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Commitments weve made. And potentialsing military threat in the area. Do we close up shop and abandon our Alliance Systems . Or south korea doesnt believe we are a credible partner in the area, japan goes nuclear. South korea goes nuclear. You have a Nuclear Arms Race in northeast asia if the United States cannot uphold its alliances. Furthermore, if china allows to take over the South China Sea and name it as its sovereign territory, that means that the ,rinciple of the Global Commons of which we have been the main defender of world war ii, if we pull out we are also abandoning that commitment. Tough decisiony to make. It involves a lot of tradeoff in the wrists are going up. Risks are going up. We should be shooting for human welfare. Host what faces the next president . Difficultabout those relations between those two countries. Guest there is complexity and uncertainty. The next president will have to deal with some of the callers questions. Do we see china as a partner or adversary . What is the best strategy Going Forward . There is no silver bullet. Some of the other questions i think the next president will have to face, i have not heard any of the democratic or republican candidates speak. In light of the world changing, how much how must america change . What do we have to adapt, give up, emphasize . We hear about taking america back as if we can maintain the kind of status we have had in the world since world war ii. How must we change . I want to hear that dialogue and i havent heard it yet. Host talking about chinas military and other topics related to china. Thank you for your time. Were going to take you to a hearing featuring the secretary of state john kerry in front of the Senate Foreign relations committee. The topic of the hearing is the 2017 budget. [indiscernible] the media and Foreign Relations committee will come to order. We welcome everybody here. I know that many of us had a chance to talk to some of those in the audience and the hallway. While we have had great discussions, we know that you will honor the committee by keeping comments to yourself while we are proceeding. I want to thank everybody here on the committee for being here today. I want to thank our secretary for his service. I dont know to many secretaries of state that are put out as much effort in trying to solve the many problems that exist around the world. For that, i thank you for coming today. Typically, when we have a budget hearing, the testimony that is put forth is only about the budget. Having been chairman of the committee, you are probably not going to be taxed many questions about the budget. Therefore, i think you gave a narrative of your view of the world, which i appreciate. I think all of us understand that the reason the state department exists in the reason we find it is to do everything we can for your diplomacy. That is why you are here and one of the reasons he went into the narrative in your written testimony about things happening around the world. I wanted to thank you and i appreciate you being here. My opening comments are going to be things happening around the world. , weaw in munich last week had a candid conversation. You gave a talk at the conference. I know thaton is, senator perdue was there and others. I dont think ive seen europe so unsettled ever in my lifetime. I think their confidence level is at an alltime low. Aboutk they are concerned what russia is doing to destabilize the area using refugees as a weapon of war. Again, i think i am seen it hit that level before. Theyre looking for u. S. Leadership, no question. In syria, we had a frank and all the record discussion following an agreement. I know there were concerns about time relative to what russia would actually do. Many people thought they would do what they have done and that is to further solidify gangs and kill more people. I know that you have negotiated. I realize that you have a your disposal. Many of us have been asking what happens if the ceasefire doesnt hold . Out of thing russia believes that anything is going to happen. I think that is why they continue to make the games and be willing for a cessation. Also going to announce that they will sell to iran su 30s, which is in strict violation. My understanding, they can in fact come to the Un Security Council and as for permission. I love to understand if you expect that to happen. Militarizeginning to the gains they made in the South China Sea. They are even developing Missile Systems on these islands that are underwater and tyneside, but now being utilized. We passed something for north korea. They signed at to push back against them. I understand their worst there were these overtures. I will be will expand on what that was. We have now 5000 isis members in lebanon. I know we took some hits against them in the outskirts last week. I think many people have thought that maybe what demonstration was going to do was assess a much greater effort so that instead of it being incremental, there would be something done on a far more shock basis to set them back out we have the ability to do so. I look forward to talking about in and sharing with us your thoughts on all of these issues. I thank you for your narrative on the front and and your service. Dinertainly thank senator car for his ranking leadership. I will turn it to him. Sen. Cardin it is always a pleasure working with you. Secretary kerry it is a pleasure working with you. This is the last budget that president obama and his administration will be submitting to us. I want to reflect for a moment on your extraordinary leadership in advancing americas power through the effective use of diplomacy and Development Assistance. Secretary kerry, you understand or than anyone else is the former chair of this committee the importance of diplomacy and Development Assistance to our National Security. For that, i just congratulate you on an incredible record of accomplishment as secretary of state. Understand that military must be our last resort. You have carried that out by developing partnerships with other countries and coalitions so that we can be effective with our power. The most recent is the hope that we have in syria to ceasefire and stop the killings and allow humanitarian access. That is a critically important first step to resolving the conflict within syria so we can focus on isil without the fighting going on between the assad regime in the opposition. It is not compromised our position in terms of his future and accountability for war crimes he has committed. I also want to thank your staff. Theyve been incredibly accessible to us with providing information that i think is vital to our needs. The entire team, thank you for what youre been able to do. I generally support the president s budget. I think it speaks to the right priorities in regards to the state department. It deals with the threat from isil in northern africa. 4 billion to counter violent extremism. And recognizes the problems relative to chinas provocative actions in the South China Sea. If north Koreas Nuclear ambitions. I was pleased to see that we have enacted the north korea sanctions bill. We are always stronger the congress and the Administration Work together to advance american foreignpolicy. With challenges and our home hemisphere, Central America. We still have problems of unaccompanied children coming to our borders. I was visiting honduras and el salvador and saw the violence in the communities we began controlled areas. We must do more in order to make the country safe. The president s billiondollar request i hope will be supported dealing with the Good Governance and protection of communities as well as the Security Issues in Central America. The budget deal with russias aggression in east and central europe, particularly the hundred 53 million to improve democracy and Good Governance and anticorruption to promote european immigration. Anniversary of the agreement. You know russia has not complied with the military aspect, but it is incumbent upon ukraine to comply with the government aspects. This budget allows us to advance to those challenges. The budget provides with the continuing support of israel, 3. 1 billion of security assistance. We are in the process of negotiating the next chapter of the memorandum of understanding. It provides leadership on Climate Change. I was pleased to be part of 10 members who were in paris for copm 21. Americas leadership in the International Community coming together. This budget carries out our commitments. Visit in theto the southern part of africa. We saw firsthand the impact of on theed drought survivability of those countries in the southern part of africa. Their way of life at that jeopardy today because we were there during the rain season and we saw no rain. Row is the second year in a where it had the impact. New york times, points out the Research Teams report see rise in 28 centuries. The budget does deal with carrying out our commitment on Climate Change so that we can continue to provide legal the leadership needed to deal with this crisis. The budget deals with africa carrying out the africa Leaders Summit on power africa, Young African leadership. I think that is very important. Oncarries out our values providing International Leadership for the refugees, humanitarian needs that is global to maternal and child health, it deals with the zika virus in latin america and deals with aids regeneration. In secretary, when we were namibia, we had the chance to visit and aids site and see firsthand. We had a chance to interview about 30 or 40 aids patients. One asked that we relate to the leaders of our country they are lyft today because of u. S. Efforts. There is a whole generation alive today as a result of u. S. Leadership. It makes a huge difference what we do on developmental assistance around the world. We now have a stable country in namibia. They want to work with united as a directt result of our vomit. I want to thank you for including 60 million for and modernday slavery. We appreciate the funds that are put in. I am positive on the budget that has been submitted. I want to conclude with two points that im not pleased about. First, there is not enough allocations and Good Governance and democracy. The small amount of money we put into democracy building, we saw that in the four countries we ,isited, mozambique, namibia zimbabwe and botswana. There was incredible results. It is what america stands for and we need to do a better job of providing resources to promote democracy globally. Concerned about the baseline funding. The budget provides 50. 1 billion in allocations for foreign assistance, but only 35. 2 billion is in baseline funding as the chart points out. That is a declining some in the baseline. The reality of our world is that this budget provides our National Security. It needs to be grounded and sustainable and ongoing for the state of our nation. Im concerned that by not having the baseline high enough, with we run the risk in the future. I know the realities of the politics of this budget. This is not the ministrations doing. We need to make it clear that on National Security, we are committed not only to this year, but a sustained growth of americas president s globally. I hope will get a larger sum in the baseline. I look forward to your comments and i thank you again for your leadership. Sec. Kerry i couldnt agree more. It is a budget process on both sides of the aisle, it is nothing but a political document. T serves no purpose our inability to focus on our fiscal issues will weaken our nation while we are having this hearing. The fact that so much of it is oco speaks to the fact that we are not willing to make the tough decisions that are necessary on a permanent basis for our country. I know that is not on this particular issue with the ministership opposed. I do appreciate your bringing that up. , i would ask the audience there was clapping and cheering. I like the fact that everybody is here. You please be quite as the secretary begins. Sec. Kerry mr. Chairman and senator cardin, thank you. All of my former colleagues and friends on the committee, im happy to be here. I think we have a chance to have a very important conversation. I appreciate both of your opening comments very much. I want to begin by thanking all of you. I know it has been very difficult. I know the committee has worked incredibly hard to fill our positions at the state department and our overseas post. I also know this committee has a very special appreciation for the vital work of diplomacy both howour comments underscore vital it is for america to have who dontlomats deserve to be waiting a year or two years to be put in position. You have worked extremely hard mr. Chairman, thank you for your diligence and senator cardin, likewise. This is the way we are advanced the objectives of u. S. Policy. Whether it is for our business is trying to create jobs or traveling abroad. Pushingyou again for obviously complicated politics. Your favorable and prompt effort on the other nominations. Jacobsonrly roberta who is a professional civil servant. Her career has done a diligent job. She shouldnt be the prisoner of those choices. She does what she is instructed and she does it very well. Mr. Chairman, you have my prepared statement. I wont give you all of that, have some initial comment in summary. First, you mentioned the number of 50 billion, it is equal to 1 of the entire budget of the United States. , im convinced more and more after these last years after serving on the committee is the minimum price of the leadership role the United States of america plays on a global basis. Particularly at a time when we are engaged diplomatically and more deeply in more places simultaneously on more significant issues than any other time in our history. The scope of that engagement, im also convinced its absolutely essential to protect the interest of our nation and keep our citizens safe. Sohink it is growing more with the numbers of failed and failing states where the governments money that senator cardin just refer to is so critical. We can talk about that a little bit today. We are confronted today by perils that are as old as nationalist aggression. And cyber warfare. Run findors who mediaists who combine with evil thinking to wage war on civilization itself. Marked byentury was state actors and states going to war with each other. World war i, world war ii, that non, korea and so forth. The century is to find much more by nonstate actors taking action against state. The broad norms of society. Today, despiteze the dangers and the turmoil, we americans have many reasons for confidence. In recent years, a our economy has added more jobs than the rest of the industrialized world combined. Our armed forces are second to none, not even close. Our alliances in europe and asia are vigilant and strong. Our citizens are unmatched in the generosity of their commitment to humanitarian causes in civil society. We are the largest donor in the world to the crisis of syrian refugees, over 5. 1 billion. With all of my affection and respect for all of my colleagues around the world, i wouldnt switch places with a foreign minister of any country. To retreat to some illusionary golden age of the past. Enormousnow, we have opportunities and we are trying to seize them. In the past year, we reached and historically deal with iran. It has cut off that countries ,athways to Nuclear Weapon thereby making the world safer for us and our allies. If you doubt that, read the speech by the head of the idf forces of israel who recently had a security conference. Because of this agreement, there is no longer in exit threat to israel from iran with respect to the nuclear threat. That is from their security in israel. In paris in december, we joined governments and more than 190 nations included a comprehensive agreement to curb Greenhouse Gases and mention the effects we are seeing in the world today. Were trying to limit the most harmful consequences and Climate Change. We are determined to implement that by meeting our target at home and helping friends abroad to reduce Carbon Pollution and with their economies forward at the same time. Just this month, we officially signed the Transpacific Partnership to ensure the level Playing Field to open up job opportunity and 40 of the global gdp and strengthen americas leadership within the entire pacific. We are asking congress to approve that packed this year. In europe, we are sharply upgrading our security Reinsurance Initiative with a fourfold increase in support and giving russia a clear choice between continued sanctions were meeting its obligations to a sovereign and democratic ukraine. In our hemisphere, where helping colombia to in the globes that will reduce the pressure for illegal immigration. We are also seeking supplemental funds to minimize the danger of Public Health created by the zika virus. In asia, we are standing with our allies in opposition to threats posed by a belligerent north korea. Helping afghanistan and pakistan to counter violent extremities and and deepening our strategic allies with india and sri lanka and burma and encouraging the peaceful resolution of competing maritime planes in the South China Sea. The goal that is suffering the not helped by the militarization of facilities for that region. Our friends with the fastgrowing africa, we are grateful look been focused on it. We have embarked on initiatives to combat hunger and increase productivity, empower women entering future leaders and fight back against such terror groups. , this and registration recognizes that the threat posed by violent extremities and extends beyond one region and will not be addressed solely or even primarily by military means. The approach that we have adopted this comprehensive in its longterm. Are strivingy, we to end conflicts that feel extremely did extremism such as libya and yemen. We also work with partners to tighten Border Security and improve governance and expand access to education, promote job training and developing. The coalition we put together with 66 countries is gaining whereon in many sectors it hasnt previously worked on these kinds of things as strongly as we are now. Forgedall know, we have that coalition of 66 to defeat daesh. We are going to combine our power with our partners to degrade daeshs structure and shrink its territory, curb its financing and discredit its allies, slow its recruitment and block any attempt to expand its networks. Militarily, we are intensifying pressure through coalition airstrikes, war advisers have stepped up training, improved targeting, and the systematic disruption of enemy supply lines. We can go in greater detail during your questions. To consolidate territorial gains , we are stressing the importance to stabilize communities freed from daesh syria and iraq. Where helping the government and baghdad and we continue to strengthen our regional partners, lebanon and jordan. We are supporting a broadbased diplomatic effort. Ago, we announced a plan to ensure access to humanitarian supplies for all syrians in need. Im pleased to tell you that 114 trucks have gone in. At least 80,000 people weapon that had supplies and years now have supplies for the next month at least. We have resulted in food and medicine reaching places that have been under siege for months. We will continue to work closely with the u. N. To see that feature requests are honored and that humanitarian supplies are available throughout the country. United states and russia are cochairing the International Syrian support group Ceasefire Task force. Yesterday, president obama and president putin agreed the cessation of hostilities should begin saturday morning, including all groups winning to participate with the exception of daesh and any other terrorist groups designated by the Un Security Council. We are reminded each day in syria that every attack and casualty and loss in every loved one that is bombed from the air or otherwise, provides fresh grounds for the conflict. As long as the killing goes on, this devastating cycle will feed on itself. That is why we have urged all parties to support the cessation of hostilities now and it is why we have argued repeatedly that there must be a diplomatic solution. The only way forward that preserves a unified syria is to pass envisioned by the Syrian Support Group ratified by the Un Security Council and endorsed by the responsible opposition. The deescalation of the conflict and transition into a new system of government and a new constitution and hopefully, a syria that could be committed to peace and stability with its neighbors. The success of our leadership on terrorism and other security threats is linked to whether or not america is leading the fight to protect what we care about. Are in arena we after rina. All of the years i have sat on this committee, i never saw us having to do with quite as many fronts and challenges as we are today. Supportr, we seek your to stay at the forefront of International Humanitarian response, including the worldwide refugee crisis, to strike a blow for Global Health and the malaria initiative. To carry out important programs on behalf of democracy, freedom of the press, human rights, and the rule of law. To launch a new strategy focused on the equitable treatment of adolescent girls and adequately fund the people in the platforms that enable us to serve america effectively around the world. My colleagues, as the chairman said, this is the last budget of. He Obama Administration on behalf of the Foreign Policy and National Security of the United States. I asks for it fair consideration, i welcome your russians and i appreciate your counsel. Privilegedto say how i feel to have had the chance to work with all of you and supportive and agenda that reflects not only the most fundamental interest in valleys of the American People, but also im convinced care of with it the hopes of the world. Thank you. Mr. Chairman, thank you. That thet agree more hopes of the world depend on us. Thank you for your testimony. Before we get into longer discussions, you didnt mention afghanistan. I was there a couple months ago the continued ,uplicity on pakistans part blatant duplicity. They continue to support the taliban and give safe haven to al qaeda. There and have been seeing the tremendous amount of attacks and the money that has gone into change in the context of both areas. They continue to give them safe haven. Recently, they act to be able to purchase f16s. I would rather they purchase it from a u. S. Company than some other company. They also want u. S. Taxpayers to subsidize more than half of that purchase over time. Do you agree with my position that faction not occur until they stop the duplicity that is continued for 14 years while we have been in afghanistan . Sec. Kerry mr. Chairman, we are evaluating all aspects of the counterterrorism efforts with respect to pakistans impact on afghanistan. I just met with the Prime Minister if you weeks ago. Concerns the ein in particular terror groups that are either homegrown in pakistan or are using pakistan is a sanctuary. Thatve been very clear they have to target all militant groups. Know that they know exactly where these people are living. Right in pakistan, and abraham in neighborhoods. I dont want to get into a long discussion about our relationship with pakistan. I do hope that ultimately, you will support the book best position i have laid out. Dollars will payer go to subsidize pakistans purchase until they do things that we know they could do to stop helping to destabilize afghanistan. Where men and women in u. S. Uniforms have lost their lives in huge amounts of taxpayer dollars have gone to support a country that hasnt involved in democracy. Sec. Kerry it is a complicated fix. Itself has been very cooperative and engaged in the fight against terrorism. They have lost thousands of people themselves. 180,000 troops in the western part of the country conducting a sweep in major operation. They drove the network and to new locations. It is an ongoing process. I think we should deal with this on a classified session, there are entities that complicate our efforts. We have have those conversations. Im happy to going to it in greater depth. I understand your reservations, but their military has been deeply engaged in the fight against terrorism. We have several groups there of concern. We should talk and a classified session. Are hedging their bets in their continuing on the line of duplicity, which is the greatest threat to u. S. Soldiers right now and afghanistan. I know you know that and i agree that the relationship is complex. How should we look at our relationship with russia . They have done more for a country that has very little economic resources. In theurope apart modern era, it is never occurred like it is right now with what they have done in ukraine and continuing to delaying the implementation. But they have done to threaten the politics and exacerbate the refugee issue and use them as weapons of war. Can say, i think anyone that their role has been constructive as they continue to kill the folks that are our friends and allies. Now, and iran have to have negotiated after this agreement and strict violation of the you want security resolution that put it in place, are now getting ready to sell russian fighter jets to iran and strict violation of that. What is our relationship today with russia . Sec. Kerry our relationship is one also complicated. Obviously, we have different positions with respect to ukraine and with respect to syria. Remains to be tested whether or not they are at all serious about the political process. , russiather hand cooperated significantly in the iran negotiations. Russia joined with us in helping to remove the chemical weapons the declared chemical weapons under the chemical weapons treaty from syria. Russia has operated with us in the human resolution, bringing to the head the dramatically. Russia cooperated with us in the vietnam meetings. In fact, without russias cooperation, im not sure we wouldve been able to have achieved the agreement we have now released get the humanitarian assistance in. In the last days, russia has spent special envoy to syria to regime and assad make sure they will move forward in a diplomatic process and honor the humanitarian requirements. They have sent their defense minister to iran to do the same. It is stepbystep. There are no illusions. This committee should have illusions. Agoia made it clear years assad that they support. This is not a surprise to us. They are following through on. He support for assad they are also threatened by terrorists. 2000 fighting in syria. The russians every serious concerns about the return of soil terrorists to russian or places of interest in stirring up their muslim population. Is,bottom line mr. Chairman stepbystepding by which the delivery of actions is what speaks. In five days, we will meet again theeneva to work on cooperation so that it is not moderate opposition. We are both understanding how we are proceeding against isil. It could be a significant benefit in that. We wind up having greater effort against isil and can speed up the distraction of daesh. Be the proof in the actions that come in the next days. May i say, i appreciate your comments about europe here i couldnt agree with you more. Europe is deeply threatened by what is happening. Theyre talking about different border measures that may be taken. I think it is a. For the United States to be prepared to help europe as much as necessary and every way possible in order to address what is happening in the pressures being put on them. In the next days, we will know more. When i met with president putin, i said him very directly that the test is not going to be proven in six months or a year and a half when the election is supposedly scheduled. Where going to know in a month or two whether or not this transition process is really serious. Have assad to himself is going to have to make real decisions about the formation of a transitional governance process. If there is a, as you have read in the newspapers and probably hearing, there are certainly planned be options being considered. I dont think they think plan b is realistic and i think that mix it very difficult for you and your efforts. I want to thank you for your efforts on our behalf. I do think the breakthrough on the humanitarian side was a good thing. I think you have a very tough hand of cards you are dealing with. We appreciate you being here today and for your service to our country. Mr. Secretary, thank you to your service of our country. Thank you for sharing with us today. That may follow up on syria. Obviously, the first challenge is to stop the shootings between the government and opposition. And allow humanitarian access to that the humanitarian crisis can be eased and hopefully stop some of the flow of the refugees and it will take some of the get are in order to negotiation for the future of syria itself. That is the objective here. I strongly support that. You have alluded to this, but i hope you can be more clear as to what comes next. This seems to be a fundamental disagreement between United States and russia as to the future of president assad. It has been silenced as to the accountability of the assad regime for its war crimes. A lot of us are determined that when leaders commit war crimes, they must be held accountable for their actions. I understand there will be a process. At the end of the day, there needs to be a government in syria that has the confidence of all of its people, otherwise we will be back fighting again and will be able to concentrate against isil forces. Can you share with us briefly how you see the next step unfolding where we can get to a result where there is truly a government in syria that has the confidence of all of the population. Let me try to lay this out as clearly as i can. Russia, the United States, and iran and our allies all say that we want to united syria. The majority of the players want allecretary and minorities are protected in which the people of syria have the right to choose their leadership. The russians agree to that in the iranians agree to that, all of our allies agree to that fundamental precept. We are united on this vision of where we want syria to be. The question is the getting there. We believe deeply, we have argued this for the russians and if someonehat even did strike a nonholy alliance could bested assad part of that future, the war would not stop. Is there, youad cannot stop the war. Grievance events that have transpired over the course of the last few years. People dont see how someone who sed his own people and driven so many of them into refugee status, tortured them, stabbed them. How he will somehow be the glue to bring this place back together is beyond anybodys understanding. There are forces out there that will never stop fighting him. Us bynt peace, bind definition we believe it has to be without assad. The russians say to let the Syrian People decide that. This political process we have created is what they say is the mechanism by which that decision could begin to be made. What time and do you see are we talking months or years . Sec. Kerry we are talking months because theres no way people could be patient. Fore is a six month period the political transition to be put in place. , that could move. If it isnt, as i said earlier, we wont know if they are. Talling or stonewall it will be very hard to keep people at the table. I have no illusions about that. There will be people who will walk away. I think we will see very quickly whether or not countries of syria countries are serious about this transition and whether or not assad is serious. President clinton president putin has said that they are process and this their support for us is an important component. As far as Holding President assad accountable for the crimes he has committed, has there been any Understanding Reached either for impunity for sanctions . Sec. Kerry there has been no discussion. I have said several times publicly, we talked about the crimes that are been committed. Using gas against your own people is a war crime and starvation as a tool of war is a war crime. Turn to the area i said in my opening comments about Democracy Funding and etc. To me, it is incredibly important. I do think you have showcased the importance of anticorruption activities. Russia to leave ukraine alone, ukraine survival depends upon the internal reforms in its own country where the people have an honest government. That was one of the major reasons for the protests that occurred in the ukraine. When we look at countries in asia, we find countries that have serious corruption problems within their government. We tried to take steps to deal with some of those issues. We go through country after country where the impunity in Central America and people being held to commit crimes without any accountability. I would hope this year, we could Work Together. This committee and your leadership, to develop a protocol or we make it clear that we wont tolerate the government that doesnt move to deal with the corruption problems. We are talking about developing an index similar to trafficking persons and corruption. There has been transparency evaluations done of countries. Can you share with us the steps you are taking to provide a more permanent structure within the state department to deal with the problems of corruption and Good Governance . Sec. Kerry senator, im glad you bring that up. Weree a speech at davos talked about the challenges global corruption. Difficultof the most challenges that we face in trying to deal with extremism and counter narcotics and trafficking persons. The levels of corruption are greater that i have ever received on my years in the committee. It is having a profound impact. It steals the future from young people. In this sense, the tunisian uprising was born out of anything religiously motivated, it came from self corruption. A Police Officer was refusing to allow the tunisian food vendor to sell and wanted to bribe and so forth. When he got slapped around, it was once like to many in that ignited the revolution thats all changed sweep of the region. I see that in other countries. Nigeria was reported that former 50 billion 50 billion stolen out of the country. Emen has money stolen we know this is happening. We are very focused on this issue. The stafford is led by the bureau of International Narcotics and enforcement affairs. Effort. L a department we promote standards in many different ways. Tobottle our proposals countries on our best practices. Imf respect to ukraine, the has put very strong 10 point programs in front of the government kiev that they need to address in order to get further support from the imf. That has a very significant reform package. President andvice i met with the president. That is the best way to do this. People want to put hard lines and face in place legislatively in nature carney and draconian message. That ends up severing our capacity to have an impact. We found that in order to get countries to get moving and make changes, we are cochairing of the anticorruption group. We have advanced standards internationally on transparency and integrity encountering impunity. This is an ongoing effort. It will not be resolved overnight. Thee we focus on the more we focus on it, the greater the prospects are that will have an impact. We are making a difference in a lot of places. Mr. Chairman and mr. Secretary, thanks for coming here and things for your service. Put my chairman of government securities. We have jurisdiction of federal records. I have joined in letters of the chairman and your been responsive and part. I appreciate that. I want to go through a series of questions. I want to put my formulations had one as well. As secretary of state, you send and receive classified material, correct . Sec. Kerry yeah, i dont send it personally. It is said that the executive office. You never use your email system to create classified materials . Sec. Kerry no i dont. I have never opened my computer on my desk. Members of your staff do . I understand, i have white hair, too. Sec. Kerry i wanted separated from me. So members of your staff do. They use a certain system. Of our fully aware enemies capabilities in terms of hacking . Sec. Kerry indeed. You dont allow yourself to use a private server. Would you allow any members of your staff to use a nonofficial and nonsecure server for transmitting classified information . Yes or no. Day we have very specific procedures in place in the department. I brought in an Inspector General and i wrote a letter asking him to review our entire process. In todays world, given all that we have learned and what we understand about the vulnerability of our system, we dont do that. The answer is no. For every classified piece of information that is transmitted, there is a log kept in the state department. Sec. Kerry there is a log kept on everything. It is not just a log, but the substance of the message is cap and found. Kept in file. It is pretty accessible . Sec. Kerry i know the answer that. There is a finite number of classified materials. Sec. Kerry we have 275 posts and i can tell you how many millions. Differentiated . Sec. Kerry i dont know precisely. In the september 21 letter of 2015, one of our questions if did secretary clinton had a state Department Email account assigned to her for accessing classified emails during her time. We did appreciate this response from julia frey field. Secretary clinton did not use a classified email from the state department. An account was set up for the calendar, with it was not use. Another question we have asked, which we have not responded to, i will like access to those logs in the state department of the classified material that was transferred between the and statetion Department Secretary clinton. It has been five months in your not responded. In the reason why . Sec. Kerry i dont know the specific reason because it has not been discussed with me. Is there reason i cant get access to the logs . Sec. Kerry i dont know the answer to that. I appointed a transparency coordinator and experienced ambassador to assist us to make sure we responded rapidly to all of the requests. More than 50 simultaneous investigations going on. We have an unprecedented number of requests. I have had to cannibalize bureaus senator johnson do you know how much money the state department has spent reviewing we have to assume that every piece of information that passed over secretary nonsecure private server is in the hands of our enemy. We have to assume that. Do you know how much you have spent in manpower associated senator corker we had over 50 investigations, mr. Kerry we over 50 investigations, involving hundreds of requests, hundreds of thousands of pages of documents senator johnson im not concerned about mr. Kerry let me say this. Im concerned about is this is tying up senator johnson has the fbi recovered any of the emails that were supposedly wiped thekerry i have no idea of fbi you allocated 2. 4 million in years 15 and 16 in order to help us respond to you, and we have been able to step up the level of our delivery as a result of that. So greatly overburdened. Senator johnson based on what you have viewed, classified material, we are up to 1700 if it emails that have some level of classified information on them. Is the state department aware that mitigates the damage from know if they Intelligence Community have taken any action to mitigate harm by the potential fact or the potential that our enemies might have access to that caused by materials on secretary clintons server . Mr. Kerry i would not be able to answer that in an open session. The department we have, i do not know what the other agencies have done that is one of the reasons it has taken a while. When one of our professional that involvesil, another agency, and every agency has to have a chance to read that to see if their interests are in fact at risk. That takes a long time senator johnson secretary causeds actions have you it awful lot of heartache. Mr. Kerry it remains to be seen it is the 50t investigations by nine different committees that have created more heartburn. Senator johnson what i would like is asked these questions, would you commit to coming in a secure setting before my committee to enter some of these questions . Would what i what . I what . Senator johnson would you come to my committee in a secure sitting mr. Kerry i am not in a position to answer this crisis. Senator johnson will you send a representative . Mr. Kerry i will speak with others in the administration who is the appropriate person. Someone would always respond. Senator johnson it has been five months since we have asked for the loss. I would ask for those blogs as well. If thaty i am not sure is authorized of capable of being done, but we look at it. Senator johnson appreciated. Senator iser injecting president ial politics into this. I present it. I would like to save them record es rice that secretari and powell use their own private email, and i know of no senator that has not sent emails about the work of the subject matter and other subject matter on their personal email. So lets be clear. Really disappointed in this. I think we should be working together on the subject of todays hearing. Senators corker and cardin, i thank you so much for this hearing. And i thank you both for your leadership. It is extraordinary, the way you Work Together, and as Ranking Member myself, it is so important we do that to restore faith in this government. And secretary kerry, i want to say how much i appreciate your conscience. Especially in these very difficult times. As you point out, so many hotspots all over the world. I want to be specific about what im talking about when i compliment you. First of all, your work on the iran nuclear agreement. I know it is controversial, but i know how hard it was. And while you are doing that, also, your continuing to support israel in this budget. It is so important. And, thirdly, your opening relations cuba and your enforcing the global Climate Change negotiations. And, fifth, your efforts to bring russia to an Agreement Regarding syria. Agoas way back 3, 4 years that senator durbin called us together to meet with the russian masseter, say, ambassador, saying cant we Work Together to come to an agreement in syria . That was the most brutal meeting i have ever been to. It was horrible. All we said was lets Work Together for the future of the world, for the future of the Syrian People, and he was impossible. And so, frankly, im not being diplomatic, you have to be, but i do not. I blame russia and iran for what is happening there, for the women0 deaths of innocent and children. It is horrible. Im going to ask you, if i have time, and i have two subject matters i want to speak about, cuba and syria. I will start off with you. With cuba. I am a strong supporter of the decision to establish diplomatic relations with cuba. I was proud to join you at the reopening of the u. S. Embassy in , that itast august was so emotional and see and speak with the same marines, mr. Secretary, who took down the flat 50 years ago who raised the flag again, and to see how excited they were to be there and to do that. And to me, it is through engagement. Have the best chance to support the cuban people. Bothpect my friends on sides of the aisle who disagree with me vehemently and disagree with you vehemently and disagree with the president vehement a. But really, we tried isolation for 50 years and how did that go . So i think we have to move it. Ard and get past people have a right to believe what they want to, and i have no animosity toward them. There are reasons they put forward that are deeply held. But i think those folks are living in the past. Walking to the embassy last august, i felt like i had traveled through time. Beenuilding, which has not upgraded over 30 years, was clearly in disrepair and understaffed. I see the Administration Requests 3. 8 million for upgrades to our embassy in cuba in its fiscal twentysomething budget. Whether or not one agrees with the policy, could you tell us because i know so Many Americans are traveling to cuba and there are not enough hotel rooms. That is why air bnb is doing so well there. Did you comment could you, on why we really need these funds to rebuild the embassy . What are your priorities with respect to cuba for the remainder of the administration . Does the president mukherjee hope to achieve with his upcoming historic visit in march . Mr. Kerry thank you very much boxer. The current staffing in havana is inadequate support the goals , being abletives to do the normal diplomacy, and we were able to negotiate with the cubans successfully a 50 increase in staffing, so we are very eager to reverse this shortfall, which will be helpful in terms of helping business, helping travelers, helping americans. We have not increased any direct higher staff since 2014, and its usually the embassy there has hosted over 40 congressional executive branch in the year since the president announced the opening of the phonetic relations. Greaternegotiating freedom for our diplomats to travel within cuba. And that are monitored to moments and the ability to travel outside havana and is importantbans to our relationship and security and support of the cuban people. We also were able to negotiate a downr of containers going in order to help refurbish some of the embassy, which has not had any care in a long time. Concerns still. I am not going to pretend to anybody i think the president said at the beginning that not everything is going to change overnight. And there are still human rights issues. I may be down there the next week or two to have human rights dialogue specifically. Boxer what does the president hope to achieve . Mr. Kerry this week about the future, and he is anxious to press on the rights of people to be able to demonstrate, to have democracy, to be free, to be hang a sign innd their window without being put in jail for several years. Senator boxer is going to speak directly key is going to speak directly to the cuban people. That is really good. My last question, as a person who is engaged in most with the russians, and i talked about the frustration senators felt when we met years ago with the russians, do you believe they are truly going to commit to a cessation of the deliveries in the syrian area that cessation of hostilities in the syrian area . We kerry my assessment is have an opportunity to put to test the proposition that there committed to a political solution. And if indeed the only outcome that anybody believes can occur is political solution, we have thehoice but to try to get modalities in place to be able to get to the table and argue about it. Said,senator corker has our tools, my tools are the tools of diplomacy, the tools of trying to reach agreement, trying to use leverage we have to get an outcome. Outcome we have gotten is that everybody who is a stakeholder at the same table. All of them agreeing in this process. Withve russia joining us china and france and britain as the five permanent members of the Security Council, going to the Security Council with germany and others to get a Un Security Council resolution outlining the framework for a political settlement. And russia voting for it. So if we are going to test whether the words mean anything, you have to put in place a process like we have here. Senator corporate mentioned aleppo and what they have been doing. Yeah, they have been bombing. Imagine what would happen if we do not have agreement that would end in two weeks, they would still be bombing. You have to begin a ceasefire sometime, but you cannot begin it on day one without working out the modalities of it. You have to say, ok, what are the rules . Who is going to live by what . In this case that was particularly difficult because of different players that you have involved in this. Senator boxer i just hope it is not a rope a dope deal. Mr. Kerry it may he. Senator boxer not that you mr. Kerry if humanitarian and lives arews, saved him that is to the benefits, and it does not think it will have a positive outcome in the political process. We say this, because senator corporate raised an important issue. He said russia has been publishing its ends in the meantime. Russia tookif aleppo, even if russia is sitting there holding territory, has always been difficult, and if the war does not end, if the turks and southeast continue to support operation opposition to the opposition continues fight, this could get a lot uglier. Russia has to be evaluating that, too. The question is, at some point in time, someday, someone is going to have to sit down at a table and arrive at an understanding of what syria is going to be. But it may be too late to keep too whole syria if we wait much longer. That is what is at issue, and i will not out for this, i will not say this process is going to work, because i do not know. But i know that this is the best way to try to end the war and it is the only alternative available to us if indeed we are going to have a political settlement. Flake thank you, mr. Secretary. I share the concerns that senator cardin raised with regard to oco and the shift. This is something that all of us have been concerned over the , the shift to baseline funding. It is not an honest way to budget. I am not blaming the administration more than congress, but we have got to get away from it. Let me talk about the trip that senator cardin that he and i and sunroomcoons took to test southern africa, mostly to look at wildlife trafficking and coaching and to find some oversight for some of the programs that our government has with the various governments there. It is a challenge. We have seen a decline in the population in africa over the t 10 years to about 40 or 40 or 50 . Rhinos are being coached in one part to the tune of about 1200 just last year. When we were in that video, we went into a vault where they held a legal seizures of ivory, and i held one more, two horns rhino that on the black market is worth about 600,000, one set of rhino horns. 60,000 about more expensive than any precious metal or anything else, or cocaine or drugs. And those countries are very worried that criminal networks will come in that will fund conflict and instability like they have in Central Africa and elsewhere. That thed just say programs that we have going in those countries to help these threates respond to this are important, and we ought to keep going with that. Also, senator cardin mentioned the issue of trafficking in people, and report that we had. Senator cardin raised that everywhere we went. That is an important lever we have to induce these governments in thiswar on this area. It is concerning in some areas in namibia when it was raised, y,e government responded, he we have try to respond. After we left there were newspaper articles expressing some confusion about where they were and where they are and it is not just the namibian government. Other governments have expressed some confusion about how they respond. When you look at what we are trying to induce the governments to do, one is that the government should make an effort to eliminate severe forms of trafficking in persons. Those items are maybe a little too subjective. And if we want to use this as an effective lever to push these countries more where we want them to be, i would suggest they be we need to work on suggest maybe we need to work on measures to make them more concrete and precise. I know that is an area of concern of yours. Mr. Kerry thank you, senator. I know this is not everybodys mind, but it should be. I wish it were something that we were able to do more about, and we should be able to. The same criminal networks that engage in the wildlife trafficking also engage in tracking in human persons, narcotics trafficking. It is a multibillion dollar criminal enterprise. Fors destroying the future lots of countries that could rely on ecotourism or other also it is is eliminating species from the planets. There is one rhino i saw the other day, one white rhino in one country that is all. When i was in kenya recently, i there, a preserve where there were a bunch of orphaned baby elephants because the parents have been killed and the poaching has been reduced significantly because they now have workers out there, arms, and theres a price you pay if your cart. The it has to be stopped by enforcement. You cannot have impunity in the system. When it is part of a criminal aterprise in what has become klepto country of one kind or another, it is extremely hard to do anything about this. So we need to galvanize countries together, and we need to unfortunately this is one of the things that takes resources. You have got to be able to provide shelter, the refuge. You have got to be able to provide the enforcement activism, train people, make no impunityere is with respect to this. And until this moment, there has not been a significant enough effort. I know you and senator coons are contemplating legislation on this. The one concern we have as it goes back to what we were talking about earlier, we are cooperating with a lot countries , and they are cooperating with us. We areget into worried about the prospect if there is a frontal assault on them, we may lose the cooperation rather than make the progress were making. It is something we should talk about. What is the best way to get a return on investment here . Thank you. Ke i want to commend the administration for what they have done on cuba, as was mentioned before. Said to the president and there are still obviously big concerns with the cuban government in the area of human rights, for example. But it should not be lost on in the the improvement condition of cuban people since many changes have been made. For example, a few years ago when the president lifted researches on cubanamerican travel and caps on remittances, that in combinations with have meante in cuba nearly 25 of the cuban workforce is not outside of government, whether they are running private hotels or air bn b with a bed and breakfast, a beauty salon, and these people arehave that ability now separate as much as you can be and arefrom government enjoying richard, full are, or free lives than they would have otherwise. We still have a long way to go, what we are moving in the right russian. And i commend the administration for the steps that have been taken and i was the president well on his visit. I think it is an important step. Mr. Kerry thank you very much, senator. Appreciated. Senator corker this is labor and traffic awareness week. I appreciate you bring it up, and i want to thank the state department for working with us. This committee passed unanimously under senator endndezs leadership the slavery act. We have a down payment on that where we are working with the state department to get to the right places. This has to be a global effort when there are 27 Million People today enslaved. I know you know that. This committee knows that. We look forward to continuing to work with you. Thank you,endez senator. Let me join the chair and Ranking Member in saluting you for your service. While i may have disagreements, policy, and never doubt your commitment to americas virtues and promoting the churches abroad. Which iake a comment did not intend my preparation today. I guess it is the political hunting season, if you keep shooting and you do not land anything, maybe there is nothing to shoot that. I think the global needs that we have that we would be far better off the state department focusing on that, and on cuba, i think my dear friend from california, when she was here, that human rights and democracy are never about the past. They are a terminal they are eternal from my perspective. All i can say is there is a difference between the president traveling to cuba and when he traveled to burma, for example. Burma, weaveled to had a person released from house arrest we had elections. Tohad the 11 commitments release political prisoners. We got the red cross access to prisons and so forth. There were concrete and tangible progress on political reform and human rights. If anything, were going backwards here. Some of the people who were released under the original deal have already been rearrested and are serving long terms in prison. So much for good faith. We had 1400 arrests this year alone in the first two months. That is progress . 1400 arrests. Not because i say it, but the thend Commission Commission on human rights which is inside of cuba says it. When we do business with the castro regime, is what we are doing we are not doing business for the cuban people we are dealing with castros son and soninlaw who had two entities, both hands of the military, both who are going to have a transitional and general generationalge change. I will continue to speak out with that because i think human rights and democracy in cuba is incredibly important, and im concerned that what we have done is neutered our programs. Let me get to the heart of what i wanted to talk about. That is iran. You, mr. Secretary, invoking sanctions against iranian activities unrelated to portfolio, items of proliferation of Ballistic Missile technology or support of terrorism, they do not violate the terms of the agreement, d correct . Pursuing actions on proliferation of Missile Technology and support for terrorism, they do not violate the terms of the jcpoa . Mr. Kerry that is correct. Senator menendez we have seen two ballistic tests in violation of the Security Council. We have missiles tested in the vicinity of naval vessels. We have seen u. S. Sailors detained. Shipping sensitive money and materials in violation of standing u. S. Sanctions. We have seen clemency for another 14. We have awarded the arabian government 1. 7 billion for some kind of a Tractor Service that we never provided, but that was not talked about, not when i was chairman, not as a member of the committee. I never heard about that at all, and it was done so quickly and payment was made to rapidly that the victims of terrorism judgments in the United States did not have the wherewithal to attach it. I look at that and then i see the challenges that we have with iran outside of its nuclear portfolio. An an insurgency that toppled the government of support to the Syrian Regime of assad, a devastating war that we know about, financing billions of dollars to , hamas, and i look at that and do not see the counterweight. I have a since we are creating a permissive environment. Why do i say that . Missilelook at irans launches, we waited an inordinate amount of time knowing that the United Nations was not going to act and did not, and when we finally did provide some sanctionable action, well after all of the elements of implementation date took place, we have 11 entities that were sanctioned, but instead of sanctioning the banks that were financing those entities, so that we have a more farreaching consequence, were playing what, that we are playing wackamole. We have the ability to be far more aggressive against the rain and means against the iranians. We have a chance to create moderate inside of iran, even though they were blocked by the Guardian Council in a way i too that there are no moderate running the elections. Why is it that we are not being far more aggressive with the tools that we have . Finally, mr. Chairman, i would like to introduce into the record a gao report i had commissioned with senator kirk, and it talks about the entities in which we are putting all the marbles in, the International Atomic energy administration. I think they do good work. Many say some of the pulmonary findings cause concern for me about what is capable, what the iaea is capable of. Let me read some of them. The preliminary Observation Point to future problems with monitoring, verify, and meeting jcpoa. Ments of the it talks about its limitations, a limited budget from funding sources, Human Resources equipment is not being able to go beyond that, capabilities,ical. Nd lack of authorities they havehat while focused virtually all of their resources to pursue the jcpoa, they are going to have very little resources to turn a away from elevators. The estimates have identified the need for 10 million per year for 15 years over and above its present budget. So it is an agency that is understaffed for its purposes, losing technical assistance. People are leaving. Has now i think your focus, which i applaud their focus, but i wanted to also pursue other proliferators, and a budget that does not have the wherewithal to sustain it, just for the focus of the jcpoa. Shouldnt iran, who violated International Norms and laws of also be the entity to pay, since they are now flush with money that we have given them, or returned to them, shouldnt they be the ones to pay for the very essence of the verification and thetoring that they caused need for the first place . Senator, you raise a lot, obviously. Let me just try to quickly say unto you. I really appreciate a personal comments, and i am for that. I also respect enormously your commitment. You are dedicated when it come to the issue of human rights and freedom and you have been clear about it with respect to cuba, and where the difference may be in the tactics about how to get there, we do not have a difference in a goal. We haver sense that already seen some improvement in and power meant of the cuban people in private sector now employing one in four cubans. And is growing. As the vitamin and more people, theres a transformation to please. Anybody who has been down there had been there previously has observed this change that is taking place. People in the United States can now send unlimited remittances in support of private business investment. It is not perfect. I do not askdez you for comments on cuba i just wanted to let you know if for the record how i thought i would like to sponsor to the question of iran, though. Mr. Kerry with respect to iran, we believe we are being more than vigilant, actually. On january 17, we designated three entities and individuals who have provided material for the ballistic material programs. A sanction people and cut off from u. S. Financial assistance. Beenve continually tracking the implementation with great impact. We had a couple questions about one thing or another. We raise them with the iranians, and we resolve them in a way that kept faith with exactly theywere not militias, were normal kinds of things that had risen in the course of process, and we are happy to brief congress. I am sure you will be fully briefed on every aspect of that. Yes, the iaea needs more money. We know that. There are additional inspectors under our agreement who will be there, 130 of them, and as you know, our Intel Community and our Energy Department remain absolutely clear that they had the ability to be able to verify and track this agreement. So that gao is helpful. I think anybodys scrutiny that adds some choices for what can be done to make sure were doing this correctly can do so. The bottom line is we know that they took out from 90,000 centrifuges down to 5000. They took the the plutonium reactor. There is no enrichment taking place. My time isendez over. My focus was not about the invitation of the jcpoa, is about irans malign activities. Are also extremely focused on that. I had a meeting with the gcc if you weeks ago. We are meeting again somewhere in the next few weeks. Of our we have plussed assistance in the billions of dollars in terms of sales to them for their ability to be able to push back against iranian activities. We have engaged with the iranians on their activities yemen, and wen have high hopes that over the course of this to process we can begin to deal with the flow of weapons that the coming out of lebanondamascus into and threatening israel. We are very clear about that. And the threat of hezbollah. And engagement in various ways. Some of that should be taken up with a classified session. The amount of money that has flowed through iran thus far, not because we have ing with it, it is not winding up in some great imbalance in support for activities that we object to. There are things going on that we obviously that is why we left in place the sanctions on human rights, the sanctions on arms, the sanctions on missiles, the sections on state sponsor of terror are all still there, extent, and subject to enforcement, and we made that clear, is why we designated people because of the missile test that took place. So were very focused on it, senator. Together with our allies, and with israel, we are constantly sharing information, and i can assure you every country in the region will be as diligent as we are in tracking what they are doing. I will get an f on being a traffic cop and will be better for the remainder of the time. I appreciate the. Answering the question. A we could, we could closer to the time frame. Thank you for your energy and effort. We may have disagreed on some of the details of some of the efforts, but i respect your effort to represent us diplomatically and solve some of these tough problems are in the world. It is a very dangerous world. With regard to the budget, which is what i thought we were supposed we talk about today, next week senator kaine and i will have some of your staff talk about a few more details of the state departments budget requests, but i want to know for the records they, the state department, while it is up 25 from 2008, 12 billion, it is still 1 of our total spending. I also recognize that the world is a lot more dangerous today. Ashink you see the world crises. Two major when we look at the state department budget, we would be itl positioned to consider in its full perspective. You mentioned this in munich last week, where he represented the United States very well. It seems we had an interlocking two crises. The rights of traditional states, china and russia. We have these asymmetric threats from indonesia to algeria and here at home. We are also seeing Nuclear Proliferation threats and cooperation between north korea and iran, even that continues today, and we have the cyber warfare to mention our military is trying to a debt to come and i know your organization is trying to adapt to. What we do not talk about is the growing arms race in space. This is very collocated world right now. It are locked with that is our crisis that threats the ability to fund the needs we had. A question, io would like as liquid question about iran. Originally we were told that they would begin over a time to 150 100 billion billion. There is some Balance Sheet issues they have access to, but cash is about 50 going dollars for we have heard a rain officials talk about it in access of 100 billion. We have an update on what that number is . Mr. Kerry it is below 50 billion. Senator perdue do we havent idea mr. Kerry we can talk about that in a closed session. Senator perdue general breedlove described a situation as being the refugees being weaponize. I know you were there and you commented on that. I would love to get your comments relative defense spending in europe as well under 2 . Europe has up to the United States to be the big brother, and now we see putin who is seeing that understanding. Our study is about 2 of our gdp. It is 100 basis points less than a 30year average. I am not suggesting we need to spend 200 billion more. I would like to know what the state department and your strategy and the administrations strategy is to deal with putin and light with these growing dangers from the immigration issue in europe, particularly in the very susceptible states of Eastern Europe that used to be satellites of the soviet union, all the way up to the baltics, but starting in greece and go up the refugee headline, these are very vulnerable states right now. What is our strategy to offset putin and deal with the growing threat to these fragile governments . Mr. Kerry our strategy is to support them to a much greater degree. We have got the nato Assurance Program that is in place. We have put very significant effort into the larger numbers of rotating training and troops and equipment in the region. In addition, as i mentioned in my opening statement, we have taken our expenditure last year was 700 million and we are taking it up to 3. 4 million dollars, 2. 5 billion in assistance to the frontline states in order to make it very and justt we are there for ukraine in addition to that. Amount, but itt is in billions, i think it is. Are making it very clear that we are there to help. The weaponization issue is a serious one. We have seen that ill get turned up and turned down. I might add, not only by russia. So again in classified session, i would be happy to talk about that. But i think it is imperative for us as i said earlier to be prepared to do more with respect to helping europe to be able to withstand this onslaught. Cannot overstate the impact politically of the potential of another million refugees. Perdue do you think europe can take another million . Mr. Kerry no, and i think we have to i think that would have profoundly negative, genetic people purdue you had in munich talking about the growing refugee crisis from the subsaharan area as well and the crisis in egypt right now mr. Kerry 50 of the people going in are not from syria. Theyre coming from bangladesh, pakistan, afghanistan, africa. To the major challenge nature of the european union. The peopledue serbia,rom serve you a good number of those were from greecestan, through the and macedonia pipeline. Im about out of time, but i would like to go back to north korea in a. Thector clapper commented exporting of illicit missiles to iran and syria and the assistance of a reactor demonstrate north koreas willingness to demonstrate dangerous technologies. Iranian officials participated in nuclear tests. You have anything you can tells about what the state department is doing to monitor that cooperation and any potential violations of the jcpoa . Mr. Kerry yeah. At this point in time, we do not assess there is a violation. But we have in place restrictions under the you and u. N. Security Council Resolutions to act if there are. Targetr clapper is on and he is accurate, if we agree with that assessment, and we are working very closely to address that. We are on the verge of having an agreement hopefully with china. I am meeting with the Chinese Foreign minister this afternoon. We are very hopeful we know we have made progress in the negotiation in new york and coming up with a substantial council u. N. Security resolution with respect to what we will do as result of these activities. So we are taking both National Steps and multilateral steps. We have entered the conversations with south korea on the missile deployment, defensive system deployment, and we have other options available to us. Interferenot with the jcpoa. Thank you, mr. Chairman, and secretary kerry, let me echo what others have said about your Excellent Service around the country and all you are doing to try to bring peace to many of these difficult regions. I am glad you mentioned Roberta Jacobson in your opening. I think other senators have mentioned her here. I have worked with her extensively. Capableshe is a very Career State Department person. You said, she does not make a policy about cuba. And so if you are objecting to the policy, does not make any sense to hold up her nomination. I went down last week to the senate floor to offer her name in consent, and it was objected thisnd i can just tell you is an area that she is nominated for mexico to be the ambassador to mexico. This has a real impact on my state. The state of new mexico borders with mexico. We have dramatic trade that is going on in the last 15 years that started at about 7. 5 million. 1. 2t is up to about billion. We have all sorts of cooperatives kinds of things. We have worked with mexico on these at the state level. Im just wondering from your perspective, what is the impact of not having an ambassador to mexico and recognizing that we secretary kerry, this has been vacant for six months, and this is one of our strong trading partners. Could you speak to that . Mr. Kerry thank you, senator, for that effort. With theou interact ambassadors when you go to these other countries. They spent a lifetime of service skillscountry, gaining over 20 and 30 years, and there is a reason we send them to the countries we send them to, because they are particularly suited to helping us advance build as interests to relationship, to help to explain our values and choices, but in this world right now, particularly, notwithstanding instant communication and email and the way in which we can communicate directly, foreign foreign to hav minister, having an investor on the ground, he the people in the government, who understands their difficulty, who has a sense of the politics of that particular country helps us to be able to get our policy implemented. And here we are. We just had a north American Security dialogue in canada the other day, with the foreign minister of mexico, and myself. We have a huge work american interests. Have energy challenges. We have border challenges. We have narcotics trafficking. We have violence. We have the challenge of mexicos health to help us prevent the flow of those children coming up from honduras, guatemala, coming up from mexico into the United States last year, and so forth. You can run a long list. After terrorism. Counterterrorism. Need we have on a daily basis to have our nation are poorly represented i ambassador is absolutely critical. City weourselves look insult the country that is not get the person. What is this,g, punishment for something we did or did not do . They understand this process. Years in yourand session as you know, and we got to the point where we could have a vote. Not one senator or two senators preventing the country from doing what it needs to do. I would hope we have a vote and let the democracy decide whether will wille senates say Roberta Jacobson will go to mexico and help us with these issues. I applaud senator corker appeared what has ended up happening is they get down on the floor. I would like to shift to another area that you just mentioned because it is an area that we also work with mexico on, and that is just a problematic situation in Central America. This is having an impact in my state of new mexico because we minorsny unaccompanied who are staying at an air force race. Base. How are we with these three countries in Central America that are drug you have drugfueled violence, you have corrupt governments, very weak governments . Going to move ourselves in a better situation so that migration does not happen . That is what i am very concerned about. We in this budget deal, as you are very aware, helped significantly in terms of state Department Funding for Central America for these three countries. I would like you to discuss any progress that has been made to date with respect to lamenting the u. S. Strategy for engagement in Central America. Has there been any change in migration patterns that could be attributed to this effort which we are undertaking . With the funding requested for 2017, will it be used differently from previously appropriated funds for the region . And how long do you think we will have to work on this to make an impact . Mr. Kerry we are going to have to work for a fair number of years. We just were able to celebrate ombia. Rs of plan col passed thathen we plan, 1 billion, and people were wondering, one country over 10 years, what i was going to do. I think it safe the country, together with the countrys commitment itself and its leaders to stand up to the narcotraffickers back then who were destroying the nation. A is one of the strongest countries in latin america and doing a wonderful job in many specs. Hese investments are critical that is what the administration has decided to do and is doing with respect to a number of countries, not just sell it or and gollum not just el salvador, that the lees ann lize andaqqa and be folks toa, that cause send their kids into danger to come into the United States. It has to do with violence. It has to do with narcotics trafficking, lack of opportunity, health, and other ingredients. We have found that what really does make a difference is to help these countries to be able to help themselves, and that helps us. So we are engaged in a major effort to try to professionalize the Law Enforcement to reduce the illicit trafficking, to reduce the smuggling, the transnational organized crime, angs, and we have asked for 750 million dollars. Is a down payment of the money we want to put into this. Million of that is for bilateral assistance, and 390 million is for regional assistance for things i just talked about. Im convinced if we follow through on that, this is going to reduce the numbers of people trying to come to the United States across the border, and ill will significantly and it will significant in the longterm joint in those countries and our relationships with them. Senator udall thank you. Senator corker senator paul . I continue to believe that one of the greatest threats that our country faces with the accumulation of debts. 300 billion over in four and a over the last 10 years. We have accumulated in that time over 10 trillion in debt. Some of say it is only 1 of the budget, 90 big deal. If you cut 1 of the budget each year over a fiveyear period, the savings adds up. The other thing is most of us give privately to charities or to our church, and most of us are observed to our money to get to your church. You get out of your Surplus Property earnings, but you do not give out of borrowed money. Is observed for our country to our money from china and to send pakistan. It defies any common sense. The other argument is whether or not it actually works, whether is soney if you say it valuable and we borrowed this money and were going further into debt, but it works. There is evidence that maybe it does not work. A trillionwed dollars into iraq, and iraq has treated their liberation we have granted them with falling into iran. Rms of air they do not do what we asked them to do. They brought some of the sunni uprising on themselves. In egypt over the last 10 years we have given them 60 billion. Some estimate half of that was stolen by the mubarak family. Liberal institutions have reported up to 70 of foreign aid is still. Has mentionedr the duplicitous nature of pakistan which can be discharged emy, but duplicitous is the best way to reported. We have given them 15 billion over the last 10 years. I will not convince you that i think the American People are convinced that we do not have the money to be sending money all around the world when our infrastructure is falling down, and our country is struggling. We simply do not the money, and it makes no sense to our it. I will not convince you on those points, so i would ask you a specific question about syria. Do you think it would make any difference if instead of demanding as a precondition assad leaving if the demand were something more like an internationally monitored election within a certain time . Is that something that has already been offered as a possibility, and what is your best guess as to whether russia or syria might treat that as more of a possibility of a starting point, if there were an election at some predetermined date . Thanks forsenator, your comment on the general issue of aid. I would like to come back to that. Iran have accepted the idea of an internationally monitored highest standard election in which even the diaspora can vote, so they are already there. That is part of the laid down in United Nations Security Council and in the agreement. The problem is the opposition will not accept the idea of i thought running an election because they believe they do not have confidence senator paul the opposition is going to have to accept something. With russias backing, assad is not going anywhere. We are the ones to ply the opposition. We need to tell them they are having to accept something. Mr. Kerry negotiating the settlement of a war course cover mys by everybody. Has compromised in significant ways to come to the table. If you cannot end the war with running, ish assad it worth destroying the country over one man who simply thinks his being there is more than anything else . The question is whether or not the course of this process people will come to their senses i mean, four words could end this war. I will not run. You could immediately move to resolve all the other issues in a bear suit of way. So i the opposition and everything r everybody believes assad cannot unite the country. Just cant end the war. Have said this earlier senator paul they dont have strength. They are one of 1,500 groups. The opposition we support wont exist without our support basically. They are being overrun as we speak

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