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Hampering the effort to recover more victims. Bad weather is hindering the search, as well for the planes flight data and cockpit voice recorders, the socalled black boxes. The pingers that help locate the boxes have about 25 days of Battery Power left. The devices and the wreckage will be key to determining the cause of the crash. 90 ships and aircraft were involved in this search. Right now more vessels are expected to arrive by tomorrow and among them a ship from singapore with enhanced underwater detection, as well as another u. S. Ship. Searchers have yet to recover the bodies of 153 victims from the airasia disaster and while the recovery effort continues, forensic teams work to identify the remains that have been found. Cnns Andrew Stevens is joining us live from surabaya indonesia. Tell us about this process, andrew, of identifying these bodies to make sure that families can properly put their loved ones to rest. Yeah its a painstaking process brianna. Families are being asked to provide photographs, obviously, different types of photographs, too, of their family members. Theyve been asked to identify or send in any information on identifiable marks on the bodies, jewelry they may have been wearing, and also something which they could match in dna samples, as well. If you consider the bodies will have been in the water already several days and the decomposition would already have begun, so facial recognition is not going to be easy anymore, and the authorities are making a point of it to make sure they get it absolutely right, because they do not want any mixups with misidentification. Were here at the Police Hospital in downtown surabaya. The Crisis Center has been moved from the airport in the past 24 hours to come down here so that families can be closer to the identification zone. Obviously you can imagine what its like here when bodies are being brought in. So far at surabaya weve only had eight bodies and it does that speaks volumes about the difficulty the searchers are having in locating the fuselage main fuselage where they think most of the passengers are still contained in and it adds up to a very very long and slow and painful process for the families of the victims. What is since experts do think that most of the bodies will still be inside of that main wreckage there have been some conflicting accounts though, about whether sonar has detected the main part of the plane. Whats the latest on that . Yeah, it is conflicting, and it of course adds to the pain so the families think we may get some closure sooner because were getting reports that the main body of the plane is being found. Tony fernandez, boss of airasia saying he hoped the information that the plane being located was right because its so important to find that plane, but nothing since. And the rescue officials weve been speaking to search officials weve been speaking to excuse me are saying no we havent actually pinpointed it yet because, again, the seas are so rough, its very difficult to get the acoustic listing devices towed along the ships to get them into the water and functioning properly, and, of course, you need divers as well. Divers actually eyes on the wreckage, all we know really is there were a large shadow they call it a shadow seen underwater, this is a few days ago now. They think they may have got a couple of echoes of where it is again, but we still have not heard anything concrete about whether its actually been identified, but certainly, if it had been identified we would know by now, brianna, because this is such a critical part of this whole mystery. You get to that main fuselage probably going to also find the black boxes, the rear of the plane, you know find the voice recorders and the cockpits and thats when you start piecing together this whole tragedy. Thats right. So important. Andrew stevens, thank you, from surabaya live for us. I want to get more now on what evidence is telling us so far and what effect the weather could have played in this tragedy. Joining me now, cnn aviation analyst david soucie and on the phone we have an aviation analyst, as well as a former pilot. The Sydney Morning Herald reporting now supposedly leaked information about the plane, saying flight 8501 was traveling at a ground speed of around 75 Miles Per Hour in its descent and before that was climbing at a rate of 6,000 to 9,000 feet per second. To you first, what do those numbers tell you if they are true . Well first of all, i think the 6,000 to 9,000 feet would probably be per minute rather than per second. Yeah. An aircraft an aircraft at that altitude cant climb at that sort of rate. The only way any rate of climb of that nature could have happened would have been through an updraft in a severe thunderstorm. And even that is you know an extreme figure. The figure that you gave 70 miles an hour, 63 knots, would have been a forward ground speed. Thats below the normal flying speed of an airline, it suggests that the aircraft is stalled and was literally falling basically down. So those are the interpretations you can give to those figures as far as i can see. It is entirely possible that the flight crew were trying to regain control of this aircraft but with that sort of forward speed this aircraft their controlling achieved very little indeed, so the aircraft is only going one way, and that was down. But david, these numbers that are talking and that was per minute, pardon me on saying per second, 6,000 to 9,000 feet per minute. The climb, that was the initial part of this data is that possible . Its certainly possible. In fact ive investigated one accident in which these numbers are almost eerily comparable over colorado on monarch pass in which the aircraft had climbed at least those rates and back to alistairs point on the air speed hes correct the airplane couldnt maintain flight at that speed however, what was the situation in this one that id investigated was the headwinds were such that coming out of a huge thunderstorm similar to this over the rockies, that the aircraft had sped up to incredible speeds and then slowed to very very very slow speeds, ground speed, but the air speed of the aircraft was still very high. With a forward headwind you could show 64 knots with a 200knot headwind which is what this was the case. It could be actually a relative speed of over 200 miles an hour in which case it could sustain flight, so while these facts and figures can put us in places if we assume a theory in the first place, it makes sense, but we have to make sure were considering everything and we certainly dont have everything at our disposal. So that ground speed of 63 knots is a net speed. Its not necessarily the actual speed the plane was going. Important to note. Alistair, if the plane was truly in a nose dive of sorts, what would have happened then on impact . Would the plane have broken apart could it have gone into the water with the fuselage pretty much impact . Two things here if the aircraft wasnt in nose dive it would have that could explain a very low forward ground speed, but as the other gentleman mentioned in the case a high air speed, in which case the airplane wouldnt have been flyable, but if the airplane goes into the sea, its going to break up. Theres no question about that. So you know what were talking about here are the violent winds you get inside a thunderstorm these are vertical winds, upwards and downwards rather than the typical jet stream where you could get 100 or even 200 knots over the pacific. But there were no very strong horizontal winds in this area so when you fly into this sort of extreme weather, you will get strange readings on the aircraft and readings transmitted to air Traffic Control through the transponder system, but, you know, were second guessing here. When they get the black boxes, as they are so called theyll be able to recreate a profile of the aircraft in a simulator and see exactly what happened to that aircraft but it does seem to be Severe Weather event at this point in time. So to that point, david, if this is a Severe Weather event, lets think of this in terms of if it were an american flight. Do you think that this plane would have been where it was . Do you think that perhaps it could have been cancelled or it could have been rerouted if it had been an american flight . Well i suppose it could have been whether it should have been or was or wasnt is the pilots decision. So what that brings it into is the realm of judgment by the pilot although in the United States it would be dispatchs decision, decision made by dispatch, anticipating the weather they have much more Information Available to them than does the pilot, so an american airline, the airlines have a lot more information, i would guess. Im not familiar with airasia as far as what their capabilities were on the ground but remember this is a very very dynamic weather area and it can change within 15 or 20 minutes you can go from just a rainstorm to an incredibly intense thunderstorm and i think thats what happened here in my estimation. Yeah was there hail was there severe hail thats one of the questions out there, too. David soucie alistair thank you to both of you, well have chad myers talking more about the Severe Weather event coming up. Later, what it takes to recover a plane like airasia 8501. And we want to hear from you, youve had many questions, use the 8501qs on twitter and well have our experts answer your questions. Next the latest on weather conditions in the area where recovery teams are looking for victims and evidence from the crash. Cholesterol. New ensure active heart Health Supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. Ensure, take life in. Waves as high as 13 feet fuelled by strong winds and heavy rain extremely challenging conditions for a search and recovery mission. This is exactly what crews are dealing with as they try to find and recover victims from the airasia crash. Chad myers joining us now, hes joining us from the cnn Severe Weather center. You have severe storms here chad these were an issue the day the plane crashed, now there are reports that this plane made an extremely dramatic assent then fell nearly straight down that seems to be what the data indicates if true. If thats verified z it back up speculation of a weather event that led to or contributed to this crash . The unusual part is yes, the more unusual part is that the pilot got the plane in that either he couldnt see the updraft the updraft was in between two storms so he was seeing returns reflectiveity, a lot of turbulence when you get bumps and its clear outside, could be in between two storms seeing two rain shafts and tries to go through them and in the middle is an updraft. Even that 6,000, 9,000 feet per minute is somewhere in the neighborhood of about 60 to 100 Miles Per Hour. If you have a thunderstorm over oklahoma and it makes golf ballsized hail in order to support that and make that hail, it must have an updraft of 60 Miles Per Hour. Baseball sized or bigger has to have 100 Miles Per Hour updraft. Those are the exact same numbers and we get that weather all the time so this isnt some unique never happened before thunderstorm. The unique, unfortunate part is that the plane got into this updraft and thats why in america we fly around the big storms. The pilot obviously either didnt have a choice didnt see it and we saw the wall the wall of storms that he was flying into he thought maybe he had some place to get through as he was in jail trying to get through one of the bars, but at this point in time we know he got into one of those updrafts otherwise the plane couldnt do what it did, couldnt get 6,000, 9,000 feet higher in that minute, because the plane doesnt have that much power. Exactly. Very good point, chad. So youve got the weather now that these search crews are dealing with really hampering the efforts here to retrieve victims and the black boxes. When will they get some clear weather . They will not. Its never going to get perfect. Its never going to be a calm sea. Inside this data that we got from the Sydney Morning Herald they got leaked to them that we have not independently confirmed we are now down the latitude and longitude of that plane is down to onehalf of one second you know degrees, minutes, seconds, so the last location is right there. You can find the numbers online they are not hard to find. The plane being right there, the winds have pushed some of the debris into this area right through here because the winds have been coming from the same direction for days and days and days. What also has happened is at night when the sky gets dark the skies clear up. In the daytime the skies again get cloudy with rain. Heres tomorrow morning, heres tomorrow night, the clouds go away heres tomorrow morning, the next morning, clouds and the rain comes back in. What hasnt gone away the entire time have been the winds. The winds with these waves, ten, 12 feet high even right now, 25 Miles Per Hour tomorrow up to 35 miles per j6bhour. And then 25 Miles Per Hour again. So this is the weather that they are dealing with and they have white caps on top of high waves and looking for white pieces of an airplane and it just makes things completely impossible out there. If you cant get air assets in because the clouds are so low or rain is too heavy, that really limits your visibility. 35 mile per hour winds, wow, they are definitely dealing with tough conditions there. Chad thank you so much keeping an eye on that. Still ahead, captain sully sulenburger compares the conditions he faced landing on the hudson river with the conditions faced by the pilot of airasia 8501. Next whats happening at the hospital where those that were killed in this airasia crash are being taken. Man youre not coming. I took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. Mr. Mucus oh, right then ill swing by in like 4 hours. 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Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. Ask your doctor about viagra. As victims are recovered from the wreckage of flight 8501 they are being taken to a hospital in indonesia. The staff there charged with the difficult and grim task of identifying the bodies. All the while trying to bring dignity to the deceased and closure to grieving families. Paula hancocks has more. Reporter sirens in the night announce their arrival. Victims of flight 8501 on dry land and rushed into this hospital. The next morning two more bodies arrive. Workers take them to a private wing to be prepared for the next spot identification by distraught families. The hospital director says hes here 24 hours a day to give the decease the respect they deserve. Because theyve been in the water some days, he tells me, the bodies are swollen, but otherwise they are intact. Patients look on somberly, their own ailments forgotten in the face of such tragedy. Coffins are being delivered to give dignity to those who lost their lives so suddenly. This hospital has never had to deal with a tragedy on this scale before. They have about two dozen caskets at the moment, they are being built as we speak. The hospital director says they will have 162, one for every victim of this crash. A final prayer for each soul, leaders of six different religions take their turn. The victims religion may not be known, but customs must still be observed. Their time on earth is over, says this pastor, so many of our prayers are for the family. We ask god to receive their bodies and give the families strength. One step closer to their final resting place. So few victims have been found and treated, so many more still wait to be pulled from their watery graves. Paula hancocks, cnn, indonesia. We have much more coverage of airasia flight 8501 ahead, including the look at the challenges of recovering pieces of a plane from the ocean floor. Also ahead, well have the answers to your questions about the crash. Just post them on twitter, use the 8501 qs and well put them to a panel of experts who will join us with answers ahead. Welcome back to our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im Brianna Keilar in for wolf blitzer reporting from washington. Searching for bodies and wreckage, heres the latest now, searchers have recovered the bodies of nine people. The body of a woman was identified and returned to her family for burial. Its the first of the funerals for the crash victims. A search official says the pingers that help locate the planes black boxes have about 25 days of Battery Power left. The flight data and cockpit voice recorders could be key in determining the cause of this crash. Search crews have recovered more debris from the plane, but they are still trying to pinpoint the location of the main wreckage. And so many factors are complicating the search for more bodies and wreckage from the airasia plane, weather among them some bodies and debris have been found, but not the exact location of the aircraft. When searchers find the plane, thats when the real work begins, bringing it to the surface. Joe johns joining us now to talk about this we know that its been done before joe, but under these conditions . Yeah its really tough. You know, theres so much involved in this right now, brianna a couple u. S. Navy ships could be involved poseidon aircraft, and thats just the start of it. An enormous job. It can take a long time. They have to map out where the pieces of the plane are, then the heavy lifting beginning. How do you pull a plane up from the bottom of the ocean . What you want to do first is to really map the entire accident scene. Reporter we spoke with peter goelz, a former investigator with ntsb who worked on the recovery and rebuilding of twa flight 800 that crashed after takeoff from new york city. You document everything until you really get the information off the data recorder and the voice recorder. Reporter he says the site needs to be treated like a crime scene and mapping the debris field before removing objects can be key to finding out what happened. Then comes the process of pulling up the giant pieces of debris from the bottom of the sea. You would have a number of lifting cranes and you would have teams of divers, and the divers, of course, even working at 100foot depth, youll have to have decompression chambers. Reporter a potentially slow process because divers can only remain at depth for short periods due to health concerns. But does indonesia have the know how to carry off a recovery effort like this . There are still questions about the location of the debris. Seems like a fairly small body of water usually youre extremely careful not to say that you found something until you ground truth in it. Reporter woods hole participated in the crash of air france 447 off brazils northeastern coast, whose black boxes took almost two years to recover, footnoting what a painstaking process this can be. Now, on the other hand this crash occurred in much shallower water than the air france flight, suggesting coverry could be easier but poachers or tourists looking for souvenirs, brianna. Unbelievable to think thats a possibility. Joe johns, thank you so much. And i want to continue the discussion on the search and recovery efforts. Joining me now is retired Lieutenant Colonel Ken Christensen, an aviation consultant and worked with air force search and rescue. We also have our safety analyst and former faa director david soucie, author of Malaysia Airlines flight 370, why it disappeared and why its only a matter of time before this happens again. The report about the slow descent by the plane, if thats true david, what kind of debris field would that create . You expect to have a pretty significant debris field, and we havent seen that so its very confusing to me as to why it doesnt make sense both ways as to whether it was a high impact because we would have significant amounts of debris. Okay and colonel, can you explain were getting these numbers, we have not confirmed them cnn has not confirmed them, but this is coming to the Sydney Morning Herald from data that was leaked, as we understand it from modes radar, if im saying that correctly. What is that exactly . The modes radar gives a number of parameters for the air Traffic Controller. More than just the heading and altitude and air speed. Also giving some gps guidance as well, or coordinates, as well so they are tracking that after the incident theyll pull the tapes and find out where the airplanes actually tracked until they have lost electrical power and the system goes inoperative. Is that something that all planes have . Not all planes but thats all commercial planes are now getting modes thats correct. All commercial planes are now getting that. So david, what do these numbers tell you when you look at them if they are true if they are confirmed . Well as we said before theres some confusion as to what true air speed is versus indicated air speed versus ground speed, and so these numbers are telling us what they are telling us is ground speed. If it was from modes transponder, which you mentioned there had been there would be more Information Available, so its possible we didnt get the entire bucket of Information Available because the secondary surveillance radar, which is what the modes is should be giving us a little bit more information than what we have here should give us kias indicated air speed, as well which is the air speed relative to the airplane and not to the ground. That would give us a lot more information, but to me it looks as though if this information is correct, it looks as though there was an encounter of some kind of significant weather and the aircraft had stalled and had made a flat or dead pan spin stall. A dead pan spin stall, so what is that exactly . Basically a flat spin. In other words, theres no significant air going over the top of the wing not enough air over the top of the wing to create lift. If theres no lift, of course, the aircraft falls down and the best thing to do at that point is to get the nose of the aircraft down and get enough air flow going over the wing to pick up speed, pick up forward speed, then at that point you have control of the aircraft but in a flat spin theres no control over the Flight Control surface really. Like not flying a plane at all almost it seems. Colonel we dont have the black boxes, obviously, but one of the victims, the bodies themselves are providing some evidence. One victim who has been identified had an i. D. And a necklace on her body. Does that tell you anything about the impact . Not having seen that really clothing is more telling than sometimes jewelry. Jewelry can sometimes have a lot of structural stability and stay on the crash victim but clothing can get shredded off if youre expoeded if youre flying through the air and youre exposed to these very very strong stronger than hurricane, stronger than tornadoforce winds, it will absolutely shred your clothes off. So it depends on if the body pulled up had clothing or not, but that would point towards inflight breakup as opposed to the airplane hitting water and then having the occupants protected by the airplane during the impact. Now, saying that you can have pieces of the airplane break up in flight and have the nose which has the whole nose and the cone on there, impact the water and that sort of protects those people in front of the airplane from the wind blast and people in the aft portion of the airplane would be exposed to wind blast, so you could get a mix. Again putting that together is like david talks about, that would point towards why that aircraft crashed. All right, thank you, gentlemen so much Lieutenant Colonel Ken Christensen and we also have david soucie with us. Well be talking more to you gentlemen. Thank you. And theres a question, you know could the pilots of this doomed airasia plane have tried a water landing . We know from Sully Sullenbergers miracle on the hudson it is at least possible in certain conditions. Well be hearing from him coming. Sfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips tongue or throat or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. We may never know what happened in the last moments of airasia flight 8501. One theory suggested that the pilot may have tried to land on the ocean. We know from Sully Sullenbergers miracle on the Hudson Landing his crippled jet on the river that it is possible under the right conditions, but in the roiling java sea during a storm . I asked about that. Thats an interesting problem too, its been done. Its more challenging, obviously in the open ocean than an inland waterway but in the United States in our flight simulators, its not possible to practice a water landing. Before our water landing, the only training wed gotten was a theoretical classroom discussion. Of course there was a checklist, a protocol but wed never done it. Of course we had one chance to get right something we never anticipated or specifically trained for, and being in the open ocean would be a much more challenging situation, but over water in general, its featureless terrain where depth perception is difficult, descending without engine thrust, much steeper and rapidly than a virtual landing on a runway where you can make a more gradual approach. It would be a very challenging thing to do but its possible theoretically possible. I went back to your audio from 2009 u. S. Airways audio, and one of the things that struck me was that you were in Constant Contact with air Traffic Control from the time that you hit the flock of birds and determined that youd lost thrust in both engines until really just i think, seconds before you landed in the hudson river. The pilots of flight 8501 did not make any distress calls. We know that the general rule of thumb is aifuate, navigate communicate. Communication does come last but lets play out that audio from your landing on the hudson in 2009. Turn right, you can land. We cant do it. Okay which runway would you like . Were going to be in the hudson. That was just moments before you landed the plane in water, on water. We didnt hear a distress call from 8501. Why not . Its possible that they couldnt. Its possible that they were too busy trying to fly the airplane and saw whatever problems that they were facing. Again, they may have been true to their priorities and communication, as you said was one of the last ones. In reality, except for starting a search and rescue effort there wouldnt be a lot of help air Traffic Control could give you at that point. So i wouldnt read too much into it. Its too early to tell. We had the luxury of being in direct communication with air Traffic Control immediately after takeoff, but still, first you have to fly the airplane begin to take the first steps, about 25 seconds before i made the mayday call first we had to establish roles and responsibilities and begin following our protocol, then get to the communications. That was not the first thing that we did. Captain Sully Sullenberger on the differences in his landing on the hudson river and what may have occurred with flight 8501. To find out what services are available for those coping with air disasters such as crash of airasia flight 8501 you can go to cnn. Com impact. And still ahead, our panel of experts will answer your questions about the crash of airasia flight 8501 and later, some politics. Jeb bush takes another important step toward clearing the way for a president ial run. Well talk about what happens if he jumps into the race. Time is critical in the search for the wreckage of flight 8501. The pingers on the flight data recorder boxes have about 25 days of power left and information in those boxes could be key to finding out what brought the plane down. Many of you have been tweeting questions about the investigation. Weve been paying attention to those and want to bring in our panel now to answer your questions. We have cnn aviation analyst david soucie and Ken Christensen, an aviation consultant and he worked with air force search and rescue. So, colonel, our first tweet to you, the tweet is is it about time too r to attach emergency locator beacons on airplanes . There are emergency locator transmitters on airplanes currently. Both general aviation and emergency locate transmitters. They are on all commercial and military aircraft. So i want let me sort of follow up on this because e. L. T. S, right, isnt that what they are called . Correct. So they have these e. L. T. S and i think theres more than one on a plane, they are not as reliable as say, you know a black box is very reliable. And in almost any crash where you find one and you recover it its just a wealth of information, yet Something Like an e. L. T. , it seems like they dont always work is that a good read on that . Partially. When talking about e. V. L. T. That is one of the black boxes that are on the aircraft. Okay. What that gives that communicates with a satellite, but you can activate that from the cockpit manually prior to a water ditching to notify the search and rescue satellite, and that will pinpoint your position. But they also go by impact if you crash on land when the impact forces when the airplane hits the ground, that will start transmitting. Why that does not work on an impact in the water where it might initially impact but the antenna is out of the water. So then all thats on the airplane is the underwater locator beacon and you have to be within like one, maybe as far as five six miles where you can pick that up. So that provides zero information for you until you are at the location of the potential crash. Thats a problem we had with malaysia 370. Do you think thats possible or likely . Of course its possible. I dont see it as likely. Because from the evidence that we see the debris field is very small and had that happened the aircraft would have impacted with great force and there would be debris the debris field wouldnt just be limited to the bodies and the exit door and the emergency slide as it is right now. Okay colonel, joel is asking how high can a plane go to avoid storms and why couldnt they this plane, fly near water to try to land . Well in that region, the closer you go to the equator and dont forget on the Southern Hemisphere its their summer now and our winter up here in the north so the more heat the more vertical development you get with clouds or the thunder clouds, thunderstorms if you will. So those are going up and those were at 55,000 feet. That far exceeds the ceiling capability of this specific aircraft, and the pilot flying knows that so it would not be in his best interest to try to climb past that and he knows that. So they were making a left turn or a right turn and maybe climbing 1,000, 2,000 feet for smoother air, but youre going to lose capability in your airplane and get in a worse situation than if you stay lower. Yeah go around not over and the pilots know that. David theres one viewer whos concerned about the route, saying flight 8501 plus the malaysian flight makes it two flights in that region that did not make it to their destination. On a proximate cause. Now, if youre concerned about whether or not theres something higher decisionmaking by the management i wouldnt be concerned about that level either because you got very capable ceo. Hes handling this very well and has a long history of handling things very well. So i wouldnt go there either. If youre talking about a level of fear the regulatory level theres sufficient are regulatory regulations in place. Put his concerns aside, perhaps. David soucie Ken Christianson thanks to both of you. Were getting more clues that jeb bush is getting ready to run for president. Next our political experts weigh in on what it means for the overall campaign. Angies list now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. North koreas leader may be open to talks with the south in his end of the year message kim jongun said he would consider high level talks with south koreas president but only if certain conditions are met. He didnt reveal what those conditions would be. Also this week north korean state tv showed pictures of the Supreme Leader to flying a plane. The talks come on the heels of south koreas announcement they would like to reopen talks with the north. Theres another indication that jeb bush is setting up a run for the white house. Last month he announced he actively exploring a president ial run. Cnn National Correspondent Suzanne Malveaux happy new year to you. Tell us whats the new development here and why were sort of wondering whats going on with jeb bush. Reporter it might be a new years resolution. Theres no question it really looks like hes getting much much closer to a president ial run. He has announced hes resigned his membership from all of his corporate and nonprofit boards including his own education foundation. He also left his position as a paid adviser for an Education Company that sells online courses for Public University students. So this information, as you know is just one of the necessary things that you have to do to get rid of your about it interests so theres not a conflict interest if you become a official and also to devote the time thats necessary, right, to explore a return to politics. Hes also done something thats not easy for a lot of us he lost nearly 20 pounds formed a p. A. C. Released 250,000 emails as governor and also writing an ebook. So hes very busy. It was a couple of weeks ago i covered this story. We were talking about it because hes 61 years old. Former two term florida governor. He posted this on facebook. I decided to actively explore the possibility of running for president of the United States. So hes getting a lot of buzz right now. Hes popular with the party establishment. He brings in big donors. Speaks fluent spanish. Was the governor of the state needed to capture the votes in florida but hes gotten criticism from his own party particularly from the conservatives. They see him too moderate on Immigration Reform and education. Whats interesting is that bush has declined an invitation to speak at a political event at the end of the month, its the iowa Freedom Summit organized by big time conservative representative steven king who is one of the most vocal critics of Immigration Reform. You have more than half a dozen republican attenders reflecting how important this is. Bush decided a conflict in his schedule but also hes trying to set himself apart from the pack. A lot of us might see a conflict in views with that group. So i want to bring in cnn senior digital correspondent chris moody. So theres a number of moves there. He lost 20 pounds too, trying to say look i may be fit, im physically fit to run. So you look at this chris, and what do you think . Is he running . Reporter last night jeb bush took the biggest public step towards running for president out of all the people weve been looking at over the past few months. Theres a big difference between talk about running for president and actually taking making the hard decisions to do it and disassociating yourself or stepping down from these groups is a tough choice and its a big thing. Now what this sis not just to the people. Its also to the donors. Sending a message to them to say look im very serious about this. Im not playing games. Keep your powder dry im coming in 2015. Keep your money in your pocket waiting for me. Lets take a look at the latest poll on the gop menu. Jeb bush the frontrunner. He has 23 . Remember this poll did not include mitt romney. Is this all were very far out here. Is this all just about name recognition, name i. D. . Polls two years out have a lot to do with just name i. D. People when they get calls by these pollsters they say the name they recognize. You saw Rudy Giuliani up at the top back in 2007 2008. That has something to do with it. Its a signal to the candidates themselves that hey i may have a shot here. People know who i am. It gives them an opportunity from provide their message. People are willing to listen to them. One anomaly, dr. Ben carson doing very well in these polls despite orb not having the same kind of name i. D. He got a little bit of name i. D. Being as a fox contributor a sign hes serious about throwing his hat in the ring. This poll we looked at a Hillary Clinton jeb bush match up. Hillary clinton comes out on top. Smaller margin than against any of the other prospective gop candidates ted crews, chris christie. If jeb bush runs do you think this impacts hicks decision to run . No. Absolutely not. They have already they have already gamed out all the possible contenders that she could be up against. They acknowledge and realize that jeb bush would probably be one of the stronger contenders but no that would not impact her at all. Shes focused on making herself the strongest candidate possible no matter who she goes up against. Its a margin they are not concerned with. Also i should let you know it was just a couple of months last month when i covered george w. Bushs book the unveiling to his father this conversation came up. It kept coming up whether or not jeb bush is going to run and george w. Bush said in acknowledging that Hillary Clinton would be the most formidable and experienced opponent to go up against his baby brother but they are itching for this they are dying for this. This is something they think would be epic and historic and you might recall it was barbara bush the mom who said we dont need any more bushs. She has changed her mind. Thank you and happy new year to both of you. And thats it for me. Happy new year to all of you. Ill be back tomorrow youll see me and for our International Viewers defining moments 2014 is next for our viewers in north America Newsroom with ana cabrera starts right now. Hello im ana cabrera. Thank you for being here. This is cnn special live coverage for search of air asia 8501. 25 days thats how much battery life is left in the black box critical to unveiling the mystery of what happened aboard that plane. Today sources tells reuters the plane made an

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