Congresswoman Frederica Wilson was also in the car. She says she heard the president tell the widow that her husband knew what he was signing up for but it still hurts. For him to say that this young man stayed in school, did all the right things, went into the service, became a sergeant so quickly, that he signed up for his own death . That is so insensitive. How did she hear it . What was her response . She was crying. She broke down. And she said, he didnt even know his name. President trump strongly disputes that claim tweeting democratic congresswoman totally fabricated what i said to the wife ive soldier who died in action and i have proof. Sad. We did hear from a Family Member who was also in the car during the call and she tells cnn that congresswoman wilsons recollection is very accurate. Our senior White House Correspondent jeff zell nil is joining from us the white house. We saw the president s tweet. Since then, he was asked another question and he responded. Tell our viewers what he said. Good afternoon, wolf. He did. He was meeting with the Senate Finance committee a short time ago in the cabinet room here at the white house. We did ask the president about this unusual back and forth between the congresswoman, the mother of this fallen soldier and the president. This is what he said. I did not say what she said. And id like her to make the statement again because i did not say what she said. I had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife who is souped like a lovely woman. Did not say what the congresswoman said and most people arent too surprised to hear that. So wolf, the back and forth continued with the member of congress from florida representative wilson responding to the president on social media on twitter, she said this. She said i stand by my account of the call between President Trump and myesha johnson, the widow of the soldier. That is her name, mr. Trump. Not the woman or the wife. So again, just to sort of try and blake this down here, this unfortunate back and forth, we have the democratic congresswoman who has known this family for a very long time, was a mentor to this fallen soldier and the widow of the soldier and the mother, the woman who raised him saying that the president did indeed in their words disrespect the soldier. The president said he didnt say that. He said there was proof of that phone call again raising the specter of if these calls were recorded or something, he did not elaborate on that. I think there will be more questions on this this afternoon at the White House Press briefing that sara sanders is holding. All this back and forth sort of masks the deep serious questions about what happened on that night in niger, what happened to cause the deaths of these four american soldiers. Important to point out, that investigation is under way as all of this noise, if you will, is going on here in washington. Very, very unfortunate and very painful noise. The exact tweet that he wrote, democrat congresswoman totally fabricated what i said to the wife of a soldier who died in action and i have proof. Sad. Is he suggesting that that conversation was recorded . They have a recording . Is that what hes suggesting . That certainly sounded like it. It sounds familiar. The president previously said hes had recordings of phone conversations but a reporter this morning again in the cabinet room here at the white house the only time weve seen the president asked him what proof he indeed had. He said you will see. But again, wolf, this you know simply raises the specter if hes recording phone calls the or if someone was taking notes at the time. We dont know the answer to that. I believe the White House Press secretary will be asked about that this afternoon. I think important to point out, a lot of this back and forth does not change the fact that this Young American soldier died in action and again, depending, the pentagon investigating. This will reach capitol hill, as well. What happened to those soldiers in nijer. What were they doing there to begin with. Thats another issue that needs to be investigated. Did they have the proper support . Was the u. S. Intelligence adequate. A very have Dangerous Mission inside niger. Jeff, thanks very much. Lets not forget what is at the heart of this back and forth. Once again the death of these four u. S. Soldiers. Sergeant la david johnson, Army Staff Sergeant dustin wright, Army Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Johnson and Army Staff Sergeant brian black. All killed in this ambush in niger. Its an incident the president of the United States didnt mention or tweet about for some 12 days till he was asked about it by our own own sara murray at that news conversation conference the other day. John kirby, a former spokesman for both the state department and the pentagon. A retired u. S. Admiral. John, this has become a major issue now for the president. Is there a set protocol as far as you know for a president to follow when contacting the family of a fallen u. S. Soldier, sailor, air man or marine. I dont think theres a set protocol. Pre president handles this differently. Obviously it looks like President Trump has chosen hes going to make the phone calls and write letters. Thats what a commander in chief should do is find a way to reach out to the families of fallen when and where he or she can. Theres no set pro cocal fotoe when it comes to your background, 30 years in the navy, when you hear this political bickering going on about phone calls and letters to the families of the fallen, what goes through your mind . It breaks my heart, wolf. This whole sad situation just breaks my heart. And i find it utterly disgraceful frankly that this family and all those families are being put in the middle of what is beak a political fight. It shouldnt happen that way. You look at the images of the young woman leaning over the casket, pregnant with a child that will never know his or her father. She has a 6yearold and 2yearold. Never see their daddy again. Thats what the focus needs to be on. Thats where America Needs to be focused. The military will wrap their arms around these poor unfortunate families and theyll help them through this. Weve got to focus on their grief and their needs and the support they need going forward. Not what was said on the call and how it was perceived. Thats really just not important right now. Whats important is this family. Good point. Congresswoman wilson says she wanted to speak with the president during that call in the car. It was a speakerphone there but the Master Sergeant who is the liaison to the family accompanying the family in the car said he wouldnt allow it. Explain why that Master Sergeant wouldnt let the congresswoman who mentored this young man speak with the president. Because its a private conversation between the commander in chief and the family of the fallen. My guess is this Master Sergeant is what we call a character assistance case officer, caco, their whole job is to do the job, wrap their arms around the family, help them work through not only the initial stages of grief but all the responsibilities they now have with the Fallen Service member from funerals to insurance, everything. So they really do wrap their arms around this family. Thats what he was doing. Its appropriate for him to not have allowed anybody else to be on that call. President trump as you know, he seems to go after his predecessor former president barack obama questioning whether general john kelley, white house chief of staff, was called after his son was killed in the line of duty in afghanistan in 2010. Senator Lindsey Graham defended president obama saying he definitely cared about u. S. Troops. You were there at the pentagon, later at the state department. Give us the sense how president obama handled these kinds of so sensitive situations. He was dignified, wolf. He was respectful. And he was quiet about it. He visited families out at section 60 whenever he would travel to bases here in the United States, he would always carve out time to meet with families of the fallen that might be living or near that base. He obviously made phone calls, as well when it was appropriate. He certainly wrote condolence letters and he went to walter reed as you know, wolf, many, many times during his presidency to meet with the wounded, as well and their families. He was always low key about it, always quiet about it. This was a dignified thing for him, a duty he took very seriously as dmapdder in chief and would never ever try to score political points as a result of it. Remind viewers what section 60 is. That area of the Arlington National cemetery in washington where most of those who fell in iraq and afghanistan are now resting. Its sort ive section almost completely just those the fallen from iraq and afghanistan. And there are unfortunately thousands of u. S. Military personnel over these many years who have now died in and they are now buried at Arlington National cemetery in section 60. Thanks very much. Well have much more on this much more on breaking news coming from capitol hill, including President Trump reversing himself on a bipartisan. Let care deal. First i want to take a moment to honor the u. S. Soldier, the family he leaves behind, his wife just 24 years old and six months pregnant. They have a 6yearold daughter who was at her mothers side when her fathers casket arrived back here in the United States. Please watch the solemn ceremony, a ceremony no military family wants to witness. Halt a good time sir. [dont stop me now by queen] with over 500 flights every day, emirates brings the world together through dubai. Fly emirates for a world of good times. A heart attack doesnt or how healthy you look. No matter who you are, a heart attack can happen without warning. A bayer aspirin regimen can help prevent another heart attack. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Bayer aspirin. When youre clocking out. Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. There. I can also help with this. Does your bed do that . Oh. I dont actually talk. Though im smart enough to. Im the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Lets meet at a sleep number store. Sessions in the hot seat this hour. Hes being grilled by members of the Senate Judiciary committee. Moments ago, there was a pretty Fiery Exchange between sessions and democratic senator al franken about meeting sessions had with russian officials during the 2016 election. First it was, i did not have communications with russians. Which was not true. Then it was, i never met with any russians to discuss any political campaign, which may or may not be true. Now, its, i did not discuss interference in the campaign, which further narrows your initial blanket denial about meeting with the russians. Since you have qualified your denial to say that you did not, discuss issues of the campaign with russians,ing what in your view constitutes issues of the campaign . Well, let me just say this without hesitation, that i conducted no improper discussions with russians at any time regarding a campaign or any other item facing this country. Okay. And i want to say that first. And thats been the suggestion that youve raised and others that somehow we had conversations that were improper. May i suggest that. No, no, no, you had a long time, senator franken. Id like to respond. I think i have a. Well note that senator cruz went two minutes over. So i dont want theyre going to cut me off and so i want to ask you some questions. I no, mr. Chairman, i dont have to sit in here and listen to his youre the one who testified. Charges without having a chance to respond. He did respond at length after that exchange. Joining us now legal analyst and former federal prosecutor laura coats and cnn contributor gard graph. Sessions testified earlier that he earlier this year that he had no communications with the russians in that one exchange that he had. Thats now changed that he had no Improper Communications and he explained his thinking along those lines during that lengthy exchange he had. Has the attorney generals story changed in your opinion so much that potentially it could be considered perjury . At this point from what hes given is a string of contingencies in caveats here. Lawyers are infamous for giving and he is the head lawyer in town as the attorney general. What it sounds like to me less of perjury and more somebody who is giving a more nuanced description of his activity in a way that has been vetted in a way that takes into account allegations of perjury and in a way that suggests that he in fact is not involved. So i think its more of an appropriate assessment of his statement to say that its nuanced and tries to distance himself from something that is obviously a criminal probe he has recused himself from. Politically speaking it raises more than a few eyebrows that someones story could change so dramatically and a turn of semantics. Thats not going to get him far if he gets interviewed by special counsel muler. He read the exchanges in front of him. He had his explanations. Garrett, what does all this do to his credibility . I think one of the things thats really worth thinking about about is just how bat combative this hearing was. Jeff sessions just a few months ago was sitting with the senators. He was part of this club. Normally you dont see the members of this club turn on another in. The way that ends in a hearing as combative as today was. A different point in the hearing, dick durbin from illinois actually said this is the point, mr. Sessions, where senator sessions would have gotten very frustrated with an uncooperative witness. And laura, there was an exchange earlier in the day senator Patrick Leahy of vermont pressed sessions on the meetings that he did have with the russians. Listen to this. Have you discussed with them any policies or positions of the campaign or the Trump Presidency . I im not sure about that. I met with the Russian Ambassador after i gave a speech at the republican convention. He was right in front of the speakerphone. And we had a few we had an encounter there. I dont think there was any discussion about the details of the campaign other than it could have been that in that meeting in my office or at the convention that some comment was made about what trumps positions were. I think thats possible. So what does special Council Robert mueller do with this, if anything . You know, were all juries in this court of Public Opinion for now. If youre watching somebody able to make such emphatic memories in one area and unable in more critical areas it does tend to undermine your credibility. You have somebody who seems to have learned from his prior testimony. His prior testimony where he locked himself into a positioning that could suggest that he somehow was complicity in improper behavior. He knew and the consequences were vast and continuing. Here he knows you have Robert Mueller looking at what he says, looking for every sort of avenue he may partake in. You have someone more likely to hedge. You saw that just now. If im Robert Muellers team im thinking what is it about this line of questioning that has you hedging but Everything Else your recollection is outstanding. He did say in response to questioning if called to answer questions by the special counsel, he would be happy to cooperate. Did he keep refusing to talk about his private conversations with President Trump. Can he do that . Its sort of unclear at this point because it seems like that assertion of executive privilege would need to come from are the white house and its not something that he can do personally. But there is a lot of questions, there are a lot of questions about those conversations and what part of the jim comey firing in particular that Jeff Sessions was part of. Because in theory, and he reiterated this today during the hearing, is he supposed to be fully recused from the russia investigation. Supposed to be run by Deputy Attorney general rod rosenstein. And that, the intersection of the firing of jim comey with the russia investigation is very central to the questions that Robert Mueller as special counsel is examining right now. Garrett graph, laura coats, thanks very much. This conversation no doubt will continue. In the meantime, President Trump once again blasting the nfl calling them disrespectful for not forcing the players to stand during the national anthem. And any moment now, youre looking at live pictures, Roger Goodell will weigh in publicly. Well take it live. Much more right after this. Skeptical about antiaging creams . These women trust revitalift triple power from loreal. I have more confidence. My coworkers were like, your skin looks great revitalift triple power. Try it and see results or your money back. From loreal paris. I had this chest cold, but my medicine kept wearing off. coughah i missed you then i discovered mucinex. One pill lasts 12 hours,and im good. Why take 4hour medicine . One mucinex lasts 12 hours. Lets end this. Want to get back to the Senate Judiciary committee. Senator blumenthal questioning the attorney general Jeff Sessions. Been contacted to request an interview with you by the special counsel. Thats a yes or no. Well, i dont i dont think so. You dont think so or are you sure . Im asking you this question multiple times that you can be clear. Im perfectly willing to respond to the special counsel in any way. But i dont recall that i have been contacted. I certainly have not spoken directly with anybody in the special counsels office period. The fact of the matter the special counsel asked your office for an interview with you, correct . Ill be glad to let you know within hours. Well, im asking you now. Well, i i dont know. I dont recall that ive ever been asked to provide any interview with the special counsel. You seem to know. I dont want to come in here and be trapped and you know something i dont know. Maybe shared it with somebody in my office or something. So hild check and let you know. It would make sense for the special counsel to ask for an interview, correct . That is his decision, not mine. You have knowledge relevant to the investigation into collusion and potential obstruction of justice, correct . It would be up to the special counsel, obviously, not me. The question to you was whether your office has been contacted. You would certainly know the answer to that question. Well, i have no knowledge of any meeting, interview to be conducted, and no date certainly has been set for one, whether theres been any conversation with somebody, i would verify it before i gave au absolute final answer. What more can i tell you . Can you give him an answer before the days out . Yes, i said within hours i can do that. Okay. I just would like to check. You seem to know. Do you have a source . Well, mr. Attorney general, with all due respect, youre the one answering the questions here today. I will welcome an answer to my question as soon as possible following this hearing as the chairman has suggested and as i think youve agreed. Let people ask you, my understanding is that the president of the United States has interviewed a number of candidates for United States attorney positions around the country including new york. Is that correct . I believe thats yes, weve done quite a number, not there yet. Not complete. But working through the u. S. Attorney process. Isnt that quite unusual for the president of the United States to interview the line prosecutor in an office like the United States attorney . Well, its a big district. Big state. Important office. But i dont know the how many people the u. S. Attorney the president of the United States has interviewed in these situations. It is his appointment, as you know. What we do in the department of justice is do a review. We send that over and the president makes the appointment. Do you know of any president anywhere in our history previously interviewing a candidate for United States attorney . I certainly wasnt interviewed by the president. You werent interviewed by the president before we were appointed United States attorney. Has it ever happened before . Well, a lot of them knew candidates as you well knew. A lot of the u. S. Attorneys are friends of president s. Well, youre not answering my question. You are correct that president s sometimes know candidates for United States attorney. But to my knowledge will, no president previously has ever interviewed the chief federal prosecutor in any United States attorney district. I consider it quite unusual. How many other attorneys general candidates has the president interviewed besides new york . Im not aware, im not sure i remember whether he had interviewed for new york but if you say so, i assume so. And he has the right to for sure because he has to make an appointment. And i assume that everybody would understand that. My understanding, general sessions, is that certain grants have been terminated to the city of new york because of its alleged violation of sanctuary cities policies, correct . Were at a point of reviewing those grants. And i dont know the and they may well have been slowed under review. But it could be that a final decision has been made. New york was on the list of one of the cities that was considered to be probably in violation of the existing law, 1373, under the obama administration. Weve reviewed those a number of them have not been but have gotten on the list. Stayed such an an order stopping any grants to new york and im asking you whether the department of justice is potentially violating that order. If you could come back to me with a response, i know that you may not recall but if you also could let me know about that id appreciate it. Let me just say. I would just say, senator blumenthal, my staff handed me a note that i have not been asked for an interview at this point. My office certainly hasnt been contacted with regard to that. Maybe you better check your source. Let me ask you finally, you said that the pardon power is very broad. But if that pardon pour were used to prevent or forestall testimony in a lawful investigation, that could be obstruction of justice, could it not . I dont know, senator blumenthal. Ive never researched that. I have heard it said, i know youve served in the department of justice as United States attorney and you may well be more familiar than i with it. But i have understood that my understanding is that a pardon can be issued before a conviction occurs. Do you understand it that way . Im going to, since im over my time, ill come back to this issue in our subsequent questioning. Thank you. Another Tense Exchange between this time senator Richard Blumenthal of connecticut and the attorney general Jeff Sessions. Blumenthal suggesting that sessions already has been asked to do an interview with the special counsel Robert Mueller. You just heard got a statement from a staff member saying theres been no such request. Our own jessica schneider, justice correspondent just got a statement from the department of justice saying that sessions has not been interviewed by the special counsel Robert Mueller and has not been asked for one either. And you heard senator attorney general sessions say go to blumenthal, go check your sources because he has not been asked for an interview by the special counsel. It may happen down the road and sessions said he would fully cooperate with the special counsel if asked. So far he has not been asked. As we watch continue to monitor this hearing, theres another major live event happening any moment now, the National Football League Commissioner set to respond to the president who has been blasting the leagues decision on players protesting during the national anthem. The nfl says it wont require players to stand during the national anthem. And today the president tweeted this once again. The nfl has decided that it will not force players to stand for the playing of our national anthem, total disrespect for our great country. Jason reed is senior nfl writer for espns the undefeated and joining us from new york where the team owners have been meeting with the nfl commissioner Roger Goodell. Tell what youve learned. Why did the league decide not to force the players to stand . Well, wolf, theres no mechanism for them to force the players to stand in the nfl game Operations Manual, what it says is that players should must be on the field and that they should stand. They would have to rewrite the rule book, the game Operations Manual during the season. Then theres a question of the rushback they would get from the nfl players, the players association. To try to force the players to try to stand, i think the owners and commissioner goodell just decided that that was not a bridge that they wanted to go down. That was not a hill they wanted to die on. What is the league doing, jason, in response to all the issues that have emerged involving these protests . Well, wolf, there was a very productive meeting yesterday. Thats the way it was characterized by both the players association, players and the nfl that the sides talked what they can do moving forward to try to help the players with the issues that they have. The players are very interested in criminal justice reform. They want the nfl effectively to partner with them in kind of helping to get these things done that they want to get done about criminal justice reform, education reform, bridging the gap in communities with regard to policing. So the players feel like the nfl has these immense resources and they are a big part of the nfl, these players that they want the league to really join them in helping them do things in the communities that will improve the lives of others. Jason, i want you to stand by because were waiting to hear from Roger Goodell, nfl commissioner, see what decisions theyve made. Well discuss with you after that. Stand by. Theres other news were following. One day after endorsing a bipartisan deal on health care, President Trump now reversing his support. Youre going to hear why and whether the deal now is in serious trouble. Dana bash and Phil Mattingly will join us next. Are you on medicare . Do you have the coverage you need . Open enrollment ends december 7th. Dont put it off til later. Nows the time to get on a path that could be right for you. With Unitedhealthcare Medicare solutions. Call today to learn about the kinds of coverage we offer, including aarp medicarecomplete plans insured through unitedhealthcare. These Medicare Advantage plans can combine parts a and b, your hospital and doctor coverage. With part d Prescription Drug coverage, and extra benefits. All in one complete plan. 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If youre medicare eligible, call now and talk to unitedhealthcare about our plans, like aarp medicarecomplete. Lets get you on the right path. Call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll. Sfx mnemonic President Trump slams a Bipartisan Health care deal. He seemed to support it the just 24 hours ago. Today the president tweeted this about the deal negotiated by senators Lamar Alexander and patty murray. I am supportive of lamar as a person and also of the process, but i can be never support bailing out Insurance Company who have made a fortune with obamacare. All this comes after he touted the plan as an interim solution to the problems of the Affordable Care act. Obamacare, but heres what he also said just a little while ago. Were going to see the bipartisan and Lamar Alexanders working on it very hard from our side. And if something can happen, thats fine. But i wont do anything to enrich the Insurance Companies because right now, the Insurance Companies are being enriched. Theyve been enriched by obamacare like nothing anybodys ever seen before. I am not going to do anything to enrich the Insurance Companies. All right. Lets bring in our Congressional Correspondent Phil Mattingly and chief Political Correspondent dana bash. Phil, where exactly does the president stand on this bipartisan deal . Whats the reaction to his latest statements which seem to contradict his earlier statements. No question. Its been a bit of a whiplash the last 24 hours. It appears by all accounts that the president is opposed. What the president is as opposed to is the crucial component of this deal. The idea that the money and funding, the same funding that last week he decided to cut off at least on the executive branch side of things serves as a bailout to insurers. Thats not exactly what it does. What the payments do is go to insurers and they use them to help pay down premiums for individuals who are getting plans. Its worth noting that inside this deal, wolf, is an actual requirement that insurers, quote unquote, double dip. In talking to senator alexander, the republican cosponsor of this bill, he says the issue right now is trying to kind of educate the president more or less. The reaction on capitol hill is not unlike our reaction which is whiplash. Seemingly, the president was behind this yesterday and that is a crucial component of this. Because if this idea ever wants to move forward in any capacity whether as a stand alone bill or some other vehicle, it would require the president essentially insisting upon a vote. Right now, at this moment at least, its very clear he is not in that place. Because of that, the future of this bill no matter how much support senator alexander, senator patti pluriare able to get from their respective caucuses, there are real questions whether this has any life at all. We talked about this yesterday. Thats just the senate not counting in the house at all. Ive talked to multiple Senior Republicans in the house who said very clearly, this is not something we want to do. The gamechanger would be the president saying this is something were doing. As of this moment, he is not saying that, wolf. He changed his mind overnight, dana. He can change his mind again as he gets more explanations from Lamar Alexander. Phil makes an important point, even if it were to pass the senate, it looks like the speaker of the house, paul ryan is not anxious for it to come up for a vote in the house. The large reason for the whiplash phil just described. When it comes to the president s public statements, there is definite whiplash. Looking behind the scenes, the reporting ive been doing and phil did yesterday, not long after the president made his statement saying he supports this, what the bipartisan negotiators on capitol hill call a shortterm fix for people who really need help from the federal government for their health insurance, to you know, saying today that he opposes it, we were getting calls from people behind the scenes saying no, no, no, no, no. You know, what really is going on here is that the white house is concerned about enriching the Insurance Companies. The white house is concerned that there wont be enough conservative support for this deal because of that. When you get into the details of it, the argument that they make is that the sort of, that what the conservatives got in exchange for putting federal dollars back into this pot for low income americans is giving states more flexibility on some of the obamacare regulations. And what white house officials were saying yesterday, the states already have those. Were not really getting enough. It took until today both on twitter and the sound bite you just heard from the president for the president to start saying that out loud. If youre Lamar Alexander, a very important chair of a very Important Committee who has been trying really hard to work on this short Term Solution and has been according to ted barrett, our congressional producer talk together president even this morning feeling like he was getting there certainly this is makes his job a whole whole lot more difficult. Its already an uphill battle on the hill and if you have support from the president and it just seems to evaporate, makes it a lot harder. Lamar alexander from tennessee. He clearly thought he had the president s backing for this twoyear interim measure which the president spoke about positively yesterday. Not so much today. Other big issue this week, next week, the coming weeks, tax reform, tax cuts. As you know, the president s been meeting with members of the Senate Finance committee. Democrats and republicans. Can he get enough lawmakers on board of with his plan which hes introduced in general terms . Unclear. Thats the answer at this point. And one of the main reasons why its unclear if the president can get enough lawmakers on board with his plan is because the plan really is just a framework. We dont have a lot of details. And even senators both republicans and some dras who are quite interested in the notion of tax reform, those especially from red states, those who are up for reelection next year are reluctant to sign on on something they dont know what that something is. So thats a big issue. In terms of the substance. And in terms of just the raw politics, our jeff zeleny was hearing something that was very interesting from the white house that ties these twos issues weve been talking about together which is concern if the president signs on to even a shortterm Health Care Fix and has another loss, it would be a third very public very embarrassing loss that would even be a bigger setback for the notion of momentum for a big legislative victory on tax reform. So its very unclear how its going to go. A lot of it is about the details and the question is how they get to those details, and the give and take which is supposed to happen is occurring right now to try to find a way to get a path to passing the senate and the house. Theyre not even close to getting there yet. Important point. Dana, thanks very much. And to our viewers is tune in later tonight when dana and jake tapper moderate a cnn debate night special, is the gop tax plan good for the middle class, can republicans deliver on President Trumps promise . Senators Bernie Sanders and ted cruz take sides in a live cnn debate later tonight, 9 00 p. M. Just ahead, irans Supreme Leader slamming President Trump in a televised speech to his country. Nikki haley is lashing out at iran before the u. N. Security council. Well have the live report from iran. Plus, were standing by. The nfl commissioner, Roger Goodell, is expected to weigh in any minute after the president slammed him. All of that coming up. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Were following breaking news from the United Nations where the u. S. Ambassador nikki haley ripped into iran today. She warped the u. N. Security council that it is being played by iran. Listen to this. The Security Council has repeatedly passed issues but iran has repeatedly thumbed its nose at those efforts. Worse, the regime continues to play this council. Iran hides behind its assertion of Technical Compliance with the nuclear deal while it braze generally violates the other limits on its behavior, and we have allowed them to get away with it. This must stop. Our Senior International correspondent Fred Pleitgen is joining us live from tehran. How has iran responded, fred . How are they likely to respond . Reporter well, weve been scouring the internet and certainly iranian websites. So far we havent seen any direct responses to Ambassador Haleys responses. There is a speech by ayatollah khamenei. He talked about some things that Ambassador Haley talked about. You heard how she was talking about specifically lebanon, iran and iran, iraq and syria. One of the things he said, he said, quote, the u. S. Is very angry because today the Islamic Republic has foiled their plot in lebanon, syria and iraq. That eluding to despite the fact that there are u. S. Efforts, the iranians see themselves as strong as ever before supporting the Assad Government in syria and the Iraqi Government as well in baghdad. There are a couple of things he spoke about, but certainly ripping into the u. S. , ripping in President Trump as well. He pretends to be an idiot but the iranians should not let their guard down. There were some things that were in the speech that the Supreme Leader spoke about. He was definitely speaking about some of that u. S. Anger that we saw on display at the u. N. , wolf. Well see if President Trump responds. I suspect he will. Fred pleitgen, thanks very much. Live pictures coming in from the White House Briefing room. Well likely hear a response from the White House Press secretary, sarah sanders. Shes standing by to answer questions including accusations that the president was insensitive to the widow of a fallen u. S. Soldier. President says he has proof but will the white house reveal it . Alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. And help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks ill take that. Yeeeeeah ensure high protein. With 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure. Always be you. Hello there, im Briana Keilar in for brooke baldwin. At any moment the White House Briefing is set to begin. Its set that officials will be put to task about what is the most serious and painful part of being a president. Consoling the families of those killed in action. President trump is now embroiled in a new controversy about what he said to the widow of sargeant la david johnson, one of four soldiers killed in that a. M. Bish in niger. And the other big story that were following, nfl commissioner Roger Goodell expected

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