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Regular order. , how are you doing . Good morning. Since President Trump took office, this congress has cents 29 bills to his desk. That is the most for a president s First One Hundred days in office since 1949. Tof of these measures are take excessive regulations off of the book so we can grow this economy. Every year workers and the nexts bracing for regulatory onslaught and the unpredictability that is coming with that. Credibility for energy jobs, retirees, and others. The steps we have taken with this administration will save families and businesses more than 67 billion. That israel relief. That promotes real economic growth. Weve been trying to cut red tape for years and now it is finally happening at record levels. The president has signed bills making it easier for women to pursue stem careers and become much printers. To help our veterans the president signed the bill to costs andofpocket fundamental be a reform. We will keep holding on this record. Right now we are working on a government funding bill that addresses priorities including strengthening national defense. Last week i was in europe they visiting nato allies. Americare ready to see step up and lead again. A big part of that is rebuilding our military. We are in the middle of doing that now. We are also working to fix our tax code. Administration will outline their tax reform which is a step forward in this effort. Progrowth tax form means we will have loaded lower rates, simpler tax code, an irs that exists only to serve the taxpayer. To work to continue keep our promise to repeal and replace obamacare so that we can lower costs and create more choices for families. We have undertaken some big reforms to tackle entrenched problems. There is a lot of work left to do. Under the president s leadership this government has made a solid start. Thank you. Good morning. Welcome back. The speaker talk about the bills moved to the president s desk prior to this congress, only one time has a Congressional Review Act made it to the president s desk and made been side. We have passed 15, 13 have been signed into law. And bringjobs commonsense regulation back to this country. Some of the actions we are taking today, many of you watch oft night the swearing in our new member of congress from kansas. Also, one from copyright position at the library. It focuses on the future of copyrights and others. We will vote on that today. Tomorrow we will talk about freddie and fannie because they are exempt from the freedom of information act. The idea of bringing more transparency to government, we have passed a bill to make sure there are no longer exempt and that anybody can get information dealing with freddie and fannie as we move forward. You will be able to fund the government to make sure the military men and women have what they need to protect this country and make the world safe. Walking out of this conference, i see Great Movement when it comes to health care. We will continue to make sure we keep our promise to repeal and tolace obama, obamacare make sure people are protected from preexisting conditions. The last two weeks have been good for members to go back to their districts and hear from and talk to the people that elected us. So we can continue working for the American People to follow through on the things that are important to them, like getting the important economy back on track. Getting the federal government out of the way of so many areas in our lives. Thatf those areas government has been making it harder is obamacare. Withincreases in premiums, 10,000 to 12,000 electables. Over the last two weeks we have been working closely with our colleagues all across the country to continue making progress. To make sure we dont give up on the ultimately objective of repealing on the ultimate objective of repealing and replacing obamacare. Good progress has been made over the past two weeks. Were focused on getting to where we need to be. We will not stop working until we get that done. In the meantime, working closely with the president. I have been encouraged to see the kind of commitment that President Trump has had on following through on the promises he made the American People. Getting our economy back on track. Getting rid of regulations that are killing jobs in america. If you look at what has already happened, and we are already not on day 100. News is a lot of really good things have happened in the first 100 days. There are still more things that are good that are set to happen. Overlook at the economy, 500,000 new jobs have been created in this first 100 days. Of president set a tone getting the economy back on track and helping create more jobs, including signing 13 different pieces of legislation into law that reverse bad regulation that would killing jobs in america. Helping rebuild the coal industry. Helping getting federal agencies off of the backs of american workers. Green lighting the Keystone Pipeline. President trump with that one theon of green lighting Keystone Pipeline created tens of thousands of jobs and insured energy security. Trump has followed through on many commitments making sure we are enforcing our law and securing the border. Even legal Border Crossing is down 60 . Upholding americas rule of law. Also working with our allies. You talk to nato allies, like the speaker went to meet with nato allies. President trump has encouraged our nato allies to get up to the 2 level of gdp spending, so not could to reading to nato but so are the countries in europe. They have done that. They have actually responded to you or seek positive results there too. You see a more cohesive working with our allies and following through on promises. We will continue working with this president to get america moving again. Always important to spend time in your district listening to people and hearing their concerns. It was great to hear have an extended time to do that. People do want to see results. They see this as an exciting opportunity to rethink this government from top to bottom. They also recognize that we must get the economy going. We must create jobs. We must unleash innovation in this country. They are very pleased to see that we are rolling back the Regulatory Burden that has been suffocating our economy. As i listened and traveled around Eastern Washington i had conversations with me talking to farmers, infrastructure, health care. People see this as an opportunity to think big, get the results, and i come back reenergize because of that. Im committed to making a difference for them using this as an opportunity to really do the big things that people want to see us get done. Anybody have any questions . Reporter two questions. Reconciliation for Health Care Reform . The choice act . Fit in theat priorities . Reconciliation is regular order. That is the regular budgeting process. We want to look at every avenue, but we think reconciliation is the preferred process. That is the most logical process to bring tax reform through. The chairman is marking it up. Once we mark up a bill we month to move it to the floor as quickly as possible. Houseer is the white overstepping their bounds on tax reform . Not at all. Reporter is that partly because of the failure of health care . This is something we have been talking with them about all along. Work with them regularly to make sure we get a bill and give us unified. We have been briefed on what they are going to do. It is along the same lines we want to go. Progress is being made showing that we are moving and getting on the same page. Progress [laughter] we see this as a good thing. Reporter does the macarthur admin amendment get you two to 16. 216. Oftom macarthur has a lot experience in insurance the macarthur amendment is a lot better way to lower premiums while protecting people with preexisting conditions. Obamacare is collapsing and people are getting hit with doubledigit premium increases. Whatever we can do to get those premiums down and also make sure the guarantee for people with preexisting conditions get net. We had a high risk pool and wisconsin. They had a risk share pool in maine at work well. We want to give the states the ability to customize their reforms to lower premiums and protect people with preexisting conditions. That is at the heart of this amendment. Reporter how close are you to finishing this . We are down to the last final things. We are making really good progress. We are very close on everything else. Now it is getting down to the final details. We want to get this done on time. That is our plan. Thanks, everybody. We will see. We will vote on it when we get the votes. Thank you. House Democratic Caucus chair Joseph Crowley called President Trumps first 100 days a failure. He listed the broken Campaign Promises of the trump administration. As remarks came during briefing with other house addressing the aca, the upcoming government funding deadline, and the white house response to north korea. This is 35 minutes

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