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Brothers. You are taking on wall street. You are taking on all of the transnational elites that will do everything to keep their speaker in congress. Lets consider how others have fared before us. Since his reelection bid in 2000, paul ryan has never faced a real primary challenge. He has essentially run unopposed for nearly 20 years. Historically, u. S. Representatives from wisconsin are rarely ever challenged. One reporter observed that from since 1950, only one wisconsin u. S. Representative has ever lost his primary. But we took on the challenge because we knew that despite the odds, we could not continue to be quiet and sit down and watch as we were led by a man who does not normally look down upon our desires but actively fights against them at every turn. We know how the people of our district and state feel. We have seen the polls. We know that seven out of 10 republicans in wisconsin favor a pause in muslim migration. We know the majority of Wisconsin Republican voters reject ryans trade agenda. We know that nine in 10 republicans voters oppose ryans plan to increase immigration. We cannot be led by a leader who stands against us and against our interests. [applause] mr. Nehlen if nancy pelosi stood opposed to over 90 of her electorate on an issue of great importance to them, she would not be a leader in her party. We cannot be led by someone who does not represent our values and our principles. Paul ryan was able to buy his elections and get political cover from corporate media. Corporate media once ryan in power because they know he will do their bidding. Isnt it interesting that the national media, which attacks ryan mercilessly in the general election for wanting to cut medicare and Social Security is suddenly his greatest friend in the primary . Why might that be . Because paul ryan is a republican they need to accomplish their agenda. They need paul ryan to keep the borders open. They need paul ryan to pass multinational trade deals. They need paul ryan to be a useful foil or corporate crony that they can caricature all republicans and win elections in the end. They get all of the benefits that come from their policies of soulless globalism and republicans, as a result of paul ryan, get all of the blame for human suffering and misery that accompanies it. How many time has paul ryan met with the chamber of commerce . How many times has he met with the executives of facebook, microsoft, and google . How many times as he met with lobbyists for a Global Outsourcing firm or corporation . Now, consider how many times he has met with the victims of illegal immigrant violence. Or the border agents. Or the ice officers. Or the sheriffs or their deputies. Or the workers for to train their foreign replacements brought in on guest worker visas. Ask yourself this question. When disney workers were let off and forced to be silent as they had to train their foreign replacements, did paul ryan raced to the house to condemn disneys actions . Did he bring forth legislation to fix it . Did he commanded the news cycle every day until we got justice for our American Workers . Or did he continue his routine of being a caricature that the left so badly wants, saying the same old things that you have heard millions of times before about medicare and Social Security reform and tax reform while real flesh and but human beings watch their dreams die and disappear not merely in spite of their american citizenship but because of their american citizenship, a direct discrimination against american citizens. How has it reached this point that we let americans be killed by open borders, that we have let factories ship wholesale overseas because we refuse to enforce the most basic terms of our trade agreements or have refused to protect ourselves against illicit trading practices, which are an act of Economic Warfare against us . And our leaders, led by ryan himself, dont just do nothing. They aid and abet our economic destruction. How many arms has ryan twisted behind the scenes to push his donors agenda . Ryan twisted every last arm to pass this omnibus bill to bring in more workers, to bring down the price of labor just a little bit for his corporate friends. He poured his sweat into passing that bill just to make labor just a little bit less expensive for corporations, and yet, he could not lift a finger to save one american job. He could not put the same energy or passion into demand in the construction of a border wall or protections for American Labor or demanding new rules to assure that Foreign Workers cannot be exploited to protect american standards of living for the american people. No, we are all helpless in paul ryans race to the bottom so he can give a glorious new crowning achievement to his donors. Ask yourself, are you not entitled to a leader who represents your views . [applause] mr. Nehlen you want less immigration. Are you not entitled to leaders who what the same . You want a security walk across the border. Are you not entitled to leaders who want the same . You want people who overstay their visas to be deported. Are you not entitled to leaders who want the same . You want trade deals that create jobs and manufacturing here at home. Are you not entitled to leaders who want the same . [applause] mr. Nehlen why should you be resigned to this permanent servitude to ryans special interest desires . Why should you have to beg and plead like a child to a parent for your congressman and speaker to help you, when he should have said, lifting his voice to the heavens every day on your behalf, that is what you deserve as your sacred birthright as an american. You deserve a leader who is as loyal to you as you are to your children, your country, and your god in heaven. Now, look. [applause] mr. Nehlen what we have accomplished here tonight is a stork beyond words and measure, because we have lit the spark for the raging fire of raging populism that will lift up the spirit of this nation, a movement that will put the hopes and fears and aspirations of american citizens first, before any consideration. As a result of our campaign, people know where ryan stands. The mask has been pulled off. The charade is over. The sentiment behind the smirk has been revealed. The con is up. [applause] mr. Nehlen we know who he cares about. We know who he fights for. And it has never, and it will never be all of you. We all know what ryans agenda means. It means that our border will never be secured. It means that immigration will never be reduced. It means that the rights of american citizens will never be protected. Ryan has not merely allowed the Immigration Crisis to take place, he has not simply socialize the lavish dinners in your time of need, he has not simply hid behind his personal border wall while denying you yours, he has created the crisis. He has spurred your need and your wants, and he has done everything in his power to deny you the security that is your absolute right. [applause] mr. Nehlen 20 years ago, ryan began his campaign against the american worker. 20 years ago, he fought to keep the border open, and he has done so every day since. Anytime there is a fork in the road where ryan can choose between security or amnesty, prosperity or poverty, country or corporations, he has chosen the latter every single time. Mark it down and remember it well. As long as paul ryan is house speaker, immigration will never be cut. Dangerous migration from the islamic world will never be reduced. Trade issues will never be fixed, and the onslaught of globalism will never, ever stop until it has been wiped out, every last shred, independence in this land. Until we are nothing more than just another location in the global marketplace, and your culture, values, heritage, and your brotherhood and sisterhood means nothing. In which black americans, white americans, latino and Asian Americans are all secondclass americans, because they are not corporations and because they are not a foreign corporation, because they are not a foreign worker, and because they are not a lobbyist or a politician. I will continue fighting until every american, whether they be black or white or latino, what have you can be firstclass citizens in their country again. [cheers and applause] mr. Nehlen in my closing speech to the voters of wisconsin ahead of the election, i talked about a girl, a daughter, who are entitled to grow up in safety and peace, just like every son or child of this country. We have to keep that girl from becoming the next kate steinle or a son from being the next joshua wilkerson. The next innocent life lost because politicians like paul ryan will not fight with every breath to keep that child safe from the ravages of open borders and criminal cartels that do not belong in our cities and our district, in our country. We will save that life. Not as many as we would like and not as many as we could have saved if we had won this race, but we will save thousands of lives and restore millions of dreams, and that is because we will ultimately succeed. [cheers and applause] mr. Nehlen and we will succeed because we know that the truth is the one thing in this world that can never be destroyed. There is no amount of money in paul ryans tank that can cause a lie to kill a truth, a falsehood to kill a fat, a smear to kill honest statement of principle. The truth, once set free, as it has been in this campaign, only grows each day like a righteous avalanche as it becomes faster and stronger and ultimately unstoppable. Until the people of this country have been liberated from leadership that is unworthy of the name, a new leadership emerges composed exclusively of the people and working exclusively for the people. [applause] mr. Nehlen and it begins, my friends, with the people in this room tonight. So i ask you this question. Are you prepared to carry on with me tomorrow and next week, and two years from now to liberate this district . [cheers and applause] [cheering] [crowd chanting, Nehlen Nehlen ] mr. Nehlen thank you. And to free this country from its failed leaders and to replace the soulless globalism with a new americanism, a new americanism that respects the inherent worth and dignity of every person in this land. I am with you, and i will be with you if you join me every step of the way. [applause] mr. Nehlen thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your devotion. Thank you for joining me on this Great American journey. God bless you all, and have a good night. [cheers and applause] [crowd chanting, Nehlen Nehlen ] [crowd chanting, Nehlen Nehlen ] your dad . Mr. Nehlen this is just the beginning. Tonight is just the beginning. [applause] the commission on president ial debates has selected dates. Monday,t one is september 26. On october 9, a debate in st. Louis. The last debate in las vegas october 19. Cspan. Ve coverage on sunday night, the documentary film instructor talks about his students awardwinning documentaries. Oklahoma. In i am not the kind of teacher who will look at something not very good and just go, that is nice. Working . Y, what is not every single one of my kids makes a better piece than they did at the beginning. Them,onger have to say to their brain is saying these things to them. Speaker ryan talked to reporters and answered questions about his legislative agenda and the president ial race. This is 10 minutes. Speaker ryan good evening, everybody. First of all, i want to say thank you and welcome to janesville, wisconsin. I want to recognize all of the candidates who sought federal, state, and local offices in wisconsin today. It is hard work, and i am grateful we had so many candidates take part in the democratic process. I want to highlight one candidate in particular who was on the ticket tonight in wisconsin. Mike gallagher. Mike gallagher won the eighth Congressional District republican primary. He is a marine veteran with an impressive background in security. The eighth district is an area that needs to stay republican. It will be a hardfought race, and i very much look forward to campaigning with mike. I also want to speak to the residents of southern wisconsin. On behalf of janna, myself, and our kids, thank you. Thank you for your trust. Thank you for your confidence. Thank you for your support and efforts. I am a fifthgeneration janesville native, and i have been honored to serve this Congressional District since 1998. It has been one of the best experiences of my lifetime, and i am humbled that so many want to see me continue on their behalf. The people here, they know me well. They know that i believe that to serve is to work to become part of the solution, not be part of the problem. They share my desire for Political Leadership that is inclusive, not divisive. They look at the horizon, and they look for hope, not fear. Most of all, they want someone who works to be effectively advance our founding principles. Look. There is a lot of real frustration in this country. There is a lot of anger that washington is just not working and that seems irrevocably broken, and people want to see congress and their elected leaders tackle the tough problems, not duck those tough problems. They are sick of the paralysis, and they are hungry for results. And all too often, washington fails to provide those results. In times as uncertain as these, it is easy to resort to division. It is simple to prey on peoples fears. That stuff sells, but it does not stick. It does not last. Most of all, it does not work. Around here, we look beyond the noise and the static. Our strength comes from the principles on which our government was founded, selfgovernment and liberty. Our inspiration comes from the notion that the condition of your birth does not determine the outcome of your life, and our desire is to see everyone get ahead and that our children are left better off, and so because we want to bring people together and not divide them, because we want to break the gridlock, not perpetuate it, because we want fresh ideas, not outdated ideas, republicans are offering a better way to fix this countrys big, pressing problems. By taking a better way, we can reignite our nations economic engine. We can lift people out of poverty and get them on the ladder of opportunity. We can restore our constitution. We can have real patient centeredhealth care, and we can keep our country safe and free. This is how we turn this passion of the moment into a hardwon future, through ideas, through inspiration, through inclusiveness, through an agenda that we can be proud of, through an agenda that can unite people. So we will take this agenda to voters across this country this fall, and i am confident they will reward our efforts. Between now and november, i am committed to doing everything i can to make sure that the status quo, which is not good enough, is not continued, because we can do better. We are going to make the case that House Republicans are offering new ideas for a new day, and let it be known that we cannot afford another four years like the obama years, and lets be very, very clear. That is exactly what Hillary Clinton and her party are offering. We can get this country back on track. We can tackle the countrys biggest, most pressing problems before they tackle us. We can restore the optimism that is there in that Small Business owner from janesville. We can restore the optimism that is in the heart of that farmer, from elkhorn, that is in that worker that gets up at 6 00 to work at the tool and dye in racine or kenosha. They want their american dream, and im going to do everything i can as a representative from the first Congressional District and as speaker of the house to try to make that possible. I just want to end with this. I want to thank my employers, the people i work for here in the first Congressional District, for hiring me to fight on their behalf. I simply want to say thank you very much for your confidence. I appreciate it. Questions. How about some local guys [inaudible] look. You know me, charles. I am a local guy. People know that i mean what i say and say what i mean, and i do not do it in a mean way, and i think that is the kind of politics, the kind of policies that wisconsinites reward. Speaker ryan that is not even a question i will bother entertaining. There is no point in having that conversation. Up against donald trump what is your reaction to donald trump saying about the Second Amendment speaker ryan i have been a little busy today. I heard about this Second Amendment quote. It sounds like a joke gone bad. I hope he clears it up quickly. You should never joke about that. I did not hear the comments. I only heard about the comments. Speaker ryan no, i do not see any point to it. You get to the end zone, and you act like you have been there before. I have not even thought about that. Look. We knew we were going to do well. We received the vote we were hoping and expecting all along, and that is just kind of how the outcome is exactly what we were hoping for and expecting, and desperate candidates do desperate things for attention. I think that is what you saw here. Kelly . Yes. Welcome back. A blank check the nomination of donald trump speaker ryan youre talking about the question . I have not even heard it. I am not going to make a comment more than what i have heard. No, i do not want to do it that way. Pretty busy today. But put any endorsement for anyone, they are never blank checks. Let me say it this way. I believe here in wisconsin, we tell people what we believe our principles are and what we will do if we get elected, and then like what happened here in wisconsin, we did it. That is exactly what were trying to do here as House Republicans. We have taken our principles, liberty, free enterprise, upward mobility, equality, and applied them to the principle of the day and offered a better way, offered an agenda so that the country, which does not like the path we are on, actually has a better path from which to choose. That is the kind of agenda we are offering the country. We believe that is what people are hungry for in the nation, and that i think has been validated right here in the first Congressional District. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. [applause] mr. Nehlen thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much. I am so glad to see you all here, but i am especially glad to see all of the reporters, because i have a profoundly Important Message for our district and for our nation that i need to share with you, but before that, i have a few very brief comments. First, tonight, we defied everyones expectations for this campaign. Just the fact that we are all here tonight demonstrates that our message played across the district and the country. Despite the desires of our

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