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Mr. Gore thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. [applause] mr. Gore thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much, secretary clinton. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for the warm welcome. I appreciate those kind words very much. I want to acknowledge all of the elected officials and distinguished guests who are here. I want to say a special word of thanks to president Eduardo Petrone of miamidade college. I understand you have got a pretty good womens Volleyball Team here, so go lady sharks, is that what you say . Im here today with two very simple messages. Number one, when it comes to the most urgent issue facing our country and the world, the choice in this election is extremely clear. Hillary clinton will make solving the Climate Crisis a top national priority. Very important. [applause] mr. Gore her opponent, based on the ideas he has presented, would take us towards a climate catastrophe. That is my first message. The Climate Crisis is and must be regarded as a top national priority, and a top global priority. Here is my second message. Your vote, really, really, really counts. A lot. [applause] mr. Gore you can consider me as an exhibit a of that truth. [laughter] mr. Gore for those of you who are younger than 25, you might not remember the election of 2000 and what happened here in florida and across the country. For those of you older than 25, i heard you murmuring just now, but take it from me, it was a very close election. Election you won, you won [chanting] mr. Gore here is my point. I do not want you to be in a position years from now where you welcome Hillary Clinton and say, actually, you did win, it just was not close enough to make sure that all the votes were counted or whatever. Elections have consequences. Your vote counts. Your vote has consequences. And in this election, the future of miami and cities up and down the west coast and east coast of florida are on the ballot as well. Indeed, the entire state of florida and its future are on this ballot. So is our economy, our health, our national security. The Common Thread that binds all of these issues together, what we decide to do about Carbon Pollution and its damage to the ecological system of the earth. I do not have to tell you here in florida that the Climate Crisis is real. It is true that some of your elected officials have not recognized that it is real. But every single night on the Television News is like the book of revelations. You look at the floods and droughts and mudslides and the fires and the incredible downpours. As secretary clinton just mentioned, Hurricane Matthew just recently. It spun up from a Tropical Storm into a category five hurricane in just 36 hours. That is extremely unusual. The reason that happened is the Climate Crisis is trapping so much extra heat in the earths system, equivalent to be 4000 atomic bombs going off every day. It is warming the oceans, more than 90 of that goes into the oceans. The southern caribbean, where it spun up into a category 5 so quickly, was much warmer than normal because of that. And the gulf stream is way warmer than normal for this time of year for the same reason. This means also that all the water vapor coming off the ocean into the atmosphere is brought over the land. So we get these record downpours. Just in the last year, we have seen one in 1000 year downpours in louisiana, west virginia, texas, maryland. In houston, in one twelvemonth period, they just had two 500year floods and one 1000year downpour. They had as much water dumped on them as would have been put there by 3. 5 days of the entire flow of niagara falls. This is not normal. It is becoming the new normal, which is now a set of conditions that we have created with all of this manmade Global Warming. Secretary clinton also mentioned the sea level rise. We have seen already some of you who are a little bit older may remember hurricane andrew absolutely. When hillary and i were first campaigning together in 1992, hurricane andrew came through. Just since hurricane andrew, the sea level in the waters around florida have gone up three inches since hurricane andrew. And every vertical inch of sea level means 48 feet of the water going inward. And the storm surges on top of that. And in high tides, there are now sometimes fish from the ocean swimming in the streets of miami beach and delray and fort lauderdale. The rainfall in carolinas, secretary clinton mentioned what they are still dealing with. They got 17 inches of rain because the warmer oceans not only make the wind speeds much stronger than it has been in the past on average, but it also dumps all that water on the land. And she mentioned the role it plays in health. Just yesterday there were six more cases of zika announced in dade county. These tropical diseases has spread so quickly partly because of Airline Travel and the transportation revolution, but the change in climate conditions change the places where these tropical diseases become endemic and put down roots. The mosquitoes mature faster and then the virus in the mosquitoes incubate much faster and they bite more often because theyre coldblooded and when the temperature goes up, their metabolism goes up and they spread the disease way more quickly. So these and many other consequences, including the fires out west that secretary clinton talked about, they are really wake up calls for us. Mother nature is giving us a very clear and powerful message. We cannot continue putting 110 million tons of global pollution into the atmosphere every day as if it was a sewer. We have got to stop it. We have to wake up and recognize the need for change. [applause] mr. Gore so, most people know that we have to change this, but here is the really good news that more people should know. We can change this. We now have the ability to change this. It is going to be a long, hard it is going to be a long, hard fight. We have a long way to go. But we now have the Renewable Energy technologies and the efficiency, improvements and electric vehicles and sustainable and organic agriculture and sustainable forests. That and other ways of changing our lives for the better that can sharply diminished the amount of Global Warming pollution we are putting up there. And the secretary clinton is exactly right, that we can create good jobs in the process. Jobs that cannot be outsourced. She is also right that either china or germany or some other country other than the u. S. Could become the Renewable Energy superpower of this new century. One day last december, germany, which is much higher in latitude than the u. S. And pretty cloudy, in one day they got 87 of all their electricity from wind and solar and Renewable Energy. We can be on track to do that as well. And china yes, china is the biggest polluter now, but they have begun to change bigtime. Their coal use is going down, their overall emissions are going down, and they have Just Announced that next year in 2017, they are adopting a nationwide cap in trade program and theyre taking other measures to reduce and to create those jobs in china. And in paris, the Paris Agreement is a big deal. Yes, it is not enough. Yes, it needed to do more. But it is by far the biggest step forward the world has ever taken to solve the Climate Crisis. Virtually every nation in the world, i think there were three or four little ones like nicaragua who did not, but virtually every nation in the world agreed to phase out Greenhouse Gas emissions and go to net zero emissions early in the second half of this century and to begin that process now. It is a powerful signal and that signal is being received. We hear news every single day of more businesses making that shift. So, the question in this election, and this comes back to my first message, is which of these candidates is going to continue the progress and actually increase the rate of progress . With Hillary Clinton, we will build on the progress made under president obama with the Paris Agreement. And she will seize the opportunity. [applause] mr. Gore after all, solar electricity and wind electricity is now way cheaper than it was years ago when some of us started sounding the alarm about this crisis. Hillary clinton knows this very well and she has worked with president obama. Since the beginning of the obama administration, the cost of wind electricity has come down by half. Solar is down by 64 . Led down by 94 . [applause] mr. Gore we have seen electricity from solar increased 30 times over. Last year, if you look at all of the new Electricity Generation that was added last year, what percentage of it to you think was solar and wind . 71 . Virtually zero from coal. And it is already creating millions of jobs and it continues to get cheaper and cheaper every single week. World records are being broken every month now as it continues to get cheaper. Now, Hillary Clinton knows this not only because she has studied it, not only because she has worked with president obama, but her work in the senate emphasizes this. Her work on child asthma and air pollution and helping to improve Childrens Health by cutting down on air pollution was very important. Her work on Environmental Justice made it clear that it is for people and minority communities that are almost always victimized more than the rest of us by these environmental crises. She has proposed a terrific plan to install she has said herself and i will not repeat all of it, but i will say this. When she put out her solar plan, half a billion solar panels by the end of her term and enough Renewable Energy to power america, i looked at it very carefully. And i will say to all of you, you will hear a lot of candidates for office who will put out plans that have words youre not even sure what they might mean. I went to that with a fine toothed comb. And i will tell you that her plan on solar panels and expanding Renewable Energy, it is right at the limit of what we can do and that is exactly the kind of ambitious goal that we need from the next president of the United States of america. [applause] mr. Gore almost 100 years ago, americas most famous inventor, thomas edison, said these words, this is an exact quote. I would put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power. I hope you do not have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that. I want to say a brief word about im going to return to my main point in a moment, i want to say brief word about Something Else that all of you can do. You can elect Patrick Murphy to the United States senate instead of a climate denier. But here is Something Else you can do, vote no on Initiative One on your ballot. [applause] mr. Gore hillary mentioned that there are fewer solar jobs in the sunshine state, florida, then there are in new jersey. Actually, florida also lags behind massachusetts, which is even farther north. Despite having three times the population of massachusetts, florida has less than half of the solar jobs that have been created in massachusetts. Massachusetts installed more solar energy last year alone than florida has installed in its entire history. It is ridiculous. Mr. Gore yes, it is ridiculous, that is exactly right. The head of one of the fossil fuelburning utilities here actually said last year, yes, florida is the sunshine state, but remember it is also the partly cloudy state. Well, they are trying to cloud the truth by putting forward a phony baloney initiative that sounds like it protects solar. It does not protect solar. The things they claim to protect solar are protections you already have. They are trying to fool you into amending your state constitution in a way that gives them the authority to shut down net metering and do in florida what they did in nevada and kill the solar industry. This is a question our democracy has been hacked and the fossil utilities here have spent more than 20 million to try to pull the wool over your eyes. 20 million can buy a lot of wool. [laughter] mr. Gore amendment 1 would benefit the incumbent fossil fuels and make it harder for homeowners to go solar. Let me close by returning to my second message. The stakes in this election simply could not be higher. You will often hear people from podiums like this one Say Something like that at election time. I know, i have heard it. I have even said it before. But honestly, to those of you here and those of you who can hear my voice by whatever means, this election really matters. The world is on the cusp of either building on the progress and solving the Climate Crisis, or stepping back, washing our hands of americas traditional role as the leader of the world in letting the big polluters call the shots. The choice is that clear. It is that start. The consequences are not just for our children and grandchildren and future generations, and for all of us, are really quite significant. So, because of that, please take it from me, every single vote counts. Every single vote counts. [applause] mr. Gore if you are not registered to vote, do so today. If you are on the fence about whether to vote, remember what is at stake in this election. And if you think your vote does not matter, take it from me, your vote can make all the difference in this election. Vote early. Vote early. And do not let your friends sit this election out. Early voting begins here in dade county on october 24 and several other parts of florida begins on october 24. If you have any confusion whatsoever about where you vote or whether you are registered or whether you are going to the right polling place, visit i will vote. Com. Say it with me. I will vote. Com. One more time. I will vote. Com. Now, if you want to be really in touch with this election process and get really involved in taking other people to the polls, if you like to text, then text the word climate to 47246 and you will get updates. You will get the information you need. On election day you will get updates on your polling place. Text climate to 47246. Say it with me. 47246. All right, in closing, i have made two points. The Climate Crisis must be a top priority. We must have a president who gets it, who cares about it, who has internalized it, who is passionate about it, who is determined to lead our country and with their country to lead our world at a key opportunity when we really have the opportunity to solve this Climate Crisis and make our country stronger and more prosperous at the same time. My second message is you know what it is every vote counts. That is why i am here and that is why i will vote for Hillary Clinton. I know, i know. [applause] mr. Gore i know that my vote counts. I know that your vote counts. I hope that you will consider carefully the future in making your decision this november or beginning when early voting starts when you go into the ballot box. Together, we have the opportunity to look back on this year as a time when our nations finally chose to answer the alarm bells on Climate Crisis and went into action to solve it. I know that there are still some who doubt in their hearts that we as human beings and we as americans have the ability to bring about such a big and important change. Do we have the capacity . I will remind you that the will to change and build a Brighter Future is itself a renewable resource. Let us make Hillary Clinton the next president of the United States of america. [applause] of watching cspans live coverage of the word debate on wednesday, october 19. Atstarts with a briefing 8 30 p. M. Eastern. The debate is not 00 p. M. Eastern. Is that 9 00 eastern. Watch live or on demand. Listen to live coverage with the cspan radio app. Download it the app store or google play. Washington journal is next. We will take your calls. Policing practices live at noon eastern. After that, the Navy Secretary at the National Press club. Later, tina brown, talkshow host will discuss women and leadership at 5 00 p. M. Coming up, predictions on the president ial race and key house and senate races. Smithbs frontline martin on isis. Later, on hours late on magazine , conservative media and all it takes discussion of a book that was recently excerpted it in politico magazine. Host washington journal for october 12. Early voting starts today for arizona, indiana and ohio. Early voting in florida and North Carolina showed a strong interest from democrats requesting absentee ballots. 500,000 early boats have been counted. Early votes have been counted. What do you perceive as the tone for 2016 . With the contention between donald trump and paul ryan and other events over the last several

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