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Time that companies have to inform consumers and set penalties for enforcement, those are appropriate steps that should be taken. Steps that are covered in the Data Security legislation that we have worked on at energy and commerce committee. Monday night at 8 00 eastern on the communicators on cspan2. At a townarly fiorina hall meeting in South Carolina. Then, ted cruz at a townhall meeting in iowa. After that, a House Oversight Committee Hearing with james comey. Republican candidate Carly Fiorina was in South Carolina today for a town hall even, where she answered questions from supporters. She talked about the economy, persecution of christians, and Hillary Clintons testimony before the house benghazi committee. From the university of South Carolina satellite campus. Thank you, so much. It is great to be back here in South Carolina. Shannon, thank you for that wonderful introduction and thank you children for the pledge of allegiance that you did so well. How many of you watched the benghazi hearings . Course, Hillary Clinton continues not to answer the fundamental question, which is, since she clearly knew this was a purposeful terror attack on the night it was going on, why did she get up the next day and address the American People and talk about a videotape that did not represent our values and why did she continue to talk about that for many days and weeks to come. Trey gowdy, he has done it clear that mrs. Clinton will not be held accountable for her actions there or elsewhere. Until and unless we have a nominee prepared to hold her to account during a general election debate. [applause] ms. Fiorina maybe some of you have not quite decided if youre ready to support me or not, but everyone of you, i know in your heart of hearts, cannot wait to see me debate Hillary Clinton. [applause] clinton. There is only one way that will happen. Do occasionally feel a certain amount of empathy for Hillary Clinton, because there are things that are different about running for president as a woman. For example, early on in my campaign, i was asked on a saturday Morning Television show whether i thought that a womans hormones prevented her from serving in the oval office. Thinkwer was, gee, can we of a single instance in which a mans judgment might have been clouded by his hormones . [laughter] [applause] are many differences between Hillary Clinton and i. One of the main ones is this. I will never ask for your vote because i am a woman. Though i am proud to be one. Andll ask for your votes your prayers because i believe i am the most qualified candidate to win this job, and to do this job. [applause] my candidacy in may, nobody gave me a chance. Most voters had never heard of me, i never held elected office. I reminded George Stephanopoulos this morning, i was on his show the day that i announced. During the august 6 rate i was not even on the main stage. In september. I had to fight my way onto the stage and shannon helped me with that tremendously as did all of you. In the debate next week, i am number four bang. I am feeling pretty good. We have come a long way. Is, i am still introducing myself to the American People. It is still true that during that debate, 40 of Republican Voters dont know who i am and still dont know that i am running for president. So allow me to take a moment to introduce myself to you. When i was a little girl, i was in church on a sunday morning, my mother was my sunday School Teacher that year. She looked at me and said to my sunday school class, what you are is gods gift to you, what you make of yourself is your gift to god. Those words have stayed with me all my life, perhaps because of that little girl or a young woman, i do not feel gifted and her words were a promise that i had gifts and a challenge to find and use those gifts. I would learn conservatism at my dads knee. I enjoyed my father and i would watch and watch the news every night when he came home from work. I would watch and yell at walter cronkite. I would watch him yell at walter cant cut and i would ask why and he would explain. The next morning, i would watch a meal at the new york times. I would ask him why. From my mother and father, i learned there is not substitute for hard work with dignity and hard work if it is some of excellence and the family brings purpose to our lives and faith brings meaning to our lives. Values are what guide your behavior when no one is looking and you dont think anyone will find out. In the end, your reputation and integrity are the most precious assets you have. Fast forward, i would start my career in the middle of a deep recession, typing and filing an answering the phones were a nine person real estate firm. Wendy, to make it up to my desk and they worked in that firm and they say, we have been watching you and we think you could do more than type and file. Do you want to know what we do . That was my introduction to business, literally. Eventually, i would get an mba and go off to work and at t as an entrylevel salesperson. I started in washington, d. C. , when at t is to be the bell system, one million employees, some of you may remember. It was there that i met my husband, frank, about 34 years ago. We have been married over 30 years. He brought with him to little girls, tracy and lori, and they have been an enormous blessing to me for so many reasons, including that i was not able to have children of my own. Today, we have two granddaughters, care and morgan. Cara and morgan. Frank and i have been very blessed. We have that good times and hard times. You heard from shannon that i battled cancer and the love of my family and power of my favorite solving through that, and my faith and my family saw us through the tough times of bearing lori, when she was taken by the demons of addiction. I have been all over the world. I have lived, worked, traveled all over the world. I am keenly aware that it is only in this nation that a young woman can start out the way i did, in the middle of a deep recession typing and filing, go on one day to become the chief executive of what we turned into the Largest Technology company in the world. And run for the presidency of the United States. That is only possible here. [applause] and i think it is worth asking why. The why. The reason more things are possible here than anywhere else on earth. Because i think it is forgetting the why that we go the wrong direction. And i think our nation is in a Pivotal Point. My mother was right. Everybody has gifts. Everyone has potential, far more than they realize. And yet, more things have been more possible for more people here because our founders knew what my mother taught me. Our founders knew that everyone has potential, godgiven gifts. And in this nation, you have a right it was quite a radical idea at the time a right to the fill your potential, the use your gift. It is what they meant when they said the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And the really radical part of their idea, which founded a nation, was that this right to fulfill your potential to use your godgiven gifts comes from god. They cannot be taken away by man or government. [applause] i started on the journey of considering running for president when iran into a man when i ran into a man after speech i had given when i ran into a man after speech i had given. He said, you know carly, we dont think of ourselves as a nation of Limitless Possibilities anymore. That really landed. Because when we do not think of ourselves that way, we are losing the core of who we are. We used to know that if something were worth doing, we would figure out how to do it. If it were hard to do, even better. We would pull together and get it done. We just knew that our children and grandchildrens lives were filled with great possibility. We doubt that now. The truth is we have reached the point where the possibility for americans the potential for this great nation are being crushed a government that has grown so big, so powerful, so costly, so complicated, so in apt so inept. And so corrupt in th the truth is we have reached the point where the possibility for americans the potential for this great nation are being crushed a government that has grown so big, so powerful, so costly, so complicated, so inept. And so corrupt in the political professional class that refuses to do anything about it. [applause] those are really harsh words, ladies and gentlemen. But they are what the majority of americans believe. Americans are smart. As citizens, we know that something is wrong now. And we know that it is about much more than replacing a d with an r. The system is not working anymore. 75 of American People think the federal government is corrupt. 82 now think we have a professional Political Class that cares more about the protection of its own power, position, and privilege than getting anything done. And i agree. My fellow citizens, i think it is time to remember that we were intended to be a citizen government and to take our Government Back. [applause] ms. Fiorina and we need to take our Government Back because we have festering problems that never get solved. People talk a good game election after election, and never really gets better. We still are not caring for our veterans, those who have served us. How long have we been talking about tax reform . How long have we been talking about reducing the size of government . How long have we been talking about securing the border . How long have we been talking about Holding People accountable . The truth is government has gotten bigger and more complicated, more powerful, more costly, more corrupt every year for 50 years. So you see, it is not just about an r for a d. It is about putting someone in the oval office who is not afraid to challenge the status quo, and who has a track record of actually producing results and solving problems. [applause] ms. Fiorina there are a lot of good people who work hard every day. Some of them are politicians. Politicians are not bad people necessarily, but a lot of politicians, just like a lot of folks in any setting, are managers, not leaders. There is a big difference between managers and leaders. Managers are people who do the best they can within the existing system. They never really challenge the status quo. They operate within the system, even if the system has been broken for a really long time. And because they operate within the system, instead of trying to fix the system, they kind of tinker around the edges of the problems. Leaders are different people. Leaders say i am not going to accept a system because it is broken. They understand that it is their job to challenge the status quo. A leaders highest calling always is service to others. Calling is tohest unlock potential in others. And the only way that happens is to actually challenge the status quo, solve problems, produce results. The difference between management and leadership reminds me of something Margaret Thatcher once said. She is a woman i admire greatly. She once said at a Pivotal Point in that nations history, i am not content to manage the decline of a great nation. Ladies and gentlemen, i think we have been managing the decline of this great nation for quite long enough. [applause] ms. Fiorina i am prepared, though. With your votes and your support and your prayers, to lead the resurgence of a great nation. [applause] ms. Fiorina so it is worth thinking about, what is it we need to do . The answer is we know what we need to do. In order to get our economy growing again, we have to start thinking about small business. And quit protecting big business. The truth is the bigger and more powerful government gets, the more powerful the wealthy and wellconnected are advantaged. It is called crony capitalism. Progressives want you to believe that the answer to crony capitalism is more government but it is the problem with crony , capitalism. [applause] ms. Fiorina we need to get our Small Businesses and entrepreneurs growing again. We need to quit tangling peoples lives of the interdependence. And we have to encourage, indeed require, that people go to work. Because dignity and purpose come from work. [applause] ms. Fiorina we have to reform the tax code, quit talking about it and do it. From 73,000 pages to 3. Three is about the limit any individual can understand. Ask yourself the question. Seriously, why is that important . If something is so complicated that you do not understand it, what is the percentage you are getting taking advantage of . Near 100 . Unless you have all the resources to figure out how government is working for you you are getting taking advantage , of. We know that we actually have to know where your money is being spent. We have to go to some zerobased budgeting. Wouldnt that be helpful, to actually know . [applause] ms. Fiorina ask yourself, how is it possible that every year the federal government spends more money and yet never has enough money to do the important things . Yesterday, yesterday, president obama vetoes the National Defense authorization act. Here is a dangerous time in our world, and basically what he says is, we do not have enough money. Not for my priority. How is it that we always spend more money and never have enough . Because all the money is always spoken for. That is why we have to go to a system where every single dollar has to be justified every single year. It is the only way you spend less overall and prioritize what you spend. [applause] ms. Fiorina we have to hold people accountable in government. No one is ever held accountable in government. Theght mrs. Clinton, not Senior Executives of the v. A. Who permit over 300,000 veterans to die before they receive health care, not the people in the irs to target conservatives. No one is ever held to account. And we have to move to a system where there are consequences. [applause] ms. Fiorina and we also know we have to lead in the world. We have to get our economy growing again. We have to cut government down to size and hold it accountable, and we have to lead in the world. Which means that not only do we have to take care of our veterans, those who have served us, because when we do not care for them it is a stain on our nations honor. But it also means that people feel as though military service is no longer honored and valued. We have to have the Strongest Military on the planet. Everybody has to know it. [applause] ms. Fiorina and we actually have to send a signal, a really powerful signal, to the world that the United States of america will lead again. [applause] ms. Fiorina and on day one in the oval office, i will make two phone calls. Bb first will be to netanyahu to tell him that we will stand with the state of israel. [applause] ms. Fiorina and the second will be to the Supreme Leader of iran. Who might not take my call. [laughter] ms. Fiorina but he will get my message. And the message is, new deal. New deal. [applause] ms. Fiorina until you open every military and every Nuclear Facility anytime to anywhere inspections, by our people, not yours, we will make it as difficult as possible for you to move money around the Global Financial system. We can do that. The money is being used to build military capability, Nuclear Capability come into so murder and mayhem throughout the middle east. And with those two phone calls, the message will go out around the world, loud and clear that the United States of america is back in the leadership business. [applause] ms. Fiorina i am going to finish up here in a minute so that i can take your questions. Let me close by saying this. Ladies and gentlemen, we must win in 2016. [applause]

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