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Jon obama care website is better. For example, when you log into the new healthcare gov it has Insurance Options rather than brunch options at dennys. Also the new website loads quickly. The old site would cut the brakes in your car. Its terrifying. Again its a big improvement. Anyone in washington dc will talk about these amazing success of obama care. All anyone in washington is talking about is a tape that emerged recently of an obama care consultant telling folks what he really thinks about the americans buying the insurance. Jon oh, i bet he thinks theyre really neat. [laughing] jon actually theyre retpefrg to obama care consultant john gruber. Thats jon gruden. Thats john mcclaines nemesis thats just thats just a popular cinema snack, goobers. What desay. Its a clever basic exploitation of the lack of the understanding of the american voter. Jon what, how, what what how dare this gruber say americans are stupid. [laughing] we can distinguish between the seven subjectly different flavors of combos. Even though theyre all just hollowed out lincoln logs someone jizzed in. I mean, sorry, i mean pretzels with cheese who is this jerk, gruber anyways . Jonathan tkpwraouber is an economic professor. He has spent his entire life in academia. Jon super egghead. Nerd punching arm activate. Gruber works in massachusets. Jon taxachusets egghead all we need to win progressive boogie man bingo is for him to have the pinched nasal tone of classic movie nerd, eddie. Algorithm. Jon well . Does he . This bill was written in a tortured way. If they mandated the taxes to go by. Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. Basically calls the stupidity of the american voter, or whatever. That was critical. [laughing] jon holy [beep] [laughing] jon so this guy eddie i mean gruber. This guy says the American People were purposely mislead about obama care. Let me ask another question. Who the [beep] is he . By a complete peripheral player. President you have drawn some of the brightest minds of academia and policy circles. Many i have stolen ideas from liberally. People from robert gordon, john gruber. He attended five of the twelve meetings at the Obama White House in 2009 including the meeting with the president. When the bill was being written the administration paid gruber almost 400,000 for Technical Advice on drafting the law. Jon the white house cafeteria has a sandwich now called the gruberger. The president of the United States has a necklace its a broken medallion. Another half of that medallion resides on the person of one john gruber. This is the president and john gruber talking about obama care over lunch. [laughing] jon so, i dont want to tell you how that ends. So the democratic leadership told us, the democratic leadership told us that the individual mandate in the Affordable Care act was not a tax even though they knew it was a tax. Thats pretty slimy. I guess all they can do now is go before the American People and say, alright. We mislead you. It was for the greater good. Its like your parents say the dog didnt die he went up state to live on a farm. You didnt say goodbye because apparently he had a meeting there at 3 00 in the middle of the night. The point is i miss you mr. Mittens. [laughing] jon also i think the democrats can now come clean about how the bill was sold and mr. Grubers involvement in the process. Or the news here the past few days about comments made by mr. Gruber. I dont know who he is. [laughing] jon can you ever not, not disappoint us . You dont know who he is. Our bill brings down rates. I dont know if you have seen Jonathan Gruber, the analysis of what the comparison is to the status quo. Jon who ever that guy is. So, thats pretty lousy. Politically. Gruber still hasnt done structural damage to the act. Through political compromise the decision was made state should play a critical roll in running the Health Insurance exchanges. This is a centerpiece of the reform. Your citizens dont get tax credits. Jon oh, boy. Gruber seems to suggest the law provides subsidies through state exchanges not the federal exchange. Since the federal exchange covered 36 states that would affect the affordable part. The Affordable Care act. Here is the thing. That is one clause and ignore the rest of the law. They say when states fail to step up and create the required exchanges the federal government shall establish and operate such a exchange in the state nothing in the records Show Congress to the state exchanges. It really is a matter of interpretation. Either the law provides for state exchanges or congress intentionally wrote a bill to kill itself. Yes, congress sucks. They cant suck that bad. So, to the republic, you tried to kill this law every which way. 50,000 cone tkpwregsal repeals, defunding threats, lawsuits up the wazoo which are recovered now under obama care. You keep trying. Now your best remaining move, the strongest card in the deck looks to be the gruber. Good luck getting someone to take up a federal case on the offhanded and somewhat dickish comments of a mit egghead. The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to obama care next year. Opponents of the law really seized on grubers comments even though they were made a year ago. They will use that in the Supreme Court. [laughing] jon well, in the words of a previous Supreme Court case [beep] [beep] [beep] and this. We will be right back. [cheers and applause] ah, push it. Push it. P. Push it real good ow oooh baby baby. Baby baby. If youre saltnpepa, you tell people to push it. Push it real good. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ah. Push it. Im pushing. Im pushing it real good our biggest sale of the year. Let the zales sale begin. Thirtyfive percent off now through black friday, until two p. M. Only at zales. Whenyou obsess over find neperfection, elevate form, and reinvent a category. You also attract a lot of attention. Chevrolet. The most awarded car company of the year. Not ford, honda, or toyota. Hurry in, the chevy black friday sale ends monday. Get 0 financing plus 1000 dollars and no Monthly Payments until next year on these models and more. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Jon welcome back. I have to, let me i need to apologize for something i said a few moments ago about nancy pelosi. She may not recall who Jonathan Gruber is. Today is a day for her to celebrate. Abc news can confirm nancy pelosi has been reelected minority leader. Jon what a minority the democrats are. I think there maybe three left. A lost people asked if nancy pelosi would step down. Arent you getting a little old, shouldnt you step aside, you have asked him that question . Jon why would anyone ask Mitch Mcconnell that question. Hes only 72 years old. Thats a third of his natural lifespan. Why would you hes but a teenager. I will live to be 208. [laughing] jon by the way what is your beef with mcconnell. Time Magazine Even though i was the first woman isnt that a curiosity. The republicans win theyre on the front of Time Magazine. Isnt there a pattern here . As a woman is there a message here. Jon i hear you. Who would want to be in the same revered company as hitler and darkened oj. So what you didnt get the Time Magazine cover. You did get an award from the National Partnership for women and families in fighting for working women. I will tell you what, nancy pelosi. I dont think hitler or oj got honored by those people. Youre a working champion of womens rights. The cornerstone of our democracy. When women succeed we succeed. Early voting is our friend. Respect to women and families. Jon you are unmatched that. Brings me to this. Tammy duckworth disabled war vet 8 months pregnant asked to vote by proxy. She couldnt fly to washington. Lucky for her the person in charge of her party and that vote is guardian herself, nancy pelosi. What a perfect chance to showcase her principal. Pelosi opposed duckworths request to vote by proxy. Jon thank you, you have to fight what [beep] . You rejected, you suppressing the vote of a minority pregnant woman who is a wounded war veteran. She is everything you supposedly stand for, stuffed into one individual. She is a democratic demographic turduckworth. Why . Why would you do this . Minority leader defended the decision saying its against house rules and making an exception for duckworth could set an unwanted precedence. Jon what . We certainly dont want to set a new dangerous precedence by changing antiquated caucus vote rules for women who are pregnant and want to vote. Its chaos you know [laughing] jon i have to tell you. I would use one of those. [laughing] jon you know what i would do . I would rest. I would pee and as i pee i would rest. [laughing] jon you see, sometimes you dont see them. When you see them it just well [laughing] jon you see clearing throat important issue at hand, stuart. You seemed okay setting a new precedent when you became the first female House Speaker or filed the brief on be half of a pregnant woman whose worker refused to modify work conditions for her to condition working. Why not this case . A proxy battle on the house job. Hits new jersey democrat who has seen kwrort against california democrat who is a friend of pel owesy. It seems representative duckworth sided. So now she cant vote by proxy. Jon thats how the precedence was set. A woman leader, every bit as politically craven has her political counterparts. Let me say, this you go girl. Seriously, you should go. We will be right wheres my little boy . I miss him so. Whos this man, living in our home . My special guy has turned into a man. At least he wont be livin in the driveway in a van. Old spice has sprayed a man of our boy. Just let him go he needs his toys i cant stop crying tears of joy old spice has sprayed a man of our boy. We lovchocolaty, creamy. With a Little Something extra. Mmm deliciousness. Cookies or almonds. Yumminess. Hersheys is mine, yours, our chocolate. Did you know you can use an ipalmost any apple device . Om really . Yeah. Give me a call on that macbook. Alright, call you now. [ringing] [french accent] hello, pierres bistro. Uhh, id like to make a reservation. [french accent] theres Nothing Available goodbye. Cmon dude. Dont hang up on me. Try again. Call me from the ipad. [ringing] [french accent] huhh huhh huhh. You call me back on ipad you think i give you a reservation you will never get a reservation table for four. [french accent] never fini did, thanks. K . beep beep beep confused honey, you wont believe. You were supposed to be out shopping. It went super quick. Happy birthday . with apple pay, using your wells fargo card just got easier. [cheers and applause] jon welcome back. My guest tonight an actor. New film the imitation game. You would you like to play . Play . A game. A test of sorts. To determine whether something is a machine or a human being. How do i play . The subject. The judge asks questions, depending on the subjects answers determines who or what he is talking with. All you have to do is ask me a question. Jon absolutely. Please welcome benedict cumberbatch. [cheers and applause] jon good evening. [cheers and applause] jon let me ask you a question. You get a lot of that . What the jon the screaming, jumping and clapping. Ya. Ya. [cheers and applause] jon i understand. It doesnt normalize. Its wonderful but very strange. Jon really, i will be honest. I have a lost guests on the show. President s of country, state, unbelievable. Youre the first tkweft i want to rip your clothes and sell them on ebay. I dont know why. Its a something for me. Maybe we can come to an arrangement. Jon i feel if you went on the internet and oiled up your back side and bared it in a kardashian like pose this planet could end. [laughing] jon thats how i feel. Satellites will crash. Jon satellites will crash. How do you feel . This performance is remarkable. We saw a Little Something in the clip i want to point out. Explain quickly what it is. I will get to the point, the film. The film is called the imitation game its about a team of scientists who crack the german enigma code. Early and the Second World War saving 14 million lives. Youre introduced to this character. Different and there is something about him funny, intentionally, unintentionally. As the mystery gets cracked you crack the code of this man and his past. Jon he could of saved 14 million lives. They repay him after the war with state sanction and chemical castration. Jon it turns out he was gay. They found out about it. Its really remarkable. Remarkable story. Completely true story. One of the main reasons i wanted to tell it. Not just his injustice but relative his achievements. He was marked as a war hero for me. Before that he was basically the father of computer science. Jon you were talking about the clip, whether you decide something is human or correct. That was work he did after the war. Work on artificial intelligence. This is a question that still haunts us outside of scientists. Jon we still cant crack it. No, its one of the biggest unanswered questions. What makes us human . What is it in our intelligence that is ours and ours alone. If you fabricate something what is the difference . Jon i guess now is the wrong time to ask you to marry me. [laughing] youre a bit late. Jon man, hes smart too. Now this whole thing is getting upsetting. In the here is what i want to talk. This seems like small ball. It speaks to the preparation you put in and the performance. So allen had a bit of a stutter. When you watch someone perform in a film and do a stutter in a film. Its you do something in the film that is utterly, its not that. Its on the vowel or you find a way to do it where it, it brings a authenticity to it. Is that from his speech pattern or something you were able to conjure . Well, there is no audio recording of him. There is no video of him. There is extensive anecdotal of his stutter. It was pretty amazing. In the film it gets worst when hes under pressure. Emotional or physical pressure to stop the work, people tried to shut it down. There is a point hes in the middle of a panic a tact from the injection. Then life was almost sentence by sentence occurrence. Jon right. There is a certain amount condensing that to the moments jon you were able to do it without necessarily giving away cheats or patterning. Thats remarkable about the performance. You embody it you play it quite lovely. I wish you were at least less talented. I wish you would just lean over and be like i have eight nipples or something to help me get over this. The imitation game in theaters november 28th. Maybe take in a double feature with another film playing benedict cumberbatch. Benedict cumberbatch. [cheers and applause] you dont need to think that makes our lives possible. Because we do. Were exxonmobil. And powering the world responsibly is our job. Because boiling an egg. Isnt as simple as just boiling an egg. Life takes energy. Energy lives here. Our biggest sale of the year. Let the zales sale begin. Thirtyfive percent off now through black friday, until two p. M. Only at zales. They say back in the day. Professional athletes didnt play for the money. Nor did they play for fame. They played for the love of the game. Im here to say. Some things havent changed. 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Org makes an important visit to china. Hes too good to order takeout like the rest of us. laughter then, who will be americas new attorney general . And did i just pitch a reality show to cspan . laughter and my guest tonight is legendary Fashion Designer diane von furstenberg, whose new book is the woman i wanted to be. For me, it was always nancy reagan. laughter usher is releasing his latest single inside boxes of honey nut cheerios. I cant believe honey nut cheerios sold out like that. laughter this is the colbert report. cheers and applause captioning sponsored by Comedy Central eagle caw cheers and applause stephen welcome to the report thank you for joining us audience chanting stephen cheers and applause thank you, ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for being here cheering a beautiful night for a broadcast to the American People and nation. Thank you. Please have a seat. Folks, i want to welcome you all. cheering folks, i want to welcome you all to says me street brought to you tonight by the letter c and the number 19 laughter stephen nation, as much as this administration would like us to forget it, we are just in the opening chapters in our war on terror, and over the weekend, there may have been a major plot twist. Conflicting reports on the fate of the leader of i. S. I. S. , abu bakr albaghdadi. U. S. Warplanes att

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