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Another. 124,000 young people voted for this issue. It tells us young people in northampton and of course the u. K. Dont believe that it is right or fair that people discriminated against for they are and what they believe. Believe. As David Cameron said last year, whether you are muscle, and you, griffin or seek, whether you are born here or abroad, you are welcome here. That is why i urge you all to vote. [applause] john this is been a great debate. We have sought to accomodate every part of the u. K. Im looking now for a conclusion to the debate. Your enthusiastic welcome to this. This is on the southwest. Please welcome ryan now. [applause] ryan we are all politically incorrect from time to time. We say stupid things, we make mistakes, but most of the time we grow out of it. But hate crimes, too small words that hold an awful lot of weight. I care about this issue because i now that as a United Kingdom, we are caring, compassionate and we are plural. From what i can see in this chamber. We would do everything in our power to end discrimination for good. But that my friends is the question. Do we have the power . It is supposed that over the next year that we combat this issue by lobbying our mps to do more. And ensuring our heads of school promote integration and the place of learning. In 2012, the government outlined a strategy of their own. They are committee to any responsibly to our local authorities. From enhanced education, britains young people are already engaged in taxing this young issue. So i asked if this campaign is worth it. The work is being done at a higher level. Ask yourselves in the given time, is it possible to make a change . Or, is the fear too great to overcome . The United Kingdom that i am proud to be a part of makes the impossible, possible. We do not fear the unknown. We embrace it. Together, we were almost the first stations in the world to abolish slavery. Together, our government and introduced laws that deny prejudice a foothold in our world. Together we have come so far in this battle. But lest we forget, how long it took to change the heart and mind of our nation. Because friends, that is what were dealing with here. Hearts and minds. Lest we forget, on this day, of all days, what the price of that freedom, justice, and that equality is. Our strength comes from diversity. Together, we comprise a thousand cultures, languages and traditions that with each generation have been sewn to the very fabric of our people. That is what makes us the United Kingdom. There is no place for racism in todays world. We have to do everything we can to continue the campaign we have begun. However far off or distant that may seem to be. Friends, just a change in our everyday actions, i believe it is fundamental that we focus on those things that unite us, not divide us. That we Work Together to tackle this very important issue. Why . In the day of my personal hero, canadian Prime Minister, justin trudeau, i say [applause] another debate from the uks Youth Parliament. This one focused on better, kinder democracy and how to achieve it. John the Youth Parliament will now make speeches on better, kinder democracy. From the east midlands, i call the first speaker. [applause] thank you mr. Speaker. In my world, every one of us unusual world with a driving desire to make change. We want to portray an image where heads are beheaded, bodies are ripped from their skins. Just for rising a question of following a religion that majority of the division. Remember in parts of the world, a gun is an at your head if you like a man or a woman. Shall never hear a fairytale again. Instead, they are forced to pick up a weapon. Children of the state are all slaves to one being. Forget those juvenile children and their incredible dreams and forget those who are in doctrines. Although this vision is hard to ,magine away from the glories yes, yes, that is still a world that exists. Democracy is empowerment for all. Not just a man, but those who have a different color of skin. Those who look the same and those who are born with a different way to live. Thank you. [applause] john thank you for that extremely affecting and moving speech. Now i call from the east of england. Israel. Israel i wish to speak on an issue that is having a catastrophic effect on politics the world over. The prevalence of an us versus them mentality. These decisions are made by the electorate and buy this house. Often made by not on who has the best ideas, the loudest support for the most reputable insult. We all must endeavor to understand both sides of an argument. Therefore, we need to stop with the insults and start respecting each other. I am not implying that we should censor ourselves. Sometimes it is necessary to attack an idea. However, we should never attacked the supporters of an idea. The media should focus on policy not people. If we do this, we will see the decline of the worlds oldest parliamentary democracy. Thank you. [applause] john thank you, next, from london. Thank you, mr. Speaker. All have those korean my mother used to tell me a story and this is how it goes. She was a woman in pakistan who had democratic editions but was prevented to vote. She was crying out for invoice. A caseworker. Then she became the first female in her country. My vision for democracy is about raising opportunities for positive change. That is what we should be broadcasting, a kind of politics. Not what the media shows. Democracy is just noise, lets say our democracy. But advocate a better democracy and articulate our words. Lets change the world. The way we see fit. Democratization, campaigning on both ends. Thats a be a thing of the past. An unrepresentative parliament is the status quo. A parliament that resembles us is one we need to mold. Welcome refugees with open arms. There is more that binds us together then tears us apart from. Guess what . Democracy in our your own chosen directions because democracy is for everyone, not just the privileged few. Regardless of your background and or gender. It has been created for me and for you. Thank you. [applause] john thank you very much for that. That was a beautiful and very penetrating contribution which has left its mark. Now please welcome from the northeast of england, emily dormer. Emily thank you mr. Speaker. It is easy for us to forget how lucky we are to live in a nation where we can decide who is that if the decision session our the decisions that shape our lives. It is easy for us to forget that in other parts of the world, voices go unheard and politicians are never held to account. But we can show them the merits of a democracy. How innovation as Economic Prosperity when we remove red tape. How giving young people the chance to vote, give them the greatest stake in the success of our society. But there is so much more that we can do. We need to give young people the tools so that they can participate and eventually run our democracy. Too often, young people knowing or caring about politics, isnt that what skepticism was skepticism were surprised to read too often, our value as voters is undermined. We become the sacrificial lambs of the political system. Too often, value is based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. But in this room, we can see, that every voice is valuable. Compassion,d with binding us together, we build a stronger, more united democracy. Thank you very much. [applause] john thank you very much indeed for that. Now from the northwest of england, i call sarah stern. [applause] sarah in my vision of the kind of democracy, i acknowledge that it is impossible to legislate for kindness. No statute can ever ensure that all politicians will act kindly. As the next generation of influencers, i believe it is our role to lead by example. We should demonstrate grace and kindness and our actions and reactions. It is the quality of grace and kindness which our democracy needs. In order to deal with the refugee crisis, protect our environment, and dispel the weight of racist attacks that gripped our nation this past year. You cannot legislate for kindness. This can only be achieved through the actions of ordinary people. My vision of a better democracy is one which franchises wider elections. A significant sector of our society was left unrepresentative in the recent referendum to review. We who will bear the impact of the referendum the longest have no say in the outcome. We were giving a National Insurance number and told to contribute to the world. At 16, we are deemed old enough to consent sexually. At 16, we are deemed old enough to be tested academically in a way that fundamentally influences our chances in life. If we can be so painstakingly assessed on our academic abilities, surely we can be trusted with the weight of political decisions. Especially in light of the impressive turnout the scottish youth demonstrated. And so on our journey to a better and kinder democracy, and the same spirit that won in 1969,lds the vote can we get 16yearolds to vote as well. What can we do so kindly . [applause] john thank you sarah. Now let us welcome from northern ireland, francesca drumm. Francesca the world around us is changing fast. Not just our Political Landscape but also on a social, geographical and cultural level. We all agree that the past months have been amongst the most chaotic and confusing that we as young people have witnessed. And yet we strive to raise our voices above the argument and the discourse. Ofrenounce the role bystanders and observers. Disregarded by the debates. The voices of our generation cry for recognition. We seek to be heard. Above all, we pursue the truth. We search for honesty. We seek out integrity. Values that we believe to be a cornerstone to any political argument. And yet have been overlooked among the fear mongering. Today as we consider the fairert of a kinder, democracy, we have the crucial task of young people to communicate the values that are integral to our generation. Hope, possibility and vision for a new world where boundaries between them and us must be breached. A society that looks in on itself grows smaller and weaker by each passing day. And remember, it is we, engage, d, enthusiastic and optimistic young people who are leading that call for change. Right here, right now in every corner of the world. This is particularly true for me as a young person from northern island. A member of the postconflict good friday generation. I am not cynical or disenfranchised or pessimistic about the future of democracy, quite the opposite. I am excited for the young people across our committee in communities in northern island. They actively seek a better, kinder democracy. And play their part. Excusing them with optimism and hope. Coupled with an open mind and a vision for our future that motivates us to lead this call for change. And may i add earned us the , right to debate in this Great Chamber this afternoon. So we are the generation that will exchange fear with hope, respectd with mutual and suspicion with trust. Thank you. [applause] john thank you francesca for that. Next, from scotland. Kieran i would like to thank my mom and dad who dressed me today. My sisters, my family. Getting me down here on time. I wanted to say, england fans, prepare for hammering. My first thought was the way things are isnt the way they have to be. If you think about the current pointing fingers at who is to blame. It is useless. We should be looking at the future. We are providing a negative outlook on the future. With a increase in the pension age meaning less jobs for young people. The future looks bleak. The way you today, things are is not the way they have to be. We need to be optimistic. We must also support a greener future. Transition from the oil and gas sector. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Beliefs, wef our need to stand together. The way things are is not the way it has to be. We dont know where we are going but we know where we are coming from. It is quite exciting. Cheers. [applause] john thank you. Now, come from the southeast, we will hear enthusiastically, from walter. [applause] walter thank you mr. Speaker. 15 million young people live in the u. K. One quarter of the entire population. Despite this we have barely any , influence over the decisions that affect our futures. Young people are faced with so many problems. Poverty, discrimination, and a the list goes on. Being not actually given the chance to. It is not because we are apathetic. We care deeply about social causes and when given the opportunity, young people can do great things. Look at he is only 19 years he has look at what achieved. We need to engage young people. Politicians need to reach out to us and actually give us a chance to be part of the decisionmaking. As well as this political , education should be introduced in all schools. Ultimately, that is what democracy means. It is the power of the people by the people. That term people is inclusive, not divisive. It encompasses young, old, male, female, able, disabled. All the glorious diversity in between. It is only by ensuring that we are all able to have our fair say that we can move forward into a better and kinder democracy. Thank you. [applause] john thank you. Now we will hear from the southwest, from jack payne. [applause] jack thank you mr. Speaker. My name is jack. I am the elected representative. I personally trying to make a am better, democracy. I am trying to campaign for disability rights. In particular, i have a Common Campaign to make politics more inclusive for young people who are disabled. There are very few mps who have a disability. This inequality in our democracy makes me want to campaign for more representative democracies for disabled people. So they have a voice in parliament. Everybody, no matter what religion, race, or ability, should be able to make your mark. Without prejudice. Earlier this year, a motion was passed in my name and to others to raise awareness of disability rights and to encourage disabled people in politics. Finally, on the 24th of june, the referendum showed our country to be highly divided. I went the youth of today to show we can Work Together to make our society a more inclusive one. And on the whole, a better one, a better kind of democracy. Thank you. [applause] john thank you jack for your speech and the work you are doing and just described to us. We shall now here from wales. [applause] thank you mr. Speaker. This year in politics, we have seem to have lost focus. We forgot there are more to people than votes. Democracy should be used as a tool to give people power over their lives. Help them to make a difference in their communities. So why have so few of the political debates this year focused on that . Instead, emphasis has been placed on inciting fear and hatred. These arguments cause division in our communities. They cause people to be suspicious of their neighbors and hate the person sitting next to them on the bus. They are being encouraged to divide ourselves based on race and ethnic origins and religion. At a time when we most need to stand united to solve the changes we are facing. An example close to my heart is our response to the refugee crisis. Instead of offering help people , are encouraged to hate and fear the most Vulnerable Group of people on the planet. We are using human beings as ways to scare monger. But fear cannot be used as a way of garnering votes. Dividing our communities is not the way to get support. Because democracy is not about division, hatred and fear. It is about people. Working together to build a better future. Thank you. [applause] john ellen, thank you. Now from the west midlands, i call cheyenne. Cheyenne thank you mr. Speaker and thank you to my coworkers who made this possible. In the people who are rooting for me. Something i believe strongly in is racial equality and cultural diversity. The campaign showed me that anybody could take a stand and combating racism or any of the subjects they felt strongly about. Stereotypes are labels. That have been attached to different communities through ignorance and hate. It is time that we ripped those labels off. Let us go into the schools. After all, the 11 to 18yearolds, they are the ones that elected us to do this job. They need us. Social media will make a massive difference. We live on our phones. We need to report these things and stop them from happening. This is the 21st century. This is 2016. How can these things be carrying on . Instead of showing change, we should celebrate our differences. Martin luther king once said i have a dream when my four children will not be judged by the color of the skin but the content of their character. What we should do, we should not see someone as the color or religion or tradition or a country or a race for that matter. We should see them as we see ourselves, so we can leave a legacy behind for the youth of the future and love all. Thank you. [applause] john thank you cheyenne. Next, from yorkshire. The penultimate speaker, i call you up next. [applause] thank you mr. Speaker. I am deeply honored and humbled to be speaking in the chamber today. It was of course in this house where william from yorkshire are abolition of slavery and changed the course of history forever. So we must never underestimate the words being spoken in this house. We are changing a challenging world. There has never been a more urgent aid for a better, kinder democracy. A democracy where change doesnt only happen from westminster but happens from our communities across the country. A democracy where people are not disengaged or misinformed but instead are taking an active part in a national conversation. Represented by a gender balanced parliament. With members from all backgrounds and walks of life. Truly reflecting the british society. It is about holding a people power democracy. Surely this is not the vision for the future. This is the vision for today and it is the right way forward. Let us turn that vision into reality. Let us be the voice of hope. And the silence the fear. Thank you. [applause] john yet another says saint sucinct but very powerful speech. The last speaker representing the army welfare service, for whom i hope you will give a rapturous welcome. Liam west. [applause] liam democracy. A quote by arguably the greatest Prime Minister to ever have served, winston churchill. Democracy as a. Is great. It means everybody over the age of 18 can vote. However, as a young person i , feel that decisions are being made for which i have no influence. Furthermore problem with , a democracy is you need to register in order to vote. Four some young people might see too much of a waste of time. We need to automatically register when you turn 18 or 16 or 17. And finally, brexit. Low turnout during the referendum of the youth vote could be explained as polls indicated the remain campaign would win. So young people decided they didnt need to turn out. In order for the remain campaign to win. Thank you. [applause] john thank you. We had over 90 speakers today. Correctly,erves me 93. We have had a very large number of contributions. Carefully considered into doing as much effort has gone. It has been delivered with great eloquence. There have been some remarkable personal testimonies in the course of the proceedings. I hope you feel proud to have been part of this great enterprise. Proud if you have spoken. Proud if you heard a great speech or had a new thought as a result of what you have heard. It has been a very special experience. Members of the Youth Parliament, the Youth Parliament will now vote on which of the five subject debated today to select as its National Campaign issues. In the lobby, my friends, you will be given two ballot papers. One for the two reserves. U. K. White subjects. Wide subjects. One of the three devolved for todays purposes, england only. You should place a cross in the box for the subject you would like to vote for each ballot paper and handy complete ballot paper to the doorkeepers in the lobbies. Afterwards, please return to your place in the chamber. Those of you on my right, you should leave the chamber by the door behind me. And turn left into the lobby behind you. Those on my left should be on leave by the doors on the far end and turn left into the lobby behind you. Members of the house of commons staff will be on hand to assist you. The Division Lobbies are now open, thank you. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] sunday in depth and will feature a discussion on the presidency of barack obama. Our Panel Includes the White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks and author of the presidency in black and white. A Princeton University professor author of in white and black. David marinus, author of barack obama. Watch on cspan two. Tomorrow night, the annual banquet of the Muslim Public Affairs council. Speakers include hobby or bear bacera. Javier plusommentator van jones, george takei. Heard that first trial alloon a few weeks ago from surrogate from the trunk transition team, i knew exactly what was going to be coming down. He talked about a Muslim Registry which was a chilling echo for me. Back in the

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