Transcripts For CSPAN House Benghazi Committee Republicans Release Report On 2012 Attack 20160703

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Withtwopart interview mark green, author of bright infinite future. He talks about his life and career in public office. Oryouve got to have a drive a friend. Youve got to wake up and go to sleep and think i want this so much. If you do everything, you win. Tonight at 8 00 eastern. Att two will air tonight 9 00 on cspan2. House released benghazifor on the attack in libya. It killed for americans including ambassador christopher stephens. The report places no blame on everyone. Trey gowdy urged people to read the report and draw their own conclusions. This is an hour. [chatter] [indiscernible] i want to begin by expressing our collective gratitude to tie woods. Their families and loved ones for their service and ultimately, the sacrifice that they made on behalf of our country. I want to express our collective appreciation of the americans who fought so valiantly that night and uncontroverted we saved other lives. This service and sacrifice and desire to defend fellow americans in our interest for all truly represents the best of what our country has to offer. After more than 100 witness interviews, including more than 80 with Congress Talk to and tens of thousands of pages of documents, that is the single greatest impression we are left with. There are men and women who love this country enough and what it stands for and how it can inspire others to serve in dangerous places under dangerous circumstances. So i will respectfully ask my citizens to simply do this read the report. Read the report, and if you do, i think what will become manifest to you will be what has become manifest to us, two different images. The image on the one hand of what was happening at benghazi, and the other hand on the decisions made and not made in washington during that same time. You will see the urgency shown by the grs agents at the annex as they went to the Mission Compound to try to save american Diplomatic Security agent lives. You will see the emphatic mess with which they entered and reentered burning buildings in an attempt to save shauna smith and ambassador stevens. You will see who got their own aircraft and deploy themselves from tripoli to benghazi for those fellow americans who needed their help. You will see the firefight at the compound and you will learn about the ambush from the compound to the annex. And you will learn about the firefight before the final, lethal, border attacks. There are only three assets that made it to benghazi. Two unarmed drones and a team who deploy themselves. They were not ordered to go. They deployed themselves. Glenn doherty was on that plane from tripoli to benghazi and he not only flew to benghazi with libyans who were supposed to be our friends to get to the and so he could help defend the facility and he got there. Just in time to join his fellow navy seal, tyrone woods, minutes before they both died. It has been said that nothing could have reached benghazi before the lethal border attacks. And i suppose what is meant by that is nothing other than the two unarmed drones and the team from tripoli that deployed themselves. What is missing from the analysis, each is straightforward to those who have investigated that, is that nothing could get to benghazi because nothing was headed to benghazi. No u. S. Military asset was deployed, despite the order of the secretary of defense at 7 00 that night. So washington had access to realtime information but somehow, they thought the fighting had subsided. Washington had access to realtime information but they thought these fighters were going to evacuate. Even without the remains of the ambassador. And without asking, how is that evacuation supposed to be effectuated . How are you supposed to get to the benghazi airport . Who was supposed to take you . Those are the decisions being contemplated and discussed in washington. And this mistaken believe that there was an evacuation that was evident without asking the fundamental question of how do you expect us to effectuate this evacuation . Washington had access to realtime information. But the realtime information did not inform or instruct decisions made in washington. After the secretary ordered assets to floyd to help, the white house convened a twohour meeting and perhaps nothing shows the contrast between what was happening in benghazi and washington than the twohour meeting. And the readouts that came from it. So it is true that nothing could have reached Glenn Doherty and tyrone woods, because nothing was going towards them. And it is worth noting that that statement would be true had the attack taken place at 7 15 a. M. Or 9 15 a. M. Or even at lunchtime. Because at the time those two americans were killed, not a single wheel of a single u. S. Military asset had even turned toward libya. Our report starts with the attack, and there is a section on the postattack communication between government and the american citizenry. There is a section on preattack decisions made and not made which led to the environment which made our facility vulnerable. It is better to be the First Committee to investigate and it is always better to investigate as contemporaneously to an incident or event as can be done. Our committee did not have the luxury of either one of those. We began a 1. 5 year investigation after the incident that collectively and individually, all seven of us believed that there were more questions to ask and more answers to acquire. More witnesses to interview and more documents to access. And this report validates that belief. There is new information in what happened in benghazi and that information should fundamentally view what happened in benghazi. And there are recommendations made to make sure it does not happen again. In conclusion, i want to thank the house of representatives for giving us the honor of investigating four of our brave, courageous, fellow citizens. And those that fought so valiantly that night. And it want to thank the six members who are standing with me who took on this assignment, not in lieu of other assignments, that in addition thereto. And the women and men on our staff who took on, what proved to be, and incredibly difficult challenge. They did so out of the singular motivation of honoring four people whose political ideations none of us know anything about. That gave their lives in benghazi. Lastly, i want to thank my fellow citizens forbearing with our committee as he went through the process of uncovering the process of new information of witnesses and documents. I hope my fellow citizens will read this report. Not for me, but for those who sacrificed and those nameless, faceless americans who incontrovertibly saved other american lives that night. I hope you will reap the report with them in mind. I would hasten to add, you can read this report from pillar to post in less time than our fellow americans were under attack in benghazi. So what i am asking you to do is a small investment, it even what others were willing to do on our behalf. With that i would recognize the gentleman from georgia. I too, want to thank the Committee Members here, for participating in this. It has been a lot of hard work but we need to recognize the staff that we had. It is not easy working for Seven Members of congress, much less one. So i want to thank our personal staff for filling that and especially be staffed with benghazi. What we have done is produce new evidence that will allow the citizens of this country to take all the different pieces that have come out through the other investigations and tie those things altogether. One of the things that we have had and the reason this committee was born is that in the house of representatives, each committee has a lane. And these lanes were getting confused and back and forth about who had the authority to interview who. This committee was put together so we could bridge all of those gaps and get new information out. And that is what we have done. I think if you will read the report, you will see, as the chairman mentioned, that what was going on in washington at 10 08 when the secretary made her first comments, we had men on the roof at the nx trying to protect their lives and the lives of other americans in that ghazi. Americans in benghazi. So what we have done with the new fax we have discovered is allow people to take those new facts with the old facts that came out, and some of those old facts have been reevaluated and determined that they were not actually good. So we have corroborated some of those Different Things in his report. To take this new information that we have got and be able to put it together. And if our fellow citizens will read this, they will come up with their own opinion of what happened. Because there is enough new evidence that i think people will be able to put together for themselves exactly what led up to this attack, what went on during the attack and then post attack, when there was so much misinformation that was being repeated by this administration. So with that, i turn it back to the chairman. Before the attack ended, no military assets were headed towards benghazi. But what did start was the political spin. With tyrone woods still on the roof of the annex, fighting for his life, secretary clinton issued this statement. The official statement about government this evening. Justifying this behavior. We know that statement was misleading because an hour later she told her daughter that terrorists killed two of our people today. The next day she told the Prime Minister that it was a planned attack, not a protest. And then publicprivate contrast continues for days, publicly telling the American People it was a protest but privately telling the truth that it was a terrorist attack. And maybe be best example is on the 14th. We had mr. Carney at a press meeting saying there was no example to suggest that benghazi was a preplanned attack. That same day, a state department in libya says benghazi was a wellplanned attack. You couldnt have a starker contrast in those statements. It is important to member this. Dont forget the context. Libya was supposed to be the crowning jewel of the Clinton State Department Foreign Policy and administration. This was their example of how it works. No boots on the ground, out the dictator this was supposed to be how it works. Sent an email where he talks about leadership, stewardship and ownership of the policy from start to finish. This was something that Hillary Clinton pushed for and got done. Maybe be better one is the ebay the email from blumenthal. Gadhafi had been removed and he sent an email to the secretary saying it is a big moment. He finished of the evoke the statement. This is a big moment, you are vindicated, dont wait. Tell cleo now. So they were committed to this. They were invested in this. This is how it was supposed to work in the state department. And they were so committed that it didnt matter that there were 200 security incidents at the time from when blumenthal said the email and the incident happened. It didnt matter that the agency went to benghazi and when he came back he said it was a suicide mission. Everybody there is going to die. 2000 and 12 when a memo was sent to secretary clinton about the uptick in violence in libya. Widespread violence. It didnt matter because they were committed to this policy. And then it happened. Then it happened. A terrorist attack. September 11, 2012, days before Vice President had said that the president they now had a terrorist attack and they had to mislead the American People because it is days before an election and the legacy is on the line and she has the goddess of history looking over her shoulder. So they mislead the American People. We put together a report that we think supplements the good work and the full report. We did that because we felt it was important to know what happened and also why. Why did it happen . You look at every step of this and i am convinced it happened because of political concerns that this administration had. Why do we stay in benghazi when everyone else was leaving . Why did we stay with the security position was so dangerous . Why were they talking about military went in wearing civilian clothes and not uniforms . It was political concern that drove this and that is what we outline in our report. I would encourage you all to read both because i think it tells that story. And that is something that shouldnt happen in a country as great as ours, for a political concern to dominate instead of telling the truth in a straightforward fashion. America asks its citizens to go to dangerous places and to do difficult rings. These are people in the military, in the services, diplomats and they go willingly. And they go acknowledging there is a risk. But the understanding that they carry with them is that if they end up in harms way, historically, they have rest assured that their country will do everything they can do to rescue them. That is not a guarantee. And the people that go and accept assignments voluntarily, they know there is an inherent risk but the understanding is that their nation will move heaven and are to save them. And that didnt happen. And for people were murdered. That is the scandal of benghazi. The thing i take away is this jarring contrast between the ingenuity and heroism and initiative that was taking place in benghazi. You can read the communications and understand the urgency of what they were dealing with. The overwhelming sense of responsibility to rescue other americans. Across the ocean, almost a disposition of near fecklessness. The summary of the white house meeting that the chairman mentioned that took place at 7 30, half the discussion of that meeting suggested that they were talking about a video. When you read this information, you come to the conclusion that there is concern more concern about whether they will be defending the Libyan Government by how this rescue is supposed to take place and whether the rescue is successful. Marinate in that for a second. They are worried about approvals and how this will come off. It is clear that they were worried previously to that about the notion of pulling back from benghazi, because an early exit would have done what . It would have upset the libyans. That is outrageous. Ambassador stevens, when he is the envoy, he goes and lands with no diplomatic immunity. He is on his own. It was a white house policy of no boots on the ground that deprived him of military support, support that was previously going to accompany him. Yet he goes in alone. It is a foreshadowing of things to come. So i think we have to look at this notion of responsibility. There has been a lot of discussion about secretary clinton. At the end of august, we learned that she approved a 20 million grant Global Security Contingency Fund to the libyans. But this was the same state department that basically stiff armed one request after another request, cumulative requests, requests for security and support that were essentially rejected, ignored and went somewhere else. So here is what is in it for us. Here is what we have to recognize. If we are going to ask americans to put themselves at risk in the future, we have to remedy this. All of us. America needs to have your reputation with people who are serving america that america will follow its end of the bargain. And america, the bureaucrats in washington, failed this miserably. 56 days. You cannot begin to understand all of the facts that this committee has worked to present to the American People. While understanding that this took place 50 six days before a contested political election for the president of the United States. Whether it was the failure to put Adequate Security on the ground. Whether it was the dithering while americans were at risk that night or whether it is the continued story, despite evidence to the contrary, about a Youtube Video, it takes place against a political backdrop. You dont have to take my word for that. You can read the emails themselves. They are talking about politics. As they debate whether or not to send additional security to libya, the concerns are about the Libyan Government, not about americans on the ground. I sit on the Intelligence Committee and i come from it in that perspective. When you read what the intelligence was the night of the attack, it is uniform and uncontroverted. This was an attack by radical islamic terrorists on an american facility. There was no dispute. The evidence was clear. Go read what secretary clinton herself said. Wiki words from officials on the ground that night communicating with the senior levels of government what had transpired. It wasnt about a Youtube Video or folks out for a walk. And when secretary clinton says what difference does it make we can now tell you exactly what difference it makes. It makes a difference in how you respond to an attack. Whether you think this was a bunch of folks Walking Around or an assault on america that took place in benghazi, washington, d. C. Somehow viewed this as having ended once our men and women were evacuated to the annex. You read the timeline of this, the men on the ground that night understood it was not over. They understood that the risk to their lives continued. And in washington, d. C. We debated and that had nothing to do with whether we had aircraft on route. That is what difference it makes. You cant begin to exercise the leadership you need if you dont understand what is happening on the ground. And if you choose to put a lyrical expediency and politics ahead of the men at women on the ground, you will have to answer to yourself. I find it morally reprehensible. If it was your son or daughter or Family Member or friend on the ground that night and you watch the actions in washington, d. C. , you have every right to be disgusted. This was a failure at the most senior level of the government and one that i hope the recommendation of this Committee Recommends will help to make sure Something Like this never happens again. Let me start by saying i am so proud of this report. I am so proud of the work that this committee has done as a whole, the majority. I want to thank our chairman and the rest of the committee for the way in which this investigation was handled and for the leadership as the chairman. This investigation has uncovered a time of new information, which leads to our much greater understanding about what happened before, during and after the attack in benghazi. While our guys were on the ground, taking gunfire and mortar attacks, washington was moving at a snails pace. In washington, the administration was more concerned about diplomatic sensitivity with the libyans and promoting policy than it was about the americans that they had sent to benghazi. At the end of the day, no military assets wherever moving towards benghazi. The bottom line is that washington failed to have our guys backs when they needed it. And from my perspective, this represents incompetence, indifference and both. As we know now, but for the bravery of a few americans and the unexpected response of gadhafis underground militia there would have been an even greater loss of life. In this case, i believe that the government failed and lied to the public in the aftermath. It is unacceptable. And i know that this report shines light on that. And god willing, this from ever happening again. I want to join martha in thanking our chairman. This has been an incredible task to undertake and we have worked day in and day out to come up with the truth and bring facts to the American People that we did not know before. I was particularly focused on issues prior to the attack. And the things that we learned about benghazi there were many new things we learned about benghazi. We have all admitted and it has been known for sometime that the security was in adequate but what we didnt know until this investigation was that the state department made a conscious decision to keep the benghazi compound off the radar. And not provide it with the security it needed. In fact, none of the facilities in libya met the security requirements, required by the state department and law. And when Chris Stevens was sent into benghazi, he was initially going in with the military. But because of the president s policy of no boots on the ground, at the last minute, military support was pulled. So we know he didnt have enough security, whether it was people or security tools. But he had a mission. And a mission to ensure that benghazi became a permanent post at some point. Because it was the individuals in benghazi that helped to lead the mission that helped to topple gadhafi. And so the secretary of state wanted to show benghazi how important they were. They wanted to show them that they would not leave. And we learned during this investigation that it was during october 2012 that the security had a planned trip to benghazi. She had planned a trip to libya in order to show the libyans this was failed american foreignpolicy from the beginning. We have learned and as the president has even said, the worst thing that we did was not planning for the day after. He has indicated the worst mistake of his presidency was not planning for the day after qaddafi fell. We send people, american libya,ts to benghazi, to through a failed state. What they are most concerned about at the beginning of going into libya, was making sure that it was not a failed state. That it was not a terrorist safe haven. Today it is a terrorist safe haven. I want to close by making sure people realize we said that we were going to make sure that not happen in the future. Did this Committee Work hard to uncover the facts and truth and to put light on the trees, but we have pages of recommendations, many pages of recommendations. I would encourage you to please look at those recommendations. Agencies and the leaders of those Government Agencies had not planned for an attack like this. Cia, defense department, state department, has not been prepared and have really no plans in place to execute Something Like this that could happen on a of all days, september 11. Even though the president has called a meeting of top government officials acting as if we were ready for september 11, and while beat her said we were ready, we were not prepared to respond. That political operatives got involved in messaging after this incident occurred. That should not be happening. Internal and public Government Communications about terrorist attacks should not be taking place. Government should be telling the American People the truth. Not trying to put political spin. We have many recommendations that we hope and that we will encourage our members of congress as well as administration to look at. Tochange their policies, change our laws, to find more funding mechanisms, to make sure our people are protected in the future. With that i yield back. If you have questions, please identify yourself, the entity for whom you are, and the member for whom the question is directed. The democrats on the Committee Said that you put on a lot of new details, but they dont really change the fundamental understanding of what happened. And a lot of the broad themes you just discussed had been known for years. At the end of the day, was this the best use of taxpayer dollars and of your time . It is difficult for me to with with where i disagree the foundation of your question. Let me start the end of it. Was known . At nobody has ever reported it. God knows nobody has ever reported to actually evacuated our folks. Thatay have reported secretary clinton was headed back to libya in october, but you did not have the cooperation of the emails and you did not know why shes going back. You did not know about the 20 million memo. First of all, you do not know from any of the emails sidney blumenthal, to whoever he was emailing. You did not know that a single u. S. Military asset did not need a single designated timeline. Think about that for a second. The worlds most powerful military did not meet a single solitary selfimposed timeline. So all of that is new. Who arehe democrats critical of our report. All five of them voted not to perform the committee. They fretted not to participate in for the most part they did not. They have been serially girls of information and they missed a really good opportunity. I dont know if you had a chance to read the report. But if you read the report, you will see the report mentions her name far more times in our report does. Does not mention their Presumptive Republican nominee for president because he has nothing to do with benghazi. You can direct is questions to elisha and the rest of them. Im proud of what we found and i think its new. Are you saying that the military could have saved or done more. Clearly you cannot of say two of them. With respect to Glenn Doherty and tiger woods, there were three assets that made it there. The group from tripoli that the port itself, and unarmed drone that was elsewhere in positioned over the facility, and another that the evidence is split on whether or not it could have been armed. It got there before the mortar attack. I dont know. Im not going to make a reckless those liveshat could have been say. What im going to say, is if the at any time the result wouldve been the same could nothing was ever coming to benghazi. I think thats a fundamentally important question to ask. There is an email that sticks out my mind right now. The whiteeout from house meeting, which by the way few know about it, nobody reported on. To the democrats claim that there is no information, ive not heard much about this white house meeting until our report was issued. To of the takeouts from that our white house meeting in addition to the five action items on the video. Consider this, the video had been out for a wild. It was not new. If you are concerned about this video, you have done absolutely nothing after you received notice that the video be disseminated. You have done absolutely nothing after cairo happened. Cairo has happened, and you have changed not one iota your military posture. But yet, when the attack and benghazi happen which is unconnected with the video, 50 of your action items coming out relate to the video. 56 days before the election, when he talked to members of this committee and went through the report, theyre different names that deal with secretary clinton and so forth. There are folks are going to read this report today. You regardless of what is in the report, how do you deflect that when people say this is demonstrated incompetence of the highest level. How do not get that perceived as something thats political . Read the report for yourself. If you can read this report and you believe on the last page of the report that it is about one person and set about four people, then theres nothing i can say that is going to defuse you of that. Thats just what you believe. There is no amount of facts and evidence thats going to dissuade you from your previously held conviction. Nancy ask about the democrats, the democrats much all along has been that there is no new information. There is undisputedly new information. Now their position is that it does not fundamentally change the way review benghazi. If the fact that no asset was ever headed towards the place that actually had a crisis, this email that we need to plan a case in crisis emerges, this is what came out of a civics. We need to have a plan in case you crisis expands and the real threat emerges. What the hell is going on a benghazi . . As that not a real crisis does thedo anything to fuse what a liza thinks for he is not my audience are reason minded americans. What difference does it make saying that you cant be a leader if you dont know whats going on on the ground. Then saying she was morally reprehensible with the leadership she employed that evening. I dont think you will see any of that in the report. Is it in the report . You are going to write a story about your take away from the report. I stand on our report. How my fellow citizens including my Committee Members read the report, how you read the airport. You read the report. You will not see any of those can you just that. As Hillary Clintons leadership morally reprehensible . Yes. It is. Absolutely. None of us fonte for this assignment. I can assure you. We were all asked and the mission was very clear. It wasber it like yesterday. We all looked each other in the eye. We said this day that they were standing at today will, but we want to be a hotel each other is. Hat we worked our tails off we worked our tails off to develop every factory kit. To tell the American People everything we could possibly find. We have been abstracted step along the way in that effort. Including by the very democrats are calling us go read these transfers. Transcripts. This is not the first professional inquiry in the history of america. I dated to go find another congressional inquiry were one party behaves in a way that was so deeply obstructive of getting the American People the facts they need it. With respect to my statements about secretary clinton, i believe them in my heart. The reason representative Jordan Knight chose to write a separate port is that we felt we had delivered them an important work in the committees tally of the information is available. We also are asking everyone of you to go develop your conclusions about what took place. I have been kneedeep in this for over two years. So has representative jordan. We feel like its incredibly important to highlight the conclusions that represented representative jordan and i draw about the fact. I think youll see the conclusion we draw are real and accurate. The flipside of that could be that because you chose does that suggest that you dont have placing any blame on any member of the administration. Shockingly, that is not with the house asked me to do. The resolution does not mention secretary clinton. Orionr boehner nor speak have ever asked me to do anything about 2016 president ial politics. Speaker boehner asked me to find out what happened to form our fellow citizens and i believe that is what ive done. You are welcome to read the report. I hope you will. I know you will. If you are the end of reading the report can conclude that it is about one person instead of about four people, i will be shocked. Do you believe after doing this for two years, sent spending all of your time and millions of dollars, do you theeve that based on this American People should look at this and see that the woman who wants to be president had culpability . I think the American People to look at it. They ought to look at it because im americans died and fellow americans were injured and fellow americans with baroque likes to save other americans from a conclusions they draw after reading it is up to them. I rode the report that i think is centered in the fax. Of who, background what, when, where. I dont have a background into wide. You are might have a background in the why. I dont. My job is to report facts, that is what ive done. You can draw whatever conclusion you want to draw. What did you learn about a covert weapons operation in benghazi . We asked questions about covert weapons operations. We made some progress. Intervened when we were beginning to make a lot of progress. Among the questions i asked the president , included that one specifically. I have not heard back from him yet. Ive heard from his lawyer, and im not holding my breath that i will get an answer to that. I think it was important because the house asked us to examine policies that could have led to the attack. I think its important to us the question. But that is not the focus of our committee. Who was tapping the brakes on the military . Tapping the brakes as a majority of phrase. Said we wouldn we interview carter ham again, i remember a lot of raised eyebrows. Why you going to talk to him again . As if all the right questions had been asked the first time. I think the military leaders will tell you what i said in my opening. They believe in evacuation was eminent. When you question them on why they believe the evacuation was imminent, the answers do not with stand even the mildest levels of scrutiny. You have real life witnesses that can witness tell you what is going on. If you think the fighting has subsided, talk to the real live witnesses that are being shot at. If you really believe an evacuation is imminent, at some level, you will have to ask how is that evacuation going to be effectuated . Because you dont have the proper vehicles to take them from the annex to the benghazi airport. The only plan you have is one that you privately commissioned. Its not even a u. S. Aircraft. You have no idea whether its going to hold everybody. How are you going to evacuate in the midst of a firefight, general handed not even know our guys were ambushed from the compound to the annex. They did not even know about. To everyone who wanted to know why we wanted to talk to general ham again, i thought it be nice for general hand to have access to all the facts. Because he did not have been the night he made the decisions. Somewhat described this is a perfect storm of bureaucratic. Obviously your court levels blame on many levels. Im curious as to what entity or person that you ream most of the blame. That will be in the as of my fellow citizens. Of not in the business proportioning culpability. I think theres enough to go around to say theres enough urgency and ingenuity and valor. That really is my take away. Maybe its because ive talked to the families of the four in the last couple of days. When you do what i used to do for a living, you ask the families what is it that you would like to see done. Im at peace that we did exactly for the families what we said we would do. It just took longer, but we did but we several do. L theird to tell tige widows and families the truth about their response and the security leading up to her. We have more information than the other committees had, and we could have had more had we had just a tiny bit of operation from the other side. Along those lines in a way, but put aside the attack itself and what happened that particular night, have you been able to in some way some abstract way, it get into the theer theme mind regarding u. S. Presence in libya. How he wanted the consulate in the facilities there in benghazi. How much you want to the american president to not appear militarized. About be very clear people ofens love the libya. In particular, he loved the people of benghazi. The heroism he showed going in as the envoy, and what he entered deal with is the envoy well before he was ever the ambassador. There is a level of valor, heroism, and commitment to this country that you dont read this report for any other question, read it to see what Chris Stevens had to say. You ask me to have an answer to his mindset . Yes. He got down september the 10th, he started meeting with intelligence officials about the state of security in libya. And he began to postpone his subsequent meetings because what he was hearing. He knew it was not great. He had no idea how bad it was. So he began to postpone the next is ready, heres ambassador saying im not through getting my debriefing it. Then he moves the offcampus meetings and engagements on campus. Diary entry. His you see his diary entry on september the 11th. Read his diary entry. Read the email that he sent to the british. Diplomat. Benghazi had deteriorated in a way that he did not even expect insecurity was what was on his mind. The appearance of the United States present that was not solidified i think you wanted to stay alive more than anything else. With all due respect, think he wanted to say a lot. If that means a slightly higher footprint, then there needs to be experts or supervisors in your life that say we appreciate your valor, but we will give you the security that you ask for rigid. People have asked a version of this question before it. Different ways. Americans have used these events and policy all of these investigations through certain lenses. They will probably continue after today despite your please of an 800 page report. Our Bumper Stickers and tshirts all over this country that say Hillary Clinton lied, people died. Is that true . You dont see that tshirt on me and youve never seen that Bumper Sticker on any of my vehicle. And yet never hurt me, and on that. Could you shed any light on that . Have you read it . Im asking you to read it. Going to tell you to be on the lookout for good im going to tell you there is new information. It fundamentally changes the way i view what happened before and during it happened. Who was it then rosa said reporters literally no nothing. I dont believe that your action trust you to read the report for yourself and draw your own conclusions. Youre the expert so what you think. . I know this. I want you to contrast information and the evidence that was available on the evening of september the 11th. Look at the full body of evidence that was available. Then look at what was said. Then you draw your own conclusion about whether or not of thee the best use evidence and information that was available. It is one thing to say the evidence did not exist. It existed. We found them. Conversations arent going to the net. She actually talked to greg hicks. That argument works both ways. If there is a layer of information, she was fairly definitive and some statements that she made privately. There is no ambiguity. She was pretty definitive. It was just in the public statements to us that it was less definitive. You out to decide that for yourself. Look at the statements made privately. You decide for yourself. What she said privately, what others said in the administration privately. What they said publicly. The intelligence analysis change over time. That is true. But the statement did not. They were consistent publicly and privately. Look for yourself. You can decide. When you look at the private statements compared to what they told the American People, the a start contrast, a dramatic difference. But for yourself. Havet me just say that we this report has never been about one person. Its been about the four americans. What the other americans inside libya did save their colleagues. Media has made this, once to make this about one person. The democrats want to make this about one person. That has never been our intention. We have enough facts in the report that i think every american can make their own mind up. dad,u talk to tie woods he will have a different opinion from reading the report of what the secretary told him and what the facts say in the report. Smiths mother is probably going to have that same different way of looking at the report. I think each american needs to read this report. It is likely. Lengthy. It had to be so so that we could spell out what the truth is. This report and i promise you the chairman has made this very clear that each and every one of us, this is not about one single person. Think, wehe report i reached our goal when we came up with a different recommendations that need to be done to prevent this from happening again. I think the detail that we went these recommendations all the more important and hopefully the speaker and other people will take them and do something with them. Because i do think they lay out a means of us not getting in the same situation. Thatld like to comment too when these americans arrive from tripoli to the airport in my gaza, they were there for about three hours. I dont think we knew that we had another hostage situation at the airport. As has been said by the other members, not one will have been up. Not one person headed to benghazi. We did not really know how those guys, if they were even going to be allowed to leave the airport. So there are many others situations that should have been talked about at different times in washington that were never talked about. Do we have another house the situation . Is the ambassador hostage . Are these military guys, are . We didnt see any evidence of that being talked about why these guys are standing there try to talk their way off that airport to get to help the friends. I havent got a question yet, although the last one may be about the latter part of what i call section two. Which is the postattack medication. I want to pivot for just a second away from the person to ask about to the person needs Administration Action put on the files. We talk to her. Her beingte available. I found that interview to be very important issues the third choice. I thought she was inadequately prepared and that is what happens when you are inadequately prepared. You say a series of thomas with all slings on national television, including about the the including completing video with the demonstration,ncluding saying that a handful the plane was hijacked in otherwise. This was just up thats made up. It would be one thing if it were these talking points. It would be one thing if it were not there and they got it wrong, therefore she got it wrong. It is not even in there. It is just made up out of whole cloth. I get that that is not the person i have been asked about, but this is the person who made most of the public pronouncements at least on that sunday after the attacks. To neighbor in the report the officers who told them to get out of of the plane and change the universe. You name those types of details . No. The actual names of people. We tried to honor. These requests with respect to yourhigher you are before name is used publicly, as opposed to using the names of people who we try to be sensitive to that. Frankly across all agencies, i dont think you will see the news of the people. You will see the title, youll be able to read the transcript of we can ever get the transcripts clear. And more important, youll be in to see the underlying data. Thats me is what is important. Fromay read an email ambassador mall. I dont how you could, but you might. I want you to bmg reemail. I dont want to take that word for. Any element of this administration to help clear the underlying data. I dont think there is lost on gall. I think you all know how all Interest Groups that i hear it the valve are going to be made publicly available. I dont think its fair to. Piecemeal them out. If you read the transcript and he said the context, balancing on your tax, i dont want to take my word for anything. I want to. Doing you are cap shazam is facing white house food

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