Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150511

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It will be his first are to russia since the conflict and ukraine began at his second trip since taking office. They will meet in the resort town of sochi. Today in washington, d. C. , the Atlantic Council is holding a conversation on gas prices and the oil prices and fracking. Live coverage of that discussion gets underway at 3 00 today right here on cspan. On cspan 2 at 3 00, the u. S. Senate gavels in for general speeches, and later discusses the release of u. S. Citizens in iran. Tomorrow, work on trade Promotion Authority in the senate. The house is back tomorrow to talk about Defense Program securities you can watch the house live here on cspan tomorrow. Tonight on the communicators we met up with author peter novak who says we are in a new phase of Human Development and through bro us and other technology, we are likely to enhance the human condition. Robots is an especially interesting one. 2014 was the year where i do not know f if the day went by where did not see a story that said that robots are stealing jobs from humans. The thing that i find the point that i think of missed a lot is that every prior revolution or advance in automation has actually resulted in better jobs for humans. We are really worried about whats taking our jobs, and we have a hard time imagining what we will be doing not 200 years from now, but even 10 years from now. I think that history has shown that we will figure out a way to combine with robots to create new jobs again that were previously unimaginable. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on the communicators on cspan 2. Former Florida Governor jeb bush gave the commencement speech at Liberty University over the weekend. The former governor is exploring a bid for the 2016 president ial nomination. His speech to graduates in lynchburg, virginia was about 20 minutes. [applause] it is now my pleasure to introduce the 2015 commencement speaker, governor jeb bush. [applause] jeb bush thank you very much. Trustees, faculty, staff distinguished guests, faculty and friends i appreciate your hospitality. To all of the graduates, thank you for letting me share in this day as you become proud alumni of Liberty University. It is good to be here, and to visit with the falwell family. My dad thought very highly of your father, president falwell. He knew him as a loyal friend. Jerry falwell had a gift for friendship, spoke to everyone, and he turned his back on no one. His legacy endures, and it only begins with this Great American university. My dad received an Honorary Degree here 25 years ago. Many of you asked this morning how he is doing one month shy of his 91st birthday. Im happy to say he is in good shape. It will stay that way if we can keep his mind off that darn parachute. [laughter] today was my first time to be able to meet with pastor jonathan falwell. Jonathan has a unique place at liberty, because among other reasons, at this university his dad used to be president , then his brother was president. Somehow, i dont know what it was, we really hit it off. [laughter] jeb bush im not sure what is in store for you jonathan, but i am pulling for you, man. [laughter] jeb bush the proudest people will not be collecting degrees. And maybe the parents of this class might be thinking of another time when your milestones in life were a little less ceremonious than today. Things like standing up the first time, or starting to read books instead of just chewing on them, or performing miracles like blowing your own nose were or sitting still in church. It does not always feel that way to parents, but they must have done a lot of things right. Today, by the thousands, liberty is sending forth civilized confident, true hearted men and women, which happens to be what America Needs today. When the rest of the world hardly knew of you you were all , of the world to your mom and dad. By the way, you still are. How about we show our gratitude to the parents and families of the class of 2015. [applause] jeb bush i might add, if you earned a liberty degree and have had active duty in the United States military, you are a credit to this university, your country, and we thank you from the bottom of our heart. [applause] jeb bush whether in the stadium, or an Online Student receiving a degree as of today Liberty University is in your past. This school and the values it stands for will always be a part of who you are. If theres any useful role i can perform, maybe just to offer one last word of encouragement in the vocation you have taken up it is the same one, whatever degree you take, whatever work you will do, it is the greatest of all callings to know, love, and serve the lord, and it is yours by choice. You know how to choose a path and stay on it. That is useful knowledge when life can present more choices than we know what to do with. Especially if you are young and trying to live out the word of the gospel. The world will never run short of competing offers. Youve heard all of them and are not impressed. That wisdom can carry you a long way. The faith that brought you here, that matured here, does not give every answer to every question. Nor of course does it promise a life spared from doubt or difficulty, but in the way of lifes advantages, each of you has the best there is, and awakened conscience. When you have that going, there is no end to the good you can do, or the wrongs you can help overcome, or the hope you can bring into the lives of others. This does not always come as a welcome reminder, but is true all the same. The affliction, the injustice, there is no more powerful or liberating influence on earth than the christian conscious in action. How strange and our own time to hear christianity spoken as a backward force. Outside the 7000 acres of shared conviction, it is a depressing fact that when some people think of christianity and judeochristian values they think of something static, narrow, and outdated. We can take this as unfair criticism as it typically is or we can take it as a further challenge to show in our lives the most dynamic and inclusive and joyful message that ever came into the world. These are the days in which christians are expected to praise every faith but their own. He never accepted that limitation, and neither should we. Least of all in reply to criticism. One of the great things about this faith is it staring. Loving our neighbors seems like an easy call, especially if you like them already, but how about loving our enemies as a bold challenge to leave our comfort zone and lift our sites to larger purposes. As to the suggestion that christianity is a static faith that is not how it reads in the original. I cannot think of any other subversive moral idea than the last shall be first, and the first last. Likewise, is it really some premodern idea that gods favor is on the gentle, kind, and poor in spirit . A lot of people, including a few that command armies have not gotten the news. Violence and fear and domination are their rules to live by as many persecuted christians in our time can attest. No matter what they is professed by cruel men, if we can imprint a few lines of truth on their heart we would surely start with the words of the carpenter born in bethlehem, blessed are the meek, the merciful, the peacemakers. It is a voice like no other. Whether it is captured on scrolls, paper, or in bits of data, seeing in the example of francis the saint or francis the pope, affirmed by the witness of ancient martyrs, or by the witness of martyrs dying in his name today, no place with a message reaches, no heart it touches, is ever the same. Across our own civilization, what a radically different story history would tell without it. Consider an alternative universe of power without restraint conflict without reconciliation, oppression without deliverance corruption without reformation tragedy without renewal, achievement without grace. It is a glimpse of Human Experience without the christian influence. No law in the world, said Martin Luther king, could produce such compassion, genuine love thorough altruism. The Christian Faith joins the assemblies of the hopeless and brings new light into the dark chambers of pessimism. It is not only untrue, but also ungrateful to dismiss the Christian Faith as some obstacle to enlightened thought. Some ancient, irrelevant creed wearing out his welcome. Whatever the source, it provides the moral vocabulary we only use in america and may it always be so. [applause] jeb bush try to separate the ideals from the source, as cs lewis observed, is like a rebellion of the branches against the tree. Justice, equality, the worth of every life, the dignity of every person, rights no authority can take away, these are founding moral ideals in america, ma did and they did not come out of nowhere. Every day people are comforting the lonely, serving the weak and giving hope to the prisoner, and in every way they know, loving mercy and living with integrity. That doesnt happen by chance or because anyone ordered it, or because there is a federal program for it. The endless work of Christian Charity in america is what free people do when they have good news to share. Its how free people live when they have a living faith. There are no blinders on the christian conscience. Try as the world might to try to make us look away from needs wrongs, and make us too comfortable to care, your generation is bringing the christian voice to where it is needed and is not heard enough. This nations efforts to fight poverty has sometimes taken on an air futility because so much has been tried and so much needs to be done. So many Young Christians today are showing the way. Moved not by pity for what is, but by a vision of what can be. For all who would serve the poor and homeless, you set the standard with your belief that everyone matters, and that everyone has the right to rise. Americas environmental debates can be coldly economical, to sterile of life. You remind us of what is at stake. Christians see in nature requires grandeur. The endless glorious work of the lord of life. Men and women of your generation are striving to be the protectors of creation instead of users, Good Shepherds instead of hirelings, and that moral vision can make all the difference. You understand some moral standards are universal and do not bend under the weight of cultural differences. Wherever there is child waiting to be born, we say choose life and we say it with love. [applause] jeb bush wherever women and girls are brutally exploited or treated as possessions without rights and dignity we christians , see that arrogance for what it is. Wherever jews are subjected to the oldest bigotry we reject that sin and we defend them. [applause] jeb bush in all of these causes, and others, your generation is fully engaged, acting by the light of conscience. If any spirit is going to be welcomed in a free society, you think that would be one. At least the founding generation thought so and they wrote the first amendment. Others have their own fashionable ideas, which can be a religion by themselves. It has to be a problem for christians. That makes it our problem, and our response has to be the forthright defense of the first freedom of the constitution of the United States. [applause] jeb bush it can be a touchy subject. Im sometimes asked if i would allow my decisions in government to be influenced by my Christian Faith. Whenever i hear this i know what they want me to say. The safe reply is no, never, of course not. If the game is political correctness, that is the answer that moves you to the next round. The endpoint is a politician weve heard before. The guy whose moral convictions are so private, so deeply personal that he even refuses to impose them on himself. [laughter] [applause] jeb bush the mistake is to confuse points of theology with moral principles. They are noble to reason. This confusion is part of a false narrative casting religious americans as intolerant. Running around trying to impose their views on everyone. The stories vary year after year, but the storyline is getting familiar. The Progressive Political agenda is ready for its next great leap forward. Religious people and churches are getting in the way. Our friends on the left like to view themselves as the agents of change and reform, and we are supposed to get with the program. There are consequences when you dont flex to the latest secular dogmas. They can be hard to keep up with. We find officials demanding pastors turnover copies of their sermons or federal judges mistaking themselves for legislators and imposing rights that do not exist in the constitution, or an agency dictating to a catholic charity, the Little Sisters of the poor what has to go in their health plan. And never mind objections of conscience. I dont know about you, but when it comes to doing the right and good thing, the Little Sisters of the poor no better than the regulators at the department of health and human services. [applause] jeb bush from the standpoint of religious freedom, you might even say it is a choice between the Little Sisters and big brother. Im going with the Little Sisters. [applause] jeb bush that case continues, and the present administration is supporting the use of coercive federal power. What should be easy calls in favor of religious freedom have become an aggressive stance against it. Somebody here is being small minded and intolerant, and it is not the nuns, ministers, and laymen and women that only want to practice their faith. [applause] jeb bush federal authorities are demanding obedience and complete disregard of religious conscience. In a free society, the answer is no. [applause] jeb bush it strikes me that most of the criticism reacted at directed at believers in our day is drawn from hostile character. That is an easy way of avoiding honest discussion. It deepens distrust instead of inviting understanding. So often we hear language that divides us and we need the language of goodwill. Theres so much we share in common across lines of region, religion, and demography. In my experience, you find that the same good instincts, fair mindedness, and free spirit is found among americans of all types including the many hope who belong to know church at all. There is a lot to work with if the aim is to accept differences instead of exploiting them and getting on with life in this free country. As for you graduates, getting on with life is the theme of the day. If your future prospects has anything to do with the sheer number of people wishing you well this morning, you could not have asked for a better sendoff. May this mark one milestone in a long, purposeful, journey. At each turn may you find gods lovingkindness before your eyes and may you always be his instrument. From this place to wherever you are bound, in the words of isaiah, may you go out with joy and be led forth with peace. Congratulations to the class of 2015. [applause] jeb bush there, a potential president ial candidate for 2016. Here is a look at tweeps from republican president ial candidates who have declared. Florida senator marco rubio tweeting a link to his plan for europe. Texas senator and republican president ial candidate, ted cruz, tweeting that he will be in iowa for fundraisers today. He will appear with iowa congressman steve king. Today in washington, d. C. , the Atlantic Council is hosting a discussion on oil prices and the impact of fracking. Live coverage of that discussion is at 3 00 eastern time right here on cspan. Also at 3 00 on a companion network, cspan 2 the senate goebbels and for general speeches and voting later on a resolution stating the governments policy on releasing u. S. Citizens in iran. Tomorrow, work on trade Promotion Authority. Tomorrow, the house is back. They will start debate on Defense Programs. You can watch the house life here on cspan tomorrow. Remarkable partnerships iconic women, their stories in first ladies the book. She did save the portrait of washington which was one of the things that endured her and dear to her to the entire nation. , whoever could figure out where francis was staying, who she was seeing, that would help sell papers. She took over Radio Station and started running it. How do you do that . She did it. She exerted enormous influence because she would move a mountain to make sure her husband was protected. First ladies, now a book, looking inside the personal lives of every first lady in history. Learn about their lives, ambitions, family, and unique partnerships with their president ial spouses. First ladies president ial historians on the lives of iconic american women. Cspans first ladies is an illuminating, entertaining, and inspiring greed, now available as a hardcover or ebook through your favorite bookseller. House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy spoke recently on his belief in american exceptionalism and be inspired by Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagans he also compared the carter and obama administrations. He spoke at the Ronald Reagan president ial library in simi valley, california. [applause] rep. Mccarthy thank you very much. Very kind. Thank you. Dont go too long, you have not heard me yet. I want to thank john. That is probably one of the nicest introductions ive ever had. I have been a big admirer of john because he has never lost what reagan taught him. He is willing to make sure the torch continues to be lit. To make sure the values of reagan are taught in other places. When i walked into the green room, i was shocked, there is a picture of me up there. I said, how did you get the already . I helped lead the 100th celebration where we went to london, to prague, to budapest to poland. They wanted to honor reagan. They understood what reagan talked about. They saw firsthand the change that he brought to the world. When i stood before that, and they put statues there, i wondered who made sure those were there. John made sure, and even paid for some himself. So i thank you for that, john. [applause] i know she cannot be with us tonight, by want to thank andy reagan. Ronald reagan was a great man but together, they showed the rest of the world what values meant and what bond to people good have. And opportunities even be able to speak here. You know, there are two other people in my life and they happen to be women. I was, judy. My wife, judy. And my mom bert. [applause] we do not get to pick our mothers, but if i could, i would. Sitting next to them is a Dear Colleague of mine, steve. [applause] he is a freshman, but no freshman by any means, he has hit the ground running. I want to set your little doubt myself. I see friends of the room, and some who h i have not met. I dont come from far from here. I come from bakersfield. I cant get elected anywhere else. [laughter] you all dont bakersfield know bakersfield. I went all public schools. I group in a family of all democrats. I was the first republican. You see, of all the speeches i have given, this is the one the kind of makes me nervous. Not because you are out there, but because of the name on the podium. I am a child of Ronald Reagan. I come from the reagan revolution. He has had more effect on my life then he could ever imagine, and he never met me. You see, when i went through school, i applied myself, by do not do as good as i should. I admired my parents. They knew the values of reagan. They were tarred. My mother words, and my father were two. We went to the Grocery Store to cash his check, we didnt go to the bank. When i got out of high school, i could not get a scholarship. We did not have great wealth, so i went to the local junior college. I always had a summer job since i was 12 years old. I saved my money. I always wanted to invested. I met this guy when i was 18. He owned a liquor store but had a car dealers license. You can imagine how an 18yearold meet someone like that. I talked him to bring me down to l. A. I would go there and buy and sell cars to pay my way through college. I found out later, i dont think it was legal but i was being an entrepreneur. One friday night, i took a few my friends to San Diego State to visit somebodies in college. I went to the Grocery Store to cash a check. It was 1985. The day before, the lottery just started. I thought, i will buy a ticket. I won the lottery. True story. 5,000. I took my folks to the nicest restaurant in town, gave my brother and sister each 100. I took the majority of the rest and bought one stock. I believed in taking risks and i believed in america. At the end of the semester, i told my folks i was not going to go back to school. I refinance my current car and went to buy franchise. I soon found out that no one really wants to sell a franchise to a 19yearold. You know what i did jack go i built my own business. It was a deli. The values that i learned from being a Small Business owner have never left me. It was very rewarding. I soon learned what government regulation was as well. At the end of two years, i did really well. I now had enough money saved, i could pay my way through College Without working. I sold my business. In my local paper, they had an article, be it a summer intern with your local congressman. I did not know the man, but i thought he would be lucky to have me. [laughter] i applied and he turned me down. You want to know the end of the story is . Im now elected to the seed that could not get an internship for. [applause] only in america cannot happen. The question i pose you tonight can that same story happen again . Could that happen today . I question if you could open that same business. I have done a lot of research what i thought to come give this speech. I wondered what you would want to hear about, what you would want to know. I thought i would just tell you exactly what i think. I believe that the time that Ronald Reagan was elected, we are living through it again. In washington, i hear a lot that this time is a lot like world war i. I believe it is a lot like 1979, 1980. Think about what government has done. We have a v. A. System that can defend the vets care for the vets that defended us. You had to fight to get the answers. You have an irs system that goes after you based on your philosophical beliefs, and when the person gets caught, there is no accountability, they say they have lost their emails. The government spent billions of dollars on a new Health Care System and they cannot even though the website. It goes all the way down to the secret service. A man that does not even have both legs working perfect jump the fence jmped the fence, went through the door. We found out that they did not lock the white house. The alarm didnt go off because when it was broken, they turned it off. Wendy abdullah when the ebola crisis hit america you found america was incompetent. Did not think about foreign policy. When was the last time, as americans, we watched other americans being held hostage and we felt weak about our response. 1979 in iran. Today, when it comes to isis. When was the last time at u. S. Ambassador was killed on foreign soil . That is a direct reflection of the respects the other countries have for us or the fear that they have of america. In 1979 in afghanistan. Ambassador stevens just recently in libya. When was the last time we watched the soviet Union Invaded another country and you felt the response from the president was weak . They invaded afghanistan and jimmy carters response was to not send our athletes to the olympics being held in the country. What do you think the soviet union thought then . Great, more gold medals for them. Today, they invade the ukraine. No stopping with putin. We didnt have mens goinsk one but two, he continues to lie. There are russians on the ground. When jimmy carter was president he went to sign a treaty, but it was not ratified. Ronald reagan ran against it. We have a president today that talks to the enemy of iran. We have an Administration Today that one to go around the world our friends dont trust us and our enemies dont fear us. Why . Because who do they befriend . When jimmy carter was president his you and ambassador had to resign. Why . He privately met with the plo when we had told her best friend israel, we would not and he was caught. That same time of what i tell you about in 1979, i do not tell you to depress you. I talk about this because if there was ever a time to embrace the reagan revolution, it is now. In my research to speak tonight i did think long and hard about what i wanted to say. If you will give me permission i want to read one passage. Do not mistake me, no result man who sees the world as it is who views the deterioration of our economy, the waning of our relationship with our allies growth of the soviet might, and the suffering of our recent past could underestimate the difficulties before us. Those are not my words. Those are thencandidate Ronald Reagans words on the eve of his election in 1980. You see, Ronald Reagan, the night before, but 30 minutes of all three networks. He spoke directly to the people. That exact same speech could be spoken today. Just days away before he transformed our country. He talked about the growth of government. He talks about the weakness of america where we had fallen back, and when we fall back, someone else fills the void. Or we had to except the new norm of what was going forward. He did not agree with it. He said there was a better way, another way to move forward. I believe that same thing could be spoken today. You know, in my office, inside washington i have an office for being majority leader. I had never been in this room until i was elected majority leader. I did not know it existed. In it, i wanted to put some paintings. I told a friend everything in my office has a purpose. Our two paintings in my office. One of Abraham Lincoln and one of Ronald Reagan. Abraham lincoln is in black and white. Reagan is all in color and smiling. There are many nights that i spent alone, and i am a little strange, i talked my paintings. I asked them, what advice would you give me . When i sit before and watch what the administration tries to do they do not govern by trusting the people it is all by executive order. When i look to reagan, i think you would probably tell me a story. My father was good at telling a story. Anytime that something went wrong, he would say, oh that is just the story of the man with a heart attack. You all know that story right . He wakes up at a hospital and says to his wife honey, you have always been there for me. You remember, when we got married, and i came home and have lost my job, you stayed with me. And when i joined the army, what did you do . You join the nurses corps. Lets admit it, you raise both of our daughters, but when i went out and created those businesses that ended in bankruptcy, you did not leave me. And i had this heart attack, and for the first time, i thought i would die. I wake up and who do i see . Icu. Im beginning to think you are bad luck. [laughter] [applause] you look at the administration. They are inept, but they blame us. Whatever problem arrest, somehow it is somebody elses fault. When i say and talk to these two men on the wall do you ever wonder what they would tell us today . You know why i picked the two . I think they are by far the best presence we have had. I believe god put them there for a purpose. Ronald reagan ran before and did not win. I think the time that god put him in then was the time we needed him. We needed to transform. What advice would they give to all of us . I believe they would both say believe in the exceptionalism of this country. Do not be shy of it. There is a reason why we are exceptional because our country was created differently than any other country before us. I sitting link it would say this i say lincoln would say this based on the gettysburg address. Have you ever read the on four score and seven years ago . He went on to say if we fail the government, the people shall not perish from the earth. He did not say that france or england would pick up the torch. No other country was created with the idea of liberty and that everyone is equal. Ronald reagan knew this better than all the rest. You know why . Ronald reagan understood something very fundamental. That america is more than just the country. America is an idea. An idea that free people can govern themselves. That government powers are derived from the consent of the governed. That each and every one of us are endowed by our creator. With the rights of life, and the pursuit of happiness. If you ever asked me why is the picture reagan in color and smiley . Because he was a happy conservative. He was happy because he understood his policies brought people greater liberty and freedom. If theres one bit of a vice that i can give to Anyone Running for president , the happy about our policies and invite more people to join us. We do not need to yell, we need to shout to be able to govern. The second bit of a vice that i think lincoln and reagan would both give us is dont blame others for your problems. You see, White Lincoln would say that why lincoln would say that when he was elected there were 33 states and their union. He was not sworn in until march 1861. In that short amount of time, seven states left the union. With technology today, you can look at every word and search every word of lincoln. Never once did he blame buchanan. Can you say the same for our Current Administration . Reagan brought us the 11th commandment. He never spoke ill of someone else. He ran through the same primaries and difficulties. He lost in a race for the presidency. He brought his opponent, george bush in to be his Vice President. When reagan gave the speech on the eve of his election, he didnt give it alone. He had his Vice President , george bush, sitting next to him. I think it is our responsibility , as others come to this podium who want to run for president lets and still values that reagan taught them. Lets keep the 11th amendment and not speak ill of other republicans. The next advice that i believe reagan and lincoln understood best peace without freedom is meaningless. Think for a moment. Peace without freedom is meaningless. You can sacrifice one for the other. Lincoln understood he could and did the civil war a little early. He would have gotten peace, but would he have freedom for all americans . He had the emancipation proclamation, but he did not have the 13th amendment yet. Reagan understood this probably better than any other president. On the eve, in 1986, in iceland the whole world was watching. They thought the agreement would be signed with gorbachev. Gorbachev just wanted one thing that you could not have fdi. Reagan understood that up our freedom, not just to america. Present reagan offer the technology to the russians as well. There would be freedom for the entire world. Gorbachev said no, thinking that reagan would want peace more than freedom. Reagan understood these are not have one or the other he wanted both. History has shown, even though the pundits would write that that was wrong, you got a better agreement. Reagan understood the you never went into a negotiation without the willingness to walk away. If there was ever a time for this a administration to look to reagan, now is the time. As they negotiate with iran, do not just hope for peace. Do not sign an agreement unless you get peace with freedom. [applause] the other question that i think the administration should see reagan could negotiate with the soviet union. He was never afraid to not say who they were and what they did. He spoke the truth. He made the negotiations not just about missiles, but about human rights. That is why they did not want to negotiate with them, but it is why he was able to win. You know, reagan talked to be able to beat the soviet union. His staff said, we need to have a meeting about this we need to make a plan. This is the greatness of reagan. He believes in the common sense of the common man. He didnt just believe it, he lived to it. They all came to him and said, this has to stop, we need to have a whole discussion. Reagan summed up the battle with the soviet union in four words we win, they lose. If you ask reagan today when i go back, the Senate Just Voted on being able to hold the president in check for negotiations. [applause] if you ask reagan today, should he signed on the current agreement . I do not think he would use for words, he would use two hell no. You know what is ironic echo we have the Democratic Administration going through some of the same challenges that jimmy carter went through. Both of those president s won the nobel peace prize, unlike reagan, who brought more freedom to the world than those two president s. There is a quality of reagan that every elected official should understand. He did not care who got the credit. If you cared, he would have signed the agreement with gorbachev in iceland because the world was prepared to give him the nobel peace prize. This was never about himself. It was always about the country. A trait we should look for as we move forward. The other advice that i would say he would tell us today do not put off tell political decisions for future generations. The whole role of president is about ideas. The first thing lincoln the whole debate of slavery did not start in 1850s. It started in the creation of our country. Our forefathers believed it was too divisive, so they left it out. By making that decision, they in essence decided hundreds of thousands of grandchildren were going to die. We do not have the same tough decisions, but we have tough ones that we should not put off. Reagan did not. Reagan got tax reform when the democrats controlled the house and senate. Being got Social Security reform to protect it for the next generation. How was he able to achieve this . He did not get into talking points. He went directly to the american public. He trusted us. He trusted our intelligence. He did not think the government had to be so big to tell us what to think. He went and explained. He did not talk about one bill but talks about what america could be. Tip oneill is famous for saying, i have a 20 vote margin, i will defeat any tax plan that Ronald Reagan has. So, Ronald Reagan went directly to the public, told his story and you watch the newsreels today, and thousands of calls to the switchboard change that opinion. He did not trust on, he trusted us. Everyone who wants to run lets make it not about them but about the country. I will to you one of the last ones, reagan probably something up best. He said, government is not the solution to our problem government is the problem. In the same talk on the eve of the election, Ronald Reagan said that he did not believe in no government, he believes in limited government. He also believe the very best people should serve in government. He did not sit back and plan. He put the Team Together before he was elected. Why . He did not want a va system that cannot care for veterans, or an irs system that was not held accountable. He wanted a government that was efficient, accountable, and did not take one dime extra to do its job. We should embrace that. In the house today, we should think about big ideas and big reform. That is why we are talking about tax reform this year. Thats why were talking about 21st cent tury curious. That same debate that Ronald Reagan had on the eve of his election about government and agencies being too big it is back again and only larger. Last year, there was a study what does regulation cost of business . Do you realize that to Small Businesses the cost is greater. We love to do manufacturing in america today, but Small Businesses, a cost of 35,000 per employee. How do you compete with that . This demonstration has added hundreds of thousands of new pages of regulation. I was up in napa county speaking to a high school. I was talking about the challenge of holding us back that the government can do. I do not leave and no regulation, i believe in common sense. One student in the back raised his hand and asked, how can we farll this far behind . I asked the student, do you play a sport . He said he was a swimmer. I said, let me give you an analogy. I asked him to picture america competing with every other country. Right after world war ii. We go to the lots of the swimming. We jump in the water. We win. We not only win, but we are so fast that we get out and dry off before second and third arrived. The next year comes out and we say, that is pretty unfair. We won the war, some of the others have to rebuild more than us, we should probably swim with a weight belt, why dont we had a little higher tax to america . We jump back in and win. The next year comes around and we say, we should have higher regulation than others. Every year after year, you are adding five or 10. Then, they obama administration, he has the stimulus, atd 50 then the Health Care Systemd,d 25. Now we dont win. It is time that we remove the weight belt so that we can compete with the rest of the world and create the jobs back in america. [applause] i will tell you. I have taken this mantle from Ronald Reagan. I have just brought together a task force. We meet in my office regularly. My advice to them is that i want them all to become individual paul ryans for everything will agency the way paul is for the budget. If we created the agencies today, with a look the same . The goal is to make them efficient and accountable. Why would we have so much duplication . Why would we not modernize . The v. A. System still uses paper. When the v. A. System first started, they used paper and we got our news from the radio. We should be able to change. We know it is not an easy task before us, but we will not give up. I always like to say, when i give a speech, my wife tells me this she says, you should be a little like liz taylor. She always gave the advice to her husband, i will not give you long. [laughter] tonight, i talked about two significant men, but they were just that. Just men. They helped transform this country in this world. We have the same responsibility before us. Certain things happen in my life and happening yours that you never forget. It is significant to me. I remember the day that i fell in love with my wife. I remember the day i got married. I remember the day of the birth of my two children. I remember the day i accepted christ. I remember the day i became a republican. They were all in different order. I want to tell you why i became a republican. I watched jimmy carter put a sweater on and tell me i had to accept something less, that the best days were behind my country. I watched Ronald Reagan stand before podium and say, no pastels, bold colors, and go to the shining city on the hill. That was america. I knew what he meant by the light. That was freedom. Liberty. I knew the light went beyond california, and even beyond maine. When president reagan spoke and talk to exceptionalism, they postedrotested him in europe bobby other side of the berlin wall, they celebrated him. They are the words that inspired me. Dont you believe that the shining city on the hill is america . Dont we also agree that that light has been dimmed a little . I love america. I love its people. I will tell you this. I know eight years of this president has done damage but we can correct it. The task before us is to join together, climbed the mountain and recharge the light so it burns brighter than ever before. God willing together, we will do it. Just as in 1980, under the leadership of Ronald Reagan. Thank you and god bless. [applause] today in washington, d. C. , a discussion about oil prices and their and packed on fracking, hosted by the Atlantic Council. We will have that live at 3 00 eastern here on cspan. On a companion network, cspan 2, at 3 00 the senate will gavel in for general speeches. The house is out today, back tomorrow, and working this week on a measure to ban abortions beyond 20 weeks, and debate on Defense Programs. You can watch the house live here on cspan. Can a computer be one of the best poker players . A story that cbs news has been working on. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon chose a more challenging game of poker, and you can read how the 26yearold did, and considered one of the best Texas Hold Em players in a world, when he faced his computer competition. We will have more on the potential of robust tonight on the communicators on cspan two. Here is a look. Tonight, on the communicators. We met up with author. Novak who says we are in a phase of development and with robots and technology, we will likely enhance the human condition. 2014, i think was 2014 was the day of robot angst. Every day, i saw stories of how robots will steal from humans. Here is a robot who is a better bartender, a better waiter, and so on. The thing i find that i think gets missed a lot in that is that every prior revolution or advance in automation has actually resulted in better jobs for humans. We are really worried about robots taking our jobs, having a hard time imagining what we are going to be doing not just 200 years from now, but even 10 years from now. I think history has shown that we will figure out a way to combine with the robots to create new jobs again, that were previously unimaginable. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on the communicators on cspan 2. Former secretary of state and democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton recently hosted a roundtable discussion in las vegas on immigration. The event ran about an hour. [applause] mrs. Clinton hi, how are you all . Hello, hello. How are you . Wonderful to be back in nevada and here at rancho. Im delighted to be joined by a number of young people who are going to talk with me and you about their lives, their stories, and in particular immigration. I want to acknowledge my friend and congresswoman for being here. [applause] it is cinco de mayo, an especially appropriate day to have this conversation. I want to begin by thanking everyone at Rancho High School for hosting us today. Im looking forward to hearing from each of our panel participants. I have a lot of wonderful memories from my time here in nevada. Ive gone doortodoor meeting with families not far from this school. Ive met with a lot of culinary workers and other workers who keep the economy going strong. I accompanied a registered nurse on her 12hour shift at saint rose dominican hospital, then was very pleased to go back to her home and have dinner with her and her kids. And i know how hard hit nevadans were by the great recession. This state in particular suffered some very tough blows. There were a much higher than average home foreclosure rates for example. A lot of people lost their jobs, or their hours were cut dramatically, which made it difficult for them to continue to make a good living. We now see that the state is coming back from those tough economic times. Families have found a lot of different ways to make it work for them. We also saw people once again starting businesses, thinking about sending their kids to college. Maybe doing some of those home repairs. Maybe putting a little bit aside for retirement. But we are not yet back on our feet. We have climbed out of the hole, but weve got to do more than just get by. We have to get ahead and stay ahead. And there are a lot of ways to we have to think about how we do that together. I think it is important to recognize that even with all of the hard work and sacrifice so many families made, in many ways, the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Im well aware in las vegas there is nothing worse than a stacked deck. [laughter] mrs. Clinton i want to reshuffle the deck. I want to be a champion for hardworking americans. I want to work across party lines. I want to work with the public and the private sector. I want people to get back to the good oldfashioned american style of problem solving and setting us back on the right course. To help reshuffle the deck people have to do their part. They have to step up and take education seriously. They have to be willing to work hard, because nothing is given to you. My dad was a Small Businessman. When i say that, he was a really Small Businessman. You know just a few day workers , from time to time. My mom, my brothers, and i. But he understood hard work was the path forward in the United States. He made a good living for our family. I will forever be grateful for that. Because when families are strong, america is strong. And i am convinced having fox convinced that having thoughtfought for families going all the way back to my years in law school and ever since, there is nothing more important. In this campaign, i think we have to wage and win four big fights. One is to build the economy of tomorrow, not yesterday. That means weve got to be really focused on what is going to help prepare young people and we have to start early. Education is the key. But education in the first years of life is essential. Now we know that Brain Development really has formed by the time a child is three or four. So weve got to do more to make sure every single child has the best chance to do well in school, to get ahead, to chart his or her own future, to live up to his or her godgiven potential. It is also essential that we strengthen families and communities. That means we have to once and for all fix the immigration system. This is a family issue. It is an economic issue, too. But it is a family issue at heart. If we claim we are for families, we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American People support comprehensive Immigration Reform. Not just because it is the right thing to do, and it is, but because they know it strengthens families, strengthens our economy, and strengthens our country. That is why we cant wait any longer. Him we cant wait any longer for him a path to full and equal citizenship. This is where i differ with everybody on the republican side. Make no mistake, not a single republican candidate announced or potential is clearly supporting a path to citizenship. Not one. When they talk about legal status, that is code for secondclass status. And we should never forget who this debate is about. And you are going to meet some of them in a minute. People who work hard, who love this country, who pay taxes to it and want nothing more than to build a good future for themselves and their children. We are talking about the young people at this table. They are dreamers in much more than name. They are kids that any parent or grandparent would be proud of and i dont understand how anyone can look at these young people and think we should break up more families, or turn away more hard workers with talent to help us build the kind of country we want to see. So i will fight for comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path to citizenship for you and for your family across our country. I will fight to stop partisan attacks on the executive action that would put dreamers, including those with us today, at risk of deportation. And if Congress Continues to refuse to act, i would do Everything Possible under the law to go even further. There are more people, like many parents of dreamers, and others with deep ties and contributions to our communities, who deserve a chance to stay, and i will fight for them. The law currently allows for sympathetic cases to be reviewed. But right now most of these cases have no way to get a real hearing. Therefore we should put in place a simple, straightforward, accessible way for parents of dreamers and others with a history of service and contribution to their communities, to make their case and to be eligible for the same deferred action as their children. But that is just the beginning. There is much more to do to expand and enhance protections for families and communities to reform immigration and enforcement and attention practices so they are more humane, targeted, and effective. And to keep building the pressure and support for comprehensive reform. On a personal basis, the first time i ever met anyone who was in our country working was when i was about 12 years old, as i recall. And through my church, i was recruited, along with some other girls in sunday school, to serve as babysitters on saturday for the small children, so the older children could join their parents in the fields. Because believe it or not, when i was growing up, in the chicago area it was farm fields as far as the eye could see. The migrants, immigrant laborers would come up through texas, up through the midwest, up to chicago, michigan. We were asked to try to help out. I remember going to the camps where the families lived. And taking care of the little kids, while kids my age were out doing really hard work. And what stuck in my mind was how at the end of the day there was a long road from the camp that went out to a dirt road in the middle of the field. And the bus that had the workers from the field on it, that came back around 4 00 in the afternoon, stopped and let off the parents and the older brothers and sisters. And all of these little kids started running down the path to see their moms and dads and their big brothers and sisters. And they were all scooped up by these really tired people. And i just watched this and thought, they are just like me and my brothers. You know, when my dad comes home from work, and we go out to see him after he has come back from his day of doing what he had to do to support us. Ive never gotten that experience or that image out of my mind. So, for me, this is about what kind of people we are and what kind of country we have. And i am absolutely convinced it is in our economic interest. It is in the interest of our values. It is even in the interest of our longterm security as a nation. So you know where i stand. And there can be no question about it. Because i will do everything i can, as president , and in this campaign, to make this case. I know there are people who disagree with me. But i want them to have a conversation with me. Because the facts are really clear. You know, we know how much people who are working hard contribute to our economy, both in what they buy and what they pay in taxes. In new york, which i know about, because i was there senator, our undocumented workers pay more in taxes than some of the biggest corporations in new york. So im ready to have this discussion with anybody, anywhere, any time. Let me now turn to the people who are living this story. I want you to meet them and hear from them. Im going to start with you, if you will introduce yourself, and talk about your own life and what brings you to the table today. Astrid thank you, secretary. My name is astrid silva, im a student at the Nevada State College pursuing my degree in history with an emphasis on prelaw. I arrived in United States when i was four years old. I came here with my mom and dad. I had a younger brother here. He was born here. He is a United States citizen. Our family was scammed when i was young. My father was given a deportation order. Mrs. Clinton you were scammed because you hired a lawyer . Astrid a notario. He took advantage of the fact there was a lot of different immigration programs in the 1990s. People did not understand the differences. Because of that, my father was given deportation orders. That was not acted on until 2011. We did not know he had that order. Right now, because of discretion, my dad will qualify for this program once the lawsuit that is really an obstacle right now is moved out of the way. And my mom, who is here, will be able to apply so we are not afraid she will be deported. Mrs. Clinton talk to me about what you have done in school. How you see your future. The contributions you have made as a young person. What you would like to do further. Astrid growing up, i was really dedicated to school. Our parents put a big emphasis on me succeeding. Because of all the sacrifices they had made. They have not seen their family in 25 years. When i went to elementary, middle school, i was dedicated. In seventh grade, i was named gladiator of the year at my middle school, because i was the student that showed the most citizenship, ironically. [laughter] astrid programs like that, i could not take advantage of them because when i turned the age of going to college, i did not have a way out. I was afraid for many years until finally a counselor in my college, college of Southern Nevada at that time, knew what was happening and helped guide me and i became involved in politics. Knowing that i did not have to be afraid because there was something, and i met other people in the same situation which had never happened before. Mrs. Clinton erica [applause] mrs. Clinton part of our jobs as moms is to embarrass our children at any possible moment. Also when we are proud of them. Im happy you are there. Erica, how did you end up here today . Erica i am here to share my story. I came to the United States when i was three years old. My parents and i made the journey here after we lost my little sister. They wanted to give me a better future. I have a 17yearold brother. He is a citizen. That way, my parents would qualify if the lawsuit was lifted. Im currently going to cfs. I want to major in Political Science and psychology. And im here wondering, what are your plans to help my community and help my family, and help us not live in fear anymore . Mrs. Clinton that is why it is so important we continue to try to change the laws comprehensively. But as i have said numerous times, i support the president s action in the face of inaction. I was personally very disappointed that when i was a senator for eight years, we had a few chances to try to do more for dreamers, do more for comprehensive Immigration Reform, and we were not successful. And then when i was secretary of , state, i was very pleased there was a bipartisan agreement in the senate for comprehensive Immigration Reform. And it was such a good signal that democrats and republicans could work together, could solve a difficult problem, could put aside partisan differences. The Senate Passed it and the house of representatives would never take it up. I think it would have passed if they had taken it up. But i think that they the leadership in the house decided that politically they did not want to do that, because they had people who were strongly opposed to comprehensive Immigration Reform. We just have to keep working on it. That is why your stories are important. Because we cant look at it as though it is an abstraction. It is real peoples lives and so many people who have made contributions, who have worked hard in school, who have started businesses, who have raised their children here. As you point out, you have a brother who is a u. S. Citizen. We have a lot of these blended families, and i want to do more to make sure doca and all of the changes that have occurred continue and even expand. I would like to try to do more on behalf of the parents of dreamers, who are not necessarily included. But the best way is to get comprehensive Immigration Reform in our congress and try to resolve all of this. Rafael im 26 years old. I have been here since i was one year old. I graduate this summer with a degree in psychology and criminal justice. Unfortunately, when i was 15 years old, both my parents and i received orders for deportation. Since then, we have lived in fear. Thankfully, because of deferred action, i have some relief, but unfortunately, i cant say the same thing for my parents. Unless the lawsuit is dropped, my parents future is not secure here in the United States. As a current undocumented immigrant in the United States, i stand with the 50,000 undocumented transgender immigrants in this country who lack the ability to get legal representation to file within the oneyear deadline for asylum. Secretary clinton, would you lift the oneyear deadline for asylumseekers . Mrs. Clinton i think there are several things about that question i would like to answer. One is i think people in the , immigration system should be represented. And we have made some progress on that, but not enough. And so i am in favor particularly for young people, to have representation. I would like everyone to have it. But if we had to try to prioritize, i would like young people, people from vulnerable populations, who would not have the support they need. And i do not think there is anything magic about the one year. I think that as part of comprehensive reform, we need to look at how we make our entire system more humane. Im very worried about detention and detention facilities for people who are vulnerable, and for children. I think we could do a better job if we kept attention to people who have a record of violent illegal behavior, and that we have a different approach towards people who are not in that category. I do not think we should put children and Vulnerable People into big detention facilities because they think they are at , risk. I think their physical and Mental Health are at risk. These are issues we should go as far as we can to get the resources to provide support and particularly representation, and change some of our detention processes. Within the kind of discretion the president has exercised with his executive orders. But it is also clear as the president has said many times a lot of these issues can only be resolved once and for all if we have changes in the law. So i want to protect people. I want more humane treatment. No matter how the law is written or enforced. And to put the resources behind doing that, and continue to fight for reform. Thank you. Thank you, secretary clinton, for being here and welcome to nevada. I arrived to the United States when i was seven months old. Nevada is the only place i call home. I grew up your. I went to school here. I graduated from the university of las vegas with two degrees here. Education is one of our strong points as dreamers. Because of it, im looking at pursuing a law degree. Again, the system of immigration messes up my family. There is a deterrence in our family. I come from a mixed status family. Meaning my sister is a u. S. Citizen who petitioned to changed my fathers legal status. He became a legal permanent resident. When we plan to do the same for my mother, unfortunately, she faces the 3 to 10 year bar. Because of it, it was either make the decision to have her separate our family or keep our family together. A strong message in the Immigration Community is keeping families together, and that is the path we took. Unfortunately she continues to , be undocumented. I have daca. With the president s executive action, she will qualify fortunately, but with the lawsuit, it is another obstacle in the way. Mrs. Clinton could you explain to people what the 3 and 10 rule is . It causes a lot of these issues. Of course. For example, my mother and i, we entered the legal term is without inspection. We entered illegally. My father entered with a work permit. He entered legally. We faced a 310 year bar because of the way we entered. We took a different way compared to my father. Because of it, the 10 year bar we have to leave our country. We tried to do it the right way. We had to leave the country as a pardon for entering illegally. Mrs. Clinton i think your example illustrates the difficulties of these rules that are applied to everybody under every circumstance without , looking at the underlying situation. You have a sister who is a citizen. A father who is a permanent resident. You came here at seven months, and you have done extremely well with your education, and you are obviously a very committed young person. And your mother, who kept the family going, as moms do, would have to leave for the 310 year period in order to be able to petition for reentry and therefore be determined as legal. That is why i have promoted, ever since we have been having this debate, going back to when i was in the senate, a comprehensive Immigration Reform program, similar to what the Senate Passed on a bipartisan basis, where the people who have been here and have contributed as your family has, and worked hard, you would have to pay a fine. You would probably we would want you to learn english. Which is not a problem before anybody around this table. And we would want you to get in line to get a path to citizenship. But you would be no longer at risk of being deported and you would not have to leave the country for 310 years in order to be able to try to come back. I think there are, there is agreement among the people who supported the bipartisan bill in the senate. Even though i guess some of them are paying a political price for it right now, nevertheless, it was the right thing, and they did it. It is still the right thing. Because we have gained so much from people who, like your families, have come here and worked hard and made a contribution. Thank you for explaining that. It shows how difficult it is in so many families to figure out what to do. Juan, you have an interesting story because you are one of those Small Businessmen. I said the other day, i want to be the president for Small Business, because that is where most jobs are created. That is where the engine of economic recovery and growth comes from. Why dont you tell us what you have been doing . Juan my name is juan salazar. I came here when i was seven. When i was young. I grew up here. It is all i know. Im undocumented. I struggled it hit me more when i got out of high school. It was hard to find a job. Even in high school my friends , were getting jobs or their drivers license. Becoming more independent. I got left behind. But fortunately, thanks to daca i was able to get a work permit. I will tell you i can probably speak for all of us. As an undocumented immigrant, i did not take no opportunity for granted. We dont take opportunities for granted, because i you like we do not get those often. Right away i went to go get my business license. To have my own pool cleaning service, my own company, me and my dad. We started off with three pools. I got my business license. I went to get certified. So i could promote my name and everything. 23 years later, we have over 50 pools, and i am growing. Things to a community and good people i know. And i make sure i work hard. We did not have anything when my dad lost his job. When the recession hit we lost , our house. We did not have work. We had to sell food to pay the phone bills. It was only one way up from there. We are working hard every day. Im learning through the struggles we have been through taking it stepbystep. Mrs. Clinton im very proud to hear your story. Lets face it, you can clean pools all year round in nevada. We have a shorter season where i live. [laughter] mrs. Clinton the fact you and your dad really were determined to recover from losing your home, losing his job, doing what you had to do to be as successful as possible, is the american story. I mean, that is what is so moving to me about what happened to you. Juan once i got deferred action, i got my work permit, i could not say the same thing for my parents. They did not qualify. We were all undocumented. Im happy for the ones who were able to. Now they have a speed bump. Theyve got slowed down now. I just want to make sure my parents are protected. We could be separated any day. I would not wish that on anybody. I just want to make sure my parents are protected. I would not wish that on anybody. To have family seperated. Here in nevada, 21 of the business are owned by immigrants. We are making, we are moving up and we are making a difference. Provide for our families. We are very united. Mrs. Clinton that is great. I think you have put an important statistic, which is nationally, so many of the new Small Businesses are started by immigrants. That is something we should be celebrating, not trying to prevent or breakup, because of status differences. Also, the fact you are worried about your parents. I will try to do everything i can to avoid family breakup, avoid the kind of terrible experience too many families have gone through because they were split up. Half of their family, or the breadwinner is picked up and gone one day. It is not smart and it is not right. Do you want to share your story . Im 16 years old. Im a junior. I arrived in this country at the age of 2. Since then, i have been able to succeed in school. Currently im looking toward my future. Once i began to look at what i have, there is not a lot open. I can go to school, but afterward, what is there for me . I want to be a doctor. I want to go to yale. After yale, i cant really become a doctor. Mrs. Clinton i should brag on you. [laughter] you have the highest grade point average in the whole class. Right . [applause] one of your counselors told me it was 4. 8. I did not know it went that high. You are exactly the kind of student that every family, every community should be proud of. The idea you want to be a doctor is something we should be encouraging and trying to clear the path so you can go on and do that. Tell me about your family. What happened with the rest of your family . My parents arrived as undocumented. They were both depending on dapa. My dad wanted to open his own mechanic shop. With that, he would be able to expand his business. However, he really cant. Mrs. Clinton i think it is important to put faces behind the stories. Several of you have mentioned how the lawsuit to try to prevent the implementation of president obamas executive order has stopped plans for new businesses, for going to school, what you are going to do when you graduate. Creating more uncertainty. That is what you are describing with respect to your father. I think that certainty is really important. Predictability. Regularization, if you will. People need to know what is going to happen. It is unrealistic and, i think foolish to continue to talk as though we are going to deport 11 million or 12 Million People. That is not going to happen. When you accept the fact that is not going to happen, right . I once calculated when i was in the senate how much money it would cost, how many buses would be required. It is beyond absurd. That is not going to happen. What we have to do is accept the fact we are a nation of immigrants. We always have been. It was Franklin Roosevelt who might have said we started off as a nation of revolutionaries and immigrants. That has continued throughout our history. We have to solve the issues that are around this situation we are faced with. The facts are really clear about the contributions, the economic consumer contributions, the paying of taxes, and then the young people who work hard and are looking for a place in society. I know that you have had personal experiences. Now is your chance to maybe say what you think should be done and how it should be done so that we have a debate that is about the realities, not about the talking points and the arguments. Would you like to start . One of the most important things is family reunification. 11 Million People could not be deported. Millions have been deported. We have victoria here. She is also a trimmer. A dreamer. She has not seen her mother in four years. They had to go back to mexico for an emergency. Her mother was unfortunately broke her leg on the journey back to the United States. Victoria came here alone. She has been with a guardian. To me, one question, what will happen to those families who have already been separated . I go to bed every night. I live in the fear my parents will be deported, but they are still here. I can talk to them. All of our stories have very complex issues. Juan working. His familys status. We all have siblings. Our parents would qualify for adjustment. My question is a little bit expanding on several of those issues. Mrs. Clinton reunification should be one of our goals in comprehensive Immigration Reform. Because we have attempted to deal with this challenge for years now and in the absence of actually finally passing reform, a lot of families have been broken up. That is really so painful for people who live through it, and even those on the outside to even imagine what that must be like. That is why i want to do everything we can to defend the president s executive orders. I think they were within his authority, constitutionally, legally, they were based on precedent that i believe is adequate. And still try to go further, like the unification of families that have been split up. Yes. 276,000 undocumented lgbt immigrants in the United States. Some of them are trans. As a lesbian woman, i would like to know how we can protect our trans brothers and sisters where they do not identify with their gender identity . Mrs. Clinton i think we have to do more to provide Safe Environments for vulnerable populations. That certainly includes the lgbt community, children, and unaccompanied children. There are groups of people who we deserve a higher level of care, because of the situations they are finding themselves in. I also think we have to reform our detention system. Im not sure a lot of americans know a lot of the detention facilities for immigrants are run by private companies. They have a built in incentive to fill them up. There is actually a legal requirement that so many beds be filled. So people go out and round up people in order to get paid on a per bed basis. That makes no sense to me. That is not the way we should be running any detention facility. There is a lot we have to do to change what is currently happening and try to put us on a path toward a better, humane system for everybody. I think affordability is a major factor. Many undocumented immigrants have been exploited. My parents worked for two dollars an hour. That was in 1990. I also think many of our parents have had a low wage job, it is important to raise the minimum wage throughout the country. Because i think people deserve to make a living wage. Mrs. Clinton i agree with that completely, at the federal level. States and some cities are on their own raising the minimum wage. There needs to be a federal floor. I believe the democrats will introduce legislation to do that this week. I agree with you. Secretary clinton, as you mentioned, youre going to keep the executive order if elected president , but as of now you mentioned you are going to Push Congress. We look forward to a day where we become citizens of this country. All of us have knocked doors to get voters out and we tell them our stories, because it is important, they are not only voting for themselves, they are voting for us and the future of this country. If and when elected, do you plan to Push Congress as your first initiative, to push for Immigration Reform . Mrs. Clinton it will be among my first initiatives. I cant predict what will be happening. That happened to president obama when he was elected and found out we were falling into an economic abyss. He deserves a lot of credit for stabilizing the situation and getting us back on the economic upswing. Among the priorities i would be advocating for in the beginning would be comprehensive Immigration Reform. One of the reasons for that, as secretary of state, i saw what happened to countries that established a secondclass status for people. They do not feel they belong, or they have any allegiance to the country in which they live and work. They are never fully accepted. That is a recipe for divisiveness and disintegration. My view is that we are a nation of immigrants. We have assimilated tens and tens of millions of people over the course of our history. We have 11, 12 Million People who are undocumented. The vast majority of whom have proven they want to be a citizen of this country and we should put them on that path. Those who say we can do reform but not a path to citizenship, would be undermining what has made america unique. The way we have assimilated people. The way people feel loyal, the contributions they make. This is not just the right thing to do for america, if you compare us to other countries that did not take that step, you can see what it has done to them. I dont want to go there. I support a path to citizenship in the constext of Immigration Reform. Juan i wanted to add a personal story. When i graduated high school, i could not find any work. My dad was not working as well. We found a landscaping job. Doing labor for a company. We were getting paid six dollars an hour. They would work us excessively. I was young. Working really hard. It got to a point where i remember we had been working. We could not look at the boss in the eye. Even if it was lunchtime, you had to work. A lot of stories like that. Other stories with stuff like that. It is really hard. Me and my dad worked really hard. When he would get home from work, and i would see him limping, that is what motivated me to do something for us. He raised me to respect everyone and to be honest and supported me with school. Just looking out for him. Im really glad he is my business partner. Mrs. Clinton i bet he would say the same thing about you. You make a good point. It is not only about minimum wage and decent working conditions for people like you. Often times when i have conversations with people who are fearful about Immigration Reform, their fears are rooted in the feeling they are losing jobs. They are going to people who are undocumented. Part of that fear has a reality to it is because people pay you six dollars an hour, because you are undocumented. Why would they pay somebody who is a citizen what the minimum wage should be . My argument is the quicker we legalize the people here, the better the job market will be for everybody. You will not have a group of people who are taken advantage of and you do not have others who feel as though they are losing jobs because this group is being taken advantage of and taken advantage of are paid less and treated worse. My argument to people who worry about comprehensive reform and the effect on their job is, it is the opposite. The sooner we can get to legalization, the better the job market will be for everybody. Employers will not be able to violate the laws. Because they are not dealing with a workforce that is scared to say anything, or even scared to look at the boss when he shows up. This is about everybody. Not just you and your dad. Juan one more question. I just wanted to say, i know here in nevada, education, we keep on lowering the education. A lot of kids arent graduating. We need to reach out to these kids and show them that school is very important and so is higher education. Maybe we need to figure out some other way. A lot of the reason is because of funding. They cant afford it. So they decide not to go to school. Mrs. Clinton that is a big part of what we have to do. Whether it is Community College or college or a Job Training Program that will give them a good start. And you make a strong point. It is so expensive to continue your education that too many kids are feeling, and their parents are feeling, it is the it is beyond their reach. That is why i support president obamas proposal for free Community College which at least gets you started and i would like to look to see how we get the debt under control and give people a chance to not be burdened by debt which makes it really hard for them to start a business or to continue their education so this is going to be a big part of my education policy as i go forward with the campaign. You are 100 right. Too many people feel it is out of their reach or they graduate with so much debt they feel like they are paralyzed. They do not know what to do and they cannot buy a house, they cannot get married, they cannot start a business because they owe so much in student debt. The average student in iowa graduates with 30 thousand dollars of debt. You have a lot of people who do not have that much assets and income so it is relative to what they can afford. I learned today that this school uses title i funds to pay for the ap exam fee. When you look at high school education, making it possible for more students to have access to advanced placement courses really ups the level of education. It gives kids a leg up because they may have some credit before they ever get there but too many kids in the past and across our country do not take the test because i do not know what it does today. 80 . 85. That is a lot of money if youre are making minimum wage or less. I hope the administrators are still here. I want to give them a big shout out for using title i funding. I am sure you will do some of that next year. Or currently. You have them tomorrow . That is monday and statistics and english next wednesday. Mrs. Clinton wow. Once daca was established, it opened many doors. Oftentimes the journey ends there and i was wondering if or what was your position or what will you offer in order for us to continue our education. Mrs. Clinton it is very shortsighted of us not to legalize students who graduate from college and can use their skills to make a good life for themselves but also to give back. We have thousands of foreign students come to our country every year. They get a great education in our colleges and universities and a lot of them stay. I want you to be a doctor if that is what you want to be. You have come up through our system, you have worked hard you have done exceptionally well. I think this is the particular fix in addition to the other fixes we have been talking about. I read an article recently about a group of young, undocumented men who were really interested in technology and they entered a contest against kids from the best schools and companies and they won. So you have four kids who beat the best of the best and they could not do anything because they were undocumented. Im sitting there thinking, what is wrong with this picture . We are in a global competition and i intend for us to win it and im not about to let anyone who can make a contribution to our economy and society get thrown away. From my perspective we need to fix that, we need to remove the fear, and we need to make sure that we give every child a chance to do the best that he or she can. If that means going to yale and becoming a doctor [inaudible] [applause] as you can tell, i could be here all day. We have six exceptional young people, we have some proud parents and grandparents and teachers here. But let me end where i started. Thanking rancho for having me here, thanking each of you for being willing and brave enough to sit here and talk about your own lives. I want to reiterate my strong support for the president s executive action because he had to act in the face of inaction that was not on the merits but politically motivated. For partisan reasons which i think is not the way we should be solving our problems in our country. In our congress or anywhere else. I am so pleased that the congresswoman is here because i know she is a champion for a lot of the issues that we are talking about. I want to get back to good oldfashioned problemsolving and this is one of the problems we have to solve together so i pledge to you i will do everything i possibly can to make this an issue in the campaign but more importantly, when i am president , to put it on the top of my priority list. You stay here. We will do a picture, and maybe we will get the principal and others to come up and join us. Lets get the administrators who invited us all here to come and stand. If you will stand with us we will get a picture with everybody. Congresswoman, why dont you join us . Write me a memo on what i need to do differently. [laughter] you want to come around . We all stand up. That is good. Excellent. Ok, come closer. And juan, give me that. Thats great. Ok, look at barb and we will look at all the proud parents with their cameras. So look over here. Ok, got some cameras over here. Its like when you are on the red carpet. Look here. Ok. Thank you. You want to come around . I am so happy i could. Thank you so much. I am grateful. Mrs. Clinton is your name barbara . Barb. I love that. Great. Thank you. [inaudible] [indiscernible] [general chatter] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [general chatter] [laughter] [general chatter]

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