Is joining the program this evening. [cheers and applause] but first shame. [ laughter ] weve all felt it at one point or another in our lives whether it be the internal scorn with he heap upon ourselves when we fail to live up to our own expectations of conduct or the more public shame, the shared shame of say getting caught by your parents masturbating to the dinah shore [laughter] she was so vivacious. [ laughter ] youve learned something about me tonight. [ laughter ] but the best part about shame is when you get to make other people feel it. John travolta is explaining his total butchering of Idina Menzels name at the oscars. His very viral oscar night club. Kind of butchered her name. You are an actor how hard is it . Jon that monster. [ laughter ] mispronouncing her name. [laughter] how will he ever live down an embarrassment like that . [ laughter ] i meant the mispronunciation. New york city wasnt talking about travolta, talking about a different. When i was talking about the shame, wasnt talking about travolta talking about a different truly shameful behavior that for some reason did not explode the twitter verse. A bill that would have expanded health care and education for veterans getting rejected in the senate. A lack of support from republicans doomed this bill. Jon what . Audience reyacts] the republicans . Let me just focus. I didnt quite convey as an actor just how shocked i am that the republicans are the ones who didnt support the bill supporting the veterans, so let me just try this again and okay. Lafer [laughter] no the republicans killed a bill . Republicans . [laughter] disappointed [cheers and applause] you know what . You know what i realized . I can only do this for about four seconds and then gravity, gravity has become exercise for me. [ laughter ] wow. [ laughter ] and breathe. [ laughter ] now, obviously the failure of this bill to help our veterans did get some attention and some shaming. Your hayes, your cuomo made a point of discussing this travesty but the outcry dispairity between the tra vocal name flub shaming and the relative lack of shaming aimed at republican senators bleep over veterans shows i think a real problem with our nations shameometer. Theres the problem there. Its out of whack. [cheers and applause] you have your dic pic. Here is the problem. You have your pick pic tweets where shafting veterans should be. You have to flip those. All the elements for a good shaming are in place with this veterans bill. Hypocritical arguments against it. They said 24 billion price tag would bust the budget. Its not paid for in any way its borrowed money. If the v. A. Is failing to meet its obligations to veterans is it wise to extend its mission further . Of course not. Jon the v. A. Is wasteful often ineffective. This is true. Adds to the debt for this bill. Those are things that these senators didnt worry about in 2008 when they voted to continue funding the iraq war despite the pentagon being unable to account for 15 billion worth of bleep we bought. That was different. When you are away from home you are allowed to splurge. You are on a warcation. [ laughter ] weve got veterans condemning this vote. The American Legion saying there was a right way to vote and a wrong way to vote today. 41 senators voted wrong today. Inexcusable. I dont know how anyone could look a veteran in the eye and justify that vote. Jon the trick is they dont look them in the eye. They look right here. Its so much easier to bleep people over when you just look at the forehead. Can i get a nun out here . Lets get a nun out here. [cheers and applause] here we go. [cheers and applause] give them right there. There you go. Is that what its going to snake is that what its going to take for you to act responsibly . Do you have anything that can save this senator . I have in my bill a piece of splaition cosponsored by 59 senators, bipartisan. Jon now you are talking, sister, you can go. I didnt realize that. Youve got something 59 senators you attached an amendment to the veterans bill that would fix any issue that you had with it and you have bipartisan support for it. What is it . The iran sanctions bill. Jon mother bleep . [ laughter ] iran sanctions. You are putting in iran sanctions amendment on the Veterans Benefits bleep sister, come back in here. Come back here in. Come back here in. [cheers and applause] well, youve done it now who wants to taste some of these nunchucks. Jon its interesting in japan its referred to as nuncahku. Nun chucks it is. Lets good over here. How do you justify attaching the iran sanctions bill to the Veterans Benefits bill . Its the only way we can get this to the floor. Because were denied any other attempt to do it. [ laughter ] jon baba you are right. You are the victim here. Youve been denied something you need by an impersonal government bureaucracy, how can anyone know the anguish that you must feel . But that wasnt the worst explanation of why the iran sanctions bill is say rell vant add on this was the worst. If the negotiations fail as i tragically have to tell you they are destined to fail and iran retains the enrichment capability, i would argue to you that it actually is relevant because its our men and women in uniform that were going to turn to when this thing ends up the way i know it will and ask them to take care of this problem. Jon you get it . We cant afford to properly take care of our existing veterans when we know how many more veterans were about to create with our inhe have it havable inevitable war auto iraq. Its bad with iran. He has blocked a long delayed floor debate the Sexual Assault in the military issue insisting it be linked to sanctions in eye ron. Jon i stand corrected apparently the shameometer goes to 11. Why do these senators get to stay in office . Maybe if we frame their actions that we know generate real outrage in america, i think the senators may have just tweeted out a picture of their enormous balls. [ laughter ] now can we [laughter] [cheers and applause] now can we kick them snout well than chocolate, its an invitation to stop and savor the unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. Brewed for more this ispirited nights. Tune. Its undistilled, yet it has a smooth clean finish. You might choose a regular beer, but then you might get a regular night. Miller fortune. Your fortune awaits. Friends are like family, so whos gonna be in yours . My girls, my lady and my fantasy league. Except jerry. [ male announcer ] but the more people you add, the lower the rate. Fine. Jerry. [ male announcer ] add up to 10 people and everyone gets unlimited talk, text and one gig of data for as low as 25 a month each. We can get one more. Add my boyfriend. Whoa whoa whoa his bill is separate right . [ male announcer ] all the bills are separate. Great. [ male announcer ] the framily plan from sprint, with a new price, new plan, and an all new network. Visit a sprint store today. [cheers and applause] jon you know, as weve been reminded every so often our friends in russia [laughter] like to put on their invading boots and overrun what we consider a neighboring country. Of course, truth be told weve been known to do the same. [ laughter ] sometimes in the exact same country. So before we inundate google with where is crimea queries, lets see how the Previous Post russian invasion invasion is going. Departing afghan president half. Id hamid karzai gives an emotional interview. Jon its an emotional time. Weve been there 12 years. Theres so much he is probably grateful for for. We built 1200 schools, dude drew upelled the roads. Afghani Life Expectancy increased by more than 20 years its good news for afghanis, great news for afghani matlock. [ laughter ] because now theres more old people to watch. [ laughter ] [cheers and applause] so anyway. Hamid karzai you were to praise us in an emotional interview. He explains why he is a harsh critic of united states. He downplays the role of al qaeda. Cars eye thinks the majority of prisoners captured by American Forces were innocent. Jon when did your speech turn into a roast . I mean it turns out karzai has been upset with us for quite a while now. The president of afghanistan said today he wants u. S. Forces out of his country sooner than planned. Karzai claimed that the u. S. And taliban were in effect working together to destabilize his country. Since the notoriously difficult afghan president would not sign a troop agreement there was nothing for it but to start planning for pulling all American Forces out by the end of this year. Jon end of the year, you poor, sweet, man. Here is the thing about america, have you been paying attention over the past ever . [laughter] were not big leavers. Ask the philippines. They keep kicking us out and we come back. South korea were still in cuba and theyve never bleep liked us. I can think of one specific afghani i can think of one specific afghani person who has been happy to accept our help. The c. I. A. Has reportedly supplied between 50 and 100 million over the past decade in direct cash payoffs to president karzai. Dropping off bags of cash at his National Security office 300,000 a month. Jon i guess those capes arent going to weave themselves. [ laughter ] well, at least theres one american karzai clearly respects and adores. Yes, hello. Of course, i could understand if he is upset about the bags or delivering the money. Can a brother get some Louis Vuitton up in this . You know. There was one particular karzai complaint that stood out. He said the 12year war leaves him angry. He believes the conflict has been waged with western interest in mind not afghanistans. Jon i see the problem. Even though you are living in a country that has seen perpetual war for hundreds of years you are unfamiliar with how war works. This didnt start because we thought you know afghanistan has got the bleep endist stick for a while now. What say we do them a solid . It started because there was this guy, had a beard, sort of an bleep you wouldnt give him back. Thats kind of what weapon went there for. Why we stayed ten years, thats anybodys guess but the point were trying to make is war is [ speaking russian ] i have no idea what youre saying, but count me in turn to bud light platinum, the next generation of smooth. Brewed with topshelf ingredients for a bold, slightly sweet finish. Yeah you always make me go. [ male announcer ] turn up your night, and make it platinum. Yeah you always make me go. So you can get cash back on all your purchases. So you can use your cash back. To follow your dream. So you. Can save the day. Chase freedom. So you can. Dont move i say dont move [ indistinct shouting ] you . Yankee . Me . Yeah, yeah. No one get hurt if you dont play no game. Look at me. Sure. Look at me sure. Im the captain now. [cheers and applause] jon welcome back. My guest tonight the host of miss neebs Rachel Maddow msnbcs Rachel Maddow show. Why we did it. The general selected by the pentagon to stabilize the situation and quickly turn over power to the iraqis finds that his mission has changed. I did not want to slip from liberation to occupation. I thought its the worst thing to do. My understanding is from himself to the white house from everywhere we were going to go in there and set up an interim government as rapid as we could. When the ambassador came over that direction had changed. Jon please welcome back to the program Rachel Maddow. [cheers and applause] how are you . Hi, im great. Jon thank you for being here. Thank you. Jon i have to glue that down. So theres a youve done this a documentary about why we went to war in iraq. Theres a saying, those who forget no those who revisit history will get sad. [laughter] why did you do this to yourself . Why did you dwefl back into the delve back into the morass, the abyss that is the iraq war . It is history but i feel like its a really unanswered question in the modern history which is why we went to that war. I did a documentary a little more than a year ago about how we we lied to, the administrations case about why we had to go to war in iraq wasnt true and they sold us a false case . Jon what . It leads right away to the next question if the case wasnt really why they wanted to go, why did they really want to go . Two million americans lived there and 4,000 americans died there. We owe it to to them to know where they served there. Now then its ten years on theres a bunch of people that wouldnt talk before and a bunch of documents we now have. Jon what is it about that ten year period . I would think that ten years is still recent enough that these individuals typically like you imagine somebody writing a letter and going when i die wait 25 years to open this. Its interesting they would put themselves out there for it. Yeah, i didnt know when we started the documentary if we would be basing it on documents and nobody would talk to us. But it turns out people are willing to talk to us. Theres unlikely heroes, some people who havent been high profile folks that came to iraq and realized that is not why were here and carrying ever since. Jon would zinni be one of those characters . In a way, yeah. I think anybody with political aspirations knows they are not going to come to fruition through being veterans of bush administration. Thats not the way the Republican Party worked out. [ laughter ] maybe that fantasy is expired. Jon are they feeling is there a bitterness there amongst those that were quote unquote good soldiers that feel left behind . Theres a desire, i think, to ar the tru. The are two million iraq war vetera ithountrnd 00fali wos medy wh you lk woued warriors, i think people who were part of it in some ways want to see those people and hear the truth. It has never been explained. [cheers and applause] jon the question i have is theres been an undercurrent of this for ten years does he need be relentlessly told over and over again . Who owns the history of this and how does that shape our perception of this and how have they tried to shape it in a manner that is much more positive to their perspective . I think the most insidious way theyve tried to shape is to say lets not talk about this anymore. I know we never answered that question but lets let it go. The iraq war looms very large over the decisions we make now over National Security. Nobody wants to go to war against russia over this crimea thing. Jon ive been watching the news. We are all ukrainians now according to senator mccain. Jon its incredible, too, how quickly they jump. We listen to all these individuals who were so wrong, led us so awry in the iraq war and they are immediately on television with great confidence. Were so high naive. Its been 48 hours attack the hubris is incredible. Yeah. And thats because there hadnt been accountability for the people who were wrong the first time. The people who said we ought to go. Its going to pay for it is. It will be a jeffersonian democracy in the heart of middle east. Those guys he got to run the world bank . Really you shouldnt be running a light rail system in a small town in a country other than this one that we dislike. [laughter] you cant have credibility on National Security issues you cant be bill kristol banging the drums we ought to go to iraq and banging the drums for any subsequent war. Shame on us for even asking their opinion. Jon it shocks me [cheers and applause] when you go, you know, weve got dick cheney on the line. These guys dont understand what on the thing you just want somebody to say youve been wrong about everything. I always say this to people imagine going to work every day for eight years and being wrong and towards the end of that time shooting an old man in the face and still people ask your opinion about things. People ask your opinion specifically about executive power and use of force and lying to the american people. Its tough. I feel like the reason iraq looms over what we do is its the original sin of 21st century until we reckon honestly with why we did it, were going never going to escape it and we owe it to ourselves to get past it. [cheers and applause] jon i cannot wait, i say this in all since usairity. I cant wait to see the documentaries about why we went to war with russia and iraq. 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And would you look at that, the galaxy note 3 comes with a handy little spen. No spen hidin in this other phone. Believe me, ive checked. With the note 3, a dunk like this can be immortalized. Customized. Cut him out. Make him huge. Put him in the clouds. Hes never coming down from this dunk and then text it to your buddy to remind him how great lebron is. Yeah, thats a serious mismatch right there. The full hd, 5. 7inch Samsung Galaxy note 3 with spen. With over 100,000 miles. Most vehicles on the road thats the power of german engineering. Jon thats our show. Join us tomorrow at 11 00. Here it is your moment of zen. Everybody here, im not going to say it on tv know whats gail wanted for her new years resolutions. What did you want . Remember the thing about im serious, what was it . L tonight can we trust our food labels . Im beginning to think my wild razz el berry gusher gum isnt really free rang. 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