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It is the biggest tech show in the world. Mr. Shapiro, director show up this year . There was almost 4000 exhibits. A lot of it was about connectivity. Theres only so much you can do with each other and safely. There, evenlot voice. There were new means of communication. There was voicerecognition technology expanding. Almost 96 accurate. Are we talking about Different Things . These are things you can find. The benefit of being connected. The benefit of getting information and data. It is increasing our Food Production and our transportation and our health care. It is about entertainment, and gaming. Increasede is interest this year with the new administration coming in . There was certainly a lot of policy people from around the world. There was major priests and ministers from across the world. I think maybe the American Public has become so interested in politics that we spent sessions spent talking about american politics. Our conversation today. It was great to be here. It was my first ces. Will head and if you have any questions. As a new person there everything. You have been there for some time. One thing that surprised me. We always tried to make the show different. We are trying to make sure there are many different kinds of people there. There is a convergence point for make surestry, we that every company is a technology company. Was a whole new way of using this thing you where areas. It serves you. That is the breakthrough in the hospitality, in the hospitality industry. That will go into effect on hotels and travel. We also have the ceo of under armour. Clothing is now what we normally do. Theres is sleeker and tech friendly. We determined what kind of workout you would have the stunt jumping. Had been the leading company in the Stock Exchange last year. They are doing videogame processing and self driving cars. Oneship companies are the to look at. They are the future. Those earlier looking at as well. The expansion of companies and the unexpected connectivity that permeated through everything. Is of the things i noticed just how this technology is crystallized in new ways. How much of a focus you saw in the industry over the conference. There are all these cool new gadgets, people in the industry love it. How much is Consumer Trust going to be dependent on these new technologies. Do you think that is a place the federal government may have a i think brandings are very focused on it. I think some have less of a focus on it. There are wearable tax like the fitbit. Apple google, samsung and others , we got together last year and said this is an issue with right as he and trust. But these things in clear language, do not resell information. We have to do this as a industry. If we dont the federal government will step in. Upon, wees were agreed share those of the government and was embrace. Going to solve problems, but the federal government will step in themselves. , we areis a great focus looking at a new administration. We are looking at a new congress. The policy makers who were at the show, was there anything said that surprised you . Was there anything where there was an agency seeing a new direction this year . I think this is a strange year. Every eight years it seems to occur where there is a whole new administration coming. The Old Administration leaves the thrill of it. The Congressional Staff was there, their presence is known. The big question was especially for everybody, what is donald trump and his administration going to do. Many out here who will see that. Guimonda Administration Government there was a very difficult time prefer them. Control, theyin were rim rotting very heavily on obamacare. They were trying to push through affluent forere business. It was a difficult time for business. But a good time for the technology industry. They were very technology focused. Administration, i could sit here and speculate, i am not sure. What were some of the policy discussions that were held at ces this year . Government,ee with we know heading towards the self driving car that will save 35,000 lives per year. Want to get to the point where we can save lives with driving. Many want to get lower insurance, protection against drug drivers. Many see it as a benefit while they are doing other things will driving. There is the efficiency while driving. Cars are of course all over this. The federal government under obama has been very favorable to the approach, they are heading in the right direction. We hope that will continue under President Trump, that was one of the discussions. I do not begin will change, but you never know or it with the federal communications is a aggressive committed we had under the Obama Administration. We do not know what they will do. They were very hostile to was ass, everyone who had to get startup overtime that was devastating. A court threw it out. Administrationp looks at all these rules and made it so college kids are graduating and staying home. You had obamacare layered on top of that. You had that along with the economy issues. We had to see what we were doing in may. Jobs, to start looking at rather than just protecting rights and workers. You need to see what are the skills for the next century. Cant getse people jobs. Are we training people right, these are the questions we are trying to address and will be addressed. You mentioned something about pay . There are issues with a shared economy. And self driving cars, how can we help them. We are hopeful that the Trump Administration will embrace immigration. Immigrants, we do not have them. We are they kicking them out after they graduate. Why is it that we cannot keep those people. Why are our kids not going into those majors. Theare we not respecting technical trade and Community College work. Why did we not have Apprentice Program work. They have to live with their parents and never getting in. We are spending a tremendous amount of money on education and i can in the return we should be getting. That is what we will be talking about is education and training. Are over and lift drivers cannot why cant they have a benefit system. There is a lot of issues coming to the forefront. You made jobs a focus on what youre looking at in the next year, and mexico administration, i am wondering how the Auto Industry is a seeing this issue. There is some speculation about creating jobs or it is an has lowing that overhead. Especially when you are making software. You are creating automation that has been taking away jobs. Tout theook, you innovation engine for that community. Are they releasing this as recognized for the better survival of the industry . Tension in a lot of other places. Jobs,about 15 million innovation totally takes away jobs. Came and took away all those scores for the jobs. You are seeing the changes and banks, you are not seen so many bank tellers. The factory level, will probably not create that many jobs. Other than have a spinoff effect. That creates wealth. Every other country in the world wants to be like us. It is progress of innovation. It makes us healthier and live longer. It connects us around the world. It is of a very positive. That is the discussion that has to occur, the Auto Industry, we are not political. Not political burden they are being forced to. Alternately i think the Tech Industry and their parents, they want to do things right for their kids are it that is the theyre getting a response that. We are trying to create jobs, highpaying jobs or it this is one thing, there is a portion of of america in their own bubble. We have to train those people with the skill, as they can get the job that we are looking to hire. We are looking to hire in the Tech Industry. We need technical people, craftsmen, we need so many people. We need people who can program, we need to shift towards teaching how to program. Also we should be reaching out and being more aggressive. We should have a contest among their own companies, we need to fight up you can create the most chest. We are going to be investing in various job market or it we have sellers of technology. It is so important. We need to expand that. Our veterans are skilled. They are getting things done, i was on aciplined Naval Air Force carrier, i was amazed at the kids who come out of high school and are learning all of these new skills. We should be employing those new people. One of the goals of the administration is increasing manufacturing jobs. Of consumerdgets technology companies, can they be manufactured in the u. S. . It can certainly be assembled. We can certainly export them and then they come back his products. The thing that we are going to manufacture is not going to happen. At least in my lifetime. Some of these products are made entirely in one country. Ont of the exportings going is bringing products that. Industrydevastate our to do that. I have been in factories around the world. Americans arebs, not going to want to do these repetitive labor jobs. We cant do these jobs anymore. We dont want to. Theyre very lowpaying. Get higher skill, higher valued, higherpaying jobs. There will be more manufacturing. I think trump is onto something big. I think he has a vision. We should also be thinking about how to training these people for good jobs. The factory repetitive jobs are simply moving. Jobs are moving to vietnam, cambodia, other countries where there is low skill and low educated work. The need to jobs in those jobs is are my i think we can train it workforce to get a job. We are a highly educated country. The cta have a position on tax policy . Yes we do. What are the things that makes a disadvantage is our Corporate Tax policy. We are the highest in the corporate world. Our company because of their ability to hire, because of their ability to take taxes. They are encouraged to go outside of the united states. President elect trump recognizes that an life to change it. There is a lot of money to be made, a lot of our best companies, Small Companies and Big Companies to take all that money and not have a text. They just leave it overseas and invested. There is almost 2 trillion that can come back if we can lower the Corporate Tax rate President Trump proposed a 10 tax rate. That would be terrific. Progress predecessor talked about how he used to drive his. On me to display the project. Atmosphere Still Available for an entrepreneur to come in and set up a table and say here is my product. As the industry matured to point where we have that kind of thing happening . Ces, was an exhibitor at being a volunteer chairman, he served on my board. Even before he came, the basic principle of our organization was at 1980 do what i first started. We wanted to make it as accessible to anybody with an idea. We are doing it for the small company. This year we had at least 600 startups. It is in eureka park, we call it that. There, wewho exhibits tell them do not have a lengthy business plan. Have a prototype, get feedback. Get investors and partners. I promise you you will have a decent idea of what your business will become. We have had people go around and place orders. We had investors like mark cuban comp. Our shows about innovation. It is even easier to start a business. You just need a smart phone and a global business. You can outsource to other companies and they will do everything for you. They will do the design, the marketing, the promotion, Virtual Companies are being created by people with ideas. I would say about 25 of our exhibitors did not exist three years ago as companies. This is an easy entry industry. That is why we must have manufacturing in the u. S. , we are going to skyrocket industry. Were going to put a tax on that , it is not a viable alternative. Have great highly skilled jobs. When it comes to policy, free trade is something that you have advocated yourself. Looking at it administration that has a very hard line. Against a sentiment globalism at the moment. I am wondering, how is the Tech Industry going to make their voices heard . How do you cut through this and say hey we have a lot of issues that are going to be affected. We are highly dependent on china, hardware we get from them , data being transferred between countries. Especially with the european union. How do you cut through that and say it is available benefit us or it i think trump is onto something with trade. Right nafta does the to be rewritten. It was before the internet or it it was before ip development. It should be done. Canada, there is a defensive shield for the ocean. With chinanship should be looked at. It is such an important big company country. I think we should look at the entirety of china. Our countries want to do business, we must have a partner. We cannot find real estate there. The chinese are coming here and selling. Least one zip code is a primary buyer. Why not looking to the principal. In terms of other opportunities, there is a great opportunity to cut a deal. Google and all of these be restricted to europe. When europe has a lot of social policies that is inhibited innovation. They do not have them. Trump is looking up for american interests and pursuing agreements. He is even resurrecting the transpacific partnership, he said it was bad, it is a primary tool against china. Ands going to resurrect it say these countries that we live with and we should have a deal together because of china. , one of theote things trump mentioned specifically was our relationship with china. That is a need for intellectual property protection. There is a lot of ip theft going on in china. What you see in the coming administration, how can that be addressed . Do you see a second term also happy for the drug administration. In terms of what they are ,alling intellectual property arunachal property is very important. If you look at the Motion Picture industry or the is a good district, that is our view of the world. They are exporting a way of life. Their language is so important to them. They have a stronger presence, id dont agree with them at the industries. Have need to have a balance with fair use access. Want to protect them as well. We see counterfeiting and theft trademarks or it china has done a better job. They need to do a better job. I think the next administration will continue what the Obama Administration did. Gary shapiro was an encryption they are part of the same equation. We all want individuals to be protected. That increase requires encryption, that requires legal protection, the pot privacy act needs to be updated. Technology has changed. We need to make sure the government has a clear process see where they can violate the privacy. We do not want to put limits on what you can force me to do. If the government can go and force companies to create something that is not existing today. They can stay with the laws and processes. Companies should be working on a confidential privacy basis. They hate terrorism, they want to help. They do draw a line. There are obligations they owe to their consumers. They go off and see what bad guys can do in their system. The discussion has to occur. Is ces accessible by the general public . It is not open to the general public. T is only open to the trade it isgreat for the u. S. Low the most dominant trade shows in the world. It is very important to keep that. I hope mr. Trump will focus on that with his hospitality background. We should be doing more. President obama would never even our us a letter introducing international guests. I think trump will recognize that part of leadership is visual and welcoming guests. Our competition elsewhere in germany and in spain, you see the National Leaders involved. We would like to see mr. Trump engaged. That in like to see every administration, had has been very tough. Speaking of the individuals that came for the show, it was amazing to see people from all of the world. It was a great blending of ideas. Lets talk about immigration for a second. High skilled immigration has been a touch point for the Tech Industry for so long. Shortage,ve a labor the bureau of labor statistics says they may have a shortage of one million people. I am wondering what is the now,te we are seeing right with President Trump it is going to be something moving forward, is this discussion moving forward in the administration. How crucial do see this coming about howlowing years america is going to innovate . When trumpdebate said i was skilled immigration was very important. Part of our National Strategy for years. They have so much oscillation. Also his cabinet picks. Do you see and not going back and forth. We will advocate for it. There are needs for people at different levels. For 200 can survive years for being a beacon for the highest smartest people in the world. It is part of our culture. It is part of our genetics, it is what we are, us and israel that is the highest immigration in the world. Everyone else wants to be like us. We want to have highly skilled immigrants, would you rather have class b and have the rest of the best and brightest. We want to fight and keep those people here. That is absolutely essential. There is some pretty clear legislation that has been passed , not signed by the president. It says we should do that. That is who we are four years. Business needs it, that is why it is going overseas. They have access to the smartest people. People are different. Equal withre born equal rights, people have different skill sets. Some people work harder. Some people rise to the top. We want those people in the united states. Advertising in silken valley, immigrants come here. I love canada, to get those people we should welcome them and they create more jobs than anybody. They are very consistent. We need to do a little bit better job at doing that. , cspan our lastminute did not attend this year. Of awas your impression product they cut your i . Soi have a motorcycle rider the my favorite product was honda writing assistant technology. Having a smoke smart motorcycle balancing. I wasas the biggest thing able to take away. I wish i couldve gotten on and tried. It was a fantastic show. I am amazed by the brainpower. It was a meeting of everybody from silicon valley, also washington as well. There was a very strong presence, people were discussing issues that are going to be a part of the administration. I think it is great collaboration and show. In thet hear any english airport. It is great to hear that melding of ideas. What was a product that caught your eye . There is a large french presence, this company had a concept of a device that puts up your phone and it can detect smells. They have an inventory of 200 right now, there is an eight figure trying to crowd source. Other points of view is pretty good. Other points of view is pretty good. Well always talk about audio and visual, there is taste, touch, i saw a company that allows haptic touching. The potential for the future of touching and smelling, i dont know about tasting, we are going in many different directions. Im excited. , this ishapiro communicators on cspan. Cspan where history of full daily. In 1979 cspan was treated as a Public Service by American Cable Television companies. It is rusty today by your satellite or cable provider. Sunday in depth will feature a look at nick adam. He will be taking your calls during the program. America havems of not died down. This is still by far and away the greatest country in the history of the world. Author, ands is an author of a book american boomerang. Has promoted combating antiamericanism. Watch him on sunday on cspan two. Next the state of the state address by indiana governor. He talked about the state of the economy and enhancing government services. This is 25 minutes. [applause]

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