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Transcripts are also available as podcasts. If you liked tonights q a, here are others you might enjoy. Author fred kaplan discussing his biography on john quincy adams. Harold holzer on his book on abraham lincoln. And congressional historians don ritchie and ray smock talking about the history of the house and the senate. You can find those programs online. Texas republican chairman joe barton on the issues with privacy and cyber security. You have the basic principle whose information is it . Is it automatically in the Public Domain because i choose to use a mobile . We know that the way base things work they go into the cloud and all of that, or can i use it and still have a personal expectation of privacy . If you take the latter view, that changes the way you regulate and the way you legislate. If you take the position that by active participating and using by act of participating or using the act i am forgoing my right to privacy, that is a different issue. Monday night at 8 00 p. M. Est on the communicators. Next, the Prime Ministers questions at the british house of commons. Then as part of the road to the white house coverage, a town hall meeting with bernie sanders. Later, a House Foreign Affairs hearing at the human. On wednesday, british Prime Minister David Cameron travel to italy for meetings on European Union negotiations. George osborne stood in for the Prime Minister during this weeks question time. He took questions on european policy, job growth and combating terrorism. Mr. Speaker. [shouting] mr. Speaker the transfer is in italy and ive been as a aaa. This morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in addition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. Thank you mr. Speaker. Under this government leadership the construction of rental homes has fallen to a 20 year loan but since 20 10 p. M. Housing benefit paid to private landlords has risen by 1. 5 billion pounds. Does the chance to understand the connection would you like to come to my next surgery so my constituents can explain it to him . Him . Well first of a of course we are aware there is an acute housing shortage in london which is why we need to build more homes. But i can tell her this. We build more Council Housing in the last five years than the entire 13 years of the last labour government. And im very happy to go there were well talk about the day claimant count is down by 25 over the year, and longterm youth unemployment is down 45 in the last year. The economic plan is working. Thank you mr. Speaker. Pensions are really important issue to my constituents. The government has delivered on its side of the bargain by giving sabres a reason to access their pensions. Will the chancellor do all he can do to make sure that the industry lives up to its side of the bargain and delivers on those freedoms . Well, my honorable friend is absolutely right. That pension freedoms were introduced in april deliver a principal. The people of worked hard and saved all the last three trusted with her own money, 60,000 people have access to their pensions savings so theyre clearly concerned that some companies are not doing their part to make those freedoms available. We are investigating how to remove barriers and we are considering now a cap on charges and of asking the Financial Conduct Authority to investigate. People of worked hard and save our deserve a better deal. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. May i begin by congratulating the right honorable gentleman on his appointment as first secretary of state . Here, here. It was reported this week that a 17 year old blew himself up in an ice of attack that killed 11 people isil im sure youll agree when you do everything we can to prevent our young people from traveling to iraq and syria. So can he confirm whether the government now has an agreement in place with all of the airlines to raise alerts when unaccompanied minors travel to known serial roots, and that our police are being notified by the turkish authorities with when british citizens arise as transport to serious . First talk and i think imports welcome to affect cant i welcome the right honorable gentleman to split. I think is on the would be extremely proud. Speaking for the side of the house we are extremely relieved to see theres no been in the leadership contest opposite but plenty of [inaudible] [laughter] when it comes to the very serious situation around isil he raises a very serious situation around the isil. I think everyone in this house bishop of a 17 year old citizen of our country can become radicalized and become apparently a suicide bomber on the other side of the world. And, of course weve all seen the stressing reports. We have taken a number of steps. We want to work with schools and mosques and other kindred institutions to prevent the radicalization. Theres a new statutory duty to do that. Second were working with the airlines, including getting and places agreement that he talked about and providing the training at the borders to stop people traveling to countries like syria and, indeed, removing if they attempted to. Third, and this will be an issue, we also need to make sure our security and Intelligence Services have the powers they need to track people are trying to get back into this country and i look forward to cross Party Support on that issue. Im grateful for that reply. I think the house would appreciate an update on the progress of those discussions with the airlines and i noted that he wasnt able to respond to the question i asked about the turkish authorities because its a very serious matter and we need to know where things have got to. Now, we know that for some time theres been a growing number of young people being groomed to travel to syria and iraq. Last november the intelligence and Security Committee criticized the government for not giving to prevent programs sufficient priority and concluded, and i quote, that counterradicalization programs are not working. Why does he think this is . Well, frankly, i dont accept all of those conclusions and theres been a disagreement about the present program. But, frankly, i think in the past there was a confusion between the programs that support integration at the programs to try to prevent radical extremism. And as a result certain organizations got money that never should have got public money under the last government. The present program is doing its work but we have passed a very important law that now ensures there is a statutory duty on the public authorities like schools like universities, like the police but develop a preventive strategy and the counterradicalization strategy because where i think we agree, lest after all an issue like this kind of in areas where we agree, where we agree is we need to do more it is committed to prevent this radicalization taking place in the first place. Cannot assure the right honorable job and they will of course have the full support of the side of the house and measures that are taken to try to do with this problem. That can he assure us that Community Led prevent programs are not actually being implemented in places including provide appropriate training to teachers and other workers in the Public Sector as the new Public Sector did do they just refer to come and to force in two weeks on . I can confirm that training is taking place and, indeed, we provided additional resources. In the spirit of his constructive conversation, we have and extremism build which is in the queens speech which goes further in seeking to disrupt groups that are plotting to either commit offenses here in this country or indeed to travel abroad and become further radicalized. I hope the labour party look seriously at that extremism bill and offers its support to the side of the house. Its now clear right across the middle east and north africa the common enemy is a subject is the right honorable gentleman agree that our strategic objective must be to continue to bring together all of the countries affected in the region and internationally to put aside other differences and cooperate to confront isil . Well, i of course completely agree with the right honorable gentleman. And britain plays a leading role in bringing together the various allies that are delivering the impact against isil and, indeed, we have had some welcome news a prominent terrorist leaders not necessary in the isil organization but in other organizations who have been killed in the last couple of days. If those reports are correct its a very very welcome step forward in the global fight against terrorism. You are right. Ultimately, the Iraqi Government and the Syrian People are going to have to find a way to take greater control of their own security. In iraq of course we worked with a legitimate government. In syria we support the moderate opposition and we continued to support and train the end of task that they undertake. On that subject, turning out how we resolve the crisis which is seen as a right honorable gentleman will know the Largest Movement of refugees since the end of the second world war. Can he tell us what expectations he has for the new round of talks the u. N. Special envoy is holding in geneva . Well first of all, of course youd like to talk about the displaced person particularly in countries like jordan and in turkey who are bearing an enormous burden. That is why britain has such a massive aid contribution. And i think again across this as we can be proud that the passage in the recent german elections stood on the commitment to deliver [inaudible] not just a humanitarian effort but also to make sure that were able to in situations like this. When it comes to burden sharing across the region, of course we want to help but i think we have to be realistic. We cannot take large numbers of searing refugees into our country. Finally, mr. Speaker as more and more people gather in libya to try to cross the mediterranean, hms bulwark is doing an excellent job in rescuing frightened people. But we learned yesterday that his opponent is under active review. Having made a grave error last october in withdrawing support from the search and rescue operation can the right honorable gentleman assure the house that the government will continue to save the lives of those in peril on that see . Welcome of course i can give them the assurance we will continue to play our full part in the search and rescue operation in a train. There is essential maintenance that needs to be carried on hms bulwark which is clear and operational issue but no one should determine no one should anyway doubt britains determination to play its role in helping. In the end of this point . Which in the end is of this. Taking people out of the water and rescuing them and their lives of course is absolutely essential your we are human condition and we need to do with the indian jet to break the link which enable someone to get on the boat and claim asylum in europe and spend the rest of the lives on the european continent. And that is the draw, that draws these people any for a better life but circumventing proper immigration control through the european continent i think we should work across europe to break that link and i look forward to his role in helping him in helping us do that. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Businesses in cant need graduates to employ. No, right honorable friend explain to the government is doing to ensure that people stay the most important academic subjects like math that employers value of . Welcome i completely agree with my honorable friend, and of course, my right other than the education secretary said that i think really important education reforms yesterday, at the introduction of the ebay which will increase rigor in our school make sure that children are learning the essential subjects they need to get great jobs. And, of course today not much talked about yet but perhaps later in this section we should reflect on the fact that unemployment is down again in our country employment is up longterm unemployment is down as well. And for the first time wages are growing faster than since the great recession. And that shows that our economic plan is working. Thank you mr. Speaker. The iraq war a decade ago and its aftermath has been an unmitigated disaster. To choke off inquiry into the causes of the war has now been running for six years at a cost of 10 Million Pounds. Is it true that the report has been delayed until next year . The employer is of course completely independent of government and we do not determine when it publishes its conclusions were i agree with the honorable judgment is this. It has been a Long Time Coming and people i think running out of patience to go to see that report i would make a broader observation, of course there was a Cross Party Lines between the scottish nationals and the conservative party when the call to inquire to be set up early than actually was. If it had been without the conclusions now. Picture much mr. Speaker. Its worth remembering the chancellor of the exchequer and the Prime Minister both voted for the war that we were led into by the then labour government. Does he feel he has no moral or political responsibility to get to the bottom of the reasons why we went into this catastrophic war in the first place . And what is he going to do about this . That responsibility is fulfilled when we voted to create an independent inquiry. We want to see the results of the independent inquiry. I think those involved in chilcot would avert the view of the house of commons today and, indeed, public concern about how long this inquiry is taking. But ultimately this is an independent inquiry. If there wasnt an independent inquiry people would question his motives. It is independent but think you should get on with it. Thank you mr. Speaker. The tunnel [inaudible] would the chancellor join me in congratulating everybody whos been involved in this most amazing feat of engineering which this country must be truly proud of . Well, i think my honorable friend rightly draws attention to one of the great engineering marvels of the world which is at this fantastic crossrail tunnel that has been built up one of the under one of the oldest Capital Cities on the planet. The honorable gentleman says how much it didnt cost that it did cost money but to you what. This government is investing in the infrastructure to provide [shouting] and if we were not making the savings in the coming budget elsewhere we wouldnt be able to provide for our children. Thank you very much, mr. Speaker. [shouting] calm your self, man. [laughter] calm down. A bit of yoga would help. [laughter] im very grateful mr. Speaker put it is both sad and disturbing that the number of reported rapes in Greater London has risen by 68 in the last 10 years. Sexual crime is up by 35 in the last year. Will the chancellor commit the extra resources to the police to ensure that they catch and jail the perpetrators come but also they continue to support organizations working with women in the most sensitive manner . Of course we continue to provide that support. And, indeed, we have to the operational incentives by the metropolitan police seemed to please focusing more on these heinous crimes. And, of course, one of the other piece of news is theres increase reported as well and women coming forward who have been victims of the horrific record im always prepared to look at extra request the resources if there is more to do we can help. In my constituency, one year alone and the last part of the number of apprenticeships and doubled which is part of more than 2 million apprenticeships in the country as a whole. Clearly very beneficial to businesses and to young people. Will my right honorable friend confirm that apprenticeships as an important priority of . Well i can confirm that 3 million apprenticeships is the objective of this government building on success of providing 2 million of friendships in the last parliament. I think the whole house will want to congratulate my honorable friend of the can he apprenticeships advisor to the Prime Minister. He has a very Important Role to play because of the are Many Companies Great Companies who run great apprenticeship programs, but not enough but notnot in of Companies Give those up and ship programs and hope they will receive a knock on the door from my honorable friend. Will he confirm that to waste water from fracking will be properly treated so it is safe to drink again speak with well we will have the proper Environmental Standards around the expiration of shale gas come but i think for this country to turn its back on one of these great Natural Resources which other countries are using whidbey to basically condemn our country to Higher Energy bills and not as many jobs. And, frankly, i dont want to be part of a generation that says all the Economic Activity was happening somewhere else in the world and was happening in our country and wasnt happening on our continent. So we should get off with a safe environment ally protected exploration of our shale gas resources. Thank you, mr. Speaker. [inaudible] successfully secured the future telescope project and over 12 Million Pounds to highlight its unique science heritage. Does my friend agree there is further evidence, importance to science in his compelling vision of a Northern Powerhouse . Welcome my honorable friend is quite right to draw attention to the success at Manchester University and the bank that in securing the International Headquarters of the square kilometer array experiment i visited the bank in the middle of the Elections Campaign to drop in and congratulate them on their achievement which was achieved under instructions issued by the previous government. It is the Worlds Largest science experiment that its an incredible collaboration across nations and im extremely proud that its headquarters are in the Northern Powerhouse. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Today sees him as lobby in westminster of people are committed action on Climate Change. Does he agree facing out call we in this house have responsibility to divest our Parliamentary Pension Fund fossil fuels as the event in norway very recently . Well its way above my pay grade to interfere with the parliamentary trustees of the pension fund here. And i leave the decisions on investment to them. But i would agree with the honorable lady at the lobby as part it is important to date and those pairs talks at the end of the our real opportunity to get global commitment to finding standards and carbon targets. Britain will play its full part. What we want to achieve is to do with those Greenhouse Gas company our International Obligations on Climate Change but doing it in the cheapest way possible for the consumers of electricity here in britain. Think you very much mr. Speaker. [shouting] after years of undeserved neglect, my city up with is beginning to enjoy some infrastructure and investment everyone is quite brilliant potential and you can see that today. Jobs figures that have shown an unemployed fall of almost half since this chance working in. Would be chancellor confirm to me and most important step on this is our train. Taken from to me where we are without today, please . My honorable friend is already doing a great job in speaking up for the city of plymouth alongside other honorable friend come and as a result of Major Investments in the southwest by the upgrade and, of course, the new train on the Great Western line down to the southwest. I can confirm were in active discussions to provide those new trains and to help the for the good news later this summer. According to the womens annual survey last year on one single day there were 132 women aged 1820 living of refuge after being attacked, assaulted and in some cases raped. Will the chancellor today guaranteed for me and those women that those living in supported accommodation like refuge would not be included in his government plans to remove housing benefit from those aged 18214 will receive 132 women abused return to their violent partners every day . Well, we made it very clear what we set out our proposals on housing benefits that we would protect basically, for Little People such as the people the honorable lady refers to come and i welcome her to the house. But i would pick a broader argument about welfare before. This country faces a a very simple choice be with one person of the world population, 4 gdp but we undertake 7 of the worlds welfare spending. We can either carry on in a completely unsustainable path or we can continue to reform welfare and get a fair deal to those on welfare and indeed, a fair deal to the people, the taxpayers of this country who pay for it. Order. Thank you. Does potential agree that todays elections to chairmanship of select committees are a Great Success story for parliament as a whole . [laughter] i im very grateful for the for the gesture of support from the whole house of commons. [laughter] in which case since they are success and particularly if the Prime Minister is going to miss a few wednesdays, we suggest to the Prime Minister vetting out appear before the Liaison Committee more than three times a year . Ive asserted pass on the request. [laughter] my honorable friend is right to draw attention to the success of these elections. We shouldnt of course exists for the conservative came into office. Im not sure his own election isnt the best possible example of this since i think he is unelectable in unopposed in his own election. Well, elected unopposed immigrant i think thats what the right honorable gentleman and. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to add my contribute [inaudible] on Climate Change. Can potential to do with the government is doing diplomatically to support the tough global field . But also to ensure a level field for carbon Efficient Companies indicate to ensure that we dont see global emissions simply increase by offshore and into places like china . That is of course what a global deal is on board and we are actively engaged in these negotiations, indeed the Prime Minister was speaking to the french president about this only last week or so we are determined that britain plays a leading role along with our colleagues in europe and delivering a binding global target so that individual parts of the world cant opt out. Mr. Speaker [shouting] employment in crawley is at record high levels with Companies Like creative created extra jobs. Can my right honorable friend say what additional policies can be done by the government to ensure that companies can flourish further still . Well of course a small and mediumsized businesses of which weve seen i think around three quarters of a million created in the last five years or the engine of growth in our economy and are one of the reasons why as he said the claimant count in his own constituency is down almost twothirds. More encouragingly longterm youth claimant count is to pay down by 75 . It will go on doing things like providing that implement the amount which helps to Small Businesses employ more people. Of course, what will be disasters is to abandon the economic plan borrow and spend more. Because the worst thing for a Small Business is economic instability that puts them out of business. The chancellor will be aware of the incidents on thursday in my constituency were a few people a people is accused of stabbing his teacher giunta whole house will wish to join in expressing its shock, it of this warfight incident and also want to wish the teacher a swift and full recovery. Can the chancellor tell the house what the steps hes taking to cut down crime in our schools a . Well, first of all can i say to the honorable lady i think she speaks to the whole house and sending sympathies to the teacher and of course, to the people and staff of that school. I think our hearts go out to dinner i think the leadership in the school dealt with the situation in carbon will. And i know the Education Sector spoke to the head. Of course, what weve done is given teachers now powers to search bags of people and the like but if there are more things we can do is learn the lessons of this incident, of course we will. Thank you very much mr. Speaker. Figures released today show that the number of job seekers allowance claims the my constituency have dropped in the last five years by nearly 60 . Cant i thank my right over friend for his recent letter, and then ask them to agree with me that for the rail investment down to portland to increase jobs and prosperity in my constituency . My honorable friend has raised with me the case of his particularly slow rail service to portland and we will look into. Were making a massive commitment to the southwest the biggest ever commitment of infrastructure to the southwest of 7 billion pounds program and i will look to see what they can do to improve the rail service to his constituents so we probably connect up to the southwest. Chancellor will be aware that under the coalition 299 pounds is allocated to rebuilding the hospital. Would you like to restate the commitment to that funding so we can save the hospital . Welcome we did commit to that hospital project and provided continue to provide money which include does. We will go on providing that support. Of course, what weve done is commit to the stevens plan for the National Service an additional 8 billion pounds for nhs become something you can only get if you and your public finances in better order and your growing our economy, and thats precisely what we are doing. Thank you mr. Speaker. [shouting] since my right honorable friend became chancellor, and upon has fallen in derby by 64 . [inaudible] a trend Fastest Growing economy in the uk. This will come as no surprise to chancellor who recently visited my constituency and spoke about the engine of growth. A secret with me that we should even more to support Small Business across the midlands great more jobs, better skills and boost our economy even more . Welcome i very much enjoyed this thing the engineering term and are constituency a couple of weeks ago. Its an outstanding example of a successful mediumsize business growing in the east midlands, exporting around the world. Its what we want to see more of in our country. Thats why weve got a policy but to Live Economic security for our nation in uncertain times, delivers more jobs more infrastructure more devoted to Small Businesses all so we can back the working people of this country. The right honorable gentleman expressed for my constituency constituency. Will the chancellor agreed to convene a meeting between myself and ministers to discuss the revisit with you to counterterror policy, particularly countering radicalization speak was i know well be happy to meet the honorable lady and indeed, with your constituents that but i think of course we want to Work Together to try and prevent other tragic cases like this one and of course, lets not forget the victims of the suicide bomb. And that is going to be a great generational task for us is could be a islamic and the radicalization by young people is not going to be something we saw in the face of weak or a month or even potential in this parliament. So we need to work across party divide. We also need to work with all the different Public Services to make sure we prevent these young people thinking that somehow their life or their death is better off on the other side of the world. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Todays employment figures are produced my constituency where a number of people out of work is down to 895. During the election the chancellor said that his plans. Kenny update the house kenny update of the house speak with personal and very much welcome my honorable friend to the house. Is ex ord after 32 minutes of the session not a single question from the labour party on jobs . [shouting] and went and never stand up to talk about the good news in his constituency he gets shouted down by the opposite side. The truth is the longterm youth claimant count in his constituent is down by 50 it will go on investing in the south coast as a general election the labour party wanted to counsel the improvements. I thought it spoke volumes of the longterm vision for country. Will go on investing in that road any other key infrastructure we need to see roads and rail and broadband across the south of england. Thank you very much mr. Speaker. [shouting] is the second aware among concern that the calculation of the public lending right is being distorted by increasing the of Public Libraries being run by funded because of the huge cuts in local council . Will be asked the cultural secretary who i know is extremely knowledgeable in these matters to assure this rectified and the they can expect the reports for which they are entitled to . Welcome i know we have to address some potential to lending right and the last couple of years and im happy to look specifically at the case come at the issue he raises and see if theres more we can do. Done nothing. Todays an opponent they

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