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Yesterdays events began with hundreds of cars filled with supporters of the president rallying and then driving through Downtown Portland. They were supported and energized by the president himself. You have tried to divide us more than any other figure in modern history. And now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create. What America Needs is for you to be stopped. The president responded in typical fashion on twit ter calling mayor wheeler, and im quoting, a fool. Then during the press conference firing off this tweet calling the mayor, the whacky radical left do nothing democrat mayor of portland, who has watched great death and destruction of his city during his tenure. He down played the reckoning since the death of george floyd offering few words or actions to try to quell all the unrest. 65 days until the president ial election. Trump insists people wont be safe in joe bidens america. But biden plans to turn that logic around when he speaks in pennsylvania tomorrow posing this question to voters. Are you safe in Donald Trumps america . Were covering this from all angles here in washington. Lets go right to portland first. Josh campbell is on the scene after last nights deadly violence, where does the investigation stand and what are officials preparing for as far as tonight is concerned . Reporter it was a violent flight knight. There were clashers between pro tump supporters and some of the demonstrators and rioters who have been here for over 90 days now. That resulted in one person being shot and killed. Police say that they heard the sound of gunfire and rushed to the scene and found a man who was dead on the ground. Now the New York Times is reporting that the deceased individual had a hat with an insignia of a farright Group Leading to questions whether that person was part of the pro trump ka va van. Police with the mayor indicating they are getting indication on social immediamedia that there people that are talking right now about coming here to Downtown Portland in order to seek revenge and vengeance for that person who was killed. Raising questions about why they see a more violent night here in the city of portland than we have seen in nights pest. Asking questions of the plus chief what is the plan for tonight. He didnt know. He needed to talk to his incident commanders. The idea they dont have a plan to brief. This all come koms as a backdrop that continues with the war of words between the mayor of portland, between President Trump, after this person was shot and killed overnight. We saw people that were arrested. The president took to twitter and said that what occurred here was not unexpected. Essentially saying that because officials in the city havent stopped a lot of the violent protests that he assumed it was inevitable this would happen. Youll have the counterdemonstrators coming here in his name with their pro trump signs engageding some of that looeding to violence. I asked the mayor, the president was live tweeting the press conference. I asked about that. He said that its not inevitable that there would be violence because the president himself has been fueling so much of the anger that has been taking police here. So just a chaotic scene both war of worlds between poll tigs and you have these competing groups coming here engaging in more violence. Is there a curfew there in portland . That was a question that was raised. It didnt seem to be something thaerp planning. There were large crowds still out here. It raises questions if they will have personnel, what is the plan . It goes back to not indicating what they plan to do. Its not just the violence, but whether its ready. If they are ready for another violent encounter. They should be able to em limit a curfew. Thank you very much. Jeremy diamond is at the white house for us. Not only do we have this clash between the president and portlands may your, we now have the highest ranking official joining the cause for the president to cancel his trip on tuesday to kenosha, wisconsin. I want to get to that, but i want to ask about a tweet from the president , which has also raised some eyebrows. Update us on that. Thats right, wolf. The president of the United States is tweeting his cob co o condolences to the victims of the homicide. And naming this individual. We are not a this point naming this individual because officials have not yet named this person. And cnn has not been able to independently verify the information that is circulating on social media. Its notable that the president is chiming in on the situation. And so early. We know official there is are still gathering the facts. They still havent identified this person. But it does appear that this individual may have been a supporter of the president s, which may explain why we see a Quick Reaction from him. The president has yet to offer con doe lenses to jacob blake or his family. Instead he said it was not a good sight. A sight he did not want to see in reference to the the video of a Police Officer shooting jacob blake. As you were talking, theres also this issue of the president s visit to wisconsin. Theres no indication that hes going to meet with blake or his family during this visit on tuesday. The governor of wisconsin is speaking out about this. This is his statement. Hes urging the president to reconsider his visit. Im concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. Im concerned it will delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. Im concerned a visit from you will require a massive redirection of resources to support your visit at a time when it is critical that we continue to remain focused on keeping the people of kenosha safe and supporting the communitys response. You see there both a concern from a resources standpoint about the Law Enforcement resources that a president ial visit inevitably draws out, and also from a more political standpoint, what kind of a message the president is going to bring to a city in such a volatile situation. If its any indication, we know this is a president who does not choose to be consoler in chief. This is a president that seeks to seize on these divisions that exist and stoke those for his own political gain. All the white house has said, they have not responded yet to the letter to the president. All they have said so far is the president is going to go there to survey the damage to some of the riots that have taken place and also to meet with Law Enforcement tishls. Thank you. Jeremy diamond at the white house. The rooil of the president ial thomas knee will deliver a speech tomorrow in pennsylvania. His core message, are you nasaf in Donald Trumps america. Lets go to jessica dean. Give us a preview of what we can expect to hear from biden tomorrow. Were hearing from campaign aids we should expect to hear joe biden draw a contrast with his vision of leadership with that of Donald Trumps leadership. We should expect for him to talk about what he thinks a president should be doing in these moments and what he sees donald trump doing in these moments. Earlier today, biden releasing a statement forcefully condemning all of the violence both on the left and right saying that is absolutely not nis, calling on donald trump to do the same. Ill read you a bit. Shooting in the streetings of a Great American city is unacceptable. I condemn this violence. I condemn violence of every kind by anyone whether on the left or the right and i challenge donald trump to do the same. It does not matter if you find the political views of your opponents abhorrent. Any loss of life is a tragedy. And in that statement, he also went on b to say that it is the role of a leader to turn down the temperature when it gets t hot. When theres violence top bring people together. And he makes the case and he will likely make the case tomorrow as well that donald trump is simply not up to the job of doing that. That instead, hes fanning the flames of Division Within this country and joe biden wants to offer another path forward that he sighs himts as able to bring to the table. Were also told by aids he considered traveling to kenosha, wisconsin, but local officials there, as we herd from jeremy and josh, are reaching out saying that they are concerned about President Trumps visit. The Biden Campaign didnt want to cause anymore problems. They also didnt want to be knocked off course by what President Trump is doing. They are focused very much on their message that they have had have from the very beginning. The message he got, which is this is about restoring the soul of the nation. We can expect for them to come back to that message tomorrow and for joe biden to really make the case that theres another way forward. And a that his version of leadership is what will draw america and push America Forward and bring america together. Jessica, thank you. Jessica dean reporting. I want to bring in the Global Human Rights leader. Thank you so much for ginning us. When joe biden speaks about the ongoing unrest tomorrow, what would you like to hear from him at this very critical sensitive moment . Somehow our nation has got to be unified. The statement he released, in my judgment, object target. Because unfortunately, we have seen the president always fan the flames. And i wish that he could operate differently, but we dont expect that. But certainly, joe biden presents a different narrative. All of us have to roll up our sleeves if were going to resolve these problems. Whether its around violence or around the plague that is killing people. And so i think the unity is needed now. Someone who can reach out to all sides regardless of what your view is, which is what he said in the statement that he released today. The mayor of portland laid much of the blame for the violence and division right at the president s feet during a press conference about last night. How much of a factor is the rhetoric in all of this . I certainly believe that the rhetoric plays a role. And a as you know, the last book my father wrote was where do we go from here . Chaos or community. It feels as if were in chaos. But somehow we have to work to community. We have to great community. When community exists, these kind of things were seeing obviously disappear. That means finding way to create opportunity. Finding ways to be inclusive and not exclusive. Finding ways to lift up and not push down. So i think thats just where we are. The president , as you know, is scheduled to visit wisconsin on tuesday. En tonight the governor is asking the president not to visit. Do you think he would do more harm than good by going to kenosha by going at this sen sensitive moment . I would love to tie thi he would be able to do good, but unfortunately, thats not been the experience because his rhetoric already proceeds. And that rhetoric might do more harm than good. For limb its just a political stop to organize police and everyone else he believes supports him. And really the president is supposed to speak to all of the people. 20 try to bring people together to resolve issues. Thats not what it feels like he wants to do. So i kind of agree with the governor. And also from a resource stand point. It takes a lot to protect a president. And if resources are deployed away from the situation, that could be problematic. It could be indeed. The governor made a very strong statement urging the president to reconsider to not visit wu at this sensitive moment. As the president picks fights with local officials like the portland mayor, lives are lost at protests, are you worried that the violence and the politicking will overshadow the message behind the black lives Matter Movement . I am concern ed, but i think just as we had a major demonstration on friday for the 57th anniversary of the march on washington, i believe people have the capacity to rise up and its not just in anger. It really is mobilizing, its organizing, its becoming engaged. Its registering even at this point. And voting. And i still think that opportunity exists. I am concerned about how its being portrayed by others. However, the large overwhelming number of demonstrations we have seen in this nation and around the world have been peaceful. There is violence. But also we theneed to think ab the fact in kenosha, prior to mr. Blake being shot seven times, people were not rioting. Im not justifying rioting, im just only stating for a fact every action creates a reaction. And so we need to talk about how do we keep those things from happening so that we can keep violence from emerging. Martin lieutenauther king th thank you for joining us. Appreciate it very much. Thank you. Sglrvel coming up, the fda is considering fasttracking a Coronavirus Vaccine before even before a critical step. But is it a dangerous move . We have new information, well share with you when we come back. What getting fueled with one protein feels like. What getting fueled with three energy packed proteins feels like. Meat cheese and nuts p3. Because 3 is better than 1 that selling carsarvana, 100 online wouldnt work. Meat cheese and nuts but we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. 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Its a race against time to come up with a viable vaccine, but safety taking a high enough priority . Dr. Jah is joining us, the director of the Harvard Global health institute. Thank you for joining us. And as you saw earlier today in an interview with the financial times, the commissioner of the fda says that they could implement what is called emergency use authorization of a vaccine. Even before phase three trials are completed. That is not the same as fda approval. But do you think thats it really safe to do that that . Thank you for having me on. Im not at all convinced of that being a wise move. Let me explain why. I think its on the to complete the phase three trials. If we see compelling data, tonight make sure its safe. Its best suited for therapies for sick people. Were going to give vaccines to Healthy People in that context, we really need to have a high bar for safety. You want to make sure that theres perhaps deadly side effects from the new vaccine. You have to go through all the trials. A recent poll actually showed it, you saw this, that 40 prs of the American Public right now are already saying they wont take the vaccine if the data is not complete and safe. That number could actually increase. Do you think people will be skeptical to take it . Because thats a huge concern right now. It is. Unfortunately, we have a long history of people not always trusting the signs around vaccines. I do believe its important to do those careful studies to assure the American People that these are safe and effective to take. And thats why its important that we dont cut corners. I still believe we will do it right, but i want to make sure that happens. Lets hope they do it right and the vaccine is safe and effective. Lets talk about reinfection. A man in hong kong was the first confirmed covid reinfection. But now researchers in nevada identified a 25yearold man who appears to have been infected with coronavirus twice. What do we know right now about reinfection with covid19 . Neither of these cases was completely unexpected. We didnt ever think that the virus was going to give 100 immunity. That some people would get reinfected. The hong kong case was reassuring. Because the Second Time Around the person had no symptoms at all. Thats how immunity works. The nevada case is more puzzling. The person got more sick on the Second Time Around. I think these are going to be rare, but we have to watch where the data goes on this. The scientist said the man had strains of covid slightly different. Would a vaccine cover those variations . Most of the vaccines being developed now look like they should be able to cover those kinds of variations. So people are worried about that. So far, i havent seen any data that makes me worried. I think the vaccine should be pretty effective against variations of the virus. 36 states are now reporting outbreaks of covid19 on college and University Campuses where students have gone back to school in recent days. 8,700 cases in recent days in 36 states. The university of alabama yesterday they said they had a thousand plus new cases since they reopened two weeks ago. These are pretty significant numbers. How worried should parents be about sending their kids back to colleges around the country in the midst of this coronavirus pandemic . Yeah, this has been a frustrating issue because i think there is a way to bring kids back in safely. Youve got to do test iing when they return. Youve got to quarantine them. Then you have to have a Testing Program while they are there. Many colleges just arent doing those things. They are sort of hoping and praying that things will work out well. Its not working out well. I think the key issue is to follow the signs and not just hope for the best. Youre at hearth vord shard and moving to brown university. What are they doing . The brown plan has been straight forward. Were waiting until the data suggests that we can bring the ustudents back. Were going to do entry test whg they come back. Well do ongoing surveillance testing. Along with all the distancing and other things that are so important and mask wearing. So the bottom line is that ive been advising colleges and universities to follow the signs on this. And i believe if they do, they have a pretty good shot of being able to stay open. But if they dont, theres really not much hope of being able to keep colleges open without large outbreaks. The pandemic continues. Doctor, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, wolf. Wisconsins governor is now asking President Trump to reconsider his planned visit to kenosha on tuesday amid series worries that potentially could further escalate tensions. 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Cedrick alexander is the former president of black Law Enforcement executives. Cedrick, lets start with kenos kenosha, the president scheduled to visit on tuesday. The governor asked him to reconsider his visit writing in part, i am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. Im concerned your presence will delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. What do you think . Does this potentially put local Law Enforcement in a tough spot . They have to prepare for a visit from the president of the United States at the same time knowing the mayor, the governor, the lute governor have all asked the president not to come. This is not a good time. Well, let me say this. From that of former law fman, i would say under the circumstances of whats going on in kenosha with all politics aside, this is about Public Safety. I think it would be to the best interest that neither the president nor joe biden go into kenosha at this im. The most important thing there now is that that city needs to be brought up to under some type of control. Buzz its been too many days in which they have been in such social unrest. We have seen for too many days now. I think theres going to be Additional Support that i hope that mayor asks for because it put a lot of stress up on the local police there, which they are not clearly not capable of managing. I think at some appointmepoint consideration must be about Public Safety at this point. Not politics. So to your question, my answer would be i dont think its good for either one of them to attend at this time. They need to be a at a place its some sense of normalcy because lives at a stake. They have their hands full enough right now. Joey, lets turn to portland. President New York Times reporting that the man shot and killed in portland overnight was wearing a hat with the insignia of patriot prayer, a farright group. This is a complicated situation, but what do you make of that detail . I make a number of things, wolf. More globally, were in difficult, uncertain and troubling times. I make of it we talk about deescalation as it relates to police. We theed to be speaking about it as it relates to politicians and the rhetoric used as it relates to people who are on the streets and whats happening and so the reality is that we are in a difficult spot. And that spot takes us to a place where, yes, were talking about ke snnosha, but then wer talking about portland and atlanta and new york and the troubling thing to me is that we have to get a grapple upon what the root cause of this issue is. And the root cause of the issue is the troubling issues that are happening with the police as it relates to young black men who are being shot apparently for no basis whatsoever. We have to get a grapple around that. Certainly, we need police, but police need communities. When communities feel disrespected and youre watching and were talking about investigations and not accou accountability, were going to see issues like this. So never anyone should be shot whether its in portland or any place else in the country. Certainly new york city matter what hatter they are wearing or who they support or love. 2 doesnt matter. But people are raw right now. Emotions are going to get worse in the event we dont get behind this and have leadership bringing us together and not pushing us apart. The mayor of portland unleashed a skacathing report placing the blame for creating the division, for creating the hate were seeing on american streets. We did see the president tweet seem to relish the conflicts. What role is his rhetoric having on these clashes right now . Hes posturing himself as the, quote, law and order president. Its all the times like this whether youre on the right or the left, i understand the frustration of the mayor and i can in some ways understand the frustration of the president. But both of them have to demonstrate a leadership they lead from the right and the left. Nothing would be better than the president of the United States in that mayor finding a why ay come together to resolve that issue in plabd. But doing it in a way the American People can look at them as being a model. At this point right now, theres no positive modelling thats coming in in these very tough times that were living in. Its occurring in a lot of cities across this country. I think it becomes important from the frustration from any side that the politics are somehow put aside. The show boating and grand stand ing is put aside. The American People, thats the fwraetest majority of the people in this country looking for leadership and expect leadership from those who are in leadership positions to find a way to meet in the middle because were a country right now that is hurting and that is misunderstood and a lot of different ways and a lot of different domains this has become complicated, and leadership right now is whats going to lead us out of here. So whoever can say they are law and order, we have to conduct ourselves not just in the sense of the physical law and order, but we have to be mental and smart in the terms of how we move towards a society where we do have law and order. But it requires at the this moment more than anything else is that leadership itself come together and roll model for this country what is so urgently needed. Legal experts are warning that some of the far right militias with their lack of Police Training are on actual shaky constitutional ground right now. What do you think . I think a couple things. First off, just to pivot quickly to my friend dr. Alexanders point, we need to come together. It would be great for the mayor and president to do that. When you have a president who says hes a fool, calling the mayor names and various thing, i dont know how we get to that point. Thats the issue of deescalation. To the constitutional question, lets understand that everyone has a right to bare arms. But there are also laws in place such that you do not overreach. The fact is you want to bare an arm, you can. Should you use it against someone else, no. Should someone die, no. The fact is were a country founded upon principles and the bill of rights and freedom of speech and bare whatever you want. But at the end of the day, thats not meant as an absolute right where you can have a gun and killing someone. Where you can have speech and there can be this mass chaos everywhere. So ultimately at the end of the day, something needs to happen in a positive way, some harmony needs to take place. It gets worse before it gets better, particularly in an Election Year where people are raw and for good reason based upon what were seeing. What we are seeing as it relates to cities around the country, the diversity of these crowds that are launching for justice. The diversity of the crowds launching to say enough is enough as it relates to violence against black men in this country and black women in this country. I think thats a positive thing. But ultimately, we have to get a fix on this and a fix quickly or more people are going to die. Joey jackson, thank you very much. Obviously, very sensitive moment in American History right now. Coming up, a new poll taken after the convention. Now suggests President Trump is not necessarily seeing a bump in support following his convention. Well break down the numbers, when come back. Thinking about your financial plan. 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If we look at the horse race averages, we compare that to four years ago, when it was clinton investigatversus trump,e see . Biden is up by 8 points over the 50 mark we spoke about yesterday. Thats considerably better position than Hillary Clinton was only up by 5 and well short of 50 . These initial post convention numbers is very early. How big potentially, though, is the trouble for the president . I would think its very big if the numbers hold. Its just one poll. But the reason why it would be bad news for the president is you can look back through history and how convention bounces and compare those to the final results. And what do we see looking back . We see that the challenger often times from this point forward is often the one who gains. Its not the incumbent who ga s gains. More than that, the polls from this point tend to be close to the the results. So this is bad news for the president , but its also bad news for this reason, wolf. Voting starts very, very soon. Keep in mind, in North Carolina this week what youre going to be seeing is the absentee ballots will be sent out to voters on september 4th. Thats this friday coming up. Theres a slew of other key battleground states that will start sending out ballots. So the president has more limited time than you think to make up the data set. Three president ial debates, one Vice President ial debate, still plenty of time. Thank you so much for joining us. My pleasure as always. Tonight cnn will be airing back to back all new episodes of yours tru eunited shats of america. vo elevate your senses. The audi a6. Get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. Moms love that land o frost premium sliced meats have no byproducts. his voice baloney automated voice has joined the call. voice from phone hey, baloney here. I thought this was a no byproducts call . Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. What do you look for whena i want free access to research. Yep, td ameritrades got that. 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Keep working through a special session to combat this crisis right now and provide the revenues to solve the problems we know are coming. At the top of the hour, we have two allnew ep soeds of united shades of america. The first airs a at a special time at 9 00 p. M. Looks at iranian americans and how they are trying to preserve their culture in a country full of misconception. Watch this preview. American decided to move to work as a reporter from the washington post. They wrote about what life is like for everyday iranians. Its definitely not the image that the news these are people that have been through so much tumult in the last 100 years. Never been in a place where i have seen more of an aversion to physical violence than i have in iran. Hes a journalist who lived in tehran. They fell in love and got married. I wanted people to know that its a beautiful land. We have good people. They have good food. And the people are not very different from anywhere else. The host of united shades of america is joining us now. The relationship between iran and america has always been sort of complex. How has it gotten even more complicated, shall we say, during the Trump Administration . I mean, i think that trump hasnt been a lot different from a lot of previous administrations. Iran is a convenient enemy to put on the enemies list. Trump ramped that up. And in this episode, youll see a lot of the values of iranian people is the same that immigrants have. They come to the country and love their homeland and want to keep their culture. Its quite a distance between that and the image of iran in mainstream media. You spoke to a number of iranianamericans. What do they want other americans to understand them and their culture . Its funny. If you had to deal with hospi l hospitali hospitality, iranianamericans would win that. I think they really want to know that they are very open. Its sort of the thing thats troubling. They have to talk about how open they are and they have to be protective because the images out there in the world. In the second episode, youre looking at the homeless crisis in los angeles. How did the situation get so bad and whats actually being done to try to dress it because it is an awful situation right now. Every mayor who comes into los angeles says they are going to fix it. That hasnt happened. I think we have to think about the fact that people have lived here for 100 years or so. Thats a community down there. They like living down there. They wish they had better places to live. You have to look at them as a Community Ask not as a problem. Let me quickly get your reaction to whats going on in the country. The president will be visiting wisconsin on tuesday. Its a sensitive moment. What do you make of that . Didnt i hear that the chief of police doesnt want him there either . The governor, the mayor, the lieutenant governor, they all said to the president this is not a good time for you to come. That tells you everything you need to know about President Trump. When the nation is hurting, his help is rejected. They know hes not bringing help, hes bringing rhetoric. Hes told people who are racist to not be ashamed of their racism anymore. They do not need him to show up. Thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for everything youre doing and to our viewers, two brand new episodes of united shades of america premier live right here on cnn, right at the top of the hour. Well be right back. First up is this exquisite bowl of french onion dip. Im going to start the bidding at 5. Thank you, sir. Looking for 6. 6 over there do i hear 7 . 7 in the front 7 going once. Going twice. Sold to the onion lover in the front row next up is lot number 17, a spinach and artichoke dip, beautifully set in a hollowedout loaf of sourdough bread. 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Thanks for joining us for this internationspecial edition situation room. Lets remember some of the wonderful people we have lost to covid19. Maurice ford, a Palm Beach County Sheriffs Office corrections deputy had been hospitalized since june. He passed away on thursday leaving behind his wife and adult son. His colleagues updated their social media profile photos to display his badge number 8351. He was 50 years old. A father of five love d to laug and endull j in craft here. His family contracted the virus in june but he never recovered. His partner described him as the familys rock. He was 42 years old. Captain bryant ad anderson was with the fire department. After he lost his battle on august 18th, the fire chief promoted captain anderson to the rank of battalion chief. His family was presented with a helmet and shield. This was part of a Funeral Service where he was remembered for his big heart and work ethic. He was 45 years old. May they raest in peace. May their memories be a blessing. This episode of united shades of america is from late 2019, long before the pandemic and months before george floyd was killed by minneapolis pol e police. At the time, i was welcomed into people oes homes and i was able to have the kind of intimate conversations that have become impossible during the pandemic. Youll see handshakes, high fives and hugs. Now im grateful to have had that opportunity and look forward to being able to do it again some y

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