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Gee, i seem to remember the topic back then was repealing and replacing obamacare, right . That was the stopping it then. Now we got to finish it. Im a billing football fan. Were like at the 5yearold. The games 5yard line. The games not over. This is our time to repeal obamacare. But it is not going to happen unless you guys are doing what youre doing today and youre going and telling them in person. So over there is where Mitch Mcconnell works. When Mitch Mcconnell was running for reelection his Campaign Theme was were going to tear up obamacare root and branch. Root and branch im looking at this crowd right now and i believe were here to help him keep his campaign promise. So please, folks, i appreciate you coming here. I appreciate you taking the time. I appreciate your hard work. Please remember obamacares not going to go down unless you guys help put it across the finish line. So with that, were going to be bringing up andrea, are you going to introduce . Thank you very much for coming and braving these temperatures. I have been doing events with Freedom Works for about six years. And one of the heroes of this movement has been a man who holds conservative, libertarian principles and actually unlike some of these guys that are just waste waiting to be told by paul ryan what to do, he actually came up with his own plan. So without further ado, senator rand paul. Senator paul you know what theyre saying, you know what they are telling us . They are telling us that you campaigned for obamacare light and that you want partial epeal. They are telling us that you want to keep some of the obamacare taxes. You re telling us that want to keep the obamacare subsidies. Awed awed no senator paul they are telling us you want to keep the individual mandate. Audience no senator paul but its worse. They are telling you that instead of paying the government the mandate, they want you to pay penalty if you lose your job or lose your insurance, they want y to penalty to a billion dollar iurance company. It it audience no senator paul this bill is iddled from top to bottom with roblems. Basically they admit that they are not going to fix the problem of rising insurance premiums and that when the premiums continue to rise, the government will continue to pay you money to pay the Insurance Company money. This is not about you. Its about reimbursing 1 illion insurance industry. So there is a way, there is a way that we completely change equation. Right now if each of you want to go and buy insurance and you are in a small business, when you get to the Insurance Company, whats the first thing they tell you to do . Kiss my boots. They tell you take it or leave it. But you know how we give you the power . We give you the power to join a group where you can get your insurance through a large buying group. How many people are in the n. R. A. . All right. Million, bably five six million, seven million, maybe 10 Million People in the n. R. A. What wef we let you buy insurance through the n. R. A. . What if you had the head of the n. R. A. Call up the Insurance Company . You know whats going to happen . Instead of us kissing the boots of the insurance industry, they are going to bow down, get on one knee, and they are going to give us what we want. Good prices. When you get sick you get kicked off. That only happens if you buy insurance as an individual. Lets let everybody join a group. Well get lower prices. But you know what . It wont be a government mandate. It would be the marketplace working. It would be all of us joining together and we would have the power to do this. The problem is this, though. The leadership in the house is weakkneed and they are afraid to lead with freedom and capitalism so they are giving you something thats half as much as obamacare but doesnt fix the problem. What we have to do, what we have to do is the Freedom Caucus over there is 40 of the best coervative members, youre going to hear from some of them. [applause] you need to tell them you want them to stand firm, you want to bring down the paul ryan plan, and that what we want is freedom. We want to be free of obamacare, completely. [cheers and applause] the battle is just beginning. This is the very beginning of the battle, not the end of the battle. But i promise you they will not negotiate until they discover they dont have the vote. When they discover they dont have our votes, but more importantly they need to discover they do not have your votes. So when you go home, activate your email network. Call your neighbors, tell them to call any of the weakkneed republicans that every damn one of us got out there and worked for that we were not, we were not campaigning for obamacare light. We dont want any of it. Cheers and applause] thank you for everything you do. I will never forget that the First Campaign rally the First Campaign rally that i ever went to was the tea party rally in my little town in kentucky and 800 people showed up. You have the power, but you have to be more vocal. They have forgotten how they got here. We won the house. Were in charge in the house because of you. They need to not forget that it was the tea party that put them in power. We dont want anything to do with obamacare subsidies, taxes, mandates, we dont want to bail out the insurance companies. We want freedom to get lower prices and to buy the insurance. We want for our families. Ill keep fighting. Hang in there. [cheers and applause] senator rand paul. You know whats funny about the tea party, i was there in 2009. The tea party was born on Kitchen Tables across the country. And not that i would, but if i had worked for hillary clinton, i would have been in the fetal position on the ground when bill clinton said, obamacares the craziest thing. You got all these people that make too much to be subsidized. Not enough to afford t he was right. Afford it. He was right. He was absolutely right that what the government had done was make something unaffordable to people who are affording it. The people who do their checkbooks at the Kitchen Table. Who run their Small Businesses at the Kitchen Table. Tea Party Patriots is a Kitchen Table tea party organization. So let me bring up cofounder and president , jenny beth artin. Ms. Martin thank you so much for being here. It is so cold today. Im from atlanta and this is old. It was seven years ago next week that we stood on that lawn and then on the other side and we told them not to pass obamacare. How many of you were here that weekend . When we found out that congressman stupak was caving, not that we were completely surprised, but when we found out it was sunday afternoon, and i told those of you who were left on the other side of the capitol, that we would repeal this law. I didnt know how. I just knew we were determined nd we were going to do it. And its funny, i didnt say we were going to repair it. We never wanted the government to take over our health care. We Want Health Care freedom. Thats what we stood for then. Thats what we stood for in 2010. In 2012, in 2014, in 2016. Nd again here today. When we helped and our values helped congress on the health side get the majority, they came back and told us, we cant repeal obamacare because we only have one half of one third of the government. So we rolled up our sleeves and got back to work. And in 2012, obamacare and the repeal of obamacare was not a centerpiece of the campaign for the president ial candidate, and we didnt have the results that we had later and in 2010. But in 2014, we helped, again, with our values, deliver the senate to with the intention to repeal obamacare. And then they said, well, we only have one third of the government, so we still cant repeal obamacare. President ped them get trump in the white house. Hes the man who made Campaign Promises and hes the man who is working to keep Campaign Promises. And somehow now congress, in both the house and senate side, are telling us that an unelected, paid senate staffer, the senate parliamentarian, can determine what goes in the reconciliation bill, and now they are saying we may not be able to repeal at all because we arent in control of the parliamentarian. Except we have learned thats not correct. First reconciliation, which requires only 51 votes to pass in the senate, has to do must deal with the federal budget. I would contend anything that has to do with Insurance Company mandates, which are driving the cost of insurance up around the country and will continue to do so, will have deal with the federal budget, especially if youre giving out tax credits to pay for those insurance remiums. They need to repeal that. They need to repeal obamacare. It affects the budget. They need to fight for t they need to explain why it affects the budget. And they need to remember that they are fighting for their for gotten man and woman this this country who has left behind time after time after time by washington, d. C. Thats why were here today. 7 1 2 years ago i was with adam brandian brandon as we were on the front lawn in september of the capitol. They just mentioned how we said that day and i led the chants that day to say, can you hear us now . They made fun of us. They mocked us. They maligned us. They did everything they could to destroy us. They sicced the the i. R. S. On us nd were still standing. We ask someone who is willing to fight for our values, isnt afraid to fight for our values in the white house. We need to help him keep his promises and we need to make sure that Congress Keeps theirs. Today they want to copy us and imitate us because were successful and we have made a difference. And today we cant stop. We must continue. We must continue to make our voices heard. Apparently the leadership in both the house and senate has not quite heard us yet. Apparently they did not get the message in november when donald ump became President Trump against all odds. Were making a difference. Were going to continue. Go in thes buildings. Talk to your cgressman. Talk to your senator. Remind them we expect them to repeal obamacare. We want to help and replace it with a framework thats based on free market that will lower the cost of Health Insurance premiums and not cause them to continue to skyrocket. While youre at it, the Senate Republicans look, our philosophy at tea Party Patriots stand with people when they do the right thing. Hold them accountable when they dont. There is something we can hold the Senate Republicans, we can thank them for and encourage them. They helped last year keep the Supreme Court seat opened until the election. The American People spoke. Thank them for that. Tell them to confirm neal gorsuch. We have postcards and petitions back there about gorsuch to the right as you look at the cameras back there. To the right. If you want to pick any of those up to deliver. And if you will, if youre able to, i know its very cold, but if youre able to text full epeal to 388873. 388873, ill make sure Freedom Works gets your names and numbers. Youll get a reply and enter your email address. Ill make sure they know who is out here today. We appreciate everything youre doing. Were going to make sure that Congress Keeps their promises. Thank you so much for making your voices heard for the last eight years. Im so proud of you and so thankful for you. Congress, congress, keep your promises keep your promises keep your promises keep your promises thank you so much. Jenny beth martin. Cruz is on his way. Again we broadcasting live on sirius xm slight radio. Patriot chann, channel 125. One small thing i thought would be a good idea before we bring up ted cruz. Hes on the way. You see how rand is moving. Rarely ever asked doctors what they think of obamacare. Do they think they are functioning of government . Functioning of the establishment of either parties . I would say most of them say no. Freedom works actually has its own doctor. You want to hear from a doctor . Dr. Chad mathis, please come up and tell everyone what its like to be a doctor with obamacare. Dr. Mathis hello. I got a quick question. Was any one of youall that forgot to tell the Senate Majority leader and speaker that e won . No . Ok. Like i said, like he said, im a doctor in birmingham, alabama, and like so many of my fellow doctors we tyke taking care of patients can and taking care of our families. Back in 2007, we put our heads up and realize that something as going on in washington. Cash for clunkers. Bailout. It was terrible. Rerolled up our sleeves, all of you did, and got to work and elected republicans and one in the house. Then would he won in the senate. And now we elected donald j. Trump, president of the United States. It is time for leadership. And while i do agree with the speaker of the house that it is a threepronged approach with reconciliation repeal, rolling back regulations through h. H. S. , a new Health Care Legislation like rand pauls legislation [applause] well, in the house they have had a lot of practice on the first step. And practice makes perfect. Almost 60 times they have tried to pass they pasd me form of repeal. Yes. But in 2015 they got all the way through the senate and got it to the president s desk and he vetoed it. Well, they are not going to see it again. Why . Because they are afraid of the parliamentarian. Whoo i think they are more afraid of the parliamentarian than they were of president obama. Look, this swamp needs draining. The muck and mire of this place with special interests and bloated bureaucracies has got us legislation that talks about individual mandates that are now insurance mandates. Were continuing medicaid subsidies and taxpayer funded subsidies to individuals. And these are new entitlements. This is crazy. We need real leadership. So listen. The fundamentals of seeing a patient havent changed. We still see the patient, take a history, do a physical exam, diagnostic testing and come up with a plan. But the more government is involved, the more expensive it gets. The more expensive it gets, more of your hardearned dollars dont go to the things you want. That keeps our economy from growing. It hurts the people the most that our president wants to help. The working family of america. So go talk to your legislators. Tell them its time to lead. It is time for bold action. Ask them to repeal and replace obamacare with patient centered forms. Thank you so much. God bless. Look, we have some special snowflakes. Im actually surprised there are no counter protestors, but then again, its cold out here. How many of you have heard of the Freedom Caucus . Couple of my friends in the Freedom Caucus stopped by. How many of you have actually read some of these c. B. O. Reports . They are pretty boring, right . But they are all based on a huge amount of speculation and fearing. This Rube Goldberg effect that if this happens that will happen and all the dominos goes down. This is what something will cost. On the air the other day we read allowed the revised aloud the revised 2014 c. B. O. Scoring of obamacare, and it didnt save 1. 5 trillion, it spent 1. 5 rillion over 10 years. Not medicaid, not medicare, not other welfare programs. The subsidies alone according to he bow, spent 1. 5 trillion. This is our last opportunity to stop establishment care. Or what i like to call transrepublican care. The Freedom Caucus is the group that can stop this bill. Please welcome my friend, representative mark meadows. Cheers and applause] mr. Meadows hello, deplorbles it is so good to see you. I tell you ive even got a meadows for congress sign which back there in the back. I thank you guys for coming out. I know the cold weather its either its either extremely hot or extremely cold when you get here. But thank you guys for all of you guys that came from North Carolina. I tell you what, thank you so much. We appreciate it. Were standing in the fight with you. And this is about you. Its not about any member of congress or any senator. Its really about the American People and all of you fighting for what is true, what is right, and truly for freedom. So thank you so much. You know, theres a whole lot that is to be said about the forgotten man or the forgotten woman. And the Freedom Caucus is here to make sure that those forgotten men and women, the forgotten tracktry workers, the forgotten construction workers, the forgotten teachers that were here to stand with them to make sure that we take back this country for the constitution, for our got, and for our freedom. I for our god, and for our freedom. I thank you so much for being here. And im here to tell you that your Voice Matters because just a few days ago they were saying that there were going to be no amendments to this g. O. P. Plan. But all of a sudden now because the voice of the American People has truly been heard, they are going to start to see it and they are going to start to reform it in a way that really repeals and really replaces owe bam care obamacare, every single bit of it. Would would also say that when were here today, when we were campaigning and we talked about repealing obamacare, we didnt say we were going to keep part of t we said we were going to repeal it all. Dont you think now is the time o do that . So i would encourage you to thank the president for keeping his promise because in the end were going to repeal it. Were going to repeal it all. Now, i also want to say this. When the going gets rough, there are only a few people that are willing to stand and take it in the chin. And you know what, when you do, it may send you back home to North Carolina or ohio or virginia or whatever, but if we do the right thing, even if it sends us home, it is the right thing for the American People. It is the right thing for our country, and now is the time to stand up. Well be judged on one thing and it is not a c. B. O. Score. It is really not on even keeping our word. Even though we will be judged that it wl be if premiums dont come down, then we will have failed and thats the only number that matters. When you open up your insurance bill, if its lower 10 years from now, substantially lower, then we will have succeeded. But im going to introduce a dear friend of mine. A guy thats a twotime National Champion wrestler who knows what its like to get on the mat and really fight it out. A man who is not afraid to say how it is. One of my best friends in congress. The gentleman from ohio, the previous chair of the Freedom Caucus, jim jordan. Mr. Jordan thank you. Thank you so much. The left some of these protests around the country, you follow this . But the protests that matter the most are the ones youall are involved with in 2010, 2014, and 2016 where you spoke loudly and clearly time to get rid of this law. So i just came here to say thank you. Thank you for your attitude. Thank adam and the entire team for all the good work you have been doing for six years now. Six years we have been fighting this. The time is now to get it done. You have had the attitude, i always call it the david attitude. You know the story slearts were camped against the philsteins, every day the giant walked out and issued a challenge. Who will fight goliath. The slearts response was hes so big we could never defeat him. But davids response was, hes so big i cant miss. That has been your attitude. That has been attitudehat has characterized our country for 200plus years. A focus on freedom. A focus on liberty. And now is the time to get it done. I just thought of one other story. How many of you ever seen the musical 1776 ever seen that . Great show. They are in Independence Hall when the founders decided that he were going to declare to the world why it was appropriate to do what they were getting ready to do. List the reasons and grievances why it was appropriate to have a revolution. Adams is the driving force behind it. The scene that i always remember is, jefferson has written the declaration, they are now doing what congresses are supposed to do, they are marking it up, they are amending t. They are changing it, they are going through the markup. And adams wants to get on with it. Kind of impatient. They are marking it up. One member stands up and says we need to change this section. King george sees this it might be offensive to him. And adams rolls his eyes. Pretty soon another member stands up and says this section we need to change it as well. This one sentence could be strong for parliamentary. We need to amend this. Adams rolls his eyes again. Finally a third member stands up and says yeah, this paragraph has to go all together because this could jeopardize our deep sea fishing rights off the coastle carolina. Finally adams cant take it anymore, he says its a revolution, dang it, we have to often somebody. That has been your offend somebody. That has been your attitude. Reals not to our job is simple. Do what we told the voters we were going to do. Do what you sent us to do. Now is the time to get that done. Thank you, god bless you. [applause] representative jim jordan. We got the e. T. A. On ted cruz being approximately five minutes. And they said can you fill some time . I said i speak for three hours every day. This is clearly not a problem. By the way, one of the things were leaving out, Somebody Just asked me off the side of the stage, whats that green line flag youre wearing on your head . I said the thin green line. The border patrol. E have not mentioned amnesty and open borders and Immigration Reform as it relates to health care. I pointed out to you before i brought up mark meadows that the c. B. O. In its revised scoring showed that the subsidies would cost 1. 47 trillion. When the c. B. O. Scored senate bill 744, that was the amnesty bill, they made the assumption that a bigger work force automatically meant higher tax revenues. And then the assumption in washington became well, if were going to spend cost us 1. 4 trillion, we got to get more people working. Except how could the c. B. O. Know what the work force of 10 years from now is going to look like, or 20 years from now is going to look like . If the c. B. O. Was scoring a bill related to whether or not the government should give everybody a telephone in their home, could they even know what telephones would look like 20 years later . They would have no idea there would be this thing called the iphone or Samsung Galaxy or whatever it is. If is bill isnt stopped, the government continues to run health care, which by the way is, of course, mensed in the constitution, right . Mentioned in the constitution, right . In the good and plenty clause, i think. What is Health Care Going to look like if the other factions get their way and there is amnesty . That assumption that every Single Person that comes here from wherever they come from, in a nonmeritbased system we have to take break . As far as radio world goes, were taking a break. Were broadcasting live. Back in two minutes. Good . Good. We want to make sure we get that break out so ted cruzs whole speech gets on the air. What will the Health Care System look like . After amnesty . Donald trump says no amnesty. And theres going to be a wall. I dont know. How long till paul ryan gets his hand on that one. Because if you remember, 11 years ago under president bush the republicans passed a law that push signed that was supposed to build a wall 11 years ago. Is there a wall . It so funny thing happened on the way to the senate, right . Before we bring up oh, boy. Thank god were in break right now because all you would b hearing is wind in this microphone. Throughout the campaign i referred to rand paul and ted cruzs intellectual constitutional conservatives. Ecause they are. Its not meanspirited, narrowminded, angry, none its not meanspirited, narrowminded, angry, none of you are angry, right . Youre passionate, right . Not angry. To say, hey, the word health care doesnt appear in the constitution. The word education doesnt appear in the constitution. Were not asking for anything extreme when we say give us a constitutional government. Now, the funny thing is if i could get inside Donald Trumps paul ryanuld say that is trying to pass a bill thats going to be called trump care. And if paul ryans bill fails, they are going to blame you. Notice the Medicaid Expansion sunsets in 2020, not when so many republicans will be running for reelection, but when the president is running for reelection. If we were to go back to the 10th amendment, if donald trump said i dont want to own this thing, United States are going to run this. Youre going to own this. You governors are going to handle this. You state assemblymen are going to handle this. State senators. Were coming back live on the air in five. Four, three, two, one. Were live broadcasting live from upper senate park. The Freedom Works day of action. And we have been storming congress. In front of me right now you cant see this on the radio obviously is an ocean of people in red baseball caps that say, Storm Congress back to what i was saying during the break. The states could easily run their own Health Care Systems and the president wouldnt own anything. Meaning, they couldnt saddle his name, his legacy, his reelection with a bill they designed thats going to work just like obamacare. Oh, oh. Whoa. Hold on, andrew. We got some really big differences here. The penalties are going to be collected by the Insurance Company. Oh, oh, excuse me. The 30 penalty will be collected by the Insurance Company. Wow. Thank you. Dave brat . Dont want to start a speech to have to cut off a speech. Were waiting for ted cruz. Whats the e. T. A. Now . Hes going to be 30 seconds . You know its cold out here, right . Im working it. Im filling. Wait. You mean the states are going to expand their medicaid . You mean the governments still going to play mother may i . How is that any different than obamacare . If you can look me right in the face. And i love when they say, its a conservative bill, andrew. Its a conservative bill. Conservative bill. Im sorry, i looked under its skirt. Its not a conservative bill. How on earth whats the old saying, if it walks like a nd quacks like a its a audience duck. I guess in a crazy world when you have a bill created by republicans, it works exactly like a bill created by democrats. You say thats a democrat bill. You could tell me it selfidentifies as a republican bill, but you know what . I saw its parts and i dont want to go on a date with it. I dont want to live with t i dont want to marry t i dont even want to look at it. The amazing thing is that they keep telling us this is conservative, yet it still puts health care in the hands one ore point. Does anyone believe that if the democrats take the house or the senate in 2018 that they arent going to obliterate whatever little differences there is between the a. C. A. And the a. H. A. . If Chuck Schumer and nancy that 2020 their way, Medicaid Expansion will go to 20 whatever. Those penalties will go from 30 to 60 . And you know what theyll say, we got to have single payor. If you think we arent on the way to single payor, if this bill passes, you are out of your mind. All right. In cedar rapids, iowa,dy an event with a whole bunch of people, rick santorum, all gave great speeches. But i never saw the kind of crowd reaction to thunder thunder and passion that i saw when we wrought up the next speaker who is making brought up the next speaker who is making his way here. When i said the name senator ted cruz [applause] it sound add lot like that. Without further ado, senator ted cruz cheers and applause] senator cruz god bless each and very one of you. Now, let me say we have provided r our friends in the media definitive proof that the election of conservatives across the federal government has ended lobal warming. Of course thats libel to make the media even more ornery because if there had a been a democrat we would have apparently had global warning and they would have been in shorts enjoying the hot weather. I want to say to you guys thank you. Hank you for being here. Thank you for braving the cold. And thank you for standing up nd fighting for freedom. Every one of you, this victory is your victory. In november, democrats were shocked, the media was shocked , and gh i repeat myself millions of hardworking men and women across this country rose up and said enough a enough and e have a mandate for change. I stand here today incredibly optimistic and energized. We have the opportunity to do an enormous a good. Now, we could screw it up. We could very easily screw it up. But i believe were poised for this to be the most Productive Congress in decades. And there are four big things on the agenda for 2017. The first and the most important is we must honor our promise and repeal obamacare. Cheers and applause] for six years republicans have campaigned over and over and over again saying, if only you give us the house. Well repeal obamacare. If only you give us the senate, well repeal obamacare. If only you give us the white house, well repeal obamacare. You know what . Were out of excuses. The time for talk is over. Ow is the time for action. And i got toil, i think failure is not an option. I got to tell you. I think failure is not an option. If republicans take this opportunity and blow t. We will rightly be considered blow it, we will rightly be considered a laughingstock. We cant do that. Ill tell you the leaders who have been here, the leaders who have been addressing you today have been on the frontlines fighting to take the house plan, which has a lot of problems, and to try to make it real repeal that lowers premiums that gives you control over your health are. I believe we can get it done. I can tell you in the last week, four days i have been at the white house meeting with the president , with the Vice President , with the administration, with house members, with senators saying we have got to get it done. And with your sport, youall are here talk to your elected representatives, the most Important Message for all of us to hear from you is weve got to deliver on our promises we need real repeal. And the test for success is going to be premiums. You look at why people are frustrated with obamacare, there are a lot of them, but the biggest is premiums have skyrocketed and people cant afford their health care. Barack obama promised the average familys premiums would drop 2,500 a year. In fact, the average familys premiums have risen 5,000 a year. Thats what i hear over and over again from texans. We cant afford Quality Health care for our kids, for our families. The test for a republican repeal of obamacare is do we drive down premiums, do we make health care more affordable for the American People . We can do that but only if we repeal the obamacare insurance mandate. The mandates are what are driving premiums through the roof. Weve got to repeal them and eve got to repeal them now. A second critical element before us in 2017 is regulatory reform. Just about every single cabinet member i have met with, among the very first words out of their mouth, have been reg reform. I believe this administrations commitment on reg reform is real, it is genuine, and if there is one thing that we can all agree on about this resident, he wants to be bold. And i am i will tell you of all of the issues im perhaps most optimistic about reg reform, i think were going to see we have already seen the beginnings of it and i think over the rest of the year, were going to see jobkilling regulation that is are hammering Small Businesses, repealed and taken off the books. A third critil issue is tax reform. I believe we will pass fundamental tax reform either his summer or this fall. Now, the details of that are still up in the air, but ill tell you what im urging the president. Im urging two words bold and simple. There is power in bold simplestity. Ideally id like to see a simple flat tax and abolish the i. R. S. Cheers and applause] some people in washington say gosh, thats a little extreme. They say, shouldnt we just maybe decrease the top marginal ate to 37. 95 . Well, let me ask you something, is that any more radical or extreme, or any more surprising to washington than electing donald trump as president . The voters have given us a bold mandate for change. We have a republican in the white house. We have republicans in every agency of government. We have republican majorities in both houses of congress. How about we act like it cheers and applause] and the fourth major issue were going to tackle is were going to confi judge neal gorsuch to he u. S. Supreme court. The confirmation hearings start next week. I fully expect to see democrats lighting their hair on fire. They may actually literally light their hair on fire. I expect them to scream and yell and do everything they can to impugn the good judges integrity. But i expect next week also the American People are going to see a judge, a principleled constitutionalist, who will follow the law, who will uphold the bill of rights, who will uphold free speech, who will uphold religious liberty, who will uphold the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, who will keep his oath to the constitution and to defend the people of the United States of america. [applause] you know what, if we do all of that, if we repeal obamacare, if we see fundamental reg reform, if we see fundamental tax reform, and we confirm a strong conservative to the Supreme Court, 2017 will be a blockbuster year. Cheers and applause] so every one of you can turn to your neighbor and say thank you. Because it is each of you that got us here to where were today, that put us in a position to recapture the country. And it is each of you that is Holding Us Accountable to keep our promise to defend liberty, to defend the constitution, and to defend the United States of america. Thank you, and god bless you cheers and applause] lets get a picture. Senator ted cruz cheers and applause] all right. You got you know, they say that you cant primary these guys out. They are the only people that can run government. It happens. Its live radio. I love the fact that ted cruz is literally walking through the crowd right now shaking hands. Thats why you love him. Whenever theres a primary challenge, the establishment always laughs, right . It will never happen. Youll never who are these nobody that is think they are going to come in here and challenge us . I got two words for you dave rat. Representative david brat. All right. Mr. Brat how we doing . It figures i got to follow senator ted cruz much hes out there brownnosing after he gives a stemwinder. Thanks for doing all you do. I thought he was in the hockey warming hut grabbing hot cocoa. I went to high school in minnesota this is like spring day, right . This is nothing. Were all tough. We got it made. Its an honor to be here. Senator mike lee is right down here getting ready to clean up. So im here with all the heroes of the freedom movement. I want to he jussa everything i was going to say. Im going to go back to basic just a little bit. By the way, who is here from virginia . All right who is here from the seventh district of virginia . All right. Thank you, guys. Thanks for coming out. Thats my district. In my view, three things made this country great. First and foremost, the judeochristian tradition without which you dont get anything else. Out of that comes the rule of law, you got moses, paul ryan looks out at moses first thing every time. Finally, at the end, if you really get lucky, i wore my adam smith tie, what do you get tend of the tradition . Freedom market and freedom and all the guys that made us great, most of which come from virginia by the way, ill brag a little bit. Thomas jefferson, james madison, etc. What are we really here fighting for today . Were fighting for our freedom. Right now who is in charge of your health care . You or the federal government . Thats the issue. Thats what were fighting for. So when you go back and talk common sense to the average person back home, when you say youre going to repeal obamacare, does that mean the federal governments still in charge of your health care . Right. Thats what were fighting for. So ted cruz was just up here, rand paul, been on every tv show the last two weeks you turn on the tv, theres all the senators fighting for us. And senator ted cruz is breaking the china into the china shop, right . The rest of the senate is telling us, hey, we have this parliamentarian and they make the rules and we cant put what we want over to the senate. What do we got to say about that . Who do we want in the chair on that day . Vice president pence. Lets put him in the chair. Heres what we got to do. Whats driving the prices . Obamacare the prices are going up by 25 right now, right . Under the new bill, underneath the house bill, the c. B. O. Says prices will go down by 10 . Now, let me see if bewee got some math majors out here. Prices are going up by 25 . If we reduce it by 10, how much are prices still going up . 15. Is that good enough for you . You think we got to keep going. All right. That price reduction came from getting rid of insurance regulations. One of them, the bronze, platinum, silver thing. Got rid of one. Save 10 . You think we ought to get rid after few more . Thats it. All right. So thats called bucket two. Thats what leadership is promising comes next. First we make government bigger and then we promise you free markets later. Do you think we ought to do socialism first and then try to work in free markets . No. Mr. Brat or do you think we ought to start with free markets and then take care of those truly in need which this country always does . All right. Im with you. They told me four minutes. Im probably already over. But its an honor to be with you, guys. Thats the main thing we got to do, right, is keep it straight, keep it simple. You got to get the federal government out of health care. Thats the issue. Of you are writing of you are letters into newspapers . How many are you lying right now . All right. We need you. You are the voice of america. Your freedom. And by the way, has anyone thanked adam brandon lately . Adam in Freedom Works puts this all together. These are the heroes behind the scenes that makes freedom happen. Keep lighting it up, spread the good word and god bless you and thanks for letting me say hey. God bless. [applause] representative dave brat. Ou got to take that mike back. You know its amazing having Freedom Works invite Jenny Beth Martin and the tea Party Patriots and there are other organizations here in washington, d. C. That have been doing this for a long time. And its one of the few organizations that loves talk radio so much. Andrew they have a studio inside their offices. Im talking about the heritage foundation. Please welcome the executive Vice President of ommunications, dan holler. Dan how are yall doing . Youre cold . Yeah. I do need a hat. I am going to be real quick. Mike lee is coming up next and hes going to be awesome. I want to tell you something that dave brat didnt tell you. Speaker ryan was right about something. He didnt know he was right, but he was right. We have a binear choice. We can either binary choice. Can either get rid of obamacare or keep it in place. The bill keeps it in place. We reject that choice, right . Hey, its really important, though, its not just right now. We need to look at history. We can learn from history. Back in 2003, the chairman of the r. S. C. , the republican study committee, went to the house floor and stood up and said, you know what, despite the best efforts of my leadership, i cannot vote for this bill. Its the largest entitlement expansion in 65 years, and i will not do it. That guy, that was mike pence. Hes the Vice President of the United States now. Mike pence was a beacon of hope for all the conservatives in twee when republicans were expand 2003 when republicans were expanding entitlements. We need new leaders in washington right now to stand up. We saw mark meadows, jim jordan, dave brat, tom cotton, mike lee who will be up here, ted cruz. They are leading this fight, and our congressional leaders need to follow them so we can actually repeal obamacare. We can do it. They need to hear your voice to make it happen because its not just what happens up here, its what you all want and they need to hear that so thank you for being up here and remember, we can do this. We can actually repeal obamacare. [applause] all right. Once again we are broadcasting live on sirius x. M. Splite radio, channel 125. I was actually going back over to the broadcast position to do the top of the hour. But i figured i would do it from this mike. When i use the phrase intellectual constitutional conservative i apply that to very few people. There are very few people that i call intellectual constitutional conservatives because its tough. It means understanding how the government works. Andrew it means sometimes believing in something but saying loudly, hey, this is not for the government. There are very few people that could separate their opinions from what it is they believe about government. Whether were talking about samesex marriage or abortion or Wealth Redistribution or whatever it is, it is very tough for people to separate their opinions from their knowledge of the constitution. Im almost speaking out for our next guest because senator mike lee is one of those people that when it comes to adherence of the constitution, i can think of few who are more intellectual, more passionate and more understanding about how this governnt is supposed to work. Please give it up for senator mike lee. [applause] senator lee thank you, andrew wilkow. I am a big fan of your show. If you dont listen you should. My name is mike lee. I come from a state called utah. [applause] and its snowing. We dont technically call this snow in utah but well let it pass for that. You know, i ran for the United States senate a few years ago. I was elected in 2010, and i decided to run for the senate because ive come to believe that the federal government has become too big and too expensive. Anybody agree with that . [applause] and it has become that way specifically because it forgot about the reason why it was created in the first place. It forgot about the rules that are designed to keep you, we the people in charge of our own government rather than the other way around. Our Founding Fathers understood from sad experience that bad things happen when you let too few people exercise all the power. Its bad, isnt it . I mean, look, human beings are flawed. They make mistakes. Theyre redeemable but theyre flawed and they tend to abuse power when they get too much of it. Thats why we came up with this brilliant compromise that is the u. S. Constitution. I happen to have a copy of it right here. [applause] its right there. By the way, the only reason i know anything about it is because i read it. I encourage you to do the same. These words are still simple. Theyre still easy to understand. They are still words that we need to read all the time. I read it all the time and yet i keep it with me every time so i can refer it. Sometimes you get it messed up so i encourage you to read it. I wrote a book called the laws of our constitution. That helps too. This is the most important part. That constitution defines power in two ways. Divides power first along the vertical axis by saying most the power is supposed to stay close to the people at the state and local people with you, right . And then it says, within washington, we got three branches. One that makes the law, one that enforces the law, one that interprets the law. Well, you know what weve seen over the last 80 years, under the leadership of both political parties, weve seen both of those protections ignored. Weve seen both of them weakened. Weve seen power taken away from you the people in two steps. First, the power is taken from the people, from the 50 states and moved to washington and within washington its been transferred to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. Has this been good for you . Has this been good for government burra . Has it been good for a smal number of entrenchedlites . Do we need to turn that around and return to the constitution . Yes, we do yes, we can, and yes, we will [applause] now, you want to know Something Interesting thats happened. As we have taken power away from the people, from the people to washington, within washington over to the xecutive branch bureaucrats, a very few people have gotten really rich and really powerful off this arrangement. You want to know Something Interesting . Six of our nations 10 wealthiest counties are now suburbs of washington, d. C. This is an area that manufacturers nothing. This is an area that is not a banking hub. Its not a home to any vast of natural resources. Its not a technological innovation hub. No. The power is here and the money is here and the only reason the money is here is because the power is here. The power needs to be turned back to you, the American People. [applause] which brings us to why were here today. Seven years ago next week, Congress Passed the Affordable Care act, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act. I know. Its got this orwellian name because what it does is exactly the opposite. Has it made your Health Insurance more affordable . No. Senator lee weve seen Health Care Prices skyrocket. Now, its been really good for a handful of Insurance Company, hasnt it . Its been really good for a handful of bureaucrats, hasnt it . But its hurt everyone else. So thats why the story of obamacare is consistent with the story of the rest of the constitution. Weve got to return power back to the people. You know Something Interesting. Franklin d. Roosevelt used to refer to the forgotten man. He wanted to be the friend of the forgotten man. He borrowed that term from somebody else, grant sumpter, who wrote about it in the late 1800s. The forgotten man was exactly like somebody like you and me. The forgotten man and woman is the hardworking taxpayer who just wants to put bread on the tae for his family, who isnt ther who isnt necessarily the target of any governmt program. He just wants to be free. He wants to prosper and he does best when the government allows him to do what he does best which is work hard to provide for his own family. Its the forgotten man thats suffered most under this program. Its the forgotten man thats been punished even as corporate and government elites in washington have been made richer and more powerful by more growth of government and its time for us to turn that around. [applause] starting a couple years ago after we got the majority, the republicans got the majority in the senate, we already had the majority in the house of representatives in part because of obamacare, we started talking about passing an Obamacare Repeal bill. We were told by a few people in the house of representatives that all we could pass was a watered down version of obamacare, one that didnt get rid of a lot of the programs. They were not right. We ended up passing something much more aggressive than that, and that can be the case here too. Its time for us to make a decision. Are we going to repeal obamacare . Are you going to encourage each of your senators and your representatives to do the same . Audience yes senator loe will you stand with me of putting the doctors and patients in charge of their own Health Care Decisions . We can do this together, folks. We must and we will. Thank you very much. [applause] senator mike lee. All right. So here we are. You guys have been out in the cold. I have been out in the cold. This is the part now where you guys go and, again, Storm Congress. So what im going to do, i am going to go back over to the broadcast position and i am going to bring up director of events for Freedom Works whos going to wrap this up and in you guys go. Give it up for noah wall. Noah hello, team. Now we have to go Storm Congress. [applause] i need you guys to split into your teams that you came with. Most of you guys came by buses. I need you guys to the team leaders to raise up your placards. I need you to join your team and go talk to your members of congress and tell them why we need to repeal obamacare. Tell them why they need to keep their promises. We have to make this happen. So join with your team. Lets make this happen. Thank you and i am going to ass it back to our good friend. Thank you so much. Hey, guys. One last thing. 388873. Repeal to 388873. Full repeal. Ill make sure Freedom Works gets all your Contact Information so we know who was here today. Thank you. All right, guys, lets get it done. If you werent a member of a group, join me right around here and we will get you guys taken care of, set up and go in and talk to your members of congress. Thank you, guys, again. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] tomorrow, the House Budget Committee takes up the Republican Health care plan, one of the final steps before it reaches the house floor. The Congressional Budget Office scored that bill on monday. Well have live coverage on cspan2 starting at 10 00 a. M. Eastern time tomorrow. A short time ago our capitol hill producer tweeted out this video on the plan from House Majority whip steve scalise. You see him talking about how this bill accomplishes our goals, puts patients back in charge of costs, reducing the deficit. What has to be done to get that . Are you concerned about this getting out of the Budget Committee because of the reconciliation rules that has to live within the reconciliation . Mr. Scalise weve gone through two different committees. Every republicans voted yes. Everyone democrat voted no because were gutting obamacare. At the same time both committees its passed through represent the entire breath of our conference. Everybody from tuesday group to Freedom Caucus to r. S. C. You see unanimous votes amongst republicans every step of the way. We are working out some final details to make the bill even better and there are some great conservative wins already in this bill. And also, the most important thing is it achieves the goal that both President Trump and House Republicans have been talking about for years and that is to gut obamacare, repeal it and replace it with reforms that puts patients back in charge of the health care and lower costs. Are those final things easy to do to make this bill right and describe the pce . Caseel treave be cnglrdyn e llhaa mb hesk r. S. Emrsersanghe wa tca t t cdi atasutntheasof thbi. Loofemrsaith dnanhe excsi tbe tohebeus itilyhe re tkshath t cliowa gngo en u ulmalyhawa inrpat io e ll so tre aumr ootr wh iulcoidin ans atavbi iac senheng fed f mies andor ste a eamecalebiti rey tsil ilpumon er naib] ainheou bge mmitteak uhe reblaneah rela. Torr wel veiv cere sp2 arngt 100 a. Stn me nfmaon hri f pre uromeeei rsh wl aron mda d sp3 wl ckff whs eecd tbehr, fo ds hris th dggoucteifng on esy. Veovagstts mdaat 0eaeraninud yr aconnde he pretime ais ll yocalslien to e heinon ourrecan raopp mo le vegehi teooat 20 stn me lileve10inutes fm w. Thseteudia cmiee coiteoongt russn atmpo dein decriearndheor domofheooheus ierren veme erio. Eaofha aoronf das shgt jrnal o gornnt tnsrey d cotali. Wainonoual ntue ho o tlehimoin o wdeic ecuve reorfhenlht fodaonertoalabt

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