Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20150506

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[applause] Mike Huckabee i will be funded and fueled not by the billionaires, but by working people across america, that will find out that 15 and 20 a month contributions can take us from hope to higher ground. [applause] Mike Huckabee rest assured, if you want to get a million dollars, please do it. [laughter] but i know most of you cant. Im just going to ask you to give something. In the name of your children and grandchildren. I walked away from i own income to do this, so i am not asking for some sacrifice i am unwilling to make. I dont have a Global Foundation or a taxpayerfunded paycheck to live off of. I dont come from a family dynasty, but a working family. I grew up bluecollar, not blue blood. I ask you to join with me today not just so i can be president but so we can preserve this Great Republic and some so that your children and grandchildren can still go from hope to higher ground. [applause] Mike Huckabee i still remember when my dad took me to the dedication of the newly comes drafted newly constructed ark, name for my best friend lester who is here today. I was eight years old, and my dad said, son, governors dont come dedicate this to the lake. I will take you down there to hear him talk. Because you may live your whole life, and you may never get meet a governor in person. [laughter] [applause] Mike Huckabee had my dad lived just four months longer, he would have seen me do more than meet a governor, he would have seen me become the 44th governor of my state. [applause] i always wish he could have been there and maybe spent at least one night in the governors mansion, a place he never thought he would get close to. Ill was wanted to feel that he did see that moment from the best seat in the house. [applause] Mike Huckabee and i hope that he is able to watch in january of 2017 one that bashful little kid from the rent house on 2nd street is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States and with your help and god, we will make that journey from hope to higher ground. God bless you. Thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] [country music] we lost the last few moments of the Mike Huckabee announcement in hope, arkansas from earlier today. Mike huckabee becoming the sixth official to announce of the Republican Party. We want to your your thoughts. Join the cover station. Josh the conversation. You can also leave us a comment on facebook and the hashtag where using on twitter is cspanchat. We will get to your calls momentarily. As soon as Mike Huckabee announced, the tax group put out a adequate us as in the former governor for his tough tax policies as he was governor. Reportedly spending some 100,000 on this ad. Here is a look at that released earlier today. 20 conservatives oppose my cup to be . Mike huckabee . [indiscernible] the wall street journal has editorialized about your record. You finished your term as governor with a net tax increase of 505 million. [indiscernible] Mike Huckabee receives anf f for his current term. Ready for huckabee . That ad released today by the club. We will get to your calls in a moment. A quick check at facebook. Com. Your thoughts are welcome. On twitter cspanchat. On our democrat line. Caller thank you. I think you do a good job. Im a conservative democrat. I like ms. Clinton. I hope she does good. I know a couple more democrats i will buy to see jump into the field. Mike webb, the former senator from West Virginia would make a good candidate. Host jim webb . Caller yes. I think he is more moderate. I think jim would be a little better candidate. With Mike Huckabee, i like Mike Huckabee. I was glad that even the first time and i was hoping he would have done a lot better. I think this time, this is his second term running and i feel like he will be a lot better and i think he would be a lot better than jeb bush would be. Host Mike Huckabee ran in 2008. Our caller was talking about potential candidates. Here is a political report this morning about Elizabeth Warren who says to not enter the race. She met privately with the draft warned supporters in massachusetts. She recently hobbled with progressives affiliated with the campaign urging her to run for president. Her office insists she was unaware of any connection. Next up is linda on the independents line. Caller my comment is first of all we thought you are wasting your time and money. There was a spark to him we hadnt seen before. I dont think it would hurt for him to get in the race. I am glad romney dropped out. Note nondemocrat will win because of the unionization of all the Hospitality Industry and the legal status people who are here in our country. A lot of people dont realize. With all of the people that unionize, if those people get unionized come it will not matter who is running because no one will win because of a voting block. I am just concerned about that. Host you mentioned the power of the unions. Certainly one of the candidates that appeals to Union Members is Bernie Sanders. He was at a town hall earlier today. He had a budget town hall and he tweeted, talking about corporate profits soaring and workers struggling. This from Huffington Post politics. He plans to introduce a bill to break up the big banks. Next is william and Buffalo Junction indiana on our independent line. Go ahead. Caller i just wanted to comment on something. Recently, i saw the tax statement in the mail. Last year, i went and paid my taxes. I got a comment that said she kind of laughed. I paid them in one dollar bills. Host how many bills did you use . Caller 523. I dont see how it is possible for a working class man to be represented by a man in a suit and tie just like i dont think it is possible for a working class man to represent a man who wears a suit and tie. I think my cup to bes Mike Huckabees background will help appreciate the work americans do. Host he still feels like a workingclass guy to you . Caller it seems like he appreciates his father was a bluecollar type gentleman. Host we appreciate your comments. Lets hear from peter in luxembourg, new york. Plattsburgh, new york. Caller [indiscernible] i think the democrats will win. Host thank you. Rand paul and ted cruz were the only ones to vote against the gop budget passed this afternoon. The Senate Passes its first bicameral gop budget in a decade. Claudette, thanks for waiting. Caller i dont want jeb bush, ok . Mike huckabee brought me to tears tonight with his announcement. I just feel that the really, truly loves this country. He is a working man for me has worked for his family, the American People. We need someone like that he will work and rock about us. I cried. I am 68. I have 100 disabled veteran husband and i feel what he is going through right now. I hope to hell he didnt fight for nothing because what obama has done for this country and what the democrats and what the rino republicans Loretta Lynch openly said she would not protect our borders. They still put her in and i am so scared. I am so scared we have lost our country. I hope it is not too late. Mike huckabee seems to be such a good man and we need them and he brought me to tears. We are being taken over. I do have a brief song i would like to sing. Host we want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to give their comments. Sean is in florida. Sean Mike Huckabee made some good points. A lot of common sense. We need common sense in america. They cannot run the country the way they are running it. We need someone with common sense values to bring us back to where we have to be and that is it. We need common sense values. Host some tweets from the campaign. Here is rand paul. Dena titus that event earlier today. Karen from oregon on the independent republican line. Caller i want to talk about what got my attention about huckabee. The taxes and the term limits. He got my vote right there. Host here is big become oklahoma. Bigsby, oklahoma. Caller one thing that got me is to get read of this irs. All we are doing is printing money lets get rid of the irs. Everybody that spends would be equal. Everything would be equal. One the tax day comes around, it would be another day. That is the main thing i got. We are printing our money nobody wants it and we need to get out of it. We got people up there trying to control some of that. That is one of the main things but the other things he said as far as being equal and turning this country around and everything, i think he would be the best we could ever get. The main thing was the irs and the flat tax to make it equal for everybody. Host one more from Fort Lauderdale on the democrat line. Caller yes, sir. I will vote for huckabee. He is a godly man and we need the judeochristian way of running the United States back because these democrats are going toward socialism and socialism does not need to become common. I think huckabee would be a great man. He is ineligible smart man. Host more talk about politics. I look ahead to Tomorrows Program live every day at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. We start with a conversation about ways to reduce poverty in urban areas. Later on from virginia, col. John petosek talks about the training for troops and International Combat zones. Your comments and emails are welcome. Hillary clinton was speaking this afternoon to students in las vegas and she spoke about what she would do as president in terms of immigration and made some notable changes about changes in immigration policy. Hillary clinton and several students. [applause] mrs. Clinton hi, how are you . Hello. [cheering] wonderful to be back in nevada and here at rancho. Im delighted to be joined by a number of young people who are going to talk with me and you about their lives and stories and in particular, immigration. I want to acknowledge my friend and congresswoman dena titus for being here. [applause] Hillary Clinton it is cinco de mayo, an especially appropriate day to have this conversation. I want to thank everyone for hosting us today at the high school. Im looking forward to hearing from each of our panel participants. I have a lot of wonderful memories from my time here in nevada. Ive gone doortodoor meeting with families not far from this school. Ive met with a lot of culinary workers who keep the economy going strong. I accompanied a registered nurse on her 12 hour shift. I was very pleased to go back to her home and have dinner with her and her kids. And i know how hard hit nevadans were by the recession. This state in particular suffered some very tough blows. There were a much higher than average home foreclosure rates for example. A lot of people lost to their hours were cut, which made it difficult for them to continue to make a good living. We now see that the state is coming back from those tough economic times. Families have found ways to make it work for them. We also saw people once again starting businesses, thinking about sending their kids to college. Maybe doing some home repairs. Putting a little bit aside for retirement. We are not yet back on our feet. We have climbed out of the hole, but weve got to do more than just get by. We have to get ahead and stay ahead. There are a lot of ways to think about how we do that together. I think it is important to recognize even with all of the hard work and sacrifice so many families made, in many ways, the deck is stacked in favor of those at the top. Im well aware in las vegas there is nothing worse than a stacked deck. [laughter] Hillary Clinton i want to reshuffle the deck. I want to be a champion for hardworking americans. I want to work across party lines. I want to work with the public and the private sector. I want people to get back to the good oldfashioned american style of problem solving and setting us on the right course. To help reshuffle the deck people have to do their part. They have to step up and take education seriously. They have to be willing to work hard because nothing is given to you. My dad was a small businessman. He was a really small businessman. Just a few day workers from time to time. My mom, my brothers. He understood hard work was the path forward in the United States. He made a good living for our family. I will forever be grateful for that. When families are Strong America is strong. I am convinced having fought for families going all the way back to my years in law school and ever since, there is nothing more important. In this campaign, we have to wage and win four big fights. One is to build the economy of tomorrow, not yesterday. Weve got to be really focused on what is going to prepare young people and we have to start early. Education is the key. Education in the first years of life is essential. Now we know that Brain Development really has formed by the time a child is three or four. Weve got to do more to make sure every child has the best chance to do well in school, to get ahead. Two chart his or her own future. It is also essential that we strengthen families and communities. That means we have to once and for all fix the immigration system. This is a family issue. It is an economic issue, too. But it is a family issue at heart. If we claim we are for families, we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American People support comprehensive Immigration Reform. Notches because it is the right thing to do, and it is, but because they know it strengthens families, strengthens our economy, and our country. That is why we cant wait any longer. We cant wait for a path to equal citizenship. This is where i differ with everybody on the republican side. Make no mistake, not a single republican candidate announced or potential is clearly supporting a path to citizenship. Not one. When they talk about legal status, that is code for secondclass status. We should never forget who this debate is about. You are going to meet some of them in a minute. People who work hard, who love this country, who pay taxes to it and want nothing more than to build a good future for themselves and their children. We are talking about the young people at this table. They are dreamers in much more than name. I dont understand how anyone can look at these young people and think we should break up more families, or turn away more hard workers with talent to help us build the kind of country we want to see. So i will fight for comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path to citizenship for you and for your family across our country. I will fight to stop partisan attacks on the executive action that would put dreamers, including those with us today, at risk of deportation. And if Congress Continues to refuse to act, i would do Everything Possible under the law to go even further. There are more people, like many parents of dreamers, and others, with deep ties and contributions to our communities, who deserve a chance to stay and i will fight for them. The law currently allows for sympathetic cases to be reviewed. Right now most of these cases have no way to get a real hearing. Therefore we should put in place a simple, straightforward, accessible way for parents of dreamers and others with a history of service and contribution to their communities to make their case and to be eligible for the same deferred action as their children. That is just the beginning. There is much more to do to expand and enhance protections for families and communities to reform immigration and enforcement, so they are more humane, targeted, and effective. To keep building the pressure for comprehensive reform. On a personal basis, the first time i ever met anyone in our country working was when i was about 12 years old, as i recall. Through my church, i was recruited, along with some other girls in sunday school, to serve as babysitters on saturday for the small children so the older children could join their parents in the fields. When i was growing up, it was farm fields as far as the eye could see. The migrants, immigrant laborers would come up, up through the midwest, chicago, michigan. We were asked to try to help out. I remember going to the camps where the families lived. Taking care of the little kids while kids my age were doing hard work. What stuck in my mind was how at the end of the day there was a long road from the camp that went out to a dirt road in the middle of the field. And the bus that had the workers that came back around 4 00 in the afternoon, stopped and let off the parents and the older brothers and sisters. All of these kids started running down the path to see their moms and dads and their big brothers and sisters. They were scooped up by these really tired people. I just watched this and thought, they are just like me and my brothers. When my dad comes home from work. We go out to see him. After he has come back from his day of doing what he had to do to support us. Ive never gotten that experience out of my mind. So, for me, this is about what kind of people we are and what kind of country we have. I am convinced it is in our economic interest. It is in the interest of our values. It is in the interest of our longterm security as a nation. So you know where i stand. There can be no question about it. I will do everything i can, as president , and in this campaign, to make this case. I know there are people who disagree with me. I want them to have a conversation with me. The facts are really clear. We know how much people who are working hard contribute to the economy. In what they buy and do what they pay in taxes. In new york, which i know about, our undocumented workers pay more in taxes than some of the biggest corporations in new york. So im ready to have this discussion with anybody, anywhere, any time. Let me turn to the people who are living this story. I want you to meet them and hear from them. Im going to start with you, if you will introduce yourself, and talk about your own life and what brings you to the table today. Thank you, secretary. Im a student at the Nevada State College pursuing my degree in history. I arrived in United States when i was four years old. I came here with my mom and dad. I had a younger brother here. He is a citizen. Our family was scammed when i was young. My father was given a deportation order. Mrs. Clinton because you hired a lawyer. He took advantage of the fact there was a lot of different immigration programs in the 1990s. People did not understand the differences. Because of that, my father was given deportation orders. That was not acted on until 2011. We did not know he had that order. Right now, because of discretion, my dad will qualify for this program once the lawsuit is moved out of the way. And my mom will be able to we are not afraid she will be deported. Mrs. Clinton talk to me about what you have done in school. How you see your future. The contributions you have made as a young person. What you would like to do further. Growing up, i was dedicated to school. My parents put a big emphasis on me succeeding. Because of all the sacrifices they had made. They had not seen their family in 25 years. When i went to middle school, i was dedicated. In seventh grade, i was gladiator of the year because i was the student that showed the most citizenship. [laughter] programs like that, i could not take advantage of them because when i turned the age of going to college, i did not have a way out. I was afraid for many years until finally a counselor in college knew what was happening and helped guide me and i became involved in politics. Knowing that i did not have to be afraid because there was something, and they meant other people in the same situation which had never happened before. Mrs. Clinton erica [applause] part of our jobs as moms to embarrass our children at any possible moment. Also when we are proud of them. Im happy you are there. Erica, how did you end up here today . Erica i am here to share my story. I came here when i was two years old. My parents and i made the journey here after we lost my sister. They wanted to give me a better future. I have a 17yearold brother. My parents would qualify if the lawsuit was lifted. Im currently going to cfs. I want to major in Political Science and psychology. Im here wondering, what are your plans to help my community and my family not to live in fear anymore . Mrs. Clinton that is why it is so important we continue to try to change the laws comprehensively. As i have said numerous times, i support the president s action in the face of inaction. I was disappointed when i was a senator for eight years, we had a few chances to try to do more for dreamers, for comprehensive Immigration Reform, and we were not successful. When i was secretary of state, i was pleased that there was a bipartisan agreement in the senate for comprehensive Immigration Reform. It was such a good signal that democrats and republicans can work together, solve a difficult problem. Could put aside partisan differences. The Senate Passed it and the house would never take it up. I think it would have passed if they had taken it up. I think the leadership in the house decided that politically they did not want to do that because they had people who were strongly opposed to reform. We have to keep working on it. That is why your stories are important. Because we cant look at it as though it is an abstraction. It is real peoples lives and so many people who have made contributions, who have worked hard, started businesses, raised their children. As you point out, you have a brother who is a u. S. Citizen. We have a lot of these blended families and i want to make sure doca and all of the changes that have occurred continue and even expand. I would like to try to do more on behalf of the parents of dreamers who are not necessarily included. The best way is to get reform in congress and try to resolve all of this. Im 26 years. I have been here since i was one year old. I graduated this summer with a degree in psychology and criminal justice. When i was 15 years old, my parents and i received orders for deportation. Since then, we have lived in fear. Thankfully, i have some relief because of deferred action. I cant say the same thing for my parents. Unless the lawsuit is dropped, my parents future is not secure. I stand with the 50,000 immigrants in this country who can file within the oneyear deadline for asylum. Secretary clinton, would you lift the oneyear deadline for asylumseekers . Mrs. Clinton there are several things about that question i would like to answer. I think people in the immigration system should be represented. We have made some progress on that, but not enough. I am in favor, particularly for young people, to have representation. I would like everyone to have it. If we had to prioritize, i would like young people, people from vulnerable populations, who would not have the support they need. I do not think there is anything magic about the oneyear. I think we need to look at how we make our entire system more humane. Im very worried about detention facilities for people who are vulnerable, and for children. I think we could do a better job if we paid attention to people who have a record of violent behavior and that we have a different approach towards people who are not in that category. I do not think we should put children and Vulnerable People into the facilities because they think they are at risk. Their physical and Mental Health are at risk. These are issues we should go as far as we can to get the resources to provide support and representation and changes some of our detention processes within the kind of discretion the president has exercised with his executive orders. It is also clear the president has said many times a lot of these issues can only be resolved once and for all if we have changes in the law. I want to protect people. I want more humane treatment. No matter how the law is written or enforced. And to put the resources behind that and continue to fight for reform. Thank you, secretary clinton, for being here and welcome to nevada. I arrived to the United States when i was seven months old. Nevada is the only place i call home. I grew up here, education is one of our strong points as dreamers. Because of it, im looking at pursuing a law degree. Again, the system of immigration messes up my family. I come from a mixed status family. My sister is a u. S. Citizen who petitioned to change my fathers legal status. We tried to do the same for my mother. It was either make the decision to have her separate our family or keep our family together. A strong message in the immigration family is keeping families together, and that is the path we took. She continues to be undocumented. She will qualify, but with the lawsuit, it is another obstacle in the way. Mrs. Clinton could you explain to people what the three and 10 rule is . Of course. For example, my mother and i, we entered illegally. My father entered with a work permit. He entered legally. We faced a 310 year bar because of the way we entered. We took a different way compared to my father. Because of it, we have to leave our country, tried to do it the right way. We had to leave the country as a pardon for entering illegally. Mrs. Clinton i think your example illustrates the difficulties of these rules that are applied to everybody under circumstance, without looking at the underlying situation. You have a sister who is a citizen. A father who is a permanent resident. You came here at seven months, you have done well with your education, and you are a committed young person. And your mother, who kept the family going, would have to leave. In order to be able to petition for reentry and therefore be determined as legal. That is way i have promoted, ever since we have been having this debate, going back to when i was in the senate, a comprehensive program, similar to what the Senate Passed on a bipartisan basis, where the people who have been here and have contributed and worked hard, you would have to pay a fine. We would want you to learn english. Which is not a problem for anybody around this table. And we would want you to get in line to get a path to citizenship. So you would not be at risk of being deported and you would not have to leave the country in order to be able to try to come back. I think there are, there is agreement among the people who support the bipartisan bill in the senate. Some of them are paying a political price for it. It is still the right thing. Because we have gained so much from people, like your family, who have come here and work ed hard and made a contribution. Thank you for explaining that. It shows how difficult it is in so many families to figure out what to do. Juan, you have an interesting story. You are a one of those small businessmen. That is where the jobs are created. That is where the engine of economic recovery comes from. Why dont you tell us what you have been doing . Juan my name is juan salazar. I came here when i was seven. I grew up here. Im undocumented. It hit me when i got out of high school. It was hard to find a job. My friends were getting jobs or their drivers license. I got left behind. Thanks to daca, i was able to get a work permit. As an immigrant, i did not take no opportunity for granted. Right away i went to go get my business license. To have my own pool cleaning company. We started off with three pools. I got my business license. I went to get certified. Promote my name and everything. 23 later, we have over 50 pools, and i am growing. I make sure i work hard. We did not have anything when my dad lost his job. We lost our house. We had to sell food to pay the bills. It was the only way up from there. We are working hard every day. Im learning through the struggles we have been through taking it stepbystep. Mrs. Clinton im very proud to hear your story. Lets face it, you can clean pools all year round in nevada. We have a shorter season where i live. [laughter] the fact you and your dad really were determined to recover from losing your home, his job, doing what you had to do to be as successful as possible, is the american story. That is what is so moving about what happened to you. Juan once i got my work permit, i could not say the same thing for my parents. They did not qualify. Im happy for the ones who were able to. Now they have a speed bump. Theyve got to slow down now. I just want to make sure my parents are protected. I would not wish that on anybody. Here in nevada, 21 of the business are owned by immigrants. We are making, we are moving up and we are making a difference. Provide for our families. We are very united. Mrs. Clinton that is great. I think you have put an important statistic, which is nationally, so many of the new Small Businesses are started by immigrants. That is something we should be celebrating, not trying to prevent or break up because of status differences. You also have the fact you are worried about your parents. I will try to do everything i can to avoid family breakup, avoid the kind of terrible experience too many families have gone through, because they were split up. Half of their family, or the breadwinner is picked up and gone one day. It is not smart and it is not right. Do you want to share your story . Im 16 years old. Im a junior. I arrived in this country at the age of 2. Since then, i have been able to succeed in school. Currently im looking toward my future. Once i began to looked at what i have, there is not a lot open. I can go to school, but afterward, what is there for me . I want to be a doctor. I want to go to yale. Mrs. Clinton i should brag on you. You have the highest grade point average in the whole class. Right . [applause] one of your counselors told me it was 4. 8. I did not know it went that high. You are exactly the kind of student that every family, every community should be proud of. The idea you want to be a doctor is something we should be encouraging and trying to clear the path so you can go on and do that. Tell me about your family. What happened with the rest of your family . My parents arrived as undocumented. They were both depending on daca. My dad wants to open his own mechanic shop. With that, he would be able to expand his business. However, he really cant. Mrs. Clinton i think it is important to put faces behind the stories. Several of you have mentioned how the lawsuit tried to prevent the implementation of president obamas executive order. How that has stopped plans for new businesses, for going to school, what you are going to do when you graduate. Creating more uncertainty. That is what you are describing with respect to your father. I think that certainty is really important. Predictability. Regularization, if you will. People need to know what is going to happen. It is unrealistic and, i think foolish to continue to talk as though we are going to deport 11 million or 12 Million People. That is not going to happen. When you accept the fact that is not going to happen, right . I once calculated when i was in the senate how much money it would cost, how many buses would be required. It is beyond absurd. That is not going to happen. What we have to do is accept the fact we are a nation of immigrants. We always have been. It was Franklin Roosevelt who might have said we started off as a nation of revolutionaries and immigrants. That has continued throughout our history. We have to solve the issues that are around this situation we are faced with. The facts are really clear about the contributions, the economic consumer contributions, the paying of taxes, and then the young people who work hard and are looking for a place in society. I know that you have had personal experiences. Now is your chance to maybe say what you think should be done and how it should be done so that we have a debate that is about the realities, not about the talking points and the arguments. Would you like to start . One of the most important things is family unification. 11 Million People could not be deported. Millions have been deported. We have victoria here. She is also a dreamer. She has not seen her mother in four years. They had to go back to mexico for an emergency. Her mother was unfortunately broke her leg on the journey back to the United States. Victoria came here alone. She has been with a guardian. To me, one question, what will happen to those families who have been separated . I go to bed every night. I live in the fear my parents will be deported, but they are still here. I can talk to them. All of our stories have very complex issues. Juan working. His familys status. We all have siblings. Our parents would qualify for adjustment. My question is a little bit expanding on several of those issues. Mrs. Clinton reunification should be one of our goals in comprehensive Immigration Reform. Because we have attempted to deal with this challenge for years now and in the absence of actually finally passing reform, a lot of families have been broken up. That is really so painful for people who live through it, and even those on the outside to even imagine what that must be like. That is why i want to do everything we can to defend the president s executive orders. I think they were within his authority, constitutionally, legally, they were based on precedent that i believe is adequate. And still try to go further, like the unification of families that have been split up. Yes. There are 276,000 undocumented lgbt immigrants in the United States. Some of them are trans. As a lesbian woman, i would like to know how we can protect our trans brothers and sisters where they do not identify with their gender identity . Mrs. Clinton i think we have to do more to provide a safe environment for vulnerable populations. That certainly includes lgbt community, children, and unaccompanied children. There are groups of people who deserve a higher level of care because of the situations they are finding themselves in. I also think we have to reform our detention system. Im not sure a lot of americans know a lot of the detention facilities for immigrants are run by private companies. They have a built in incentive to fill them up. There is actually a legal requirement that so many beds be filled. So people go out and round up people in order to get paid on a per day basis. That makes no sense to me. That is not the way we should be running any detention facility. There is a lot we have to do to change what is currently happening and try to put us on a path toward a better, humane system for everybody. I think affordability is a major factor. Many undocumented immigrants have been exploited. My parents worked for two dollars an hour. That was in 1990. I also think many of our parents have had a low wage job. It is important to raise the minimum wage throughout the country. Because i think people deserve to make a living wage. Mrs. Clinton i agree with that completely, at the federal level. States and some cities are on their own raising the minimum wage. There needs to be a federal floor. I believe the democrats will introduce legislation to do that this week. I agree with you. Secretary clinton, as you mentioned, youre going to keep the executive order if elected president , but as of now you mentioned you are going to Push Congress. We look forward to a day where we become citizens of this country. All of us have knocked doors to get voters out and we tell them our stories, because it is important, they are not only voting for themselves, they are voting for us and the future of this country. If and when elected, do you plan to Push Congress as your first initiative, to push for Immigration Reform . Mrs. Clinton it will be among my first initiatives. I cant predict what will be happening. That happened to president obama when he was elected and found out we were falling into an economic abyss. He deserves a lot of credit for stabilizing the situation and getting us back on the economic upswing. Among the priorities i would be advocating for in the beginning would be comprehensive Immigration Reform. One of the reasons for that, as secretary of state, i saw what happened to countries that establish a secondclass status for people. They do not feel they belong, or they have any allegiance to the country in which they live and work. They are never fully accepted. That is a recipe for divisiveness and disintegration. My view is that we are a nation of immigrants. We have assimilated tens and tens of millions of people over the course of our history. We have 11, 12 Million People who are undocumented. The vast majority of whom have proven they want to be a citizen of this country and we should put them on that path. Those who say we can do reform but not a path to citizenship, would be undermining what has made america unique. The way we have assimilated people. The way people feel loyal, the contributions they make. This is not just the right thing to do for america, if you compare us to other countries that did not take that step, you can see what it has done to them. I dont want to go there. I support a path to citizenship in the constext of Immigration Reform. Juan i wanted to add a personal story. When i graduated high school, i could not find any work. My dad was not working as well. A landscaping job. Doing labor for a company. We were getting paid six dollars an hour. They would work us excessively. Working really hard. Its got to a point where i remember we had been working. We could not look at the boss in the eye. Even if it was lunchtime, you had to work. A lot of stories like that. Other stories with stuff like that. It is really hard. Me and my dad worked really hard. When he would get home from work, and i would see him limping, that is what motivated me to do something for us. He raised me to respect everyone and to be honest and supported me with school. Just looking out for him. Im really glad he is my business partner. Mrs. Clinton i bet he would say the same thing about you. You make a good point. It is not only about minimum wage and decent working conditions for people like you. Often times it is about conversations with people who are fearful about Immigration Reform. Their fears are rooted in the feeling they are losing jobs. That are going to people who are undocumented. Part of that fear has a reality to it because iff people pay you six dollars an hour, because you are undocumented. Why would they pay somebody who is a citizen what the minimum wage should be . My argument is the better the job market will be for everybody. You will not have a group of people who are taken advantage of and you do not have others who feel as though they are losing jobs because this group is being taken advantage of and they are paid less and treated worse. My argument to people who worry about comprehensive reform and the effect on their job is, it is the opposite. The sooner we can get to legalization, the better the job market will be for everybody. Employers will not be able to violate the laws. Because they are not dealing with a workforce that is scared to say anything, or even scared to look at the boss when he shows up. This is about everybody. Not just you and your dad. Juan one more question. I just wanted to see, i know here in nevada, education, we keep on lowering the education. A lot of kids arent graduating. We need to reach out to these kids and show them that school is very important and so is higher education. Maybe we need to figure out some other way. A lot of the reason is because of funding. They cant afford it. So they decide not to go to school. Mrs. Clinton that is a big part of what we have to do. Whether it is Community College or college or a Job Training Program that will give them a good start. And you make a strong point. It is so expensive to continue your education that too many kids are feeling and their parents are feeling it is beyond their reach. That is why i support president obamas proposal for free Community College which at least get you started and i would like to look to see how we get the debt under control and give people a chance to not be burdened by debt which makes it really hard for them to start a business or to continue their education so this is going to be a big part of my education policy as i go forward with the campaign. You are 100 right. Too many people feel it is out of their reach or they graduate with so much debt they feel like they are paralyzed. They do not know what to do and they cannot buy a house, they cannot get married, they cannot start a business because the oh y owe so much in student debt. The average student in iowa graduates with thousands dollars of debt. You have a lot of people who do not have that much assets and income so it is relative to what they can afford. I learned today that this school uses title i funds to pay for the ap exam fee. When you look at high school education, making it possible for more students to have access to advanced placement courses really ups the level of education. It gives kids a leg up because they may have some credit before they ever get there but too many kids in the past and across our country do not take the test because i do not know what it does today. 80 . 85. That is a lot of money if youre are making minimum wage or less. I hope the administrators are still here. I want to give them a big shout out for using title i funding. I am sure you will do some of that next year. Currently. You have them tomorrow . That is monday and statistics and english next wednesday. Mrs. Clinton wow. Once deca was established, it opened many doors. Oftentimes the journey ends there and i was wondering if or what was your position or what will you offer in order for us to continue our education. Mrs. Clinton it is very shortsighted of us not to legalize students who graduate from college and can use their skills to make a good life for themselves but also to give back. We have thousands of foreign students come to our country every year. They get a great education in our colleges and universities and a lot of them stay. I want you to be a doctor if that is what you want to be. Youve come up trhough to our system, you have worked hard you have done exceptionally well. I think this is the particular fix in addition to the other fixes we have been talking about. I read an article recently about a group of young, undocumented men who were really interested in technology and the entered a contest against kids from the best schools and companies and they won. So you have four kids who beat the best of the best and they could not do anything because they were undocumented. Im sitting there thinking, what is wrong with this picture . We are in a global competition and i intend for us to win it and im not about to let anyone who can make a contribution to our economy and society get thrown away. From my perspective we need to fix that, we need to remove the fear, and we need to make sure that we give every child a chance to do the best that he or she can. If that means going to yale and becoming a doctor [inaudible] [applause] as you can tell, i could be here all day. We have six exceptional young people, we have some proud parents and grandparents and teachers here. But let me end where i started. Thinking rancho for having me here, thanking each of you for being willing and brave enough to sit here and talk about your own lives. I want to reiterate my strong support for the president s executive action because he had to act in the face of inaction that was not on the merits but politically motivated. For partisan reasons which i think is not the way we should be solving our problems in our country. In our congress or anywhere else. I am so pleased that the congresswoman is here because i know she is a champion for a lot of the issues that we are talking about. I want to get back to good oldfashioned problemsolving and this is one of the problems we have to solve together so i pledge to you i will do everything i possibly can to make this an issue in the campaign but more importantly, when i am president , to put it on the top of my priority list. You stay here. We will get the principal and others to come up and join us. Lets get the administrators who invited us all here to come and stand. If you will stand with us we will get a picture with everybody. Why dont you join us . Write me a memo on what i need to do differently. You want to come around . We all stand up. That is good. Excellent. Ok, come closer. And juan, give me that. Thats great. Ok, look at barb and we will look at all the proud parents with their cameras. So look over here. Ok, got some cameras over here. Its like when you are on the red carpet. Look here. Ok. Thank you. You want to come around . I am so happy i could. Thank you so much. I am grateful. Mrs. Clinton is your name barbara . Barb. Mrs. Clinton thank you. [indistinct conversations] [indistinct conversations] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] president ial candidates often release books to introduce themselves to voters. Here is a look at books written by potential and declared candidates for president. Hillary clinton looks back at her time serving in the Obama Administration in hard choices. In american dreams, marco rubio Mike Huckabee gives his take in god, guns, grits, and gravy. Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren recounts events in her life that shaped her career. Scott walker argues republicans must offer Bold Solutions to fix the country and have the courage to lament them in unintimidated. Rand paul, who recently declared his candidacy, calls for Smaller Government and more bipartisanship. More potential candidates with recent books include jeb bush. In immigration wars, he argues for new immigration policies. John kasich calls for a return to traditional american values. James webb looks back on his time serving in the military and senate in i heard my country calling. Bernie sanders recently announced his intention to seek the democratic nomination. His book the speech is a reprinting of his filibuster against tax credits. Jill biden joe biden. Ben carson has one nation. Rick perry explains government has become too intrusive and must get out of the way. Another politician is for mer rhode island governor lincoln chafee. Carly fiorina shares her experiences. Ill be gentle criticizes the Obama Administration and explains why conservative selections solutions are needed in washington. And ted cruz recounts his journey from a cuban immigrants son to the u. S. Senate. Look for his book in june. Coming up tonight in cspan a discussion of the 2016 campaign. And then president obama announced his choice to be the next joint chief of staff chair. That is followed by Mike Huckabees announcement for his candidacy for president. On the next washington journal, a debate on ways to reduce poverty in urban areas. Later, the commander of the Army Asymmetric Warfare Group will discuss the training needed for u. S. Troops in International Urban combat tunes. Zones betweens. We welcome your thoughts on facebook and twitter. Washington journal is live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Defense secretary Ashton Carter and Martin Dempsey testify about the defense budget. You can hear the testimony before the defense subcommittee. Live on cspan. They were wives and mothers. Some had children and grandchildren who became president s and politicians. They dealt with the joys and trials of other hood. The pleasure and sometimes chaos of raising small children. The tragedy of loss. Just in time for mothers day, first ladies looks at the personal lives of every american family. Illuminating, entertaining, and inspiring. Based on interviews from cspans first ladies series. It is available in hardcover or ebook and makes a great gift. Next, a discussion on the 2016 president ial Campaign Including the expanding republican field and current democratic candidates. This is about one hour. Host it has already been a busy and Linda Feldman who covers the white house. Of the three republican candidates who joined the race this week or will join when my cut of the makes his announcement, when my cut of the Mike Huckabee makes his announcement who will have the biggest impact . 8 they all bring something to the table. The battle with Hillary Clinton is joined in that fashion and she can strike at hillary in a way the other republican candidates cannot. Carson is the only other africanamerican and Mike Huckabee is an old face. The question is whether he can capture that evangelical vote and do really well. Host who of the three fiorina carsons and huckabee are the other candidates most afraid of . Caller i think there isnt a question that huckabee poses the biggest threat. He is the only of the three who has won states. He won and the south and iowa. He followed bill clinton into office. He can win the evangelical voters which are really important in iowa and South Carolina. Four people who are fresher faces going after the same voters, ted cruz and Mike Huckabee are very much a threat to take a wait the first early states take away the first early states. Host Mike Huckabee announcing today. We will show that announcement life on cspan at 11 00 a. M. He will make that announcement from hope, arkansas and rollout into a weeklong iowa and South Carolina trip. All of the candidates making their appearances in the early primary states. Talk about ben carson. Who does he take the most votes away from . Caller guest he is very popular with young voters. At cpac he was one of the more popular candidates. This is a big deal for the republicans, attracting younger voters. He is important for them. He is somebody who burst onto the scene two years ago at the Prayer Breakfast and really caught everybody by surprise when he went after obama sitting a few feet away from him. He showed a willingness to go after the president had on. Head on. Even though the president isnt on the ballot, his former secretary of state will be. He knows how to get attention. He is very articulate and revered as a worldrenowned neurosurgeon. All of these questions about whether his lack of political experience will hurt him, but i think, one question is whether people are looking for a fresh face. He is certainly one of them. Host those two announcements coming this week already. Mike huckabee expected to announce. You have been writing a lot about jed bush. One of the things you wrote about is he was out early and flex his financial muscles. He was trying to raise money to scare others out of the race. Has anybody been scared out of the race . Guest it doesnt look like it. A couple weeks ago there were 19 people giving speeches about running for president. He is raising a lot of money. He will top 100 million in his first few months, but more are getting in the race and more are considering it. One who is considering and is not scared by jed bush is the governor of ohio. If jed bush was scaring people, he would not be getting into the race or considering it. He knows how much bush money can scare you out of the president ial race because he was scared out of the race by george w but he is looking at running this year. Guest i would argue that mitt romney was scared out of the race by jed bush. Two establishment titans owing against each other and romney looked at the reality and decided he could not make it work. Host we are talking about the 20 sixteen rd to the white house. The lines are open 2016 road to the white house. Democrats call 202 7488000 republicans 202 7488001 and independents 202 7488002. Were the next 45 or 50 minutes to talk about this topic. As we said yesterday, ben carson made it official. He talked about his announcement sunday night but at his event in detroit he made his president ial campaign official. Here is a bit of ben carsons speech from the event. [video clip] that is what we have to start doing. Opening our mouths for the values and principles of america. [applause] i have to tell you something. I am not politically correct. [cheers] [applause] i am probably never going to be politically correct, because i am not a politician. I dont want to be a politician. Politicians do what is politically expedient. I want to do what is right. Host i am not a politician. Will we be hearing this refrain a lot . Guest absolutely. There are so many real politicians running including Hillary Clinton who is as political as they get. They are all political. All of these nonpoliticians who run for president are instantly politicians. You have to look at it from a metaperspective. Here is ben carsons saying i am not politically correct. That is a political message. He is saying i will hear things say things you do not normally hear from someone like me. The reality is, it is extremely difficult for them to win. Carly fiorina is another nonpolitician in the race. She was working on the Mccain Campaign as a surrogate spokeswoman and said something she shouldnt, she would veer off message and was taken off tv. It is great to be a nonpolitician, the public likes that, but the reality is that they make mistakes. If you have never run for anything, she actually ran for senate in california and does have that experience. But has never held elective office. It is extremely difficult to pull that off. The last time we elected a nonpolitician was dwight allen dwight eisenhower. He was the supreme allied commander for world war ii. That gives him a pass. Host the washington post, writes enter the nonpoliticians. A grand tradition of thinking they can do politics better. It is easy to disparage public servants, much harder to reshape the forces pushing them away from solutions and harder still to fashion compromise without abandoning principle. Ms. Furia and mr. Carsons are politicians on the national stage. Shane, your thoughts on the unpolitician versus the politicians already in republican primaries. Some members of the United States senate and former governors as well. Guest one of the questions you asked earlier is who takes votes from whom . It is really interesting that ben carson and Carly Fiorina got into the race on the same day. There was kind of an gentlemans agreement not to step on each others announcements. They were spaced out one week apart between rand paul and marco rubio these two got in on the same day. One of the reasons is they are competing with each other. Everybody else in this field has held elected office. If they are not part of washington they are part of the establishment in some fashion. Even if your ted cruz and are antiestablishment or rand paul wanting to defeat the washington machine, you are part of it. These to him are competing for that vote. There is a long tradition of people getting into races and a longer tradition of them losing. Host Shane Goldmacher of the washington caller thanks for taking my call. Caller i think Campaign Finances distorted the politics to where unless you are a corporation youre not going to get any representation. Bernie sanders is probably the only credible candidate, and i dont think he is going to get elected because of money. If they didnt have money pushing against it, they could get Immigration Reform and make it work. You can make it if l. A. To hire an undocumented worker. You can send the criminals back to mexico and legalize the people that are here and paying taxes. It you wouldnt have the problems in the hospitals that youve got by the border states. Its a mess down there. Host there are several topics. Start with Bernie Sanders. Guest his entry into the race makes the democratic nomination battle more interesting. Hillary clinton is way ahead and the chances are high she gets the nomination. His voice will be elevated in the debate about the Democratic Party. It the progressive wing of the party was wanting Elizabeth Warren to get in. And away, he is a surrogate for Elizabeth Warren. He has been an independent for decade and has succeeded politically in that way. He is a very rare bird in washington. He and hillary differ on health care, he once singlepayer. She wants to make obamacare better. On trade, huge split in the party. Hillary clinton as secretary of state was instrumental in the asiapacific trade deal that the president wants and some democrats are against it. The unions dont like it and Bernie Sanders is dead set against it. I also want to respond to the collar on the question of money. Its true that he is not going to raise the money hillary will, i dont think that ceiling reason he cant get the nomination. The reality is that when of the party is not big enough. Host the wall street journal and pollsters all of the country are making the general election comparison between Hillary Clinton and potential republican candidates. Its not like they are matching Bernie Sanders up with any of these potential republicans. This is the latest poll. Hillary clinton against jeb bush, she leads him 4943. The closest is rand paul. Fossum is pulling numbers . Pulling numbers . Guest it doesnt mean she is going to stay there. An interesting argument rand paul makes is he says he is the guy that gets closest to her. He is trying to run as mr. Electable. Its one of those interesting dynamics. He has been talking about expanding the Republican Party reaching out to young people minorities. In that poll, some of the other figures were about who could you potentially support. There is a lot of potential for marco rubio. Very few say that about Chris Christie and jeb bush. Marco rubio is second place. Look down the road to the next announcement. Host where is Mitch Daniels . Who is next . Guest thats a good question. I dont know. Do we have any actual dates . Mitch daniels is not going to run it. I think he is the president of purdue university. Guest they have not picked dates. Host guest i would not say this is a joke, these people are all running. They are raising as much money as they can before they officially announce and trigger legal requirements. They are effectively candidates. Host do you think Chris Christie is going to be a candidate . Guest i think it was really bad for him. I dont know. These indictments this week, his people are spinning furiously that this was good news for him. It doesnt look like he was any in any legal jeopardy, but when your legal aides are indicted, the story has long legs. I dont see how he can mount anything close to a successful campaign. If he thinks otherwise. Guest they are talking about decamping to New Hampshire and do town halls. Chris christie has got a similar name. Tell the truth town halls, this is what he is trying to do in New Hampshire. He is from the northeast. He has human skills. He can deal with people. That everybody has that. Host we have lots of talk about this morning. Michael is up next on the line for democrats. Good morning. Caller host lets go to sand in kentucky. Caller good morning. I would like to hear the panel put their thoughts forward as far as why is there a difference in the media scrutiny requiring democratic versus republican candidates . Hillary clinton was secretary of state and all of these deals done, bill clintons speeches. I dont see them going after Hillary Clinton much like they will go after governor christie from new jersey. Why is that . Why is there such a difference in how the media will go after the facts and the truth about these candidates . Bernie sanders is a european socialist and nobody is talking about that. They dont really delve into what he supports and what he advocates. Why is that . Guest i was going to say on the hillary discussion, she had a brutal month of media press. This book is coming out. It hits shelves today. Nbc news followed bill clinton to africa this week and spoke with him about the fundraising and the speeches. They got him to say he has to pay the bills. Host usa today, the lead editorial. Guest it is true that there is more action on the republican side, so there is more coverage of their field. There is nobody running for president getting more scrutiny right now than Hillary Clinton. Guest i agree. When you look at the headlines its been the clintons on defense. Host its not where they expect to start in may of the year before the election. Erica is an michigan. Caller good morning. I have a comment about ben carson. The reason i would support him is the fact that him being an outsider and something that the president of United States set about how we deal with cuba. Weve been doing the same thing for 50 years and it doesnt work. Lets make a change. We have had politicians running this country for the past 50 some years. The debt is increased. Lets make a change. Lets put a nonpolitician in who is going to fix the problem and be done with it. Host what are your thoughts on Carly Fiorina . Caller i can see them teaming up. If she can make it to michigan i would support her. Thats the way i would look at it. We are getting sick of these same old same old and nothing changes. I have seen detroit deteriorate to nothing and now all the rich people are coming in to build up the inner part of the city, but the average person cant get a job. Its being outsourced out of michigan. Host on the call for nonpoliticians to unite. Guest this is a common refrain in every cycle. People have this negative reaction to professional politicians. The reality is you are better at something when you have experience doing it. The reality is to be elected president , you have to be a politician. Ben carson is now a politician. He does not have the experience fielding questions and being caught off guard on things and the range of issues that you have to address. Its a real crucible. Its no bigger crucible than running for president. It sounds good to say we when outsider, the reality is its nearly impossible. Host here is Carly Fiorinas announcement from yesterday. Our founders never intended for us to have a professional Political Class. They believe that citizens and leaders needed to step forward. We know the only way to reimagine our government is to reimagine who is leading it. Im Carly Fiorina and i am running for president. If youre tired of the soundbites, the vitriol, the ego, the corruption, if you believe that its time to declare the end of identity politics and you believe its time to declare the end of lowered expectations, if you believe its time for citizens to stand up to the Political Class and say enough, then join us. Its time for us to empower our citizens and give them a voice in government and come together to fix what has been broken about our politics and our government for too long. We can do this. Together. Host your thoughts . Guest there is no question that she is bringing something to the field, her gender, business experience in she was the first woman to run a fortune 20 custom camping. It did not and will. She is a voice. One of the challenges is going to be how to manage this field when it comes to the debates. They are low in polling. How my other people meet that threshold . That is a tough thing for the republicans to have to say. You are talking about 16 people on that stage. Host an africanamerican in the field, a female and two hispanics. Are you surprised the diversity of the republican field . Guest the party is not all white men, there is diversity in the party. Not as much as the Democratic Party, but its important to have this diversity in the field. You can also add bobby jindal to the mix. I dont know when he is going to get in, but he is indianamerican. Another point, i think in some circumstances, people like that run knowing in their heart of hearts that they are not going to win, but it positions them to be selected for the ticket and raises their national profile. It raises their speaking fees and gives them new life. They are retired from their original careers. Host carol, good morning. Caller good morning. Regarding Bernie Sanders i am 82. I left wisconsin 40 years ago. I went from the frying pan into the fire because i moved to florida. They have a rotten governor, too. For the first time i contributed to the campaign it, Bernie Sanders. I do not care what you call him but he offers hope to people below the poverty line. He sees what needs to be done getting rid of Citizens United for one. Money has to be taken out of politics. He is running on Campaign Money he gets from people like me. I wish i had more to give. I think he can straighten out our country. Thank you. Host do you think he can win . Could he defeat Hillary Clinton . Guest if enough of the people that have been living in poverty cant get jobs get out and vote and contribute something to him yes, i think he can win. He is a politician it, but he sees what needs to be done for this country. Guest there is an interesting tagline at the bottom of his website. He wants to tell people give me money and i will talk about your issues. I will talk about income inequality. They are courting the wealthiest class to run for president. His challenge, are there enough of them . Its not the base of the Democratic Party. That is what he brings to the debate. The role of money in politics is growing cycle over cycle. With Citizens United, its not necessarily written large all the money, its the super pacs that you are not directly soliciting. Can you find a billionaire who will underwrite your campaign. Host Bernie Sanders is willing to take questions from the media. After his announcement, he has taken more press questions than Hillary Clinton. Can you talk about the relationship of Bernie Sanders with the press . Guest the press loves Bernie Sanders. Not because of his positions but because he is willing to engage. Hillary clinton has felt that the presses out to get her. She is leery of the press. She wants to do a reset of her relationship with the press. Host has that happened . Guest hard to say. Guest a reset comes from the top. That is Hillary Clinton, does she want that . Its not clear. Most of the questions she has taken were shouted at her. The number of questions you are taking. Then carson is doing interviews. Bernie sanders cant get off the phone. Hillary clinton wont take any questions at all. Jeb bush has been fairly available. Scott walker less so. Guest where they are placing in the polls, there isnt inverse proportion. I think rubio is fairly accessible. He is doing well in the polls. Host lets go to laura in pennsylvania. Caller good morning. I want to say Rush Limbaugh made a very good point about the first black president. I think republicans need to make a big deal about being the first female or the first hispanic which is the largest minority out there. I think marco rubio could go bilingual. He could say all the conservative things that businesses want to hear. I wanted to bring up Rush Limbaugh talks about climate change. He is a denier. The Biggest Issue according to barack obama is climate change. Can we not have a debate on a big College Campus about our humans responsible . Neil Degrasse Tyson has evidence that the United States percent is responsible for 17 and china is responsible for more. Why do we have china making changes . We need a debate. Host i will let you take the first part of her question about marco rubio and republicans appealing to hispanic voters. Guest i think its going to be a big part of the campaign. There is a subterranean fight between democratic groups that are trying to organize the latino the vote. There is an issue funded by the koch brothers. They are kind to organize them and turn them on to conservative principles. Hillary clinton is headed out to nevada. She is talking about the pathway to citizenship. The Democratic Party has lived moved to the left. Drivers licenses could corrupt. She is going to come out early and embrace a potential pathway for citizenship. This is a dividing line. This helps them win their support. Guest lets talk issues. Climate change and the Obama Administrations actions on the issue. Guest i think this will be a big issue in the democratic debates. Youve got Bernie Sanders who says its one of the top three issues. Hillary has been vague on it. She has not stated

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