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Put your lives on the line for us and we thank you. You deserve better. You deserve better. As commanderinchief, i will make sure you have the resources you need to keep us safe from enemies, foreign and domestic, and i will make certain that you are armed on american soil so you and other Service Members are safe here as well. A Strong Military is important. Not because we want to fight, but so we do not have to. When president Ronald Reagan rebuilt our armed forces, it led to one of the most peaceful times in modern American History. Our enemies feared us not because we were eager to go into battle but because they knew we could and we would if it were necessary to protect our National Security interests. President reagan believed in achieving peace through strength. I do, too. And i will follow his example. The policy of the Walker Administration will be to confront radical islamic terrorism using the full range of our options. We must give our intelligence professionals the legal and constitutional tools they need to keep us safe. We must use economic instruments to deny isis and iran the money they need to fund their acts of terror. And we must identify and speak out against radical forms of islam that incite it. We cannot afford to lose the fight against radical islamic terrorism. The rest of the world is watching how we confront the challenge of the middle east. How can we deter, how can we possibly deter our sophisticated adversaries in Eastern Europe and the competitors in the South China Sea if we cannot defeat the barbarians of isis and role back the theo kratz the theocrats in tehran . We can no longer afford to be passive while the world a sense of the chaos. Of all the challenges we face around the globe today, now is not the time for untested leadership. I have been tested like no other candidate in this race. As president , i will send the following message. The retreat is over, American Leadership is back. American leadership is back. Together with our allies, we will not surrender another inch of ground to terrorists or any other power that threatens our safety. America will not be intimidated and neither will i. America must be, not only the land of the free, but the home of the brave. An america that is unintimidated. Thank you for your time today and may god bless you, and may god bless our men and women in uniform and may god continue to bless the United States of america. Thank you very much. [applause] on the next washington er onal, christopher rugab a new survey of economists forecasting weak Economic Growth for the next two years. Then, a roundtable with mark onabri and michaela konczal recent volatility in the stock market. Monday night on the communicators, this summer marks the 20th anniversary of digital television. He author of televisionaries discusses how television has changed. Many of us are watching in a multi screen world. That has been one of the more exciting outcomes of the digital revolution. It used to be there was a stationary screen. That was a big screen in the living room. The internet and the wireless tablets,w, you have smartphones and wifi all over the place. Such that tv is not just a stationary, leanback experience, but very much a mobile experience wherever you want to go. It is also video. Monday night at 8 00 eastern on the communicators on cspan2. Speaking in nashville yesterday, donald trump says he but conservative republican just as angry with republicans. His remarks at the National Federation are just over hour. Donald j trump woo youre the best, around nothings gonna ever keep you down mr. Trump i love nashville. I will tell you a story about nashville. It is a special place to me for a special reason. Maybe more importantly, we have an incredible woman with us. She is 92 years old. We do not talk about age, but she is 92. She looks magnificent. She has become very famous. Where are you . Look at her. So beautiful. She just registered to vote for the first time in her life. She has not seen anybody that really did it to her, and for the first time in her life, she just registered to vote and she is going to vote for trump, i think. Right . Thank you, darling. I really appreciate it. She is on television all over the world now. I have to be nervous even talking to her. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it, honey. And everybody appreciates it. There is a big, growing, like leaps and bounds, silent majority out there, and we will take this country back and we are going to make this country so great again and so strong again. I have to tell you. Sit down, folks, and joy. Enough with the standing up here look at this group. What a group. The alltime record, they turned away thousands of people, i hear. These people have the best real estate, right . I just want to tell you. So years ago, many years ago, i hate to say 40 i will not say 40. But close to 40. I came to nashville. The you ever hear of a company they were based in nashville, tennessee, and they owned the Department Store chain. And i was a young guy and i came from brooklyn and queens and i went into manhattan and i did the hotel and some other things that were good. The thing i wanted more than anything was 5th avenue between 57th and 56th street, the tiffany location right next to tiffany. That is what i wanted. I wanted that piece of properly property so badly. You are not supposed to want things that badly because god will get angry at me, right . But i wanted it so badly. The company that owned it was based in nashville, tennessee. I came in and i came to nashville. I met with the heads of genesco, who were very great people, actually. They were having a lot of difficulties. A lot of fighting and everything. I convinced them to sell me the land. And the building. I bought fifth avenue from 57 to 56th streets, surrounding, i bought the rights from tiffany, i built the trump tower, and it is one of the great billings of the world and Great Successes. And i love country music. I went to the grand ole opry when i was here. It was incredible. When you are leading in every poll, they sort of want you to when you are not leading in the polls like so many of these guys, they do not want you at all. We will talk about the polls in a second. But i have a lot of choices this morning and i couldve also gone and played golf like the president does all the time, right . But i decided, lets do this. I really chose nashville because hey, the experience is not my biggest deal, but in terms of a deal, it is so important, and it has been such a great from the day i build it, it was a home run. It all really took place because of nashville, tennessee. It is an honor to be with you folks, i can tell you. A real honor. So, coming over, i watch television, and you know they have all these cameras back there and they are alive and i guess we are live on cnn and so many different things. It is always difficult. When you are always life, you have got to change up your speech. You cannot make the same speech over and over. Some of the folks in the room know that. Other candidates do not get covered live ever except for the debate. So you know, they had 24 Million People on the debate. Now they think when a new numbers come out, they will be even substantially higher than that. I would have said they wouldve had one million or two. I said they had 24 Million People are now the second debate, on cnn, that was on fox, maybe i should ask for a lot of money and give the money for charity. All to charity. I said that to the writers of time magazine. They were nice enough to put me on the cover with a nice story. And i sort of thought i set it off the record but they put it in time magazine. So should i ask for charity . Maybe a nice nashville charity and american cancer society, and aids research and there are so many good things. Alzheimers, so many big rings going on there. Maybe i should ask for a lot of money, so they will get say 2 Million People they do not do great, especially, you know the early republican debate. The expression, it draws flies. This is one of the biggest shows in the history of Cable Television in terms of political. In the history of Cable Television. Naturally i took full credit for it. In all fairness, i should. The bottom line is, i think i might ask for a lot of money to charity. But, you know, i did say what do you think, should i do it or not . Maybe not, i dont know. Heres the thing, if i dont do it, cnn will make a lot of money. I dont care about cnn. Honestly. They just turned off their camera. They are actually very nice, but they will make a lot of money and, you know, i think it is something to consider. We will all consider it. Coming over today, i saw that they were having the Illegal Immigrants come in, and somebody mentioned the term, the dreamers , having to do with children. I said, what about our children, why cant our children be the dreamers . No one ever talks about that. They never talk about that. We talk about the dreamers, who by the way are treated better than our vets. Our vets are incredible. Immigrants, in many cases, not in all cases, but in many cases are treated better than our veterans, who are the greatest people we have. Our Wounded Warriors, these are the greatest people we have. And another thing nice about being able to make speeches without having to hire some guy to write it and keep writing, and then say, good morning ladies and gentlemen. Nashvilles wonderful. I can sort of the very current. You know, i can talk about this morning. On television, they had a story about the veterans hospitals, how people are waiting on line to get in. These are our veterans who got hurt. Maybe we would not be here if it was not for them. They had a story this morning on fox and cnn and a number of them, where the veterans are treated terribly. They show the desk where there are supposed to be people behind the desk. They show a desk and there is no one there. Probably some of you saw it. The veterans are saying, where are these people, and they say what happened, and they say, this happens all the time. No one is even there. And two weeks ago, on wednesday, they had the longest wait in the history of the Veterans Administration for people wanting to see a doctor. Two weeks ago wednesday, the longest wait in the history. If you go to the doctors office, men and women are a waiting for days, three days, one was five days. One was five or six days, finally got to see the doctor and a doctor excuse himself because he was going on vacation. Can you imagine waiting even a day or a halfday . These people are waiting for five days. The waits are the longest in history. That is the way we are treating the american people. It is not right. We will change that. We have right now, and you see these phony statistics put out by politicians, basically, all talk and no action politicians. On both sides in all fairness. You know, im a republican and i am a conservative, but im just as angry with the republicans. When you go to washington, something happens. They become weak. They go to washington. We are going to stop obamacare, we will do this and that. Then they go in there and they go, oh, i made it, darling. I made it. I vote for you. I vote for you. I vote for obamacare extensions. I will do whatever you want me to do. Im in washington. It is amazing. Isnt it amazing question mark . Dont you agree . It wont happen to me, i promise. And if it does, youre going to let me know about it. But it wont. I promise. They show those phony statistics where we are 5. 4 unemployment. The real number, i saw a number that could be 42 , believe it or not. We have 93 Million People out of the labor force. Of the 93, many of these people want jobs. They quit looking. So if youre looking for a job and you cannot find it, and you stop for a while, after a while, you are like, it is not going to happen but they staff they are employed. We have 93 Million People out of the labor force. They are considered statistically employee. We have 93 Million People out of the labor force. It is hard to believe. We have 50 Million People in poverty. These are new numbers. 50 Million People in poverty. China is taking our money. Japan is taking our money. Mexico is beating us at the border and on trade. You just lost a big car plan to mexico and tennessee. Recently. Front page. A plan that you are going to i love this guy. Stand up and turn around. Hes holding a sign of. Look at him. I know who he is voting for. I know who that guy is voting for. Thank you, thats cute. I love it. This is a movement. About me. Ke to be this is about common sense. It is about doing the right wing. One of the things that came out in the poll, which was amazing. In iowa, we are leading big. We just left iowa and we had such an amazing evening. 4000 people in a room that never had that many people. Left alabama, which was unbelievable. 31,000 people in a stadium. It was supposed to port. It toward the minute my speech was over. People, it was the most unbelievable. The polls just came out in alabama. Leading be in alabama. Leading tremendously big in new hampshire. Great people. Leading big in florida. How about florida. I have a governor, we have a lowenergy governor and a senator. And we are leading big in florida. How do you do that when you have a senator sitting, a governor what couldn there, be florida . Great weather. Big advantage. But im leading big in florida. One of the polls can now, because in South Carolina and north carolina, im leading really big. In South Carolina a poll came , out and we had a statement that my level of popularity or favorability you know, im the only that can get a poll. It comes out, and these guys in the back with all the red lights, say i had one poll where i think im 41 . Almost 41 . Can you imagine . With 17 people. Blah. Hey said, but there are some people that dont like him. Its unbelievable. Im the only one who wins, and i get negative publicity. The press its terrible. Yesterday, you might have seen me. I was in South Carolina. The New York Times, very liberal paper not everyone can be like us, but it is still the New York Times. Im on the front page a lot. To be on the front pages of the guilt. They had a story about me and they had some low level hispanic commentator. I think im going to win hispanic vote. In nevada, i won the hispanic vote. They would love me. I love the hispanic people. Incredible energy, incredible people. I have thousands that work for me and thousands of thousands over the years have worked for me. They are great people and i said im going to win and a lot of hispanics here illegally dont want people coming in illegally. Its true. Its true. Poll comes out i , think in South Carolina, where we are way up and Lindsey Graham is at four and im at 30. I wrote him a note, congratulations im beating you in your home state by only 26 points. Who cares. But they did something that nobody reported. , ithe way, this election think im all nice person and i want to help people. Womens Health Issues are very important. To jeb bush, it was an important because he did not want to fund them and then he says i , misspoke. I really want to be a nice person and i am a nice person but its going to be an election based on competence. We are tired of being the patsy for everybody. I really do. I think it is time. But in the poll in another act of political magic, trump managed to flip his favorability rating from negative nobody said it, nobody reported it, from negative to positive. Nobody said it, nobody reported it. From negative to positive. I have a photographic memory. But i want to be sure. If i use any working correctly there was a something. Rating from negative to positive in one poll, during this and of a month. A feat that monmouth universitys patrick murray, a pollster, calls astounding. Nobody else wrote about it. Any role in president ial politics that i have ever seen. The director of pulling said, he flipped it from 20 , to 52 in one month and he said hes never seen that before. And you know what . Thats because people have heard this. They say ive made a tremendous amount of money. I have had tremendous success. Thats the kind of thinking we need in the country. Whatever it is. But, to me, that statement was more important than literally killing everybody in the polls. We were much higher, more than double everybody. You saw back when a p act just came out and that was an amazing poll. Much, much higher. I was double and quadruple many of these candidates. The reason is people in this country are smart. They dont believe a lot of what they see in the media. If you believe these people, why are they doing this . Why are they even saying it . You would think that if somebody is good for the country, and im going to be good for the country because we are going to make great deals. Our country doesnt win anymore. You would think even a liberal person or a democrat somebody is going to make the country why do they fight mark would why are they knocking it . What are they fighting . You would think they would say lets do it, its good for all of us. We go now 19 trillion. We 19 trillion. One obamacare it kicks in which , is really kicking in in 16 you want to see bad deficits . You are really going to see it go up. That has a huge impact not only on the jobs but the deficit itself. Because of the cost. You been noticing, the premiums have gone through the roof right . The deductibility, unless you are close to death, you are never going to use it. It is so high. The premiums are up 30 , 40 , 50 and more. It is a disaster and its going to cost the country a fortune. So we have to do something about it. We have to do something importantly about it. I wont mention names. The people on television. Some of them, when they hear my name, we have a great reporter today with us from the wall street journal who came down she said some of them when they hear your name, it looks like they are ready to explode. Its true. Number one, they look bad because you remember the beginning three or four month ago, they were saying hes just having fun. I went to a great school, i did everything thats great. I came out, i made a fortune. I then did a book called the art of the deal was quote and many best sellers. That one is probably the bestselling business book of all times. Who is right that . Almost everybody. I jokingly say, but i needed the bible trumps it by a long way. I said it in iowa, and its true nothing tops of the bible many best sellers and then i do the apprentice. Its one of the most successful shows ever on television and nbc renewed the apprentice. They came to my office, the head of comcast, great guys i will not use names i will just say , steve. One of the best in the country. He came up with the heads of nbc and they said months ago, they said, donald, we are renewing the apprentice, you have to do it. I said honestly, im running for president. I want to make our country great again. And they did not believe me. I said it four times. Nobody believed i was going to run. Nobody. My wife believe me, but now she does. She said, if you are going to run, you are going to do great because people love you. She said they love you but i dont want to bring i dont want to brag. Thank you. But she said if you actually run thank you. Actually,id, if you so the nbc guys,. Terrific people. I have a great relationship with nbc for 12 years. We have many number ones and the apprentice continues to do great. They want to renew it burnett for many shows. Mark burnett calls. Hes a great guy. He says, i dont believe it. You are not taking a renewal. I said, im running for president. He said, nobody doesnt take in take a renewal. It is unheard of in primetime television. Are you crazy . Two hours. I said, mark, ive had to do this. We can save our country. We can save our country. So nbc renewed it. I told them im not doing it and they finally believed me when i actually announced. They dont like me anymore. Its amazing. Thats too bad. Thank you. The funny thing about the apprentice there have been in 15 copies. Every single one of them failed. So a reporter said why do you think that is . I said because im special. I was kidding. I sort of meant it, to be honest, but i was sort of kidding and they wrote it it sounds good when you say it but it looks bad in writing. I had a great experience, so here i am great, great brain, creek schools, Great Success, build a Great Company, do the apprentice. A certain critics said, it will never be success. To have a big hit, a number one hit, you have to you remember the first season. The finale of the apprentice. Remember how that was . Incredible. To have a Great Success i will never get it yet i say to the article. Remember . They said trump never succeed on television because i would women want to watch donald trump . Am i so bad . [cheers] it turned out that women were the biggest aides. No matter how you cut it, we can do something so incredible. And honestly, its going to be hard and its going to be a lot of work. Obama always leaves the white house. Think of it you are elected president why would you want to leave . I think i would never leave. How cool is that . He leaves to go to some place and go fundraisers maybe theres a rule against it i would do fundraisers in the white house. He and his wife left right next door in burbank, california, they left a couple of hours different. One took air force one, one took a beautiful boeing two different planes, going to the same location, going to the same airport to do different shows and i say why . Why are not why arent they flying on the same place on the same plane. I know how much those costs because i have one. More important, the time and energy but i would have said eleanor whoever is doing the show, lets do it from the white house. I wont spend any money from the taxpayers. Think about it. [cheers] and the funny thing, the funny thing is whoever the host is would like it that are we are doing our show live from the white house. We dont pay any money, we dont have to fuel up air force one. Do you see what it costs to travel in these things . Your closing down her bank california. Every time obama comes to manhattan. Whats going on, you cant move . Theyve close down the city. He could do it from washington. He could do it in my new hotel im building its true. Im building an Incredible Hotel on pennsylvania avenue for the old post office. I got it from the obama administration. One of the most heavily sought after building in the history of the General Services administration they owned it and they made the decision. We are building this Beautiful Hotel directly between congress and the white house. It is going to open just in time listen to this 1 we are under budget and ahead of schedule. Do you ever hear that from government . It will be great. Come in, use it and go back to the white house. You say to your self its a mindset. More importantly than the travel, we have so many things we have to do you dont want to waste time. Youve got to make deals. Ive got the greatest dealmakers in the world carl icahn, an incredible guy. Great dealmaker. Ive got some of the best dealmakers in the world. They are all calling me the best in the world. I know the best. I also know guys who are overrated and i know guys you havent heard of that are honestly phenomenal. I know a lot you have heard of that are overrated. But i have the best in the world. They dont want money. They are worth billions of dollars. But when i say carl icahn, handle china. We are going to make a great deal. Because thats what happens. We are going to take back our trade. If you look at china, if you look get japan i was in los angeles i saw the biggest ships ive ever seen with cars pouring out, one after another, made in japan. It doesnt help us. Where does it help us mark we sell them beef. Then they dont want it do you ever see whats going on . It goes over there and its perishable, so by the time it gets over there, they turn around and we dont want it and they have cars coming from these massive ships and they just pour off the ships. How stupid are we . I leave in free trade. But i have to be fair trade. When you look at japan, they taken money up here and we give them money down here. We give nothing its peanuts. Balance it out, fellas. You have to balance it. A friend of mine is a great manufacturer. China its probably the greatest theft in the United States. Theyve taken our money, theyve taken our jobs, they have taken so much, and they are creating a bubble and we are so intertwined now that the bubble is going to explode. Ive made so much money dealing with china. Ive made hundreds of millions, probably aliens dealing with china. The bank of america building in san francisco, i own part of that people say trump is only worth 5 billion they dont even know my numbers. They say we havent been able to look at about 400 of his companies. They said he will never run. So they say i will never run. But im running. Then i announced they say he will never file his form. Thats a single pay where youre signing your life away. It has to be done within 14 days. I signed by form. They said he will never foot in his financials. And you have like 90 days or something and they said he will ask for extensions because hes probably not as rich as people think. But actually im much richer. I put in my financials its true. Forbes and another group said we dont know what these companies are. I put in these massive financials and i wanted to brag its such a Great Company i built. They said he will never put in his financials. Very little debt, tremendous value and great assets iconic assets. I have some of the greatest real estate in the world and im very proud of it. They say he will never file. And they have boxes. It wasnt meant for somebody like me. They have these little boxes and they say is it worth or does he make a Million Dollars . The last box is 50 million or more. I have a lot of old things worth more than that and a lot of assets worth more than that. 50 million or more. I think it is 23. I check i think its 23. They will kill me if im wrong, but im not sure. I think its like 23 do you know what some of these guys do to try to marginalize you . They added up 23 50s. Some of them are worth a billion dollars. Some of them are worth more than a billion. They will take fifty Million Dollars for a building that might be worth a billion dollars and they add them up and say hes worth 2. 9 billion. This is the press. Its not meant for a guy like me but with all of that, the statements are so good. And last night was incredible. We had an amazing event in massachusetts. Look at this what the hell are you doing in nashville . What is that . I must have dropped those people with me. What are you doing here . So, here i am ice went millions of dollars on jet fuel. A lot of money. But somebody puts up a sign, 100 to go to this thing. I dont know who did it. All over the place, im spending millions of dollars. Im turning down millions i dont want your money. Somebody put a sign up talking about a 100 contribution which you did not have to make. Its all over the internet trump is asking for 100. I fly my plane someplace and it costs a fortune. The money i raised last night goes toward paying off and expense or something guy who had it this great guy really successful guy. You know him bernie. He will sell you a car any day of the week. 2000 people showed up. They put up a sign i dont want the money. Ive might like 4 million or 5 Million Dollars, thats hard to turn down. 100 . Most of the people came in free and i end up with this big story trump accepting contributions. I got so angry at my people because somebody put up a sign saying 100. And honestly its peanuts. It doesnt mean anything. But they use it to try to marginalize. They always do. The bottom line is i am self funding my campaign. I dont need money. With that being said, this money comes in and its not a lot of money, but it is great money. Peter will send me some money, but a woman sent me seven dollars with a beautiful letter from georgia. Another sent 12. It doesnt amount to a lot, but that i do like coming in because they invest in the campaign. How do i take it seven dollars check and send it back to the person who sends it to me . Im sorry, i dont want your money . I want them to invest and they are not going to tell me to do this or not do this for china and they gave me 5 million. I had a big lobbyist who wanted to give me 5 million and i turned him down. I turned him down and i see this story on cnn last night and it was disgusting this sign 100. Somebody does the sign it was a beautiful sign if you want to know the truth. They are doing this day thing all day long we have this incredible event and they destroyed it by trying to marginalize and thats the press, that is the media. The criminal media there is some truth to it. A lot of times, they know its wrong, but i want to tell you its so important than last night was such an incredible event, it had to be a record for a house. The guy has a Beautiful House in put up a tent, but we had 2000 people. It had to be a record. The spirit in that group, the spirit in alabama was so incredible. The spirit in our last meeting in iowa. Dont forget you know what i love . Im leading with the tea party big. I love the Tea Party Tea party people stand up and take a bow. You have not treated fairly. You have not been treated fairly. People talk about the tea party and talk about marginalizing at least i have a microphone and i can fight back. The Tea Party People are incredible people. A work hard and they love their country and all the time by the media. They get beat up all the time by the media. You dont know the power that you have. The tea party and you can call it anything you want. I dont care about names. The tea party has tremendous power. It democrats, its for people, its rich people, it everybody. Its poor people, rich people, it everybody. Its evangelicals. Im a protestant, im a presbyterian. I had a recent poll and these polls are great guys like jeb bush and hillary higher bolsters and pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars. What do you have to do that for . Im rich, i could hire 100 pollsters why should i pay . One once like 150 dollars a month. They are arrogant guys in a ink they can tell you what to say and you have to be politically correct i dont have time. Its true. I dont have time. [cheers] it takes a lot of time to be politically correct. You saw the anchor baby thing. Its the same network, cnn again. He said you know the name anchor baby is very insulting. I said what would you call it and he gave me like nine words i said how can i say that . Its too long. Its anchor baby. And then jeb bush gets caught because hes such a nice person honestly. If you want a nice person, you should vote for jeb. The countrys going to go to hell, but we will talk about that. If you want a nice person jeb has a memo that he signed of basically a politically correct memo dont say this or dont say that. One of the things never use the term anchor baby. All, hes using this term and when i used it, nobody criticized me. They expected it. With him, they just killed him. Then he blamed it on the asians. He said that asians come in and they have anchor babies and now the asians all hate them. Its true. But the asians love me and i love them. I love them. So he has a memo and he signs the memo and it says dont use this term and now hes using it because he has to because think of it i want to build a wall. Its so easy. [applause] when this clown shes a baseball player jose reyes is a baseball player. When ramos got up the other day, screaming and ranting and i had all of these reporters were on my side, but this guy starts screaming, so i had liberal people from cbs this guy stands up and starts screaming. I got a lot of credit for the way we handled it. I didnt do anything, except the times said donald railed at him and screamed at him. I did not rail at him, but he was screaming at me. Worse than that, they said i wore a tupee. I proved it i wont bring anybody yet, but i dont. Im on the front page of the New York Times think about it, im on the front page of the New York Times saying they call them something, which means that he wears a tupee. Im on the front page and i cant even talk about it. They said i was essentially screaming at this guy from univision, who i happen to be suing for 500 million. They did not mention that. They also did not his daughter works for hillary clinton. You didnt know that . They did not mention that. They said i wear a tupee and i was screaming. Then we let him come back and we had a nice talk and he seemed like a nice guy he was a very emotional and. He said you cant will the wall because you cant do it. 2000 years ago, in china we always get back to china. 2000 years ago, the great wall of china. This is a serious wall. This is a wall you do not go through easy. They built a wall 2000 years ago that is the team thousand miles. 13000 miles. Think of that. Thats a serious wall. This was 2000 years ago. It took them 500 years to build it it took a long time. They had no tractors. They did not have caterpillars. Today, we would use commodities because they are cheaper. They devalue the yen so much caterpillar stock is down. We will change that, believe me. But they built this will. We have 2000 miles as opposed to 13,000, but you dont need it. Some you have natural landscape 10 years ago, everybody wanted the wall else. Hillary wanted the wall. Im not a rendering guy. A lot of these guys come in with renderings and it never gets built. Im the opposite. I get it else. One of the reasons it could not get elders they could not get an approved Environmental Impact study one of the reasons they could not get it built was because they could not get an approved Environmental Impact study. They could not get it approved to build a wall and they are telling people we have a legal immigrants you see it with san francisco, with so many people last night in nasa chooses i met some unbelievable families who have been devastated by Illegal Immigrants who come into the country until members of their family. A female, a veteran got raped, sodomized, tortured and killed. Raped, sodomized, tortured and killed. 66 years old, by an illegal immigrant that they caught. Luckily, but this is what we have. We have stupid people in our government and we have people pouring across the border and we have great Border Patrol people. I went there thats why the hat is so successful. Everybody wants to buy the hat. The white when did not sell so well but the red one is hot. Crazy thing. I went to the border and i got to know the people and i saw people and it is rough stuff. When i first came in and did my Opening Statement that i was running for president , i talked about illegal immigration. Rush limbaugh, who i think is a terrific guy. Rush limbaugh said trust trump has received more incoming i think hes going to apologize and he doubles down. I got credit. They thought i was going to apologize. I dont mind apologizing, but i have to make a mistake to apologize, but i was right. So for two weeks, i took incoming from media meaning media, it was brutal. Many of the people who talk that way only because of me is everyone talking about illegal immigration. They wouldnt even be talking about it. We are going to get the gang members and baltimore and chicago. One of the first things im going to do is get rid of those gang members. Look at whats going on in chicago and ferguson we are going to get rid of those tank members so fast. We can be really tough. Those police are tough cookies. We need law and order. We need law and order. They allowed in that first night in baltimore, they allowed that city to be destroyed. They said it back 35 years and one night because the police were not allowed to protect people. We have incredible Law Enforcement in this country and the head of the police in chicago is a person i know. Hes a phenomenal guy. He can stop gangs if hes allowed to stop them. We have some incredible people but we have to be tough and we have to be smart. You are going to have that apple and it is disgusting and it is horrible, but its a tiny percentage. The good work does not get shown on television, which is 99. 9 . The good work with the police is 99. 9 . And it is horrible i agree. You were sick when you looked at some of them just like i was, but we need law and order. We need our police. They do a phenomenal job but they are afraid to do anything. I wont mention names, but i know cities where police are even afraid to talk to people because they want to retire and have their pension. Then you wonder why there is crime in our cities. We need a whole new mindset. We have to build up our military. We have to make our military so strong. We have to make our military so powerful and strong that we never have to use it. We have to focus on what we have ukraine. I want ukraine to be healthy, vibrant, and good. But ukraine, germany we are sending f22s the newest fighters, the best and the world. We want to stand alongside of them, but why are we leading the fight . Putin hates obama. I think you would like me. I think we would get along great. He has no respect for us. He has no respect for our president and our president doesnt like him. But i would get along with these people. Every country is ripping us off. In the iran deal, russia is a big and fish. Because they are asked big beneficiary because they are going to sell iran missiles with the money we give to iran, so one of the biggest beneficiaries as russia. Think of it lets take a few of these things and then im getting the hell out of here and going back to new york. Maybe i will go to the grand ole opry tonight. Can i do that . This is not a politician speaking. I love country music. I love it. Trace adkins, right . Who else one on the apprentice . John rich. Mike kids love those two guys. And who else did really well . Clint black. He came onto the apprentice. I said who the hell is he . I did not know who he was and is his record or album or whatever you call it now days. Whatever it was, it went to number one. It came to me the next year and he came in second and then he came in first. Hes a fantastic i stop these he is fantastic. These are great people. He came to me and he said last year i couldnt get into the show and this year im posting it all because of you. Right . Those three guys are great. Weve got to make our country so strong. We have to make our country rich again. A person came up to me and said thats not nice. Whats not nice is mark to say were going to make our country rich. We are a debtor nation. We know 19 trillion. China, we 01 . 4 trillion. They come and take our job, they take our base and their factor and we oh them one point 4 trillion. We owe 19 trillion. China, we own 1. 4 trillion. They come and take our job, they take our base and their factor and we owe them 1. 4 trillion. How do you do that . Its like a magic act. Japan sells as cars by the million and make a fortune. They sell us cars by the millions and we oh them the exact same amount. We owe them 1. 4 trillion. How come if they are selling us cars we owe them money . If we buy all these cars, id we why do we owe them money . Because they take all of that money that we make and by our bonds. They take the interest and we oh owe them money. Its not even going to be hard. Obama never read the art of the deal. Somebody said where is sharon she gave me such a hard time. Sheyou can have both of them where is she . Have the both stand up actually. Sharon is great. Did they go after her. Where is my other sharon. Get the hell off stage. [laughter] she took a lot of incoming. Get off stage. Thank you, darling. We are going to do something that, if i get elected, and again, they said he would never run and these guys give me a break, its not going to happen. One guy john mclachlan. You ever watch that . I like him. One of the people said donald trump is a great businessman, but he will never make it as president. And john mclachlan, hes a guy who i like i never met him but hes sitting there and he got angry. He says why wouldnt he make it mark hes been a tremendous success at everything hes done. I go all over the world and see his name. He has had great access. He said he is a man of great achievement. Why wouldnt he make it . I thought it was so nice and the other guy just sort of shut up. You need somebody of great achievement. I dont have to worry about obama care. I take such good care of my employees. We have great plans. My employees are lucky. They had the lotto. I take care education, health care, my people are very happy, but ive done this for a long time and ive seen up and downs. Ive seen market crashes and friends of mine go bankrupt. Ive never gone bankrupt. They say trump goes and grabs these people when other people do that, they do it all the time, its called using your head. Its called using the laws. I did a good job in the debate when Chris Matthews so angrily i do it every great businessman does. One company was sort of interesting. A friend of mine had it a good guy and the banks just were killing him. Banks can be mean. We have to teach them how to behave. This guy i did him a favor and called up and said do this, do that, we wont do that you are making a mistake. It was a little complicated immediately i said dont do this. I threw it into a chapter and they come out with trump files bankruptcy. They see me walking down the street and they go pay they go hey. Im good at that stuff but you have to use the laws to your advantage. Atlantic city caesars went bankrupt. Caesars filed for chapter 11. Nobody cares. And you are right. Everybody in Atlantic City the Financial Media gives me great credit because i have a vision for things. I said dont go into iraq even though im a very militaristic person. I said you are going to destabilize the middle east. What do you get . 2 trillion, thousands of deaths like 5000 Wounded Warriors who i love all over the place. They ran is taking over iran is taking over iraq. The oil they dont get, isis is getting. What do we get . Nothing. We got far less than nothing. I had vision in 2004 Reuters Trump says dont do iraq. Im much more militaristic than bush and even the brother but you have to know when to use it. And when. With Atlantic City, seven years ago, i got out. I should get credit for vision. Normally i would not say this, but i need your frickin votes. Do you understand . [cheers] i have great credit and i got out. Most places when i grabbed, but i made a lot of money in Atlantic City and had a great time. But i gave a great dancer and thought i solved it. We are going to do things that are going to make you so proud if i win. We are going to have victories again. Last night in front of the audience ive never said this before last night in front of the audience, i said we are going to have so many victories were going to win on trade and militarily, just having great strength that nobody is going to mess with us. So many victories, in fact, you may get tired of victories. Everyone stood up and said no, no, we want to keep winning. If i win, we will have victories. We will win on trade. We will win on health care. We will win on everything. I will protect your Social Security without cuts. We are going to have something that is so special and i told the i will say at once we will make america truly great once again and thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, all day long, he has been holding. Thank you very much. We are not going to take it anymore [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the cspan city stirs hears from local authors and Civic Leaders on cspan 2 book tv and American History tv on cspan3. This month with congress on its summer recess, the citys tour is on cspan each week day at 6 p. M. Eastern. Monday we travel to kansas. We hear about the violent confrontations of 1850s over whether kansas should be a free state or a slave state. We will toward the state capital. The cspan cities tour of topeka, kansas, monday at six p. M. Eastern on cspan. So thrilled and excited to be here. We are covering this National Book festival. We have a beautiful sunny day. One thing to remember is they are the exception. Thank you all for coming today. That is the case were in heaven at this National Book festival. Young people at the leaders of tomorrow. I am a youth leader for today. There was an article in the city atlantic china show trying to show when interviewed people there was a little divide. Political scientists were in town. They were as polarized as washington. I hope they realize whatever they had done in life is something that will be recorded. That is the way that we learn. We try to understand the past. All of us have the past. You really only focused you dont really talk about guam. This is a great question. It goes at the heart of all of the questions we have been talking about. We realize that there was no way we could tell the whole story. There is no way we could be short of any encyclopedia are having anything like the telephone book. I think all of the opportunities are open for women now. I graduate in 1967. Today the law schools are 50 50. I think the key is never like people that put profit above the public good. They want to weaken the spirit. I made a career out of my love for looks. I helped found the texas festival and the national festival. I love reading. Health Insurance Risk health insurance. That is going to be quite a change. Said the moral arc of the universe been slowly, but it bends toward justice. Things wrong with the house chair, but you know what a very forward voice. Once you pass it, it is easier to go back and fix it. Bring back the dead. I tried to do that, not only with the outside figures, the eisenhowers and patents, but like generals Teddy Roosevelt junior. At this stage of my life, i dont think i can afford there is no big person, so im bringing all my guys in the room at the same time. Im going to run the leadership. That is what i care about. [applause] thank you. Cspan is going to have lessons called in

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