in the nation from which many Supreme Court nominations are nominated. There was no precedent when democrats rewrote the rulebook. Our friends on the democratic side of the aisle have new rules and have time again tobias time and again devised schemes. Every action has a reaction. That is physics. In this case it is simple justice. The outrage. E with the American People are wellinformed of the process of deciding who the next president will be. They can extend eight years of anemic Economic Growth or they can choose a different direction for the better. I hope they do. He choice is theirs the Supreme Court will have essential role in determining the path we take, and the people should have a voice in that decision too. Thank you, everyone. Im going to step back a little on this. I have thought many times about what i would do if we were in charge of the senate the democrats were in charge and we had a republican president as a lawyer, i have talked to my law professors from you receive chicago, and others. When you look at the playmate which of the constitution, it says, the President Shall nominate someone, the Senate Consent ind actually put together a formum of law professors a week ago, and one said, the framers did not contemplate the use of the consent advice and powers simply to run up the nominee appointment. I understand that people might not vote for whoever the president nominates. It has been my view that he has put a very qualified people. The constitution and its language did not anticipate we would just sit there and wait a year. In fact, if you look at the history, as we know, in the last 135 years, no president has refused a nominee for an open seat on the court. Approved over a dozen nominees in a present jewel election year, including five in the last 100. You have to go back to the civil war to find a time when the senate did not do its job and did not move on a nominee for over a year. That is through the depression, through world war i, world war ii, the vietnam war, times of great civil rights protests. You have to go back a long time. Concluded, after looking at this, if i were in your shoes, my friends on the other side of the aisle, i would have allowed this hearing to go through. Other piece of it that goes beyond the things that i would most. 2 which is the wording of the constitution, which is always very important. The fact that we have history as an argument here, which i think a strong in allowing a hearing to go forward. We also have how we function as the senate. Ourve been proud of the way Judiciary Committee has handled nominees. I think the nominees i have put forward have not had a fair hearing. I think back to the two nominations senator leahy was chairman we had republican senators that took part in that. Not many of them floated for them, by remember lindsey said, this washo not the nominee i would put up, by believe this person is qualified. What people have strong views on either side, the process worked. We had a process. The nominee went to the floor. Not at all with unanimous votes from our friends in the other side, but a process that we could be proud of, and i believed was fair, and moved along in a fair manner. You look at the 16 justices, the longest that any of them went from being nominated to the end of the confirmation, 99 days. Clarence thomas. You have a history of those who are on the court now, the history of our country, the fact that the senates role is to be funding the court, not dictating decisions, but advise and snsent on the president nominees. That is our job. We have to do our job. It was a shock when justice it was a shock to my colleagues the receive chicago. It happens. The question for the United States senate, democrats and republicans, how do we respond when that happened . Do the job, follow the law, follow the constitution, and the history that backs it up. Coming up, and i have a prior responsibility, i would like to have my remarks entered in the record. Thank you very much. Thank you for holding this important discussion. I think it is really instructive and somewhat ironic, given the Justice Scalia vacancy, to hear all of these arguments from the left that the cottage she constitutionhe requires a hearing and vote in a certain timeframe. Many of the centers on the left are clearly making that argument. I think it is ironic given that vacancy byting a Justice Scalias death. E taught us, read the words i think it is instructive wants a newleft Supreme Court justice who will not read the words, who will make it up as as they go along, and get to a preordained stopping point, however they can get there. Matter. Ords the constitution and the other relevant words, in this case, the senate rules, are clear. They do not require a hearing or action on any particular timeframe. As you know, the constitution simply, in article two, section two, clause two, the president will nominate and by thewith the consent of senate, ambassadors, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other states whothe united are not provided for. It does not talk about any action. E, any required which governs are the senate rules. The constitution makes it very clear that the senate cap establish rules to follow within the bounds of the constitution. The senate rules, the only thing they have to say about the timing of action is when a vote will not occur. It shall not be put on the same day which the nomination is received or the day which it may be reported by the committee. Then, there is 31. 6, which is very relevant and instructive. Nominations neither confirm nor session shalle not be acted upon at any seceding session without being m made to the president. That makes explicit that no hearing or action is required during that session. Everybody here has voted for those rules. I dont know why folks take a contrary view in the minority to notge that rule, or are proposing a change to the role now. Everybody here voted for that ule. Again, the argument that the constitution requires us to act in a certain way or timeframe just isnt true. Of Justice Scalia, i think we need to read the words first and foremost. It is instructive because that is what this debate is all about. Are we going to have a new justice who reads the words and apply some as written, or are we going to have a justice who helps make it up as he or she fromalong, who legislates the bench to get to a certain everoint, using what arguments are at his or her disposal. Been said as has clearly, so many members on the other side have confirmed this in the past, when they were in a different position. Schumer. Eid, senator senator schumer went a lot for the back than where we are now. He said 18 months before the end of the bush presidency, no Supreme Court justice should the confirmed except under extraordinary circumstances. Im happy to live by the schumer rule. This is not an extraordinary circumstance. I would defer to the people. The question is what is the right thing to do moving forward . Im very comfortable with deferring to the people, empowering citizens, putting them in charge. That is certainly what my constituents want in louisiana. They are crying out in frustration of their not being in charge of washington,egularly ignoring their wishes legislating from the bench, making it up as they go along. They want a voice in this. They want a voice to be able to stop that. Efer to the people. We have a unique opportunity to do that with this important president ial election before us. Everyn think in virtually president ial election that most important issues which gets little or no attention is Supreme Court appointment. That has impact for decades to come. We have an opportunity this year with that where that will not be the case. Hopefully it will be front and center. Anefully we will have opportunity to make decisions based on the law as written. Have a voice and be in charge. The great majority strongly of makingthe trend huge decisions for society that are not mandated by the constitution. Mr. Chairman, i appreciate your strongly support beenath way forward has adopted. I vote for putting the people and citizens in charge through the present election. I think it is an important and unique opportunity. Senator franken . Thank you, mr. Chairman. I would ask senator vitter if he would stay so that i can speak. You can certainly speak. Do i have to stay for quorum . We will give you unanimous consent to speak. I do have to go. Of nine elected justices making laws on the bench, that is what we have seen. This is one of the most activist courts we have had. Senator vitter has not been on , but, myittee goodness, how may times have i spoken to this . Sotomayord the hearing, it was my fifth day in the senate. This is an activist court. Irony ofd about the Justice Scalia. We had 100 votes on the Voting Rights act. A he said that will come the senators voted because it was named the voters Voting Rights act. Remember that . He had a half hour of argument and he ignored hundreds of hours of debate that we had. Isator franken this insulting to hear that. It is just insulting. Now, let me say a couple of things about some of the death i have been hearing. Stuff i have been hearing. When chairman biden spoke, does anyone here know, that would be the chairman, do you know when he spoke . I am sorry. I apologize. It had to be in june of 1992 kerry late june as the session was ending. Ist he was talking about someone resigning to game the system. That is what he was talking about. We are talking here about confirming someone to replace a justice who has died. Think about how different that is, everyone. Says anck schumer extraordinary situation, he is talking about someone dying. Us there arell 10. 5 months left in this president s four year term. Scalia, god bless him, i did not agree with him, i thought he was a very witty, funny guy, that is a high compliment coming from me because i value that highly. Why is that . Senator franken no one dies to game the system. About isn was talking thestice as soon as andeme Court Session ends, someone resigns in order to game the system. Senator obama, when he forsenator voting filibuster alito, that was the 60 vote threshold and Supreme Court justices that you also hold so dear. That is what a filibuster is. Ok. The chair is here in from someone. May i Say Something here . We will hold the this record open. I have not missed a vote since 1963. Senator franken let me just wrap this up. You can listen as you go. Thomas was confirmed 6248 by democratic senate. That some of the things i have been hearing today have made me a little bit irritated. And i think the chair for his indulgence and all of my colleagues. Thank you. I seem to be the last person standing and i asked my permission to include my remarks. I want to be associated with a number of my colleagues including senator franken. Without objection. Cspans road to the white house coverage continues i had of next days primaries in florida. Illinois, with carolina, and missouri. Donald trump will hold a press Conference Today in palm beach, florida where he is expected to be endorsed by dr. Ben carson. We will have live coverage at 9 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan two. Hosts an week discussion with the acting education secretary john king today in washington, d. C. Mr. King will talk about the obama administrations k12 education priority. Live at 2 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan two. Today at 1 30 p. M. Eastern for the Funeral Service for former first Lady Nancy Reagan at the Ronald Reagan president ial library in see valley, california. First Lady Michelle obama, fourth former president George W Bush and laura bush will be among the dignitaries attending the funeral. Mrs. Reagan will be buried next to her husband at the library. Cspan, cspant radio, and cspan. Org. Of the official toes from last nights white house dinner for canadian Prime Minister justin trudeau. This is 20 minutes. Obama tonight, history comes full circle. 44 years ago, president nixon made a visit to ottawa. It was hosted by Prime Minister here trudeau. Trudeau. [applause] at a private dinner, there was a toast. Tonight, we will dispense with the funerals president with the formalities, president nixon said. Was four months at the time. Later, thee years prediction has come to pass. Mr. Prime minister, after today it is fair to say that here in america, you may well be the most popular canadian named justice. [laughter] [applause] i said this morning that americans and canadians our family. Tonight, i want to recognize two people whom he so much to me and michelle and our family. First of all, my wonderful brother in law, originally from ellington, ontario come conrad. Hello comrades. [applause] hello conrad. [applause] this is actually an interesting story. Conradot aware that indicated to me that part of the reason his family was able to to canada was because of policies adopted by the justice. Had that not happened, he may not have met my sister in which case my lovely nieces would not have been born. One more debt that we owed the people of canada. A addition, a true friend and member of my team who has been with me every step of the way, he is from toronto and ontario and also a frequent golf partner. Mickelson. [applause] as you can see, they have infiltrated all of our ranks. Before i ever became president , when we celebrated my sister and conrads marriage, michelle and i took our daughters to canada. Andent to burlington mississauga. And then we went to toronto and niagara falls. Mrs. Sidewalk. I can do that. Everywhere we went, the canadian people made us feel right at home. Tonight, we want our canadian friends to feel at home. This is not a dinner. It is supper. We thought of serving up some putin. And we would finish off the night with a double double. Line, and getting milk out of a bag. This we americans do not understand. Understander canadian whiskey. This visit has been a celebration of the values that we share. Peoples are committed to the principles of equality and opportunity. The idea that if you work hard and play by the rules, you can make it if you try no matter what the circumstances of your birth. In both of our countries. We see this in our current president ial campaign. After all, warehouse could a boy that grew up where else could a boy who grew up in calgary try to become president of the United States. Where else would we see a scotiaty like nova welcoming americans if the president ial election does not go their way. Of theire great credit people, canadians from British Columbia and New Brunswick have so far rejected the idea of tilting a wall to keep out your southern neighbors. Wall to keep out your southern neighbors. On a serious note, this visit reminds us of what we love about canada. The solidarity shown by so Many American so many canadians after 9 11. The courage of your Service Members standing with us in afghanistan and now in iraq. The compassionate of the canadian people welcoming refugees and the Prime Minister himself who told those refugees that you are safe at home now. Justin, we also seek canadas spirit in your mothers great advocacy for Mental Health care. I want to give a special welcome to Margaret Trudeau tonight. [applause] and we see canadas spirit in sophie, a champion of women and girls because our daughters deserve the same opportunities that anyones sons do. The spirit reminds us of why we are all here. Why we serve. Justin, sophie, your children are still young. They are adorable and they still let you hug them. [laughter] when we first spoke on the phone after your collection, we talked not only as president and Prime Minister but also as fathers. To thisas first elected office, melia was 10 and saw show was just seven. They grow up too fast. This fall, melia heads off to college and i am starting to choke up so i will it was in my remarks. Not i cannot do it. It is hard. [laughter] there is a point to this though and that is we are not here for power. We are not here for fame or fortune. We are here for our kids. We are here for everyones kids. We want to give our sons and daughters a better world. To pass to them a world that is safer and more equal and more just and more prosperous. So that a young person growing up in chicago or montreal or on the other side of the world has every opportunity to make of their lives what they well. No matter who they are or what they look like or how they pray or who they love. Justin, i believe that there is no other words to guide us in you once than those accused to describe what your father taught you and your siblings. Believe in yourself. Stand up for ourselves. Ourselves and take responsibility for ourselves. To show a genuine and deep respect for each other and for every human being. And so, i would like to propose a toast. To the Great Alliance between the United States and canada, to our friends, justin and sophie, to the friendship between americans and canadians in the spirit that binds us together. , and abidingep respect for each and every human being. Cheers. Cheers. [applause] Prime Minister trudeau president obama, michelle, all of you gathered here. Honor forxtraordinary me to be here with you tonight. Thank you so much for the warm welcome you extend to canada and canadians. It is incredibly touching to be able to be here. Not just as a couple, sophie and i am but we have been able to bring down our families as well. So please mom and dad sophies mom and dad. Mother,ourse, my own margaret, whose last state dinner here was in 1977. It is wonderful to have you here. Meet theo touching to leah and saw show who are here at their first state dinner. Sasha who are here at their first state dinner. Andmemories of being a kid not being old enough to attend these kinds of events with my father almost wish that i had gone through my teenage years as a child of a world leader, but not white. I admire you very much, both of you for your extraordinary strength and your grace through what is a remarkable childhood and young adulthood that will give you extraordinary strength and wisdom beyond your years for the rest of your life. The one thing you have received in your extraordinary parents is the tool to be able to handle the challenges and the opportunities. Thank you very much for joining us tonight. [applause] in thinking about what i wanted to say this evening, i came across a quote from president truman. Who shared these words with the Canadian Parliament nearly 70 years ago. He said that canadas relationship with the United States did not develop spontaneously. It did not come about merely to the happy circumstance of geography but was compounded of one part proximity and nine parts goodwill and common sense. It is that enduring goodwill and common sense that i believe defined our relationship to this day. It is what makes our Constructive Partnership possible. It is what allows us to be to respectfully disagree and remain friends and allies on the few occasions that we do. For example, i would argue that it is better to be the leader of a country that can distantly gold medals in olympic hockey. President obama was likely disagree and yet, you still invited us over for dinner. Because that is what friends do. [laughter] because, now that i think of it, we are actually closer than friends. We are more like siblings really. We have shared parentage. Paths inok different our later years. We became the stayathome type. [applause] you grew to be a little more rebellious. Reason that goodwill and common sense comes so easily is because we are canadians and americans alike. Guided by the same core values. Respectike cooperation, keepseration because it us safe and prosperous. Respect because it is the surest path to safeguarding the world that we share and honoring the Diverse People with whom we share it. When it comes to security, for example, we agree that our countries are stronger and the world is safer when we Work Together. For more than half as century, we have joint forces to protect our continent. We have been the closest of allies overseas or even longer, fighting together on the beaches of france, Standing Shoulder to shoulder with our European Partners in nato, and now confronting violent extremism in the middle east. In every instance, we realize that our concerns were better addressed together than alone. Realized thehave longest most peaceful and most mutually beneficial relationship since the countries birth of the nationstate. A relationship that does not just served its own interest. It serves the entire world. Canadians and americans also value economic interdependence. We know that it brings greater prosperity for all of us. Over 2. 4 billion worth of goods and services across the border every day, evidence of one of the largest and most mutually beneficial trading relationships in the world. Exportsur most popular to the United States has been another justin. I need you to stop teasing him. No, no. That kid has had a great year. It took a canadian to Reach International fame with a song called. Together, canada and the u. S. Negotiated trade agreements at that have expanded opportunities for our businesses, created millions of good, wellpaying jobs for our workers and made products more affordable for american and canadian families. We must never take that partnership for granted. I can promise you that our my government never will but nor ourld we forget that responsibilities extend beyond our own borders, and across generations. Which means getting rid of that outdated notion that a healthy environment and a Strong Economy stands in opposition to one another. It means that when we come to issues like Climate Change, we need to acknowledge that we are all in this together. Our children and grandchildren will judge us not by the words we said, but by the actions we took or failed to take. If we truly wish to leave them a better world than the one we inherited from our own parents, then i know that the president and the first lady feel as strongly as sophie and i do, we cannot deny the science. We cannot pretend that Climate Change is still up for debate. French]g thank you mr. President for your leadership, your Global Leadership on the pressing issue of the environment and Climate Change. [applause] and finally, we believe, canadians and americans, and the fundamental truths that diversity can be a source of strength. That we are thriving and prosperous countries not in spite of our differences, but because of them. Canadians know this. It is why communities across the country welcomed more than 25,000 Syrian Refugees over the past four months. [applause] and not as visitors or temporary citizens, that as canadians. But of course, americans understand this also. It is why each generation has welcomed newcomers seeking liberty and the promise of a better life. It is what has made America Great over the past decades. We know that if we seek to be even greater, we must do greater things. More compassionate, the more respecting and more open to those that dress differently or eat different foods or speak different languages. Our identities as canadians and americans are enriched why these differences. Not to threatened by them. On our own, we make progress. Together, our two countries make history. , and foreveroyal linked to it, whatever the future holds, we will face it together. Allies, andartners, friends. Experience and our example to the world. Barack, thank you for all that you are done these past seven years to preserve this most important relationship. Make a special connection between our two countries continue to florists in the may myo come and today, great hair come in at a much a slower rate than yours. With that, on behalf of 36 million americans, i propose a toast to the president of the and the first lady and to the people of the United States of america. Cheers. Cheers. [applause] cspans road to the white house coverage continues i had of next tuesdays primaries in florida, ohio, illinois, north carolina, and missouri. Hold a presswill Conference Today in palm beach, florida where he is expected to be endorsed by former candidate dr. Ben carson. We will have live coverage at 9 00 am eastern on cspan two. The French Interior minister is an washington, d. C. Today to talk about combating terrorism. He will attend he will address the attacks in paris and global terrorism issues. George be live from Washington University at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan3. I think what is so unusual is that if i could be sappy for a moment to be able to have professional and personal thanerships that are more 15 years is an unusual thing. Wife susans temperament and great vision in terms of editing is something i do not have. Closely to thery blunt side of the equation. Sunday night on q a, Political Editor and New York Times chief correspondent peter baker who are married join us to talk about their careers and their upcoming plans to move to israel. It will be a great adventure. We were Bureau Chiefs together in moscow. Thinge done the overseas together before we have not spent any time in jerusalem or israel and we are looking forward to learning a lot. It will be a great adventure. It is part of the world that has so much history and is a vital part of todays issues. We spend a lot of time writing about it but we have never lived there. We will also be changing roles and continuing at politico in a role around helping to meet work here in the United States and internationally. Just this past year, we launched politico europe. To politico to stop political magazine about 2. 5 years ago. It has been an exciting new platform to take us into ambitious longform reporting and the war of ideas. At 8 00 p. M. Ht eastern on cspans q a. Live today on cspan washington journal, is next. At 11 00, the Bipartisan Policy Center holds a panel on virus. Ng the zika at 1 30 p. M. , we will go to the president ial library in simi valley, california for the funeral of former first Lady Nancy Reagan. Mark dubowitz coming up in anmark dubowitz hour, on the impact of iran firing to Ballistic Missiles wednesday. A look at the role Campaign Reform is playing in 2016. Frank of thede National Journal joins us to talk about the legacy of nancy reagan. Good morning. Welcome to washington journal its the morning after the final Republican Debate in florida ahead of floridas primary, ohio and others next week. We will show you highlights from that debate last night. Also this morning, looking at the endorsements. Ben carson set to endorse donald trump this morning in florida. Well cover on cspan 2. Yesterday we covered sender mike lee endorsing ted cruz, the first member of congress, in the senate anywao

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