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They are out there were out there raising the money they need. Its been a brutal campaign. Toare all looking forward fancy farm. Its a very run munches rambunctious crowd. Partisans tog the have some decorum today heard. The crowd is very enthusiastic and pumped up. Thats what really matters and makes this the spirit. I have run into several people that are coming to their first fancy farm picnic. All across the state who have not made the trip, give us a feel of what this is all about. Some of the preevents. There are fundraisers and breakfasts and dinners and all that. Give us a bit about that. Party, ourrepublican presence has grown in western kentucky over the past couple decades. When it used to be we would get together, our crowds would be a dozen people. Down athave an event the state park and we had 300400 people. It is indicative of the growing conservativism in west kentucky. This event is one of those Political Rights of passage. Nobody knows that better than Mitch Mcconnell. Ofis the modern architect the showmanship that goes on under the civilian this i pavilion. More stance to be lost than standsat fancy farm to be lost than gained at fancy farm. Im curious to see how long he will stay at fancy farm. He usually leaves right after he speaks. They have changed the speaking order somewhat. Whether that is designed to keep the main speakers a bit further down, that has happened in the past. Democrats and republicans have left the stage. You can hear and see behind us, they are some announcements about some of the activities going on. Come to thesehave events. Tourave talked about the Alison Lundergan grimes went on. I was with her and smith one, kentucky. About 65 people instead of 600 people. Are these smaller venues what she will be doing throughout the tour . Absolutely. It is about the ground game. What everybody sees as the ads and the attacks on both sides of the aisle. They have spent 30 million. That is going to wash everything out at the end of the day. People can only hear so much. It becomes white noise. It will come down to the ground game for both candidates. Who can get their voters out this fall. And how that affects all the races down the ballot. Coming out toen vote for democrats. A poll indicated maybe that female edge is slipping away. She has to earn the votes are due can expect to get women she has to earn the votes. He you cant just expect the women. Two thirds of minimum wage workers are women. She needs to get the message out there and that will drive women to the polls and women will be critical this fall. Firstore we go into our senatorwill mcconnell be doing to not lose any votes to ms. Grimes . Women, just like men, care about issues. Its not just womens issues. They care about the economy and president obama and how the epa is hurting coal jobs. They care about all of these things. They run a Campaign Based on issues, not trying to say this is your issue. Its a kentucky issue. A very important economic issue for women is equal pay for equal work. Women make . 77 on the dollar. Issue. An economic it doesnt just affect women. It affects men and families. As one of the other aspects we will be watching and we have seen here, a lot of national and International Pressure here. In larger numbers than i can never member. We have interviewed some of them. We have also talked with chuck todd from msnbc. Louisville just a couple of weeks ago and i asked him about the grimes, mcconnell race grimesmcconnell race. Words to use some of your. It was the day after the kentucky primary in may. You made these observations. Allison Alison Lundergan grimes has to run up the score with base voters in the two largest counties in the state. Based on how well governor , she needs to be mcconnell by 25,000 votes in lexington, 50,000 votes in louisville. Does the same scenario still hold . Not only still hold. She might need an even bigger martyr bigger margin. I spent time looking at the bashir numbers. Governor beshear numbers. You look at the map and you look at the correlation and the state has changed a lot. He won the cold counties. Coal counties. Will it be a bigger share . I think so. There is the urbanization. The underrated part here is Northern Kentucky. 10 years ago, Northern Kentucky west wing Northern Kentucky was swingish. Last 10 years, a bunch of Ohio Republicans have moved to Northern Kentucky. It is why Hamilton County has gone democrat the last two cycles. Which it has not done in decades. Part of the reason the republicans have moved to Northern Kentucky. She has a tough path. It is about running up the score. You mentioned some other swing counties. We were care. We work here. Campbell and davis county. Both of those are college town aspects. Does that mean that younger college age are going to vote for her . Is the assumption that democrats are making. Its part of her past. You are going to see she has to find odors voters to replace the coal bovote. It has been a slow erosion in these cold counties whether its southwestern virginia or the eastern part of kentucky. In 2000. D with al gore bush was able to create that. The first time a republican had carried west virginia. We have seen the erosion never cents. In virginia, democrats made up word by increasing their margins in the suburbs of washington, d. C. Wholet virginia, the state has been eroding away. Its a red state with a lot of registered democrats in it. Is that what kentucky will become . So far, that has not been the case. Its interesting to come here and see that its a much more bipartisan state. Thane bipartisan state the people who just discovered american politics in 2007. D. C. That the focus of either campaign do you see that the focus of either campaign and the ads theyre running are not engaging each other personally . We will see. We hope. We have our fingers crossed for october 13. Do you see the campaigns changing at all . If there is not the energy or excitement on either one, is she going to ratchet up and change her style as we get closer . Advocate the race so far and ,ust watching the tv ads it seems to me that grimes is playing on mcconnells agenda. She is talking about health care and coal. She is not talking about washington. She is not talking about other issues, trying to make mcconnell on the gridlock. Referendum is it a referendum you and i can both explain the outcomes. She wins, washington was too much, 30 years was too much. Ared she loses, obama and coal we know how to explain the outcomes. Its a question of who dictates the terms of the debate going on. Me, it feelsems to as if he is dictating the terms of his campaign. See the full thisview with chuck todd. Unday at 1 00 p. M. On ket a wonderful interview with a lot of engaging insight. In a brandnew setting. A newly made the building with Rick Assad Rick assad on the front. Facade on the front. Governor beshear is the first one to speak. We will hear from rand paul. We will also hear from jack conway. There is a lot of things happening here. Not to diverge from the main task. The Kentucky Senate race. Things that weof will hear again, repeated on the trail. Maybe something different. Everyoneand jennifer, is really looking for the time that this race will really pick up. If its energized now, do you think its a little understated, a little subdued, the official kickoff . Its going to be after labor day. What do you think of the rhythm of this campaign . Side, its been going for some time. Jennifer talked about the grassroots work that occurs out there. Across andvolunteers lucky knock on 300,000 each week. We are in our rhythm. Doors each week. Our campaign has been going on for some time. Its already underway. Way . Nnifer, is it the same fair. The its candidates work hard from day one. Itses the public the public and the voters focused on the race going forward. Going for two years is a long time. Both candidates have been raising enormous amounts of money. You have to switch the fundraising over to the ground game, really driving home , as we saw in a poll mcconnell had a twopoint edge. Does that show that things are changing . Maybe Tea Party Supporters are coming home to the republican race . That and we also read the numbers we see from the field. The actual volunteer work that is being done out there. Republican base is coming to gather and conservative democrats are moving in our direction. The things we need to see in a kentucky statewide election we are seeing from our side. Yes, we think there is still a lot of time to go. Both sides are going to carve out their messages and their voters. It was a dead heat last year. It is still a dead heat. You listen to pollsters and they points whenbout two you have a margin of error of four points. That showsnk momentum in either direction. Its a dead heat and it will come down to the wire. The Ground Campaign is so critical in the selection. The energy, the economy, what else . President obama is likely to come up. I was wondering how much he was going to mention obamas name. So far, two third last year, we how many times obama was mentioned as if he was running against mcconnell. Tshirt saying obama equals how careful do they have to be today . Are they conscious of that . I think jennifer would agree, im sure theyre both thinking about not messing up today. They will come out, both of them very well scripted and disciplined to their speeches. They will come out and go right at it. This is not the first time that they are in front of a rambunctious crowd. This race has been going on for a very long time. They are used to that. They are seeing the home stretch and they are going to get out there and get their message and you will hear from the other candidates and elected officials today who are going to carry that message and drive that home. You will see from alison s side, 30rimes years is too long. Look at the shape of kentucky. We need a change. From mcconnell tossed aside, ive been there 30 years and you dont want president obama. Mcconnells side. Flipheard the chance, the house. Chants, flip the house. Alison Lundergan Grimes as the right person at the right time to unseat its mcconnell. Billys she fits the same with the common sense to make Congress Work for kentucky. We are for things like increases in the minimum wage to a living wage. Pay equity. You should be paid for the job regardless of what your gender is. We believe in the constitution and we believe that people ought to be treated equally no matter what their personal preferences might be. In things that the general population of america believes in. That the American Dream should be shared by all. Jeffs not surprising that huber has a different take on which party has the right political agenda and ability to govern. What voters really want comes down to a four letter word. Jobs, jobs, jobs. Provide us some opportunity to to expand ourols business. Give us a conference of tax reform package in kentucky that will allow us to track businesses and allow us to expand our business and create more jobs. Those are the type of things that i hear as i travel the we have to think have a plan to do that. We have to have things in place to do that. Hoover predicts that Mitch Mcconnell will prevail in november by at least three percentage points. As president obamas unpopularity in kentucky will help seal the deal. When voters in kentucky start making their final decision on who they are going to elect to the United States senate, the only issue will be, do we want to send someone to washington to represent kentucky who has been there 30 years, who is arguably the second or third more powerful person in washington, who could be the majority leader of the United States senate . Someone want to send who is going to be a yes vote for barack obama . When people start focusing on willas the issue, they start doing that about the first or middle of october, Mitch Mcconnell is going to win rather handily. He is a benefit to republican candidates around the state. When it comes to the gops chances, hoover believes they are now in the best position to flip the house. Inwe are defending 42 seats november. Will it happen . I dont know. I know we are competitive. I know we have a lot of candidates and a lot of folks working hard. Sincehe best opportunity 1921. The chances of them taking over the house are slim to none. Slim left town yesterday. It will not happen in this cycle. There are some reasons for that. They have is old. People have rejected it time and time again. Its a radical message. Its becoming more radical. They have a phenomenon that we have had to contend with for the last two election cycles. As the head of their ticket, someone who is very unpopular. Are they going to defend senator mcconnell who has been there champion, or will they turn their backs on him . It will be difficult for them to separate themselves from him. As speculation swirls about who is yet who has yet to announce their he will vote to helping all those races. Getting our message out there. And following the election in november. A will sit back and take look. For right now, im focused on exactly what i should be focused on and what every democrat should be focused on. If we lose the house, there will be a democratic governor. There wont be a democratic governor. What a possibly prophetic statement that may or may not have been. Lets talk as the excitement builds theyre going back and forth here. Its electrifying. Im excited. Lets talk about flipping the house. How this is going to play out. One thing for our National Audience to know is that kentucky has the democratic majority. The only state in the south with a democratic majority in both of our houses. Its a critical time for us. You have a situation where, unlike 2012 where the republican mantra was that we are going to flip the house and take 12, you are not hearing that this time. Thats because of the candidates we recruited to run. We have many third time candidates. These women candidates were out racing out raising their opponents. These women are out there every day knocking on the stores. They are not here at fancy farm. They are out trying to talk to voters. We have several good candidates. This is going to be a big year all around. A Competitive Senate race. We talk about flipping the house quite a bit. The opportunity is there and the candidates are there. Theyre working, we are working, everybody is working. It is going to be a huge effort all around. Voters go along with listening about the u. S. Senate race at the same time you are talking about the senate races . They are doing it right now. Voters in kentucky are very sophisticated. They know how to listen to one and hear a completely different sense. There is the trickledown effect, too. When you have Alison Lundergan grimes vying to be the first woman senator all the way down to the state house candidate like audrey, that will have a trickledown effect in her race. You can hear that back and forth. Its also about the message. The message has been dramatically different between they dont like what you are saying. They can hear me. We will have to wrap it up. They havenk you worked really hard. We will have more coverage as the speakers start. Together. Tie it all we hope youll stay tuned. If youre online, you can watch us that way, too. A big thanks to jennifer and steve. Thank you so much. Now, we are going to turn things over to the political organizers themselves. Good afternoon and welcome to picnic in fancy farm, kentucky. Im mark wilson. Ichairm of the Political Committee along with my wife, lori, standing in the back. I would like to thank all of our Political Committee members as well as the saint jerome Picnic Committee headed up by Daniel Sturgis for another job well done. I want to welcome our pastor. Will you stand and be recognized . I would like to say a big hello. Here toward ailing health. Two of my Political Committee members did not languish due to a loss in their immediate families. My good friend bobby is also in the committee. I understand why you could take it but weve got to make this. Alluld like to welcome them of our speakers and guests and clergy. [applause] that was a lot of silence there. We welcome all of our friends from the media. Even the media from japan. I hope i can pronounce that. How about that getting a National Papers from japan. We appreciate your coming here. Lifeo appreciate the productions by educational tv as well as seized him. We also have live audio feeds. Mainly i want to do inc. All of our gas i want to thank all of our guests far andw wide. We appreciate you coming down to join us this year. As always, i want to welcome all of our military servicemen and. Omen would you please stand and be recognized. Have you noticed anything different this year besides i have less hair and gray are here . We are so proud to unveil our new and improved stage. My vision was to portray a red rick run porch that looks inviting and relaxing and cost it will. I hope we accomplish our objectives. Bob spaulding junior , jim l. A. On, masonry hogancamp, west kentucky rural electric, and last but not least our local parish, saint jerome, the finance committee. Thanks for a job well done. [applause] we are very proud of this new addition here. This year the timekeeper once was a professor of local science. Mr. Watkins will stand in increments of the time remaining. He will start out with one minute remaining, 30 seconds remaining, the team seconds remaining and then time is up. Hit him up, charlie. Time is on my side yes, it is time is on my side i didnt hear enough of that, charlie. Always say we gonna have fun now, aint we . We got it a little more serious now. I would like to introduce the reverend william leslie. Bishop medley, would you please come forward and lead us the invocation . Let us pray the name of the father, the son, and the holies. We stand amazing and a recognition of those gifts and ask here to make as good stewards and the gifts of wonderful weather. Bless our United States of america. Your blessing, the common kentucky. Bless our governor that he may serve people. Said theylegislators may serve to build up your kingdom, not loading the common good. Strengthen us in our continued work and sacrifice that we may serve here. Maybe pretty lord for all those throughout the world whose lives are such a diminished. Those are poor. We ask all these things in the name of jesus christ our lord, amen. This is a visit for somebody. Arch bishop for the to please come forward with his remarks. [applause] thank you. Bishop medley. Thedo do so good. I miss a egg and 11 sermons but no sermons have ended the song time is on your side. Im going to try not to have that happen today. Payne privilege to be able to speak to you. What a wonderful motto we have in kentucky together we stand, divided we fall. Theyre talking about what it means to be civil, what it means to sometimes have different opinions. We are a commonwealth. I went to the dictionary. Word Common Wealth means a packed from the people for the common good. Have our own individual interests. We have our own desires. We come in political automation, we come because of the common good. This is part of our dna. Othersncern for fundamental to politics is andng and nerve touched nourish and a strong community. That is what we praise today. Almost a month ago i was in washington, d c for the fourth night of freedom. Had the privilege of giving a sermon at our national shrine. Is at her best when people are free to serve. Desire to cherish and protect really just read him. We are our will he protect religious freedom so we can serve others. The Catholic Charities that have made the fabric of our nation, it effort save on the surface of others. Citizeno say a good desires to be free. But to be free to serve. Finally america is also at her goodwilleople of renewed their civic convictions to the public arena. The First Amendment of the will ion means no none will be imposed on us here it it guarantees the free exercise of our religion. Goodwill ring their moral convictions to the Public Square they shape the way we vote. Bless the way people are willing to run sacrificially for office. Opportunityr this for good citizens of kentucky and beyond. Thank you for those who run for Public Office but most especially, thanks to all of you for participating as good citizens of this nation. God bless you. At this time we will now hear the singing of the first verse by j old kentucky home nichols, my old friend. I will ask the Common People seeking the common good to stand now. Lets join together in singing our state song. Sunshines bright on my old kentucky home. Whole people are gay. The corn tops are right. Are in the bloom. While birds to sing music all the day. As a on the little cabin floor. All mary, happy and bright. Then my old kentucky home, good night. My ladymore, more today song for my old kentucky home for my old kentucky home far away yes, well sing one song kentucky home [cheers and applause] old kentucky home far away [applause] give him another round of applause. [cheers and applause] good job. Lady hailsugng from Carlisle County and has shared her talents and jews began to walk. Soon as she began to walk. You get all please rise. Ms. April jewel, please come forward. Oh say can you see s early light we hailproudly last gleamingts brightroad stripes and stars perilous fight we watch\ramparts streamingllantly and the rockets red glare bursting inre staying in air nightroof through the stillur flag was there that star spangled banner yet wave the free land of and the home of brave [applause] one more round of applause. That was great. A little a commercial break. Everyone thinks it is politics but we have to have in god we trust. This aint rome. We believe in the hereafter. You know that, dont you . Folks, in all seriousness, spent some time with us after the speeches. We have a good bingo game going on. We have sandwiches, barbecue, lots of soda pop. Homegrown vegetables. Homegrown deserve your does that whet your appetite yet . Weve got a raffle on ag. This is a fundraiser. This plays right back in hand. We appreciate it. We appreciate you coming down. Thank you. Its been background music . The goddess set the tone. Doing that you know what this is . This fellow has appeared at numerous fitness. She was born and raised of lien county. They have never forgotten their roots in the west kentucky area. He is a noted historian on significant hasbeens in west kentucky. There are several books on these he graduated with honors from murray state diversity. He is currently the Supreme Court justice for the commonwealth of kentucky. All rise for the honorable Bill Cunningham. Good morning. I would be remiss if i did not say to you the one person most for this is chairman of the Big Committee for saint jerome, mark wilson. How but a nonpartisan round of applause . Thank you. I think lori have a lot to do with that. I want to say congratulations to all of you. Everyone comes and brushes over the history. If youre here today you are really brushing shoulders with history. Today the 144th is the net largest crowd in the history. We thank you for coming. Many of you have traveled a long way. 1880 when hayes was president. Not much happened in 1880. It was the starting of the fancy farm pick and. It was the most important thing that happened this year. This is an annual celebration sponsored by the saint jerome is as freedom of speech. This is their way. Toy are paying various that the First Amendment. We think them. Uests of the same journal catholic parish. We have a record crowd. If you visit someones home and they ask you to leave, your shoes at the door, you leave your shoes at the door. All we will ask you today is to leave your bad manners at the door. My favorite memory was many years ago. Republican john. Herman cooper it is difficult to envision years down the road allison and mitch sitting here on the platform having each other on the back. It can happen that fancy farms. I can tell you when you get old you see beings and the right person but do. Today to remember that fancy farm bill wants to us. We love this community. We will be here with them in time for the visitors. I would ask you this afternoon with a recordbreaking crowd to show to the whole nation and placethat there is a where we can have rigorous political debates, sharp civility and with courtesy. We can do that. When this media leaves today and portrays this image of was nation,throughout the they will convince the nation they do wear shoes down there. They have pretty good manners. It may remind you of one thing. None of the people who have been coming to speak with you had to be here. No one put a gun to their head to make them come. Theyre here as a courtesy to you. Ask you to offer them the same courtesy. The Young Americans around the globe who died for the freedom ofs each. Includesdom of speech a right to be heard. The right to be heard. He did do not like something that someone says, move and then shut up and let them go about their speech. Ok . Fair enough . With this, we forbid noisemakers, no incessant chants intended to drive out the sister. Eep this out of i have the former secretary of. Abor we have two former governors from kentucky. Several state senators. Reggie thomas. In a very special guests of mine. A very good friend. They probably all the way when. Wave your hands. Is a very good governor. I would say that most have been here to speak to the fancy farm pick next year i introduced our first week or. The first speaker. Thank you. Excuse me just one minute. Lastjust had to get one hurdle of the senator before he retires in november. And retire him they will. Of theians are tired partisan bickering in washington. They are tired of namecalling. They are tired of abstraction is in. The center mcconnell has been chief for the last 30 years. Yes. It is time for a change. This to theo send United States senate. Now. In contrast to washington, d. C. , we still know how to make democracy well work in the commonwealth of kentucky. Stateicans controlled the senate. Democrats control the statehouse. We are a divided government. Kentucky passes the budget. We have improved this. We raised our dropout age. This treatment and crackdown on this. We reformed our seniors. This is why our schools are ranked in the top 10 in the country. It exporty we put records the past two years. That is why we are number one in business growth. All of scary aint is that cooperation come november could vanish in the blink of an eye. Ony have set their sights taking over the house. That is all right. Republicans in the statehouse have a track record. Againstvoting aggressive government and ideas. This will no longer be progressing in the commonwealth of kentucky or in this area. You dont have to take my word for a peer look at their records. In january i perp those sorely needed raises for our teachers. Republicans voted against those. House democrats who controlled the house joined with them. They need those. House republicans said no. Listen republicans. They stood up and said yes to our heads. The new bridges were starting to know. Vote betweencans funding these projects. House democrats stepped up. Were funding these. Were going to do them here in western kentucky. These improved the park way. House republicans against that no. When it came time to move kentucky into the 21st century and create jobs, House Republicans said no way. House democrats joined with s. Nate republican inwill create a lot of jobs the 21st century. Look at me. But at the right or. Control ofans take the statehouse, they will try to run this just like Mitch Mcconnell tries to run washington. Say no to progressive ideas. By putting partisan politics and personal power above every in cows. Kentucky needs leaders who cares about kentucky families. We need leaders who think that it is their job to create jobs. And to will vote to move the state forward. Need them ine washington, d. C. Keep thehy we need to Kentucky House in the hands of the democrats. Thank you all very much. Ladies and gentlemen, i want the kentucky state senate. The next senatorial district of kentucky he, stan from ray. I was coming down the road a while ago. Thank you all for coming to my Birthday Party today. 5000 might roses rent. Thank you so much for coming today. Good afternoon. Welcome to the fancy farm picnic. One of the six youthful counties. Thank you for those comments. We look forward to working with you whenever the house it the next session. It takes a world of fruit in planning and congratulations to take these to another great technique this year. Inc. You very much. He can actually see you. If youre visiting with us for the first time, i think you will understand why we love this area so very much. We also love our nation. We are concerned about happened in our country and around the world. We also have the state senate races as well as this that you might have heard about. We will hearing more about those from those candidates. Please give your attention today and look at what we stand for. Our nations future. What exactly is at stake . To have a season reelect did. To fight obama, reid, and polo see . Nationsrotect our interest in foreign and a mastic. Young men and our women. Or to elect a young lady who had never passed one single legislation with a novice to foreign policy. This is not what the government wants her to do. Our working men and women cannot stand to have this happen. Our families cant stand to have this happen. We have to get out and do our part to reelect senator mcconnell. They choose it for our children and grandchildren. I want to recognize some more guests. The House Majority leader atkins. We have several state representatives. Im going to call their names. Some i do not know. Joni jenkins. Adam caning. Julie adams. Jeff donahue. Lastly homes. Dr. David watkins. Read a smart. Speakers are going to be candidates for the second house of representatives district. To have one of the top and kentucky. Forth and see this. Representative richard. Good afternoon. Welcome to the 134th picnic here in kentucky. And honored to represent the Second District of kentucky in the kentucky statehouse. I would like to thank jerome parish. I like to thank all of the volunteers that have made this such a wonderful organization and events. Many ofghted to see so my friends and neighbors in the crowd today. If you are from out of town or visiting for the first time, we welcome you. I grew up here. I have lived here all my life here at i can attest to what a wonderful place this is to run a family, to work, to start a business. I know what incredible resources are available to our area and how much potential exists. We have seven vocational Technical Schools all within a 50 mile radius. We have a very Skilled Workforce to offer. Our primary and secondary schools are outstanding. There the home of one of top 100 hospitals in the United States. Impressive manufacturing structure within 30 miles. We are rail accessible. We provide tax incentives for new services expanding into our county. Regardless of how well suited grace county may be, regardless , they keep potential us from reaching the full potential. President oh bomb is policies are hurting this. President obama and harry reid are killing this. This is for hardworking kentucky families. Let them go back to work. Bad policies do not stop there. House democrat leadership have waste even more debt on the backs of hardworking contacts he taxpayers, starting to increase this to create jobs here in the list goes on and on. In thisthe comment legislative session. The only thing that i saw come out of tennessee was interstate heading north. Take a closer look. You will see the tail light of our College Graduates heading south. Mostve to stop our treacherous resources, our young oh, and create a is as friendly climate that will provide jobs here at home. The trouble with our liberal rent is not that they are ignorant but that they know so much. One of the first times in nearly 100 years they say this for leadership and put the republicanto control. Imperativeer it is that we elect senator Mitch Mcconnell is index majority leader of the United States and we will finally tap into our growth potential. Create a business friendly climate. We can make kentucky the place to do business. Ask for your vote in november 2 reelect me as your state representatives and to allow me to represent you. God bless america. I and the democratic candidate for the representative. This is going to be the stuff missing from my speech. We have a candidate appear that can take care of the national party. I am worried about kentucky. This county. About i am concerned about my kid and your kids in your grandkids here i am concerned about the where take. I concerned we do not have a voice. Im concerned that we missed this from a road land. We cannot pave roads with good intentions. I am concerned that we have only had two bills. We got to have a voice. I am most concerned that we have two at this. Every day of my life i worked as a lawyer. My whole job is advocating for pete. I advocate for armors and families and children. I know what it is like to be a representative of all. To go to frankfurt to be a representative for all of you. I want to be a voice for all of you. In this area. Ice it is an area that is rich with resources and interstate systems. We have unlimited resources here. Aree got men and women who willing to do a hard, honest days work. I will be an advocate for our teachers. Im a strong supporter of our education system. I dropped in a household of two teachers. I know firsthand what teachers go through. I know the struggle you have. Im the only candidate that has statewide. Ed by the ourll go to work for agricultural community. Our farmers and so many values that we all hold dear. Im going to go to that. Were going to work to increase demand for our products by increasing Research Development and opening up new industries. To be aall i want representative for each and every one of you. You have heard me and my opponent the. There is no doubt in your mind who the better advocate is. That is going to go to frankfurt and work for each and every one of you. There is no question in your mind who is going to bring the industry that. There is no question who is going to be here. I cannot get there without your help. When you when you go to vote in november, both for jesse right. Let me vote for everyone if you. And keep. Everyone of you. Thank you. This time we want to recognize the most important officials in our local government. You met tim stark who is here on the form. Job executive tony smith. Pba. County , randyounty clerk bailey. Heather rentfree. The mayor of mayfield. And the commissioner district number. Be coursepeakers will and ed whitfield and democratic challengers have to. We will do the coin toss. I would like to talk about George Washington. When i was four years old, this will tell you how old i am. My grandmother used to read this to me. It was about George Washington chopping down the cherry tree. I cannot tell a lie. There are two reasons for that. Its lanehe back to have to write my name. One reason was that it teaches you not to lie. What im trying to tell you is that this should be required reading for everyone in office. Of the men acting like fouryearold, what we need to do is become like a little child and try to tell these the truth and be chart christlike. I am proud to be a democrat. That means a little more about this church are here. Love people say you have two separate church and state. That is not in the constitution. This is a symbol of a lot of things right here. It is about goodness. It is about being christlike. I am really proud of what is going on with this church. Also i am proud of the fact that we have the will who raised here. Mitch mcconnell had to have a moment of silence. Let me tell you some things. When we came quick praying in jesus name we need to shut down. No offense. Let me tell you live. There were so many old that had been lost. They were killed in battle. George washington was about to give up. Im talking about the man. Did was he prayed in jesus name for them to have a miracle. Amerco they needed was they were out of them. A place where they could he says for people in the towns. They would follow it into the towns and children were there. Washington. For visions. That army. Were in up the river. They have orcs and shovels and threw them on the tanks. God needs to go back into this country. We need to be christlike. I know you do not agree with me on some of this. When leaking in the world looking at this, we need to put every bit of goodwill back into it. We need to have love as one of the examples. The reason we dont have any hes right now is because could have this but nobody will participate with it. Shorelines. We can cut hydroelectric unit all along the river. This is a matter of having confidence and say that we can go forward. Youre going to have to have some governments in it. Steve the governor made sure that we all have health insurance. I do not have any health insurance. What has Mitch Mcconnell done for anybody lately . He says no a lot. I know this serves a sign about hollywood. This is going be next friday. 1500 a plate. Have you ever been to hollywood . And she has been to hollywood, what is the difference of them going to hollywood in her going to hollywood . We need to quit lying. Lying is one degree worse than murder. Do you know why . God hates the liars. Thank you. The todd county pba, former commissioner. Circuit judge brian wiggins, former state. Enator greg our next speakers will be for the u. S. Senate race, republican senator Mitch Mcconnell and secretary of state Allison Grimes. Hold on. I just need your paying attention. Congressman ed whitfield. Sorry, eddie. [applause] thank you very much. Want to announce this afternoon that i am not running for the u. S. Senate. I want to thank all of you for joining us here today. We genuinely appreciate your participating in this years event, a fancy form picnic. Farm picnic. Was after president obama elected, he and harry reid had a meeting at the u. S. Capitol and they met with a group of reporters and they announced they were going to change america. And a half years, it is Crystal Clear that the way they are changing america is the wrong way. [cheers and applause] in fact, they just had a recent poll, and 58 of the people polled said they thought the Obama Administration was incompetent to govern at all. [cheers and applause] 52 of them said they were disappointed and disapproved of barack obama. [cheers and applause] now, we are not surprised that the American People are fed up when barack obama with barack obama and harry reid. By 8bt has increased trillion since obama has been president. Might add, between George Washington and george h w. Bush, the debt was 10 trillion. Obama has almost doubled it just in his administration. We have 14 million more people on food stamps today than when obama became president. Gas prices have gone to 3. 80 a gallon. Today 4 Million People are not who had fulltime jobs for years ago. President obama is dismantling our immigration laws by executive order. Eric holder has filed a lawsuit against the states of texas, florida, arizona, utah, and tryingbecause they are to arrest people who are in this country illegally. Is also filing lawsuits against the states of texas, north carolina, and florida because they want to require an id in order to vote. And what about lois lerner . [indiscernible] systematically arrest organizations it does not agree with philosophically. President obama went around the country when he was trying to pass obamacare. Said he was going to reduce your premium 2500 dollars a year. He said, if you like your health insurance, you could keep it. He said, if you like your cantion physician you keep him or her. That is not true. He lied to the American People. Is finalizing a rule that will make america one of the only countries in the world where you cannot build a new coal powered plants in america. He is not satisfied with that. He is now coming out with the regulation on existing coalpowered plants. As a matter of fact, i have in my hand from the epas proposed regulation, they identify 15 electric generating plants in kentucky that they expect to close down because of their new regulations. And what about arch resources, who announced two days ago they were closing down eight coal down, they were shutting 1100 coal miner jobs in the areas that they serve. It is quite clear we are moving in the wrong direction. Not only is it bad for the coal industry, that it makes us less competitive in the global marketplace because coal still provides 43 of the electricity in america. Obama isgh president providing millions of dollars to this wealthy supporters for green energy, we cannot build enough windmills and solar plants to produce the electricity that this country needs. We passed 73 laws to stop this in the house. Harry reid will not take it up in the senate. Six weeks ago, harry reid had a big fundraiser for Alison Grimes in washington, d. C. When the reporters asked him, why he is supporting Alison Grimes, he said because we need her help to get overgrown mutt obamas projects to get through the u. S. Senate. To reelect Mitch Mcconnell to u. S. Senate majority leader of the u. S. Senate. We need to stop barack obama and stop harry reid. The polls to vote for Mitch Mcconnell, i ask you to vote for me to be reelected to the congress. I do not want to [inaudible] [cheers and applause] [inaudible] first speaker. Secretary of state, Alison Grimes. [cheers and applause] thank you. It is great to be back in west kentucky. [cheers and applause] forwhat a huge crowd senator mcconnells retirement party. [cheers and applause] you sure know how to throw a party. The barbecue smells so good. Senator mcconnell, with all this great barbecue, there is no way im going to leave here today empty. You know, its not easy being Mitch Mcconnell. He has been in washington, d. C. So long, he thinks [indiscernible] i have good news for the folks in clover lick. If Mitch Mcconnell does not know where your town is, it just makes it harder for him to ship your jobs overseas. [cheers and applause] worry, clover lick, youre not alone. Its mcconnell forgot about most kentuckyans a long time ago. It has been a hard year for Mitch Mcconnell. Is my age. That is also senator mcconnells Approval Rating. Senator is worried about the results in november when you see his Campaign Manager wearing a mitch for governor 2015 button. Sorry, al. Sorry, jamie. When you finally see senator mcconnell and i on the same stage, you realize only one of us believes Women Deserve equal pay for equal work. [cheers and applause] if Mitch Mcconnell were a tv show, he would be madman, treating women unfairly, stuck in 1968. [cheers and applause] i dont know what is more dysfunctional, senator, the way you run your campaign or your washington, d. C. After three decades in washington, you have just given up. You dont care about us anymore. D c for doesnt care. When it comes to giving chance ofs a fighting surviving by increasing the minimum wage, Mitch Mcconnell doesnt care. I do. Its not a minimum wage. Its a living wage that all kentuckians need and deserve. [cheers and applause] when it comes to supporting our seniors, Mitch Mcconnell doesnt care. I do. Seniors, like my grandmother, deserve to have the United States senator that will medicare andect social security, not dismantle it. When it comes to our students being able to afford college, its mcconnell well, he doesnt care. I do. Mitch mcconnell may bail out wall street, but i will have the backs of our students and graduates. Indents like Clay Williams fault county deserve the opportunity to earn degrees, not that. Debt. When it comes to being a woman and being treated equally here in the commonwealth of kentucky, Mitch Mcconnell doesnt care. I do. Senator, the women of kentucky are here today to send you a message. The barriers to women have not all been lowered. 76 cents on every dollar is not acceptable. Equal work is not preferential treatment. This is not a womens issue. This is a family issue. [cheers and applause] when it comes to labor, Mitch Mcconnell doesnt care. I do. Collective bargaining is a fundamental right of our american workers. It is workers like chase williams that will help us grow the middle class. Kentuckyomes to our coal miners, Mitch Mcconnell doesnt care. I do. Proudly,ere today endorsed today by the United Mine Workers of america. They are Standing Shoulder to shoulder with me because they are tired of the hot air from senator mcconnell. They are ready for a senator that will fight for their jobs. When it comes to the jobs that we so need here in kentucky, Mitch Mcconnell doesnt care. I do. Note Mitch Mcconnell may think it is his job to bring jobs here in the commonwealth, as your u. S. Senator, it will be my number one priority. [cheers and applause] deserveans like david to have a senator that will put them back to work. Now, what you to put aside the partisan attacks and you will see, one of us represents the washington establishment. One of us represents kentucky. [cheers and applause] one of us represents the past. One of us represents the future. One of us knows kentucky deserves better. Are asking, if you are a woman who wants to be treated equally and paid fairly, who do you think speaks for you . Students are asking, if you dream big and dont want to settle for second best, who do you think will share your vision . If youians are asking, are a worker and you are worried about your job going overseas, who do you think will fight for you . Kentuckians felt the pain of a washington, d. C. That is not working for far too long. 30 years is long enough. Has consequences, from infrastructure to agriculture to education, to manufacturing. It is time we had a senator who represented the people of this state instead of partisan political interests. [cheers and applause] folks, i want you to take a look at the two of us on this stage. If Mitch Mcconnell has his way, it is the last time you will be willing to appear with me. Senator, i will be at the Kentucky Farm bureau and the kcc debate. You should be, too. Thinkr, you seem to another president is on the ballot this year. Hes not. This race is between me and you and the people of kentucky. You can run from the people of kentucky. Senator, you cannot hide from your records. I intend to hold you accountable. I dont need hound dogs to track you down. Thank you. You, and kentucky, and each and every one of you. [cheers and applause] all right. Ok. For all of you outoftowners, this is a place where republicans tell it like it is. Curses. Way Governor Beshear drones on about obamacare. Unveils herrimes foreign policy. Fancy farm is fun, but there are Serious Problems confronting our country. The president acts like he is on a pga tour. Obama would not go to the border to see the Immigration Crisis for himself. He said he did not like photo ops. Thans taken more selfies [indiscernible] i got to give my opponent credit. She knows barack obama cannot be counted on to do anything about the crisis on the border. Listen to this. This week she came up with her own plan to keep folks from streaming into our country. Missile defense. The reality is that the Obama Administration and their liberal allies are making america weaker at home and abroad by any standard. Barack obama has been a disaster for our country. [cheers and applause] now, if you think about it, that is what you get for electing someone with no experience. He was only two years into his first job when he started campaigning for the next one. Sound familiar . His campaign raised millions from extreme liberals. Sound familiar . He really didnt have any qualifications at all. Sound familiar . Every time he got in trouble and every time he got in trouble and his inexperience became obvious, he called in bill clinton. Sound familiar . [cheers and applause] learned isesson we that we will never make that mistake again. Here is kentucky. We need leadership that understands that a doughnut burger is not a reason to ruin our health care system. With so much term royal around the world, we cannot afford a leader who thinks the west bank is a hollywood fundraiser. Think kentucky is under attack from Barack Obamas administration, and we need to fight back. Now, look. There is only one thing barack obama needs to keep his grip on power. He needs the u. S. Senate. That is why all these people from the New York Times are out here in western kentucky. For obama and his liberal buddies in the media, coming to kentucky is like foreign travel. These guys cant tell the difference between a coal miner and a european male model. They think they know what is best for all the rest of us. They know that as long as they can hold the senate with their kentucky candidate, they can do anything they want. It at cocktailf parties. They say we are bitter countryfolk who cling to our guns and our religion. Ive had about enough of that. We are not going to take it anymore. We know what obama needs to wage his war on coal. We know what we need to do to stop them stop him. They know they need to force obama care on us obamacare on us. We know what we need to do to repeal it. Keepknow they need to continual mocking our values. Theme arent going to let [indiscernible] values every our single day. Time, my it is friends, to rise up and fight back. We have got people who are hurting out there, and need us. Theres only one way, just one 2014. Change america in theres only one way to begin to go in a different direction. Thats to change the senate and make me the leader, and take america in a different direction gentlemen, i want to recognize some important people here. Former senator, no stranger to us, ken winters. Representative diane saint anne, and representative over hoover. Countyulation of race has doubled this afternoon with your presence here. Men and women who need special recognition for that and for controlling it, insisting us in maintaining law and order in this county are the man in gray and the man in brown and black. I went to recognize the sharp sheriff. They Work Together with us to make it an orderly fancy farm. How about giving all these Police Officers a round of. Pplause here today our next speaker is u. S. Senator rand paul. [cheers and applause] thank you. Can we have a moment of silence for a poem . There once was a woman from thought and politics should be lucky. So she flew to l. A. For a hollywood bash. She came home in a flash with buckets of cash. To liberals she whispers, coal makes you sick. In kentucky she claims, coal makes us sick. To the liberals she sells her soul, the same ones who hate Kentucky Coal. One thing that we know is true, one thing we know is guaranteed, she cast her first vote for harry reid. Pledge is to obama. Her first vote is to reid. As for kentucky, if that happens, it is too bad indeed. It were only a limerick. I wish it were a bad dream. But im only worried, im truly worried that kentucky could let hollywood select our next senator. Does anybody want hollywood to pick our next senator . Millions of dollars are flowing from the west coast to the campaign. Environmental extremists who are trying to kill kentucky jobs are bankrolling the grimes campaign. Imagine the nightmare if grimes were elected. Her first vote is for harry reid. Kill anyd effectively initiatives to protect kentucky jobs. Years, senator mcconnell and i have proposed getting rid of the overzealous regulations of the Obama Administration. Reid killed every one of those. When she takes a first vote for harry reid, she kills any chance of resurrecting the Kentucky Coal industry. Does anybody here want president obama to pick our next senator . President obama did not try to trick us. He was quite explicit. He said he would bankrupt coal, and hes doing everything he can to get it done. It is happening before our very eyes. Just travel to the coal country, and you see the despair on the faces of those who are unemployed. Of obamant a supporter and reid to be your next senator . If god forbid, ms. Grimes were elected, her first vote would be for harry reid. That vote would effectively kill any chance of us ever trying to protect those kentucky jobs. A vote for grimes is essentially a vote for the obamareid agenda. President et the continue to kill kentucky jobs. Has one goal this year, to hang onto the senate. Barack obama needs a grimes. To stop barack obama, kentucky needs mcconnell. To implement obamacare, obama needs grimes. To repeal and replace it, kentucky needs mcconnell. To continue waging war on coal, obama needs grimes. Defend coal, and kentucky needs mcconnell. To spend every last dime of our money, obama needs grimes. To letnce the budget, taxpayers keep their paycheck, and talking needs mcconnell kentucky needs mcconnell. Obama needs grimes. Kentucky cannot afford her. Kentucky needs mcconnell. Kentucky needs a commonsense conservative. To defend our jobs, to defend our values, to defend our way of life, there is only one choice for kentuckians this year. Mitch mcconnell. Next speaker is attorney general for kentucky, jack conway. Thank you. It is great to be back at fancy farm in western kentucky. Elizabeth, isife, with me here today and our daughters are on the ground with my family. Friends overo many the last few days. I want to thank all of you for all the kindnesses you have shown me over the years. I truly appreciated. Speaking of friends, i had a chance to visit with senator wendell ford earlier in the week. As you know, he is in the fight of his life. He would want me to sincerely thank all of the kentuckians of both Political Parties who sent well wishes in the last few weeks. [cheers and applause] when i became your attorney general seven years ago, i promised to crack down on prescription drugs, to protect our children online, and go after those who have different of the commonwealth. Seven years later, here we are. There is a record. It is one of promises made and promises kept. We have shut down half of our states pain clinics. We are expanding treatment. I have worked with the Republican Attorney general from florida to try to stop the flow of Illegal Drugs from that state here and state. We have taken 450,000 child images off the internet. We had our budget cut by 40 , get collections returned to the treasury are up six hundred percent. For every dollar, the taxpayers invest in our office, we return four to the state. That is a proven record of delivering for the people of kentucky. That is what happens when you take people over politics. That is the way it will be in frankfurt. I amt tell you how proud to have her join me in this effort. She is the first woman in kentucky history elected to Democratic House leadership. She and i are going to make certain that frankfurt does not do business the way they do in washington. Of cooperation and progress is not what our opponents want. To floodthey want frankfurt with secrets, undisclosed, and special interest money in an attempt to have a corporate takeover. Im here to tell you that the democrats and the people of kentucky are going to have nonobject. None of it. The special ownership of donothing politics in washington will have no place in our state capital. Capitol. However, our two u. S. Senators want that dysfunction for our old kentucky home. Lets look at our two u. S. Senators. The junior is senator out of town. Senior out of touch and out of time. One is a self certified up the mullah just. Ophthalmologist. The other is an obstructionist. Dont get me wrong. Our president advocates policies that are bad for our state, and we kentucky democrats stand up to him when necessary. Looking at thee only democratic attorney general in our country who is standing up for our low electricity rates over whetherda they have the authority to implement these rules. That is what kentucky democrats do. We put the interests of our state and the people first. We have a senator who went to washington 30 years ago. Since then, he has gone washington in every sense of the word. This donothing senator looks people in the eye who are struggled with Student Loan Debt and struggling to find a job, and he says no to reforms that will help lift them out of that debt. Looks atothing senator families struggling to get by in a tough economy and he says no to an increase in the minimum wage. This donothing senator looks women of the state in the eye and says no to equal pay for equal work. Most callously, this donothing senator recently went to southeastern kentucky and told the people there it was not his job to create jobs. Senator, i will tell you something that Alison Grimes understands. It is her job to create jobs. It is my job. It is businesses job. We are our brothers keeper. For those reasons, we must elect Alison Grimes as our next United States senator. Lets send a message to washington that the cynical, special interest dysfunction is out and Alison Grimes is a fresh face to shape that shake that place up. Thank you for a much, and god bless kentucky. [cheers and applause] recognize the to sheriff, part of the Law Enforcement contingency today. Thank you for coming over and helping us out. I have been introducing a lot of names today. Who it ispeople important to them that they be mentioned. I want to recognize harold for a good job in that department. Have the candidate judge executive bill perry, and candidate for commissioner,. Randy bridges in this state house of the third district. Becky bauer is a candidate for county clerk of Mccracken County. Speaking of commissioner of agriculture, our next speaker is kentuckys commissioner of agriculture. [cheers and applause] thank you. Thank you all. Thank you, the good people of saint jeromes parish. To all my farm family here in western kentucky, it is great to be back at fancy farm. I want to begin by saying to the young people here today, i know you have been told your loud and too rowdy. But im happy you are here, and im happy to hear you. [cheers and applause] fancy farm is a place where every voice is welcome here at i heard the picnic organizers even invited barack obama this year. But the irs email to him the directions and somehow they went missing. Thats a real shame. How can you learn about the challenges facing business owners, our farmers when the only place you have ever visited in kentucky is louisville . But hey, i dont want to spend all my time beating up up on barack obama. 70 of our voters in western kentucky had done that twice. Some of the president s biggest cheerleaders are here on the stage. It was jack hundley who stood here years ago and told us just how tough he was. He even invited us to chew on his hide. This is going to sound like a , butc Service Announcement that is not a kentucky fried product. [cheers and applause] how about our good buddy, greg . He is an easy target lately. I heard the other day that he may be a candidate for governor. But that is the democrats primary. [indiscernible] this is all good and fun. It comes with the territory at fancy farm. More day that we make this about personalities on the stage instead of the issues facing the people of kentucky, we lose. We need real leadership more now than ever. Completely focused on making kentucky the most competitive state in the u. S. To own a business, get a job, and get a worldclass education. Where do we start . How about in kentuckys coal fields, where we are blessed with some of the hardest working people in the world . The people on this side of the stage dont have to say one thing to frankfurt and another in washington are at we stand 100 united in protecting Kentucky Coal. We know that coal keeps the lights on. Then we have to address job killing taxes that will never solve our biggest problems. The people on this side of the stage stand united. We believe in lower taxes, smaller government, and creating a tax code that attracts jobs to kentucky and does not shift them to texas. I want to Say Something to kentuckys teachers. Smalltown i are a couple, both educated in public schools. Our children now arent rolled areublic schools read enrolled in public schools. We stand with kentucky teachers. [cheers and applause] must strip the money from the government bureaucrats and put it back where it belongs, back into classrooms. [cheers and applause] i believe kentucky can be better. We proved at the department of agriculture that you can go from worst to first in a short period of time time. We just need a governor humble enough to listen, tough enough to lead, and Strong Enough to achieve. Fancy farm is famous for bold predictions. Forve got a few predictions you today. I predict the next governor will not accept failure just to blame the other party. Ive the next governor will inspire the next generation of kentuckians to get involved in public service. I predict the next governor will earn your support. I predict your next governor will not be a multimillionaire from louisville. [cheers and applause] it has been my dream come true to be your commissioner of agriculture. I view the people of kentucky as our family. Time andhosen this this place to say to all of you, i will be a candidate for governor in 2015. ,e invite all of you to join us where we will start the journey to make Kentucky Proud again. Thank you. God bless the commonwealth of kentucky. [cheers and applause] , we have with us jason jones for county executive. Senatedate for the state from the Second District. Richie galloway, local candidate for commissioner district one and kevin wiggins, candidate for admission, district one. Our next speaker is our state auditor, adam legal and. Ladies and gentlemen, its great to be with you at fancy farm. I want to congratulate wilson for successfully making fancy farm the front porch of politics in kentucky. Let me say out of the gate, if this were my front porch, i would be happier to see some of you than others. [cheers and applause] i my friend jamie colmers comments about education. I went to comment that i think all of the republicans did an excellent job reading their im not struck by their literacy. Im struck by how ungrateful they are. [inaudible]d of they should let us give them a raise. Porch, ande my front the crowd that showed up is what was on my porch, i would say im not buying what they are selling. It is pretty clear that in Mitch Mcconnell we have a guy who thinks he was born in a log cabin, and it is pretty clear that with rand paul we have a candidate who believes he was born in a manger. Im not buying what they are selling. Ups isnt about the people here. It is about you. It is about the public at large. It is about fighting to make sure kentucky has a fighting chance. I did not agree with a darn thing Mitch Mcconnell said today except for one thing. He said this is a battle of values. Right. There is no better representative of kentucky values than Alison Grimes. Rand, lets have it out. What we know in kentucky is that our politics need to be informed by the lessons that we learned on wednesday nights and sunday mornings. Things like that we are our brothers keeper. While we dont owe anyone an outcome, well everybody an opportunity. When they talk about kentucky values, when alison talks about kentucky values, we dont know how right we are. A woman wholue that works 40 hours a week as a waitress ought to be able to feed her family without federal assistance. [cheers and applause] it is the values of Alison Grimes and the democratic majority that a man who works at a job with a name on his shirt ought to have a government that is on their side. [cheers and applause] this isnt about politicians. This is about the entire voices of yesterday. Isnt about the entire voices of yesterday. This is about whether we will elect people in the coming november that represent our values. Noticed todayu that Mitch Mcconnell and rand paul listened politely to each other, and then left together . Paul you wish that rand were on the ballot this year so they could leave the senate together. [cheers and applause] the future of kentucky is worth the fight. If you think it is going to be solved by people who cannot sell you anything other than the saccharine cotton candy of tired, wornout ideas and distorted ideology no. By young, will be won bright, dynamic candidates who have a passion for the regular people of this state, who understand that yesterday does not buy us a tomorrow, who understand, like the greatest generation that came before us, that if we are going to build an america that is what it ought to be, it requires energy and passion and a commitment to government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Not government of the few, by the few, and not for you. Thank you, and god bless you. [cheers and applause] we have a candidate for commissioner position, vicki mclean. A candidate for Mccracken County clerk. Tyler goodman, candidate for commissioner, district number two. A candidate in brandenburg, kentucky. What he is a candidate for, i have no idea. Speaker, our state treasurer, todd back. Thanks for coming. [cheers and applause] thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, i looked to my left and i see some stickers. They say team mitch. I believe in teamwork. But do you guys not understand that in mitchs world, there aint no such thing as a team . In Mitch Mcconnells world, it is all about Mitch Mcconnell all the time. You are talking about a guy who when he got started in politics in the 1970s was prochoice. You are talking about a guy that when he got started in politics ,n the 1970s was prolabor proterm limits. He will be anything, say anything, do anything to propel himself into the halls of power. You dont need that in kentucky anymore. [cheers and applause] heard him up here talking about the president of the United States. He has made hatred of the president a virtual cottage industry. He talked a lot about immigration. As much as he is protesting immigrant, i thought of a line from William Shakespeare and hamlet. Doth protestenator too much. Which mcconnell is not a kentuckian. His Party Challenge the president to produce a birth certificate showing he was born in the United States. I got to looking, and i checked with 120 county clerks. No evidence of a birth certificate showing Mitch Mcconnell was born here. No evidence of a birth certificate. I checked with the department of Vital Statistics in frankfurt. No evidence that Mitch Mcconnell was ever born here. Camepeople think that he to kentucky like any other Invasive Species like kudzu or walking catfish. It turns out that Mitch Mcconnell himself is an immigrant. It is true. He came from some land in the south, alabama or georgia. To our southern border about five decades ago. Mitch mcconnell is an immigrant. I am not saying that Mitch Mcconnells mother paid some drug cartel to transport him and drop him at our southern border. Not saying she didnt. Im just not saying she did. I will bet you that young Mitch Mcconnell was mighty happy that republicans were not in charge of kentucky immigration policy and border enforcement, or he might never have gotten in. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, Mitch Mcconnell could teach us a few things. [indiscernible] you go fromat earning about 30,000 a year in 1984 when you run for the u. S. Senate, you spent 30 years and washington, d. C. On a government salary. After 30 years, coming from 30,000 a year you are now worth 30 million a year. Us party values looking at derisively and saying wealth can only be generated in the private sector. Explain that for somebody who has never had anything except a government job. It is no surprise that Mitch Mcconnell stands up here at attacks president obama. And attacks president obama. He wants this to be a referendum on anything except his 30 years in office. He does not want to see a referendum on Alison Lundergan grimes because she wins handsdown. It should be a referendum on 30 years of missed opportunities and failed leadership on Mitch Mcconnell. [cheers and applause] i will say this, folks. We are all gods children in the end. We are all kentuckians. My party, the democratic party, is a party of inclusiveness. I promote that. We look at ourselves as kentuckians first and foremost before politics. My favorite former senator had something he used to say to express what it meant to be [indiscernible] my father was getting into politics in the early 1970s, at a time when it was questionable couldr a Roman Catholic run statewide. We asked governor ford what he thinks about a Roman Catholic running for office. Senator forde looked at my dad and said, dont worry about it. We Southern Baptists dont seen any less than you Roman Catholics do. We just dont enjoy it quite as much. God bless you. Thanks for having me. [cheers and applause] that does it for the 134th anniversary down here at fancy form, kentucky. Farm, kentucky. Director of the community issues. Bill goodman, we are back to give a little wrap up before we head out for the evening about what we saw and heard today. Arel, from top to bottom the ones you want to talk about in a short period of time. Give us a feel of what stood out for you and how it began. We have anticipated this fancy itm for so long, and before started. Here we are. What do you think . Kind of anticlimactic. Do actually have it happen and now talk about it. To actually have it happen and now talk about it. Persuasion going on on television. The National Audience for this is important. Both candidates for the senate did a good job of selling themselves today. I will get into the details of that for a minute. First to Say Something about the behavior of the crowd. It has been a longstanding concern among those of us who have been coming to this event for 30 years. Justice Bill Cunningham did a wonderful job of putting the crowd on notice that they needed to behave, they needed to show some manners, that they needed to give a good image of western kentucky. Sure, there was plenty of chanting and yelling that went on, but i do think he succeeded. I sat right up front, and it was intrusive asant or it has been in the past. Rough as far as typical political speaking does, but that is fancy farm. To a point, there is a value in candidates having to prove their mettle before a tough crowd. Did it somehow make the atmosphere or the outcome seem anticlimactic because you did not have that rambunctious heckling at a traditional fancy farm picnic . I dont think so. Sometimes the heckling and chanting becomes a character in the narrative itself. Theres a good chance it comes up, or there is a real good heckler who throws in snappers we did not have that this year. That is probably a good thing, especially for a picnic that has its largest crowd ever, according to justice cunningham. How do we know that . He claimed it. [laughter] hes the master of ceremonies. I will take his word for it. Im sure he got it from the organizers. I want to make one correction. Justice cunningham used the cooper,of john sherman old enemies coming together at fancy form for the last time. They were never enemies. They were very careful never to run against each other. That is one point of correction. Historian, that was not wise of justice cunningham. Bill is a Great Western kentucky historian. From top to bottom with limited time, dont you think quiternor beshear honestly, surprised me. He came out of the box with a start. It was almost like a starting gun and he was into it. A cute selfie. It was almost like we were in 1996 again and he was running against Mitch Mcconnell again. Thats just about what his speech was about. Thats what all the democratic speeches were largely about, and that is what most of the republican speeches were largely about. Time a senateirst race has so dominated fancy farm in the year before a governors. The democrats put all that together and said, we are not getting messed up on the governors race. What about some of the refrains we did hear . Alison Lundergan Grimes after three decades in d. C. , you dont care about us. D. C. Stands for doesnt care. That seemed to work on the crowd. Refrains are usually effective. That doesnt care refrain is probably something they picked have polling, but people doubts about whether or not the senator still cares. The ads he put on recently about his work to save or create jobs in the state are a reaction to that feeling generated by her ad about the misstep he made when he said it was not his job to create jobs. Rand paul started off with a limerick to Allison Grimes and ended that with barack obama. That is a very effective refrain for republicans, in a state where obamas Approval Rating is at 32 . Littlee to give paul a credit for thinking outofthebox. I dont think we ever had a limerick as the centerpiece of a speech before. One of the other lines from ms. Grimes had to do with 35, the number 35, and that is the rating that senator mcconnell has. She is 35 and his Approval Rating is 35. The real snapper was at the start, where she said, even jesse penton is not holding his nose when it comes to the smell of the barbecue. That is a reference to jesse benton saying in a conversation he did not think was being recorded that he was holding his nose as Campaign Manager for mcconnell after having managed pauls campaign to just hold over until the president ial campaign. Al, we have about a minute left. Just concentrating on the u. S. Senate race. Those two performers, the incumbent and challenger how did they do . I thought grimes performed exceptionally well. I had seen her give some speeches in the three fancy for events. She seemed to hyperkinetic and forced, as if she was using little pieces of the speech she was going to give today. Wasnt really together. This speech was completely together. Did he deliver it well . Did senator mcconnell deliver it well . I was talking about grimes. Sure, but when he came to his speech. I did not think that the pacing was up to his standards. Nothing that comes out of this will really change the pace or race. It will help Alison Lundergan grimes raise money. That National Audience will make the cash registers ring. Really . We could talk to you longer. Thank you, al cross. We appreciate you, as always. You can watch a recap of fancy farm 2014 on monday night at 8 00, 7 00 central time on k. E. T. We thank you so much for watching. We will see you on monday night. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] you can watch the speeches by the Senate Candidates Mitch Mcconnell and Allison Grimes and the speech by senator rand paul again tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. The speeches will be part of our look at the 2014 senate races on cspan. Nathan be joined by gonzalez for analysis and the latest little ads and the latest Senate Debate in hawaii thursday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Newsmakers, louisiana better, the Ranking Member of the environment and public works committee. He will talk

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