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Watch around the world, thank you very much for joining us. Theres breaking news were following. Ted cruz unloading on donald trump calling him a pathological liar. A bully and a narcissist. The bombshell tirade comes as voters head to the polls today in the indiana primary. Cruz is sfighting for survival and he took a powerful and direct aim at donald trump a little while ago. Im going to do something i havent done for the entire campaign for those of you all who have traveled with me. Im going to tell you what i really think of donald trump. This man is a pathological liar. He doesnt know the difference between truth and lies. He lies practically every word that comes out of his mouth. And a pattern i think is straight out of a psychology textbook. His response is to accuse everybody else of lying. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level i dont think this country has ever seen. Donald trump is such a narcissist that barack obama looks at him and goes, dude, whats your problem . The man is utterly amoral. Morality does not exist for him. Its why he went after heidi directly and smeared my wife. Attacked her. Apparently, shes not pretty enough for donald trump. I may be biassed, but i think if hes making that allegation, hes also legally blind. Donald trump is a serial philanderer and boasts about it. He went on National Television and attacked my father. He alleges my dad was involved in assassinating jfk. Now, lets be clear. This is nuts. This is not a reasonable position. This is just kooky. And while im at it, i guess i should go ahead and admit, yes, my dad killed jfk, hes secretly elvis and jimmy hoffa is buried in his backyard. Lets bring in a political advisor for kasich for america. Chad sweet is National Chairman of the cruz campaign. Scotty hughes, Political Editor for rightalerts. Com and a trump supporter. Lets get your immediate reaction. You support donald trump, that was a powerful attack on donald trump by ted cruz. Your reaction . Keep it classy, conservatives. Obviously, this is a sign of desperation for senator cruz. He pointed out, this is not the way hes been for the campaign but decided to do it today. I think it shows what kind of panic mode that senator cruz is and absolutely going to go against and ill give Bernie Sanders some credit in this. He realizes the writing on the wall and instead of sitting there and throwing these type of absolute out of character comments at Hillary Clinton, bernie is going, you know what . Let me help you and assimilate because its better for the party. Senator cruz is acting absolutely crazy and these comments. This is not who he is and its not for the betterment of the gop or the Republican Party when its obvious we are on the track for mr. Trump to be the nominee for the Republican Party. Go ahead, chad, respond. Well, i think its hysterical that scottie thinks her candidate can come out and accuse teds father of assassinates or be part of an assassination of jfk and thats not insane. At the end of the day, enough is enough. The voters have seen this man has no core principles. Hell say and do anything to get elected. The voters remember him saying women who get abortions should be punished but not the doctors and then reverses it the next day. The voters remember him saying he would order the military to kill innocent children of terrorists because he said so. And then later reversed himself and said, no, ill try to follow the law. The voters remember that he attacked teds wife, an amazing woman even though ted only said positive things about mr. Trumps family and then later, donald said he admitted he regretted attacking his wife. And then comes out today attacking teds family again, even paul manafort, trumps own strategist tweeted out, can you imagine this man with his finger on the Nuclear Button . The voters of indiana agree. They want a serious president to lead the free world and thats what ted cruz and Carly Fiorina offer. Let me get trent to weigh in. Youre from the john kasich campaign. You see this allegation, this new National Enquirer story alleging ted cruzs father, rafael cruz was seen allegedly, supposedly with Lee Harvey Oswald just before he assassinated president john f. Kennedy. Theres no confirmation of that. This is a National Enquirer story donald trump referred to on fox news earlier this morning. Your reaction . I think its laughable almost. Its sad, really. I mean, what we hope is that trump isnt getting his foreign and Economic Policy and others. Its like hes an mib agent looking for intel in the pages of tabloids. Its absurd. And i think thats what is creating all the unease amongst a lot of republican delegates and over half of the Republican Voters that dont want donald trump is that we have no idea whos going to show up in the general election and be the Party Standard bearer and it could be an embarrassment not only to the party but set us back generations but cost us the senate, the supreme court, and thats why a lot of wrestling is going on amongst the delegates about what our path forward is. Ive got a statement here from donald trump. This is the donald trump reaction to what we just heard from ted cruz and ill read it to our viewers and let you all respond. This is Donald Trumps statement. Ted cruz is a desperate candidate trying to save his failing campaign. It is no surprise he has resorted to his usual tactics of over the top rhetoric that nobody believes. Over the last week, i have watched lying ted become more and more unhinged unable to react under stress and pressure of losing. The last six primary elections, in fact, coming in last place in all but one of them. Todays ridiculous outburst only proves what i have been saying for a long time that ted cruz does not have the temperament to be president of the United States. All right, chad, ill let you respond to trump. You know, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The idea that he is the one holding out the standard of over a good temperament is crazy. Thats what trent was saying and i couldnt agree more. The voters do want a sober, serious, and steady temperament and what are we seeing throughout this campaign from donald trump is anything but. Senator cruz and Carly Fiorina offered a positive, affirmative vision with real solutions, not empty slogans like donald trump. The voters are listening today here in indiana and around this country. If you agree that you want jobs to come back, not by punishing companies but creating lower regulation and lower taxes to bring them back, vote for ted cruz and Carly Fiorina. If you want freedom of our country to come back in terms of protecting the constitution or respecting the role of military, rather than having donald trump order them to assassinate the children of terrorists, vote for Carly Fiorina and ted cruz. Over and over again, were talking about temperament. Ted cruz and Carly Fiorina offer that kind of serious substantive choice. Scottie, are you comfortable with donald trump referring to the National Enquirer story alleging he was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination of president k kennedy and that story . Are you comfortable with that . Im not comfortable with referencing any story just straight from the National Enquirer but this was on online conservatives and been talking about this for weeks now. Thats one that put it into print. I find it amazing that these two keep referencing these voters. Remember, mr. Trump is 3. 2 million more than senator ted cruz. Hes up in the polls nationally by 24 points. Hes up in california by 39 points and today, hes at 17 points in indiana. So gentlemen, let me remind you. When youre talking about those voters, those are more than that your candidates have and insulting them and their intelligence with the words that you say. When you call their candidate not principled, and aligned. Youre insulting those voters as well. And i have to tell you, like we saw senator cruz who went after voters in indiana and went aggressively, you look like bullies. Right now, the cruz campaigns are looking like bullies against america and theyre not taking it. Quickly, chad, go ahead. So, look, scottie, with all due respect, over 60 of the american republican primary voters voted against your candidate and i would tell you, trump engages with protesters, he calls them to go ahead and punch people in the face and pay their legal bill. Senator cruz engages. That was not respectful yesterday. That provides a great contrast to that point. Trent, are we going to start seeing john kasich anytime soon . Absolutely. John kasich will be meeting with the Foreign Policy team with two former Reagan National Security Advisors and michael hayden. A real Foreign Policy team and be here in washington. Youll see him soon. Maybe on this network. Staying in this race, right . Not about to drop out . Absolutely. He is in oregon all week. Hes there doing well and going to move on to california and compete in the west. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Trent duffy, chath sweet. Donald trump looking to land a decisive blow but tirniurningk with a withering attack. Senator Bernie Sanders is hoping to regain some momentum with a win over Hillary Clinton today in indiana. Democrats are competing for 83 delegates. Clinton leads, by the way, with 2179 and sanders has 1400. Has about 41 super delegates for the republicans. 57 delegates are up for grabs today. Trump leads the delegate race with 1,002. By our estimate, includes, by the way, 45 socalled unbound delegates. Cruz has a total of 572. Kasich trails with 176. Lets go to the correspondent, chris frates from a polling station in indianapolis. Chris what, kind of turnout these elections today drawing . Reporter were seeing a high turnout. In fact, talking to officials here this morning, they tell me they saw more people come through these tours than they have in years. If you take a look right here, you can see people coming out to turn out to cast their ballots during the lunch hour and fill out the ballots here and walk a few feet and head over to the counting machines here. They cast their ballot here at these machines and i can tell you, so far today, over 900 people have cast their ballot. They expect to get much more as this goes on. In fact, the Marion County clerk joined me earlier today saying early voting is up by 95 . Real big turnout today and if you listen to Bernie Sanders, he likes to say, big turnout means it will be a good night for him and the Hillary Clinton people already down playing expectations. I talked to the Hillary Clinton folks saying they wont be surprised if Bernie Sanders can upset her today in indiana. They point to a couple of Different Things there, wolf. They say Bernie Sanders spent 2 million in advertising in indiana. Their campaign has spent virtually nothing. When you look at the fact that this is an open primary, in fact, independents can vote in a democratic primary here. Thats good for Bernie Sanders, as is the demographics of indiana and its a predominantly white state and its helped as well. The clinton people pointed out even if he were to squeak out a win here, he wouldnt be able to win by wide enough margins to cut into the delegate count. But as you see people out, well keep our eye on it all afternoon, wolf. On the democratic side, states distribute the delegates proportionally. At least 85 . 15 . Those super delegates that i mentioned earlier on and chris, thank you. Tomorrow, ill sit down with donald trump to discuss senator cruz. The indiana primaries. A whole lot more as the march towards the republican president ial nomination. My interview with donald trump tomorrow at 5 00 p. M. Eastern in the situation room. And on thursday, the republican president ial candidate, john kasich, hell join me live here in washington at 1 00 p. M. Eastern right here on cnn. Up next, the scenarios that could play out tonight in the democratic contest in indiana wi wi. Would a win for Bernie Sanders change the outcome for the Clinton Campaign . And later, a u. S. Navy seal killed in iraq by isis fighters. What this tells us about advising iraqi fighters overseas. Your heart loves omega3s. But the omega3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Megared. The difference is easy to absorb. You know mom, i will change you. Change your body, and what you call love. Im going to make you think less about yourself. And more about those Little Things youve never noticed. Sometimes, i will turn your night into day. And for sure, i will mark you forever. But i promise mom, it will be the greatest journey of your life. Howto choose one . Sed simple. You dont. At red lobsters create your own seafood trios, you get to pick 3 of 9 allnew creations for just 15. 99. And with this many new flavors trust me, youll be glad you can try three. Like creamy baked lobster alfredo and grilled chimichurri shrimp and pankocrusted crab cakes bursting with crabmeat. Because some choices are hard, but this one, this ones easy. So hurry in before it ends voters head to indiana. Live pictures from terre haute. What happens in the state could reset the map in this primary season. The vermont senator, Bernie Sanders, is looking for a win today. Win number 18. That would be in the indiana primary. There are 83 delegates, once again, at stake for the democrats with Hillary Clinton leading the race right now. She has, including the super delegates, 1,666 and heres tad devine. Senior Media Advisor for the sanders campaign. Whats your expectations for tonight . I think we have a real shot to win. We make great progress and bernie had a tremendous day. I think we made a strong case and a Great Campaign on the ground. Even if he wins by a relatively modest margin, its almost negligible in terms of shifting the advantage she has. It is hard but its important that we do and i think if we can put together a series of victories and have big ones in between particularly in a place like california with a lot of delegates on the line, i think we can significantly erode her advantage. When you say a big victory on june 7th, how do you think . I think we have to get probably 60 of the vote there, but thats a lot of districts and delegates. Get six out of ten delegates and she would get four out of ten. Would it make a difference given the fact she has all the super delegates right now . I think it would. Because those super delegates will weigh in at the end. Right now, we know for sure no candidate, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders, is going to win a majority of Convention Delegates with the pledge delegates. I think thats clear. The super delegates are equal in status to the pledge delegates. I think if we have a strong close to the process if bernie does well and if he continues to be the candidate who does better against trump in the matchups she has more than 500 and he has 41. Has he flipped any of the super delegates yet . We havent flipped the clinton delegates to the sanders delegates but win support from some of them. Maybe 150. Uncommitted super delegates, if you will. When you say hes in it until the convention, even if he doesnt do well, hes going to stay in until the convention because i think if we lose any state between now and then, it will be hard to make the case. A prerequisite is to do well between now and the end but we will. Do you think its possible she could get enough to convince him its over . Sure. I think if she adds enormously to her pledge delegate advantage, between now and indiana, for us to make the case of the super delegates is not going to be effective. We recognize that. He really wants to make a statement not just to get the nomination, but looking increasingly difficult if not impossible right now. But he wants to make a statement on the Party Platform and have a say. What are the goals . His goal is to win. Whats his next goal . He wants the Democratic Party to win and he believes the way for the Democratic Party to win is to first of all have a Progressive Agenda that talks about things like a 15 an hour minimum living wage in america to talk about how to deal with Climate Change and health and jobs and education. And thats his first goal. The second goal is we need a process that needs to be reformed. We need to bring people into the process. Its not good to keep young people and democrats out. You want open primaries four years from now. A process we bring people in, not keep them out. He wants proportional delegates . Proportional representation is a reform we had on the Democratic Party. I think thats something bernie could be comfortable with. I think the process has been distorted grossly over time. They were supposed to be the last voice to come in at the end behind the candidate and they were the first voice now because they selected so early. What if he gets some of the goals at the Democratic Convention in philadelphia in july but not all of them. Will he still be out there working for Hillary Clinton . Wolf, hes said he will work seven days a week to make sure donald trump is not president of the United States. Of course, hes going to support the nominee of the party. We hope its bernie but if not, hell support the nominee. If you look on the republican side from the Bernie Sanders perspective war, do you see . I see a party in turmoil and deeply divided within its own ranks. I see a party that is in deep trouble because of the agenda they represent and the leadership that they have. But you know politics. Youve been involved for a long time. Donald trump said ill put new york, michigan, states that republicans usually dont have a shot in a president ial election, i can do that. You believe him . No, i dont. I think his agenda is out of step in places like new york or pennsylvania. He did well in that republican contest, in all those states. Its a small sliver of the electorate hes representing. I dont think hes a candidate to agreppeal to the great and a dangerous candidate for president. Coming up, we learn more details about a u. S. Navy seal killed by isis in iraq. Were going live to the pentagon right after this. Look on the bright side. Aveeno® skin brightening scrub and daily moisturizer with active naturals® soy. Used together they make skin look healthier and more radiant in just one week. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® new pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, you wanna see something intense . With our strongest prov formula ever. Strong is beautiful. 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What do we know about the circumstances involving the death of this navy seal . Wolf, first of all, what were u. S. Troops even doing there . There are a number of military advisors north of mosul trying to work with kurdish fighters to get them to advance their front line towards mosul and get the second largest city out of isis hands. Theres a tall order. The advisors were there earlier a couple of miles behind the front lines according to the standard procedures, when isis fighters apparently broke through those front lines of fire fight ensued and the navy seal killed in the fire fight. No word of any other u. S. Casualties or wounded. The u. S. Responded by rapidly calling in f15s and drones, dropping more than 20 bombs on isis fighting positions there, wolf. And they have not released the name of this navy seal, right . No, a pentagon procedure is the name of the fallen. Its released 24 hours after the last next of kin is notified. It sounds like the u. S. Has combat boots on the ground in this area around mosul. Mosul, the second largest city in iraq. A city that used to have 2 Million People controlled now for two years by isis. Are u. S. Combat forces now actively engaged in this war against isis . Well, again, wolf, these are advise and assist soldiers conducting that mission. These are white seals. These are individuals much like the army green berets. They have the same thing in the force and they were in a town called taleska. Its a beautiful little christian town that isis took over in august of 2014 and i would anticipate what youre seeing is the attempts to take those cities that are circled in mosul and continuing to conduct a movement where theyre sieging mosul and cut off from all isis resupply or efforts to reinforce their soldiers. This is one of the many towns that are right on the border between the kurdish area and the peshmerga try to conduct further operations into mosul and trying to attack in the major city. The number of u. S. Troops on the ground in iraq has clearly risen. Its been 4,000, 5,000. It sounds, and if you take a look at where it was a couple of years ago, it looks like Mission Creep is beginning to develop in iraq. What do you think . I dont believe that, wolf. And i wouldnt call it that. There are certainly some increases in forces. Its all been under the advisement of the secretary of defense and the combat and commander saying we need more special operators to conduct the advise and assist. We need more special Operation Forces to conduct the Counterterrorism Mission and certainly, we have a number, a set number, about 3,000. But there are Additional Forces going in there to conduct the advise missions at the lower level but still doing the same mission. There are no Additional Missions handed to the individuals but as we go lower in the fore structure, we see the requirement for more forces to advise and assist these units. Barbara, what are you hearing at the pentagon . The chart back up on the screen gone from a thousand to 2,000, 3,000, 4,000. And now approaching 5,000. How many more troops would military planners like to insert in iraq and for that matter, in syria . Well, on the iraq side of the border, youre looking at about another 200 military trainers going in on the syrian side, about 250 or so that will gauge in this advise and assist role. Theyre also trying to get the nato allies to offer more as well. That is happening, but going very slowly. The real question is on the iraq side, can you get iraqi forces and Kurdish Forces really able to retake mosul, iraqs second largest city, on the syrian side . The only people you can really work with are militias and kurd fighters . Thats the goal on the battlefield right now. It remains a very distant goal right now, wolf. General, you saw what happened over the weekend. Hundreds, if not a few thousand shiite protesters storm the socalled green zone in baghdad. They stormed the iraqi parliament, took over. They left on their own, but they could go back anytime. This is where the u. S. Embassy has its diplomats. Its supposed to be a secure area. Its pretty alarming when you see whats going on inside the iraqi capital right now. It is, wolf. Its extremely disturbing. And assad interfered with the march forward on several occasions in the past. Whats interesting though is i wouldnt lump them all into shia militia. This is saaders group and they have more intense ties with iran. They are pushing alabadi to move faster. He has some plans. Its not moving fast enough. What is most interesting about what happened this weekend is on sunday, he told him to leave. And they did. This is not normal for the mi millitia. Get the parliamentaries back or ill be back when its over. That ends tomorrow. Well see what happens, i think. We got to watch baghdad tomorrow, wolf. Baghdad is in trouble right now as we heard the other day from the state department spokesman. Thanks very much. Well stay on top of this story for sure. Coming up, ted cruz berating donald trump. Calling him amoral, pathological liar, a narcissist with pleading to indiana voters to come out and support him. Will it help or hurt his campaign and why is the state of indiana so pivotal right now for the republican candidates . Well discuss when we come back. These are live pictures, by the way, people are voting in indianapolis right now. Boys have been really good today. Send. Lets get mark his own cell phone. Nice. Send. Brad could use a new bike. Send. [google ] message. You decide. Theyre your kids. Why are you guys texting grandma . It was him. It was him. Keep your family connected. Appconnect. On the newly redesigned passat. From volkswagen. Im spending too muchs for time hiringnter. And not enough time in my kitchen. announcer need to hire fast . Go to ziprecruiter. 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She said that. So the expectations game is trying to set it up so all of us dont perceive a loss for her there as actually some offending of where we are on the democratic race and probably rightfully so. Lets get to the republican side. I want to play for you and our viewers. Some are calling it a tirade, if you will. Donald trump is a serial philanderer and he boasts about it. This is not a secret. Hes proud of being a serial philanderer. I want everyone to think about your teenage kids. The president of the United States talks about how great it is to commit adultery. How proud he is. Describes his battles with venereal disease as his own personal vietnam. Donald is a bully. We just visited with fifth graders. Every one of us knew bullies in elementary school. Bullies dont come from strength. Bullies come from weakness. Bullies come from a deep, yawning cavern of insecurity. There is a reason donald builds giant buildings and puts his names on them wherever he goes. He is lying to his supporters. Donald will betray his supporters on every issue. If you care about immigration, donald is laughing at you. And hes telling the money elites, he doesnt believe what hes saying. Hes not going to build a wall. Thats what he told the new york times. He will betray you on every issue across the board. The man cannot tell the truth, but he combines it with being a narcissist. A narcissist at a level i dont think this country has ever seen. Donald trump is such a narcissist that barack obama looks at him and goes, dude, whats your problem . I think its fair, mark. This was the harshest criticism of donald trump by ted cruz weve heard so far. It is. And, you know, i went through my list of criticisms. And i think ted cruz got all of them in one sound bite there. This is an interesting time right now for ted cruz. He has to make a decision right now about how hes going to move beyond indiana if we are to expect him to lose tonight. I dont think hes going to get out. He very well could surprise us but hes planting a seed to discredit donald trump in the remaining contests. This is the entire theory of the case is that to the Republican Party, anybody open to the message that donald trump is a disaster of the Republican Party is who ted cruz is talking to right there to try to prevent 1237. Get some more light irrespective of the indiana results to the stop trump movement. I just dont see how its working and i think its inevitable. Although ted cruzs entire mindset is going through the calendar all the way through june 7th because he cant hit 1237 until then but what is inevitable tonight if he does lose indiana is that ted cruz and his team assess how they move forward because they cant keep doing it and throw anything in. We got a statement from donald trump reacting to ted cruzs scathing attack. Ted cruz is a desperate candidate trying to save his failing campaign. Todays ridiculous outburst only proves whafb saying for a long time. That ted cruz does not have the temperament to be president of the United States. Donald trump has been calling ted cruz lying ted for a long time too. Thats right. And saying nasty things about others. Heres the difference between what we saw from ted cruz just there and what we see donald trump doing basically every day. His tone, he projects confidence, his cadence, he simplifies his message and unscripted. He appears unscripted. And at this time that we are right now, where people are looking at the economy, and theyre frustrated by it, looking at washington and think all politicians are crooked, theyre looking at Foreign Policy right now which they think is in tatters at this point, donald trump is appealing to people and people dont care what donald trump says. They just like how he says it. He did well tonight. If we are to believe the preelection polling, its a big victory and some have it closer. But i think it will be a surprise if donald trump doesnt emerge with the win tonight. Well have extensive live coverage. Coming up, the stakes of indiana extremely high right now as voters head to the polls. Well bring you all of our coverage. Once again, these are live pictures coming in from terre hau haute, indiana. To help spread the word, we made tshirts reach for the orange, its 100 shmorange thats why i run on quickbooks. Details. I use the payments app to accept credit cards. And everything autosyncs. Those sales prove my sustainable designs are better for the environment and my bottom line. Thats how i own it. Look on the bright side. Aveeno® skin brightening scrub and daily moisturizer with active naturals® soy. Used together they make skin look healthier and more radiant in just one week. Aveeno® naturally beautiful results® intenselyflavored. Beautifullymisshapen. When you cook with incredible ingredients. You make incredible meals. 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Weve got a cruz supporter, a trump supporter as well. Im going to start with you. You decided to vote for cruz even though hes bhooind tehind polls. Its our turn in indiana. Cruz is the last stand. If he loses, i believe hes probably done. We got to win today. And you were saying trump. The reasons for you supporting trump. Believe hes strong on issues like National Security and the economy as well. Yes, i believe we not only need a president but a commander in chief. Its time to make America Great again. Reporter i want to weigh in quickly on the comments from earlier. That trump made about ted cruz. We need someone whos honest in the opinions and doesnt speak from a text file thats been written for him. Reporter your thoughts on that . I think if donald could take it back he would probably take it back. Like he said, slip of the tongue. It is election day. Donald knows its a big day here in indiana. He has a chance to get to 1,237 and trying anything he can to win and probably a smart tactic and maybe unethical. Reporter they can so much. Appreciate it. Wolf, why people Pay Attention to the particular county, it is a we a belweather county. Its predicted the winning president ial candidate. This is only happened i think twice only twice since they have been unable to predict the winner here and every single time Going Forward they have been able to predict the president ial candidate and why so many people Pay Attention to the county, why were paying attention today. Wolf . Good record they have over there. All right. Thanks very much, jay con carroll for us. Coming up, five years after the death of bin laden, we are learning new details about the intelligence and the decisions that led to the raid of the Al Qaeda Leaders pakistan compound. The cnn exclusive story, next. Om megared krill oil. Unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. Megared. 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Usa usa but eventually, justice will be done. Want to bring in retired Lieutenant Colonel rick francona. Colonel, thank you for joining us. One of the things we learned in the cnn special was president obama actually wanted to go after bin laden earlier but was talked out of it by his key advisers. Does it surprise you that he listened to them and was more patient . Not in something of this magnitude. You know, bin laden was always the symbol of what we had to do. It was essential that the United States get him. And i think the president was well advised to listen to his advisers because theyre the ones that had the expertise on what had to be done. There was no way that you could botch this up because you only probably get one shot and i think he was wise to listen to his council. Our National Security analyst peter bergen sat down with an exclusive interview with president obama about his decision to go after bin laden. I want to play part of that conversation. Listen to this. We had to be resilient and not react in ways that makes the problem worse rather than better. We have to understand that the kinds of special forces and intelligence gathering that we saw in the bin laden raid is going to be more often than not the tool of choice for president in dealing with that kind of threat. That sending 100,000 troops to invade every country where an organization like this appears is going to be counterproductive and in some ways feeds the kinds of ideology that were fighting. So, colonel, what do you make of that assessment a surge of troops isnt necessarily the best way to fight these kinds of wars . Well, it depends on what youre trying to accomplish. And were seeing the president s measured approach in iraq right now. You know, many of the military advisers are saying we need to put more people in to iraq and syria and hes resisting that. He says lets do this with special forces, smartly rather than sending in a lot of american troops. Right now, i think thats the right thing to do. But i saw your segment earlier talking about Mission Creep and one thing we have to guard against so i think the president s being wise in his choice of tactics right now. Got some people in the u. S. Military like to see that mission. Close to 5,000 troops on the ground in iraq up to 10,000. The president so far has resisted that but hes gone from 1,000 to 5,000. Lets talk a little bit about what happened. I want to get your sense, u. S. Navy s. E. A. L. Killed fighting with kurdish fighter, outside of mosul. The town controlled now for two years by isis. Will we unfortunately be seeing more 0 of that . I think so. As we get ready for a push on mosul, the iraqis have to cut off mosul. They have to isolate it from raqqah. Right now theres a supply line from syria to iraq. The kurds have been very effective of cutting most of that but they have to encycle before they make a move on it. Theyre battling a tough road with that. They have had over a year and a half to defend that city. They have got all of the kill zones laid out and everything so its very, very difficult and what we are seeing are kurds and isis battling for the control of the suburbs of mosul. It is very, very important. I think were seeing the initial Movement Toward the battle of mosul but i dont think its going to happen this year, wolf. Yeah. A lot of people agree with you, colonel. Thank you very much. Rick francona, cnn military analyst joining us. Thats it for me. Thanks very much for watching. Ill be back 5 00 p. M. Eastern in the situation room. For the international viewers, amanpour is next. For our north america viewers, newsroom with Brooke Baldwin starts right now. Mr. Blitzer, thank you very much. Great to be with you on this tuesday. Im Brooke Baldwin. Youre watching the special coverage of indiana primary. Listen, for ted cruz, the president ial candidate himself just made them skyrocket on the day the hoosiers go to the polls. He unleashed on donald trump whens been on track to win indiana. A state that just a couple of weeks ago supposed to be ted cruz country. Cruz let loose in response to Donald Trumps spreading tabloid headlines about cruzs father and then rounded up the tirade

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