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Oppose all. Make the sentence protect will transgender individuals from violence and ensure their access o Necessary Health care. I do not need a minute to explain, it is selfexplanatory. I am from palm beach council, i think we should passes unanimously and i yield back. 15seconders . Anyone . I will call the question, all those in favor please raise your right card. . Negative vote it passes unanimously. [applause] thank you. Amendment 122 has been withdrawn. Amendment 31 has been withdrawn. Amendment 206 has been withdrawn. Amendment 209 has been withdrawn. Amendment one 94, sponsored by henry clay pull on page 13, line 40, the proposed amendment on ge 13, line 40, after americans with disabilities act the following, we will protect and expand the rights of americans with disabilities to get the accommodations and supports they need to live in ntegrated community settings. Is the proposer here . Please. Ok. We have a microphone over here. Testing. Hello. I am henry clay pull from for genetic a very proud supporter of sec. Clinton, our soontobe next president of the United States. And, if i might just offer an explanation about the amendment. The language you have before you has basically been in regard to the long, proud history of democrats have in supporting americans with disabilities with the resources and services and support they need. Is offerede really in the spirit of what is called decision, a historic thation handed down in gives them the right to live in the environment they need so we have the honor of including this in our platform so with that explanation, i would offered back to the chairman. [applause] you very much. 15seconders . And when wishing to be heard in opposition . White favor, racial or card. White in favor raise your card. It passes unanimously. Thank you. Amendment three, sponsored by 35. Depaul on page 12 lines the proposed amendment is that this section reads as follows. We will support efforts by state to make dreamers eligible for drivers license and instate college tuition. Togs it is our intention withdraw this and folded into the master amendment. Fred duval of the clinton campaign. Jamie ofs of the the sanders campaign. We must specifically address the issue of dreamers and the barriers put in front of them to achieve their potential. This is one of the states that does not allow in state tuition. It does not allow them the instatesy to bam Affordable Access to Higher Education and denies some drivers licenses. We know as many as you do, hundreds of thousands of dreamers are here for hundreds much to hours, taking one course at a time because they cannot afford to take with them one and take it at an outofstate price. ,eird denying these committed gifted, talented young people the future they deserve and it is important that every state in the country give them the path to the american dream. Arizonaemocrats in stand and unity. [speaking spanish] is, thank you, we withdraw the amendment. By ron owens, page 14, line 11, the proposed amendment is to add the , we believe in the power of National Service to solve problems and break down barriers by bringing people of all background together in common purpose. National Service Expands opportunity for people across america, strengthening our communities and country and those who serve our net education awards they can use for college while building valuable schools. We will support and strengthen the americorps with the goal that every american who wants to participate in fulltime National Service will have the opportunity to do so. Thank you. My name is ron owens and i am from michigan. I am a College Student and Michigan State university and very excited to be here. As democrats who believe in working together for common good, it is important that we affirm the value of National Service. It expresslatform, our commitment to continue to support and expand. I studied the wall and our platforms are creating opportunities for every american who wants to serve. We will continue to drive a mentum toward expanding americorps and other Service Platforms that do such good work around our country. Let me thank you. With you yourself being a College Student offering this. Sufficient number of second or . There are a sufficient number. Anyone want to be heard in opposition . Andink you made the point you were about to have your first Major Political victory other than being a delegate as a College Student. All those in favor racial or white card. Anyone wishing to register a negative . It passes unanimously. Next. Amendment to 17 sponsored by charles tosca and on page 14, line 11. The proposed amendment is for the section to read as follows we will engage in meaningful and productive consultation with tribal officials and will host a white house tribal nations conference annually, bringing together cabinet and seniorlevel federal officials to gather input from tribal officials when formulating tribal policy impacting communities. Democrats believe native american should be represented in the federal government to properly reflect their needs and will work to appoint native positions,o key including retaining a seniorlevel policy position in the white house to mystic policy council. Policye house domestic council. Eggs one minute. I am a cherokee and a lifelong democrat. I am a union man. A native veteran. 46 years ago this month, i was in this town in boot camp and i can tell you, this is a lot more fun than it was in boot camp. Thank you for your service. I am also a member of 8 00 house of representatives and i am chief of staff at the cherokee nation. President obama took the historic step of creating a senior policy level position in the white house to mystic council to develop and implement policies pertaining to American Indians and alaskan natives. First president clinton, William Jefferson clinton, began as barack obama continued the summits resulting in meaningful and substantial dialogue. True actions, a governmenttogovernment between the federal government recognizes nations in the federal government, the first of americans should not be the last americans to be heard. I earned the passage and there will be some amendments. It is good to see again. To eat have any 15seconders . There are other people standing. Do you want to be heard . Yes. Deborah. Member of the tribe from the state of washington. I would like to say that we worked on this all day and this will be a unity amendment so i have no changes. I will accepted asasis. Thank you. No one wishes to be heard in opposition i assume . In the absence of any opposition, all those in favor please raise your white card. Pentagon one second. There was a language change and it does not look like the right one. We want to write vote on the right one. Oh, he yeah. Do you have what you believe it to be . Really pray now. We are just taking a plan is. Pause. [whispering] there is a couple things. What i am going to say is, we are going to take a brief break because we have to finish some language which may either we willthis or at least get to the right language. We need to not to leave. Just two other pieces, maybe three pieces of business to do will conclude and i have to tell you i think we are going to do it substantially earlier than some of us thought earlier in the day. So please do not wander far. 510 minutes. 10 minutes at the most. [indiscernible chatter] [indiscernible chatter] were live here in orlando, florida as the Democratic Party takes another break. Allday affair that began around 11 a. M. This morning. We heard from Connecticut Governor dan malloy saying he expects things to wrap up shortly. We live on cspan. [indiscernible chatter] [indiscernible chatter] thank you. Thank you so much. High. Hi, are you doing ok . Do you need anything . So, how are we doing . Are we [indiscernible chatter] [indiscernible chatter] [indiscernible chatter] that we should start to find that our seats. We should start to find our seats. [indiscernible chatter] announcer this is live coverage nationalmocratic Committee Meeting in orlando, florida. The session and stayed to as they continue to debate what will be in the parties residential. He or us all the Associated Press is describing the proceedings. Bernie sanders failed in his effort to include opposition to the transfer Pacific Partnership the draft at the saturday meeting were several deal were of the voted down by Hillary Clinton supporters. During a combat of meeting in a members of the Democratic National convention to strike the deal down and instead did a deal that had stronger language, including the tpp. Obama supports the deal. Clinton supporters, including ther leaders, believe that language made enough of a stable without directly opposing the president. We are watching the podium waiting for the meeting to resume and the debate to take up again. [indiscernible chatter] all right. Everyone please take your seats. Were going to continue. We have 11 other of amendments to go. Hopefully we will have the other issues resolved onto amendments which are outstanding. Were going to take up the ones we can take up. Please get back to us, because we could get out of him. Understood, not a problem. Please take your seats. But ng in close [gaveling in] the proposed amendment is before line 14 is the following as residents in many states will try you, agriculture and the family farm are the lifeblood of their states. As democrats, we encourage programs to protect in enhance a cherished way of life for millions of americans. Drugs our representative of colorado. Of our representative colorado. [indiscernible] i actually , there we made a trade are a couple similar amendments. Same ione is the do not know what happened to the other people pause amendments. You know, we have gotten to know you so while we thought this would be the right one to do. There is no substitute for experience. Selfexplanatory. It is. So, do we have a 15 seconds . Is there anyone who is going to heard to take a point position against farming . [laughter] in the absence thereof, i will call the vote in favor. Any registered otherwi at your peril . It passes. Thank you. Have others if we we will take a quick look and see if we will roll them in or out, ok . Amendment 71 was drawn. 126 sponsored by Nancy Jacobson on page 14 line 14, the proposed amendment is to insert the following and submit any negative effects of operations on family and small farm operations and the environment economy. We work tocome we will onigate any negative effects families and small farm operations in the environment. So let me just ask, is this sufficiently different than the prior . I would like to comment to introduce it. That it is important that we actually make a commitment to do something if we are really serious about having industrial agriculture and Small Farmers living in harmony, that we commit to do something and and waste andes all of those other things that happen. Organic farms that arent really organic. In thisthe interest evening, i want to call attention to the plight of the Small Farmers and we should do something for them but i want to withdraw the amendment. Thank you. It has been withdrawn. Amendment 180 five sponsored by john matthews, page 14 line 14, the proposed amendment would make the section read as follows remove worldment to power the economy for page 14 line 14 and line 19, democrats will spur investment to power the world economy. Powering the infrastructure to make it more competitive. Capitalexpand access to and expand the new market tax added to remove insufficient incentives to invest in rural will businesses and we promote Clean Energy Leadership and collaborative stewardship of our Natural Resources while expanding opportunities in world communities across america. Weust build americas Clean Energy Leadership by lowering our energy bills, combat Climate Change, and make america the cln Energy Superpower of the 21st century. We will provide assistance to producers who conserve Natural Resources and double loan guarantees that support the economys dynamic growth. Behalf of this on Bennie Thompson as a representative of the american cities. We recognize the balance of supporting our world communities. Seconds . May i ask does anyone intend to appear in opposition . Are you done . Did you while did you have anything else to say . Great state ofhe louisiana. I will be quick. For too long the Democratic Party has really, they collect cocktail democrats. We ignore the needs of rural people for way too long. These people are democrats and they dont know it. We need to dress their needs and this amendment will help do that. We would like toffer a friendly amendment to say we will promote Clean Energy Leadership to just Renewable Clean Energy Clean Energy Renewable leadership. We will accept that as a technical. Added. Enewable will be not necessarily. Do we have an agreement on that . Take a look. No agreement. It can only be done on a technical basis. The motion has been seconded. Im going to call into question. In favor please lift your white card. Anyone wishing to register a negative vote passes unanimously. Sponsored by lerner lynn bach. Is aftersed amendment the word ranchers, insert the following. To remove barriers for agriculture and make young careers in farming by recognizing farming as a Public Service under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. Minute . Ave one im very grateful for the opportunity to resent this and ient to you today hope you will pass it unanimously. As a country we are faci a crisis in our food system. Umrre has ever been. Years 400ext 20 million acres of farmland will change hands. Who will this be handed to . It is unacceptable that farmers over the age of 65 out outnumber the age of farmers by a margin of six to one. It is unacceptable fair 300,000 fewer farmers than there were 20 years ago. Unacceptable that in the early part of the 20th century there were nearly 2 million of 35 andder the age today there are less than 120,000. Unacceptable that the largest 10 of farms collect of all federal farm subsidies while the smallest 62 do not receive any subsidies. Farmers has a new never been greater and the time to act is now. It is a matter of National Importance that we take old steps to usher in a new generation of farm owner operators. The argument . Anyone wishing to be heard in opposition . I will call into question, the vote is up. Opposition . Ok. Goes first. Favor im from the great state of nevada. We need to recognize that farmers in this country are also serving our urban communities. We have the vegas roots garden, which provides fresh healthy food to interstate communities that desperately need it. To see that Program Growth through a Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. Farmers are everywhere, they are in every county and in our country. If they die off where they going to be . For your support in the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program for farmers in our country. Anyone else . Alreadyt to second what has been said here. I am from new mexico and we are a rural farm area area that those below are very underserved and theyre going to die out and we arent going to be able to have the dairy farms that we have and that the and the and ranches that we recognize. I support it. Im speaking in favor of this amendment because one of the great tragedies of the last 50 years has been the loss of the realy farms, the loss of competitiveness in farming in favor of concentration and industrialization in agriculture. Anyone else . We have more. Nearly half of the land in this nation we need farmers not only to produce the food we eat but also to help us combat Climate Change and be a good steward of our oil, care, water, and other Natural Resources. Allowrogram would simply farmers to make 10 years of income driven payments, student loan payments before having their balance forgiven. Thank you. [applause] from nebraska. The beast a. Where we have more cows the be state. Where we have more cows. I stand in favor. I very much want to see folks my age go into farming. I think this is a wonderful amendment. I believe everyone in this room supports the family farm. And allowing farmers to get loan forgiveness will decrease the number of Large Industrial farms that we have and enable more folks to enter into farming as small family farmers. Im speaking in favor of the public loan forgiveness. In the county where i grew up, people are trying to farm. There are no colleges there. Resources sove any please give them a break so we can change our future together. Thank you. Else . Please. You can speak. I am from kansas, we certainly know a little bit about farming there. Believe me im not here to talk against farmers. We know that farming affects all of us. It affects the world. Here to talk about farmers or farming. Is about isendment expanding the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. These taxexempt nonprofit sorry,ations im every body. But farming is a business. And what you are talking about forgiving are not the sort of debt that farmers need forgiven. What farmers need forgiven our business debts. You to oppose this amendment. Thank you. To add a little bit in addition to that. Under the program for incomebased payment for farmers who dont make very much money, they would still be qualified to into ana in to go income vase plan and apply for loan forgiveness, but not given the preference that is given to Public Service because they are in a forprofit business and there are certain farming activities that are quite look forward to things like marijuana farming. And how do you draw the line . How do you draw the line between corporate farming . This is a significant change to the program. From chicago. You had your time. This is related to a bill that is in the house. The Higher Education act is up for reauthorization. This is the perfect time to address it. This is just saying they will address how to do it. Anyone else wishing to be heard in opposition . Nyone else . Going to call to question. If you are in favor of the amendment, please raise your white card. In opposition,. Verwhelmingly in opposition as we have another amendment . I. S. , amendment 54. Line 20. 4, the proposed amendment would make the section read as follows, we believe it is time hemp as a industrial staple of United States agriculture. It is easy to grow, even on poor soil, does not deplete the soil, toxic chemicals for Pest Management or fertilizer nation, and has many practical uses. It is a renewable source of highquality rope, paper, fabrics, and oil, including machine oils. On can besed profitable on any land. Useful only for cattle breeding and other environmentally damaged family have one minute to introduce. Im from the commonwealth of virginia. Lets get one thing straight, Industrial Hemp is different is as different from marijuana as cornflakes are from bourbon. Once everyoneas americans patriotic duty. Since world war ii that stopped. Virtually all of the world never endedtions this0,000 year history of plan c use and benign cultivation. In my state of virginia, whose General Assembly is in for republican control, legislation recently made it to the desk of democratic Governor Terry mcauliffes, who signature made it legal in the commonwealth to Research Hemp cultivation and manufacture products made from hemp. Other states have passed similar laws. Federal leadership is needed to restore this crop to its former place of usefulness and Economic Opportunities for all americans. [applause] errors re 15 second 15 seconders . Is there going to be opposition . Those speaking on the half should go first, you have five minutes. Im from the state of nevada. Nevada needs hemp production. This is a future industry from my state that i want to see americans employed in. This is not a job that can be outsourced. The basis why hemp is illegal goes down to our countrys history of racism, that latinos grew hemp. It became illegal and it is also going back to nick sodium goes 10 nixonian back to nixonian policies. We have a cash crop available here, no one is getting high, but we are going to create good jobs, good cream jobs, fabrics, medicine, and plastics. Four minutes. I would like to say the same thing for the state of new mexico. We are first in childhood poverty, we have terrible time with job creation, if we have already decided on this platform that we voted to take marijuana off of schedule one, this has nothing to do with the use of marijuana. Product,n industrial you cannot get high, there are ways to grow it so they do not by the. Bud. Not it is a nobrainer. Kentucky, we have been toently granted the ability start studying hemp growth in kentucky. Provide is ait can great economic opportunity, particularly in regions in our state that have been devastated by the decline of the coal industry. We have areas where it is very hard to make a living off of the land, and this can be one of the few things that kentucky can really grow in difficult areas. In regards to its relationship with marijuana, not only is hemp entirely different from it, it is frankly a little silly to penalize hemp for an inaccurate social taboo. Hemp and marijuana, for what its worth, they cross pollinate. Not only can you not get high from hemp, but if you grow them in proximity to each other it ruins the marijuana. That hemp would facilitate more marijuana growth and use, the exact opposite is actually true. From nebraska. 1942, department of agriculture reports that nebraska will be the best place to grow hemp, Industrial Hemp. A recent report says hemp could be nebraskas gold mine. I encourage you to vote for this amendment. One minute. Favorable. Tony from alabama. Three points. And doesnt need fertilizer restores the soil. And if you really want to vote first flag betsy made out of hemp cloth. And the constitution is made out of hemp paper. From iowa. Even in iowa we need it. It is one of the few things that can restore the soil that has been ruined by industrial agriculture. Please pass it. I close the arguments for. Any arguments against . From kansas. Draftrrent includes a robust agenda f strengthening the rural and agricultural economy. We call for increasing funding to support the next generation of farmers and ranchers, and we call for expanding our local Fruit Markets and regional food system. Netall for a focused safety to assist family operations that need support during challenging times, and we call for promoting Clean Energy Leadership and collaborative stewardship of our Natural Resources. But we dont believe that we should single out any particular crop in america for our agricultural economy. And ranchersrmers play a vital role and we have to support all of their efforts and the crops grown. Thank you. Againstou to vote number 54 and im speaking on behalf of the clinton campaign. Anyone else . Please. Thompson from north carolina, i come from a farming family, the next generation of farmers has begun in our family. I agree with the speaker that just went before me, that farming is vital to a state like north carolina. But my family grows a number of other crops of they would love to have singled out on its platform. This is not the approach we need to take. We need to take the approach that theres already a platform, and please vote no on this amendment. Any other comments . I will call into question, though supporting the amendment please up please raise your white tag. All those supporting please raise your tag. All those opposing, please raise your tag. 30 secondng to have a vote. We agreed. Please vote. 15 seconds. The amendment fails. Amendments . L line 40, the, proposed amendment is on page 14 line 40, after the words Reentry Program for formerly incarcerated people, insert the following, we will expand and make permanent the new markets tax credit. Going to speak to it . This is a one minute or less introduction. Benjamin crawford, great bill. The new market task credit is working. It has been in low income communities. I could create a lot of statistics to you. I would be preaching to the choir. About 15have seconders . Is anyone going to be heard in opposition . Anyone going to be heard in opposition . Absence thereof on going to call it a question, those in favor raise your cards. I have a secondary amendment i would like to offer. Is this being offered by one of the campaigns . There is no specific provision that has yet and adopted by this committee. It is out of order. Agreement because the only secondary we are taking up, we are taking up and pursuing an agreement with the two campaigns. We have honored that throughout the process. I dont want to fight, that is the process we agreed to follow. If he can consider adding it on his own. I will tell you what, why dont you tell us what it is and i will see if it can be done on a technical basis. Bear with me for a minute. I dont and think i dont think it is a technical basis but it is relative to another provision, which is the earned income tax credit. It benefits the territory. That is out of order. We are going to proceed on the vote. An amendment has been off third. Those in favor of the amendment please raise your white cards. Anyone against, please raise your white cards, it passes

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