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We have been through 10 elections at the accf. We have interacted with the economic advisers of many of the candidates. That has been our strong point, whether it be the obstacles in 2008 Glenn Hubbard is on our board. Were looking for ideas, and obviously what is going on in the u. S. Election has impacted abroad. If there are any diplomats here from bulgaria, south africa, were others, if you want to come together with an idea on the election and the ramifications, we would be very interested. Again, i thank you, your suggestions are always welcome. It is a busy time for everybody. We appreciate you taking the time to be with us today. Thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] live now just outside of phoenix, arizona, republican president ial candidate donald trump is set to speak at a campaign rally. The event being held in community of Fountain Hills, arizona. The home of sheriff joe arpaio. Arizona voters going to the polls this coming tuesday to vote in the president ial primary. We expect the candidate to arrive in just a few moments. Meanwhile, Media Outlets in arizona are reporting the protesters are blocking a main highway leading into the phoenix suburb where donald trump is set to hold a campaign rally. Protesters parked their cars in the middleoftheroad, unfurling banners with antitrump slogans and chanting trump is hate. Drivers honked their horns and frustration. The shirts deputies would ask the protesters to move and if they do not comply, they will forcibly remove them. We are in Fountain Hills, arizona. Northeast of Downtown Phoenix. Donald trump is set to speak to his supporters there. This is live road to the white house coverage on cspan. We are live in Fountain Hills, arizona, just outside of phoenix, waiting for a campaign who isor donald trump set to appear here in arizona. Voters in arizona going to the polls on tuesday in their president ial primary. Candidateait for the to arrive, we will show you the discussion on the possibility of a brokered or contested Republican Convention this summer, a discussion from this mornings washington journal. Is a good chance that nobody will come into the Republican Convention with the majority of the delegates needed to clinch the nomination. Right now, donald trump is the only candidate left in the field who has a viable mathematical path to get there. Win 80 would need to of the delegates, john kasich, it is mathematically impossible. Donald trump is the only candidate who has an opportunity to reach this magic number, but , it becomes a contested convention. Host our coverage of conventions in recent years, it has been largely a coronation ceremony. People say brokered convention. What is the difference . Guest they generally mean the same thing. If no candidate comes in with the majority of the delegates, it will be a contested or open content convention. We have our first round of balloting. This time around, there is a chance that none of the candidates will have the necessary delegates and after the first round of balloting, if no candidate is able to get enough delegates, we move on to a second round of balloting. Reports of the delegates become unbound and they dont have to support the candidates they came into the convention bound to. Host donald trump leading the pack with 673 in terms of delegates. Another round of primaries coming up tuesday. Arizona, utah and idaho. Guest idaho on the democratic side. Host arizona and utah on the republican side. What is the magic number . Guest we may not know until june 7. There arent a lot of big delegaterich states left on the calendar. Every week we have a handful of dates here and there. It will be important because donald trump is about on track where he needs to be. He is about 97 where he needs to be. Every state, no matter how big or small, every delegate is going to matter in the end. We may not know until june 7 the outcome whether there is 300 delegates at stake, whether donald trump clinches the nomination, or if we going to have open convention. Host we are going to open the phone lines. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488002 for independents. The doctor withdrawn candidates delegates, marco rubio had 169 delegates, one for mike huckabee, four for jeb bush, ben carson had eight. They spread out, the delegates are somewhat bound to the candidate, 39. Some, a candidate can choose to release the delegate, in the case of marco rubio, 42. 98 become free agents. Is there any chance these numbers, particular the marco rubio delegates, can help ted cruz . Guest absolutely. This will be important to watch, these unbound delegates were not pledged. Going in saying we have a contested convention, almost all of them will be bound to a candidate on the first ballot more than 90 . That is still a sizable chunk that is not bound. And donald trump who is only 200 or so short, the delegates will be really crucial who supported a different candidate and now dropped out. They are free to support with a watch. Thats who they want. They are free to support who they want. A handful of states like colorado, they did not hold a preference poll, so they are elected delegates directly. Those are unbound. They will play a huge role in this. Host in terms of the next primary, are they preparing for the potential what are they doing to prepare for the potential of a contested convention . Guest the important thing to keep in mind, even though donald trump, john kasich, and ted cruz have earned a lot of delegates, we do not acting of who they whoe do not actually know they are. Most candidates dont have a lot of say over who the delegates are. In most cases it is state parties that control the process. Campaigns that be really well organized. Many to go to each convention and make sure they have their people running for the delegate slots, they stay with them in the convention in cleveland. Host we go to the first caller in florida, independent line. Good morning, jim. Caller good morning, i will make a brief statement of my analysis, and i would like to hear what the gentleman has to say. I do like any of this matters. Its not like any of this matters. What i think is happening is you have hillary on one side with her leftwing corporatist backers, powerbrokers. On the right side you have rightwing powered brokers, and you have trump and ted cruz go. D i think plan b was always marco rubio, but plan c was always Hillary Clinton. We can live with that. If i put in a briar type, they get corporate wishes. The rightwing wing people dont get the social issues. Hillary gets it, she puts in another ginsburg when she goes. In the rightwing elite go and look at the voters, the trump and ted cruz voters say listen to us. It is all a big scam when they go to a brokered convention or another candidate. The only need to shift a 5 of vote. I appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Host real distrust of the process. Guest this is going to be a huge issue for the republicans. Even if donald trump enters the convention and isnt the nominee, he will have more delegates than anyone else. Donald trump said there would say there was protests if it there would be protests and riots if it doesnt happen. Youve got to be careful with this, even if donald trump comes into the convention without having clinched the nomination, they does the would it mean for his supporters if he doesnt win the nomination. They could revolt and look to a thirdparty, and that would divide them. Host lets go to the republican line in san diego. Roberto. Caller as a lifelong republican, although i voted for whoever i thought would do the best job in local elections, donald trump brought on his own problems with his mouth. I have been offended by them, and im a white 79yearold woman. I never speak about people in the way he has spoken. I understand that there is a bit of truth to a lot of things he says. By scooping everybody up and making all hispanic drug dealers and rapists and stuff like that, he has brought on his own grief within the party. He has brought that on himself. He cant blame anyone else. I dont know if it is worth it to throw our values as a country away just to get elected for anybody, whether it is mr. Obama and that administration or mr. Trump running for president. I do think he will surround himself with people who are intelligent and informed and who will give him good advice, and i do think they will listen, which i dont think we have to listen we have in this administration today. Guest you talked about some of the more establishment aligned republicans who are being forced to choose between donald trump or ted cruz. Someone actually prove donald choose donald trump because they could at least work with them, he is malleable, can be flexible. Donald trump has said himself he can be flexible. Ted cruz is more set in his ways. They foresee him tougher to work with. Host this goes to your point about what you talked about with campaigns having to work each state in terms of their state conventions or the meetings to select delegates. I would assume those delegates are a bit more they are party people. They participated in the party for some period of time, whether three years or 30 years. Adam 44 of 56 States Holding republican contests, these are elected through the state party. These are not just going to be random people off the street. They are people involved in the state party, whether they are activists or donors. Many of them may be uncomfortable with donald trump, and may be bound to him on the first ballot, but moving beyond that, they become unbound and they are free to support another candidate. Host have you heard anything to reach out to those delegates who are not elected so far . Guest the Ted Cruz Campaign is the most active on this front, making sure they have paid staffers on the ground and states that have already voted. They are trained to keep activists networks in place. They seem to be making the biggest push to ensure these people are on the delegate slates. Even if they have a support a have to support a different candidate on the first round, it will be with them on the second. Host adam wollner is a Political Correspondent for the National Journal. We go next to pittsburgh. Our democrats line. Caller good morning. I would like to get the reporters opinion about something i saw last night on the Rachel Maddow show. She had the man who organized for ron paul during the 2012 campaign. He said that donald trump is not that organized. When they get to the state convention, he said in fact louisiana had theirs already. He said, i guarantee you donald Trump Delegates are not going to be loyal to donald trump after that first ballot, because i guarantee they are left over Rick Santorum and mitt romney delegates from 2012. Donald trump has not been organized enough to get slates in all of these state conventions. His opinion was, unless donald trump walks in with 1237, if he walks in with 1236, they will not be loyal after that first ballot. He has zero chance of getting the nomination no matter how bad it looks. I would like his opinion on that. Guest that is a great point. Donald trump does not have the has not had the strongest amount of damage in strongest ground game in any of the states that voted so far. He has gotten so much Media Coverage and people are able to see him and see if they want to support him even if they werent contacted by the campaign. This will be really important going back, you mentioned how ted cruz is really organized. Kasich does not have the materials to be organized. And ted cruz does. If trump does not come into the convention with the 1237 number, i dont think he has the organization to make sure his delegates are going to stay with him throughout the convention process. Host whether or not is it is contested, the chairman aims to switzerland. We are getting our minds around the idea that this could very well become a reality, and therefore those of us involved in the convention into respect to that. He spoke to reporters on capitol hill during a briefing. Here is what he had to say. [video clip] paul ryan i learned after becoming speaker of the convention, so i will obviously have to hone up on all the rules and those things. My goal is to be dispassionate and to be switzerland. Be neutral and dispassionate and make sure the rule of law prevails. And make sure the delegates make their decision however the rule is required to do that. I will appoint myself with these i will acquaint myself with these things very i am pretty busy trying to get Congress Moving in the right direction. Host it would also seem to be difficult to be switzerland in the heat of the brokered convention. Guest there is only so much he can do, because a lot of these rules are set in place in the state. If they cant really change a lot of things going into the convention. So for paul ryan, this is really all he can do right now. People are floating his name as a permanent white night in the balloting. Even john boehner floated him as a potential nominee. Paul ryan shut that down immediately. Host independent line, and we have dale in new jersey. Caller hi, i have been supporting Bernie Sanders up to this point, and contributed 350 in support. My concern is that if you look at the history in 1968, you had a brokered convention in chicago where hubert humphrey, who had not even been on the ballot, ended up being that candidate. The democrats were out of office until watergate. Realistically, if it had not ,een for the watergate scandal they could have been out another 12 years. My concern as a sanders supporter, and i think everyone in the country should be concerned about, is that millions of voters have chosen for their candidate, and the petty bosses and their tools have the option to ignore them. And to this end, i am wondering, only to hear your guests opinion, if we should march on the cleveland convention, if that would help people do the right thing. If these invisible voters who if it wouldlect be harder to neglect the voters if there were 2 Million People standing outside the convention. Guest it will be very tough for republicans to ignore the trump nomination if he comes in with a plurality, which looks like will happen. On the democratic side, it is different. A lot of Bernie Sanders supporters are upset with the way the superdelegate system works, where you have these unpledged delegates were state Party Leaders who are free to escort any candidate. You dont have this on the republican side. On the democratic side, when Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins the contest, they get so many pledged delegates. States have superdelegates that are free to support any delegate they want. They have gone for Hillary Clinton overwhelmingly. She has a overwhelming lead in the pledged delegates but also the superdelegates. She has an insurmountable lead. On the republican side, we dont have the same system. It is all unpledged delegates. It is not until you get through multiple rounds of voting that the delegates are free to support whoever they want. Host lets go to the republican anita ineed a in alabama. Caller good morning. This talk about bernie i am a trump supporter. He is not a politician. I was looking at his business sense, and this country is in such trouble. We are in such a financial mess. I dont like the demonstrators. They are being paid. Dream we would ever consider a socialist in this country. That is total government control. Ted cruz, if you go back to the first debate, he is getting things off of Donald Trumps message and copycating now. And hillary, i call her and obama 3d. Host i need to let you go. A little noisy in the background. We are talking about the potential for a contested convention. An obscure committee could go decide the gop nomination. Kyle cheney wrote that the four remaining candidates are oily preparing for the obscure Rulemaking Committee that could control the balance of power in a contested Republican National convention in july. He writes, the 112 Member Rules Committee has enormous influence over the partys outcome in the final fight. Tell us about their role. Guest most of the rules are set in stone, but there are certain things they can do in july if they dont have the nominee, make it easier for one candidate or another to become the nominee. The other is rule 40, which says to become the nominee you have to win a majority of the delegates in eight states. So far only donald trump has done that, and theres a chance he could be the only delegate who has reached that threshold by july. The reason this was put in place in the first place was because in 2012, mitt romneys campaign was worried that ron paul does such a good job going to conventions and getting delegates in place, they were stealing delegates in states. Mitt romney was worried about this so they put this rule in place you have got to have a majority of delegates in eight states, and that would eliminate ron paul from becoming the nominee. But now this is coming back to bite them. If nobody outside of trump has a majority in eight states. That is the type of rule they could change in this convention. This committee could still change rules in certain ways to help a nontrump candidate become the nominee. Host karen tweets that we heard a few days ago the gop delegates can change the rules one week before the convention. You talked about some of things they can change right up to the convention. Guest there will be a meeting in this rules committee a week before the convention. Normally this kind of business, no one really pays attention. It can be pretty important when what they decide a week before. But it is also important to remember most of the rules are based into the cake at this point. Host cspan has covered a number of those rules meetings ahead of the convention. I cant say we would will this time. We will ahead of the convention this summer. Springfield, massachusetts, n on the democrats line. Caller thank you for accepting my call. My main comment has to do with the fact that we are dealing with partisan politics, in the Political Party has responsibility and the obligation and the privilege of establishing rules for the party. We generally only deal with two parties. Several years ago, as the election of president barack obama came on the scene the tea party. It became a part of the Republican Party. It should have been an organized party, separate from the Republican Party. Although, if that had happened, a lot of things have happened since that time in terms of the republican takeover of the congress would not have happened. So now the dilemma is, some of the people who are out front in the Republican Party now came on the scene as a result of the tea party. And now they are faced with the dilemma of having to deal with the rules of the established establishment of the Republican Party that have been in business for a whole bunch of years. I would like to hear the gentlemans comment on party part it on Party Politics and why, quite often, third parties do not work. Why people sometimes dont organize third parties, fourth parties. Host all right, appreciate that. Guest weve heard a lot about third parties this weekend. Even this week that was a group of conservatives in washington this week to discuss the possibility of a third party if donald trump is the nominee. You have trump as the republican nominee and you have a conservative running, that would essentially hand the election to the democrats, because you are splitting the republican vote two ways. Whether trump is the nominee and conservatives decided to run a third party, or if trump also doesnt become the nominee and he decides to run as a third party, because his supporters are so upset, they may split that republican vote two ways. That would essentially give the election to the democrats. Host adam wollner is a political reporter for National Journal. 2027488000 for democrats, 2027488001 for republicans, 2027488002 for independents. It is up to the Convention Delegates to stop trump. T is the headline predict that is the headline. Party leaders hope the gop still gop stalwarts in cleveland will derail candidates they hope that is pretty high hope. Guest it goes back to that, we entered the first round of balloting in the convention, most of the delegates are bound. When i get to the second and third round and beyond that, more than 3 4 of the delegates become on down to. A lot of them are. They have been in the party for a while, chances are they are not happy with donald trump. This may be the last chance from republicans who want to stop trump. It is turning these delegates against trump at the convention. Host you mentioned this rule 40, and we had a tweet about that, a question for you. Does that rule require eight state wins, requiring eight state wins, to put a person only apply toto nomination the first ballot and not is it just the first ballot or beyond . Guest it is a majority of delegates, you dont have to necessarily win eight states. This role might actually get rewritten regardless of whether trump is the nominee or not. This is something they had put in place for years ago to kind put in place four years ago to kind of protect themselves against any sort of ron paul revolution, as he would have called it at the convention, four years ago. A lot of the rules change when these delegates become unbound. Steve is in minnesota on our republican line. Go ahead. Caller thank you. Adam, thank you very much for sharing your time with cspan viewers this morning. Heres my question. At theld is jolted convention and does not get the , hillarys nomination begins to stumble over her email debacle, would there be time for donald to get on the states and run50 a thirdparty candidacy and then what happens if he wins a plurality of the votes if he does that . Thank you very much. Guest that is an important point. Time is already running short if someone wants to run as the thirdparty candidate. If donald trump or anybody else waits until after the convention to launch a thirdparty bid, it will be too late to get on the ballot in most states. Host let me ask you about the timing of naming a bite president ial candidate. Naming a Vice President ial candidate. They unveiled their pick ahead of the convention we heard a lot about this. Guest something my colleague wrote about for the National Journal this week. ,f it is a contested convention a Vice President ial slot could powerfulpart best bargaining chip could become a powerful bargaining chip. You can always say i know we dont agree on everything, but i will pick this person, somebody who is more conservative or moderate to shore up my weaknesses. That could limit time for vetting a price Vice President ial pick. They have to all of a sudden select somebody at this convention help dish to help secure the nomination. Host ellen in cheverly, maryland. Democrats line. Caller hello. I am a democrat. Im calling in reference to donald trump. I have followed him for years. Im 70 years old. Donald trump is really dividing america. He istoo rich to fail, putting blacks and whites against each other when we are in the same boat together. Im trying to figure out what his issues are. , they arenknown to me fear and they threaten our democracy. Donald trump came in as a republican. I feel he could have walked in as a democrat because all he is doing is hijacking the Republican Party. I think the Republican Party needs to stand up and fight for what they stand for and not be dictated to by donald trump. Host in terms of the mechanics is itting the nomination, easier for him to run as a just inan or democrat, terms of the process of getting delegates, superdelegates in the case of democrats . Guest probably as a republican this time around because they do not have the superdelegates. A lot of republicans who oppose donald trump wish they had the same ability as the democrats to have superdelegates come in and support a different candidate. It is probably easier for him to run as your public and. Donna inependent line, maryland. Caller thank you. I appreciate the time. In regardsestion is, to rule 40, i would like to know the guest speakers opinion as to whether or not you believe the gop is going to attempt to rule 40 inhange order to block trump. The way it sits right now, he actually correct me if im wrong, i dont believe he would need to have that 1237 if he has the majority of those eight states as well as the majority of delegates. Please comment on that. My second question, quickly, if you could comment on the email issue pertaining to hillary. Is that a divergent by the gop diversion by the gop or do you think theres a criminal indictment possibility . Guest rule 40 would not matter for donald trump if he doesnt have the 1237. You need a majority of delegates and a majority of the delegates in at least eight states. That is the extra provision. It will probably be rewritten before the convention. Host she asked if the email issue will be the diversion for Hillary Clinton. Guest it will continue to come up for her no matter what. It feeds into that argument republicans are making that she is untrustworthy and she is hiding something. This is something republicans will continue to attack Hillary Clinton on. Host chris in silver spring, maryland. Republican. It has diluted the chance of selecting republican conservatives. We in the getting john mccain and mitt romney and now, trump. Trump reminds me of aaron burr, a rogue. I will take your comments. Thank you. Guest this is an overlooked part of the primary process. Some states hold open contests, meaning independents or even democrats can vote in a republican primary. So far, trump has done a lot better in open contests versus the closed contests because hes relied a lot on bernie, new people in the process and people who have not traditionally been republicans have come out to support him. Hes doing just as well with republicans as he is among independents. Cruz has done well in some contests because of the pure ideological republicans. Will be covering donald trump today, a rally in arizona, live coverage coming up from phoenix, this afternoon at 2 00 p. M. Eastern here on cspan and cspan radio. The wall street journal today has the question, can the wisdom of the crowds predict the next president . Its anyones guess who will be the next president. An interactive marketplace is a candidateether will win the white house. On the issue of a brokered pivoted theirey poll, guesses of people. Odds a Gop Convention fails to produce a nominee on a first vote, you see the number rising from the eight up through this past tuesday. And then it drops off. Interest peaking up again. Sayst to show a tweet that i think the media is running the brokered convention idea. It is all i hear now. Some interest in peoples polls, is it just a media idea or blowing hot air . Guest it would be much more exciting than just your usual convention. Donald trump still has a very good shot of wrapping this thing up before we get to the convention. It is tough to say what the odds are right now. We probably will not even know whether or not this thing will be settled or whether it will be a contested convention until june 7. Thats when these big states big states will vote. A good shot at a contested convention, but donald trump is still in a good position to have this thing locked up. Jersey on ourew democrats line. I have a fundamental problem with the concept of particularly a candidate winning an entire in a close contest. Supporter, but it seems extremely unfair the way they have done donald trump. If they were not going to accept him as the nominee, why did they let him participate in the process at all . Why didnt they just stop him from being one of the delegates . That you have superdelegates who have their own choices and then you have people that go to the polls and vote and select the candidate they want. And superdelegates can turn right around and select who they want. Isnt there a constitutional problem there in terms of one man, one vote . Guest there isnt, just because this is a party run process, this is the way theyve always done it. The delegates are ultimately deciding this. To an outsider, it can be confusing or even seem unfair. If delegates were pledged to one candidate at first, they can switch and go against the voters in that state. Trumps something a lot of supporters will bring up and used to bolster their case if we end up having a contested convention. Host a question on twitter. Who is eligible in an open Republican Convention . Could someone like romney step in . Guest theoretically, yes, someone else could step in if we have multiple rounds of balloting. If we go through multiple rounds of voting, note candidate no candidate emerges as the consensus pick, the rules allow for mitt romney or paul ryan to step in at that moment and try to bring the delegates over to his side. The possibility of that would be pretty slim. Host linda in tennessee. Independent line. Caller good morning. In november, if they knock trump in his will all ride name. I used to be a democrat, changed and voted for mitt romney. What did we end up getting . An empty suit. Thank you. Guest republicans do not face a lot of good options at this point because the party has already been split. You are either for trump or against him. Whether he becomes the nominee or not, you will have a large faction of the party that is not happy with the outcome. It would be very tough for them to beat Hillary Clinton who will likely have a United Democratic party behind her. The headline in the wall street journal this morning. Obamas Approval Rating rises. The gallup poll rose above 50 come a significant shift from of 2014. N the low fall what is the role of president note president obama in what is likely to be Hillary Clintons campaign . Guest hes eager to play a role in helping a democratic nominee win because he wants his legacy to live on after he leaves office. He doesnt want a republican to step in and reverse everything hes done over the past eight years. That speaks to the fact that obama is not quite occupying the spotlight the way he was a year ago. President obama can play a role by raising money, getting democrats fired up to continue what he has accomplished. Host lets hear from our republican line. Fort lauderdale, florida. Caller good morning. Thest wanted to mention Trump Supporters crying that if he has more delegates than anybody else im sure none of them cried about president gore. Rules are the rules. If donald trump cannot get a this greathen dealmaker should be able to make a deal to form a coalition. If you cannot do that, either, he cannot be the standardbearer. This is an empty suit, a demagogue and this will destroy not only the Republican Party but this country. Tilde trump guys to quit whining. Tell the trump guys to quit whining. Host new jersey. Demirel deborah on independent line. Caller you were talking about the various estate various thee conventions so that delegates chosen their that eventually go to the convention have you ever read a book called americas lost opportunity . About all the various shenanigans that went on at the 2012 convention in which at therules Committee National rnc at the convention before it started actually to change theles threshold of states needed for plurality of delegates for a candidates name to be put into nomination. It was not a matter of romney it was about stealing an absolute orchestrated the dedentialing of delegates credentialing of delegates. The changing of the rules right before the convention started, that was something the media put in their pocket. Guest the Ron Paul Campaign was very organized and making sure they had all their delegates organized in 2012. A lot of campaigns can take lessons from that. Withll be very important the state and local conventions coming up, they need their people to remain loyal to them. Host you can read his reporting at national at nationaljournal. Com. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] we are live still in Fountain Hills, arizona, just outside of phoenix, waiting for donald trump. He was expected to start this a vent about 50 minutes ago, he has been running late. Convoy,stand a motorcade is in route en route from phoenix to downtown Fountain Hills. This to you live as our road to the white house coverage continues here on cspan. The mains blocked highway leading into the phoenix suburb where donald trump was preparing to hold a campaign rally. Hillweet from the showing some of the protesters blocking a road leading up to according to the Arizona Department of public safety, those demonstrators dissipated before any threatened arrests were made. That according to az central. Protesters appear to be heading toward the rally in Fountain Hills park, which began at 10 30 a. M. With other speakers. Donald trump was at the Phoenix Convention center in Downtown Phoenix early today to tape an interview with fox news. Law enforcement was still blocking shea boulevard leading to Fountain Hills even though the protesters had left. We are expecting the arrival shortly of donald trump here in Fountain Hills, arizona. Our live coverage here on cspan. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your patience. Mr. Trump has arrived ladies and gentlemen, please welcome state treasurer jeff dewitt [applause] jeff dewitt look at this crowd [applause] jeff dewitt what a great group of americans we have today [applause] dewitt the establishment thetold us that called us silent majority and they tried to give us their candidates. But, we are not silent anymore, are we . [applause] dewitt thank god weve been given the gift of one of our brightest minds in our country, a true Business Success , the man whos going to make , this is the again proof of why more people have already voted in this election than all the people in 2008 and 2012 bid already come with 20 states to go, this and donald trump [applause] jeff dewitt we are so lucky to have him. I dont want to waste too much time, but i will introduce somebody else who is going to talk to you today. It is my pleasure to introduce scorpions author of sayst, the one who hello to governor jan brewer [applause] governor brewer hello, everybody this is so fabulous. Im so honored to be here today with you in support of the next president of the united states, donald trump. Ive known donald for a long time. Hes a man that i know has so much integrity, a thoughtful, kind person. When you sit down with donald and you talk to him, he listens. He has listened to all of you. [applause] brewer we have a president who has failed the american people. It is time for a change. We here in arizona are going to propel donald trump to that seat. You know donald has a terrific agenda. Bringing ouror economy back, he will grow jobs and look out for small business, he will restructure the tax structure and not only that, he is going to build a fence. [applause] [crowd chanting build a wall] governor brewer we are the people. Our votes count. Donald trump has over 2 million more votes than any of the other candidates going into the primary. Onwill have a big victory tuesday. Backresident trump will be to visit us and we will be happy and we will be protected. So, thank you all very, very much for all your support. Gorgeous . T dropdead its beautiful. Today, we have with us, the toughest sheriff in america. [applause] governor brewer sheriff joe will come up here and talk to you in his hometown. Arpaio elcome, sheriff [applause] arpaio thank you. Realizeis now going to where Fountain Hills, arizona is. Great that our next president picked this great town . Anybody, dont tell for security reasons, but you can see my house from here. You know how close i am. My wife can see me on the porch. Thank you for coming. We had a little problem with demonstrators trying to disrupt [crowd boos] sheriff arpaio because of them, you had to get a little more sunshine, but we made it. Three of them are in jail. [applause] arpaio if they think they are going to intimidate you and the next president of the united states, its not going to happen. Not in this town. I want to do this quick because our next president is waiting. I want to say a couple of things about donald trump. Ive been involved in a lot of president ial campaigns. You know that. I met donald when he was here the first time in july. Thousands of people came out to see him. Thousands. Him. I first introduced my gut feeling told me he is different. Also, i a senior citizen, i am not a psychiatrist or anything, but i have a gut feeling. From day one, i knew that this was the guy. This is the guy. From day one. And i have done some introductions of him across the country and i am so proud of him. All of you are because at least weve got somebody who is not afraid to speak out. Or is politically correct. Have great issues like illegal immigration

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