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Intelligence. That awareness is what led to comey to act unilaterally when he publicly declared that the investigation was over last summer. Our chief Political Correspondent dana bash helped break this story for cnn. Shes joining us. Dana, tell us what you and your team have learned. As you mentioned cnn has learned that this is the key, that the fbi director james comey, then fbi director, knew that a critical piece of russian information related to the Hillary Clinton email investigation was fake but he felt that he needed to take action anyway because he was concerned that if the information became public, fake or not, it would undermine the investigation and the Justice Department itself. Now, this is according to multiple sources talking to my colleague and myself. It was because of these concerns that comey decided to publicly declare that the Clinton Probe was over last summer without consulting then attorney general Loretta Lynch. You may remember that earlier this week the Washington Post reported on this intelligence and the doubts about its credibility. The fact that comey felt that he had to act based on russian disinformation is a stark example of how russian interference really did impact the Decision Making at the highest levels of the u. S. Government during the 2016 campaign. The russian information claimed to show that then attorney general lynch had been compromised in the clinton investigation because of emails between the then dnc chair Debbie Wasserman schultz and a Clinton Campaign operative saying lynch would make the fbi Clinton Probe go away. According to one Government Official in classified briefings comey told lawmakers that he was afraid that this information would, quote, drop and undermine the investigation, but comey didnt tell lawmakers at the time that he doubted the accuracy of the information even in a classified setting. According to one Government Official the fbi director felt that the validity of the information didnt matter because if it came public he had no way to discredit it without burning sources and methods. In public comey gave the notion for breaking protocol and making this announcement last july because bill clinton had boarded then attorney general Loretta Lynchs plane which was inappropriate. Thats why he decided to speak out. Thats right. I am told he didnt even mention that in classified settings on capitol hill. He didnt talk about the plane incident. Instead he told lawmakers that this russian information was the primary reason he took that unusual step to announce the end of the Clinton Probe himself. It sounds like the russians were still successful in their operation, even though comey knew this socalled memorandum was fake, he still acted as a result of it. At least in part. Wolf, if you think about the chain of events that ended up this all ended upsetting off, when comey held his press Conference Announcing no charges against clinton he took the extraordinary and some say inappropriate of calling Hillary Clinton careless. Clinton aides are claiming that her reputation was damaged with voters and never recovered from that press conference and that press conference likely wouldnt have happened without russian interference. Also talking to many officials on capitol hill and elsewhere, dissemination of fake information is still a major issue. Multiple sources tell us that russia is still at this moment trying to spread false information on trying to cloud and confuse ongoing investigations. I want to bring in our panel. David is with us. David gregory and our legal analyst, former federal prosecutor laura coats is with us as well. David, if youre a democrat, your head is probably exploding right now getting a lot of this new information on what prompted the then fbi director to go ahead with an extraordinary News Conference last july. As dana said, a sort of cascading series of events that would cause those democrats to be banging their head on the table. It seems to me whats going on here is that when the Washington Post story broke the other day, there was this notion that jim comey was duped. I think what as dana is reporting, telling folks on the hill and others, is to sort of clean up that notion, no, he knew. Can i ask you a question. Maa i not know the answer. Timeline wise, did he know because the Justice Department got the memo or the intelligence in march, right . Did comey know at the time it was fake when he gave the press conference . We have been told that he knew pretty much that the fbi knew pretty much right away that it wasnt true. These briefings i talk about classified briefings on capitol hill, this was a few months ago when he was trying to explain sort of expost fact to what happened. Sort of an autopsy. Exactly. The problem, david gregory, is that even though the fbi director james comey at the time knew it was a fake memorandum, what he feared was it would be released. But a lot of people out there would automatically believe there was a conspiracy going on between the then attorney general Loretta Lynch and Debbie Wasserman schultz, then head of the dnc, and Clinton Campaign operatives. I think to take the larger view, jim comey based on everything weve heard through reporting, ours and others, was trying to contain a situation that was getting out of control. So this thing is playing itself out. Remember whats happening at that time. Youve got a candidate, candidate trump saying the fix is in. The government is conspiring to let Hillary Clinton off the hook. So this kind of thing drops as dana reports. Then all of a sudden the fbi is in a position, wait, youre not prosecuting and you have all this information even though its fake information . Comey at all point is reaching a conclusion which is nobody would bring any criminal charges to Hillary Clinton or people around her. This does not rise to that level. But hes trying to control the politics because he has fbi a l agents who work for him. Hes got conservatives on the hill who want to see her prosecuted. Who go back to the petraeus case on his handling the information because it was intentional and think that there was unfairness here. Hes trying to manage all of this and realizes ultimately that he cant by coming out publicly and saying that nobody would have ever charged her but at the same time she was reckless. This thing was just too big to contain and it shows just how successful the russians were at pushing on open doors of cynicism and disbelief among americans about Hillary Clinton, our institutions and our electoral system. Jim comey also had an american elector rat that he wanted to have faith. He also just wanted everyone when the information became public to have full faith in the investigation. Thats very important. Im anxious for your analysis as a former federal prosecutor. The role of the fbi is not to be the defensive politician whos safeguarding the integrity of democracy. The role is to be unseen and proactive investigator. So all of his endeavors to try to preserve the integrity of the fbi really undermine it because while he took the role that he did, and i was critical back then and essential tar and feathering in the Public Square and then try and usurp the role of the public prosecutor. The reason you cant do that and the reason he shouldnt have been responsive is you have to allow the investigation to go and run parallel and ultimately end at the desk of the people who decide the issue. In his intention and maybe they were pure, maybe they were ego based. Who knows. But his intentions missed the mark because what it did is show that even when it comes to knowingly fake news, you have to address, you he felt the need to try to put in the public an investigation that was yet not closed or should not have been in the public eye. Youre 100 eye. Could have been ego. Could having good intentions. Could have been both. We also have to be critical of attorney general lynch who took herself out of this game kp sane is the decider. She felt that she couldnt or wouldnt and thats a huge i think a huge area where shes vulnerable to criticism as well as him even though youre 100 right. Lets be clear. What she said was not that she would turn a blind eye to the career prosecutors. Her statement was she would defer to the recommendation of her career prosecutors and ultimately the fbi underlining their investigation. That happens every day on most cases. She or right now Jeff Sessions is not going to be the one to decide every single case. They must defer to the ones who are nonpartisan. If the fbi wasnt going to charge, they should just shut up. But youre right, she does have some responsibility, but ultimately speaking, it still, even with that moment, was not the fbi directors role to then give a full press conference about the intentions of something he could not control. Why couldnt comey simply d have said theres a fake memorandum, its phoney, its fake, forget about it, it has nothing to do with this investigation. He didnt even Tell Congress behind closed doors that he knew it was fake. Thats right. Sources i talked to was the information was given to congress but not that it was fake. Thats mind boggling. I dont know the answer to that. Maybe he was not sure even though it was classified setting that it wouldnt get out. Because to answer the first part of your question is that there was a lot of concern about protecting sources and methods and that if the u. S. Government let it be known that they knew that this was a fake document or fake piece of intelligence from the russians and the russians would figure out where they got it from. Dont you know another part of this answer which is what comey has said . He wanted to blow the whistle on the russians in the course of the campaign and he claims, i forget whether he said this publicly or through reporting, that the administration, the Obama Administration did not want to do that because they didnt want to put their thumb on the scale and make it seem they can they were trying to sway the election. Theres a lot of people trying to put their arms around this thing, except donald trump who was out there saying the fix is in and its a big conspiracy. In early october the Obama Administration did put out a statement saying the russians were that was earlier in the summer. But by october 8th i think that memorandum signed by jay johnson, the secretary of Homeland Security and the director of National Intelligence at the time, they issued that Public Statement accusing the russians of intervening. I want to quickly play a little sound. This is Hillary Clinton delivering some of her commencement address at her alma mater, Wellesley College up in new england. And she drew a parallel to what happened back when she was delivering her graduation commencement address back in 1969 and what she suspects might be going on right now. Listen to this. If any of you are nervous about what youll be walking into when you leave the campus, i know that feeling. We were furious about the past president ial election of a man whose presidency would eventually e eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice. She went one step further and she said back at that time that president , referring to nixon, fired the man who was in charge of the investigation. She would know these facts because she served as a staffer on the Watergate Committee after her college days. Of course nixon, just to get the factual record right, wasnt impeached. It was the threat of impeachment. He was about to be impeached and then offered his letter of resignation. Exactly. But watching that speech which was a takedown of trump without calling him out by name, weve seen multiple Hillary Clinton appearances and speeches since the election where she just doesnt give a heck about anything anymore. This woman that used to be the most scripted, afraid of her shadow, consult ent laden, weighing in mher mind, say this say that, in the last six months we keep seeing her in a way she just doesnt care about the perception of her remarks as she once did and feels emboldened to make these remarks against the president. Its interesting. What does she have to lose . She wants to speak out. Exactly. I suspect shes not going to be running for anything anymore. If she wants to speak out, she can speak out. No question about it. She was in her ultimate comfort zone giving a speech to wellesley graduates, 40 plus years after she gave a speech to wellesley graduate when she was one of her own. It was very fiery, very tough, she knew her audience would lap it up, which she did. And the fact that she made those pair le parallels is something that how could she not do that . That speech 40 plus years ago was so notable for its idealism. Its actually very sad to see on the other end of it that she, Hillary Clinton, is in a place of so much cynicism because i think a lot of younger people probably feeling that way and we cant lose hope in the system, nor should she lose hope. I think she has to take some responsibility for where she fell short and i know thats coming. We have to wait for the book. All right, guys. Everybody stand by. A lot more coming up. Still ahead, new details in the investigation into this weeks deadly attack in manchester, england. British authorities are now working to contain the Terror Network that they believe was behind the suicide bombing. Plus well have more on Hillary Clintons commencement speech to wellesley grads. She called out the president on several issues including his budget proposals, the russia investigation and a whole lot more. In the years to come, there will be trolls galore. They may even call i a nasty woman. E artificial ingredients. Kind never had to. A nasty woman. Y a nasty woman. O a nasty woman. U a nasty woman. And a drizzle of dark chocolate. Give kind a try. Ready or not, here i come. Ek. galo ais the hard part. Northrop grumman command and control systems always let you see the complete picture. And were looking for a few dreamers to join us. You need one of these. 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Our senior White House Correspondent jeff zeleny is joining us live from sicily. The administration was asked earlier about whether sanctions imposed against russia for election meddling will continue. The president s top economic adviser said right now we dont have a position. So what is gary cohn saying to clarify the administrations position . Wolf, that was so interesting when he said that yesterday. Certainly raised eyebrows. But just a few moments ago in a briefing with reporters here in sicily, gary cohn sort of changed his statement and he said very bluntly. He said were not lowering our sanctions with russia. If anything, we would probably look to get tougher on russia. The president wants to continue to keep those sanctions in place. So wolf, that was the president s top economic adviser saying something that weve not really heard from the president at all along this entire week. Thats talk about russia. He clearly wants to avoid the controversy thats happening back in washington, but by doing so, hes raising questions about if hes willing to get tough on the russian president. Of course that is a central sort of unspoken question in the hallways here in the meetings and other things, what Donald Trumps view of russia is and is he willing to get tough with president putin. The g7 summit in sicily where you are right now following the president s speech to nato allies where he scolded members for not meeting their financial obligations. One analyst described the speech as diplomatly innept a and insulting. The president of course has made these comments but it was a surprise he was doing it in that moment and his dedication to eight 9 11 memorial. There really were some jaws sort of dropping because of this. But the the challenge here is that shows the advisers inside the white house, their disagreements. This is the steve bannon view, the America First view of this white house here. So some leaders certainly were not that thrilled by. That wolf, were getting new word just a short time ago that the president is going to have a oneonone meeting with the german chancellor here this evening. Angela merkel. He will be talking of course facetoface for the first time on this meeting. He is doing a lot of meetings on the sideline here and you have to wonder if hes doing some, you know, much more of a Charm Offensive in person because after yesterday many people here think he needs it. Wonder if hes going to respond to what you said about not building walls. We know he wants to build a wall between the u. S. And mexico. Jeff zeleny, thank you very much. As the president wraps up his first overseas trip, lets take a step back and assessed how he handled it. Joined by retired admiral john kirby and elise. I asked both of you last week before the trip started to give me thoughts on what you thought were the Biggest Challenges facing the president. John, you told us staying strategic, staying on message and staying engaged were big challenges. He had a strong he was able to stay out of the details on the peace process. But the unifying message came by villifying iran. Right when they were reelecting a moderate president. The way he has couched terrorism, no talk about the social economic and political factors that go into radicalization. So i think hes mixed there. On message, yes, he was very disciplined. I think he gets an a for staying on message. I would have liked to see him do a press conference. Yes, theres risk but i think that would have been useful. Then staying engaged, i go back to what i said earlier. I think he fell flat. He had a chance in brussels to show american commitment and leadership and he didnt do that. He complained and nagged about defense spending. It was a chance to show the United States as the big nation we are. Instead he made us look cheap and small. You said that his three big objectives in your opinion strengthen u. S. Ties with sunni arabs, raise more muslim support to fight terrorism, restart the peace process. How did he do . I think on the first two as john said he did pretty well. He had the message of reengaging the sunni and golf arabs who felt abandoned do you recall the bo Obama Administration. That was a good set of days. I think he got good marks. With terrorism i think he had a unifying message that he was not at war with islam but that islamic and arab leaders had to take more of the responsibility of shutting out those who are exploiting their religion. I think on the israeli peace process, both sides were really excited about his visit. You never saw an israeli Prime Minister so giddy about a u. S. President ial visit, and also he visited the palestinian which i think was significant. But both sides were looking for him to say and do certain things. We didnt see any announcement on the movement of the embassy or anything on the two state so solution, so people were there expecting to see more. Theres no political will to move that process forward. Hes trying to reset the process which is fine. No political will. Theres belief in isreal that netanyahu is vulnerable here. He needs his base. I dont think he moves on anything right now. Lets see if they can do something there. Theyre trying. Theyre working behind the scenes. What theyre trying to do is get the sunni arabs on board to help out and theyre making a point that the saudis, maybe they can help out. He has couched this terrorism fight and thats probably a mistake going forward. Only sunni arabs were invited to saudi arabia for that summit. The shiite leaders including the Prime Minister of iraq was deliberately not invited to that summit in riyadh. Thanks very much. Coming up, were following new details in the investigation into this weeks deadly attack in manchester, england, including a conversation between the bomber and his brother. We have new information. Well be right back. S that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Coffee look, shes sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and zero calories. All the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Hello, new splenda naturals. Goodbye, sugar. Sfx engine revving silence only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® and i quit smoking with chantix. I was very grateful to have chantix. At times when i would normally go smoke, i just didnt its kind of like wait a minute, i would normally be running out the door to go grab a cigarette. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. 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Because we should fit into your life, not the other way around. Go to xfinity. Com myaccount i think it is important that as leaders we have shown our fierce determination to ensure that we use every tool available to us to fight against terrorism and protect our people. That was the british brPrime Minister. Meanwhile the u. S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in the uk today meeting with the British Foreign secretary boris johnson. Both signed a con dollens book for the victims of the manchester attack. Part of the visit is aimed at smoothing over some pretty ruffled feathers. The uk is angry at the u. S. Over leaking investigation details to the u. S. News media. We take full responsibility for that. We obviously regret that happened. In terms of how to fix the relationship between the u. S. And great britain, this special relationship that exists between our two countries will certainly withstand this particular unfortunate event. Meanwhile, new raids and a new arrest. Police in manchester now have eight people in custody in connection with mondays terror bombing. Libyan militia says the bomber salman abedi spoke with his brother in libya only 15 minutes before he launched the attack. For more on these developments, lets bring in our Senior International correspondents fled and arwa damon. What are they saying about the investigation . Theyre saying the investigation is still very much high paced. Theyve been making progress. Youve mentioned some of the arrests. They say that is something they hope will help contain this network that they believe is behind this bombing. However, the big question here is is there still someone at large who is capable of building explosive devices like the one that was used in the manchester bombing. The authorities hearsay theyre making progress on that but at this point in time they simply cannot be sure. They say they are working around the clock though. Listen really quick to what the state secretary for security affai affairs had to say earlier today. Were following up the network and roll it out and try to contain it and get to the bottom of how big it is and how many are involved. Were getting to a stage where were working it through. As youve seen from the number of arrests were hopeful ne the right track to contain it and make sure that people that pose a further risk are being picked up and were making sure that we can hopefully get back to normal. But at this point in time theyre not even close to getting back to normal. The threat level here is still at krcritical which is the hight that country has. You still have soldiers on the street in london who are guarding key installations. A lot more armed police as well. As the authorities are trying to sift through that network and has the minister there said, trying to contain the network and through these arrests really trying to get more and more of those people off the street and stop them from being a danger to the public here in the uk, wolf. Arwa, what can you tell us about the conversation between the suicide bomber salman abedi and his brother and the father role in all of this as well . At this stage the most recent information were gets suggest from the spokesman for the special deterrent force. This is the armed group that actually detained salmans brother as well as his father. And its basically an armed group that nominally falls under the control of the ministry of interior. According to the spokesman, he says that salman and his brother spoke about 15 minutes before the attack took place. He says that the brother only really knew about his brothers movements. He knew he was planning on not going to the religious pi as told his father knew that he was going to manchester. Knew that he was planning some sort of attack but he did not know when or where it was going to be happening. It is believed at least by the libyans that both brothers were somehow involved in plotting this attack. They do believe that plans for it began as far back as the ed d of 2016. Libyans are saying there wasnt a lot of plotting or planning trying to put together the device that took place while the two brothers were in libya. At this stage theyre trying to piece all of this together. The brothers father also detained at this stage. We dont know what he is being accused of, what hes being investigated are. Remember he yanked both brothers from manchester, brought them back to libya about a month before the attack took place because he was concerned they were getting wrapped up in some sort of criminal gang activity. The boys mother as well as two other siblings were also taken in for questioning, but they were released shortly there after. So still a lot of effort under way at this stage trying to piece together exactly where it was that these two brothers were radicalized. Remember the brother who was detained according to the libyans at least under interrogation and we do not know exactly what those circumstances were. Did confess that he and salman were members of isis. But exactly where they joined the organization, were they somehow c somehow radicalized in manchester . Did it happen in one of their trips back and forth. Those are going to be key points in trying to determine how it is that two brothers, it would seem who were born and raised in the uk, who were both on their way to getting an education and not exactly from an impoverished family end up being drawn into this violence. Both doing excellent reporting on these investigations. Thanks very much. All of the victims by the way in the manchester terror attack have now been identified. A family friend says 15yearold megan hurley was killed in the blast. Shes just one of 22 victims that were killed during that suicide bombing attack this week. Well be right back. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. And i thought, well, you need to go to the doctor. I was told that is was cancer, and i called Cancer Treatment centers of america. Dr. Nader explained that they can pinpoint the treatment. 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Hillary clinton returned to the political spotlight today with the commencement speech at her alma mater. She spoke to Wellesley College graduates about her election loss and how to move forward given todays politics. You are graduating at a time when there is a fullfledged assault on truth and reason. Today was a familiar picture. Almost five decades ago back in 1969 Hillary Clinton addressed her fellow graduates at the schools First Student as the first school as the schools first commencement student commentme comme commencement speaker. Brianna, she had some strong words about the current political landscape. Update our viewers. Thats right. There was certainly some optimism for the class of 2017 but also those strong words were what you really noticed there, wolf. She lamented the current state of politics. She told grads they didnt create it but they could change did and she made a number of jokes at President Trumps expense. You played that sound where she said that there is an assault on truth and reason. She went on to say including what we see with our own eyes. Roasting donald trump and his administration, really the white houses efforts to say that he had a record inauguration crowd. She also, though, had a very serious and dire warning. When people in power invent their own facts and attack those who question them, it can mark the beginning of the end of a free society. That is not hyperbole. It is what authoritarian regimes throughout history have done. They attempt to control reality. Not just our laws and our rights and our budgets, but our thoughts and beliefs. This was of course a very friendly crowd for Hillary Clinton here at wellesley and a bitter sweet home coming, wolf. I think you could definitely say she was sort of devil tep self deprecating, humorous chl. She said shes been going on long walks, organized her closets, said to much laughter chardonnay really helped. But how sharp she was against President Trump, something we have seen her do in a big way lately here in the last few weeks. It was not very veiled at all. Brianna at Wellesley College. Thanks very much. The Republican National Committee Just released a statement responding to Hillary Clintons speech. Let me read part of this. Quote, todays speech was a stark reminder why Hillary Clinton lost in 2016. Instead of lashing out with the same partisan talking instead of lashing out with the same partisan talking points, Hillary Clinton would be wise to look inward. Talk about why she lost and expan the dwindling base of Democratic Party supporters. We wont hold our breath though. That statement from the rnc. Coming up just one day after being charged with assaulting a reporter, the montana Republican Greg Gianforte captured the states open house seat after the break. What the win means for the gop. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® its about moving forward, not back. T. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. In body, in spirit, in the now. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Be up for it tech when your windshield needs to be fixed. Trust safelite autoglass. For these parents, driving around was the only way to get their baby to sleep. So when their windshield got cracked. Customer we cant drive this car. Tech . They wanted it fixed right. So they scheduled with safelite. Our exclusive trueseal Technology Means a strong, reliable bond, every time. At safelite, we stand behind our work. Bye, bye. Because the ones you love, sit behind it. parents whisper jingle safelite repair, safelite replace. I count on my dell small for tech advice. With one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. A republican candidate wins the Montana Special election 24 hours after he was charged with assaulting a news reporter. Greg gianforte defeated rob quist in the race for montana hope house of representatives seat. During his victory speech gianforte apologized for his awful behavior. Im not proud of what happened. I should not have responded in the way that i did. And for that im sorry. And youre i should not have treated that reporter that way. And for that, im sorry, mr. Ben jacobs. You deserve a congressman who stays out of the limelight and just gets the job done. President trump went out of his way to comment on gianfortes win while he was over at the g7 summit in sicily. He whispered to the news media, great win in montana. Our Congressional Correspondent Phil Mattingly is joining us with reaction from capitol hill. Phil, what are you hearing from lawmakers . Reporter its no surprise that lawmakers after they left for recess and after the charges were filed were not rushing to the cameras to defend the action. Most were very clear, it was out of line. It was uncalled for. However, they did not say it was disqualifying. The speaker had very blunt words. There is no time where a physical altercation should occur with the press or just between human beings. So that is wrong and should not have happened. Should the gentleman apologize . Yeah, i think he should apologize. I know he has his own version and im sure hes going to have more to say, but theres no call for this, no matter under any circumstance. Reporter wolf, its notable that despite that speech the speaker made it very clear, if he won, he would be seated. Its something he echoed in his statement after the victory last night. Heres what he said. Basically, elections are about consequences. This is from ryans spokesman. Selecting gianforte to represent them in congress, he goes on to talk about what he brought to the table but the most noteworthy line was the last one. He will bring that experience to congress where he will be a valuable voice in the house. Its worth noting, montana democrats say he should not be sworn in until charges are resolved one way or the other. Speaker ryan making it clear, they are not going to wait. Montanans voted and its a statewide election in the state of montana and, therefore, he will be sworn in. An interesting element of this that everybody is trying to figure out is what does this mean for the National Landscape of things. Its very difficult to know in this election but gianforte won statewide and lost to a democrat in 2016. The democratic opponent that he had didnt exactly thrill a lot of democratic consultants and republicans dumped a ton of money into this. While this was a state that President Trump won by 20 points, gianforte only won by 6, it was noteworthy that the democratic opponent very rarely mentioned President Trumps name. Hes still popular in states, not surprisingly, that he won by 20 points. Theres no question about it, when you look at these special elections going forward, people are trying to figure out if messages will work nationwide. Wolf f. I will say this, this race is not a great indicator but for republicans, a victory. They are happy, despite the circumstances, that surrounded it the last 48 hours. I hope gianforte learned his lesson. Once he arrives where you are up on capitol hill, you and manu and other Congressional Correspondents, youre going to be chasing him with microphones and lets hope he responds as he should. Phil mattingly, thanks very much. A federal Appeals Court has upheld a ruling that blocks President Trumps travel ban against six muslim majority nations. Now the Trump Administration says its taking its appeal to the u. S. Supreme court. We have details. Im dr. Kelsey mcneely and some day you might be calling me an energy farmer. Energy lives here. Ready or not, here i come. Ek. anyone can dream. Making it a reality is the hard part. Northrop grumman command and control systems always let you see the complete picture. And were looking for a few dreamers to join us. Mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the semiannual sale going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. Its the lowest price ever on our temperature balancing i8 bed, save 700 plus 36 month financing. Ends monday. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. To a new world. S. Deeper than the ocean. As unfathomable as the universe. A world that doesnt exist outside you. But within you. Where breakthrough science is replacing chemotherapy with immunotherapy. Where we can now attack the causes of disease, not just the symptoms. Where medicines once produced for all, are now designed to fit you. Today 140,000 biopharmaceutical researchers go bodly to discover treatments and cures unimaginable ten years ago. And are on the verge of more tomorrow. The Trump Administration vows to take its travel ban case to the highest court in the land after an Appeals Court refused to reinstate the order. The u. S. Attorney general Jeff Sessions releasing a statement saying, among other things, this department of justice will continue to vigorously defend the power and duty of the executive branch to protect the people of this country from danger and will seek review of this case in the United States Supreme Court. Our Supreme Court reporter is with us right now. What happens next . Well, Jeff Sessions said he was going to the Supreme Court but didnt say when or how. What we think will probably happen is hell file an emergency application and the administration will say allow this to go into effect now pending appeal. The justices look at that and one thing they look at is the status quo. This never went into effect. They may not want to change the status quo and may be worried about the chaos that could trigger. Remember, the chaos in the airports. So theyll look at that and then may consider the merits and, keep in mind, this court has five conservatives, four liberals and they could go down ideological lines but the executive order has a lot in it, right . Its got religion and the president s authority and immigration so maybe that would make strange bedfellows when it make it is to the Supreme Court. You never know what these nine justices are going to do. This is a huge setback, though, for the president , the second time he revises the initial travel ban, this time affecting six muslimmajority countries. Its a major setback for him. Oh, it was lashing. The court said the executive order drips with religious intolerance, aminis and discrimination. They clearly failed before the Fourth Circuit court. Absolutely. Second time around. And another decision could come any time now . We expect it today or next week. That could be a another setback for this decision, right . Thats how it looks but you can never be too sure. Thanks very much for watching. Ill be back at 5 00 p. M. Eastern in the situation room. For our international viewers, amanpour is next. For our north american viewers, Brooke Baldwin is here right now. Wolf, thank you so much. Im Brooke Baldwin. We begin with breaking news regarding the fbis role in the 2016 president ial election. Were now learning why the fired fbi director went public to announce the investigation of Hillary Clintons emails was ending. You remember james comey held an infamous News Conference last summer. Turns out, he was worried about the russians impacting the integrity of the investigation. Dana bash has the new breaking news here. What exactly have you learned . Cnn has learned, brooke, that then fbi

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