Transcripts For CSPAN British Youth Parliament Debate How To Build A Better Kinder Democracy 20161231

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Opportunities. But its not enough to make legislation and lean back. Race and religion still remain the elephant in the room that we need to tackle. We are on the right track. The year, we estimate progress of the campaign. There is a still a lot that needs to be done. We must continue to foster the idea of inclusiveness. Andegins with education understanding to not fear them but to embrace them. To teach them love and empathy. In mainstream media, the perception of islam and inform on how to celebrate diversity instead of ignoring it. This only comes when you and i engage with people. By passingy come this motion today. Thank you. [applause] thank you. Forgive me, colleagues. But earlier, i called on the east of england. I have been advised there is someone from the east midlands who was going to be seeking to contribute but would not be in a position to stand. If that be so, if that person wishes to speak from a sedentary position, as as we call it in parliament, thats fine. Please go ahead. [indiscernible] for me, i do not see people because of their race or religion, because of their identity. I see them as people. And theres so much hate in this world at the moment and its just increasing due to whats she had a job and it was pulled off her. And she was told to go kill herself. There was her religion. Things like that can easily be happening in the u. K. It fulfilled a caps on forward or be afraid of potential for disruption. The person doing wrong. I think it is so important that what skin, matter you are, the metawhat village knew believe in, that we all stand together in unity. Mitchell people that they can treat us that way. [applause] john thank you very much indeed. Now what about london . I would like to talk to the young person in the back row, the second person standing. Yes, indeed, thank you. 2016. Is yet, soon, 123,944 young people want to tackle racial discrimination. Does not does that not not say enough . Religious hate crime thad cochran up by 34 . It is 2016 and i am standing here asking you to vote for a campaign that should have then achieved years ago. We have done so much in the past year but we have so much want to achieve. Yes, maybe we wont achieve everything about racial determination. But we can at least try, no one to feel afraid to walk down the streets because of the color of their skin or a hit job. If we do stop one hate crime, that would be enough for me because i would know we made a change. [applause] john thank you. But youre invoice from scotland on the simple matter. Important matter. People of these backgrounds in our communities feel as if in our communities, we need to do the against racism. [indiscernible] thank you. [applause] do we have a riverside it from Northern Ireland . Yes we do. In ireland, one of our societies is one of the most divided. So many people suffer from racism and religious discrimination on a daily basis. We need to make a point that this is not acceptable. In the current political climate. Politicians can get elected on promises of keeping this taking immigrants. Taking immigrants out. Even though this is a campaign these events are bringing up all sorts of underlying discrimination. It is a very relevant issue. It is upsetting. Two get behindto this campaign. VeryNorthern Ireland being racist. I spoke about it before. We need to fight against the bigoted and backward policies that our country has. Are much moreple openminded. This, womenhad would have rights over their own reproductive rights. Bet people would not discriminated against. I dont think people should be discriminated against based on the sexuality, thank you. [applause] john thank you again for an important voice of personal experience. Im going to call on somebody from the southwest. You can be gearing up from the southwest. Can just reference of this stage, right at the back of the chamber, the directed to general house of commons, ian ailes. [applause] ian is our first director general. He and i have been working together for the last 13 months. Ask me at a very early stage what priorities i have. The ones that he could focus on. I said Better Service delivery by the house to members to visitors, to visitors from across the room. Cruciallyly, and importantly, i want to to help place mores inclusive. Not least in terms of the staff makeup of the house and the opportunities for the nurture and promotion of talented people , all backgrounds, all parts of the country, ethnicities, etc. We are working together on that. I think it is fair to say that some considerable progress has been made. Ida ian and thank you for thank you to ian and thank you for showing your support. Now who do have from the southwest who want to contribute . How about the Young Man Holding a blue folder. Thank you, i represent the constituency. Im sure after the two accounts that we just heard from the incredible individuals every person in this room can recognize the importance of this campaign. Ever, thisan campaign and message needs to be getting out for after frantic, and the recent of the president elect, though, many planetary ed and inflammatory in this region. And one of racist rhetoric. We have also heard many discussing report from across the world of religious items being ripped off of individuals in the streets. This is unacceptable and i think we can all agree on this matter. We have heard many other fights today. A year is not long after getting on an issue. Especially an issue as big as this. But this campaign has been running since last year. If it continues onto this year, im sure that those people who were working on the campaign can continue to make headway and make a statement on this also important issue. It is about making a statement against xenophobia. It is about making a statement against racism and making a statement that everybody is welcome in our country. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much indeed for that contribution. Do you have some interest in the statement from the southeast of england . What about the gentleman there . Holding up his pad . I am from the isle of wight. All over the world, racism is a real issue. It is all about how we are divided in how we can stand together. We mirror the Global Society breaking away and still a set of points Category Parliament stands to fight, we are living in a world of corporations, we practice and compassion. Race and religion is not a barrier. It is an ideal that we can be meeting. It is ideal that we can be unique and achieve our actions together. We as young people must stand together to regulations in our society and around the globe. Young people have spoken and Youth Parliament is the embodiment of our shared dream. We want to face discrimination, to stand against division into societyunneeded pass a to the history books. Thank you. [applause] john thank you, on the northeast of england . I heard that the people of stockton in the northeast. I think this campaign is wonderful. I was looking at last year. On the train home, we were moving about how many discussing how many great things we can do to tackle discrimination. The campaign was a massive success. Thats is not disabled to stop there. There is some of what we can do. This is our opportunity to begin our own culture as of equality and respect. I think personally, this campaign reflects the very best of these problems. It is something we can actually achieve. As young people, we are able to move forward and bring life into a world that really needs it. Winky be the generation that will be respectful of each of us. The best path is that we can celebrate what parliament is. We can go out and show that diversity is brilliant. As we always do in such as this. We have so much power in this. We dont have to ask the government to change legislation. We want this new law. All we have to do is promote what is really about their people. We have to teach the generations of the future what it is like to show respect. Thank you. [applause] thank you very much for the heartfelt and lucy contribution to the debate. Somebodyre i call on from the west side. We have a front this figure at night back. Until a moment ago we had in the chair share sergeants. His background is in civil engineering. Victor, thank you for your support. [applause] and i also want to welcome with great enthusiasm the recently mohammed asifeant. [applause] highly popular with members. He has a very strong background from the ministry of justice and elsewhere in customer service. Looking at the people who come here and he also happens to be the first database sizes in the history of the house of commons. [applause] john kemal, thank you very much indeed. Thank you for the support you offer me into the house. Can we have a contributor on the West Midlands . We will have a young man waving at me with one arm them with another. 124,000 young people voted for this issue. It tells us young people in northampton and of course the u. K. Dont believe that it is right for fair that people discriminated against for they are and what they believe. As the in camera said last year, whether you are muscle, and you, griffin or seek, whether you are you aree or abroad, welcome here. That is why i urge you all to vote. John this is been a great debate. We have Software Company every part of the u. K. Im looking now for a conclusion to the debate. In your enthusiastic welcome to this. This is on the southwest. Please welcome ryan now. [applause] ryan we are all politically incorrect. From time to time. We say stupid things, we make mistakes, but most of the time we grow out of it. Crimes, too small respectful that awful lot of weight. I care about this issue because that as a United Kingdom, we are caring, compassionate and we are following. From what i can see in this chamber. We would do everything in our power to and discrimination for good. But that my friends is the question. Do we have the power . That over the next year that we combat this issue by lobbying our mps to do more. And it sure that our heads of school promote integration and the place of learning. In 2012, the government have line outlined a strategy of it on. To anye committee responsibly to our local authorities. From enhanced education, britains young people are already engaged in taxing this young issue. So i asked if this campaign is worth it. The work is being done at a higher level. Timeourselves in the given , is it possible to make a change . Or, is the fear to grace to overcome . The United Kingdom that i am proud to be a part of makes the impossible, possible. We do not fear the unknown. We embrace it. Together, we were almost the first stations in the world to abolish slavery. Together, our government and introduced laws that deny prejudice, a foothold in our world. Today together we have come so far in this battle. But must we forget, how long it took to change the heart and mind of our nation. That is whatds, were dealing with here. Hearts and minds. Forget, on this day, of all days, what the price of that freedom, justice, and that quality is. Our strength comes from diversity. A thousande comprise cultures, languages and traditions that with each generation have been something to the very fabric of our people. That is what makes us the United Kingdom. There is no place for race in todays world. Racism in todays world. We have to do everything we can to continue the campaign we have begun. However far off or distant that may seem to be. Friends, just a change in our everyday actions, i believe it is fundamental that refocus on those things that unite us, not divide us. That we Work Together to tackle this also very important issue. Why . In the day of my personal hero, native prime minister, justin eau, i say [applause] the delegates to the u. K. s your parliament also talked about achieving a better, kinder democracy in Great Britain and around the world. This is just under 30 minutes. John the Youth Parliament will now make speeches on better, kinder democracy. From the easement lands, i call the first speaker. [applause] thank you mr. Speaker. Everybody drives in case. Glass may change. We want to portray an image where has of the heads are fromded, bodies are ripped their skins. Just for rising is a question of following a religion that doesnt metv majority of the division. Everybody needs to have the right to be with you want to be. But remember, and parts of the world, a gun is an at your head if you like a man or a woman. The children shall never hear a fairytale again. They are forced to pick up a weapon. Children of the state are all slaves to one day. They believe forget those juvenile children and never incredible dreams and forget those who are in doctrines. Although it is hard to imagine a , yes, yes,e glory that is still a world that exists. Democracy is learning from historys the states and try not to repeat them. Democracy is empowerment for all. Man, but those who have a different color of skin. Those who look the same and those who are born with a different way to live. Thank you. [applause] thank you for that extremely affecting and moving speech. England police of from the east of england. Israel. Speak on anke to issue that is having a catastrophic effect on politics the world over. The prevalence of interest policy. Patches on racial and religious minds. These decisions are made by the electorate and buy this house. Who has they not on best ideas, the loudest support for the most reputable insult. We must all condemn this. We must here. Its of a argument and as such understand that those on the other side often have good intentions. To separatehen he the insults and start respecting each other. And by no means an implying that we should stop yelling at our in just a bonus. Sometimes we need to attack a philosophy. But we should never attack an idea. Policyia should focus on not people. If we do this, we will see the decline of the worlds oldest parliamentary democracy. Thank you. [applause] john thank you, call for monday next, i call for monday london. To use to tell me a story and this is how it goes. She wants to a woman in pakistan who had democratic editions but was prevented to vote. She was crying out for invoice. A caseworker. Femalee became the first in her country. Democracy is about raising opportunities for positive change. That is what we should be broadcasting, a kind of politics. Not what the media shows. Noise, letsjust say our democracy. Advocate a better democracy and articulate our words. Obama was to shift the future. Lets change the world. The way we see fit. Democratization, campaigning on both ends. Thats a be a thing of the past. In subsequent times, it followed that resembles us is when we need to know. Democracy,erance, while refugees have open arms. There is more. We may not share the same blood that we share the same thing in our hearts. Dreams, maybe as fragile. But you can shape our democracy in your own childrenss direction. Democracy is for everyone, not just for the privilege you regardless of your background and or gender. Thank you. [applause] john thank you very much for that. That was a beautiful and very pension contribution which has left its mark. Now please welcome from the northeast of england, emily door. Emily dormer. Emily thank you mr. Speaker. It is easy for us to forget how lucky we are to live in a nation where we can decide who is that if the decision session our lives. It is easy for us to forget that in other parts of the world, voices go on her. Politicians are never held to account. But we can show them the merits of a democracy. How innovation as Economic Prosperity cap, when we remove red tape. How giving young people the chance to vote, given the greatest stake in the success of our society. But there is so much more that we can do. People thegive young tools so that they can participate and eventually run our democracy. Knowingn, young people or caring about politics, isnt that what skepticism was valueded, too often our our valued is undermined. We become the sacrificial lambs of the political system. Often, value is based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity or religion. See,n this room, we can every was a soluble. When we every voice is valuable. Build a stronger, more united democracy thank you very much. [applause] thank you very much indeed for that. Now from the northwest of england, i call sarah stern. Sarah in my vision of the kind of democracy, i acknowledge that it is impossible to legislate for kindness. No statute can ever support that all politicians last kind late. Of next generation influencers, i believe it is our role to lead by example. We should demonstrate grace and kindness and our actions and reactions. It is the quality of grace and kindness which our democracy needs. It is to do with the refugee crisis, protect our environment, and dispel the weight of racist attacks that with our nations past year. You cannot legislate for kindness. Things can only be achieved through the actions of ordinary people. My vision of a better democracy is one of wider elections. We weapon and referendum the longest have no say in the outcome. We were giving a National Insurance number and told to contribute to the world. At 16, we are being told to consent sexually. At 16, we are being told we are old enough to test academically in a way that fundamentally influences our chances in life. If we can be so painstakingly assessed on our academic abilities, surely we can be trusted with the weight of political decisions. Especially in light of the impressive turnout the scottish youth demonstrated. On our journey to a better and kinder on our journea better and kinder democracy, since 18 euros can vote in id 69, can we have 16 euros to vote as well. What can we do so kindly

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