The sanders who took the stage was the same man who pitched his economic populist message to adoring crowds across the country, but also worked hard to connect with a skeptical audience by framing his message as one of morality and justice. He quoted from the bible and praised pope francis. He bowed his head in prayer and spoke about how to bring people together. Here is the speech now. It is 50 minutes. Thank you. David, they do that chant a lot better than you do. Thank you for that warm introduction and welcome to convocation this morning. We are humbled to welcome a very special guest. Senator Bernie Sanders. [applause] the democratic candidate for president of the United States. We made roomrs, for a lot of your supporters locally on the front row, so you have a fan club. 2006, senator sanders was elected to the u. S. Senate for the first time after serving for 16 years as the sole congressman from vermont. He went on to be reelected in 2012. He was born in oakland, new york and attended brooklyn, new york and attended the university of chicago. In 1981, he was elected mayor of burlington, vermont by 10 votes. Under his leadership, he helped transform erlang 10 one of the most exciting and livable city hesh he transformed helped transform burlington into one of the most exciting and Livable Cities in the nation. Tirelessly forht families. He was dubbed the amendment king for passing more amendments than anyone else in congress. He lives in burlington, vermont now. Since david came to me and told me that senator sanders had agreed to speak at liberty, i said that is great. Asking, can you find Common Ground with the senator . I think i did. Senator sanders, if you would come up. [applause] i think in the future, he will be a fan of the liberty flames. We already found some Common Ground, i hope. We welcome you to Liberty University. We are humbled and honored that you would come here. Please give him a warm welcome. [applause] sanders bank sanders sen. Sanders thank you. President falwell and david, thank you for inviting my wife jane and me to be with you this morning. Let me start off by a knowledge acknowledging what all of you already know. That is the views that you have and i have on a number of important issues are very different. I believe in womens rights. [applause] right of a woman to control her own body. [applause] i believe in gay rights and gay marriage. Views, and it is no secret. Today, becausee i believe from the bottom of my heart that it is vitally important for those of us who hold different views to be able to engage in a civil discourse. Too often in our country, on , there is too much shouting at each other. There is too much making fun of each other. , and i say this as someone whose voice is hoarse because i have given dozens of speeches and a last few months, it is easy to talk about people who agree with you. I was in greensboro, North Carolina last night. We have 9000 people. Mostly they agreed with me. Tonight we have thousands. That is not hard to do. That is what politicians do. We talked to people who agree with us. But it is harder. But not less important. To try and communicate with those who do not agree with us on every issue. [applause] sen. Sanders and it is important to see where if possible, and i do believe if possible, we can find Common Ground. Now Liberty University is a religious school, obviously. [applause] and all of you are proud of that. [applause] you are a school which, as all of us in our own way tries to understand the meaning of morality, what does it mean to live a moral life . And you try to understand in this very complicated modern world that we live in, what the words of the bible mean in todays society. You are a school which tries to teach its students how to behave with decency and with honesty, and how you can best relate to your fellow human beings. And i applaud you for trying to achieve those goals. [applause] let me take a moment, or a few moments, to tell you what motivates me in the work that i do as a public servant, as a senator from the state of vermont. And let me tell you that it goes without saying, i am far from being a perfect human being, but i am motivated by a vision which exists in all of the great religions, christianity, judaism, islam, buddhism, and other religions. That vision is so beautifully and clearly stated in matthew 7 12, and it states so in everything do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law and the prophets. That is the golden rule. Do unto others what you would have them do to you. That is the golden rule and it is not very complicated. Let me be frank. As i said, i understand that the issues of abortion and gay marriage are issues that you feel very strongly about. We disagree on those issues. I get that. But let me respectfully suggest that there are other issues out there that are of enormous consequence to our country and in fact to the entire world, that maybe, just maybe, we do not disagree on. And maybe, just maybe, we can try to Work Together to resolve them. [applause] amos 5 24, but let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never failing stream. Justice, treating others the way we want to be treated. Treating all people, no matter their race, their color, their stature in life, with respect and with dignity. [applause] in my view, it would be hard for anyone in this room today to make the case that the United States of america, our great country, a country which all of us love, it would be hard to make the case that we are a just society, or anything resembling a just society today. [applause] in the United States of america today, there is massive injustice in terms of income and wealth inequality. Injustice is rampant. We live, and i hope all of you know this, in the wealthiest country in the history of the world. But most americans do not know that. Because almost all of that wealth and income is going to the top 1 . That is the truth. We are living in a time and i warn all of you if you would, put this in the context of the bible, not me, in the context of the bible we are living in a time where a handful of people have wealth beyond comprehension, and im talking about tens of billions of dollars. Enough to support their families for thousands of years. With huge yachts and jet planes and tens of billions. More money than they would ever know what to do with. But at that very same moment, there are millions of people in our country, let alone the rest of the world, who are struggling to feed their families. They are struggling to put a roof over their heads, and some of them are sleeping out on the streets. They are struggling to find money in order to go to a doctor when they are sick. Now when we talk about morality, and when we talk about justice, we have to, in my view, understand that there is no justice when so few have so much and so many have so little. [applause] there is no justice, and i want you to hear this clearly, when the top 1 10 of 1 , not 1 , the top 1 10 of 1 today in america owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 . And in your heart, you will have to determine the morality of that, and the justice of that. In my view, there is no justice when here in virginia and vermont and all over this country millions of people are working long hours for abysmal abysmally low wages of seven dollars an hour, eight dollars an hour, nine dollars an hour, working hard but unable to bring in enough money to adequately feed their kids. At the same time, 58 of all new income generated is going to the top 1 . You have got to think about the morality of that, the justice of that, and whether or not that is what we want to see in our country. In my view, there is no justice when, in recent years, we have seen a proliferation of millionaires and billionaires while at the same time the United States of america has the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth. How can we . I want you to go into your hearts, how can we talk about morality, about justice, when we turn our backs on the children of our country . [applause] now you have got to think about it. You have to think about it and you have to feel it in your guts. Are you content . Do you think it is moral that 20 of the children in this country, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, are living in poverty . Do you think it is acceptable that 40 of africanamerican children are living in poverty . In my view, there is no justice and morality suffers. When in our wealthy country millions of children go to bed hungry. That is not morality. And that in my view is not what america should be about. [applause] in my view, there is no justice when the 15 wealthiest people in this country in the last two years, two years saw their wealth increase by 170 billion. Two years. The wealthiest 15 people in this country saw their wealth increase by 170 billion. My friends, that is more wealth acquired in a twoyear period that is owned by the bottom 130 million americans. And while the very, very rich become much richer, millions of families have no savings at all. Nothing in the bank. And they worry every single day that if their car breaks down, they cannot get to work and if they cannot get to work, they lose their job. And if they lose their job they do not feed their family. In the last two years, 15 people saw 170 billion increase in their wealth. 45 million americans live in poverty. That in my view is not justice. That is a rigged economy, designed by the wealthiest people in this country to benefit the wealthiest people in this country at the expense of everybody else. [applause] in my view, there is no justice when thousands of americans die every single year because they do not have any Health Insurance and do not go to a doctor when they should. I have talked personally to doctors throughout vermont and physicians all over this country. Without exception, they tell me there are times when patients walk into their office very, very sick and they say, why didnt you come in here when youre sick . And the answer is, i do not have any Health Insurance or i have a high deductible or i thought the problem would get better. And sometimes it doesnt, and sometimes they die because they lack Health Insurance. That is not justice. That is not morality. People should not be dying in the United States of america when they are sick. [applause] what that is, is an indication that we are the only major country on earth that does not guarantee health care to all people as a right. And i think we should change that. [applause] and i think, i think that when we talk about morality, what we are talking about is all of gods children, the poor, the wretched. They have a right to go to a doctor when they are sick. [applause] there is a lot of talk in this country from politicians about family values. You have all heard that. Let me tell you about a family value. In my view, there is no justice when low income and workingclass mothers are forced to separate from their babies one or two weeks after birth, and go back to work because they need the money that their jobs provide. I know everybody here, we all are. Maybe in different ways, but all of us believe in family values. Jane and i have four kids. We have seven beautiful grandchildren. We believe in family values. But it is not a family value when all of you know that the most important moments in time of a human beings life is the first weeks and months after that baby is born. That is the moment when mother bonds with the baby, gets to love and know her baby, and dad is there as well. That is what a family is about. Those of you, at least those of you who are parents more parents back there than here i suspect you know what an unforgettable moment that is. And i want you to think whether you believe it is a family value that the United States of america is the only, only major country on earth that does not provide paid family and medical leave. [applause] now in english, what that means is all over the world, when a woman has a baby she is guaranteed the right, because society understands how important that moment is, she is guaranteed the right to stay home and get income in order to nurture her baby. And that is why i believe when we talk about family values, that the United States government must provide at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave. [applause] in my view, there is no justice in our country when youth unemployment exists at tragically high levels. I requested a study last month from a group of economists, and what they told me is that 51 of africanamerican High School Graduates between the ages of 17 and 20 are unemployed or underemployed. 51 . We have in this country sufficient amounts of money to put more people in jail than any other country on earth. The United States has more people in jail then china, a communist, authoritarian country. But apparently, we do not have enough money to provide jobs and education to our young people. I believe that is wrong. [applause] i am not a theologian. I am not an expert on the bible. Nor am i a catholic. I am just a United States senator from the small state of vermont. But, i agree with pope francis who will soon becoming to visit us in the United States. [applause] i agree with pope francis when he says, and i quote the current financial crisis originated in a profound human crisis, the denial of the primacy of the human person. This is what he writes. We have created new idols. The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money, and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose. [applause] the pope also writes there is a need for financial reform along ethical lines that would produce in its turn and economic reform to benefit everyone. Money has to serve, not to rule. [applause] now those are pretty profound words, which i hope we will all think about. In the popes view, and i agree with him, we are living in a nation and in a world, and the bible speaks to this issue, in a nation and in a world which worships not love of brothers and sisters, not love of the poor and the sick, but worships the acquisition of money and great wealth. I do not believe that is the country we should be living in. [applause] mr. Sanders money and wealth should serve the people. The people should not have to serve money and wealth. [applause] mr. Sanders throughout human history, there has been endless discussion. It is part of who we are as human beings, people who think and ask questions, and less endless discussion and debate about the meaning of justice and about the meaning of morality. And i know that here at Liberty University, those are the kinds of discussions you have every day, and those are the kinds of discussions you should be having, and the kinds of discussions we should be having all over america. I would hope, and i conclude with this thought, i would hope very much that as part of that discussion and part of that learning process, some of you will conclude that if we are honest in striving to be a moral and just society, it is imperative that we have the courage to stand with the poor, to stand with working people, and when necessary, take on very powerful and wealthy people whose greed, in my view, is doing this country enormous harm. Thank you all very much. [applause] mr. Sanders thank you. Thank you. [applause] thank you, senator. Obviously, just a few minutes with some questions. These questions, sir, are from our student body. We opened up to our Student Government the opportunity for questions to come your way, and a lot of questions poured in. I think these few questions in the few minutes we have with you will represent the main thoughts on the hearts of our students, the main things they wanted to know. I think you are going to find a lot of commonality obviously in wanting to see someone go to work and get paid more for it, wanting to see children not the hungry, wanting to see the reality of just racism being erased out of this country. You are going to find a lot of commonality obviously, for College Students to hear from you that Public Higher Education could be free, so anybody who is 19 will be excited about free college. The question is not so much the commonality in wanting to see those things, but how do we get there . In that kind of mindset, just a little bit about how we would get there. As far as race inequality is concerned, this question from one of our students. If you were elected president , what would you do to bring healing and resolution to the issue of racism in our country . We both want to see that go away. What steps would you begin to take if you were our leader in seeing that resolved . Mr. Sanders that is an excellent question. I would hope and i believe that every person in this room today understands that it is unacceptable to judge people, to discriminate against people based on the color of their skin. [applause] mr. Sanders and i would also say that as a nation, the truth is, that a nation in which many ways was created, and im sorry to have to say this, from way back on racist principles, we have come a long way as a nation. My guess is that probably not everybody here is an admirer or voted for barack obama. But the point is, in 2008 this country took a huge step forward in voting for a candidate based on his ideas and not the color of his skin. [applause] mr. Sanders and whether you like obama or not, and i do, he is a friend of mine and i work with him on many issues, that is a step forward for america. [applause] mr. Sanders but let me also say what everybody here knows, and my thoughts having just returned from south carolina, we all know to what degree racism remains alive in this country. I cannot understand, i really cannot. I think about it, i try to understand it, how a sick man can walk into a bible study class, discuss the bible, pray with people in the room, and then take out a gun and kill nine of them because the color of their skins were different than his. And i cannot understand for the life of me, how there can be hundreds of groups in this country whose sole reason for existence is to promote hatred. These are hate groups. And they say, join us so we can hate africanamericans or days or jews or emigrants or anybody that is different from us. I cannot understand. But let us be clear. When you have unarmed africanamericans shot by Police Officers, something which has been going on for years, that is also institutional racism and cries out for reform. [applause] mr. Sanders i am a former mayor who has worked closely with Police Officers. The vast majority of them are honest, work hard, and do a very good job. [applause] mr. Sanders but when a Police Officer breaks the law with any other public official, that officer must be held accountable. [applause] mr. Sanders that is justice. And there is a lot to be done in terms of our criminal justice system, in terms of minimal sentencing, in terms of local Police Departments which look like armies that are invading a community. But to answer your question, i think what we have got to do is when we see instances of racism, when we hear political leaders appealing to the worst elements of us by making racist attacks against people from another country or people whose color may be different than most of us, we have got to stand up and say, in america you are not going to do that. [applause] we could not agree with you more on that thought. We would say, i think i speak for many of our students, that it is not so much skin issue as it is a sin issue. [applause] that you can change the behavior of police, put cameras on them all day long, but behavior modification can only stop so short as identity change. [applause] i think we want what you want. Mr. Sanders let me just say this. The answer is, obviously we have got to change our hearts. But everybody should know that 60, 70 years ago in this country, we had segregated schools and segregated restaurants. And it took a supreme court, it took Martin Luther king jr. , it took millions of people demand Public Policy which ended segregation. That is right. I think where you are going to find commonality is at Liberty University, we are not interested in making sure people of color are invited to sit at the bus. We want to see them own the bus and on the restaurant. On protecting the vulnerable, i think our student are more passionate about that than any other thing. The question they wanted to know went way just beyond wealth inequality. We certainly have those kind of things, but protecting the vulnerable, this was probably the number one question we got. Senator sanders, you have talked in your campaign about how it is immoral to protect the billionaire class at the expense of our most vulnerable in society, obviously children. You just mentioned that in your talk with us earlier. A majority of christians would agree with you, but would also go further and say that children in the womb need our protection even more. [applause] how do you reconcile . So the question, sir, obviously you can see this is what they want to ask. How do you reconcile the two . I know you have a different view. I know that you, sir, and i do not have to be eye to eye on it. I sense a real sincerity in you on wanting to see our children protected. Can you see how we see the child in the womb is the most vulnerable . Mr. Sanders i do, and i understand this is an area where we disagree. I understand and i believe that it is improper for the government to tell everyone in this country the painful and difficult choice she has to make on that issue. [applause] mr. Sanders i honestly, do not want to be too provocative, but very often conservatives say, get the government out of my life. I do not want the government telling me what to do. But on this very sensitive issue on which we are divided, a lot of people agree with you and a lot of people agree with me. My view is, i respect absolutely a family who says no, im not going to have an abortion. But i would hope that other people respect the very painful and difficult choice that many women feel the have to make, and do not want the government telling them what they have to do. [applause] mr. Sanders but, i want to take that question a step further. We do disagree on that issue. No ifs or buts about it. Here is where i hope we have Common Ground. Im going to be partisan for a moment, because i want to lay this on your shoulders. I am a Ranking Member of the u. S. Senate budget committee. I want to tell you, what was in the republican budget that passed a number of months ago. Check it out. You think im not telling you the truth. When you talk about issues about children, understand republican budget threw 27 Million People off of health care, including many children. At a time when many families cannot afford to send their kids to college, and i am running on a program that says every Public College and university in america should be tuitionfree. But at a time when families cannot afford to send their kids to college, republican budget cuts 90 billion in pell grants over a tenyear. A tenyear period. Republicans cut money for the wic program, which goes to low income pregnant women and their babies. To add insult to injury, in that budget, the republicans provided over 250 billion over a 10 year period in tax breaks to the top 2 10 of 1 . I do not think that is a moral budget. [applause] i do not pretend to be an expert on budgets, but i think a lot of us would be very interested in our government budgeting for planned parenthood. I think a lot of us would be very interested in looking for those budgets, and i think they get a lot more complex. In for just one more question, sir, for our last question on religious freedom. A lot of questions from our students who i think really were just very peppered with concern and broken heartedness when they see the world around them. This is where i genuinely sense in you, you are a lot like a father figure. Mr. Sanders a grandfather figure, i am getting older every day. And i sense that same concern in your heart as we would have. Here is the question in that frame. Were watching on the news a refugee crisis in syria and religious minorities facing persecution in the middle east. How do you feel the United States should respond . Do you feel that as the United States that we should be obligated, more than we even are now, in responding . That there would be a stewardship of responsibility on the greatest nation of the world, to step in even at a greater level. Mr. Sanders obviously, the answer is yes but i do not quite know what the word step in means. If the question is, do we have a moral responsibility not just for, to work with europe and to work with some of these wealthy gulfregion countries like saudi arabia, united arab emirates, kuwait, to help with this human tragedy. Can you imagine people leaving their homes in syria and iraq with simply the clothes on their back, dragging their kids with them . Do we had a lower responsibility to work the rest of the world in providing help bringing some of those people to this country . The answer is absolutely yes. Absolutely yes. But, this is where it gets tricky. That is in a sense, a reasonably easy response. We should do that. All of you know that the middle east and other parts of the world are a real quagmire. We are living in a crazy and dangerous world, we see Horror Stories every day of isis and people doing barbaric thing. I voted against the war in iraq. [applause] mr. Sanders and i voted against that war because i worried very much, and if you read what i wrote at that time, what im telling you is the truth, about the instability and destabilization that that would bring about. So the question of u. S. Military force becomes part of this discussion. And let me just say this i am the former chairman of the United States Senate Committee on veterans affairs, and i would hope this is an area that all of us can agree on, that we are going to provide all of the health care and benefits that our veterans need. [applause] we have to take care of our own, absolutely. Mr. Sanders but the cost of war is something that is far greater, i fear, then most people know. And before we go off to war, we have got to make certain that we have explored every other possible option. [applause] mr. Sanders people may not know this, but as the former chairman i do. In iraq and afghanistan we lost 6700 brave men and women. Many came home without legs and arms and eyesight. 500,000 of them came home with posttraumatic stress disorder or traumatic rain injuries. Brain injuries. Their lives have been disrupted, families have been separated, children have suffered. A great nation like the United States of america, with the most powerful military on earth in my view, should use every possible opportunity to resolve International Conflict without going to war. War should be the last resort. [applause] absolutely. Senator, it has just been an honor, sir, to have you with us. We on occasion have the opportunity to have questions and answers with some of our guests. The one thing we always end with is the question of how can we, and it is not just a statement, i really believe that our students are wanting to know, how can we lean in we know you were in North Carolina last night, you are going to be in manassas this afternoon. Meeting your staff, they are incredibly hardworking people in this very fastpaced where you and your wife are on that campaign trail with grandkids. You are the liveliest 73yearold i have ever met, sir. How can we pray for you and your family . How can we be thinking of you . When we think of you and see you, what can we say Bernie Sanders asked us to pray for him . Mr. Sanders david, thank you very much for that thought. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. But this is what i would like to be prayers to be for. Not just for me, for more significantly our prayers for our country, prayers for how we bring our people together, prayers for how we can create in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, a beautiful country, a country where all people have health care, where all kids have the ability to go to college, where we have wiped out childhood poverty. Those are the prayers that i want to join with you in making. [applause] lets do that. Lets do that now. Lets pray together. Can we do that . Father, we thank you for the fact that god, you owned the cattle on a thousand hills, that you are the great provider. Father, at this very moment we come to you as the god of this universe, god that is able to provide, and we pray that your provisions would slow down. All people, god, all nations, we thank you, lord, where morality stops short spirituality can go further. And so we lean in on you. We thank you where government fails, god, that your kingdom prevails. We pray for a greater nature nation. We pray for justice and compassion and mercy to be the greatest thing that we are known for as a nation. That our power would be known as a power that is spent, father, for the least of these. We love you, lord, thank you for this opportunity to come together. I pray for this man, his family, his team. Give them sustainable pace as they are on the road. I pray that father, in this very moment, that he will know he has made friends today, that he has come into an environment where people show grace, show appreciation, and show humility, father. And also gratitude is in our hearts, that he would take the time out of his scheduled to come. Amen. Can we thank our senator Bernie Sanders . [applause] reportswashington post that Hillary Clinton has lost a significant amount of support number base. A poll conducted by abc news shows sharp erosion in her support among democratic women, where 71 of democraticleaning female voters say that in july, and expected to vote clinton. Only 42 do now. It coincides with news that the energy i is looking into the sent over aemails private server clinton used when she was secretary of state as well as an intense media focus on her response to the controversy. In more news, from the democratic campaign, we spoke to a capitol Hill Reporter about the Bloomberg Politics story on Vice President biden meeting with a top clinton fundraiser. One of the headlines, Vice President bidens secret meeting with a top obama donor. Joining us is john heilemann, the cohost of with all due respect. He is joining us from new york. Thank you for being with us. John always a pleasure. Who is he and what did you learn . Guy who was is a the president and ceo of ubs america, a big investment bank. He had been a relatively important democratic bundler. In 2008, he became a really important one when he broke with most of his compatriots and backed barack obama long before obama was seen as a possible challenger. He raised the a kind of money for obama in 2008 and again in 2012. Verye process, got himself close personally to the president , which is sort of unusual. Obama does not have a lot of runs on wall street or the business community, but he and robert have become good runs. They have vacations together and golf together. He is now on the president s export council. He was on the economic recovery board and has been on the infrastructure panels. He has been very involved, a very big obama figure. In this context, a few months ago, after it looked like only Hillary Clinton was going to be running for president , he came out and said he would be for Hillary Clinton. That is where the entry now begins, with him taking part in a secret meeting with Vice President haydn, who was in town in new york. They spent 90 minutes getting to know each other a little bit and beginning what i think of as a courtship that could blossom into a romance of some consequence if biden decides to run. Speculation after his appearance with Stephen Colbert. It was an emotional interview. Now this development. Read the tea leaves based on what he told Stephen Colbert and what he is doing behind the scenes john i think the Vice President is being 100 honest. Griefstill racked with over his beloved son, beau. He is an oldfashioned patriarch. The welfare of his family, his wife, his sister, his daughterinlaw, his son, all of the grandkids, he cares enormously about them and trying to get to a place where he will emotionally ready to give it his all and do a president ial run. To go through that with him is a huge barrier to him running. Having said that, he wants to be president of the United States. He thinks he is the most qualified person. He thinks he is more qualified than hillary and and a better politician than her. He looks at the problems she is having and he sees an opening for him to run. He hears what has been a really surprising and extraordinary outpouring of sympathy for him and people wanting him to enter the race. Looking at the polling, getting phone calls from donors, getting a positive response when he goes out on the campaign trail and does events like the labor day thing he did in pittsburgh, all ,f it is pushing him, i believe on the basis of talking to a lot of people in his inner circle, i think he is getting closer and closer every day to being able to get over the emotional hesitance he has and being drawn to the political opportunity that he sees. Lets talk about the timetable. The first democratic debate is in a month. You are reporting that he could wait until early november. John yes. The timetable has kept getting pushed back. They originally said, i am going to decide by the end of the summer. People thought labor day, basically. It was no way, given the timing of beaus death. There was no way to get to the point where he could make a decision by then. Now people around him are saying, wait a minute. We do not necessarily have to go. There are a few things happening in october that matter. There is the first of a the first debate, as you mentioned. There is a big democratic event. There is the Florida State democratic convention. Those are events that would be good for him to take part in if he is going to run. Hand, you still get ahead of all the filing deadlines that start to pile up in november. You get to wait and see if slidens lside continues. You get to wait after her testimony on benghazi and see whether that hurts her or helps her. You get a little bit more time to read the wind politically and put together the infrastructure of a campaign. And you give him a little more time to process his grief and to bring his family to the place where they would need to be for him to say yes. John heilemann, comanaging politics,bloomberg thank you for your time. John thank you. On the next washington norquist on the various tax plans put forward by the candidates. Discussesucy melcher u. S. Households that have trouble getting access to adequate food due to a lack of money and resources. Rachel bade looks at the clinton email scandal and how it affects her candidacy. Tuesday, a discussion on pope of capitalism and whether it leads to inequality and poverty. Live from the Cato Institute here on cspan. Setting the stage for cspans new series, landmark cases. The National Constitution center hosts a live discussion in philadelphia on when you on wednesday. Exploring the human stories behind these historic decisions. Akhil amar from andgetown, neal katyal, judge michael baylson. Moderated by Jeffrey Rosen three that is live wednesday starting at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. Now, republican president ial candidate Carly Fiorina in new kennedye at the annual picnic. She discussed witticisms made by donald trump. This is one hour. Criticisms made by donald trump. This is one hour. [no audio] i am really behind you. Ms. Fiorina thank you so much. I really appreciate that. There is the new baby. Carly, thank you so much. How are you . Bob marshall. Carly, we are so honored to have you here. Ms. Fiorina thank you so much. I so appreciate you. It is a very special day for us. Ms. Fiorina me too. You can see this olive garden here. That is just my hobby. You do a very good job. It is truly spectacular. How much is money involved . The race, we have trouble there and all kinds of potential backing. How much does that play when you are in politics . Ms. Fiorina you have to have enough, but we will be money alone does not win a race. If you do not have the right candidate with the right ideas, money is not going to fix that. When you get the message out, it affects when people spend a lot on tv ads. It affects the outcome. Ms. Fiorina sometimes. I am not denying that money is important. As i think jeb bush is finding out, money is not everything. His strategy was shocked and awe. We will have all the money and we will lock this thing up and it is not working. There are lots of ways to get your message out the it used to be the only way was a relatively small number of television stations and ads. Now there are lots of ways. In general, candidates underestimate the ground game and overspend on the air. In the end, people have got to come out to vote. Ads do not necessarily bring them out to vote. Democrats, that is who we are competing against. You have the grassroots and crazy things like that that i never thought would happen. Ms. Fiorina it is also true that in too elections, people do not come out to vote. Do you think we will be able to get past hillary waste on based on benghazi. Ms. Fiorina i do not know. How are you . Cool. There you go. That is the camera. How are you . I get a second look at the next president. Ms. Fiorina anytime. Will i have some money for you by the end of the year . Ms. Fiorina that would be awesome. You have a few questions. Problem we should have seen coming. Lead, theca does not world is very dangerous. U. N. Estimates we have 60 million refugees around the globe escaping conflict zones. This is entirely predictable. Administrations secretary of state clinton, they did not catch this three years ago. When you do not take advantage of your options, guess what happens over time . You do not have any options. I think the united dates the United States needs to lead on this crisis. The United States cannot just say, lets bring in 10,000 refugees. We do not have a way of vetting these people. This is a conflict zone. In thise terrorists zone. We have to be concerned about security and the safety of our nation. Yes, it is heartbreaking, but we have to be thoughtful and careful while working with our european allies. Hi, benjamin. We were assigned a School Project and our job is to advertise your thoughts and your opinions. I was wondering if i could get a picture with uv a picture with you. Ms. Fiorina if you are going to advertise me, you have got to have a picture. Thank you very much. Ms. Fiorina you are welcome. Thank you. Thank you so much. Maureen mooney. Thank you for your phone call. Ms. Fiorina thank you. A Founders Academy charter school, we would love to have you visit. That would be fantastic. Thanks for all you do. And a prolife woman ms. Fiorina that matters. It does matter. You are representing all of us out there and you are doing a great job. Ms. Fiorina thank you so much. Appreciate it. Very good. Thank you. I have a lot of new york friends who are big fans of yours and will be happy to see your photo on my facebook page. It is a pleasure to meet you. Certainly stands for all the causes of liberty. A pleasure to meet you. So glad that you met. We need your help. Ms. Fiorina what is your name . Westover. Ms. Fiorina westover. Ok. Ok. Are you voting age yet . Not quite. Ms. Fiorina do you want a picture to go with your signature . Is your brother back here . Come on. Do not be shy. How pretty you look today. There you go. How is that . Thank you. Carly. Ms. Fiorina how are you . If you are president , what are we going to call him, the first husband . The way our country is right ms. Fiorina i think we have to do three example once three things at once and they are related. We have to get the economy going again and we have to lead the world again. I cannot prioritize. They are urgent and have to be done. Can i have a picture . Ms. Fiorina of course. Thank you. Ms. Fiorina you are welcome. Thank you. Ok. Thank you. That is what it takes, a big team effort. Thank you so much. I am from texas. I love your boots. They are beautiful, gorgeous. I wore my big girl shoes. [laughter] ms. Fiorina who has got your camera . It is my camera right here. They were so jealous that i was going to get to be here today to meet you. You are a big hit in texas. Ms. Fiorina i spend every summer in texas at my grandmothers. She lived in calvert. You know where calvert is. I sure do. I am from that part of the state. You have a lot of support down there. Ms. Fiorina lovely to meet you. Thanks for being here. Senator, how are you . Thank you so much for doing this. My gosh. That i amwant to say aghast at the way you have been treated by a certain jackass this week. Ms. Fiorina well, you do not need to apologize for him. I feel terrible about it. Ms. Fiorina honestly, i have met men like him all the time. Stay tough. Ms. Fiorina i will. Dont you worry. Anyway, thank you so much. We are looking forward to your remarks. Ms. Fiorina thank you. Means old. Icon means ano, large, important, influential figure, which you certainly have been. He served two terms. Servedrina well, you for a time and then you went home. He understood what washington was about the was about. People tell me all the time, i want to run for congress. I say, my advice is, do something else. Do anything else. You are a good example. Thank you. Is probablyrina most wellknown for her time as the ceo of two attack hewlettpackard. A was the first female ceo of fortune 500 company and let the company through the economic recession, when a lot of them went bankrupt. During her ceo, revenues doubled, innovation tripled, and growth more than quadrupled. That is a good record in my mind. Being an accountant, i like those numbers. It is no surprise that Fortune Magazine named her the most powerful woman in business in 1998 and she remains first place on that list for six years. So congrats. Hewlettpackard, she was recruited by the cia director to serve as chairman of the cia external advisory board. I find it rather interesting, as chair, she worked closely with cia top brass to bring more transparency and accountability to the intelligence agency. We could certainly use a lot more of that there these days. In 2008, she joined Condoleezza Rice to found the onewoman initiative. The organization was later merged with Opportunity International, where she served as the chair. Over the past 15 years, Opportunity International has created 10 million jobs through 6 billion loans, most of which have been about 150. She also became chairman of good 360 in 2012. Before i bring her up, i would like to introduce betty lamontagne, who wanted to share a few words about carly and then we will bring carly of u. P. Up. Thank you for that terrific description of her resume. You can hear all of those accomplishments. I would like to thank the humphreys for posting this. They are icons in this state. They have done so much for conservative politics. Thank you very much again. This is the first time i have been able to be at an event with carly and i am delighted. Before she announced, i wanted her to run. I encouraged her to run. She has been a terrific spokesman for the conservative movement, for women, and she is a different kind of candidate. She comes from business, but she understands how politics works. I tell everyone she is the outsider that can get things done inside. By only a few political candidates. Carly is one of them. I am thrilled to be here with her. I cannot wait for you to hear from her. She is unflappable and she will be terrific in the next debate. Please give her a warm welcome while i invite her up here with you. [applause] ms. Fiorina thank you so much, that he. Betty. Thank you kathy. Patty for gordon and opening up your beautiful home. And thank you all for being here. It has been quite a week, hasnt it . No, i am not talking about my face, actually. But i am looking forward to that debate next week. [applause] whenever i come to a setting like this, whenever i come back to New Hampshire i was here over Labor Day Weekend and here again on such a beautiful early fall afternoon, at a beautiful home whenever i come to New Hampshire, i am reminded of what america is all about. I say that not to pander to you. I say that because this is a place, you are people who take governmentitizen seriously. It means, as citizens, you have to participate in politics in a serious way and participate as well in government and governance in a serious way. I think that is inspiring. Sometimes i must tell you it can be a little frustrating. All of you have said, i got to see you three times at least before i make up my mind. Well, you are in my top five, top three. That is good. I know a lot of you are supporters. Some of you may not have yet made up your mind. In your heart of hearts, wherever you are, you all know you want to see me debate Hillary Clinton. [applause] i am running for the presidency of the United States because i think our nation has reached a Pivotal Point and i think the American People know it. If you look at recent polling data, what you would find is that 75 , 75 of the American People now think that our federal government is corrupt. Gallup has been asking that question for two decades and that is the highest number they have ever seen. Now think we have a professional Political Class that is so concerned over the protection of its power, position, and privileged, that they are not getting to people. I agree with them. I am keenly aware, having traveled and lived and worked all over the world, i am keenly aware that it is only in the United States of america that a young woman can start out typing, filing, and answering the phones for a ninepersonal Real Estate Firm in the middle of a deeper session a deep recession and go on to become the chief executive of what we turned into the Largest Technology company in the world and run for the presidency of the United States. That is only possible in this nation. [applause] ourit is possible because founders knew something that my mother taught me many years ago and that i have learned over and over throughout my life. My mother taught me, when i was about eight years old, what you are is gods gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to god. I have learned over and over that everyone has godgiven gifts. Everyone has potential. Usually far more than they realize. It is worth asking, why have more things been more possible for more people here than anywhere else on the land on the planet . It is because our founders knew what my mother taught me. They knew that everyone has potential and so they built a nation on a visionary idea and the idea was this that here, in this nation, you have a right. A right to find and use your godgiven gifts to fulfill your potential. They spoke about that in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Part theadical radical part of that idea was and itht comes from god cannot be taken away by man or government. Ladies and gentlemen, i believe we have come to a Pivotal Point in our nations history with the potential of too many americans, the potential of this nation is being crushed by the way, the power, the cost, the complexity, the ineptitude, and the corruption of a federal government and Political Class that is either unwilling or unable to do anything about it. [applause] whatever your issue, whatever your cause, whatever festering problem you hoped would be now, theby professional Political Class has failed us. Ask yourself, what is the issue that you care most about western mark is it debt you care most about . The deficit has been getting bigger every year. Now thousands of pages long. How many times do you hear candidates talking about a great idea for tax reform. How often have we been hearing there is bipartisan appetite for tax reform and yet it never happens. 73,000 pages long. The regulatory thicket becomes more and more impenetrable. We talk about reforming education, whether it is no child left , common core, they have all turned into big, your credit programs out of washington, d. C. The quality of our education continues to deteriorate. Do you care about veterans . I certainly do. Remember 18 months ago, when the scandal at the arizona v. A. Burst and we learned that veterans had died waiting for appointments . Americans were so outraged they put pressure on the political system and politicians passed a bipartisan bill that said you could fire 400 Senior Executives at the v. A. For failing to do heir jobs. Guess what . Here we are, 18 months later, two people have been fired. We just learned last month that 3007000 veterans 3007000 307,000 veterans have died waiting for health care. It is an ineptitude that no longer serves the people who pay for it or this nation. [applause] i know a lot of us worked really hard to restore historic republican authorities to the house, to return a majority to the u. S. Senate. Still, there is no bill that protects an unborn child. That bill. Planned parenthood remains funded. It reminds me of the difference between managers and leaders. Managers are people who do the best they can within the status quo. Managers are people who operate within the system. Managers are people who tinker around the edges of a problem. They do what they got to do to get through the next day, but they do not ever really solve the problem and they do not ever really challenge the status of. We have a lot of managers and business and a lot of managers in life and a lot of managers and politics. Leaders do not accept what has been broken just because it has been that way for a long time. How do you go from secretary to ceo . I will tell you. You challenge the status quo every day, solve problems, produce results, can you leave the you lead. It reminds me of something one of my great heroes, margaret thatcher, said. She addressed her countrymen and women at a pivotal in that nations history and she said, i am not content to manage the decline of a great nation. Ladies and gentlemen, neither am i. I am prepared to lead the resurgence of a great nation. What a leader, this leader will do in the oval office. We must get this economy going again. That means we must recognize that crony capitalism is alive and well in washington, d. C. , and it has gotten worse under publicans and democrats alike. When you have a 73,000 page tax code, and impenetrable regulatory thicket, law after law being passed, dodd frank, what happens . We see it in the data. The big, the powerful, the wealthy, the wellconnected get bigger, more powerful, wealthier , and better connected. Only they can afford to hire the accountants, the lawyers, the lobbyists to figure out how to make it work for them. Of a 90ief executive billion firm, if i did not like something, i could go higher an accountant, a lawyer, and a lobbyist. The Real Estate Firm i started out in, they cannot. Guess what is happening . That the small are getting crushed. What is the consequence of. Oddfrank . It did not fix anything. Wall street banks have become even bigger wall street banks, better connected. Thousands of Community Banks are going out of business. To get the economy going again, we have to recognize where Economic Growth and job creation come from. It is a ninepersonal Real Estate Firm, the familyold auto body shop that my husband started. It is the small business, the new business. Those businesses create two thirds of the new jobs. They employ half the people and we are crushing them. That is not hyperbole. For the first time in u. S. History, we are destroying new businesses. We are tangling peoples lives up in webs of dependence. We encourage people to settle in. We ignore their godgiven gifts. We have to cut this government down to size and hold it accountable. That means we have got to know where our money is being spent. There have to be consequences for nonperformance. Veterans die waiting for health care, heads better roll in washington, d. C. We have 256,000 baby boomers getting ready to retire from the federal government over the next 45 years. President fiorina will not replace a single one. N last but certainly not least. We must restore American Leadership in the world. It is a dangerous and tragic waste when america is not on day one, i will make two phone calls. Ministery to the prime of israel that the United States of america will always stand with the state of israel. The second phone call will be to the Supreme Leader of iran. He might not take my phone call. He will get the message. And the message is this no deal. I do not care what deal you sign with is that obama and john kerry. No deal. Until or unless you open every nuclear facility, every facility anytime, anywhere, inspection by our people, not yours. We will make it as difficult as possible for you to move money around the Global Financial system. We can do it. We do not need permission or collaboration to do it. And i will do it because we must cut off the money flow. With those phone calls, a message will go around the world loud and clear. The United States of america is back in the leadership business. Four more years of biden. Y clinton, we know what four more years will mean. O win this job, is going to require a nomnee who is a promise fighter and i you that i will wage this fight every single day. Hat is what it is, it is a fight for the future of this nation. To throw a e afraid punch. I will not falter. Need somebody who can do this job. Asking for your vote and your support because im the best qualified candidate to win this job and do this job so think, for a moment, what it job. To do this the president of the united takes a n 2017, it president who understands how works and how you create jobs. Ou must understand how the world works and know who is in it. Know more leaders, with the possible exception with Hillary Clinton. Did business and charity and policy work. She needs to understand bureaucracies, how to cut them down to size and hold them ccountable becae this bureaucracy in washington, d. C. , no longer serves the people who pay for it. She must understand technology, powerful tool. You do not like the server with towel, ms. Clinton and they didnt prevent the chinese from hacking into the server. President of the United States who understand what leadership is. About hip is not position. It is not about title. Is not about how big your is, ce is, your helicopter your ego. About service. [applause] the highest calling of unlock hip is to potential in others and now we house leader in the white who knows their highest calling of o unlock the potential this great nation. Much, ladies and gentlemen. [applause] hank you so much. [applause] questions . Sir . Youre on the mic, thats dangerous. [laughter] im kidding. Good afternoon. Its our pleasure that you joined us here, today. Blessing. Couple years ago, i was at a gathering similar to this and the speaker was pam brawnedy. He was running for office in florida. And my comment there was that speak, my eard her favorite female public official sarah palin and after i day, i said, s theres a new first place position. Carly,earing you, today, hose two are now tied for. [laughter] [applause]. Well, thank you very much, jim. I es the big question, am number one out of. [laughter] [applause] oh, 16, youre right. Yes, maam . Just in terms of our national debt, i read that you were saying if you allocated 10 of taxes, it would cut down so much billion a year. Is that something youre really planning on doing or what, specifically, were you planning on doing to fix it . That quote. Ecognize things thatople say arent true, shocking in politics. Theres only one way to reduce deficits. Reduce spending, grow the economy. Economy grows cuts down on expenses. The right pending in way, we help grow the economy. 73,000page ut the tax code. Plansill hear a lot of tax from a lot of politicians. Issues, bout the same Social Security reform, never happens. Reforms, nevertax happens. We talk about immigration and borders been the insecure . 25 years. San franciscos been a sanction city . All the pages, all the complexity, i think it needs to be about three. Why 3 . Because if the tax code is three pages, anyone can understand it. You dont need an accountant to tell you how to fill out your tax returns. Comrehencebility is comp rehencebility is important. You know that in your bones. When something is so complicated, you need all these people to figure it out and thats what happened. A 73,000page tax code is big business and big Interest Groups and wealthy, wellconnected people. A threepage tax code levels the playing field. Also, to your point of debt and deficit. Whole lot less people at the irs. Peopled a whole lot less at the irs. [applause] if you decide if you actually decide to look at the facts and say, wow, the department of education has gotten bigger and bigger and bigger every year for 40 years. Of education takes more and more money and guess whats happening at the same time . The quality of education continues to deteriorate. Money spent in washington on education has nothing to do with the quality of education. It might be an inverse relationship so lets quit spending money in washington and focus on the things we know are mportant to a childs education, a good teacher in the form of a classroom and the a lity of a parent to have choice, a real choice so their chance. Ve a [applause] that not only helps us prepare causes us en, but it o spend less in washington, d. C. And, to actually cut down got ize of government, we to quit talking about revenue reform. Tax we need revenue reducing tax reform. Way you hold bureaucracy accountable is how money is spent. Congress getsear, a report from a retiring senator named tom. Your senator knows him well. Delivers a report to congress, it lands like a thud outlines tens and undreds of billion dollars of fraud, waist, abuse and orruption and guess what happens . Why a. Nothing. This is professional politician cannot serve in the oval office because to do something with that requires someone with the ourage and the experience to challenge the status quo so we we what to do, its just never seem to get todone. Together, we will get it done. [applause] really admire you. Colorado. In my question is this, when you get into the oval office, because of the last eight years, you are going to be faced with a number of very nasty surprises and so your focus is going to be, obviously, on those crises. To manage the ng longterm festering problems, like the budget and the regulations when you are faced problem . Kind of crises. There are a n is a crisis, isis is crisis. Which is why, in the first hold a camp david alleys who our arab are fighting on the ground and ask them what they need from us. Know, our arab alleys, all of them i know. They are fighting isis on the ground, as we speak. Years. Own him 15 now hes going to the chinese. Asked the egyptians to share the intelligence and arm them for three years. We have alleys that are willing unless ur part but not they see leadership and support. Heres another set of crises that have to be dealt with. Its a slow, creeping thing, but crisis. This president has rolled out a orders and utive egulations that are crushing, whether its the epa that are destroying the oil industry or the 400plus pages of regulation that the fcc rolled out over the internet. Stuff, the National Regulations board, on a partisan vote, changed the rules for franchisees. They wanted unions to unionize. Political ut a agenda. A whole set of things are going be rolled back. Its always a leaders job, however, to understand how to balance the short with the longterm. You know, someone many years ago asked me to define leadership. The highest said calling of leadership is to others. Potential in balance is the art of leadership. Has to balance many and s, shortterm longterm. Urgent crises and crises you see the horizon. Confidence in humility and what its thingso alone. We need to begin immediately, hold at will not take immediately, our tools to cut size. Overnment down to in this regard, i will ask for the citizens of this nations help. I started out in my remarks by i admire how feariously you take a citizen government and i believe we have to return to a citizen government. 80 is a dangerous thing when of the American People think that they just dont count anymore. Its a dangerous thing for a of zen government when 75 the people think their and inept. Is corrupt why do i say that . I mention that i believe we have budgeting. Robase some version, where we know money is being spent because its only if you can see appropriations, we dont talk about the whole budget. Gets s how the budget bigger and bigger and bigger for goes back and y has to justify a program. Justify , you got to every dollar. To get that done, requires congress to act. To get congress to act is going partnership between leaders and citizens. So here is what im going to ask citizens, as the leader, the president of the nited states, i will go into the oval office, on a regular basis, i will ask you to take phones. Smart if you still own a flip phone, you have 18 months to upgrade. Very important. [laughter] i see a lot of flip phones here. Important. You need to upgrade to a smart phone because what im going to ask you is this, do you think its important we know where being spent and sort of move to some zerobase budgeting. It is a tool to reengage citizens of the process of their government. I know how youre going to vote. Important is it people firedto get up and frustrated. A leader frustration and anger and focusing that pressure what we knowecause is politicians respond to pressure. How the bill got passed executives could get fired. So im going to use your common good judgment to put pressure. Congressess 1 for yes, will act. Thats how you get the machinery going. It will be started immediately, ut it will not be finished immediately. Yes, sir, you are the last question. Uhoh. [laughter]. Let me shake your hand, first. Well, thank you. Trump go. Uhoh, here we i thought we were going to get question. Ut that [laughter] beautiful person. m just saying what a mistake me made. [laughter] however, i have one question for you. When you get in the white house, your husband will probably be there. Oh, yes, i hope so. [laughter] however, what is he going to wear . Are you going to make that decision . Or him . [laughter] well, now that is a unique uestion, ive never heard that question before. Thank you, sir. Nd thank you for your know, i have to digress for just one moment. Come up to le have me and women will say, dont said about what he your face. About yone think i care what donald trump thinks about my face . [applause]. My husband has really never what to wear. E on. [laughter] i dont think hes going to now. T. [laughter] his moment of greatest pride, and if he were standing right this, iswould tell you when he comes home from costco and said, look at this shirt i bought, it was only 9. Good italian s a for pittsburgh and hes a mans knows his wife doesnt tell him what to wear. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for your support and being here. I want to close by asking you to think about what this nation can e. What this nation must be. What this nation, i believe, will be. That every day. In the nd, i picture two of most powerful symbols of our lady libertycracy, and lady justice because i think they tell us all we need to know about the future of our beautiful nation. Y, she standslibert tall and strong, as america must always be. She is cleareyed and resolute. Eyes fromt shield her the reality of the world and aces outward as america must always face and she holds her knows she because she hope. Eacon of lady justice holds a sword by her side because she is a fighter, a warrior, for the that have principals made this nation great. She holds a scale in the other all of remind us that us are equal in the eyes of god must be equal s in the eyes of the government powerless aliked and she wears a blind fold and ith that blind fold, she is saying it must be true, it can e true that in this nation, in this century, it does not matter what you look like. It does not matter who you are. How you starttter or your circumstances. Every American Life must be filled with the possibilities that come from their godgiven gifts. God, in on, under divisible, with liberty and thank you, god ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, god bless you. Hank you. On behalf of the city republicans, the e wanted you to have to take something back. You cant carry onboard because m sure theres something in here thats over the liquid limit. Our residentse of of news together baskets hampshiremade products so we wanted to share that with you. Wow, thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you all for coming and i rest of the y the. Fternoon. Thank you, thank you. You, thanks for. Aking the time to write it. Of course, they all do it. Thank you. Thank you. Hi, young lady. How are you, sir . [indiscernible]. Shes too young to vote. Name . Ts your hailey. I like that name. What grade are you in . Second. Second. Do you like your teacher . How long have you been in school . One week . A half. Nd do you ve a new best friend . Whats her name . Katelyn. Katelyn, okay. Goo good. [indiscernible]. Im going to send you a copy. An interesting thing. Indiscernible] bybye, sweetie. Nice to meet you. Thanks for. Eing here. [indiscernible] thank you. [indiscernibl [indiscernible]. Hi, jessica. Ice to meet you, too. [indiscernible] you have my vote. Much. Ank you so thank you. [indiscernibl [indiscernible]. Here. Nk you for being thank you. [indiscernible]. Oh, my gosh. , you. K. [indiscernible] im going to be there for you monday with judicial watch. Good. Theyre going to talk about all the different Hillary Clinton things. Thank you. Where is your daughter . Right here. [indiscernible [indiscernible]. So much. You [indiscernible] [indiscernible]. Ruined during ot hurricane sandy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Always great. Indiscernible] thank you. [indiscernible] [indiscernible]. Thank you. Youre welcome. Girls . Are you thanks for coming. Name . S your elizabeth. Maggie. Sisters . U all yeah. You are all pretty. Do you fight ever . You do . We fight. You guys fight, okay. Youre the youngest, arent y . Yoyou . [indiscernible] [indiscernible]. I hope youll help me. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Are we heading this way . Okay. Were going this way. Orry, were going to this way. [indiscernible]. See you, byebye, thank you. Coming up on cspand, president obama speaks about at a townhall meeting debbie talks about and 016 Campaign Schedule remarks by Bernie Sanders at iberty university. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015]. On the next washington journal, the americans with tax reform on the various tax eforms put together by the president ial candidates and the o kid hungry and current households that have trouble getting access to food. Political reporter, rachel, looks at the hillary what it mail probe and

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