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After meeting with constituents. This is 40 minutes. So to the commitments of which favor of the day. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. I know the whole house will join me in sending our profound entities to the family and friends at the 49 people who died in the horrific attacks in orlando on sunday. This is a naval attack of hatred of me condemn both of them. This along with the callous murder is a stark reminder of the challengers face to defeat the poisonous ideology both online and on a street. I believe together with our friends, allies, we will prevail. This morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others in addition to make duties i shall have such meetings today. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I share the Prime Ministers sentiment for the victims families and friends of those in orlando. The australian Parent Company United Kingdom ltd. We see europe as a major Market Expansion have put on hold for a to build a factory. Enormous potential for serving, but does the Prime Minister share my concern the opportunity would be placed at risk if the u. K. Leads the e. U. Assures me share my honorable friends concern. Hes right that Many Companies come to britain and invest in britain for many reasons. One of the most important has access to the Single Market of 5000 customers it next week we have the opportunity to put our place in the market beyond doubt and i hope we wake up knowing businesses will invest more in our country, create more jobs because that will help the families and another welcomed falling unemployment continued progress moving forward. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. I concur with his remarks about the terrible deaths in orlando. I joined thousands of lgbt in soho in london to mark the deaths of the 49 replace a thank you to does all of the country who attended vigils on monday night to show their concern. Quite simply we defeat atrocities to love and solidarity and we need to send a message out. Three ago thursday across policy for the implementation of section 40 and to proceed once criminal prosecutions were concluded. The Prime Minister will be aware today theres a lobby of parliament by the big guns of phone hacking. The Prime Minister said a few years ago we all do too much cozying up to Rupert Murdoch. Some of his colleagues are certainly cozying up at the moment. For the Prime Minister gave a commitment today that he will make the big dance and assure them he will keep his promise on this . By me again after what he said about the event of bombings in terms of the love is an issue, we said we would make a decision about the second stage of the inquiry once the criminal investigations and prosecutions were out of the way. They still continue so that is the situation there. We will do so again. Right now cozying up to Rupert Murdoch is not one of them. Will he make the victims of phone hacking i hope you will be promised he would make them. A major funder of the League Campaign said, and i quote, if it were up to me i would privatize the National Health service. The honorable member said if people have to pay for nhs services, table valued them more. The honorable member of the government that is that the nhs into record deficit. These people are now masquerading as saviors of the nhs, wolf in sheeps clothing. In the honorable member get it right when she rejected the duplicity of this argument and decided to join the remained in campaign . Wanting of changing her mind which is a brave thing for politicians to do and the nhs would be safer if we remain inside the reformed European Union. I believe that profoundly because the key to nhs is a Strong Economy and there cant be any doubt that nine out of 10 economists come in the imf, oecd, other organizations say in our economy will be stronger and its a Strong Economy that delivers a strong nhs. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last week the Prime Minister gave a welcome commitment with the closing of the loophole in the posting of workers directive. We will hold him to that. But we are concerned about the x location of microbrokers in the undercutting of wages in this country as a result of that. On that issue, while issue, what the Prime Minister today commit to the outline of the practice of agencies that only advertise jobs in reality jobs in this country . First of all, he and i agree about the evils of modern slavery. We pass without Party Support in with double the fines that can be put on companies for exploiting labor in this way. We strengthen the Licensing Authority and theyve carried out a number of prosecutions including the east of england where he left yesterday and we will continue to take action to make sure people are paid the wages they should be paid and protections are in the minimum wage in a National Living wage. We will continue at those measures. I want people to get a fair days pay for a fair days work. Mr. Speaker, the practice of advertising agencies in other countries. Tens of thousands of e. U. And other people have migrated to britain working on Public Services and do a fantastic job. Many people are also concerned about immigration in local communities. What communities need is Practical Solutions like the Migrant Impact Fund set up by gordon brown when he was Prime Minister to do with the extra pressure on housing, schools and ask those. Will the Prime Minister now can be that it was a mistake to abolish the plan and will he work with us to reinstate as a matter of urgency to give support to those communities facing problems on School Places in doc tears searches. Is absolutely right. Advertising about employment agencies that advertise overseas workers, we are looking to see if weve can ban that practice because we dont believe its right. The answer to so many questions is to make sure we are training, educating and employing british people and getting them the qualifications they need to take on the jobs our economy is creating a peer in terms of funds to help communities impacted by migration, where the pledge in in our manifesto which were looking forward to bringing forward which is a controlled migration on to make sure we put a name to communities where there are pressures because there are some pressures and we do need to address them and im happy we will overcome to cross party basis to do that. There are good ways of controlling migration on one of them is the import rule said people dont get instant access to welfare system a bit there about ways of controlling immigration, wrecking our economy is certainly one of them. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Today campaigning on fishing quotas not going to the u. K. Domestic reach. Look out the window and i havent seen them come yet, but reasonably on the way. The Prime Minister will be aware that reforms that were made three years ago actually put the power back into the hands of Member States and its the u. K. Government giving nearly two thirds of the english and welsh fishing quotas to just three companies. If excluding small communities all along our coast. Can the Prime Minister stop blaming brussels and tell our sustainable Fishing Community what action he will take to allow them to continue their work and indeed go further out in collecting fish. First of all, can i thank him for the reforms we carry through in the last parliament in my honorable friend was actually crucial in delivering those changes. What was actually seen in the last five years is an increase in the value of the u. K. Fishing industry is Something Like 20 . The points i would make is to export every year a billion pounds of fish to the e. U. And theres no country in the world that has a trade agreement that doesnt involve tariffs, taxes on the sale of its fish. Theres no way to get a better deal from the outside them until they get on the inside. Working with our fishermen, keeping the market open in making sure that we manage our stocks locally and appropriately as part of our plan. The government still did end quote is over to three very Large Companies at the expense of small communities around written. I hope he will reflect on that. But just eight days to go before the referendum, the labor position is we are going to be voting to remain because they believe it is the best way to stop tad to protect jobs and Public Services. We would oppose any budget just as theyve opposed any austerity budget proposed by this government. For the Prime Minister take this opportunity to condemn the opportunism of 57 colleagues who have sent in the numbers to back the bedroom tax, and care for the elderly who suddenly have now had a devastating version to the entire stare at a movement. Does he have any message for him at all . What i say to the right honorable gentleman is there are very few times when he and i are on the same side of an argument. This may save the people watching back in home doing it got the leader of the labour party and indeed almost all of the labour Party Conservative government, and the Scottish National party saying we have huge disagreements, but on this issue, the best option for britain is to remain in the European Union. This is a huge choice for our country. Choices have consequences. If we wake up and we remain in our economy and continue to move forward, if we thought out, the experts warn us will have a smaller economy, less employment, lower wages and less tax receipts. That is why we would have to have measures to address a huge hole in our public finances. Nobody wants to have an emergency budget. Nobody wants cuts in Public Services. Nobody wants tax increases. But i would say this. Theres only one thing worse than not addressing the crisis in public finances and that is ignoring it. If you ignore crisis, you see your economy go into a tailspin. Confident that your country reduce. We can avoid all of this by voting next week. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. [inaudible] the finest answer like the taste from many brewed locally recognized the u. K. Can the Prime Minister they must benefit small and mediumsized arrays in the country. Happy to agree with my honorable friend. Having spent last week, i agree with eric that a large quantity is one of the best ways to get through this Referendum Campaign and i would recommend it to everybody. The british industry is in good health because of the duty cuts for my right honorable friend a chance there because of the microburst tax regime. Theyve got cry still coming through in our country. Its an industry in good state did they want the Single Market open and they want us to remain in. Thank you, mr. Speaker. On orlando and on the death of condolence has been expressed by the Prime Minister and leader of the opposition, we are now a week away from the biggest question of the u. K. Has faced in a long time and that is the continuing membership of the European Union. Exports of goods and services from this Irish Economy are massively important. Hundreds of thousands of jobs depend on them come and meanwhile Public Services including the nhs are supported by many hardworking people from elsewhere. Does the Prime Minister agree with me if we want to protect jobs, protect Public Services, we must vote to remain in the European Union. I do believe the most important argument, but the most important is the future of our economy and it seems obvious to me you can listen to experts or make a commonsense argument today we have full access to 500 Million People for an economy like scotland. There is no way we get a better deal with a Single Market on the outside can we get on the inside. If weve laughed, we would see our economy suffered. We would be job suffered. That is just plain common sense. I agree with him for jobs and for likely does we should remain in. But as a consequence for finances because if our economy is doing well, public finances would be doing a spell and have consequences for scotland, too. On that issue, may raise that with the Prime Minister. Today weve learned from a conservative chant the ibx checker in the former labour chancellor that they would be likely to be 30 billion pounds in cuts to Public Services or tax writers. What impact would that have on Public Services in scotland . Please can we learn now before we vote what impact would that have on the budget in scotland that pays for the nhs and for all key Public Services. Another reason we must go to remain in the european. The what i say is that these figures are not days on what the chancellor of the exchequer is saying. They are based on the institute of fiscal studies and Economic Social Research talking about 20 to 40 billion hole in our public finances if you were to go ahead. These organizations often quoted across this house many times against the government because they respected for independence. Clearly if that is the impact on public finances, decisions to cut public spending in the u. K. Budget to have an impact on scotland. To anyone who says these warnings of coors could be wrong or inaccurate. This uncomfortable point to make to the right honorable gentleman. There were warnings before the scottish referendum. It turned out to be worse than the experts warn. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Since the terrorist attack in paris and brussels, many of my constituents are worried that remaining in the e. U. With fears exacerbated by people like nigel for roche. Does my right honorable friend agree that they are helped, not hindered by the e. U. Out save directly to my honorable friend ive done this job for six years. Id working with the secretary, seeing how closely intelligence and Security Services work with other services around the world. By the way we work and i am in no doubt the increasing extent of Information Exchange and takes place through the European Union is a direct benefit to our country here at its not just that you need a border. You also need information and intelligence to police the border properly. The passenger name records. Of course outside the e. U. We could negotiate and we are and then driving them and making them keep people safe in our country. Mr. Speaker, they expect to receive 10 Million Pounds in e. U. Funding over the next three years. They keep to attract businesses to the qvc which created 2. 5000 jobs. Isnt the case that this important funding from the e. U. Could be lost if we both leave the European Union. The gentleman makes an important point, which if you look at the independent report, they say there is no financial saving from leaving the e. U. The issue for fiscal studies conclude that leaving the e. U. Would not leave more money to spend on the nhs. Preferably by spending less on Public Services are taxing more. I would argue that there is a dividend from remaining inside the e. U. And we start to feel it next friday. Britain made a decision and investors would know that britain meant business and they are investing in our country. Theres no saving from leaving and thats what the experts agree. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The number of children growing up in something nearly half a million since 2010. Will the Prime Minister continue wages are no more jobs in a growing economy. I think my honorable friend is right that the most important thing we can do is to help them get the job to earn a living and provide for their family and in our strategy measuring work crews i think are really important in helping to ensure we continue to let children out of poverty. The mr. Speaker, we live in businesses but the chairman said tonight the votes next week are hurt by the trail of immigrants that the first friends on sunday and are considering leaving permanently if we exit the e. U. While the Prime Minister to stay as they are highly valued. There are many people who work hard and make a contribution and help to build our communities. It is important to get the numbers in some days. E. U. Nationals, italians, germans and the rest of it. Only five are going to be e. U. And National Spirit as he says, but get nhs pay 50,000 e. U. Nationals working as doctors and nurses. 60,000 e. U. Nationals helping to look after elderly relatives with dementia and other conditions as they come towards the end of our life. Pointing to make sure people who come here make a contribution but we should celebrate the contribution they make. The thank you, mr. Speaker. Given the government enthusiasm for making forecasts and predictions, can the Prime Minister please tell the house in which year will we meet our manifesto commitment to reduce immigration into the tens of thousands . Last year for which e. U. Migration with imbalance and british nationals leaving our shores to work in europe and a number of e. U. Nationals coming to live and work here. The last year that was imbalance was 2008. I would say to my honorable friend we need to do more to control migration from outside the e. U. And we are doing that with the closure of colleges and other measures and we are doing more inside the e. U. , not saying if they dont get a job after six months they have to leave. If they do work, they have to contribute for years before they get access to the welfare system. Those are sensible ways of controlling immigration. A nonsensible way is damaging jobs, economy and having to explain why we self imposed a recession on our economy. Many from my constituency are struggling to make ends meet. The World Trade Organization say if we leave the e. U. We could save major terrorist state and would have to renegotiate over 163 agreements. Does the Prime Minister agree with me that leaving the e. U. But take the cost of living is too big a risk to take. It is always the poorest of those and economy suffers a recession. There are two ways in which the cost of living could be a factor. If we lived the Single Market, go to wto rules, well have tariffs imposed on the goods they sell to europe and that would make us suffer. Many independent experts forecast the cost of living rises in the cost of family shop rises in holiday rancid and shes right its not worth the risk. We should keep our country safe. Thank you, mr. Speaker. File in the chance is very welcome announcement to the Growth Commission, could the Prime Minister outlined the focus to deliver the muchneeded infrastructure and Economic Development that would allow my wonderful constituent did. Whenever i get a question, i remember how grateful i am that she is sitting or rochester and representing happy days. [shouting] in terms of the 2050 Growth Commission from the key areas are still in infrastructure and there is a serious amount of money committed to the infrastructure and we need to look at things including the crossing to make sure they can make the most of its potential. Thank you, mr. Speaker. 2. 5000 in my constituency jobs are dependent on e. U. Trade. The rights are protected by the chapter and may have been rebuilt. Are they producing more spend than a potters wheel . Despite europes loss, they could give us picking up the pieces of a broke and economy for years to come. Im going to make that sound bite. Its a good one. The honorable lady is spray. If we leave the Single Market and the European Union, the process probably takes two years and after that you then have to negotiate a trade deal with the European Union undergoes a trade deal like canada, that could take seven years and were seven years and were looking at decade of uncertainty for our economy. I am advised by my parliamentary private sector before they did do a worthwhile job of working in that industry [laughter] [shouting] he may not be spending pots anymore, but a spinning from effectively. We exported 38 billion pounds in china to the e. U. And if we were outside without a trade deal, there would be a 12 tax. I dont want to stay british manufacturers, car makers. We should be investing in most industries in helping them support and not making the situation difficult. Thank you, mr. Speaker. 30 years ago when i was a little flat, my parents quit their jobs jobs [laughter] 30 years ago, my parents quit their jobs and founded a school Manufacturing Business around our kitchen table. Today, british manufacturers were particularly Small Businesses are worried. They are worried because if we leave the European Union, theyll continue to make their product to common european standards because they value the free market. They value the Single Market. They value and want to export. They are aware the United Kingdom will have no say whatsoever in the formulation of those standards and their competitive advantage will be destroyed. What advice does my right honorable friend have for my parents, for Small Businesses and for the millions of jobs that depend on them. I always assumed that honorable friend was under 30. Im shocked to get this news. He makes an important point that if we were to leave, we lose the seat around a table that fits the rules of a Single Market. Sometimes those rules can be annoying or burdensome. At the end of the day they are the most we have to meet. If you have no say over those rules, you dont gain control, users control. Thats an absolutely crucial argument on why Small Businesses are back in the e. U. As well as a large majority of. Dr. Alastair make donald. Mr. Speaker, could i endorse the comments that the comments of the Prime Minister about our window and pirates of the death they are. Could assured the Prime Minister it is fully behind them fully behind him in his efforts to secure. But the campaigners have been securing our borders are spending more crime. When it comes to building order for the u. K. And the rest of the e. U. We are dismissed until would change there. He returned to customs passport checks and hard border would be critical critical economic issue. Can the Prime Minister once and for all tell the people of Northern Ireland what will become of the border if the u. K. Wants to leave the European Union. And thank him for his remarks about dear linda shooting. On this issue if we vote to stay in, we know what the situation is. When of the common travel area works. We know it can continue under can continue to never one can have confidence. If we were to leave and make a big issue about borders, outside the European Union and therefore you could only you there have been new border controls between the republic and Northern Ireland for which we would regret some sort of checks on people as they left belfast or other parts of Northern Ireland to come to the rest of the United Kingdom. We can avoid these risks. Risk to her childrens jobs, risks to economic future, border community. I say avoid the risks. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Next week ill be visiting 25 stores in my constituency to explain both sides of the referendum argument to the most heavily impacted by a decision which they cannot make. But the Prime Minister have been a worse for the young people for the remaining segment . And very grateful. But i would say it this is a vote for those people in the schools unable to vote will affect their futures. I hope they will talk to their parents and grandparents after being inspired by the honorable friend about wanting to grow up in a country with opportunity. We are bound to have more if we remain in a reformed European Union with 27 other countries. Also it goes to a point about wizard of country want our children to grow up in. Not just one of economic job opportunities, but were country is able to effect change and get this done in the world. We dont diminish ourselves, we enhance the power britain and the greatness of our country. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Approximately 11,000 most loyal employees with overt or a tv or service are about to get a serious pay cut. Cuts to sunday pay, holiday and antisocial hours pay almeida on the back of the National Living wage means theyll take home less next year than they do this year with some losing up to 2000 pounds. This is not just any pay cut. This is a take that marketing expenses pay cut. Could the Prime Minister agree with his chancellor that anywhere else on the back of the National Living wage is wrong and if so, will to make this possible . Obviously we want the National Living wage feeding through into people that having higher takehome pay, not lower takehome pay would urge all companies to make sure that is the case. I havent seen the information, but they now like any retailer that they need to attract and retain and motivate what they have. It is crucial in retail particularly with Competition Online that they continue to do that and they wont do that if they cut peoples pay. Mr. Speaker, i agree with the Prime Minister and europe. On the night of november last year, and i quote, some people seem to say britain couldnt do it for the European Union. I dont think that is true. The argument is the mother they could survive. Of course it could. So despite the panic driven negativity from the remaining street, the british people vote next week to become a nation again. Will my right honorable friend join me and racing the optimism and opportunity and people in this momentous decision. I say to my honorable friend. Of course britain can survive outside the e. U. No one is questioning now. The question is how are we going to create the most jobs . How will we create the most investment and opportunities for children . How are we going to get things done . Im all those issues covered the arguments are on the side. Thank you, mr. Speaker. That i associate myself and indeed all of my party across the country with the remarks in which he can help those hardworking people not to suffer . And i are often on opposing sides of arguments. It says arguments about the breadth of the argument to remain in the European Union that we have trade unions, othersses, and so many all saying that our economy will be better off. Ifilies will be better off we remain in. He is absolutely right about interest rates. The last thing homeowners need, the last thing our country needs, is a hike in interest rates. Planglad he supports the of remaining inside a reformed European Union. Nigel adams. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Can i congratulate my right honorable friend for delivering this historic referendum . Unfortunately, we have some hysterical scaremongering during the debate. There are those in this house that believe if the british people decide to leave the eu, there should be a second referendum. Can he assure the house and country that, whatever the results on june 24, his government will carry out the wishes of the british people . If the vote is to leave, then we leave . I am happy to agree with my honorable friend. In means we remain in a reformed European Union. Out means we have come out. That means out of the European Union, out of the european Single Market, out of all of those things. It then means the process of delivering that which would take at least two years and delivering a trade deal that could take as many as seven years. I would say to anyone still in doubt, and there are members in this house, if you are still uncertain, when you think of that decade of uncertainty for our economy, vote remain. Mr. Speaker, the North Middlesex hospital emergency unit is incomplete meltdown. Will the Prime Minister commit to swift action to tackle this crisis . It is a busystand accident and emergency unit. 00 has received over 13,6 patients in april alone. It has carried out 40,000 operations and diagnostic tests every year. If we look at what has happened 210 more0, there are 80 mourners is. Nurses. Main more if we remain in, we need to take the proceeds and put them in the nhs. Im looking forward to the british people getting the opportunity to vote against the vindictive emergency budget. Will my right honorable friend explain that, if the government is so strapped for cash, why is it intent on spending 50 billion nhs . S on we will be strapped for cash if you believe the institute for fiscal studies or the National Institute of social research, both independent, who say there would be a hole in public finances between 20 billion and 40 billion. Youhe economy shrinks and have fewer jobs and lower wages, you get less tax receipts. Clearly, you have to make cuts or put up taxes or increase borrowing. It is a simple matter of mathematics. There is an easy way to avoid that situation. That is to vote to stay in next thursday. Order. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the vote on whether to continue britains membership in the eu is this thursday. We will simulcast coverage live starting at 5 00 eastern on cspan2 and at cspan. Org. Tomorrow, parliament will pay x, who was shoto and killed thursday. We will have live coverage from the house of commons at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan2. The dalai lama spoke at the u. S. Institute of peace in washington recently about the role of youth leaders in resolving conflict. He opened with a moment of silence for the victims of the mass shooting in orlando, florida. Victims of the mass shooting in orlando, florida

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