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Its crazy it almost seems like the higher up the pope goes, the more progressive he becomes. We got to send that mother [bleep] into space just to see how liberal he can get . cheers and applause . Trevor weve got to do that. But lets move on now. To the big story rocking its world right now. Its the news out of britain. Britain home of the queen, cricket and the worlds worst weaves. Last week a referendum british people voted to leave the European Union which you are probably aware of because all your friends on facebook are suddenly experts on british politics even though the last british event they commented on was the Series Finale of downton abby. For those of you who dont pretend to know what is going on. Most European Countries belong to the eur poan union, a partnership that lets them trade freely with each other and allows them to live and work in each others country. The eus is basically friends with benefits but instead of bodily fluids they are exchanging goods and services, this is what is happening. In the last few years more and more british people have gotten fed up with the eu especially because it doesnt let britain control its own immigration policy. So thursday, 52 of them voted to leave the eu. What they didnt realize was they were also voting for money to leave the u. K it would be hard to overestimate both the shock and the consequences of this vote. It has sent the markets into chaos across the globe. The pound has fallen to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985. Yeah serves you right. Yeah, because nationalists are always insisting on chasing people out of their country. Forgetting that you are also chasing the foreigner cash out with them. I tell you what we dont need in this country, a lot of bloody foreigners coming in and making things work. Get out of here you bloody foreigners, oh, where std money go, where is the money, oh, i didnt know your money spoke portuguese, come back, come back, come back look, now this is really a confusing situation. laughter . Trevor that the u. S. Some believe the u. K. Is headed for disaster, some believe the economy will stabilize over time and some dont even know what the hell they were voting for. The second most googled term inside the u. K. Is what is the European Union. You voted to leave. What are you thinking right now. I didnt think that was going to happen, my vote i didnt think would matter too much. Because i thought we were just going to remain. I thought right now, i dont really think that we should have, really. Maybe regretting your vote. Yeah. The whole family this morning, even though the majority of us voted to leave, we are actually regretting it today. I wish we had the opportunity to vote again, simply because i would do so many things differently. Trevor yeah, i didnt realize that it was a real vote. I just thought we were testing if the pens worked. Yeah. I didnt even know that votes counted, yeah. Wait, if voting is real, then why do we have a queen anyway, yeah . Yeah, and why duz she get to live in a nice house. You know what, i say we vote on whether or not we have a queen. Come on, everybody, our votes count. Yeah cheers and applause you know what, i dont blame british people for not understanding what they were voting for. Because this is something that has perplexed me for a long time. They called this whole thing brexit. Who the hell came up with that name. Brexit, breaksity, does not sound like a decision to selfer economic ties that would have a lasting geo political consequence. Brexit sounds like what a hipster names their second born son, this is max and this is brexit. Brexit is the one with the beard, yeah, yeah, brexit sounds like brunch for people on the go. Should we have bunch, i only have 20 minutes, lets do brexit, can we agree on something, as a society. If we have an important issue, lets give it an importantsounding name. For instance, back in the day, when lincoln made the case for the abolition of slavery, im not sure he would have had the same outcome if he was like so you guys down for slexit . Yeah, yeah . Yeah . You got to make it sound porntd. And what is really scary here is that there were some people who knew exactly what they were voting for. And they didnt necessarily want brits an to leave the eu, but they just felt that the vote was the only way they could express their frustration. What you just heard was a protest vote and there were a lot of those, people who were fed up with the elite telling them what to do. He says he was trying to get politicians to listen. And he voted leave. Trevor exactly. Just think about what that man said for a minute. laughter . Trevor and see if it doesnt change your perspective. Think about it. Im sorry, i realize some of you might not have understood his accent can we play that again with subtitles please. He says he was trying to get politicians to listen. And he voted leave. laughter applause plaws. Trevor i know because of his accent the situation seems really funny. But this guy voted purposefully to shock the system because he was angry. Either that or the fish is on sale. I dont know, but im going to go with the former. And that mans sentiments is not unique to the u. K there were many people all over the world including the u. S. Who feel disenfranchised, ignored. They are willing to vote for something completely crazy because they think it will be better than what they have. So britain, i need to ask you a favor. If you are going to collapse into a post apocalyptic hell scape, please you can do it before americas election day . Just just so that just so that the people here can learn from your mistake. Well be right back. Cheesier i dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bars ever conceived. Well this is my equation for success. I developed the 4 ps. Politeness, patience, practice and. Promotion heeyaw heeyaw what are you doing . Sara, i love you, and. [phone rings] ah, its my brother. Keep going. Sara, will you marry. [phone rings again] what do you want, todd . . . . [crowd cheering] keep it going if you sit on your phone, you buttdial people. Its what you do. Todd if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. I know we just met like, two months ago. Yes [crowd cheering] [crowd cheering over phone] wait no my computer, no, wait, what are we running after . My stupid, old computer. Well if its so old, why are you chasing it . Is it slow . Weigh a ton . Yeah. Well you know. I know. Todays pcs are faster and lighter, i know. So why are we still running . I dont know. You know about it. Now do something about it. Upgrade to a new pc. Oh, charley horse, charley horse. Call for help, call for help. Help, help at our house, were always down for more. Case in point our handcrafted skydiving chamber. Be hungry for more. Just never be hungry. With premium pepperoni and 100 real cheese. Ding hot pockets my 5hour is my motivation. My 5hour keeps me cooking. My 5hour energizes my workout. My 5hour keeps me on the trail. My 5hour gets me through finals. My 5hour helps me keep up with these guys. Whats your 5hour . Whats your 5hour . Whats your 5hour . Trevor welcome back to the daily show. Now last night was the bet awards, an evening of black excellence or blexillence as it is know in the u. K. There were some great performances by humanitarian award winner actor Jesse Williams stole the night with his comments on racism. Were done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people out of sight and mind while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold. Ghettoizing and demeaning our creations and stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like riends of strange fruit. Trevor wow. Powerful words, powerful words. applause now one of the people who was moved by these powerful words was Justin Timberlake. And he took to twit tore show respect to Jesse Williams comments. Only to be chas tiesed by black twitter for participating in a conversation he is not supposed to be party to. When one person accused Justin Timberlake of appropriating black culture and not defending Janet Jackson after the super bowl incident, he apologized and then tweeted, i really do feel that we are all one, a human race. To help us make sense of all of this, its our senior blackskinned correspondent roy wood, jr. , everybody. cheers and applause sthaw, trevor. Roy, im assuming you watched the bet awards this evening. No, i wasnt well, of course you know i watched the bet awards. You know what i watched after it, the bet ard what is again. West coast feed. And you know what i watched after that. Trevor the bet awards. No, celebrity family feud, i dvred it. Trevor so roy, do you think Justin Timber blake fair to comment on black issues like this. I understand why many people werent feeling just tin timber blake supporting williams when they feel like he has appropriated the [bleep] out of black culture. On the other hand can we give the man some credit where credit is due. He was watching the bet awards while every other white person was watching game of thrones. laughter i mean if thats not being down with the cause, i dont know what it is. Timberlake chosed the west side over westero. Trevor but you can see from justins tweet that he was really shook from the reaction some people gave him. He was just trying to show support and be part of the black conversation. And thats why he said were all one, a human race. Its if were truly one human race why does so much bull [bleep] in this country only happen to one race . You know how hard it is being black in america . Being black is exhausting, its tiring. You wake up every day black, you go back to sleep, you wake up black again. Like a job but nobody can cover your shift. Thats why there is no black we tired, trevor. Were exhausted. Black people so tired we aint got the energy to come back from the dead, man. Trevor that is deep, that is deep. Look, if anything, i think justin will learn from this. In the process of trying to help black people, he became a black person himself. He was somewhere he shouldnt have been. Trevor on black twitter. Doing something he shouldnt have been doing. Trevor tweet being black folks. And he got caught in the cross fire, Justin Timber blake was the victim of a twitter driveby. That [bleep] never saw it coming. Trevor so wait, you are saying this whole incident basically made Justin Timber blake blacker. Yeah, because then he had his actions taken out of context, was accused of something worse than what he did. And had to defend himself against people who wont listen. If that aint feel stealing black culture, feeling black culture, i dont know what it is. Trevor i never thought of it like that you know, roy, strangely enough and this is something thatted to the allly screwed me over, right, strangely enough, its not just white people getting criticism criticizing for understanding like they understand black issues, some people said because Jesse Williams is mixed race, he shouldnt be talking about issues that affect black people because he is not dark enough. As they should be, trevor. I mean look at you and me, trevor, look at you and me. My blackness is blacker than your blackness. Trevor what . Therefore i can speak to the black experience more blackly. I outblack your black. Trevor im sorry, roy, there is nothing more destructive than a black person falling too a racist trap of believing that certain complexations have superyority to others and some people can speak to certain issues, that is falls and devicive. Fall back, light skin. Look, this is what you need to understand. Trevor no, roy, i understand, are you belittling my perspective on race just because of my skin tone. You think are you as black as me . Trevor im from birmingham. Im from warmingham alabama, that say black ass city. I went to florida a m, thats a black ass college. I worked in urban radio for ten years, that is i black ass job. I am qualified to talk about black stuff. And you. Trevor im from south africa. applause thats what i been saying this whole time. Is that you are a real ass black dude, we shouldnt be competing to see who is blacker. St all about the experience you have, not the tone of your skin because at the end of the day Somebody Just going to get hurt. You a real black dude, Justin Timberlake would be proud. Trevor thank you, roy, roy wood, jr. , everyone. Wood, jr. , everyone. Well be right back. Wood, jr. , everyone. Well be right back. The best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. Its here, but its going by fast. The opportunity of the year is back the mercedesbenz summer event. Get to your dealer today for incredible onceaseason offers, and start firing up those grilles. Lease the cla250 for 299 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. I would like three two is standard. Im not standard. Three weeks. Ok. At our house, were always down for more. Case in point our handcrafted skydiving chamber. Be hungry for more. Just never be hungry. With premium pepperoni and 100 real cheese. Ding hot pockets snack patrol, saving the snack world. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Maam, we can smell the bland snack all over you. But, its just a. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah. Yeah. New hershey and reeses snack mix, with chocolate, nuts and pretzels. Its snack justice. With chocolate, nuts and pretzels. cheers and applause . Trevor welcome back to the daily show. Tonights guest is a tony award winner from the color purple on broadway. Please welcome cynthia erivo. applause welcome, how are you. Take a seat, welcome. This is you. Yes. Trevor im so im proud of you like ive known you forever. I was lucky enough to see the color purple, i got to come out there, i got to chat to you at the show. And honestly, i cried through your performance. But not like sad cry, it was like you know that happy cry where are you just like, im so happy for you, im so happy for you. How many tears have you elicited from, you see people crying every single night. Every single night, yeah, grown men, kids, women, everyone. Yeah, i just think that there is a really wonderful room, a really wonderful vibe in the theater that allows people to just be, to express their feelings as they come. People are literally sobbing throwing their hands up in the air, getting up when they need to get up. Sometimes it feels like a rock concert. Sometimes it feels like church. It just is one of those. Trevor it really is a beautiful feeling. And i mean, rightfully so, the experiences you have received from it have been tremendous. I mean you won the tony award for best actress. Congratulations. cheers and applause . Trevor and then the day after that you got to have lunch with oprah. It sounds so ridiculous. Trevor what made you more nervous, the oprah or the tony. I think the tony made me more nervous. Because i had met oprah already. Trevor look at you. Look at you. I met oprah before. Yeah, she was really lovely and i had met her before. She was there on tony night so that is probably what made me more nervous because she was in the crowd like on the first row, as im singing to her face, it was quite something, yeah. Trevor quite something is, i guess the least way i could describe your performance in the show it is phenomenal. You also come into a story, are you a u. K. Performer that has come out to play a southern gal, really. Yeah. Trevor do you like doing the southern accent, you were amazing, when i first saw it i did not know you werent southern. Its hard to do you know, when you are trying to straighten it up, you got to listen and make sure you authentic. Trevor oh, look at that. With some of that southern charm. Southern charm. In terms of roles, i have read a lot of your interviews and you talk about how i guess, how much of a Culture Shock it is coming to the u. S. And seeing how different it is in terms of the roles allocated to actors, the disparity between what you can do and what you are being offered. Yeah, i just think that i guess the experience is different for me because i have experienced the u. K. And having experience there, can i sort of compare and contrast and see what the difference is. And the fact is that i feel like theres more of an opportunity to just do more here. To try new things. Especially in the theater. There is more sort of i guess want to have fun, tell a story, no matter what the person looks like or where the person is from. I guess were slightly behind in london just a little bit. And we need to catch up a little bit more. I think its changing now. Brexit is going to help with that. It is going to move you in the right direction, i think. Oh my lord. How do you feel about that . Like im really glad to be here right now. Thats how i feel. You have a story that i think links very much, ties in. You are the child of nigerian immigrants to the u. K you are a story of that success, a story of people persevering to become more than their circumstances allowed, like on a personal level, what does a decision like this mean to you . I mean, i always think about like if my mum didnt get to the u. K. , i probably wouldnt be here right now to be honest with you here on that stage, on broadway. So it just, i felt like there were a lot of lives that will change not for the better. I think it will stop a lot of this stuff happening. You dont know that that kind of decision doesnt just affect you in the now t affects many years later. Trevor one serious question, are you crazy . No, because i, this is you ran a marathon. Half marathon. Trevor im sorry, half a marathon. They are all marathons to me, they are all marathons. And thereafter you went to do two performances. What were you thinking y do you how do you work out so much with your schedule . Which question do you want me to answer. Trevor are you crazy . Are you crazy is the main one . Ness with well, the thing is, i like to think of myself as highly practical. The fact of the matter is i wanted to run the Half Marathon and it fell on a day that had two shows and i was not not going to do the two shows. So i dw the Half Marathon, realized hi been an hour or two between the shows. Went home, got ready and went to do the two shows. My knees however didnt really agree with me. I will say that. Trevor i mean you do everything, you run, you do pushups before you sleep, which is a strange thing. Well, it yes. Trevor yeah, its a strange thing. I mean look at you, you even say you want to play serena williams, i can see, youve got power. Youve got guns. Look at that youve got guns, girl. Youve got, like you look like in an arm wrestling contest you would be like. I dont think i think we have to go to an ad, i dont think we have time for the thing. We have time . Okay. Now i must warn you. Yes. Trevor i bruise easily. Okay. What is the rule r we allowed to holded table or. Flat palm on the table. Trevor flat palm on the table, okay. You can kowbt down. Trevor i can counsel down, oh that is scary, all right, all right, three, two, one, go. cheers and applause were at a stalemate cheers and applause . Trevor im not straining. The color purple is at the Bernard Jacobs theater. Bernard jacobs theater. Well be right at our house, were always down for more. Case in point our handcrafted skydiving chamber. Be hungry for more. Just never be hungry. With premium pepperoni and 100 real cheese. Ding hot pockets the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. Lost love is sweeter when its finally found dont wake me im not dreaming nooooooo ha Independence Day resurgence my twizzlers kids, juicy fyeah. Gum with starburst flavors . mmm. mmm. zipper noise zipper noise baby rattle shaking juicy fruit so sweet you cant help but chew. In, join us tomorrow night at 11 00. Here it is, your moment of zen. Days after the u. K. Voted to leave the European Union, many voters experiencing a the president of the united states. Um, well, uh, good evening, my fellow americans. Still occupy the Crimean Peninsula inside ukraine. Steps to secede. Heard so many questions from the american people. The First Step Towards war . And, hold up, whats crimea . Reasonable step to end this crisis. President putin on the phone

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