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As you know, that is a band and also the slogan of the Iranian Nuclear program. Thom yorke from radiohead, flea from the chili peppers. Very talented group. Weve wasted too much time. We have to get to the senate florida. Texas senator ted cruz has been speaking with authority. I rise today in an effort to speak for 26 million texans. And for 300 million americans. As americans, we value liberty and opportunity above all else. What the American People are interested in is what weve all been interested in. Jon stuffcrusted pizza. No, wait tacos made from doritos. No. Frappe. What weve always been interested in, which is freedom. Jon didnt see that coming. Does freedom have cheese stuffed in its crust . [laughter] clearly senator cruz believes our freedom is under assault. Senator cruz, would you care to offer a historical precedent that you feel is appropriate to the threat that we now face . If you go to the 1940s, nazi germany. Jon nazi germany . [laughter] why, thats my least favorite kind of germany. [laughter] you have your regular germany, your hasselhoffs. But oh, my god, ted cruz says were at defcon nazi. What we saw in britian, Neville Chamberlain that told the british people, except the nazis, yes, theyll dominate the continent of europe. Thats not our prop. Lets appease. In america, there were voices that listened to that. I guess theres the same pundits. If it was the 40s, we would be listening to them. Jon lets not listen to the nazi appeasers. What is this it that these hitler lovers believe we cant do but that you say we should be doing . To save our stuffed crust freedom . I rise today in opposition. Jon i rise with you [laughter] to defeat what i can only assume is the zombie apocalypse, which is clearly the only thing youre talking about given the level of rhetoric youve used thus far. In opposition to obama care. [laughter] [applause] jon okay, okay. Possibly a very troubled bureaucratic system. Can we focus on the nazi zombies for a second . I intend to speak in support of defunding obama care until i am no longer able to stand. Jon what . [laughter] its easy for you to take that kind of physical risk. You have government healthcare. [cheers applause] would be unable to stand until the nazis steal any my knees. Yes, thats senator ted cruz that started at 2 21 eastern wasting time. Not to delay, but to cast himself as churchill to obamas chamberlain in the great fight against hitlers healthcare exchanges. I i lost the threat of the metaphor. My point is this senator cruz [laughter] takes awhile to sink in. Takes awhile to sink in. Senator cruz clearly believes our very freedom is at stake here and senator cruz as a brilliant harvard lawyer and princeton debate champion, i figure he has a great and stunning argument as why obama care places this nation in such peril. Some time ago i tweeted a speech that Ashton Kutcher gave. Its a terrific speech. [laughter] jon youre [bleep] with us, right . I tweeted a speech by Ashton Kutcher. It was so good, i only needed 140 characters of it. How would that like in the senators originality . Head cruz senator youre one of the great minds of our time, says you. Who says . We are facing one of the great perils of our age. And yet you outsourced your argument and wisdom to a dude who cannot find his car . [laughter] perhaps there was even more eloquent and soaring speech making to come. I want to point out just a few words of wisdom from duck dynasty. There was a movie jason versus freddy. I forgot what happened in that movie. Eight white castle restaurants here. I like their little burgers. In my mind, i heard the music from the shining. Not shining. Psycho. And just like the words from star wars, mike lee, i am your father jon youre losing them come on, senator ted cruz. This even a filibuster. You had 20 hours to make your case. Youre double ivy league. Surely you can do better. Maybe cite a study or a book. Dr. Suess green eggs and ham. I do not like them, sam i am. I do not like green eggs and ham. Jon so to expect your opposition to obama care, you go with a book about a stubborn jerk that decides he hates something before hes tried it . And when he finally does get a taste [cheers applause] he has to admit after tasting it this is pretty [bleep] good. Jon senator cruz, youre trying to save america. Get to the dire foundational issue at hand. Do you like your doctor . Do you want to keep seeing your doctor . Ill tell you, americans all over this country are losing their healthcare because of obama care. Theyre losing their ability to see their doctors. Thats what happens if the senate doesnt act to under obama care. Jon in utopia where doctor and patient mate for life one half of Small Businesses say they will either cut hours to reduce full time employees or replace full time employees with parttime workers to avoid the mandate. Obama care is estimated to have increased individual Health Insurance premiums by anywhere from 64 to 146 . Jon im not saying obama care is perfect. Its not. It was designed by congress. Nothing designed by congress is perfect. You ask them to design a puppy, youd get something with no face, two [bleep] and a semiautomatic. Thats fine. [laughter] take that down. That is really disturbing. Do you have a more foundational critique . Obama care is the biggest job killer in the country. Small businesses have been hammered under obama care unlike ever before. Its shattering the country. Jon as of now, im unaware of the specific growth of impact on jobs that its had given the sign up doesnt start until next week. Clearly Economic Growth is an issue. Just the possibility that obama care may be hurting the economy is enough to get you on your feet for 21 hours. I congratulate you on that, sir. But i cant think of another thing that came out of washington recently that is hurting Economic Growth right now. According to the congressional budget office, the spending cuts from the sequester are costing millions 3 million jobs a year alone. How did you feel about those cuts . We stood our ground and finally got at least the first small step, and i underscore its a small step, to reigning in our uncontrollable spending and debt. Jon oh so that slowdown for Economic Growth is good . You know who else thought uncontrollable debt and spending was a good idea . Hitler. [laughter] so your problem with the sequester is that it didnt cost us enough jobs. For all its flaws, obama care appears to be at least attempting to fix some holes in our healthcare system. Like Insurance Companies denying coverage. So if youre going to repeal it, have some idea of your own how to do that. Preexisting conditions. How would you do that . My view on preexisting conditions is we ought to reform the market to deal with that problem. [laughter] jon so you got nothing. You know what, ted cruz . The level of threat you say we face from obama care isnt met by the quality of solution and the rhetoric that you offer. Reminds me of a character you once red about by i believe one of your favorite authors, dr. Suess, his beloved Childrens Book, the borax. Join me now as i read a favorite section. [laughter] in the land of d. C. And the senate of snooze, live the show bodius blab whose name was ted cruz. Ted talked about healthcare, compared it to nazis. As comparisons go, he was off by a lotsy. [laughter] healthcare, he said, would end this great nation. A point made after hours of mouth masturbation. [applause] repeal it, defund it, erase it, deny it, murder it, [bleep] it and bread and deep fry it [laughter] that was weird. For a Childrens Book author. Cruz claims freedom and liberty, but it was all a big show because he could have spend all that time making sure the law didnt blow. Well be right back. [cheers applause] jon welcome back. My guests tonight, very excited. We have the lead vocals from radio head and flea from chili band. Please welcome thom yorke and flea from atoms for peace. [cheers applause] what is that . Straight vodka. Jon thats beautiful. I expect no less. How did how does this happen . That you and you come together . What is the genesis of a band such as this . I was hanging out back stage at one of his shows and he was talking about a record i did on my own called the razor. And i thought a few months later, i want to try to play it live. I want to get a band together. I emailed you and joey and some more friends and say, do you want to do it . They all got back in a couple hours. Thats what happened. Jon and you put it together. I received an email from thom. Jon its hard to hear from rock stars. I received an email i received an email. I danced around the house like a hinged animal screaming like and i went back and said, oh, id be delighted. Jon does this create within your band, is there a sense of like oh, do you not love us anymore . Do they come to you and say oh, youre going to use flea . Hes good. [laughter] like how do you balance that in your other projects . I think its all healthy, right . Its all healthy to free range a bit. Jon yeah, i say that to my wife. Yeah. Its very much like a romantic relationship being in a band. Jon it is. I saw you guys in 86, i think. For 30 years. We started 30 years ago. Jon thats incredible. [applause] incredible. But to have the opportunity to play with thom and nigel and joey and play with musicians i respect that are interested in pushing boundaries and reaching forward and curious about new sounds, its a great opportunity. So im just humble. Jon thats great. Look at you. Is it difficult to get a new group to gel . When you have the men, do you have in your mind a certain sound and a certain rhythm youre looking for or do you say i like fleas style and rhythm and im going to adjust a little bit to that . How does that come together . It was like i could only think of flea because flea plays bass like a lead instrument. Like nobody ever played it. Tremendous. Thats what i really wanted to happen. When we got together, it was one of those things it was no idea. You dont know. Jon did the writing process take place over a period of time . We sort of did it on our own. But the sound created was not something i expected. It was really exciting. An experiment that worked. Jon thats what this album is. Youre going to play two songs off of that for us. One from that and one jon one from the older one. Then i most likely will off camera dance like a loser. [cheers applause] well be back. Atoms for peace. Well be right back. [cheers applause] [cheers applause] jon welcome back. Now performing default welcome atoms for peace it slipped my mind and for a time i felt completely free a world of trouble silent double a pawn unto a queen i laugh now but laters not so easy ive gotta stop the will is strong but the flesh is weak ive made my bed so im lying in it im still hanging on bird upon the wires i fall between the waves oooohhhh i laugh now but later its easy ive gotta stop the will is strong but the flesh is weak guess thats it ive made my bed and im lying in it but its eating me up its eating me up if i get free from all my snares and my nets its eating me up if i get free from all my snares and my nets its eating me up if i get free from all my snares and my nets jon one more. One more. Atoms for peace. Encore their album is a must. Its in the stores now. Theyre going to play us down with harrowdown hill. Please welcome again, atoms for peace. Knock it out dont walk the plank like i did you will dispensed with when youve become inconvenient captioning sponsored by Comedy Central theme song playing cheers and applause stephen whooo whooo welcome to the report, everybody good to have you with us. Thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen. Oh oh, nation Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen Stephen cheers and applause stephen thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Are you sunshine on the roses of my patriotism. And you know, nation, there is nothing more precious in america than the first amendment. Without it, i would not have this show to convince you that theres nothing more precious than the second amendment. laughter and thats why it is my duty to fight censorship wherever and whenever i have cleared it. Naturally, i am outraged on a recent clampdown on one of the americas bastions of freedom. Its no shock to anyone on youtube. Users on the web site can be mean and downright northwest. Google is now hoping to change that. The youtube owners have just rolled out a new system that will put the top c

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