Nature. Ive spent hundreds of hours playing dark souls, assassins creed, call of duty. Which is when i cause assassins creed and go use the bathroom. [applause] high score. New high score last night. [laughter] as a gamesman, i am gripped by a scandal called gamergate thats shaken the video world. You probably heard of the term gamergate. I have. Thats why i brought it up just now. [laughter] what is it about. It is a scandal about gaming and sexism now made front pages across the country. One million tweets and counting to the gamergate hashtag. Online battle of the sexes how it is portrayed and violent acts into women who speak out. Stephen gamergate named after watergate when a cohort group known as the plumbers were caught spying for the whitehouse. At least in gamergate we know who the plumbers are. [laughter] as the tv man said, gamergate involves some male gamers hassing women speccing out on video games presuming the shock that women were even speaking to them at all. [crowd cheering] [applause] leading the charge is media critic and world war craft tribute named anita sarkeesian. Shes abused women in video games virtual as video dragon. Grab a whore and have a good time. Women are often a damsel in distress, theyre helpless in some way or highly sexualized and sort of created to be these male fantasies. Stephen video games are loaded with male fantasy stereotype all the girls in dead and align, devin and ms. Pacman. [laughter] she can gobble my ghost any time. [laughter] gamergaters say that the scandal is really about something called ethics and video game journalism and claim collusion between critics like sarkeesian, female developers and the media to favor softer more female friendly game where in this game you play a gust of wind. Do you know what i say to that gust of wind . Blow me. [laughter] now according to news week, the original claim that started all this, collusion between one developer and one reviewer wasnt true. But the fire was lit and the film wars began. It is a group of male gamers who are attacking women. Threats of death and of sexual violence. Bomb, rape and Death Threats from online has hers. She went into hiding over the weekend after receiving Death Threats like these. You just made a blank game nobody likes. Thats it nobody will care when you die. Stephen as opposed to online trolls, their death led to wide celebration. Gamers have been awe hassed too, gamers have complained about antigamer, antinerd bullying for following their traditional gamer lifestyle. Yes, theres a traditional gamer lifestyle. God ordained it is one man, one joy stick. Read your bible. [applause] read your bible, folks. [applause] its right there in sega genesis. Well no matter, no matter what all these feminist critics say, im not ashamed of my hobby thats why i did it alone in my base many. Because news flash what i do in a video game doesnt reflect the way i act in the real world. I love mario kart but i dont go around throwing banana peels out of my car. Because turtle shells are much more effective. [laughter] for all gamers when i say the media should stop talking to critics like anita sarkeesian. I need a sarkeesian. [applause] all right, look. Lets put this on the line, okay. Lets call this what it is. You and the other fellenot sees in the gamer world are coming and put them into a little felt purse and take them away so we have to lay your nonviolent games, right. No. Its a subculture war. Its women being harassed and threatened and terrorized. After you attack gairms after enjoying looking at women whose armor barely covers their nipples. I like what that looks like. Im a man baby, news flash, i like it. One of the problems with that is it actually reinforces the culture myth that women are sexual objects and sexual play things for male amusement and were not. Stephen theyre damsels in distress. Im saving the princess. Am i supposed to let the princess di is that what you want. Thats harsh. Maybe the princess couldnt be a damsel and she could save herself. [crowd cheering] stephen i didnt know you brought a posse. All right all right. So youve been the object of criticism yourself. Yes. Stephen what happened at utah state university. There was a threat that someone emailed to the school saying that they would commit the Biggest School shooting, a massacre if i was allowed to speak. Stephen by criticizing these, you say would you call them male fantasy games or male fantasy objectification of women games. Some of them. Stephen give me some names. Name some names. So in the work that i do, i look at hundreds of examples of video games. Stephen can you think i can but its a bigger issue to talk about the industry as a whole and how it perpetuates these ideas of sexism and misogyny as opposed to grand theft auto for example. Stephen why do you think that women are being threatened. Its almost entirely women who are being threatened in gamer gates. Yes. Stephen chris cloi has talked about this, other men havent been threatened. Why do you think women are being threatened in this exchange. I think women are perceived as threatening because were asking for games to be more inclusive. Were asking for games to acknowledge that we exist and we love games. Stephen why not have a separate game. Separate but equal game. [laughter] well we do have lots of different kinds of games. Stephen what are you complaining about. Thats one of the things thats happening here is we have this wide range of game that were seeing mobile games, were seeing indy games, were seeing this influx of different kind of games and thats what gamergate is responding to. Theyre actually responding to the fact that youre saying gaming can no longer be this Little Boys Club anymore. Only us women who have been playing games our whole lives. So theyre rashing out because were challenging the status quo of gaming as a male dominated space. [applause] stephen you see. You hear the applause for the idea of a male dominated space. What about the aizations of collusion between designers, feminists and journalists. Do you understand how important it is. Were talking about ethics in gamer journalism. Do you understand how huge that is. What if there was no ethic in hollywood journalism. [laughter] if we cant trust entertainment tonight or tnt, where would we be. Is that what you want for gamer journalism. I think that is a sort of compelling way to reframe the fact that this is actually an attack on women. Ethics and journalism is not whats happening in any way. Its actually men going after women in really hostile aggressive ways. Thats what gamergate is about. Its about like terrorizing women for being involved. Stephen as a man, am i allowed to be a fellness. You believe that women should have equal rights to men and we should fight for those rights. Stephen sure. Great, then youre a feminist. [cheers and applause] stephen anita sarkeesian, vo what does it really mean to be the best . To us, it means giving you a wide selection of products. The best advice. The best service. And an unbeatable price with our price match guarantee. Expert service. Unbeatable price. Best buy. There are more reasons than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. One verizons the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. Thats right america. With xlte in over 400 markets. Two and heres something for families to get excited about. Our best pricing ever get 2 lines with an incredible 10gb of data to share for the low price of 110 or just 140 for a family of 4 and three get 150 credit for every line you switch. The more you switch, the more you get. Verizon. 31 Million Students started college, but didnt complete a degree for lots of reasons at Devry University we believe there are also lots of reasons to finish so we help you maximize qualifying credits youve already earned so you can graduate sooner and get on to a great career because whatever kept you from finishing before. All that matters is your reason to do it now. See more reasons to finish and get started at devry. Edu. Whats in your hamburger . Ive read that theres horsemeat in your food. What is really in your beef . Is the beef 100 . Your all beef patties, are they all beef . What is actually in the hamburgers . Alright, this one goes out to my friends e four Randy Tamara Lydia Hollywood i havent seen you guys in six years i propose that yall come down here play a little table tennis [wuuuu] come on guys thats the herd call [guitar sound] remember that its sad how much i miss you people i really need one of your hugs also bring your sister, im just kidding, that was just once were all ready over here. If you could grab a bud with any of your friends these holidays, who would it be . Stephen welcome back. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. The great thing about this job is im learning something new all the time. For instance i just found out canada had its own government. [laughter] even more shocking, it is not led by wayne gretzky. Separation of church and state i guess. Last week in ottawa a lone gun man opened fire and sustained a shooting spree inside the building. A shocking attack and all americans share and our neighbors grieve over the sensely tragedy. It would have been even worse if the hadnt been stopped by the house of commons sergeantatarms Kevin Vickers seen here with his ceremonial giant baby rattle. [laughter] heres what happened. After exchanging gunshots with the Parliamentary Security Team at the entrance of center block thats right here, he made his way to the end of the hall of honor beside the library these doors to the right is a small alcove protected boy this pillar and he tucks himself in there and hides. Kevin vickers office is right around the corner. He hears the gunshot. He grabs an automatic pistol. He exits his office and he immediately runs towards the pillar here. Tivo is on the other side. Theyre an arms length. The sergeant of arms could actually see the barrel of the gun sticking out from behind the peril pillar. Kevin vickers takes his side arm and dives around the pillar to the ground. While hes in the air he skills, he lands on his backfiring up, hitting debow as he hits the browns. To hell with bruce willis. This guy, our neighbor to the north just put the eh in yippykayeh. The very next thing. Listen to this, the very next day vickers returned to work and parliament tore the roof off. [applause] look at that magnificent bastard. Stoic. Humble. Folks, i have not been this moved by something canadian zips the return of degrassi. I cannot believe am saying this but i was wrong about canada. I said thursday nothing but a maple sucking moose hum purrs and bunch of beaver stroking ice holes. But now i know that you are steelyid snowballed john wu diving. But tonight im going to do something, im going to do the most canadian thing i can imagine and say i am sorry. No, no, no. Im more than that. Im sorey. I know in your language means both hello and goodbye. [laughter] and to make amends to all resident of canadia for everything i ever said i will now sing your national anthem. [crowd cheering] please rise for someone elses national anthem. 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My guest tonight is a harvard professor and wonder woman in the missing link movement. Please welcome jill lepore. Thank you so much for being on here. Youre a professor of American History at harvard university. Youre a staff writer for the new york. Your book of age is through the National Book award and your new book is called the secret history of wonder woman. What is the history. We know shes an amazonian queen. Shes a princess. We know because [laughter] they have left ancient greece to replace with journeymen and a plane crashes on Paradise Island 1941. And the u. S. Military Intelligence Officer needs to be saved so Princess Diana leaves the island, gives up the crown. Stephen were talking 1941. 1941. Stephen okay. Should a 73 year old woman be wearing an outfit like that. I think like the internal life kind of rubbed off. Like an antiaging after effect. Stephen was she a feminist icon or was there even a thing called that at the time. There was absolutely a thing call it. The thing thats interesting about the secret of wonder woman is first of all i never knew any of this. I was never a comics person. But the oldest female comic super hero who has lasted this long. Superman starts in 1938. Batman 1939, bat woman never been out of france she joins the Justice Society in 1942. They have a lot of readers. A women isnt allowed to join the Justice Society. Stephen shes allowed to join. Shes voted in. Eight kids voted against her. Stephen i understand when shes first elected to the Justice Society shes the secretary. Yes, thats true. Stephen shes the secretary to the Justice Society. Thats true. Stephen does she take a little to get that job because i would be angry if i were wonder woman. Its pretty rough. The guy who created wonder woman is this harvard ph. D. Psychologist. Stephen thats my next question is how can she be a feminist icon when she was created by this man. He said wonder woman is psychological propaganda for the type of woman i believe should rule the world. [crowd cheering] stephen what does feminism mean at this time. The interesting thing about creating wonder woman in 1941 is shes really a throw back. He had gone to college in 1910 and was really inspired by the suffrage movement. The women gained the right to vote in 1920. He was a freshman in harvard when the great suffragists came to campus. He married his childhood sweetheart. He went to mouth holyoke in 1910. He becomes a professor and teaches at Tufts University in 1925. My alma mater, Tufts University. [applause] and falls in love with one of his students who happens to be the niece of Margaret Sanger who founded the Birth Control movement. She moves into the family and they are poly amorous. This guy who is a feminist has got two women one of whom is an undergraduate hes teaching and his wife is cool with that. So olive burn is margaret sergeants sister. They are nurses in the 1914, Margaret Sanger found the woman rebels. Sort of an antecedent of wonder woman. They opened the first Birth Control clinic. They are arrested for obscenity. Planned parenthood was founded in 196 by ethyl burns and Margaret Sanger. Stephen so the guy who created wonder woman has a wife and a girl on the side who he knows is on Birth Control. Yes. [laughter] stephen so the playground is open, all right. He says to his wife, you know, i would like her to live with us and i really love her and you could, either she could live with us, she could take care of the children and you could go to work and solve your problems. Stephen as a woman how would you would you feel about that. Would you be into that. Would you be down for that . No. Theres no other answer. Stephen no. Theres no other answer. Stephen im more of a feminist than you are. [crowd cheering] exactly. Stephen thank you very much. [crowd cheering] stephen jill lepore, the over 20 years 31 Million Students started college, but didnt complete a degree for lots of reasons at Devry University we believe there are also lots of reasons to finish so we help you maximize qualifying credits youve already earned so you can graduate sooner and get on to a great career because whatever kept you from finishing before. All that matters is your reason to do it now. See more reasons to finish and get started at devry. Edu. Theyre jamming in the street all night long all night bud light lime cranbrrrrita fiesta forever get intoo many people all too bouncy its probably too far away but with the note 4, you can always get the shot. Check it out eight times digital zoom catches every detail. Woah with optical image stabilization, you get it even in the unciest castles. Woah isnt that amazing . And a frontfacing camera so wide, you can selfie with like eryone. Do you think you could send that to me . 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