Hello columbus. [cheers] we have had an intense week in the role of peer as tired as we can be and you just gave us a shot of energy. [cheers] this is so cool. This is so cool. [cheers] things, ia couple of what to think roger teeters who just did the introduction. Proud vietnam veteran. [cheers] thing we showed this week in philadelphia is what a patriotic upbeat, optimistic American Party we are in the democratic party. [cheers] and you guys show us the great duty of our country. Wasnt philadelphia so different than that dark and twisted convention that the republican but on the week before . [cheers] i know we had the mayor here and congresswoman and governor strickland will be a fantastic u. S. Senator. Give them a round of applause. [cheers] and i really need that. What we said about philadelphia. We felt that the hospitality with there was great. The spirit of the democratic family was great and it was such a contrast with that kind of dark twisted vision that donald trump says is america but is just a tour through Donald Trumps head and that is a scary place to be. [cheers] great threeday bus tour. We get on the ticket, we do the convention, hop on the bus tour through pennsylvania and ohio talking about job creation, talking about her clintons plans and what we will do with her administration. This is the last up on the tour and it is great to finish strong and columbus. In columbus. [cheers] i want to introduce you to my wife. [cheers] years, we are proud parents of 30. See what the secretary of education in virginia until last monday after i was asked by secretary clinton to become running mate and walked in and said i want to campaign for the ticket and step down from her position and having her on the road with me makes me a very happy warrior. [cheers] shes a great servant. Public servant. And up until the events this money, having other travel buddy during the bus tour, president bill clinton. [cheers] that is pretty cool. Yesterday that ive been in politics for 22 years. I was a city councilman and mayor before i was a governor and senator. Started at the local level. I thought i knew something about politics after 22 years but spending about 15 minutes on a bus with bill clinton, you realize, there is a guy who know some things about politics. Press toxciting be on the tour. For us to be on the tour. [cheers] im so proud to be on this ticket. Clinton, that hilly out of a number of spectacular people who could have been her running mate asked, tim will you do this with me . Im so humbled about this. Im so proud. Has got to be the test qualified person to be a nominee for president of the United States in a very long time. [cheers] im proud and we are having fun. I will go one more reason that im excited about this. Raceple things about the and that i want to do is Hillary Clinton. A historic election. This is historic. [cheers] on the podium thursday night after hilly to her acceptance speech and the boy started falling in my 81yearold mother and my wife were standing there with me, my mom put her arm on my shoulders and said this is the happiest moment of my life. [cheers] of my life. Recent a lot of reason she was saying that and it is this, we were making history not just a nominating the best qualified Major Party Nominee in a very long time, but we were also nominating the first woman to be president. [cheers] of,heres what i thought here thought is what i thought of, how many strong women have helped me in 22 years of politics and Campaign Managers for me, campaign staffers, volunteers, members of my cabinet, supporting me so i could have a great political career, my wife supported me so i could have a great political career just like i supported her in her Public Service career, and if you look at the whole arc of american history, how may strong women have stood behind a strong men leaders, it is time for the strong men of america to show that we can stand up and support a strong woman president of this country. [cheers] hillary. Hillary. Hillary. Hillary. Can i be honest in tight the one bad thing about this week . I have to be honest. Before i was on the ticket, donald trump did not have any reason to come in and. A name. When i got on the ticket he had to figure out how to figure call me a name. The morning after i became the nominee he did a press conference and they took up mike and he said that tim kaine was a lousy governor of new jersey. [laughter] im a sensitive guy. I dont like criticism. I felt that until i realized, i was never governor of new jersey. I never even lived in new jersey. I get donald a break. He is new to this. He is new to this the basic civics, 50 states and virginias different than new jersey. Im sure is that is in the briefing book. Tour and having fun but it is something serious. The American Economy and how to grow. Hillary clinton and donald trump have real different plans. I like making things simple. Would you rather have a europe by a president or a your hired resident you are fired president or a you are hired president . I predict this, after donald trump loses the race and after everyone has forgotten virtually everything about his candidacy, the one thing people will remember about donald trump is two words, youre fired. [cheers] hillary, she will be a your hired president. He will talk a little bit about what we have been talking about and learning about on the trail. Economy was in a freefall at the end of the bush administration. President obama has pulled it out and we are climbing again that we have a long way to go. We need to grow jobs and make sure the growth is not just for a few but that the growth is shared by all and so to do that, hillary has a very dynamic plan about how to grow our economy and growth for all. Training,s skills Major Investments in advanced manufacturing. It involves infrastructure, debtfree college so people can get the skills that they need to be successful. It involves things that should be basic like raising the federal minimum wage so you cant work fulltime. [cheers] it also means making sure that women are entitled to equal pay for equal work. [cheers] basics of the Hillary Clinton your hired plan. Thats what, she is respect for ll the voters to share the details. You go on Hillary Clinton. Com, one click of the mouse and you can see how she will do it. How she will pay for it and how she will benefit. She said this the other night at the convention, i like this line. She said, im going to debut the give you the details. Some people criticize the details. Heres what she said, if it is about your kids, it is about your family, if it is about your business, it aint a big deal. It is not a detail, it is a big deal. [cheers] on the other side of the aisle, no plans. Donald trump, no plans for he taught for 75 minutes at the convention, criticize Hillary Clinton and made a lot of big rod claims without any substance behind it. Questionked donald a he will say im going to create jobs we are going to all be rich or we will be isis or build a wall and make mexico pay for it. And you asking, how are you going to do that . He just says believe me. Believe me. Believe me. Problem, a lot of people have believed donald trump and gotten stiffed, gotten hurt, gotten burned. There are a lot of stories about contractors, hillary and and and i both grew up in families where our debts ran Small Businesses. Welding shop. We are used to businesses. A whole lot of Small Businesses have done deals with donald trump to help them build golf courses and casinos only to get stiffed after the job is done. They did the work but donald and his lawyers said were not paying you, suez. We will run into the ground. Lawyer feeswin with you wont win anything. They got hurt and many of them lost their businesses because they believed donald trump. Florida, hundreds of them gave donald trump money to build them condos and they never got the condos. And they never got the money. They got burned and lost part of the savings because they believed donald trump. Students, columbus is a big town for students. [cheers] like, people who want to dance, donald trump said come to be a bunch of dough and be part of my Trump University and i will guarantee you will have a path way to success. They gave him a lot of money and they ended up with a certificate that was not worth the paper it was written on. They got ripped off. All because they believe donald trump. Now, hes just saying i would do all these things, believe me. We are just too great a nation to believe a guy who has ripped off virtually everybody he has come in contact with. We cannot put a nation as great as the United States in the hands of an empty promising selfpromoting oneman wrecking crew. We just cant do it. We just cant do it. [cheers] question and you a i hope you will ask everybody does question and that is this, when donald trump says believe , even comeybody here close to believe in the sky . This guy . No that is my attitude, not one word. That is what we have to do on this trail. Convince others that they should not be so gullible to fall for donald trump. Look, it is my great pleasure, we had fun on these couple of days and i hope you will keep us in your thoughts and encouragement and prayers. It is 100 days to election day. [cheers] and and i get the virtue of just joining with 105 days left. This has been an 18 month or multiyear effort on Hillary Clintons side. It is good be tough and challenging but nothing important in life is meant to be easy democrats know tough. And ohioans know tough. To a greatoduce you and tough leader, a compassionate leader in the next president of the United States, my friend Hillary Clinton. [cheers] mrs. Clinton hello, columbus. [cheers] i am so happy to be here. On this absolutely glorious, beautiful ohio afternoon. [cheers] to be making this journey with senator tim kaine and anne holden because they understand what Public Service is all about. Are committed to doing everything they can, as tim has starting on city council, mayor, lieutenant governor, governor and now senator. To give people the best chance they can to get ahead and stay ahead. Thinkingin me again in senator tim kaine. [cheers] here inre happy to be your beautiful capital city. Here in columbus. [cheers] i dont know how all you felt, but boy i thought your congresswoman really knocked it out of the park at the convention. [cheers] i havent even had time to tell joyce this but i think it might be on the very first night, she was sitting in the box with my husband, sitting next to him and all of a sudden twitter was going crazy, who is that beautiful welldressed elegant woman sitting next to bill clinton . [cheers] thatinally somebody said if the congresswoman from ohio. To have her proud support. Theres somebody else with u, somebody very special to us. Somebody special to ohio. Your former governor ted strickland. [cheers] ive had the great privilege of knowing ted for decades. I have seen how hard he has worked. He got dealt a bad hand being governor during the republican generated Great Recession and doing everything he could to try to help ohioans get through that. Now he is running to represent you in the senate. I think your other great senator, Sherrod Brown deserves a partner. [cheers] time shared stands up and fight for you, he needs a partner to do the same and not have his boat canceled out. Outote. Celed boat and pulled out. Vote canceled out. We have had a great time. How many of you watched the convention . [cheers] see democrats to standing up and speaking about what we can do to together to make sure the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top. Taking on the special interest that have benefited from a system that is rigged in their favor. When we finished those four days, i was thrilled to get on the bus in philadelphia and head out across pennsylvania and into ohio. Stopped athe way, we factories where hardworking americans are still making things. We stopped at a factory in johnstown, pennsylvania where businesses and management worked with the steelworkers who are there representing represented by their union fighting hard to have more good jobs. They told me how they are bringing jobs back from china, how they are creating more opportunities. That is the american story that we are going to tell during this campaign during this last 100 days. Plans about how we are going to get the economy working for everybody. We are going to make the biggest investment in new jobs since world war ii and put millions of americans to work. [cheers] and heres how were going to do. What to invest in infrastructure, our roads, bridges, our tunnels, airports, but not just what you can physically see, we need a new electorate electric grid to be able to take and distribute all of the clean, Renewable Energy we are going to be producing. [cheers] and we need to finish the job of connecting every home and business in america to highspeed Broadband Internet access. [cheers] i talk a lot about putting our economy, getting jobs for everyone. It is a little heartbreaking to learn as i did when i was talking to some teachers a few days ago, and i love teachers. [cheers] me theyteachers told had just had a National Survey done and learned that 70 of the teachers in america assigned homework to their students that requires kids to go on the internet. That makes sense. Were living in the information age. We want more people, particularly young people to help create that future so we have more opportunities, but heres the problem. America dont in have access at home to highspeed internet. They are being left behind. We have to build america competition, build america opportunity, get the plans we have laid out will do just that. I also believe we need to do more for Small Businesses. 98 of the businesses and ohio are Small Businesses. [cheers] lets have greater access to credit, lets be sure we cut through and eliminate any of the red tape and the other obstacles. You heard tim say that his dad ran a small business, so did mine. Planther ran a print where fabrics were printed with designs for draperies. I was there helping him but i know how hard he works. I am personally sickened when i hear the stories of donald trump refusing to pay plumbers and painters and marble installers and Glass Installers and Small Businesses who have done the work. I think about my dad. He works hard. What would have happened if the customers he had after he printed those draperies drivers made them into drapes, loaded into his car, delivered them, help to install them and somebody like donald trump said we are not paying you. My dad has had what do you mean . I did what i was contracted to do. Person andafter business after business, donald trump said i dont care. It is not because he could not pay, he wouldnt pay them. He drove businesses into bankruptcy. In addition to taking bankruptcy himself six times. My friends, that is not how we do business in america. If you do the work, you deserve the pay. We are going to stand up and make that case against donald trump. [cheers] the other thing about trump, you heard it, he says America First. If we would not put America First. That is sure what i believe. He says it, but then everything he makes he makes somewhere else. China,s dress shirts in not brooklyn, new york. He makes furniture in turkey, not cleveland. Makes utensils and slovenia, not jackson, ohio. Saying he was to put America First and america workers first and then just today we learn that whats again, he asked for visas to employ Foreign Workers at his country clubs because he says he cant find any american workers. Shame on you, donald trump. Lets cut through all of the hype and rhetoric and understand that we are dealing with somebody who has a history of stiffing people, making things somewhere else besides america and whenever possible, hiring for the workers. I dont think that adds up in america greating again. I think it adds up to making donald trump more money. That is what it is all about. [cheers] we are not only going to grow the economy and create more to make the going economy fairer. We are going to raise the minimum wage so that nobody who works fulltime will be in poverty. [cheers] have heard it before, but i will say it again, the intest way to raise incomes america is to pay Women Equal Pay for the work we do. [cheers] this is not just a womans issue, it is a family issue. If you have a working mother, wife, sister, or daughter, it is your issue. Lawse going to enforce the and finally make it absolutely clear that no more discrimination against women who work in the workplace. [cheers] against some up powerful forces and here is what i want you to know as you talk to your friends, your neighbors about this election. Everything ive proposed, and you can go to Hillary Clinton. Com and read all about it, ive told you how i will pay for it. How will i pay for it . I will pay for everything ive proposed by making the wealthy corporations and wall street finally pay their fair share of taxes. [cheers] me, what youed doing that . Do you resent success . No, i do not. I resent people taking advantage of other people to try to become successful, but the recent we are going to get the wealthy to pay is that is where the money is. 90 of all ofed the income gained since the recession. That is the top 1 . I to think like that old movie says, you got to follow the money and the money is with the super wealthy. [cheers] we are also going to do more for education starting with preschool education. [cheers] support our to teachers in order to give them what they need to do the job we are asking them to do. [cheers] to make for your itlege affordable by making debtfree. [cheers] and we are going to help those of you who have student debt pay it back at a lower Interest Rate and a faster timetable. [cheers] serviceou do public like teaching, policing, firefighting, social work, we will forgive your debt. [cheers] this seems to me to be fair. Donald trump gets to refinance and forgive his debt, what about the families and students of america who get to have some help with their debt . If you vote for us, that is exactly what we are going to do next year. [cheers] there is a big agenda and iwatch i have watched what happened over the last two weeks and a lot of the rhetoric that came from donald trump and his convention was so dark, so pessimistic, so negative. I know we have problems and challenges, im not taking a position that we dont have work to do, in fact, im telling you what work we can do together, but at the end of the day, we americans are better when we roll up our sleeves, set some goals and we Work Together because we are stronger together. [cheers] and im very excited about it and what we can do. Giant this campaign as a job interview. Im here telling you what i want votehieve asking for your and asking you also to hold me accountable. I want you not just to vote for me in november, but help me be the best president i can be for all america. [cheers] i want to be the president for every american. [cheers] today tim and i are here because we are kicking andthis campaign in ohio yes, we have a lot of other issues that we are concerned about. I see some of the tshirts and science. Signs. We will defend planned parenthood. We will defend and improve benefits under social security. [cheers] lobbyl take on the gun for comprehensive gun safety reform. [cheers] we will take on the real challenges that confront america, not pick fights with somee, not act as though votes are better than others, not insult and fingerpointing, we are going to stand up for americans and their rights for womens rights and gay rights and Voting Rights and working rights workers rights. [cheers] thise cant do any of without your help. Im asking for it. We need you to get involved in the campaign. Textight now, if you will 47246 or go to Hillary Clinton. Com, you can find out how to get involved and by the way, we are hiring organizers in ohio if you are interested in being part of our campaign staff. Election, if this want people to have made an informed choice. , dont want folks to be misled to listen to the rhetoric and the demagoguery. I personally think that donald threat tos a serious our democracy. [cheers] and it is going to be up to all of us to repudiate the onefulness, attacks distinguished military leaders like general john allen who came to the Democratic Convention because he loves a country that he served for more than 40 years and wanted to be clear about what he thought was best for our national security. Insulting the family of a khan. Anoldier, captain american muslim who sacrificed unit andto protect his other soldiers as a taxi race towards the gates of the base containing a bomb. When his father spoke at the convention and pulled out a copy of the constitution [cheers] it was so fitting that happened in philadelphia where our agotry started to 40 years 240 years ago. They enshrined in the constitution the principal of religious liberty. They understood that america would be including in attracting people from all over the world. George washington, thomas jefferson, they addressed different religions including islam. That were present in america way back at our beginning. , always tous all stand for freedom and equality and justice and opportunity now and forever. [cheers] help us go out and win an election that will keep our democracy strong, our economy growing and give every american a chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. Thank you so much, columbus. [cheers] in her first interview since become the democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton sat down with Chris Wallace of fox news on sunday. It was her first appearance on the program in nearly five years and focused on several topics including the issue of being trustworthy to voters. I have work to do to make sure people know what i had done and what i will do. That is part of what this convention is about. Comfortable that the more people learn about what accident, not the caricature, but the real deal has my husband said his remarks, they will understand why i was elected twice the United States senate and the second time with a 67 vote, why my former opponent, president elect obama trusted me to be secretary of state. Office, myi run for goodness, all of these caricatures come out of nowhere and people begin to undermine me because when i look office as secretary of state, 66 percent of americans approve. You dont think there is any legitimate reason that people would have doubts about your evidence trustworthiness . I think it is fair for markets to have questions. I think you should ask what he is so entrusted by the american people. I have. I have a long record of Public Service that has produced results for people. When i talk about what i want to do in public life, what i want to do as president , can go back into the hey, she said she was going to get health care from markets children and she did. 8 million kids now have health care and the families dont have to worry about moving the house to take care of basic kids. Im proud of my record a Public Service and the results that i got in to help people. Will have a chance to talk more about her record when she faces donald trump in three upcoming debates this all. The schedule has been a topic of discussion for donald trump who points out the dates could be a potential conflict with nfl games. That is something we heard rnc chair Reince Priebus address on face the nation earlier today. We are going to be working with the commission and what theyre putting together. We are not going to agree with anything that are nominee does not agree with. It would be incumbent upon them to communicate with us and others about what they have in mind. We are not going to have debates on saturday and sunday nights. Nominee of both parties to make the decision. The rnc is going to be involved in supporting our nominee if his position on this. My personal view is that we need to maximize the audience and that is going to be either a tuesday, wednesday or thursday night. That is where we stand on the issue. One on sunday and monday, he think that is a problem because the audience will be too small with the competition for football . I dont understand why we would have Hillary Clinton and donald trump debating each other, which is of interest to the entire country in, this is an election likely none weve ever seen, theres a Massive National interest and we just saw that with both National Conventions breaking records, why would we present the next president of the United States, one of the two of these folks on night . Y night or monday why would we not want to maximize the audience and viewership so that people can feel free to watch . I dont understand why they would do that. The commission on president ial debates had a word started working on the debates have a more than 18 months ago. A written Statement Reads apart, it is impossible to avoid all sporting events and there have been nights on which debates and gains occurred in most election cycles. A debate has never been rescheduled as a result. Did you miss any of the republican or democratic National Conventions . Now you can go back and watch every moment. Good to cspan. Org to find every speech from both conventions and watch ondemand whenever you want. Heres how. At the top of the cspan. Org homepage, click on either the democratic or Republican Convention when he was fine videos from each day of both conventions. Youll also find Convention Highlights near the top and scroll down and browse through every speaker. Like on the speech you want to watch. And you can click any speech and share on social media or email. Cspan. Org is yo

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