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politics in-depth. i'm wolf blitzer in florida, you're in the "situation room." >> the dust is settling here in jacksonville, florida, after our very exciting cnn republican presidential debate last night. and there's new evidence that mitt romney is gaining support four days before florida puts its stamp on the republican race for the white house. the new poll shows romney nine points ahead of gingrich among likely gop primary voters here in florida. the survey was taken tuesday through thursday entirely before our debate last night. gingrich was leading romney in florida earlier this week. right after he won the south carolina primary, but in the last couple of days, he clearly lost some of that momentum here in florida. and he's now trailing romney. newt gingrich came out swinging in debate here in jacksonville, but some campaign watchers think he was off his game last night. our chief political analyst gloria borger listened to every word of the debate. she was here in jacksonville, now back in washington. romney seemed to do rather well last night, gingrich seemed a little bit off. was that your sense? >> it was my sense, wolf. it was almost oddly as if he didn't come into the debate with any kind of a strategic game plan. i mean when you asked him the question that was predictable from his point of view about mitt romney's tax return. something he'd been talking about every single day in south carolina, he tried not to answer the question, but rather to turn the question right back on you. so take a listen. >> just want to reiterate and ask you, are you satisfied right now with the level of transparency as far as his personal finances? >> wolf, you and i have a great relationship, goes back a long way, i'm with him. this is a nonsense question. look -- how about the four of us debate the rest of the evening and -- >> mr. speaker, you made an issue of this this week when you said that he lives in a world of swiss bank and cayman island bank accounts. i didn't say that, you did. >> i did, and i'm perfectly happy to say that on an interview on some tv show. but you have a chance to -- >> but if you make a serious accusation against governor romney like that, you need to explain that. >> and wolf, at that point after you said that, mitt romney chimed right in, didn't he? because he was willing to turn it right back on newt gingrich, right? >> well, even before mitt romney chimed in, newt gingrich looked over at rick santorum as if appealing to rick santorum, back me up. get me out of this. and rick santorum remained silent. didn't say a word. i'm not coming in to help you on this one. at which point there was a pause for a brief second. and then, and then mitt romney really went after newt gingrich. how dare -- i'm paraphrasing, how dare you say these things about me, these public accusations and then he really went after him. it was one of those moments, obviously, i'll always remember, i suspect mitt romney will remember it, newt gingrich will, as well. it was one of those clear moments -- look, i was fully prepared that he was going to try to come after the news media during this debate, which is something he's done in several of the debates over these past many months. but i did my homework and i was prepared. i didn't want him to obviously get away with, you know, get away with that kind of behavior now. serious issues, he makes serious allegations against mitt romney, says it publicly repeatedly, he needed to explain it. he couldn't just walk away from it. but let me talk about another flash point in the debate right now. it was over immigration. and romney radio ad and whether romney used some words that gingrich had said out of context. listen to this. >> is he still the most anti-immigrant candidate? >> of the four of us, yes. >> go ahead, governor. >> that's inexcusable. and actually, senator marco rubio came to my defense and said that ad was inexcusable, inflammatory, and inappropriate. my father was born in mexico, my wife's father born in wales. the idea i'm anti-immigrant is repulsive. >> pretty strong words. >> on this issue, on this issue, gloria, mitt romney is running to the right of newt gingrich on the issue of immigration reform. >> well, it's very interesting. because, of course, in iowa and south carolina, which really do not have the hispanic populations of the state of florida, he was running to the right. newt gingrich had said you're not going to deport people who have deep roots in this country. and then romney said last night at the debate. he said, look, this isn't about 11 million grandmothers who have been here for 25 years or so, but he is softening his position. that is true. in the state of florida. he's softening his position on the dream act, for example, he's softening his position and saying that he would agree to "self-deportation." of some illegal immigrants. so it's clear that he's moving a little bit closer to newt gingrich because 12% of registered republicans in the state of florida are hispanic. >> gloria's going to be back with us later. we have a lot more to assess and dissect from last night's debate. standby, gloria. all campaigning here in florida today. ron paul, though, is in maine. maine holding its caucuses early next month. cnn's jim acosta covering all the battle for florida. jim? >> reporter: wolf, mitt romney is riding high after last night's cnn debate, but newt gingrich is pulling out the big guns to stop romney. mitt romney just can't stop talking about the cnn debate. >> i thought it was a delightful debate. i loved it. >> have you checked your own investments? you also have investments from mutual funds also invested in fannie mae and freddie mac. >> after a strong showing of several takedowns of his arch rival newt gingrich, he got more good news when he found out he's back on top in the latest poll in florida. >> what kind of man would mislead, distort, and deceive just to win an election? this man would. >> reporter: but gingrich has a new ad out turning romney's debate performance against him highlighting when he tried to explain why he once voted for a democrat in the 1992 massachusetts presidential primary. >> i've never voted for a democrat when there was a republican on the ballot. >> reporter: actually, republicans george h.w. bush and pat buchanan were on that ballot. >> it was an incumbent running against pat buchanan, and by the time super tuesday rolled around, there really wasn't much of a contest at all. s so as an independent, he voted against bill clinton. >> meanwhile, a pro-gingrich super pac is hammering bain capital, which owned a medical testing company which pleaded guilty to medicare fraud back in the '90s. romney was on the company's board at the time. and at hispanic leadership conference, gingrich slammed the goal to have the 11 million illegal immigrants self-deport. gingrich said that should not apply to undocumented grandmothers. >> the idea she's going to self-deport? this is a fantasy. it's not a solution. . >> romney also under fire for latino civil rights group over his threat to veto the dream act, a bill that would provide legal status to undocumented children who enter the military or go to college. earlier this month, a supporter of the bill hounded romney coming out of a fundraiser. >> i've already said across the country -- >> why aren't you supporting my dream? i didn't come here illegally. >> but at that conference, romney says he may now support parts of the bill. >> we are not anti-immigrant, we are not anti-immigration, we are the pro-immigration, pro-legality, pro-citizenship nation and party. >> a report from jim acosta on the scene for us from florida. big-money donors, meanwhile, who love the clintons are being tight fisted right now when it comes to president obama and his reelection campaign. we're taking a closer look at what they're doing, what they're saying, stand by. and mitt romney says he didn't know about some of his investments because they were in a blind trust, but he refused to let a previous opponent get away with that same excuse. ring, ring. hello, progresso. it fits! fantastic! ring, ring. progresso. they fit! awesome. thank you. 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[ female announcer ] tell your story at for the chance to win an ultimate makeover in hollywood. ♪ ( whirring and crackling sounds ) man: assembly lines that fix themselves. the most innovative companies are doing things they never could before, by building on the cisco intelligent network. when we were determined to see it through. here's an update on the progress. we're paying for all spill related clean-up costs. bp findings supports independent scientists studying the gulf's environment. thousands of environmental samples have been tested and all beaches and waters are open. and the tourists are back. i was born here, i'm still here and so is bp. all right. very busy travel day for president obama once again. he started in ann arbor, michigan, this morning unveiling new college affordability plan at the university of michigan. later in the afternoon, he was with democratic lawmakers at their retreat in maryland's -- on maryland's eastern shore. he spoke about campaigning against his republican congress. >> where they obstruct, where they're unwilling to act, where they're more interested in party than they are in country. more interested in the next election than the next generation, then we've got to call them out on it. we've got to call them out on it. we've got to push them. >> i believe in you guys. you guys have had my back through tough times. i'm going to have your back, as well, and together we're going to move this country forward. >> our chief white house correspondent jessica yellin goes in-depth on some who don't have the president's back, major donors. >> reporter: wolf, for this campaign, president obama will need every dollar he can raise. that means he'll have to overcome some democratic holdouts who are still nostalgic for bill clinton and his golden touch for big donors. back in the day, ira was a friend of the clintons. >> the opportunity for my wife and i to spend the night in the lincoln bedroom. >> reporter: and the clintons were friends right back. >> if you were there for them and you were not overly asking, they were there for you. >> he was a devoted hillary supporter and has given more than $100,000 to the clinton foundation. at the very last minute, he wrote a check to the 2008 obama campaign, but he hasn't given a penny this time. he says no one's asked. >> what would you need? >> well, i think somebody close to president obama who expressed what he wanted, what he needed. i don't have any feedback, and that was the antithesis of my relationship with president clinton. >> can obama win here in the general? >> absolutely. >> he gave over $175,000 to democrats since 2007, but not a dime directly to president obama. >> the finance, the democratic national committee. if he comes to meet with me, you think he would know that. he had no clue. he has no clue. >> he was also a major friend of bill and his friends who are big obama donors complain this president isn't so good with thank you notes, phone calls, little things that make heavy hitters happy. >> he's not bill clinton, what can i tell you? >> steven has raised more than $100,000 for president obama and he's heard about the unhappy clintonistas before. >> there's no question that the clinton era raised donor appreciation to a new level, never seen before, never likely that we're going to see it again. i don't do this because i expect a pat on the back or a thank you. i don't expect the president to be my friend, i expect the president to work hard and do a great job and make our country better. >> reporter: given the money needed to run for office, donor maintenance is a big part of the job and the obama team can't afford to leave any money on the sidelines. john morgan hosted the president at his house and says the president has the personal touch, he's seen it. >> if i can give one word to describe the president is cool. he is a very cool guy. he's a guy you want to sit on the backyard and shoot the breeze with. even though he's the president, he makes you that comfortable. >> as for ira -- >> i have a feeling you'll get a phone call after this airs, from someone. >> who knows. the call may be from president clinton saying, thank you for those nice words. the chances are great i'll get a call from former president clinton than from president obama. >> reporter: but with 1.3 million donors and $224 million already in the bank, the president's hardly hurting for money. and the president's fundraisers believe once he squares up against a republican opponent, even clinton lovers will start to pony up the money. waffle? wolf? >> thank you very much, jessica yellin. good report. meanwhile, news on the cruiseship that rolled on to its side, the cruise ship is paying the survivors. we'll tell you how much. and a possible mistake on mitt romney in thursday's debate. we're breaking it down in our strategy session. that and a lot more coming up. >> my father was born in mexico, my wife's father -- that was me the day i learned i had to start insulin for my type 2 diabetes. me... thinking my only option was the vial and syringe dad used. and me... discovering once-daily levemir flexpen. flexpen is prefilled. doesn't need refrigeration for up to 42 days. no drawing from a vial. dial the exact dose. inject by pushing a button. flexpen is insulin delivery my way. levemir is long acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not take if your blood sugar is too low. tell your health care provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions, body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat or sweating. with flexpen, say good night to vial and syringe. ask your doctor about levemir flexpen. covered by 90% of insurance plans, including medicare. find your co-pay at man on tv: ...rbis and 36 homers. swings at the first pitch and fouls it deep back into the stands. [ding] [fans whirring] announcer: chill raw and prepared foods promptly. one in 6 americans will get sick from food poisoning this year. check your steps at there's going to be compensation for survivors of the cruise ship disaster off the coast of italy. lisa sylvester is monitoring that from the other top stories in the situation room right now. what's going on? >> hi, wolf. italian officials say each of the survivors will get a lump sum of $14,400. the agreement comes exactly two weeks after the costa concordia struck a rock and rolled on its sides. 16 people are confirmed dead and the search continues for 16 still missing. the captain remains under house arrest. exiled former president pervez musharraf is delaying his return to pakistan. he has said he'll be there for parliamentary elections this month, but pakistani leaders warn he would be arrested in connection with the 2007 assassination of former prime minister benazir bhutto. a senior official of musharraf's party says he'll wait to return until tensions subside. a drive is underway in new orleans to have the sites of two levee breaches placed on the national register of historic places. leaders of the grass roots group say it was engineering failure that flooded the city in the wake of hurricane katrina, not the storm itself, and that historic designation would underscore that. and the tampa bay lightning has reportedly fired its mascot. the tampa bay times reports that kelly frank, the woman who performs as thunder bug, that she was let go in the wake of this incident which went viral on youtube. you see it there. it shows her in costume spraying a hockey fan with silly string, and has you can see there, he was not too pleased. cnn has reached out for comment from frank, but so far we have not heard back. wolf? >> let us know if you do. thanks very much, lisa. rick santorum's taking a break from campaigning in florida. is he giving up on the sunshine state? i'll ask him that coming up next. plus, we're taking a closer look at ron paul's comedy strategy. in thursday night's debate. congressman, paul, where do you stand on this? >> well, i don't think we should go to the moon, i think we maybe should send some politicians up there. but -- i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. if you have painful, swollen joints, i've been in your shoes. one day i'm on top of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. 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[ male announcer ] enbrel. the #1 biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. ♪[music plays] when you're responsible for this much of the team... you need a car you can count on. ♪[music plays] and then treats day after day... well that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. in what passes for common sense. used to be we socked money away and expected it to grow. then the world changed... and the common sense of retirement planning became anything but common. fortunately, td ameritrade's investment consultants can help you build a plan that fits your life. take control by opening a new account or rolling over an old 401(k) today, and we'll throw in up to $600. how's that for common sense? i'm wolf blitzer, here in jacksonville, florida, here are some of the stories we're working on for our next hour. a new campaign controversy over blind trusts. does mitt romney really have no control or knowledge of his own investments? we're digging deeper. also, political rivals and a closely watched senate race follow a super pac cease-fire with unusual conditions. plus, disturbing new details about the kidnapping of an american aid worker. cnn learned she was betrayed by someone hired to protect her. standby, you're in the "situation room." all that coming up in the next hour. but back to our top story. the aftermath of our major republican presidential debate here in florida last night. today, a new florida poll taken before the debate shows rick santorum far behind the two top leaders mitt romney and newt gingrich. santorum and ron paul are in a close fight for third place here in florida. and joining us now from miami, senator rick santorum, the former senator from pennsylvania. senator, thanks so much for coming in on this day after our debate. you know you -- you're getting strong reviews from the debate. you're probably getting a surge here in florida. which raises the question, are you still going to take a day off, go back home to pittsburgh to deal with your taxes? >> well, you know, i have actually set up two fundraisers, so the answer is, yeah, we're going to do that. we set up a fundraiser for later on tonight and one for tomorrow late afternoon. and then we're going to come back here tomorrow night. so we're really only going to be gone for less than 24 hours and we've got two pretty good fundraisers we're doing and that's a positive thing. and plus, you know, i -- i am getting a little heat for not having released my taxes. i'm happy to do it, but i don't have an accountant, i do my own taxes on my own computer, and i just felt like i need to do that, get them, turn them around and get them out. had issues behind it, so i don't keep getting that question and getting that distraction. we're going to be here, a full day sunday, good day monday, and we're going to run it to the very end. we feel very, very good about how things are going here in florida. a great reaction here in south florida. >> because, you know, a lot of the pundits here in florida think you basically have given up on the state because they don't see you advertising. either your campaign or your super pac. are you doing any paid advertising in florida? >> we're not doing -- i don't know if we're not doing any. i know we're doing some things that, you know, i don't know if you call it paid advertising, you know, calls and some mailing and things like that to target a group. i've said before, we just in many respects from a financial point of view are just really have gotten our sea legs in the last few weeks. and we're doing very, very well. but we're not at the point. we're raising a lot of money right now, multiples more than we've raised before. we've actually raised over two times as much money in the last 3 1/2 weeks than the first nine months of the campaign. so we're doing great, and we -- but we're in this for the long haul. we weren't going to go out and spend every dime in a huge state like florida when we've got other states that, you know, we feel we can do well in. and we've got a great grass roots organization here in florida, got a lot of excited people working hard. and you know what's been moving the numbers more than the tv advertisements are, you know, candidates' ideas and the debates. we think the debate will move a lot of folks. i'll tell you, a ton of positive feedback of folks coming our way, and our phone's ringing off the hook, our website's buzzing like crazy all from florida. we feel very good, we're going to surprise some people come tuesday. >> but, you know, and you know this, obviously, florida's a winner take all state, 50 delegates at stake. so if you don't win the state, you're not going to get any delegates. ron paul for all practical purposes is gone from florida, as well. and i want to be precise, do you think you can still win here in florida? >> well, this was a winner take all state unless it's not. and you know the rules state if there is a -- if it's contested at convention, florida won't be a winner take all state and it'll go by congressional district. so we've been going around and campaigning very hard in certain areas of the state that we think we can particularly well in congressional districts. we've got our operation focused in on those areas of the state, and we're working very hard in those areas that we think we might be able to pull some delegates if this thing goes to the convention. and the more and more i look at this, the more and more i think it's likely that this race is going to go on a long time. and those few delegates that we might be able to pull out of here in florida, even if we don't win, might be very, very important for us. >> okay. you're staying in this race. you have no plans to drop out, right? >> if i can just, you know, say it -- i'm not someone who does a lot of absolute statements, but i will make an absolute statement. there hasn't even been a discussion, and not even approaching a discussion to discuss a discussion as to whether we'll get out of this race. we're in this race. we're hiring people for states -- for march and april. i really believe that we're going to -- our campaign's going to be alive and well for a long, long time. i believe we're going to win this. i have no doubt in my mind that when the republicans take a look at who is the viable, the best conservative to run against barack obama, that it's going to end up being me. and we're going to have to fight through that for the next few weeks, but i think what you saw last night, what you're going to see here in florida, what you're going to see in the weeks ahead, you're going to see this race change again and it's going to be an opportunity for us to be able to rise and be the -- be the conservative that folks have been looking for in this race. >> pretty definitive statement. senator santorum, when i was on the stage with you last night, at the beginning, i sensed you were trying to stay above the fray, but -- and i said to myself, well, maybe he's looking for -- to be a vice presidential running mate or something like that, but you quickly dispelled that when you went directly after both mitt romney and newt gingrich on health care. and you had this exchange. listen to this. >> governor romney was the author of romney care. which is a top-down government-run health care system which read an article today has 15 different items directly in common with obama care. congressman gingrich for 20 years advocated that the federal government can force each and every person to enter into a private contract. we cannot give the issue of health care away in this election. it is too foundational for us to win this election. >> am i wrong, senator santorum, in saying you're all in right now. you're not thinking about a cabinet position, a vice presidential running mate position, you're in this to win, and even if it means getting really tough with gingrich and romney? >> i think the best thing i can do for the cause that i believe in and for our country is to go out there and talk about the issues. i don't think anyone can walk away from last night saying rick santorum was dirty, rick santorum was, you know, was someone who was hitting below the belt. i was talking about the important issues of our country, i was talking about principles that we need to stand behind as conservatives to contrast ourselves with barack obama. that's been my purpose of being in this race from the very, very beginning. is to be that person who is the best person to go up against barack obama. and yes, i will take on speaker gingrich and ron paul and mitt romney, i have no desire to be anything and anybody's cabinet or anything else. i'm not doing this to -- making the sacrifice and my wife and kids aren't making the sacrifice to do anything but to be the president of the united states. >> senator santorum, thanks very much for coming in. >> thank you very much, wolf, and i appreciate it. and just for the record so people can hear. my daughter who was with me last night went up to you and said you are her favorite moderator for the debates. i want to put that on record so everyone knows -- at least some members of the santorum family think you did a pretty good job. >> thank you very much. and by the way, i loved meeting your 93-year-old mother, as well. >> isn't she great? she's become a little bit of a -- a little bit of a sensation on the internet now. and where actually -- we're looking to get her a twitter account so she can start communicating with some of her fans. >> if you do that, she'll be trending on twitter sooner rather than later. all right, senator santorum, thank you. all right. ron paul certainly got lots of laughs at last night's debate here in jacksonville. we're going to show you some of his one-liners. a look at whether the comedy strategy might pay off. plus, a cnn exclusive, nancy pelosi recruiting new faces to run for congress. you'll meet them coming up in our next hour. let's get to our strategy session right now, the day after the republican presidential debate. joining us now, our cnn contributors, james carville and the republican strategist alex castillano. who was the big winner last night and the big loser? >> i think romney won the strength contest. he demonstrated he was the stronger leader last night. and gingrich almost came into the debate with no strategy at all. so i think romney, but santorum surprisingly i think gets the gold star for the debate and the best performance. >> what did you think, james? >> you know, alex on the night of south carolina said that the way it works is the aggressor is the one who gets rewarded. and i think it's true. and i don't know what gingrich seemed like he was not on his game. he wasn't aggressive. and he paid a price for it, and romney was more aggressive. santorum, he did great, but as i said after south carolina, he's like a chicken with his head chopped off. everybody knows he's dead, but he's still running around. that's all he can barely do. >> all right. i want to play -- i think everybody agrees that romney had a good night, newt gingrich did not necessarily have such a great night. but romney himself slipped up when we went through this exchange. watch this. >> you've had an ad running saying that speaker gingrich calls spanish "the language of the ghetto." what do you mean by that? >> i haven't seen the ad. so i'm sorry i don't get to see all the tv ads. i doubt that's my ad, but we'll take a look and find out. there are a bunch of ads out there being organized by other people. >> we double checked, it was one of your ads, it's running here in florida, and on the radio, and on the end you say i'm mitt romney and i approve this ad. >> let me ask you a question -- let me ask the speaker a question, did you say what the ad says, or not? >> it was taken totally out of context. i did not say it about spanish. i said in general about all languages, we are better for children to learn english in general period. >> all right. so acknowledges it's a spanish radio ad, he says at the end, i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. is that a serious blunder or something that's not so serious? >> you know, here's the way it really works in politics. first he said he hadn't seen the radio ad. well, that's kind of why it's called radio. the way it works is consultants, folks like yours truly and james put together disclaimers. we go to the candidate and record tv disclaimers, the audio, we record them for radio, then we put together the ads and reach on the shelf, put the disclaimer on there. >> in other words -- >> i'm mitt romney, and i -- >> right. >> the tag. >> and the candidate often doesn't see all the tv spots and radio hardly ever do you run it by the candidate. the candidate's job is being the candidate not the tv consultant. so it's not surprising that that happened. but i think the lesson here is candidates are going to have to start being a little more careful about anything they put their name on and say i approve this. >> if you're going to say i approve this message, you better know what that message is, james, don't you think? >> i disagree with my friend a little bit. yes, a generic ad, probably not. when you talk about the language of the ghetto, that's volatile stuff. and if i was a candidate in a situation like that, i would certainly tell somebody i want to know about negative ads and what we call people because i have to live with the consequences of it. and again, romney didn't also claim that he didn't know about the mutual fund. i would have said, you know, governor, you have a kcoordinat problem, you can't talk and tell the truth at the same time. i agree with alex in general, but on a negative ad this volatile in the hispanic community, if romney didn't have instructions, said i want to know about something like that, that's a pretty big gap. this is not just mitt romney is experienced and has the knowledge to be president kind of thing. >> all right. hold on for a second, both of you. i'm sure you noticed that ron paul had quite a few amusing moments during our two-hour debate last night. he broke a lot of the tension up on the stage with the other candidates. listen to ron paul providing some comic relief. >> i'm ron paul -- >> you're 76 years old, you would be the oldest president of the united states if you were elected. are you prepared to release your medical records so voters out there know what your health is? >> oh, obviously. because it's about one page if even that long. and i'm willing to -- i'm willing to challenge any of the gentlemen up here to a 25-mile bike ride any time of the day in the heat of texas. and, you know, you know, that subject has come up. sometimes in fun, but sometimes not in fun. but you know, there are laws against age discrimination, so if you push this too much, you better be careful. >> congressman paul, texas, the space program very important there, as well. where do you stand on this? >> well, i don't think we should go to the moon, i think maybe we should send some politicians up there at times. >> congressman paul, you said the u.s. should talk to every e everyone, imagine you're in the oval office, you speak to raul castro, what would you say to him? >> well, i'd ask him what he called about, you know. >> you've got to admit, james, you know, he livens up a debate. he's got a good sense of humor there. >> he does. and i watched that debate and i was watching it, i had this sort of visual thing, newt gingrich on a bicycle in texas in july. that was a visual that went through my head. i don't know what other people were thinking when he said that, but it struck me as pretty funny. he can be loosy goosy if he wants to be, he's not going to be the nominee, he's 76 years old, he's doing better than he's ever done. he's got dedicated followers, knows what he's about and then doesn't have to be tight in these debates and showed it last night. >> alex, is it going to help him in florida, you think? and beyond? sort of comic relief if you will. >> it's not going to help him much, but it's a smart thing to do, it is who he is. the most personable candidate on the stage last night. oscar wild said once, if you tell people the truth, make them laugh or they'll kill you. and ron paul is trying to tell some big truths that he thinks are true to the republican party that the party doesn't want to hear. he's got to cut to the bone, legalize drugs, so a little humor can help the medicine go down. >> you know florida, you know republicans with the caveat in the final two days, what's going to happen tuesday? >> i think this is a game-changer, this debate that you conducted last night. and i think romney looks like he's pulling ahead a little bit here. gingrich looked like he's fading. santorum is now beginning to contend for second, may not make second place, but i think santorum is going to come out of here with a ticket to super tuesday. this thing goes on. >> wow. all right. thanks, guys. thanks very much, alex and james. and as both of them certainly know, the cuban vote here in florida, cuban/american vote here is usually a no-brainer here for republicans in the state. are that community's political loyalties changing? are increasing numbers becoming democrats? and a surprising tactic between two political rivals in one of the most heated u.s. senate races of the year. copd makes it hard to breathe, so i wasn't playing much of a role in my own life, but with advair, i'm breathing better so now i can take the lead on a science adventure. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator, working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may increase your risk of osteoporosis and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. if you're still having difficulty breathing, take the lead. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. get your first full prescription free and save on refills at u.s. policies toward cuba is very important to so many voters here in florida, especially the southern part of the state. and we're starting to see a generation gap among cuban-americans who fled their homeland and those who grew up here in the united states. cnn's john reports. >> reporter: here you'll always find someone sipping an espresso, and when there's an election, you'll always find republican candidates. >> thank you so much. >> newt gingrich! >> reporter: this is a fertile field of votes, and there has been for half a century one singular issue trumping all others as the sign on the building reads for cuba freedom. no serious candidate comes here without preaching a hard line stand against the castro regime. >> worried about an arab spring in syria. i don't think it's ever occurred to a single person in the white house to look south and propose a cuban spring. >> it is time for us to strike for freedom in cuba, and i will do so as president. >> for republican candidates, the cuban-american vote is critical. according to the pew research center, nearly 60% of hispanic republican registered voters are in miami-dade county alone. more than 250,000 and most of those are cuban americans. >> newt gingrich and mitt romney. >> reporter: for decades, perez has been an influential voice both on radio and in cuban-american politics. although a nearly 50-year embargo against cuba has not brought the castro government to its knees, perez says any talk of lifting sanctions is the kiss of death. >> if a candidate so much as mentions any type of lifting of sanctions or any type of appeasement or closeness to the cuban regime, i'm telling you, that election is lost. >> but times may be changing. >> hope and power -- >> reporter: tony is co-founder of roots of hope, a movement trying to connect young cuban-americans with their counterparts on the island. freedom for cuba is important to jimenez, but he doesn't see himself or other young cubans as single-issue voters. >> more and more each day, people are more concerned with the economy or more concerned with domestic policy. and the cuba issue is as important as it is to cubans, i don't think it's dictating who they're going to vote for. >> reporter: but for republican candidates, at least for now, it's the one issue that guarantees them both. john south amerizarrella, cnn, . >> mitt romney claims he has no control over his blind trust, but is that exactly true? we've got some new video that we just dug up. standby. plus, a side you've never seen, arwa damon takes you outside syria's capital where she found a surprise. >> reporter: we're hardly a 15-minute drive from the heart of damascus. you can see the scene here. no one stops us on our way. this area seems to be in control of the free syrian army at least for now. an accident doesn't have to slow you down... with better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual insurance, if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy a car that's one model-year newer... with 15,000 fewer miles on it. there's no other auto insurance product like it. better car replacement, available only from liberty mutual. it's a better policy that gets you a better car. call... or visit one of our local offices today, and we'll provide the coverage you need at the right price. liberty mutual auto insurance, responsibility -- what's your policy? security council began considering a resolution today that would ask the syrian leader bashir al-assad to step down and hand power over to his vice president. unlikely at this point for this to go very far given opposition from russia and others. an opposition group says soldiers and security forces killed 135 people yesterday and today. thousands have died in the government's crackdown on the anti-regime protests. arwa damon is in syria for us, and after a dangerous journey just outside the capital of damascus she made a stunning discovery. >> reporter: follow us the armed and masked men say. they are members of the free syrian army. we drive past the opposition's fury flsyrian flag. parts of the capital are no longer in full control of the government. a group of us journalists had banded together to see how far we could get. we heard of a funeral in a neighborhood, few expected the free syrian army to control this much territory around it. we deserted and took our wes with it, this fighter who defected from the army says. we have rocket-propelled grenades and rockets. they say their mission is to protect the people from government forces. more civilians are joining their ranks. death rather than humiliation they chant. we're hardly a 15-minute drive from the heart of damascus, and you can see the scene here. no one stopped us on our way in this area and it seems to be the free syrian army, at least for now. in the back of a van that drives up, a man wounded in another neighborhood the day before. they say they've had to move him from one secret underground clinic to another. >> we just saw where the security is coming, are we going to go in? >> the activist in our car points out the free syrian army fighting position. >> at the main square amid calls for the fall of the regime and his execution, the free syrian army fighters are hailed as heroes. the military crackdown and ensues clashes have taken their toll on the population. we're constantly getting mobbed by people who want to show us the various -- this man is saying up there a rocket hit. and then they've managed to fix that, repair that for now, but everybody coming really wanting to get the story out, wanting their perspective to be seen and heard and wanting people to understand what it is they're going through because they say all they're asking for is freedom. the crowd in the streets swells, carrying the corpse of a man killed the day before in another part of the city. they say he was shot by a sniper. >> the man who was kill ed. he was a father of two we are told. and now the crowd has gathered here. all the people risk their lives every single time they take to the streets. >> the people are calling holy war is the cry from the streets below. all of a sudden, chaos, rumored that the security forces are coming causes mass panic. everyone here knows firsthand what that means. it's a false alarm, but we heard the government had the area encircled. is there anything up ahead we ask a these men at a check point. they say there are clashes and point us in another direction. that way is also blocked, a sniper up ahead. we could hear gun shots in the distance and scramble away. a small group of activists takes us down back routes. the government may control the heart of damascus, but it's losing more ground by the day in the rested outskirts. cnn, damascus. >> on monday, the secretary general is scheduled to meet with the united nations officials in new york. the arab league has called for al assad's regime to stop the violence immediately. and to our viewers, you're in the "situation room" happening now. we're getting new word that the kidnapping of a u.s. aid worker and her danish colleague was an inside job. as the republican front-runners crisscross florida, newt gingrich tries to find his footing after stumbling in last night's rough debate. mitt romney faces new questions about his vast wealth and what he's doing with all that money. and newt gingrich's plan to create a colony on the moon goes over like a lead balloon with his republican rivals. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. breaking news, political headlines, and jeannie moos all straight ahead. i'm wolf blitzer, you're in the "situation room." all that coming up. let's begin with a cnn exclusive. there's a stunning new twist to the hostage drama that ended this week when u.s. special operations forces rescued an american woman and a danish man from pirates in somalia. as the former hostages recuperating at a u.s. base in italy right now, our own brian todd learning more about the events that led to their capture. what are you learning? >> we've been told by the head of the security for that danish relief group that this kidnapping was an inside job. chilling video from the hostage takers. after their capture, guns pointed toward their heads, american aid worker jessica buchanan and her colleague offer proof of life. alive and apparently betrayed. cnn has new information that at the time they were kidnapped in somalia in october, buchanan had a security detail of up to eight police officers. they were from what's called the special protection unit, affiliated with local somali authorities. cnn is told the lead police officer was compromised. paid by the kidnappers to abduct the two. we learned that from patrick paulson, head of security for buchanan's aid group, the danish refugee council. >> one of the guards, he had -- was sold out and he had -- he had a submission to capture, and he had a change -- some of the ordinary guards we normally utilize into guys that were -- they were not called to the outfit. >> paulson said the kidnapping unfolded quickly as the aid workers were to change vehicles crossing to territories controlled by different clans. he said they were quickly thrown into a vehicle and driven away. i pressed paulson on the compromised officer. >> do you think you made mistakes? and if so, what mistakes? >> i cannot tell you we made mistakes. i think we hired the right person with information we had at the time. i think that his greed for money or that -- that came later. >> reporter: he's been working security in that region for year, that his group built trust with local somali officials and no threatening incidents before this. he says that corrupt police commander has disappeared. paulson says he doesn't know who paid the officer or how many. he says his group like other aid organizations has little choice but to hire locals for security. norm sheehan who has worked in somalia with aid groups says local leaders require that as for bringing in western security teams -- >> if you bring in a protection force with you, they might as well as bring body bags with them. they will be targeted. >> gary oliver, the head of a security firm says outsiders have to get to know local tribal leaders. >> when you're coming to work that morning, how did he look? was he worried? nervous? was there strange people you'd never seen before? there's a number of telltale signs that you should be able to recognize. >> we pressed frederick paulson, head of the danish group security whether other guards were in on the plot, whether they resisted if they ran away, he says that is not clear. contacted by cnn, somalia's ambassador to the u.n. says the transitional federal government there has no control over the police in that region but says his government will press local authorities for answers. wolf? >> brian, did this security chief tell you anything more about how his group vetted this particular police commander? >> he did. he said they used the same methods they do when vetting all police hires there. they went to the police station to check on any concerns about that officer. they did background checks, found out which family, which clan he came from, whether he or anyone in his can hlan had any conflicts. this commander hit the profile very well when they hired him. they don't know what went wrong. >> all right, brian, excellent reporting as usual. thanks very much. let's get to major political story unfolding here in the united states. the race for the finish line now in florida. with the crucial primary only four days away, mitt romney seems to have the momentum while newt gingrich tries to regain traction after tripping in last night's debate right here on cnn. let's go live to cnn's joe johns joining us from del ray beach in florida. what's the latest there, joe? >> reporter: well, newt gingrich spent much of this day focusing on the latino vote, but he ended up here in the beach area at a republican jewish coalition. he's up against a much better organized romney camp in this state. >> reporter: the gingrich road show slobbed into miami after the former speaker's long night in jacksonville. he's making a big play for the all-important latino vote in south florida by highlighting a support of citizenship for immigrants who join the military. >> i want to announce he has a brand new arms bill which takes the military service part of the dream act, puts it in as a free-standing legislation, it should be easy to pass, it allows young americans who came here with their parents and who did not yet have citizenship. it gives them an opportunity to serve our country and as a result to become citizens. >> reporter: it's a tough spot for gingrich here. the debate magic that propelled him in south carolina had seemingly failed him in florida. the campaign had no answer to why gingrich was so flat except to claim that romney had been at times untruthful and that gingrich would've looked like he was nitpicking if he had pointed it out. the campaign later released a new ad to make the point. >> romney said his investments in fannie and freddie were in a blind trust -- >> still, on the day after the debate, gingrich seemed to be rehashing debate moments though he didn't seem to reflect on his own performance. >> now, let me turn to several things here at home. the first of which is one that unfortunately was not covered very well last night and i regret that wolf blitzer did not turn and ask the rest of us. i have had a firm position on the right of the puerto rican people to have a referendum -- >> gingrich is being badly outspent in the air war with pro-romney ads everywhere. he lacks the ground game to compete with romney who has been organizing the state for years. what he did do was release a letter from several hispanic leaders from across the country and invite them to a news conference where they frankly didn't have much to say. >> mr. speaker, you have earned our support and that is why we are proud to stand here with you and all the way through the white house. >> reporter: not helping the situation for gingrich, puerto rico governor luis fortuno today endorsed mitt romney. the gingrich campaign is expected to step up its travel schedule over the next several days trying to pick up some badly needed momentum. wolf? >> joe johns on the scene for us in south florida. thank you. mitt romney is also focusing on two crucial segments of the florida electorate. right now he's on the space coast hit hard by the end of the shuttle program. earlier it was the latino community. romney gave a keynote address at the hispanic leadership network in miami. he said he's all in favor of -- he's very much in favor of immigration calling it an extraordinary source of vitality for america, but legal immigration. >> at the same time, i believe that to protect legal immigration, we have to stop illegal immigration. and for that reason, i would, in fact, build a fence, and i would have enough border security agents to make sure that we are able to protect the border. and i will put in place the system that allows employers to know who's here illegally and not. >> money is certainly the theme of the latest attacks by the front-runner. mitt romney has capitalized on newt gingrich's earnings from the mortgage giant, but romney certainly on the defensive over his finances, as well. our own lisa sylvester is taking a closer look. lisa? >> reporter: mitt romney and newt gingrich have been sparring over fannie mae and freddie mac. and the housing giants have had to be bailed out by taxpayers and were at the heart of the housing crisis. romney has said that investment bonds in both fannie and freddie and said they were held in a blind trust and that he had no control over it. well, we dug up some sound from 1994, romney sharing his views back then on blind trusts. >> mitt romney has taken newt gingrich to task calling him a lobbyist for freddie mac, even holding this event at a florida home foreclosed on by the housing giant. >> what he was doing was clearly promoting fannie mae and freddie mac in this case freddie mac to the tune of $1.6 million, that is one of the reasons we're in the trouble we're in. >> reporter: but romney has also had to defend his own investments in fannie mae and freddie mac. at the cnn debate in florida, former massachusetts governor says those were held in a blind trust which he had no control over. >> my investments are not made by me. my investments for the last ten years have been to blind trusts managed by a trustee. >> it's an argument romney has made repeatedly this week on the campaign trail. but let's go back in time, 1994, romney was then running against the late ted kennedy for the senate. it was romney who was criticizing senator kennedy for not being transparent with the kennedy trust fund. romney had a different take on blind trust then. >> it's an age-old ruse. you give a blind trust rules. >> those words coming back to haunt romney. american bridge, a democratic research group is already calling him out. >> mitt romney called it a ruse and said that every person was responsible for their own finances. and so he went after ted kennedy for the whole idea of having this blind trust and now we find, you know, almost 20 years later he's using that same -- he's using that same excuse and not taking responsibility for his own finances. >> an ethics attorney and disclosure expert says blind trusts can be set up in different ways. some people wanting to be completely hands off, others giving some direction to their trustees. >> a man of his wealth is really relying on other people to do this. and, you know, except for maybe certain holdings that might create political problems for him, i wouldn't expect him to be in the weeds in terms of his own investments. >> now, we reached out to romney's campaign for response to this new video that cnn has obtained in which romney calls a blind trust a ruse. they did not comment. last night, romney said gingrich, in fact, is also invested in fannie mae and freddie mac. and we did some fact checking, wolf, that is also true. >> a lot of mutual funds info s invested over the years in fannie and freddie. good work. newt gingrich's rivals have a blast with his space plan. >> if i had a business executive come to me and said they want to spend a few hundred billion dollars to put a colony on the moon, i'd say you're fired. >> we're going to get a closer look at how newt gingrich's moon shot fizzled with the republican candidates. gloria borger and ron brownseen a . serious plans to take back what they say is realistic, full control of congress. ♪ we are young ♪ ♪ so let's set the world on fire ♪ ♪ we can burn brighter ♪ than the sun ♪ carry me [ male announcer ] the all-new chevy sonic. from your first time... to the time of your life. chevy runs deep. ♪ home was an airport lounge and an ipad ♪ ♪ made sure his credit score did not go bad ♪ ♪ with a free-credit-score-dot-com ♪ ♪ app that he had ♪ downloaded it in the himalayas ♪ ♪ while meditating like a true playa ♪ ♪ now when he's surfing down in chile'a ♪ ♪ he can see when his score is in danger ♪ ♪ if you're a mobile type on the go ♪ ♪ i suggest you take a tip from my bro ♪ ♪ and download the app that lets you know ♪ ♪ at free-credit-score-dot-com now let's go. ♪ vo: offer applies with enrollment in™. newt gingrich launched a lofty idea this week when he outlined a plan to establish a colony on the moon. he said if he's elected, he'd get it done by the end of the second term. the end of the shuttle program has added to the economic turmoil. but newt gingrich's moon plan went over like a lead balloon among his rivals in cnn's debate last night. listen to this. >> speaker gingrich, how do you plan to create a base on the moon while keeping taxes down in eight years? >> there are many things you can do to leverage accelerating the development of space. lindbergh flew to paris for a $25,000 prize. if we had a handful of serious prizes, you'd see an extraordinary number of people trying to get to the moon first in order to build that. and i'd like to have an american on the moon before the chinese get there. >> we've got a $1.2 trillion deficit right now, we're borrowing 40 cents of every dollar and to go out there and promise new programs and big ideas, that's a great thing to maybe get votes, but it's not a responsible thing when you have to go out and say that we have to start cutting programs, not talking about how to -- how to grow them. >> congressman paul, the space program very important in texas, as well. where do you stand on this? >> well, i don't think we should go to the moon, i think we maybe should send some politicians up there at times. >> i spent 25 years in business. if i had a business executive say to me they want to spend a few hundred billion dollars to put a colony on the moon, i'd say you're fired. >> all right. let's bring in our chief political analyst gloria borger and our senior political analyst ron brownstein. i was waiting as soon as he said you're fired, newt gingrich, that romney saying that you're fired, i thought newt gingrich would come back with a line like, yeah, we know you like firing people. but they sort of missed an opportunity there, which was sort of symbolic, emblematic of what was going on. >> yeah, it really was because newt gingrich seemed to have no strategy, seemed to miss a lot of opportunities to get back at romney. and what was interesting to me about romney's point that he was making overall is that he essentially said newt gingrich is a big spender. he said, you know what? you've been traveling around, it's nice to go in certain parts of this state and talk about spending on the space program because you'll get some votes and he said that's what you've been doing throughout the primaries. in portraying him as a big spender, wolf, it was mitt romney really trying to appeal to the tea party there. and it may have been quite effective. >> it looked to me, ron, as if newt gingrich missed several opportunities to strike, but he held back for whatever reason. what was your sense? >> no, look, i think newt gingrich still has not gotten his groove back after two of the best debates we've ever seen in south carolina. he seemed almost like a baseball hitter whose timing was off. he lunched at the change-ups and let the fastballs go by. he could never quite get to a spot before mitt romney did. when he wanted to confront him, mitt romney was there with an answer. when he tried to conciliate him, mitt romney still lashed him. i think the opponents are painting gingrich as something like an eccentric college professor more than a pragmatic commander in chief. you don't really want to trust with actual power and decision making. and gingrich wanted to be seen as visionary as opposed to the managerial romney. instead i think it came off as impractical. >> let's say, gloria, that mitt romney wins florida, wins it big and that potentially could happen. if you take a look at the calendar after that in february, nevada, maine, colorado, minnesota, missouri, the end of the month. these are states that are at the end of the month, states well tailor made, if you will, for mitt romney. >> sure. >> what happens assuming romney wins big in florida? >> if mitt romney wins in the state of florida, it's hard for anybody else to get that momentum back because as you point out, some of these states like michigan is a hometown boy, arizona, nevada where he does well, particularly in nevada where there's a sizable mormon community, and ron paul will compete there because he's interested in those caucus states. and then you get to super tuesday. by the time you get to super tuesday, you have to have a lot of money to compete. and, for example, if newt gingrich loses, he still has his sugar daddy pac, but he's going to have a harder time raising money, and to compete in a lot of the big states on super tuesday, there are ten states. and i think that it's hard to see how anybody else at that point can really go toe-to-toe with mitt romney who, by the way, already has ads up in some of these states because he actually is a campaign with an organization, which newt gingrich does not have. >> ron, they did have a good exchange -- go ahead, go ahead, respond -- i have something else. >> i have to say real quick. real quick. this is a race that has established a clear demographic pattern, one familiar from earlier. democratic contests, upscale, down scale divide. romney is much stronger among better educated, more affluent, more secular voters. gingrich is doing better among blue collar, strong tea party supporters. florida is a tough state for gingrich. it tilts more toward the groups that favor romney with this new element of hispanics. and the february calendar is tough for him too. he has to find a way to get to super tuesday when he has more states where his groups are more prevalent. >> they did have gingrich and romney a very good back and forth when it came to fannie mae and freddie mac who made money off their investments. listen to this. >> we discovered to our shock, governor romney owns shares of both fannie mae and freddie mac. governor romney made $1 million off of selling some of that. >> mr. speaker, i know that sounds like an enormous revelation, but have you checked your own investments? you also have investments through mutual funds that also invested fannie mae and freddie mac. >> can't beat that. honestly -- >> another exchange -- yeah, go ahead, gloria. >> you just -- you just can't beat that. and that shows you how much research matters in these kinds of debates. i mean what romney's people did is they clearly looked at newt gingrich's mutual funds, public record, where they invest, and boom, you get fannie and freddie. and so romney was just waiting for that attack on him, and he had an answer and newt gingrich couldn't do anything kind of other than shrug, and there again shows you the professionalism of the people who are briefing mitt romney as he heads into these debates. >> go ahead, ron. >> yeah, like i say, ditto. gloria's exactly right. i think, though, it also -- the focus on romney's wealth is helping, has been helping romney consolidate that party as republicans have done so well with the white working class. we've seen today in florida the kind of coalition politics that really have not been part of this race so far. the candidates this morning talking to hispanic voters, newt gingrich here in west palm beach county talking to jewish voters. they're having to build coalitions in a way they haven't. some kind of new muscles they're having to stretch. it's been extraordinary to watch them address these issues. one thing that stuck out at me, though, both last night watching the event with the hispanic leadership network and this morning at the event where both spoke. gingrich is hoping by moving in effect to the left of romney on immigration, being more lenient, he will kind of court those hispanic voters. 2/3 voting in the primary are cubans and illegal immigration is not an issue for them. once you get to the u.s., you are by definition a legal immigrant. it may not work for him as much as he expects. same with puerto ricans, by the way, which is also part of that in florida. not as powerful as it might be among hispanic republicans who might be more directly affected by this. >> can i just say one more thing about the wealth issue that the freddie and fannie debate has been about? i think for the first time, wolf, in your debate last night, we really saw mitt romney become much more comfortable in his own skin talking about his wealth, not being apologetic for it saying, you know what? i didn't inherit this, i worked really hard for my money, i had some good investments, and i'm not going to be ashamed of what i've done in my life. and i think that that has some resonance with voters and it's the kind of argument he should have been making from day one, but it took him about a month to feel comfortable saying it. but i think last night, we saw him finally getting into that groove and talking about how he can care about middle class people but still be somebody who is quite wealthy. >> especially with the upper middle class -- republicans. >> good point. all right, guys, thanks very much, ron and gloria. a bold prediction from the vice president joe biden. >> i really do think we're going to win back the house, i mean you're going to win back the house. >> can democrats really do it? nancy pelosi's recruiting new faces. you'll meet them in the cnn exclusive. plus, a surprising attack between three political rivals in one of the most heated senate races of the year. ♪[music plays] when you're responsible for this much of the team... you need a car you can count on. ♪[music plays] a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪ she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol. while the republican candidates are squabbling, democrats are focused on trying to regain ground lost in the last congressional election. and the party retreat in maryland, lawmakers heard words of encouragement from president obama. >> i believe in you guys. you guys have had my back through some very tough times. i'm going to have your back as well, and together, we're going to move this country forward. >> and vice president joe biden made a bold prediction stating clearly what the objective is for next november. >> i really do think we're going to win back the house, i mean you're going to win back -- >> some bold predictions also from president obama and vice president joe biden. can democrats really, though, regain what they lost on capitol hill? our congressional correspondent kate bolduan has been looking into this for us. what are you learning? >> hey there, wolf, well, house democrats have a strategy, a slog slogan, and they have top-tier recruits as they try to reverse the republican wave from two years ago. but making that a reality may still be a tough climb. >> are you ready to come to congress? >> reporter: an exclusive look behind the scenes as democrats draw up their battle plan to take up the house. >> we've done that -- >> a pep talk to some of the new recruits who are key to whether or not democrats will succeed. >> you represent our -- >> the police chief, the former nasa astronaut, all three up against republican freshmen who rode the tea party anti-incumbent wave that helped republicans win the majority two years ago. >> what makes you think that you can take back this majority? especially after the beating the democrats took in 2010? >> i think voters are getting buyers' remorse with respect to the change of 2010. >> their message surprisingly similar to what their republican rivals argued in the last election. that they're outsiders and that washington is broken. they hope to win back the independent voters democrats lost the last time around. jose hernandez is running in california's central valley. >> i'm not a career politician, i'm a citizens politician. and my upbringing, i'm an engineer, i'm trained to solve problems. >> jamie wall, a business consultant is running in wisconsin's eighth district which has switched parties four times since 1998. >> my background's in business. if there's a good idea in the room, i want to hear it whether that idea comes from a republican, an independent, from a democrat. >> the first female chief of orlando's police department. >> when i took over as chief, crime was at an all-time high. instead of focusing on that crisis, and that's what we're seeing right now in congress, i chose to focus on the opportunity to make things better. >> house democrats call it the drive to '25. here's why, they need a net gain of 25 seats to reach the 218 required to take back the majority. their campaign operation is focusing on 36 races, pledging money and resources to top-tier candidates. top democrats are cautiously optimistic. >> it's razor sharp, it's razor sharp, but definitely possible for us. we take it one day at a time. >> reporter: but republicans are clearly ready for the fight. >> ultimately a president chat election is going to revolve around it be a referendum on the president's economic policies. and that's going to be a bad thing for house democrats. >> and they're pointing to the fact they've outraised republicans this year by more than $7 million for these congressional races as helping their chances to take back the majority in the house. but according to independent analysts like the cook political report, the climb for democrats, wolf, is likely steeper than they would like to admit due to redistricting and a number of yet to be finalized district maps. >> kate bolduan, thanks very much. good reporting. a political cease-fire of sorts in massachusetts right now. the candidates for senate say they're fighting back against the powerful super pacs. not everyone is so sure politicians will keep their word. mary snow is joining us in new york with an in-depth look. mary? >> reporter: wolf, candidates made a rare pledge this week in what will be a closely watched senate race with big money behind it. since they can't control outside groups, they made a pact to discourage third-party groups from getting involved. i spoke with both candidates about it. >> everybody, all right, thank you very much! >> reporter: he became a republican darling when he won the late ted kennedy's senate seat. now he's up for reelection. >> i'm elizabeth warren running for u.s. senate. >> she's the harvard professor who has become a rock star among democrats. republican scott brown and democrat elizabeth warren are bracing for a bitter showdown with the balance of power in the u.s. senate at stake. but they agree on one thing, they signed what they're calling a people's pledge to muzzle ads from super pacs and outside groups who can spend unlimited amounts of money. after a u.s. supreme court ruling two years ago. >> instead of focusing on jobs, elizabeth warren -- >> reporter: this ad targeting elizabeth warren is from carl rove's cross roads gps, which has spent more than $800,000 since june. >> carl rove and his buddies have an electoral process by the throat. and the united states supreme court has said you can squeeze as hard as you want. this is an effort to take that back. >> but warren is far from alone in coming under fire. >> scott brown's gone to washington. and something's gone horribly wrong -- >> reporter: the league of conservation voters has spent more than $1 million on ads since june, as well, like these targeting scott brown, as well. >> i'm kind of used to it by now. but others have said this is going to be a place they're going to potentially spend tens of millions of dollars. for what? you have two intelligent, hard-working people running, we can tell people how we feel about the issues. >> reporter: both brown and warren agree that if an outside group runs an ad, the candidate it's intending to help would face a penalty. they'd have to pay half the ad's cost to their challenger's charity of choice. >> can this really work, though? >> i'm willing to be responsible for what i say, and i think scott brown is willing to be responsible for what he says. >> it certainly sends a very clear message to these outside groups to stay away. >> but the boston globe's political reporter frank phillips isn't holding his breath. >> there's a lot of skepticism about this agreement. we've been there, done that. >> phillips covered the 1996 senate race between john kerry and william welt. they made a pact to curb their own spending, but it fell apart in the final weeks of the election. this time around, the interests go far beyond massachusetts and still many months to go. >> now so far there's some lukewarm reaction from third party groups, cross roads gps for one is not committing to the candidate's pledge citing loopholes on the democratic side. the conservation leader says it's inclined to respect the pledge. >> an interesting potential cease-fire. thanks very much, mary. you can catch all of cnn's big in-depth coverage in the featured section of the cnn app for ipad. visit it's a national crisis, but here in florida, foreclosures hit home for almost everybody. how bad is it? we're going to show you. and nasa rockets helped bring down a kentucky bridge. top stories coming up next. another deadly day in iraq, lisa sylvester's monitoring that and other top stories in the "situation room" right now. >> a suicide bomber in baghdad killed at least 31 people and wounded 60 others. the victims were mourners in a shiite funeral procession. many of those killed in recent weeks have been shiite pilgrims. it's estimated more than 400 iraqis have been killed this month. ford is reporting its best annual earnings since 1998. it makes 2011 the second most profitable year in the country's history. however, much of this profit is due to a non-cash gain in the form of a large tax credit. without that credit, ford's quarterly and yearly earnings fell below last year's profits. and the coast guard and kentucky officials are investigating what caused a cargo ship to crash into a bridge in the western part of the state. caused sections of the bridge to collapse. carrying rocket parts for nasa. there were no injuries and no pollution reported. the bridge carries 2,800 vehicles a day. ♪ welcome back >> that might bring back a few memories, well, actor robert hedges from welcome back carter has died. he also starred in cagney and lacy in the late '80s. he suffered a heart attack. the hospital said he was pronounced dead shortly after he arrived. he was 60 years old. wolf? >> 60, young guy. i'm so sad to hear that. i love that "welcome back carter." >> i think a lot of us have memories of that, woful. wolf. a cancer from within, that's how some see the housing crisis right here in the state of florida. what comes next in a state where almost half of the homes are under water? 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(laugh) cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is investigating the horrific collisions impacting young athletes. 35 states now require students and parents to sign a waiver acknowledging risk of head injuries. but is that enough? here's dr. gupta. >> number 44, senior nathan stiles, is a springhill broncos star running back. >> if you would watch him run, he had a flow about him that was just beautiful. i mean, it looked so graceful. >> nathan's also a starter on the varsity basketball team, a sing singer. >> the 2010 homecoming king is nathan stiles. >> he's the toast of springhill, kansas. the broncos lost that game. and the next day nathan had headaches. no big deal. until five days later when his mom connie received a phone call. >> and i got a call from the trainer at school saying, nathan's telling me he's still having headaches. you need to go take him to the emergency room. so i did. had a cat scan. nothing. >> the doctor kept nathan out of play for three weeks. but he was ready to return, his mom was worried. >> and i remember him looking at me and he goes, "now mom, are you okay with this?" and i'm like -- with him going back to football. i'm like no, but it's his choice. nathan, you want to play? yeah, i'm all right. yeah. i only got two games left. >> but in the last game of the season, right after halftime, nathan went down. >> he had collapsed on the sideline. and the coaches were telling me to try to wake him up. and he didn't. then i heard them say he's seizuring and then that was it. they took him in the ambulance. we waited for life flight. and everything went bad from there, from bad to worse. >> yeah. >> after hours of surgery, doctors stopped the bleeding in nathan's brain. but by then his lungs and heart were too weak to keep him alive. nathan died. the cause, second impact syndrome. >> wow. so sad. sanjay, i understand that nathan's parents have donated his brain to concussion researchers. he was only 17 years old. you're a neurosurgeon. what signs of brain trauma did they discover? >> well, you can imagine, wolf, just how hard this was on them and then donating their 17-year-old son's brain. what they found was they found the bleeding that certainly had caused his death. but they found something else, wolf, that's pretty important to point out. and that is they found these deposits of proteins and plaques and tangles. the same kind of findings that people often see in much older people, people who have alzheimer's, even advanced alzheimer's disease. they found this in the 17-year-old's brain. and i asked the pathologist who examining the brain, what caused this can you say for sure? they said this was caused by repeated blows to the head. they're seeing it in more and more football players. but this was the youngest player they'd ever seen, wolf, 17 years old. >> it's really really a sad story. but it's an important story, it's one that all of our viewers need to know more about. sanjay's got a fab luol documentary "big hits, broken dreams." it airs sunday night, 8:00 p.m. eastern. sanjay, thanks. thanks for doing this special documentary. "big hits, broken dreams." jeanne moos is next. for a limited time, passages malibu will be giving away free copies of the alcoholism & addiction cure. to get yours, go to >> reporter: beavis and butthead, making silicone busts showing what the cartoon characters would look like if they were actually human. so life like that when we showed folks -- >> are those actual people? >> are they criminals? >> whoa! they're criminally ugly. >> wow. you can see the acne. can you see the acne? look at the acne. >> reporter: the busts have been wowing the web, provoking headlines like "ready to never sleep again?" and "takes creepy to new heights." >> i wanted to stay true to the cartoon, yet put my own little twist on it. >> reporter: special effects makeup artist kevin kirkpatrick made the busts for an art show at the copro gallery in santa monica. kevin's worked on movies and commercials, creating the zombie, for instance, and this ad for starburst candy. >> you are boring me to death and i'm already dead. you're boring me back to death. >> reporter: kevin created beavis and butthead in a mere 2 1/2 weeks, starting in clay, ending in silicone, the hair is human. brace yourself for butthead's braces. as butthead once said to chelsea clinton in the white house "i notice you have braces. i have braces, too. >> reporter: does he ever. kevin says details like butthead's teeth and acne were the trickiest parts. >> that is award-winning acne. >> reporter: the busts are so realistic almost everyone we showed them to immediately recognized them. >> oh, beavis and butthead, unfortunately. >> reporter: though some suggest they look like simon and gar funk el or that beavis looks like

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Kcoordinat Problem , Tell The Truth , Community , Instructions , Pretty Big Gap , Second , Both , Tension , Comic Relief , Health , Records , 76 , Texas , Page , Gentlemen , Fun , Age Discrimination , Subject , Laws , Space Program , Oval Office , Raul Castro , Humor , Sort , Visual , Bicycle , Goosy , Texas In July , Followers , Nominee , Truth , Oscar Wild , Truths , Party Doesn T , Bone , Drugs , Medicine Go Down , Game Changer , Caveat , Ticket , Cuban , Vote , No Brainer , Loyalties , Races , Copd , Tactic , Advair , Lead , Role , Science Adventure , Lung Function , Medications , Anti Inflammatory , Bronchodilator , Risk , Lung , Osteoporosis , Inhalers , Pneumonia , High Blood Pressure , Difficulty Breathing , Eye Problems , Heart Condition , Prescription , Refills , Save , Advaircopd Com , Policies , Homeland , Generation Gap , John Reports , Espresso , Votes , Others , Field , Sign , Hard Line Stand , Syria , Building , Castro Regime , Cuba Freedom , Arab Spring , Freedom , Spring , Most , Miami Dade County , Pew Research Center , 250000 , 60 , Embargo , Perez , Talk , Knees , Voice , Type , Regime , Sanctions , Lifting , Mentions , Appeasement , Closeness , Kiss Of Death , Power , Counterparts , Hope , Co Founder , Island , Movement , Roots Of Hope , Cubans , Domestic Policy , Economy , John South Amerizarrella , Dictating , Capital , Video , Arwa Damon , Surprise , Area , Heart , Syrian Army , Least , No One , Damascus , Car Replacement , Liberty Mutual Insurance , Policy , Auto Insurance Product , 15000 , Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance , Coverage , Offices , Security Council , Resolution , Vice President , Opposition Group , Opposition , Hand , Bashir Al Assad , Russia , Security Forces , Protests , Crackdown , Journey , Soldiers , Yesterday And Today , 135 , Men , Discovery , Journalists , Flag , Fury Flsyrian , Neighborhood , Fighter , Army , Funeral , Territory , Rockets , Civilians , Mission , Government Forces , Death , Humiliation , Grenades , Ranks , Van , Security , Clinic , Another , Fighters , Activist , Car Points , Execution , Square , Fighting Position , Clashes , Military Crackdown , Population , Rocket Hit , Heroes , Toll , Perspective , Story Out , Streets , Crowd , Sniper , Corpse , Kill Ed , Holy War , Cry , Chaos , All Of A Sudden , Mass Panic , Check Point , Alarm , Direction , Distance , Activists , Routes , Gun Shots , Ground , On Monday , Outskirts , Secretary General , Viewers , New York , Violence , United Nations , Arab League , Colleague , Footing , Inside Job , Wealth , Colony , Lead Balloon , Questions , Last Night , Headlines , Breaking News , Around The World , Jeannie Moos , Twist , Somalia , Base , Hostages , Hostage Drama , Pirates , U S Special Operations Forces , Capture , Brian Todd , Relief Group , Learning , Danish , Proof Of Life , American Aid Worker Jessica Buchanan , Heads , Hostage Takers , Information , Police Officers , Security Detail , Authorities , Special Protection Unit , Eight , Guards , Danish Refugee Council , Police Officer , Kidnappers , Patrick Paulson , Change , Submission , Paulson , Vehicles , Outfit , Aid Workers , Officer , Mistakes , Vehicle , Clans , Territories , Greed , Commander , Police , Trust , Choice , Group , Many , Aid Organizations , Incidents , Norm Sheehan , Aid Groups , Protection Force , Locals , Western Security Teams , Outsiders , Gary Oliver , Security Firm , Body Bags , Number , Signs , Ambassador , Group Security , Plot , Frederick Paulson , Answers , Security Chief , Police Station , Background Checks , Concerns , Clan , Methods , Police Hires , Hlan , Reporting , Conflicts , Profile , Traction , Finish Line , There , Latest , Latino Vote , Let S Go , Joe Johns , Del Ray Beach , Long Night In Jacksonville , Romney Camp , Gingrich Road Show , Republican Jewish Coalition , Citizenship , Support , Military Service , Young Americans , Parents , Legislation , Debate Magic , Spot , Citizens , Result , Freddie , Fannie , Nitpicking , Times Untruthful , First , Referendum , Air War , Puerto Rican , Ground Game , Everywhere , News Conference , Letter , Luis Fortuno , Travel Schedule , Puerto Rico , Shuttle Program , Electorate , Segments , Space Coast , Favor , Leadership Network , Keynote Address , Source , Vitality , Fact , Reason , Fence , Border Security Agents , Border , System , Front Runner , Attacks , Theme , Employers , Earnings , Mortgage Giant , Defensive , Sparring , Housing Crisis , Investment , Housing Giants , Taxpayers , Bonds , Event , Home , Views , Sound , Lobbyist , Romney Sharing , 1994 , Reasons , Tune , Case , Housing Giant , 6 Million , 1 6 Million , Governor , Trustee , Ten , Argument , Senator Kennedy , Campaign Trail , Ruse , Kennedy Trust Fund , Haunt Romney , American Bridge , Same , Ethics Attorney , Disclosure Expert , Holdings , Trustees , Ways , Problems , Response , Terms , Weeds , Fact Checking , Mutual Funds Info , Business Executive , Space Plan , Work , Blast , Ron Brownseen A , Set The World On Fire , Sun Carry Me , Chevy Sonic , Chevy , Ipad , Credit Score , Airport Lounge , Dot Com , Score , App , Dot Com Now Let S Go , Tip , True Playa , Bro , Danger , Surfing , Himalayas , Enrollment , Vo , Freecreditscore Comtm , Term , Moon Plan , Turmoil , Space , Paris , Prize , Prizes , Handful , Development , Lindbergh , 5000 , 25000 , Deficit , American , Chinese , Order , 1 2 Trillion , 2 Trillion , Cutting Programs , Programs , Business , Ron Brownstein , Say , Firing People , Line Like , Emblematic , Symbolic , Opportunities , Spending , Program , Big Spender , Tea Party , Primaries , Groove , Strike , Baseball Hitter , Timing , Ups , Fastballs , Commander In Chief , Opponents , Painting , College Professor , Decision Making , Visionary , Let , Calendar , Wins , Nevada , Colorado , Missouri , Minnesota , Big , Mormon Community , Caucus , Hometown Boy , Arizona , Sugar Daddy Pac , Loses , Who , Toe , Big States On Super Tuesday , Organization , Something Else , Demographic , Contests , Pattern , Upscale , Affluent , Scale Divide , Groups , Hispanics , Blue Collar , Supporters , Element , Control Outside Groups , Romney A , Shares , Shock , 1 Million , A Million , Revelation , Kinds , Research , Attack , Couldn T , Boom , Shrug , Professionalism , Ditto , Focus On Romney , Helping , Working Class , Coalition Politics , Coalitions , West Palm Beach County , Jewish , Muscles , Spoke , Effect , Court , Romney On Immigration , Left , Voting , 2 3 , Immigrant , Definition , Puerto Ricans , Hispanic Republicans , Time , Skin , It Saying , In My Life , Day One , Resonance , Making , Prediction , Joe Biden , Middle Class , Recruiting New Faces , Three , Band , Fish Stories , My Turn , Little Bird , Oooh , All Of Us , Everyone Else , Cholesterol , Fiber , Psyllium , Gels , Waste , Model , Metamucil , Party Retreat , Squabbling , Encouragement , Objective , Kate Bolduan , Predictions , Capitol Hill , House Democrats , Recruits , Wave , Climb , Reality , Pep Talk , Battle Plan , Police Chief , Nasa , Freshmen , Majority , Democrats , 2010 , Buyers , Respect , Remorse , Jamie Wall , Citizens Politician , Career Politician , Engineer , Upbringing , Jose Hernandez , California S Central Valley , Chief , Parties , Background , Room , District , Wisconsin , 1998 , Crisis , Crime , Thigh , Orlando S Police Department , Gain , Campaign Operation , Seats , 218 , Resources , Razor Sharp , President Chat Election , Cook Political Report , Analysts , The Climb , 7 Million , District Maps , Redistricting , Pledge , Super Pacs , Mary Snow , Pact , Elizabeth Warren Running , Harvard Professor , Seat , Reelection , Rock Star Among Democrats , Darling , Scott Brown , Elizabeth Warren , Showdown , Balance Of Power , Carl Rove , Jobs , Amounts , Ad Targeting , U S Supreme Court , Cross Roads Gps , Throat , Process , Buddies , 800000 , Effort , Under Fire , United States Supreme Court , Tens , Targeting , On Ads , Wrong , League Of Conservation Voters , Dollars , Intelligent , Millions , Cost , Charity , Penalty , Challenger , Breath , Skepticism , Isn T Holding , Boston Globe , John Kerry , 1996 , Interests , William Welt , Third Party , Loopholes , Conservation Leader , Section , Foreclosures , Visit Cnn Com Ipad , Bridge , Kentucky , Monitoring , Iraq , Funeral Procession , Suicide Bomber , Mourners , Victims , 31 , Ford , Profit , Iraqis , History , Pilgrims , 2011 , 400 , Tax Credit , Form , Profits , Credit , Coast Guard , Cargo Ship , Sections , Injuries , Pollution , Carrying Rocket , 2800 , Robert Hedges , Memories , Heart Attack , Lacy , Hospital , Welcome Back Carter , Cagney , 80 , Woful , Young Guy , Homes , Cancer , Water , Half , Osteoarthritis Pain , Cymbalta , Back Pain , Fda , Mood , Changes , Glaucoma , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Maois , Suicide , Teens , Thioridazine , 18 , Blood Thinners , Abdominal Pain , Confusion , Liver Problems , Yellowing , Aspirin , Fatal , Eyes , Migraine , On Cymbalta , Nsaids , Standing , Skin Reactions , Dizziness , Peeling Rash , Mouth Sores , Liver Disease , Blisters , Hives , Alcohol Use , Stop , Fainting , Trial Offer , Cymbalta Com , Mortgages , Home Value , Neighborhoods , Devastation , Christine Romans , Attorney , Foreclosure , Realtor , Banks , Stages , Behalf , Doors , Average Floridians , Beautiful , Picture , Vibrant City , Houses , Neighbors , Decaying Lawns , Average , Foreclosure Notice , 360 , Voter , Value , Amount , Booths , Couple , 0000 , 80000 , Mortgage Rates , Investors , Cash Buyers , Affordability , China , Brazil , Weekend , Housing , Advantage , Bottom Line , On Saturday , 30 , 9 , Sanjay Gupta , Dr , Athletes , Vacations , Vacation Wasn T A , Broken Dreams , Big Hits , Hotels , Negoti , Destination , Sale , Hotel Tonight , Priceline , Ashlee , Edge , Fuel Economy , Style , Hip , Um , Ecoboost , Do Have Twenties On Those , Laugh , Collisions , Waiver , Students , 35 , Senior Nathan Stiles , Running Back , Head Injuries , Springhill Broncos Star , 44 , Sing Singer , Flow , Varsity Basketball Team , Game , Broncos , Homecoming King , Toast , Springhill , Kansas , Headaches , Connie , Emergency Room , School Saying , Trainer , Deal , Five , Mom , Cat Scan , Nothing , Football , Games , Halftime , Season , Sideline , Coaches , 17 , 8 , 2 1 , Tests , Brain , Documentary , The Point , Tilting , Seesaw ,

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