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Senate democrats held their first party lunch meeting since midterm elections where they maintain senate majority. They welcome newly elected senators John Fetterman of pennsylvania and Current Congress and peter welch of vermont. Majority leader Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democrats spoke to reporters after the lunch. I dont think you are waiting for me but the person youre waiting for is going to take a while, i think. Good afternoon, glad to be joined by our Leadership Team of seven and senator baldwin. We had a great, happy spirited discussion in our caucus, democrats are ready and eager and united to fish on a strong note. We are excited for the future with a new and hopefully larger majority than in the last congress. This senate, the longest 50 50 senate in history has been extraordinarily productive, nearly two years into the democratic majority, i want to take a moment to highlight the many accompaniments weve secured under democratic leadership, the most in recent memory. The bipartisan infrastructure plan, chips and science act, Inflation Reduction Act and so many in between. People fail to see, and served us well in the election. While publicans were tossing firebombs over the wall, engaging in nasty divisive rhetoric spewing forth lies about the election, we are focused on issues that matter to people so the big things that happened this year. One, a historic legislative session and two, against all odds we kept the senate majority, the two are related and people forgot that, a lot of people went for the firebombs of the day thrown by the publicans instead of looking at what our candidates were talking about. Drug costs lower was a top priority. We did it and talk about it and won the election and that could be repeated on issue after issue and continuing to move forward in the lameduck and we try to work when we cant on a bipartisan basis of major bills, most were passed bipartisan and now we will move forward on a bipartisan basis led by senators baldwin and sinema on respect for marriage act. I know passing respect for marriage act is as personal as it gets for senators and their staff, myself included. My daughter and her wife are expecting a baby in february so it matters a lot to so many of us get this done and we are going to hold our first procedural vote tomorrow. After that i hope both sides can work quickly together and move the bill forward onto the president s desk. I have a lead for the republicans. If you embrace maga, youre going to keep losing, you will lose more. The embrace of 2018 and 202020 didnt work. We welcome you to work with us on a bipartisan basis to get things done for the American People. We are not what you have to get everything we want. They are not going to get everything they want, we will stay true to our principles but willing to compromise to get things done and thats been our watchword for two years and will continue. We hope the republicans will understand that. Theyre not going to understand it this week in the middle of these heated elections for their leadership but when we come back in january hopefully after a productive lameduck session, a least a number of non moderate republicans will do what so many of them did now and what some are doing for the respect for marriage, work with us in a bipartisan way and get things done. What happened last night with kari lake, its Proof Positive this maga stuff doesnt work. She was a great communicator, she still lost in a perfect state and thats happened repeatedly throughout this election. To follow administrations of rick scott who said cut medicare, tax the middle class would be suicidal for republicans so for the good of the country and the good of themselves, people to work with will understand that so we keep working, pushing forward and work for american families. I want to publicly thank Chuck Schumer and peters for extraordinary Election Results and played as large of a role as anyone. They deserve credit and received it today the right to an abortion. This devastating wrong decision represents the first time in our nations History Supreme Court revoked constitutional right, majority of the Supreme Court and republican senators chose them were on the wrong side history and liberty. Voters november 8 made it clear they reject the approach, socalled originalist approach to bill of rights. Disturbing concurrent Justice Thomas made clear other Constitutional Rights are on the chopping block. Justice thomas called on his colleagues on the court to double down on dobbs, attack the Constitutional Rights when it comes to birth control, Marriage Equality and consensual relationships between lgbtq people. We got to stand up to this radical progressive Federalist Society vision of america and thats exactly what we intend to do this we can bring respect for marriage to the senate floor. The bill will require federal government to recognize marriage between two individuals if the marriage is valid in the state where it was performed and guarantee valid marriages between two individuals given full faith and credit regardless to the race, ethnicity or national origin. Millions of americans face consequences that would have been made comments clarence had his way. Congress cannot allow the court to put lgbtq families at risk. I want to thank my colleagues, tammy baldwin, susan collins, rob portman, Kyrsten Sinema for their leadership on this bill. I look forward to supporting and helping them. The second issue is the issue of judges, my special responsibly on the Judiciary Committee. Thanks to the efforts of the Committee Extraordinary efforts, patient and long suffering, the senate is about to confirm 85th lifetime judicial appointment including one to the Supreme Court, 25 to the Circuit Court and 59th to the district court. This will tie or exceed record of recent president s since we passed the era under bill clinton by voice vote. So far Judiciary Committee held hearings for and voted on 109 judicial nominees in addition, 18 more nominees for hearings on track to receive a vote early december its tremendous progress and bring diversity to the federal to sherry that is unprecedented. Weve outpaced the Trump Administration despite the fact we worked with a 50 50 senate and evenly split committee. After todays confirmations there will be 24 judicial nominees pending on the calendar and the committee expects more to follow. Important Committee Work to continue throughout the remainder of the year end i want to say with done extraordinary historic things when it comes to legislation but these judges will make contributions for years to come with balance on the federal bench of the American People. Thank you senator schumer. This week will vote on the respect for marriage act. After roe v. Wade was overturned, ive heard from constituents back home who are concerned and worried about Justice Thomas suggestions their right to marry who they love could be ripped away so this week the senate will act to protect against far right attacks on americas fundamental right to marry who they love ensuring samesex interracial marriages are recognized and respected by state. We cannot lose sight of the fact that this extreme right wing court did not hesitate to take away a womans right to choose. This legislation matters. We got to get it done. Helping people and solving problems is what Senate Democrats have been focused on entire congress for the passing the American Rescue plan, keeping First Responders on the job in helping solve Small Businesses keep doors opened passing the bipartisan infrastructure law. Courts and roads and bridges to set aside a path to universal broadband, passing the first gun safety laws in three decades, passing past act for veterans were the most significant climate legislation in countries history lowering prescription costs and healthcare costs for family. If that feels like a lot, it should. Senate democrats have gotten a lot done and i believe the American People paid attention but i also believe they paid attention to what we couldnt get done for them. We saw Senate Republicans blocked efforts to protect every womans right to choose in this country. They saw senate were publicans block basic common sense bills to allow women to travel across state lines to get abortion care will protect doctors from jail time just for doing their job. They saw how extreme Republican Party has become. They noticed when republicans blocked efforts to protect Voting Rights and gerrymandering. Its plain for everyone to see democrats work to protect our pocketbooks in your fundamental rights as americans so it shouldnt surprise anyone when one party wants to force women to stay pregnant even when they do not want to be or cant even admit joe biden one the 2020 election fair and square, they will not be rewarded for their extremism. Im ready to keep working for the American People and i know my colleagues are as well. Its great to be back with all of you and i want to say our elections are going to be easy. Under senator schumers leadership i just want to reassure chuck. [laughter] to make sure he knew but the truth is, from day one in the most challenging of circumstances democrats delivered for the American People over and over again. Its just the fact from tackling the covid pandemic to save lives, get our children back to school safely, to help people and businesses survive and thrive, that was number one and then we delivered the infrastructure law one year ago today the president signed the bill and you can see progress everywhere you go but i can assure you you can see orange cones everywhere you go. Across the country, 6900 projects fixing roads and bridges and airports and more. 2800 bridges are being repaired and replaced. 5000 new Clean Energy Buses are taking our kids to school and taking people to work. Democrats delivered on the inflation industrial act for manufacturing and bringing jobs home which is so important in michigan, a great place where we have a renaissance and manufacturing. These will put our country on track to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions by 40 and about eight years and lowering costs for americans. The average American Household can save up to 1000 on their energy bills next year, cost of Prescription Drugs finally coming down for the first time medicare negotiate Prescription Drug prices. Folks on medicare will see their caps starting january, lower outofpocket prescription costs and free vaccine and we are doing all of this while reducing the deficit by more than 300 billion. How . Every day you get up suit up and put the people before the powerful and the wealthy. Now democrats will deliver for lgbtq family and friends. The bottom line is in a 50 50 senate and i think this is a story. You dont get closer than 50 50. In a 50 50 senate we have been tenacious, strategic dedicated to work with whoever will work with us and join to get things done to improve the lives of the American People all across our country and we are committed to continue to do that. Report really hard on Marriage Equality. Thank you. Does everybody here knows, midterm elections are usually of referendum on the power and power. We expect to be great headwinds and this year was different for a number of reasons but at the forefront hit clear there was a rejection of what i describe as maga extremism. The American People rejected election denying extremism and sent a clear message they want unfettered access to the ballot box freedom over elections without interference from politicians. The American People rejected extremism aimed at a womans right to choose and said they want freedom over there body. Freedom to marry whom they love. Now we are taking that mandate from the American People and bringing forward respect for marriage act. Individuals and name sex marriages and interracial marriages need and deserve the confidence and certainty that their marriages are legal and will remain eagle. These couples should be guaranteed the same rights and freedoms as every other marriage. The American People agree. 70 of americans including majority of democrats, republicans and unaffiliated people support Marriage Equality. Yesterday we introduced a bipartisan amendment to clarify what the bill does and what it does not do. Weve made it clear the legislation leaves intact religious liberties afforded of the constitution and not take away or alter religious liberty or conscious protection. We are confident the amendment help turn broad bipartisan support needed to pass common sense legislation into law and protect millions of americans a day and interracial marriages. I am thrilled to move legislation forward and past Marriage Equality into law and i appreciate hardworking Bipartisan Group of senators who have put in a lot of effort to get us here. Thank you senator baldwin. [inaudible question] when we try to us time, there werent enough republican votes. Im working with senator mansions to see what we can get the. Next. [inaudible question] is President Biden decides to run, i will enthusiastically support him. Id like to directly support senator murray. Hes indicated the pro tempore. [inaudible] you mentioned you intend to sit down with mitch mcconnell, has that happened yet . What is your approach . Is it different from the last congress . It has not happened yet, we are waiting until their elections, i think they are having discussion today at lunch which is still ongoing. [laughter] so the bottom line is we want to get things done. If we get it done with republicans, do it on your own for the ira is one of the things were proudest of. Republicans because theyre in the throes of big oil will not do Climate Change because theyre so dominated by big pharma they would not do the pharmaceutical stuff. So we did those on our own. The third and least desirable choice of the sometimes necessary is the accountability vote you cannot win but he sure the votes are. That will continue to be our approach but that will continue to be our approach. Gentleman with the red hair back there. [inaudible] x pass the debt ceiling. Would like to get a debt ceiling done in this work. The best way to get it done the way its been done the last two or three times is bipartisan. I intend shortly to sit down with the republican leader and try to work that out, yes . [inaudible] the last time make the floor so tied up to get even a single republican to knock out all the amendments, you saw i think it was marco rubio did last time. So the approach is to try to work this out between the two between the four leaders of the committees, democrat, republican, house and senate. And the top leadership and get a bill we can all agree on and get on the floor pretty think youll get more done that way. Yes. [inaudible] i would hope it does and i would hope we get bipartisan support, one more. [inaudible] works reports appear russian missiles do you have any comments on that . I cannot give comments now i do not know the details, thank you everybody take care. [background noises]

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