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The house of commons. Topics include creating manufacturing jobs in the ongoing brexit negotiations. This is 40 minutes. Is part of the work we are doing. Order. Questions for the Prime Minister. Doctor philipa whitfield. The leader of the house. [shouting] my right honorable friend, the Prime Minister, the Gulf Corporation summit in bahrain. This morning i have meetings with ministerial colleagues and others and in addition to my duties in this house i have further meetings later today. Senator whitford. The memorandum of understanding, the right Space Institute brings the reality closer. With huge boost that could give to the uk Aerospace Industry will the uk Government Join the Scottish Government to literally get this off the ground. I can show the honorable lady the government is looking keenly at the opportunities to scotland and the whole of the United Kingdom rising from future development of commercial space operations, the projects she has described will be examined very closely by those colleagues of particular concern with this area of policy but we want to see the uk as a pioneer in new commercial opportunities. Trying to get to their jobs, shafted in the work, and the circumstance moving for the return. Will my right honorable in friend involve those telling the are nt that 250 put people with guaranteed employment, the lives and jobs and safety of those at risk. Be change my honorable friends will be speaking on behalf of thousands of rail passengers in his constituency and many others, deeply disappointing some unions threatened to strike over the christmas period. The government is investing record amounts in improving our railways, 40 Million Pounds over the next 5 years and we need everyone in industry, management and unions to Work Together to secure the best deal for passengers. I have to say the are in the action shows coordinated contempt and it seems designed to do nothing but bring the maximum damage to peoples lives. There is a coming from the benches. This party, mister speaker, is on the side of rail passengers. I hope the Party Opposite will join me in saying to the rail Union Leaders sort it out, but the traveling public first, tell your members to get back to work. Thank you, mister speaker. I am sure the house wants to join with me today in commemorating the 75th anniversary of the pearl harbor attack where thousands of American Service personnel and civilians died. Winston churchill summoned parliament to debate the response and when he did he said this. It is indispensable to us, the parliament should play its full part in all important acts of the state. These words are a vital reminder that even in this time of crisis, especially at a time of National Crisis the role of parliament is central and in the same spirit we welcome the government decision to accept our motion today that they will Show Parliament their plan for brexit so can i ask a central question about this plan . Does the government want the uk to remain part of the Customs Union . Mister speaker, can i first of all join the honorable lady opposite in marking the anniversary of pearl harbor in remembering all of those who lost their lives at that time but also marking with a sense of celebration fact that Prime Minister abe is joining president obama, the first japanese Prime Minister so to do, i think that kind of reconciliation put the ancient conflict behind. The latest point about europe the government always made it clear we would seek to give additional clarity, the earliest opportunity. It has been the case the Prime Minister has said many times that one of our core objectives is to seek your maximum freedom for access to and operate in the single european model. I thank the leader of the house but respectfully say to him that on this issue the answer should be straightforward. We know it would be a disaster of British Business if we do not remain part of the Customs Union. As the leader of the house himself said in february, everything we take for granted, trade without customs checks, paperwork at National Frontier would all be up in the air. It is massive what is at risk. On this side we agree with him, we couldnt agree with him more. Can he put it beyond doubt right now today, tell us does the government want the uk to stay in the Customs Union . The honorable lady and i both argued passionately for the course of the referendum. What separates us now is i am part of a conservative government which is working together to respect the democratic purpose. [shouting] the prosperity and security of the United Kingdom from those negotiations whereas the honorable lady even just two months ago was telling us she wanted to go back to the british people in some way, needs to decide whether she exits the democratic verdict or not. Of course we accept the democratic decision. Of course we do. The difference between our side of the house and that side is we want to leave the European Union on behalf of 100 , the whole of this nation. We need to have a straightforward answer to a straightforward question because leaving the Customs Union would mean having to check every container, uk firms proving their origin tests and whenever they did, it would mean chaos and rigor, crossborder supply chain and as leader of the house in may, examining these experts, they go without any extra checks, cannot guarantee any of that. Again on this side we agree with what he said six months ago. The question is does he still agree with himself . The honorable ladies, rather significant referendums in february. That changes the context in which we are now having to operate. We face a deep, challenging, wideranging negotiation and it would be harmful to the National Interest for me or other ministers to engage in the sort of detailed exposition of negotiating which is pressing upon me. None of the other 27 government is doing that nor should we. We are not looking for details. We are asking about a plank of the negotiations. If he cannot give us an answer on the Customs Union as a whole. Order. The questions and answers will be heard. If the juvenile behavior could stop, that would be really helpful to the scrutiny process. We dont get an answer on the whole of the Customs Union can i ask a question about one specific point. Since 1993, there have been no customs checks on the land border between Northern Ireland and the irish republic. In may when visiting Northern Ireland the right honorable gentlemen said if the uk was not part of the Customs Union, there would have to be custom checks at the border and for anyone to pretend otherwise would be, and i quote, flying in the face of reality. Can he confirm this remains the position and if that is right he really must today make it clear that this is something government is determined to avoid. The Prime Minister and the secretary have repeatedly made it clear, as indeed does the irish government, want to see the travel arrangements and free trade arrangements across the irish border continue. We are actively engaged in talking to Northern Ireland executive and the government of the republic of ireland about those matters was there is goodwill on all those sides to Reach Solutions that work for people north and south of the border. The leader of the house made the familiar argument that he cant give and it and it is all to be resolved, brexit means mcinnis brexit. But that is not when asked about the Customs Union in september, he said, quote, we have looked at this matter carefully and that is exactly the sort of decision we will resolve before we trigger article 50. If the government is going to decide the position on these issues can the leader of the house confirm the british people in the British Parliament will be held for answers to my questions before they tell the rest of europe . If it sounds familiar it is because we need constant repetition before the honorable lady will understand and appreciate. The government is at the moment engaged in a consultation with more than 50 sectors of United Kingdom business to ascertain which aspects of european membership work well for them which they see as harmful, where the opportunities beyond eu membership lie. We will come to a decision and go into negotiations on behalf of of the full 100 of the United Kingdom population and all four nations of the United Kingdom. The fact is, he knows this, we all know it, he can consult as much as he likes that the answer will come back, we should be part of the customs team, it is hugely disappointing that on a day when the government is committing to Greater Transparency on his intentions for brexit we are getting the usual stonewalling. We have a government that is promising to tell us the plan while refusing to give us answers to the most basic questions. We have a government promising to give parliament a say when we dont know how much taxpayer money is being spent across the road and the Supreme Court trying to stop parliament having a say. In short we have a government that cannot tell us the plan because they do not have a plan. In february the leader of the house says when he was hearing from the leads campaign, confusing, contradictory nonsense. My final question is this. Are we hearing anything different from this government today . Mister speaker, we will publish before article 50 is triggered a statement about negotiating strategy and objectives. The Prime Minister said yesterday but the honorable lady is in a state of utter denial about the consequences that flow from the referendum. No other eu government is seeking to reverse or question the legitimacy of that vote in the way she and a number of colleagues are trying to do but that indicates how distant the labour party is from any aspiration. We watch them in action, quarreling like mutiny on the bounty as reshot by the karaoke team. Order i want to hear the words flowing no reason the chair should be denied the hearing of these matters. It is very important. They are rudderless, drifting on europe as are so many other assets. It is Little Wonder so many decent working people who for generation looked to labor to be there champion have given up in despair and returning to this party for working families. [shouting] in 1943, a 16yearold girl was supposed to be taken to auschwitz where she witnessed the horrors of the death camps. On liberation she came to this country with her mother where she raised a family and became a nurse, dedicated her life to making sure the people of this country and beyond know the horrors of the holocaust. Last week that lady turned 90 and kitty hawk norton is with us for Prime Ministers question time. My right honorable friend. [applause] will my right honorable friend join with me and the whole house in wishing kitty a very happy belated birthday and thanking her for her lifetime of dedication to raising this important issue and pay tribute to the Holocaust Educational trust who do Everything Possible so that we all remember the horrors of the worst part of the 20th century. Mister speaker, i am grateful to my honorable friend for raising this important issue and i would like to join him in marking the achievements of the Holocaust Educational trust. I can never forget the impact of discovering as a schoolboy the two of the boys in my class had fathers who survived auschwitz. It is only a couple generations ago that europe was plunged into this unspeakable horror and it is important not just the Educational Trust but all of us play our part to ensure the memory of the holocaust lives on and the essence of that dark period in our history is i would be grateful to all members right across the house and all Political Parties for their support in working together to ensure this work continues. The most deprived communities in the country are in glasgow. We learned apparently the government plans to close job centers in those very communities, britain and eastern house, is it true that the government is planning to close these important offices and add misery to tens of thousands of people in glasgow who use these centers . The department of work and pensions, like every government department, does look from time to time at the number of offices it has but the right honorable gentlemen makes a reasonable point on behalf of people in glasgow. I will ask my right honorable friend, the Welfare Pension secretary to contact him with details. Robertson. The department watch this. Being heckled when dealing with communities does not behold 40 members of scotland. The leader of the house is correct, the leader of the house is correct to say the department of work and pension has pledged to cut the estate by 20 . Will the dwp planning to do to glasgow, cut it by 50 . Why is this government planning to disproportionately cut vital job centers in some of the most deprived communities in our country . The key element in such decision is not the rot number of offices but how accessible the offices and services they provide continue to be to the people who need to use them and i am confident that it is that criteria, my right honorable friends thinking in planning for the future in scotland and everywhere else. Thank you, mister speaker. Cutting to the choice facing chaos and meters are he, this year is worse than ever. Canceling overcrowded trains, stranded in stations and being made to work. Will my right honorable friend outline what measurements the government is taking to penalize poor performing train operators . Can i express my sympathy to my honorable friend and her constituents and all passengers who come across these problems. It is important the operator work hard to secure a rapid and sustained improvement. The government has introduced new rules to ensure rail passengers will soon claim compensation if the train is more than 15 minutes late but as the secretary said yesterday, more needs to be done and you need to see closer work across the Railway Industry so this kind of problem can be solved more swiftly than in the past. Does the house agree with the honorable members of northeast somerset that brexit offers an opportunity to remove pesky emissions standards come in the red, white and blue of brexit will his government still commit to protect our environment or will tackling Global Warming just become a load of hot air . The government remains utterly committed to both national and global ambitions when it comes to climate change. My right honorable friend the current home secretary in a previous job played a key role in brokering the paris agreement, First Ever Global agreement on climate change. The honorable lady i hope would welcome the fact that we are now going to be ahead of our target and ambitions in delivering on the proportion of electricity provided by renewables and continuing to work to get it down. Thank you, mister speaker. There has been much talk recently about paying for access to a terror free single market. I think that is a very good idea given that the United Kingdom is the fifth biggest economy in the world and we have a 17 billion pounds trade deficit with the eu with the excellent acting Prime Minister tell the house how much the European Union should pay for access to the United Kingdom . I would like to say thank you to my honorable friend for the upgrade although that is a very limiting complement. He makes a good point that a settlement at the end of our negotiation which maintains maximum access to the operation of the european market, uk companies elsewhere in europe and European Companies here is in our mutual interest and i hope that will inspire negotiators on both sides. Mister speaker, my constituency, one of the most deprived parts of the country helped my constituents find a job. Success of traveling, people in the lowest income and increase of sanctions is why does the government contact the most vulnerable . If the government has been targeting the poorest and most vulnerable it is in getting them back to work in record numbers and in providing a boost to the pay of people through the introduction and increase International Living wage. I wish the honorable gentlemen was prepared to welcome and celebrate those achievements. We are about to commence the most important negotiation for decades, my right honorable friend agree that the government being forced to expose these negotiation strategies at this stage is rather like showing you a hand of cards to your opponent before game of poker, take no advice from the Party Opposite, only have one part to play, that is always a joke. Mister speaker, we have become bored with more details about strategic aims going into the negotiation but it would harm the National Interest if we would go into the kind of detailed explanation of our negotiating position the opposition urges upon us. That is not how the 27 governments are acting or thinking and we should learn from that example. Does the leader of the house agree, i spoke to the Prime Ministers amendment which we fully support. A vote of the highest significance of great importance because for the first time honorable and right honorable members of his high school, the opportunity to vote on whether they respect the will of the people of the United Kingdom. And whether they will implement it and people will read and answer by respecting the will of the people of the United Kingdom and also agree that i am sure he will, or red, white and blue he makes it the better for us. The right honorable gentlemen so often makes a powerful and important point. The vote tonight will be the first opportunity for members of this house whether they support the government timetable of triggering article 15 by the end of march 2017 and any right honorable member who votes against that motion will in my seeking to support the outcome of the referendum in the most profoundly undemocratic fashion. Mister speaker, this countrys Nuclear Arsenal is the ultimate defense that must be maintained at all costs yet hundreds of my constituents who work at the Atomic Weapons Establishment are currently on strike or work through in a dispute over pensions. These are people who devoted their entire working lives to defending a Nuclear Defense and promises were made to privatization. Can i ask that the leader of the house sit down with the Prime Minister and review the situation to ensure those promises are being kept . I will ensure the Prime Minister is informed about this matter. My honorable friend is right to raise these concerns on behalf of his constituents. My understanding is the proposed changes to the established weapons scheme are a matter for the company and employer but i can assure my honorable friend defense secretary has been in close contact with awp throughout the process and also met the trade union and is carefully considering recent developments to see what else might be done. The whole house will join me in sending heartfelt tolerances to the family of david brown who took his own life. On the day he was on the job center, he felt belittled by staff, looking for work and seeking an apprenticeship. Shortly before taking at, he told his mom the way the job street people is no surprise people commit suicide. Will the leader of the house undertake a review into this individual case and also undertake welfare reform and look at the way they treat the most vulnerable . Mister speaker, can i first also express unreserved sympathy for the family of david brown. No parent, no family should have to go through that kind of shocking experience. Clearly human beings in any organization sometimes take decisions that get things wrong and the pensions department, look at the particular case she has described. I do have to say to her the principle remains right that should always behave with courtesy towards people seeking to claim benefits it is also right that we should expect people who are receiving benefits to be subject to the kinds of disciplines that apply to people there is a principle of fairness, what lies behind the approach the wb takes. Thank you, mister speaker. I applaud the Prime Ministers vision for a government and to your party on community engagement. 150, less then 4 of individuals from minority, will the Government Support a vision to help increase that to 10 by 2021 . It is very clear we need to do more to reflect the reality of modern britain and the government certainly supports the principle of increasing diversity, that is why we are supporting the Diversity Initiative chaired by john parker and we encourage is this is to ask on jobs recommendations. Thank you, mister speaker. Recent foi has shown ame departments diverted use in my constituency, 61 times in the past 12 months. A hospital scheduled for downgrade next year. In light of evidence, will the leader of the house pledge support from the government to keep it open . Nhs is busier than it has ever been in its history which is why it should be a matter of tribute to hardworking nhs staff that 90 of people going to amd are seen within the four our target. The point about configuration of local services in any part of the country is these are driven by local clinicians through working together with dcg. The people who manage and understand each locality the local authority through its Health Committee has the right to call in proposed changes to services and refer them to the secretary of state if they are uncomfortable with them. I know my right honorable friend will share with me the importance of the great sectors the economy conjunction with the worlds languagebased exporting, hugely important to the British Culture and economy. Will my right honorable friend reaffirmed the government command to protect the budget as we review the future of the broadcaster . We are committed to the broadcasting and exports, and the settlement we agreed has given financial certainty protecting more than 74 million a year for the next five years and absolutely committed to ensure the channel continues to make firstclass services so well speaking audiences in my honorable friends constituency across the uk. The leader of the house aware of reports of children being massacred and women being raised, and what representations of the government made to the 30s and 40s in this regard. Those reports are extremely concerning, there is a long history of discrimination against the rohingya people in burma. Both british ministers and the British Embassy and officials in london make the concern very clear at regular principles to the burmese authorities. Thank you. Deliberations in the program, my constituency is now closed. Three others have now been rated inadequate by the cdc and two others are under inspection. Concerns have been raised for many years and cannot be acceptable this took the bbc to revoke the action desperately needed. Does the leader of the house agree they will urgently review the role of the cdc to ensure in the future concerns raised by residents, families are properly and promptly addressed. I think older and Vulnerable People deserve the highest quality care possible so there is no excuse Services Fall short of expectations and the way my honorable friend described. The cq c has extensive powers to ensure nobody is immune against legal accountability and i expect the cq c to exercise those powers in this case but he made some criticisms of the cq c and the government had been looking at ways to improve the increase of efficiency. My right honorable friend the minister for Community Health and care discussed this issue with the cq c earlier today. 6 of me saying from fracking is linked through fugitive emissions given 86 pounds worse than co2 for Global Warming over a 20 year timeframe. You support the council of the eu court banning fracking or at least minimum or maximum 1 fugitive emissions that goes well ahead. No, mister speaker, the government took its decision after extensive consideration of the economic and environmental risks and opportunities involved. We are confident fracking can be carried out in a way that is safe, in a way that is not harmful to the environment which also provides Job Opportunities for this country and makes this country less dependent on imported energy. I expect my right honorable friend will be astonished by a succession of journalists from the bbc contacted me seeking to create and manufacture stories of backbench rebellion. I would hear about these activities. Mister speaker, will you agree with me that on these controversial issues the bbc should stick to its charter obligation on accuracy and impartiality instead of seeking to create problems for the government . Mister speaker, i am sure that my honorable friend is shocked, shocked at the thought anybody could look to him as a sort of information against government, i hope he will find some comfort in the fact the new Royal Charter agreement requires the bbc to deliver impartial news the first time impartiality has been enshrined in the bbc. Having not received response from the Prime Minister, i was disturbed to be told the social fund can provide, quote, respectful insensitive and totally lacks any request. Does the house have the authority to facilitate a meeting between myself and aggrieved mothers so we can explain to the Prime Minister exactly what we are asking for . Is it important to ascertain many in this house, very many people and organizations to this country . Bearing a child is an incredibly painful experience for any family. I think all of us would want to pay respect and have enormous sympathy with the honorable member and she speaks on behalf of of thousands of parents who have to go through that anguish. As the Prime Minister said there are mechanisms in place for Financial Support from Central Government to be available at local authorities are free and many of them to waive funeral fees for child burials. And ministerial colleagues about the honorable lady request for meeting. Vital for conditions to get to work, incredibly frustrating for my constituents, crosscountry operate 63 services a day between birmingham and bristol and only three on the way, my right honorable friend ensure ministers extending train operators franchise do not allow crosscountry to go treating it like a leopard to be avoided at all cost and license to deliver service to every city deserves. My honorable friend, as always, speaking on behalf of his constituents. We know it is a place you want to be able to visit frequently and easily. The government is investing record amounts to improving our railways in regard to a particular case to transport ministers working with crosscountry to see how the Gloucester Service can be improved. Order. You have been watching Prime Ministers questions from the british house of commons. Watch on cspan two or any time at cspan. Org, where you can find video of past Prime Ministers questions and other british programs. Monday night, on the communicators, for ryan zinns executive Vice President verizons

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