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african-american voters. the president alluding to the employment crunch during his third annual back to school speech here in washington, d.c. >> more than 60% of the jobs in the next decade will require more than a high school diploma. more than 60%. that's the world that you're walking into. >> some black voters say the president has let them down when it comes to education and job creation. the obama campaign is trying to address those concerns as the election gets closer. let's turn to dan lothian. he's got more on this part of the story. >> president has always when talking about race and his policies, taken a big picture view, saying what he does helps not just african-americans, but all americans. well, this has not gone unnoticed and now as the president is courting black voters key to his success in 2008, some are frustrated. >> 9:00 a.m. -- >> on 95.5 fm, one of washington, d.c.'s top urban radio stations, darian morgan serves up music, edgey talk and commercials. but off mike, there's a more serious tone when asked about president obama. >> there's expectations however is higher for him to quote unquote help us. that being said, i still think lots of people are very supportive of president obama. >> in his sering piece in the "washington post," courtland molloy wrote -- referring to the conservative republican hopeful. the managing editor of "the root," a daily online african-american magazine, has heard the exasperation. >> there's a segment of the community who felt he could have targeted more efforts toward the african-american community. >> one big criticism, that the president has not addressed the high unemployment rate among blacks. which the bureau of labor statistics puts at 16.7%. much higher than the national average. >> for african-americans, it has been absolutely devastating in the last four or five years. you know, as badly as the majority community, the white community has been affected, it's been even worse for black. >> courting his base, the president sat down for a one-on-one interview with b.e.t. and gave a speech to the congressional black caucus, where he acknowledged the economic crisis had taken a toll on already heart-hit communities. >> you've got to be a little crazy to have faith during such hard times. >> maxine waters was pleased. >> that's extremely important that people understand that the president gets it. >> but a little air leaked out of that warm feeling when the president seemed to chastise african-american leaders in the same speech. >> i expect all of you to march with me and press on! take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. shake it off! stop complaining! >> representative waters found the comment, quote, curious, and speculated mr. obama had gone off script. a white house official confirmed it was ad lib, but insisted it was meant as a rallying cry. while some may be frowning at the president, they aren't smiling at the options, which is why morgan, who voted for mr. obama, remains optimistic. >> i think they'll come back again. it's about engaging them. it's about speaking to them directly or indirectly about what issues affect them. >> of course, the question is, will president obama be able to generate the same kind of enthusiasm that sent a lot of young black voters to the polls in 2008 if it is in fact a tight race. some believe that could be the difference. >> could be a key difference in a state like north carolina, which the president barely won in 2008. by about 14,000 votes. he's really got to energize that base including the african-american communities, so what's the strategy over there at the white house? >> they never like to break down their strategy? terms of what they're going to break down a particular race. you've seen initiatives through this white house that's gets the president out talking to black reporters. also as i pointed out, they're sitting down in those one-on-one interviews. he raeldealizes this is a criti group. >> thank you. let's get more on race in the presidential campaign with republican candidate, herman cain. he's enjoying a new shot of momentum after his upset win in a florida straw poll over the weekend. and herman cain is joining us now from atlanta. doing well in the polls right now, but let me ask you about the african-american community. why is the republican party basically poisoned for so many african-americans? >> because many african-americans have been bra brainwashed into not being open minded. not even considering a conservative point of view. i have received some of that same vito tri ol. so, it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded. >> that's a strong word, brainwashed. >> two third of them, wolf, that is the case. now, the good news is i happen to believe that a third to 50% of the black americans in this country, they are open minded cht cht. i meet them every day. so, this whole notion that all black americans are necessarily going to stay and vote democrat, vote for obama, that's simply not true. more and more black americans are thinking for themselves and that's a good thing. >> you've suggested that if you were the republican nominee, you think a third of african-americans would vote for you? >> i do believe a third would vote for me based upon my own an ek doe tall feedback. now, they won't be voting for me because i'm black. they'll be voting for me because of my policies and because of what i'm offering to fix this economy starting with my 999 plan. that's what they're responding to. >> let's talk about some of the issues like health care, for example. could you support mitt romney, who when he was governor of massachusetts, supported a mandate for health care? >> no, i could not. i do not support a government mandate and i wouldn't have sporlted a mandate in romney care. no, i happen to believe there are better, market drif p, patient centered solutions out there that were not considered. that's the approach that i would take in order to first repeal obamacare and then let the market determine and let patients and doctors determine what's best for the patient and the doctor. >> what i hear you saying, correct many if i'm wrong, if he wor the republican nominee, you wouldn't be able to support him? >> well, i wouldn't say i wouldn't be able to report him. if he stuck to that commitment, i could support him, but if any way, he wanted to compromise and go for a mandate, i couldn't support him. but i believe that he is backed off of that and that he's saying that he would. >> if you were to repeal obamacare, right now, there are 15 million uninsured people in the united states. they'll get insurance under what you call obamacare. what would you do with those 15 million? >> first of all, they are not going to be without health care. everybody in this country will get health care. hospital ks not turn you away. if we look at the early rollout of obamacare, more and more people are becoming uninsured. more and more companies are being forced to drop their health care coverage because obamacare is just that bad. look at the fact that over 1300 companies have asked for a waiver because when they look at the details of obamacare, they're better off to stay with that they have or put everybody on the government program. the plan simply does not work. >> are you with rick perry when he says that he supports in state tuition for children of illegal immigrants in texas? >> absolutely not because i happen to believe that that puts in children of illegals in front of citizens, in front of soldiers. i don't agree with that. we must first secure the border for real. that's the real problem we need to make sure we solve, then decide later. i agree it's a state's issue, but i don't believe in putting children of illegals in front of citizens. >> could you support rick perry if he were the nominee? >> today, i could not support rick perry as the nominee for host of reasons. him being soft on securing the border is one of the reasons. i feel strongly about the need to secure the border for real, the need to enforce the laws already there. the need to promote the path to citizenship, but more importantly, empower the states to enforce the national federal immigration laws because the federal government didn't do it, can't do it and never will do it, so that's the where i think he and i have a difference of opinion. >> you surprised a lot of people when you won the florida straw pole, clambering for chris christie. is that insulting to you and other republicans in the race? >> it's not as insulting as much as it is a disservice to the american people. christie has said for a long time he wasn't interested. unfortunately, the media is trying to create a story by sucking chris christie into this race just like they tried to create a story of sucking rick perry into the race. now, he had to make his own decision and i respect that, but the fact they continue to ignore those people that have already declared, focus on the people that have already declared and i believe that would do a better service to the american people if they get an opportunity to find out more about what we are about. that result in florida last weekend where i won that straw poll, it sent two dissint messages. number one, the voice of the people is more powerful than the voice of the media, with all due respect. secondly, it says that the american people are going to make that decision and this movement is more powerful than we thought. message is more important than money and i believe that's what's happening when you look at the results like those that happened in florida. >> good to have you. good luck. >> thanks a lot. wolf. my pleasure. >> rick perry has been getting a lot of flak for his stand on in state tuition for whirn of illegal immigrants, but now a very prominent politician is coming to the defense. and michael jackson's doctor on trial. new testimony today on the panic and chaos when the pop singer died. nothing helped me beat arthritis pain. until i tried this. it's salonpas. pain relief that works at the site of pain... up to 12 hours. salonpas. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement available only with liberty mutual auto insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money for a car one model year newer. to learn more, visit us today. responsibility. what's your policy? jack cafferty's here. >> the public's trust in the federal government is at an all-time low. no big suprise now, is it? they're lucky in washington the citizens haven't marched on the place yet. there's a new poll out today that shows just 15% of americans say they trust the government in washington to do what's right always or most of the time. 15%. 77% say they trust the federal government only some of the time. and 8% say they never trust the government. last year, 25% of americans felt they could trust the federal government always or most of the time and before the watergate scandal in the '70s, majorities of americans felt this way. the only time americans have had such trust in the government since the 1970s was after 9/11. meanwhile, as both parties appeal to their bases and continue to emphasize their differences with the opposition, another new poll suggests what americans really want is compromise. a gallup poll shows for the first time, a majority of americans say it's more important for politicians to compromise than to stick to their beliefs. tea party members are the exception. they say it's more important for the politicians to stick to their beliefs. again, no surprise there. all this comes as the federal government just barely averted another shutdown. this time, over a few bucks for disaster relief funding. last month, our lawmakers took us to the brink of default on our national debt obligations as they argued over an increase in the debt ceiling and you can bet when this super committee comes out, they're doing it all behind closed doors, there will be lots more ugly partisanship from our leaders. it seems to be all they know how to do. here's the question -- go to, post a comment on my blog or go to our post on "the situation room's" facebook page. time for an american spring, wolf. >> maybe you're right. thanks very, very much. jack's been talking about the broken government for a while. jack, i also want to drill down on some of those numbers you've been showing us in our latest polls. only 15% as you say of americans. say they trust the government in washington just about always or most of the time in contrast. back in 1958, '58, 73%, 73% of the time thought they could trust government in washington about always or most of the time. let's get to the embattled front-runner in the race for the white house. we're talking at the texas governor, rick perry, he's now apologizing for suggesting last week that anyone who opposed tuition breaks for the children of illegal immigrants quote did not have a heart. the new york city mayor michael bloomberg is always weighing in, sitting down with john king. listen to this. >> you watch what's happening now. have a republican debate playing out for president. and rick perry's losing steam because he doesn't support a border fence and because he supports in state college tuition breaks for the children of illegal immigrant. >> he happens on right on both, but i think you've got to differ between what may be good politics within the beginning of a primary race as opposed to what happens when the biggest states get involved in the primary race or what happens in a general election and then there's another minor problem here. whether it's good politics or bad politics, you're an american and what's questions what's right for the country, even if it doesn't help or hurt your career. >> for much more of john's wide ranging interview, tune into john king u.s.a. tonight, 7:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn. meanwhile, there's another battle being fought on the campaign trail. this one not being waged by the republican presidential front-runners, but this one, their wives. here's joe johns. >> in iowa, anita perry quickly made it clear she wasn't kidding around about her husband's run for president or his main rival for the nomination, suggesting mitt romney was perhaps a little too slick because he's run for president before. >> some candidates may be a little bit more polished in their presentation, but no candidate is more principled than rick perry. he has a right record to lead this country. >> as if to put a finer point on it, anita perry's guy is in her view, the real deal, suggesting the other guy is not. >> it's great to be back to people who are authentic and genuine like you are because he is. >> we asked a political consultant what she thinks of her bold approach. >> i didn't think it was out of line. it was squarely right in the middle. equally effective was her discussion about his debate performance. not only did i think it was appropriate, i thought it was well executed. >> mitt romney's wife said she doesn't go after candidates, but is known for -- >> mitt mentioned we met when i was just 16 and it was that summer he said to me, this is a great pick-up line for any of you young enough out there. he said, my father's governor of michigan, i knew that. how about, would you like to go up to mackinaw and stay in the governor's mansion with my family. >> mary madeleine says there is no right answer to which approach to a campaign is the right one. >> every wife, every spouse, be clear, this is not a agenda r r issue. has to behave in a way that feels authentic and sustainable to them. >> while it's fun to compare wo wives on the campaign trial, madeleine makes the point that momentum michelle obama's style of campaigning makes any of the spouses look tame. >> we're also keeping a close watch on the trial of michael jackson's doctor. stand by for the latest testimony and sanjay gupta will tell us what he has learned from talking to conrad murray's defense team. and america's military top rafts. they're refusing to back down after making a controversial link between pakistan's spy agency and a terrorist group. nc. a flurry of powder there. what if there was a makeup that didn't just hide your breakouts... but actually made them go away. neutrogena skin clearing makeup. it has our proven blemish fighting formula blended with silky gorgeous makeup. so it gives you a beautiful flawless look while undercover it works to clear breakouts. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and 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his death. we heard from michael williams. this is michael jackson's personal assistant. he was on the stand most of the day today and prosecutors questions d him and what happened when he first got the call. he wasn't at the house, but they detailed everything that happened and two things that prosecutors harped on, which they wanted to get out of this witness, the first was when dr. murray called from the house to him, it was during this state of panic and prosecutors asked did they ever tell you the call 911. the answer was no. he left a message on williams' voice mail. same question. did he say call 911. the answer was no. one other thing that they got out of williams, murray's behavior at the hospital. after jackson had died, williams said he walked up to him in a hallway and asked for a strange request to get back to the house. >> we were making small talk about how horrible this is and both of us, tearing, he asked, he said that there's some cream in michael's room or house, room, that he wouldn't want the world to know about and he requested that i or someone give him a ride back to the house to get it so the world wouldn't know about the cream. >> to get the cream so the world wouldn't know about it? >> yes, sir. >> clearly, what they were trying to insinuate to the jury that murray wanted to get back to the house to clean up the propofol. in the cross-examination, murray's lawyers tried to point out it took him a month to come up with this story. they're going through a series of other witnesses, but this is just day two of a very long trial that's family was here today. still people outside the courthouse as well. joe jackson just left for the day. a few minutes ago, saying quote, justice for michael and that's all he said. clearly, we're still in the very early stages. >> you say a long trial. three, four weeks? is that what they're predicting, ted? >> yeah, the judge told jurors to clear their scheduled through october 28th at minimum, so another month to go here at minim minimum. >> thanks very much. let's dig deeper with our chief medical correspondent, dr. gupta. get a chance to speak with some of the defense attorneys. what's their basic message? >> the sources from the defense team i talked to, they sort of paint this elaborate picture of what they're going -- you're going to hear more about this, but they say the day of michael jackson's death, they say conrad murray was there. they say he didn't give propofol then waited about ten minutes, at least ten minutes, before he walked out of the room. what they say happened next is you know, i think pretty remarkable. they say michael jackson was essentially fainting sleep. playing possum was their exact language they used with me, then after the dock r tor left the room, michael jackson was awake, he got up, actually took lora p lorazepam, took eight of these tablets, and took more propofol, which was sitting in the room. it's obviously very difficult to prove, nobody else was in the room, but i think that's what you're going to hear about from the defense as to how they reconcile the events. >> are they saying he drank the propofol or injected himself with the propofol? >> it's interesting because some of the opening statements i was listening closely for that and they did talk about this idea of ingesting the propofol, but this has gone back and forth a lot. one of the things brought up was some propofol can back lead into the stomach. the question was was that accuseded for propofol being in the stomach or was it someone ingesting it? my sources again, they're talking about the fact they think he actually injected it into what's called a port. like an indwelling iv. at least that's what they're going the say. >> they also suggesting when it comes to demerol, that he was having several procedures a day for these medicines? >> what they said was even up until two days before michael jackson's death, he was having three to four procedures a week on his face, specifically. and the relevance of that is for these procedures, they say he was getting demerol, which was a narcotic that he had used in the past. two important factors. one, these procedures, botox. people don't typically get demerol. the second thing you're going to hear from the defense, what they're telling me, they're going to make the case that demerol, as it breaks down in the body, it acts as stimulants in the body and that's part of the reason he couldn't sleep. that brings us back to these medications, including the propofol. >> these sources, what are they suggesting the cause of death? how did it happen? >> i think the cause in terms of actually having too much of these medications in his system, they don't seem to be disputing that. they said to me we know that dr. murray, they were mistakes made here. i think they're alluding to the idea of giving propofol at all outside a hospital type structure. difference, where they're trying to distinguish the prosecution, they're saying that michael jackson did this to himself. he was able to wake up, get up, able to grab this bottle of pills, take eight of them, also give himself more propofol and that's what they say, defense sources telling me, they say that's what led to his death. >> sanjay gupta covering the trial for us. we'll stay in close contact with you. thank you. a federal judge brolocking y parts of alabama. we have new details coming in. and amazon unveils its new kindle fire tablet. why it might give the apple ipad a run for its money. nationwide insurance, what's up ? what's vanishing deductible all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? the next year... that was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side the healthcare law gives us powerful tools to fight it... to investigate it... ...prosecute it... and stop criminals. our senior medicare patrol volunteers... are teaching seniors across the country... stop, spot, and report fraud. you can help. guard your medicare card. don't give out your card number over the phone. call to report any suspected fraud. we're cracking down on medicare fraud. let's make medicare stronger for all of us. a federal judge locking provisions in a alabama law. lisa sylvester is monitoring that. >> the ruling is a partial win for the justice department which arguing parts of the bill intrude on its power in all immigration patterses. the court upheld a law of people they suspect are in the country illegally, but larger pieces of the legislation can't be considered. the case could go to the supreme court. and you are looking at right now, dramatic new pictures of engineers inspecting the washington monument for cracks. you see a couple of them on ropes as they are repelling down the washington monument. the landmark sustained damage after last month's rare earthquake. the monument has been closed indefinitely ever since. 555 feet up there. well, the ipad has new competition on its hands. amazon has just unveiled a kindle fire priced at less than half of the $499 starting price of an ipad. amazon hopes the kindle fire will undercut the popularity of the apple's tablet. it will begin shipping the device in november. and kenya's president is designating tomorrow and friday as national days of mourning and will hold a state funeral for africa's first female noble lar. she was awarded the peace prize in 2004 for her efforts to promote sustainable development and democracy in the region. she died on monday at the age of 71 after a battle of cancer. did a lot of good there, too. >> she certainly did. a legal fight is underway over whether to release graphic photos of osama bin laden after his death. does the obama administration have good reason to keep those under wraps? and coming up in our strategy session, why some republicans keep asking and hoping that chris christie will run for president. the impact on the republican candidates who actually are already in the race. at liberty mutual, we know how much you count on your car and how much the people in your life count on you. that's why we offer accident forgiveness, man: good job. where your price won't increase due to your first accident. we also offer a hassle-free lifetime repair guarantee, where the repairs made on your car are guaranteed for life or they're on us. these are just two of the valuable features you can expect from liberty mutual. plus, when you insure both your home and car with us, it could save you time and money. at liberty mutual, we help you move on with your life. so get the insurance responsible drivers like you deserve. looks really good. call us at... or visit your local liberty mutual office, where an agent can help you find the policy that's right for you. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? dozens of top secret pictures of osama bin laden taken during and after that raid, but the obama administration is determined to keep those under wraps, saying their release could pose significant dangers. that's the subject of a huge legal battle. lisa sylvester is monitoring the story. >> president obama has said the photos should not be released, and that they will create national security lists. but a conservative watchdog group, given how monumental osama bin laden and the war on terror have been that the public has a right to see these pictures. there are a total of 52 photographs, to his bure yal at sea. the conservative group judicial watch has sued the federal government, seeking the lease of the pictures, which are now classified top secret, but the justice department has asked a judge to dismiss the lawsuit, arguing that making the images public could result in grave damage to the national security. white house spokesman jay carney says the white house believes in openness and transparency, but there are limits. >> i think a very sensible decision has been made that the release of those photos would unnecessarily increase the danger that our troops face overseas. >> chris farrell is with judicial watch. he is also a former army counterintelligence officer. he feels strongly the bin laden photos should be released. >> it also sends a message to those that would try to harm us that we will pursue you across the ends of the earth and over years. and then it's history. >> the photos have been described as graphic including several of bin laden's fatal head wound, tom fuentes says the administration's concerns are valid. that al-qaeda could use the photos as a recruiting and propaganda tool. >> it could serve as further inspiration, you would see those images forever on television and it could lead to more recruitment of al-qaeda members. >> he says the american public already knows many details from the night in may when bin laden was killed and releasing the images and videos could compromise sources and methods. several news orgs have filed freedom of information act requests seeking access to the pictures and judicial watch has until october 24th to file its response to the government's motion to dismiss the case and we expect a ruling sometime within the next two months. >> thanks very much. we're getting new information about an american man arrested in a plot to attack the pentagon and capitol. and can the current republican presidential candidates make all the talk about chris christie simply go away? stand by. our strategy session is coming up. hi, i'm scarlett johannsen. you, too, can impact east africa. how are you? was first struck by the mass of it. largest refugee camp in the world. people are just surviving. basically, i was there as an ambassador and to hopefully highlight not only the crisis, but also to highlight all of the work that oxfam is doing and what they're providing for people. it doesn't need to be this way. there is enough food in the world to feed everyone. join the movement. impact your world. go to an airline's job, is to take you from where you are... to where you need to be. and we're not just talking about points on a map. with a more intuitive delta website and mobile app... and the most wifi equipped planes. we let you be everywhere at once. innovations like these are extending our reach so you can extend yours. and now, even at 30,000 feet you can still touch the ground. whether it can be done safely and responsibly. at exxonmobil we know the answer is yes. when we design any well, the groundwater's protected by multiple layers of steel and cement. most wells are over a mile and a half deep so there's a tremendous amount of protective rock between the fracking operation and the groundwater. natural gas is critical to our future. at exxonmobil we recognize the challenges and how important it is to do this right. lot of republicans aren't very happy with the current republican presidential field. some are -- chris christie must jump into the race. listen to this little change last night. >> do it for my daughter, our grandchildren. our sons. please, sir, we need you, our country needs you to run for president. >> that's extraordinarily flattering, but by the same token, that heartfelt message you gave me is also not a reason for me to do it. that reason has to reside inside me. and so, that's what i've said all along. is i know without ever having met president reagan that he must have felt deeply in his heart that he was called to that moment to lead our country. and so, my answer to you is just this. i thank you for what you're saying and i take it in and i'm listening to every word of it and feeling it, too. and please don't ever think for a second that i feel like i'm important enough in this world that somehow what you're saying is a problem for me. it's a great, great honor. i'm flattered and i really appreciate you being able to stand up and say it with the passion you did. >> joining us is cnn political advicer roland martin and david frohm. you just wrote a piece, i just read it, david, suggesting that there already is a chris christie in this race and his name is mitt romney. >> chris christie is a good governor. if he wanted to run, he would make a good president. the fact is, the guy who is the real alternative to rick perry battling it out for that top space, he also was a good govern not and would be a good president and republicans should be more satisfied with the field that they've got. >> with mitt romney? >> with mitt romney. >> you'd be satisfied with mitt romney as a presidential candidate? >> i think he brings a lot of brains and minimum vulnerability to what president obama is going to do. things are not better. he is going to become after the republican nominee on medicare and social security, unemployment insurance, if you're someone opposed to those things, you're going to be vulnerable. >> when chris christie says, i'm not ready to be president of the united states, why can't they just say, okay, we'll do it another time? >> they are sort of like a stalker. you've told them, look, go away. and they keep coming after you. it makes no sense to me. i've never seen this much begging since there was a song back in the day. again, it is unbelievable where they are constantly saying, who's next? let's get perry. who is the next person? at some point you have to recognize the field is the field. and for my whole deal, shut up. until somebody says i'm getting in, let's stop talking about them because the whole back and forth makes no sense to me. will he do it. it's crazy. >> look, the core at what is driving this is mitt romney, the front-runner through most of the past two years, the republicans have persuaded themselves that his record on health care is a huge problem and it's not. it's a future. it's not a bug. he's going to be able to talk about this and he's going to be able to repair the things that are wrong with the affordable care act without frightening americans and this is a guy that does not believe in universal coverage. he's going to make medicaid less gruesome to the candidates. >> another candidate had strong words. i want to play this little clip from my interview that we ran at the top of the hour and i want you to react. >> sure. >> many african-americans have been brainwashed into not being open-minded, not even considering a conservative point of view. i have received some of that same vitreal simply because i am running for the republican nomination as conservative. it's just brainwashing and people not being open-minded. pure and simple. >> he said a lot of african-americans have been brain-washed thinking that they have to vote for the democratic party, not for the republican party. >> that is one of the most ignorant statements that you've ever heard in your life. part of the problem is that herman cain cannot realize that there was a southern strategy that totally turned off african-american voters to the gop. you look at the republican party, moderates who helped get those bills passed from the democratic party nationally began to embrace the southern rights and to the gop. that's part of the deal. here's the other deal, wolf. i host the only one-hour sunday morning show, targeting african-americans on tv one cable network. in two years we have had an open invitation with any republican in the house or the senate to come on our show and talk about any issue they want to. open invitation, from the speaker down to the lowest member. two members have come on in two years. tom price from georgia, allen west from florida. michael steele told the guys, you can talk to black folks on the show. sent an e-mail to every press secretary in the house, great show, open conversation, david has been on my show, we've had great conversations. they refuse to do so. they can't even talk to black folks even in a television studio. that's why african-americans don't talk to them. >> why don't -- sometimes they get frightened. they worry they will meet a negative response. that's news to me. you should go everywhere. that's the point of politics. you go everywhere. if people don't all like it, they are not going to like you. you never need 100% of the vote. you need 51. >> talk to black folks and have a conversation. economics education, don't think it's always going to be a conversation about a social program. have a dialogue. here's the deal -- >> great snacks in the green room. >> i'm shooting my show next week in atlanta. herman cain, you want to come talk, we'll have a conversation. >> let's see if anybody does. >> see if they have the best to do so. >> thank you. jack cafferty says that the government may be more divided than our government ever has been. he wants the answer. stand by. an american man has been arrested for allegedly plotting to attack the pentagon and the capitol. was it a serious threat? let's find out. the nascar nat, i know pleasing fans is a top priority, 'cause without the fans, there'd be no nascar. just like if it weren't for customers, there'd be no nationwide. that's why they serve their customers' needs, not shareholder profits. because as a mutual, nationwide doesn't report to wall street, they report to their customers. and that's just one more reason why the earnhardt family has trusted nationwide for more than 30 years. nationwide is on your side. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. jack's back with the cafferty file. jack? >> our government is more widely divided than it has ever been. what's the answer? how do we fix it? kim in kansas writes, read your history books and you'll find your answer. democracies, dictatorships, kingdoms, dine necessary stees have all fallen due to the shortcomings of mankind as a species. if you can eliminate sex and fun from government, there would still only be the slightest chance that people in power would do the right thing. in short, our government is the reflection that we see in the mirror. carol writes, take away all of their perks and put them in a locked building until they can understand what is best for the american people. marja writes, you should have parties like we do in europe. those kinds of situations can be avoided and the ability for compromises are much greater than what you have. it's difficult to understand why the presidential candidates must have millions of dollars for their campaigns. one guest to the white house, he doesn't have any power at all because the congress can sabotage all of the propositions of law. if i've understood it right. marja, i think you've got it. rick writes, intelligent voters. most voters are heavily influenced by the commentary of the liberal media. they don't make any effort to exam what is published for accuracy or authenticity. they are too lazy to be voters. jane writes, i'm beginning to think we need to officially split into two countries. let the republicans and other right wingers enjoy their government, no education, no paid rolls paradise and allow us to live our lives in peace with the knowledge that our kids will be educated, sick he had continueded to and elderly taken care of. i imagine it won't take long before we build a fence and keep the republicans out. cheryl writes, when my friends's kids used to fight, she used to make them tickle each other and laugh. go to my blog, offic caffertyfile. wolf. happening now, new terror threats happening at home and an alleged plot to fly explosive-packed model plain into the u.s. capital and an urgent warning to americans about possible abductions in a middle eastern country. stand by. the manhunt lasted four decades and covered at least dlee continents. the fbi finally tracks down an escape killer, hijacker, and would-be revolutionary. the public's trusted government drops to an all-time low. the shocking poll shows how americans feel about washington. it's not good. we go in depth of our broken government. breaking news, political headlines and jeanne moos all straight ahead. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we begin with what authorities say was a foiled plot nipped in the bud with remote controlled model aircraft. it sounds extraordinary but prosecutors say the suspect they charged today in massachusetts was deadly serious brian todd has bernanke diggien digging in for us. >> first, the meat of the story, federal authorities have arrested a 27-year-old man from ashland, massachusetts. he started this plot last year by buying cell phones, modifying them to act as electrical switches for ieds and then giving them to people he believe were members of al qaeda. he hoped they would be used to kill u.s. soldiers overseas, according to that document, but the people he was giving this equipment to were really undercover agents from the fbi. he then expanded his plot to use these devices. model planes. he planned to use them like drones, operated by remote control, filled with explosives, guided by gps. he actually select two models. this one. the f-14 phantom shown here in a picture provided and the f-86 saber. now, the targets, the u.s. capitol and the pentagon down here. federal officials say that he traveled to washington this spring, took photographs of the pentagon and capitol and took pictures of a place called east potomac park, south of the mall here in washington. this is where, according to the affidavit, he planned to launch the model planes filled with explosives. he also planned a ground attack, planned to bring other people into the operation. people armed with automatic weapons who then fire on people as they try to evacuate these buildings. we have to stress one very important point, wolf. u.s. law enforcement official that cnn spoke with said that there was no danger to the public. since undercover operatives were involved. very early on. this official says that there is no information that his intent was very clear. according to the fbi, a cooperating witness once asked him why he wanted to blow up the pentagon. the document says he quote, that's the target to eliminate and terrify all enemies of allah. we have not heard back from the women that we e-mailed. >> the undercover agents that were working with him to the end, they were confident that they could prevent any real damage? >> that's right. federal officials say just today the operatives, the undercover operatives gave ferdas materials that were supposed fob for the c-4. only a small amount was the real thing. they gave him ak-47s and grenades but they were not functional. during this undercover operation, he was given the chance to back down from his plans but he never waivered. >> u.s. officials have been saying, lately that the lone wolf is a real, real threat potentially out there. apparently he hasn't been connected directly to any international terror organizations. meanwhile, a new warning out to americans in saudi arabia right now. the u.s. embassy says a terrorist group may be planning to abduct westerners and they call the information specific and credible. let's bring in our national security contributor, fran townsend. she served as homeland security advisory board. let's start with this travel warning in saudi arabia. how serious is this? >> this is very serious. this is not the first time al qaeda has actually done something like this insaudi arabia. when i was in the white house, paul johnson was abducted, beheaded, the beheading was videotaped and released on the internet, much to the horror, as you might imagine, to the family. and the homeland security committee discussed it and that's the intelligence and law enforcement would have evaluated and clearly given the history of al qaeda in the kingdom, they decided they needed to issue a warning and the warning is actually quite specific and helpful, tells people the kinds of activities they should be weary of and the steps that they can take to protect themselves. >> what kind of specifics are there for the warning? >> there is intelligence officials in the country so it's either coming from the cia and their colleagues at the national security agency or i think, in my judgment, more likely from the saudi security service, whom is a very close counterterrorism partner with the american authorities and likely this sort of information would have been passed from the saudi service to the americans who, based on where they got it from and what they knew about the sourcing, would have made the judgment. >> what do you think about this other plot that brian todd was just reporting on, apparently a lone wolf, you want to suggest that it was a lone wolf, had agenda in terms of the ultimate objective but no direct connections with any international terror organizations plotting to blow up the pentagon and u.s. capitol with the model planes. >> what i first thought was your first interview with president obama about his concern about the lone wolfs. one individual could actually cause a devastating attack. the government has been very clear with us that this individual was only dealing with government operatives or agents so there was no real threat but it demonstrates the kind of impact that a single individual with a plan and a capability could have on the united states. >> all of us remember when there was that alert going into the tenth anniversary of 9/11. there was concern that some al qaeda-related group, affiliate or whatever, sympathizer might try to do something in connection with that anniversary revenge for the killing of bin laden. nothing happened, thank god, on that day. but has that threat gone away. and when you talk to federal officials, they say, we still feel like that information was specific and credible and we're going to continue to work to try and confirm it or dismiss it. they tell me there were two sources, both an american intelligent source as well as a signals intelligent source. that's why they took it so seriously. they are still working, based on my conversations, wolf, to try and see if they can't either get additional information or dismiss it entirely. >> we know these terrorists are very, very patient and will look for opportunities. there's no doubt about that. all right. thanks very much for that. >> thanks, wolf. america's top military officers taking heat for linking pakistan spy agency, the isi, to a terror group, which targets americans but admiral mike mullen is sticking to his guns. let's go to barbara starr. what's the latest, barbara? >> i spoke to an official who is not backing down from anything that he has said he is about to retire and maybe it's easier to say what he really thinks. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff in an interview with cnn's fareed zakaria would not back away from his contention that the isi is directly supporting a violent terrorist network. >> there are elements i think of the isi, very active with economy. >> admiral michael mullen, the president's senior policy advisor, publicly accused them as the close ally. >> the pakistan's internal services intelligence agency. >> reporter: several officials anonymously say that mullen went to far. he recognizes ties to the akani. >> is it an arm of the isi? yes or no? >> it's not language wang that i would use. >> pakistan whose been furious for days about mullen's accusations but they say an attack injured more than 70 u.s. troops. >> with isi support, akani operatives planned and conducted that attack as well as the assault on our embassy. we also have credible intelligence that they were behind the june 28th attack on the intercontinental attack in kabul. >> reporter: mullen seems to be under fire about his frankness about a close political ally that the u.s. still needs. >> we are quite candid about the fact that it's a concern. but also put it within the context of our broader interests. >> now, many wonder if the critics would have been there if it wasn't for the fact that mullen is about to retire from office on friday. but on the other hand, would mullen have been so canndid if e wasn't about to retire. >> later in this hour, i'll speak with afghanistan's foreign minister, and we'll discuss whether they believe that the president is planning to kill americans and afghan knees in this war that is ongoing. stand by for that interview, barbara. i think you'll be interested. thank you. it took four decades but the fbi finally catches up with a killer that escaped from a hijacked airliner. testimony in the michael jackson death trial. we'll hear about the behavior of the defendant, dr. conrad murray, on the day that the pop star died. [ woman ] my grocery bill isn't wasteful spending. [ woman ] my heart medication isn't some political game. [ man ] our retirement isn't a simple budget line item. [ man ] i worked hard. i paid into my medicare. [ man ] and i earned my social security. [ woman ] now, instead of cutting waste and loopholes, washington wants to cut our benefits? that wasn't the agreement. [ male announcer ] join the members of aarp and tell washington to stop cuts to our medicare and social security benefits. lets get right to jack cafferty. >> a note to the united states from germany. mind your own business. can't really blame them either. president obama, the owner of a $ $14 trillion national debt scolded european leaders for letting the greek crisis get out of hand. they say it's scaring the world. germany's finance minister pushed back saying it's always much easier to give advice to others than to decide for yourself. i'm well prepared to give advice to the u.s. government. ouch. but he's got a point, doesn't he? the united states hardly presents a picture of fiscal soundness. we're facing unsustainable national deficits and a debt that will probably never be paid and so far no one has been serious about doing anything meaningful about either one. there's the $747 billion jobs program and it's going nowhere fast. senate majority leader harry reid, a fellow democrat, says the senate won't even take it up. reid says we'll get to that. meanwhile, secretary geithner traveled around europe meeting with their leaders telling them how to conduct their affairs. it's no wonder he was given the cold soldier. what happens in europe greatly affects us here in the u.s. but there's that old saying. let he who is without sin cast the first stone. here's the question. does the u.s. have any business telling europe how to fix its financial troubles? here's a hint. no. go to and post a comment on my blog or go to our post in "the situation room" facebook page. our reputation is well earned sometimes, wolf. >> sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. jack, thank you. a new united nation's report says violence in afghanistan has jumped in the past year with monthly security incidents up 39%. nato's force in afghanistan is disputing that but with the united states pouring assets into the conflict, it raises a serious question, whether the cost in lives and money for the united states is sustainable. minister, thank you very much for coming in. >> my pleasure. >> as you know, the united states taxpayers are spending $2 billion every week in afghanistan to maintain the military presence and the economic aid in afghanistan. tell our viewers why you think that is worth the money for american taxpayers. >> first of all, because of the help, the sacrifice of the united states has made tremendous progress. afghanistan today is a democratic country and for the first time in our history, we have the women rights and human rights and everything, freedom of the press, democracy. but also millions of children are going to schools, 7 million, never in our history. 45 to 50% of them are girls. the roads paved, never had our history have we done it. 60% health care of afghanistan. at the same time, i think we have defeated al qaeda and taliban militarily and i think we have protected our sacrifice, not only afghanistan but the security of the united states. >> it looks like the security administration, at least to those of us on the outside, is getting worse in afghanistan, not better, with all of the blatant, brutal attacks that we've seen unfold at kabul and some of the hotels there. it looks like the situation is getting worse, not better. >> if you look military thinking, military taliban has been defeated. now we are having access to spectacular act of swiss side bombing after the attacks. these attacks are planned outside of afghanistan and are not in afghanistan and we are working to that so i think it's a sign of despair but overall security is better and military has been defeated and they are now appealing to the spectacular attacks. >> how much longer do you think that u.s. troops are needed, when will afghan and military personnel after ten years of this u.s.-led operation, when will your forces be able to get the job done by themselves? >> that has been decided, wolf. by the end of 2014, the transition will be completed. the afghan national security forces will be in charge of security in afghanistan. the first transition has been completed and we are working hard to complete it by the end of 2014. of course, in order to achieve that, we need to continue with the help of the united states and training and we hope by the end of 2014, afghanistan will be will in in charge of security for afghanistan. >> what if the u.s. simply was involved in helping to train your forces but the bulk of those 100,000 troops left tomorrow. what would happen in afghanistan? >> i think the plan is not about will leave tomorrow. the plan, decided in one conference, by the end of 2014, gradually the force will be reduced. at the same time, the number of afghan security will be in training and equipment. >> let me interrupt for a second. i understand that. but i'm asking a hypothetical question. what if there were a change in the u.s. policy and all u.s. troops, for practical purposes, were to immediately leave afghanistan? what would happen? >> that's going to create a very dangerous situation. because the afghan national security forces, despite all of the problems that have been made, is not yet fully kwipted and trained to take full responsibility and i think that that will be a very difficult situation. >> do you believe that pakistan is assisting the pakistani and afghan military services to troops in afghanistan? >> there are no doubts that are there are forces from outside of our border attacking afghans and u.s. and nato forces. these sanctuaries are not in afghanistan. so we need to work hard on not allowing them to do that. >> is pakistan helping the hakani network kill americans and americans? >> i know that they are based in afghanistan and we want pakistan to be more efficient on stopping them to do that. >> do you believe that elements in the isi are directly coordinating these attacks with the haqqani network? >> i think what is important for us, haqqani network is not inside of afghanistan, is outside of our border. we need the full cooperation of pakistan to stop them to do these attacks. >> foreign minister, appreciate your time. thank you so much. good luck to you and to all of the people of afghanistan. >> thank you very much, wolf. the manhunt covered four decades but the fbi finally tracks down an escaped killer and hijacker and would-be revolutionary. also happening right now, safety inspectors are moving down the side of the washington monument checking it out for cracks. we have more on that coming up. , we are the tomorrow makers. we're making tomorrows like clockwork. ♪ for all the different things our customers planned for. like a college education. or, the perfect wedding. ♪ ♪ i love ya, tomorrow! 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[ female announcer ] the travelocity guarantee. if your booking's not right, we'll help make it right, right away. from the price to the room to the trip you'll never roam alone. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ that's why right here, in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ jurors in the dr. conrad murray trial are hearing about the chaotic events that went on. murray made a series of frantic phone calls after jackson stopped breathing. >> it was, call me right away. call me right away. thank you. something to that effect. >> okay. and were you asked to call 911? >> no, sir. >> okay. did you, upon hearing that message, call dr. murray? >> yes, sir. >> okay. and were you able to make contact with him? >> yes, sir. >> did he ask you to call 911? >> no, sir. >> what did he say? >> he said, where are you? and i said, i'm downtown. and he said, get here right away. mr. jackson had a bad reaction. get her right away. >> following your learning that michael jackson had been pronounced dead, do you recall an incident where dr. murray approached you and made a request that you found odd? >> yes, sir. >> where did -- first of all, do you recall where that took place? >> it was -- it was some time after. it was too long but it was after the family was already there. the children were with them. >> and where were you? >> i was in the hallway. i'm not sure which one. >> and what, if anything, was the request of conrad murray to you? >> well, we were making small talk about how horrible this is and he asked -- he said there was some cream in michael's room -- or house. i believe room. that he wouldn't want the world to know about and he requested that i give him a ride back there so the world wouldn't know about the cream. >> he says that he didn't give dr. murray a ride back to the house. murray is charged with giving jackson a fatal dose of a surgical anesthetic. now to an extraordinary crime case that could have come out of a time machine. 41 years ago when president nixon was in charge of the united states, a man escaped from a new jersey prison reportedly by stealing the warden's car. he went underground with a black revolutionary group. he dressed as a priest and militant and hijacked an airliner. that's when hijackings happened once a week. there was a ransom drama in which fbi agents delivered $1 million dressed in baiting suits to show that they were unarmed. he flu off to algeria at the time and disappeared. now after decades of dead ends, the fbi has found the 68-year-old george wright living in a portuguese resort. dan rivers is there. dan, what do we know about this man's life in portugal? >> well, he has lived, wolf, a very modest and quiet life, by all accounts. this is his house right behind me. it's sort of a cute little cottage here in the little village of a tiny little place, a few hundred people. and he was really just kept himself to himself for a house painter. he tried a few small businesses, a corner store and barbecue business. but really living a very modest life and modest means. people here had absolutely no idea, the extraordinarily life story behind him, convicted of a murder and an armed robbery. he escaped from prison, hijacked a plane with $1 million ransom, escaped to algeria and then clearly he surfaced here about some 20 years ago. this has been for the last 20 years. >> translator: my jaw dropped opened. i still can't believe what has happened. they were very nice people. very nice people. i'm shocked. i really can't understand this. >> translator: i can't believe it. i can't believe it. i'm very shocked. >> the news to us was shocking. it was a huge surprise. when i heard this in the morning, i was completely shocked at the news that i was hearing. the news that i was hearing, that would surprise anyone. we weren't expecting it. >> reporter: george wright married a portuguese lady, which he he explains how he ended up here. they have a daughter and a son. everyone here can't believe it, wolf. they are totally amazed by this incredible, long running drama, a man on the run for 41 years. >> dan, what happens to george wright now? >> reporter: well, they are going to try and extradite him. the fbi. there is an extradition treaty dating back to 1908. it could be complicated by the fact that he is married to a portuguese national. we're unclear at the moment whether he himself gained portuguese national nalt in a portuguese passport. he was undergoing an alias but it may be slightly more complicated than simply extraditing an american wanted for murder and hijacking if that is the case that he is now a naturalized portuguese citizen. >> we'll stay on top of this story with you, dan. thanks very much. a deadly listeria outbreak contaminated cantaloupes. and the washington monument, right here in the nation's capital, what has prompted this unprecedented event. [ boy ] hey, i thought these were electric? uh, it is, yeah, it's a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? well it still takes gas to go farther. but you're not getting gas. true. not this time. uh, don't have to gas up very often. so you have to go to the bathroom? no. yes you do. thought these were electric? yes, it's a uh, a chevy volt. so what are you doing at a gas station? . a deadly listeria outbreak is occurring in the united states. cease sa sylvester is here to ex plampb what is going on. >> 13 people have died from eating cantaloupe tainted with listeria. the outbreak, which has spread to 18 states, has been traced to cantaloupes from jensen farms in colorado. seven people have been arrested in an alleged s.a.t. cheating scam. authorities say emery university student, samuel, took s.a.t. exams for six students at a high school in long island, new york. he allegedly charged the students between 1500 and $2500. he's facing felony fraud charges and could get four years in prison if convicted. the students who allegedly hired him, they are facing misdemeanor charges. a federal law enforcement veteran is pleading not guilty to child porn charges. anthony magniolone made his first appearance in court. he is accused of transporting and receiving depictions of minors engaging in sexual conduct. and sources tell us that saudi king abdullah has revoked lashing for a woman driving a car drunk and the king's decision to revoke the lashings comes three days after giving women the right to vote and run for elected office in 201515. and now an extremely high level inspection of the washington monument. today, as they crawled out of the landmark building's 500-foot windows and then climbed to the very top of the pyramid and rappelled down the building, they are inspecting after the earthquake. it looks pretty scary. keep in mind, they are up 500 feet in the air. >> would you do that? i don't know how much money these guys get paid, but it's pretty courageous work to be out there. i admire these people that can do it. >> well, if you notice, they are not rappelling down. it's not like you start at the top and work your way down. they might be out there for hours. so hats off to them. >> got to do it. >> yes. >> remember, a programming note, beginning this monday, "the situation room" moves up one hour. please be sure to join us from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. eastern on weekdays. john king follows at 6:00, and the erin burnett outfront sars at 7:00 p.m. for international viewers, guess what, "the situation room" will air at the same time that it's airing right now. so all of our international viewers, no change coming up. for domestic viewers, there will be a one-hour change, one hour earlier. the american's trust in the u.s. government hits a lowwater mark. gloria borger is standing by on the new poll for america's broken government. we're america's natural gas and here's what we did today: supported nearly 3 million steady jobs across our country... ... scientists, technicians, engineers, machinists... ... adding nearly 400 billion dollars to our economy... we're at work providing power to almost a quarter of our homes and businesses... ... and giving us cleaner rides to work and school... and tomorrow, we could do even more. cleaner, domestic, abundant and creating jobs now. we're america's natural gas. the smarter power, today. learn more at what's vanishing deductible all about ? guys, it's demonstration time. let's blow carl's mind. okay, let's say i'm your insurance deductible. every year you don't have an accident, $100 vanishes. the next year, another $100. where am i going, carl ? the next year... that was weird. but awesome ! ♪ nationwide is on your side the american's public's trust in america's government has dropped to a shocking low. our poll shows that too clearly. always or most of the time, only 15% of the nern public says yes. that's only 15%. 85% say they rarely or never trust the government. let's discuss with our senior political analyst, david gergen and gloria borger. gloria, where does presidential leadership fit into all of this? >> i think it's a very important part of it. and in the case of barack obama, even he would admit that he didn't really lay the groundwork for the big programs that he was proposing to the american public. he saw himself as a transformational president. and he proposed big things, including health care reform. but he was asking the public to buy big government. when they didn't trust the government, when they thought the government was bloated and it was out of control. and the way he passed health care reform was in a very partisan manner and they don't like that either. so in terms of this whole trust in government number, i don't think this president helped a lot. in fact, i think he hurt. >> the american people put all of these politician politicians in place and voted for him so there must be a disconnect here. >> i think it's important to see that there is a trust in government and fdr during world war ii, it continued to rise among the 1960s. in the mid-'60s, a majority of americans trusted government with their lives. helped to win the war, for example, helped to bring prosperity. but the vietnam war and watergate broke that trust. it started in a slide and has been going down since the mid-'60s and early '70s and almost no president has been able to fix it. even president reagan as did bill clinton, it was -- it didn't last long. >> you know, david, what was interesting is after 911, the polls showed kind of a blip up for trust in government, although obviously it was much lower than the eisenhower days because people saw the first responders go in and try and rescue people and realized, wait a minute, those people are government and so there was a blip up. >> that's true. there have been spikes. >> right. >> but generally they have not lasted very long. >> you're right. >> and what -- you know, it's not only vietnam. for a lot of middle class americans, you know, their incomes have been stagnant since the 1970s. and they feel government is not just working very well for them. >> but, you know, if you look ahead at the economy, if it improves, gloria, there's no indication that it's about to improve, presumably the confidence in the level of the government of the american people will go up as well. >> well, if people are feeling good about their lives and good about the role of government in their lives, they are going to feel better about government but the entire political dialogue in this country right now, when you think about it, is about whether we can trust government to do what is good for our lives and if you talk to republicans, republicans say, government needs to be small and needs to get out of our lives and democrats say, no, no, no, government needs to be there. social security, medicare, for example, because it needs to help make your life better. and that's the essential argument we're having. >> hold on a second, david, because i want to make a dramatic turn to a totally unrelated subject, the article that you wrote in parade magazine to george clooney. your visit to his home. shall we say, sketchy things that you wrote about, that was going on, drinking and jumping into the water, clooney spoke about it on the red carpet. listen to what he said. >> so then i said to david gergen, walter crown nik jumped into the water and then i got charlie rose to do it as well. i'm getting all of these world-class journalists drunk and dumping them in the lake. >> you got hammered. and did you really jump into the lake naked? >> no. no. no. let me tell you something, i had the privilege of spending a week with george clooney to talk with him about his new film coming out in march. he was a very gracious host and i had a terrific time with him. we did have a dinner the night before i left. it went on into the night. i got pretty hammered because it was a long, long dinner and then out of know where, he's very serious man but a very playful side, as you know. he got up, jumped up, and went over this fence, a gorgeous lake that he has a place right next to it. he climbed the fence, had his clothes on and just jumped out of nowhere and then challenged the rest of to us jump in. well, the other guys, they jumped. i had to take a plane the next day. i stripped down to my boxers but i climbed the fence and dam mit, i jumped. i thought i might die going down there because it was pretty dark but we had a lot of fun and i must say, he's a classy guy. i appreciate the way he treated everyone. he was very kind to me. >> i've been there. never to his place but i did see it from a distance in a boat. you got inside. thanks very much. good work for that. getting back to the original broken government, both gloria and david have excellent articles. i encourage our viewers to check them out. guys, thanks very much. the new jersey governor, chris christie, is a big topic on late-night tv. you'll find out why. and does the u.s. have anyplace telling europe how to fix their financial troubles. a lot more here in "the situation room." back to jack for the cafferty file. jack? >> question this hour, wolf, does the united states have any business telling europe how to fix its financial problems? paul in dayton, ohio, writes, you know the saying about people who live in gloass houses not throwing stones. perhaps it applies here. perhaps we can avoid generating more foreign enemies by addressing our own shortcomings and keeping our nose out of others' business. the only place where government has mismanaged its finances worse is green, so if the advice is limited to greece, then opa. this is like the pot calling the kettle black. politicians and bureaucrats in america pride themselves on knowing just how to fix things, all the while running this country into the ground. ron paul is right again. the u.s. should not be meddling in the affairs of others, particularly when the u.s. has proven itself incapable of behaving responsibly. hell no. like a guy in jail for rob a bank, telling somebody else how to rob a bank without getting caught. larry in denver says one thing about this country, no matter how bad things may be at home, we can all find ways to tell others how to fix their business. our nose does not belong in many other places, but we don't let anything stand in our way. and it is not just the economy. it's battles and borders and wars and trade, et cetera. how about we try to fix what's broken here first? when we can show the world how good we are at something, then we can offer advice. when you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. and jason in virginia says, jack, us telling anybody what to do about their finances should provoke the same response that chinese students gave tim geithner when they told him he believes in a strong dollar. laughter. if you want to read more, go to the blog, or through our post on "the situation room's" facebook page, which is growing by leeaps and bounds. >> the growing attention surrounding the new jersey governor, chris christie, it isn't all about his political aspirations. we'll be right back. [ woman ] my grocery bill isn't wasteful spending. [ woman ] my heart medication isn't some political game. [ man ] our retirement isn't a simple budget line item. [ man ] i worked hard. i paid into my medicare. [ man ] and i earned my social security. [ woman ] now, instead of cutting waste and loopholes, washington wants to cut our benefits? that wasn't the agreement. [ male announcer ] join the members of aarp and tell washington to stop cuts to our medicare and social security benefits. [♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. another big question surrounding new jersey governor chris christie. here's cnn's jeanne moos. >> reporter: as governor chris christie's profile gets bigger, so does the issue of his size. >> all right. >> reporter: now that he's a national figure, comedians are starting to make his waistline a punchline. >> take a look. i mean, does he show up, you know, go to google earth. >> reporter: from late night to daytime talk, chris christie's weight is being tossed around. >> can you see him as president? >> you say no? okay. why not? because he's hefty. >> reporter: for a while, they danced around the f word. but then -- >> i don't think the country is ready for a fat president again. >> i think that's ridiculous. >> imagine this conversation about an overweight female candidate. >> reporter: governor christie is a bonanza for cartoonists like jeff danziger. >> i saw the other day, i ai wassed by hamazed by him. he must be 300 plus. i'm gonna cut the budget, well, how about supper. >> to criticize chris christie because of the amount of his skin is absurd. >> reporter: the amount of huckabee's skin used to be excessive. he lost 110 pounds. his weight may be the elephant in the room, but chris christie talks about it comfortably. >> i'll let all of your audience in on a little secret, wolf, i'm overweight. >> the thing i feel most guilty about, my weight. >> where do you fall down in terms of dealing with it? >> i eat too much. it is not a complicated thing. >> reporter: when it comes to portly presidents, william howard taft was america's biggest at over 300 pounds. taft was famous for getting stuck in the white house bathtub. aides had to come get him out. he then had a new tub made, big enough for four men. at a christie town hall, one voter saw beyond size. >> and i think having a governor that is smart and that has the perseverance to do what's right is hot and sexy. >> reporter: contrast that with letterman's top ten ways the country would be different if chris christie were president. >> number two, instead of iraq, we would invade ihop. >> reporter: prepare for a steady diet of jokes. jeanne moos, cnn -- >> i think his mantra could be no more vetoes, only cheetos, yea! >> reporter: -- new york. >> that's it for me. thank you for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the "the situation room." i wish all of our jewish viewers out there a very happy and healthy new year. for our international viewers, world report is next. in north

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Place , Most , Say , Poll , The Citizens Haven T , 15 , 77 , Majorities , Watergate Scandal , 25 , 8 , 70 , Parties , Americans , Differences , Bases , Opposition , 1970 , 9 11 , Time , Members , Politicians , Beliefs , Compromise , Majority , Tea Party , Exception , Gallup , Lawmakers , Surprise , Shutdown , Disaster Relief Funding , Bucks , Default , Brink , Super Committee , Debt , Increase , Obligations , Debt Ceiling , Behind Closed Doors , Post , Partisanship , Blog , Cnn Com , Thanks , Facebook , American Spring , Back , Contrast , Numbers , 1958 , 58 , 73 , Front Runner , Admiral Michael Mullen , Governor , Heart , Anyone , Tuition Breaks , New York City , Debate , John King , Steam , Both , Immigrant , State College Tuition Breaks , Border Fence , Politics , Beginning , Questions , Help , Career , John , Tune Into , 7 , Wives , Front Runners , Campaign Trail , Battle Being , Nomination , Anita Perry Quickly , Little , Run , Rival , Husband , Joe Johns , Iowa , Candidates , Point , Presentation , Record , Guy , Deal , Anita Perry , View , Consultant , Line , Middle , Discussion , Debate Performance , Spouse , Pick Up Line , Father , 16 , Earnhardt , Michigan , Mansion , Stay , Mary Madeleine , Answer , Fun , Agenda Rr Issue , Campaign Trial , Campaigning , Watch , Spouses , Style , Conrad Murray , Stand By , Sanjay Gupta , Military Top Rafts , Defense Team , Isi , Terrorist Group , Makeup , Breakouts , Pakistan , Flurry , Skin Clearing Makeup , Link , Powder , Neutrogena , Cosmetics , Silky Gorgeous Makeup , Blemish Fighting Formula , Beautiful Flawless Look , Engineers , Power , Scientists , Technicians , 3 Million , 400 Billion Dollars , 400 Billion , Smarter Power , Natural Gas , Cleaner , Businesses , Homes , School , Domestic , Team , Row , They Genatectry , Row , Inea Pig , Wch Le Me Rf T Guinea Pig , Mathis , Guinea Pigs , Ty Boanso , Car Insurance , Save , Guin , Ro S Kof Strange , Row Ow , Guineaig , Guinig , Wch Le Me Rf T Lile , Anncr T An Easierayof Strange , Geico Com , Eu , Dr , Death , Prosecutors , Manslaughter Trial , Defense Lawyers , Negligence Led , Dock R Tor , Latest , Injecti , Ted , Form , Anesthesia , Home , Series , Prosecution , Witnesses , Jurors , Jackson , First , Personal Assistant , Michael Williams , House , Things , Everything , Harped On , Witness , He Wasn T , The Call , On Williams , Voice Mail , 911 , Behavior , Hospital , Request , Hallway , Tearing , Cream , Someone , Bride , He Wouldn T , Sir , Yes , Jury , Ingesting The Propofol , Lawyers , Cross Examination , Justice , Courthouse , Joe Jackson , Stages , Judge , Minim Minimum , Three , October 28th , 28 , Chance , Correspondent , Dig , Defense Attorneys , Sources , Picture , Paint , Sleep , The Room , Ten , Language , Tor , Dock , Lora P Lorazepam , Playing Possum , Eight , Tablets , Nobody Else , Statements , Events , Idea , Lead , Stomach , Propofol Being , Accuseded , Demerol , Least , Port , Indwelling Iv , Procedures , Medicines , Face , Narcotic , Factors , Relevance , Body , Botox , Stimulants , Reason , Medications , Couldn T Sleep , Cause , System , Mistakes , Propofol , Hospital Type Structure , Defense Sources , Led , Bottle , Pills , Contact , Brolocking Y Parts , Sanjay Gupta Covering The Trial , Alabama , Amazon , Apple Ipad A Run , Kindle Fire Tablet , Guys , Mind , Deductible , Insurance Deductible , Vanishes , Another , 100 , Side , Nationwide , Healthcare Law , Stop , Criminals , Tools , Senior Medicare Patrol Volunteers , Let S Make Medicare , Don T , Number , Fraud , Report Fraud , Phone , Spot , Teaching Seniors , On Medicare Fraud , Ruling , Department , Lisa Sylvester , Provisions , Locking , Alabama Law , Bill Intrude , Law , Court , Pieces , Immigration Patterses , Legislation , Pictures , Washington Monument For Cracks , Couple , Supreme Court , Damage , Monument , Ropes , Earthquake , Landmark , Repelling Down The Washington Monument , 555 , Ipad , Competition , Starting Price , Hands , Half , 499 , 99 , Tablet , Device , Popularity , Mourning , Apple , Kenya , State Funeral , Peace Prize , Africa S First Female Noble Lar , Sustainable Development , 2004 , Photos , Osama Bin Laden , Good , Democracy , Fight , Region , Age , Battle Of Cancer , 71 , Impact , Strategy Session , Wraps , Life , Oman , Price , Accident Forgiveness , Guarantee , Repairs , Accident , Plus , Features , Drivers , Office , Agent , Looks , Dozens , Release , Subject , Battle , Dangers , Raid , Security , Watchdog Group , Lists , Public , Photographs , Right , War On Terror , Total , At Sea , Bure Yal , 52 , Lawsuit , Images , Top Secret , Conservative Group Judicial Watch , Jay Carney , Transparency , Openness , Limits , Troops , Chris Farrell , Danger , Army Counterintelligence Officer , Ends Of The Earth , Several , Graphic , Wound , Tom Fuentes , Al Qaeda , Propaganda , Inspiration , Recruiting , Tool , Television , Recruitment , Methods , Videos , Response , News Orgs , Access , Requests , Motion , Freedom Of Information Act , 24 , October 24th , Information , Plot , U S Capitol , Pentagon , East Africa , Scarlett Johannsen , Refugee Camp , Mass , Ambassador , Everyone , Work , It Doesn T , Food , Oxfam , Job , Airline , Everywhere , Planes , Points , Map , App , Website , Wifi , Intuitive Delta , Ground , Reach , Feet , Innovations , 30000 , Amount , Exxonmobil , Groundwater , Well , Steel , Wells , Players , Cement , Rock , Fracking Operation , Challenges , Field , Grandchildren , Sons , Little Change Last Night , Token , Reagan , Felt , Second , Saying , Enough , Honor , David Gergen , Passion , Political Advicer , Roland Martin , Name , Alternative , Space , Social Security , Brains , Vulnerability , Unemployment Insurance , President Of The United States , Go Away , Stalker , Sense , Begging , Song , Somebody , Let , Person , Core , Coverage , Bug , Affordable Care Act Without Frightening Americans , Top , Words , Conservative , Vitreal , Thinking , Pure And Simple , Realize , Cannot , Bills , Sunday Morning Show , Rights , Moderates , Senate , Tv One , Cable Network , Invitation , Show , Folks , Member , Speaker , Georgia , Tom Price , Michael Steele , Open Invitation , Allen West , Conversations , In The House , E Mail , Press Secretary , Open Conversation , Television Studio , Dialogue , Conversation , Economics Education , Program , 51 , Best , Anybody , Snacks , Threat , Nascar , Let S Find Out , Nat , Fans , Priority , Customers , Weren T , Nationwide Doesn T , Needs , Mutual , Shareholder Profits , Wall Street , 30 , Back On The Road , Pricing , Brakes , Jack , Jack S , Dictatorships , History Books , Kingdoms , Stees , Shortcomings , Kim In , Mankind , Due , Kansas , Species , Reflection , Sex , Mirror , Building , Kinds , Europe , Situations , Perks , Ability , Marja , Carol , Congress , Compromises , Campaigns , Guest , Millions , Commentary , Propositions , Effort , Countries , Jane , Exam , Authenticity , Accuracy , Wingers , Gorgeous Lake , Lives , Kids , Knowledge , Care Of , Paradise , Peace , Continueded , Sick , Cheryl , Mother , Friends , Cnn Com Kraf Offic Caffertyfile , Terror Threats , Warning , Manhunt , Model , Capital , Abductions , Middle Eastern , Fbi , Escape Killer , Dlee Continents , Headlines , Depth , Breaking News , Jeanne Moos , Authorities , Bud , Model Aircraft , Bernanke Diggien Digging In , Brian Todd , Cell Phones , Meat , Ieds , Switches , Ashland , 27 , Document , Equipment , Model Planes , Explosives , Agents , Remote Control , Models , Devices , Gps , Drones , Targets , Saber , F 14 , F 86 , 86 , 14 , Officials , Capitol , Spring , East Potomac Park , Ground Attack , Affidavit , Mall , Official , Operatives , Operation , Buildings , Automatic Weapons , U S Law Enforcement , Intent , Target , Enemies Of Allah , Women , Undercover Agents , The End , Materials , Fob , Grenades , Him , C 4 , Ferdas , Ak 47s , 47 , 4 , Plans , Lone Wolf , Terror Organizations , Saudi Arabia , Embassy , Westerners , Fran Townsend , Travel Warning , Homeland Security , Advisory Board , Something , Internet , Paul Johnson , Beheading , Horror , Insaudi Arabia , Homeland Security Committee , Intelligence , Law Enforcement , History , Kingdom , Steps , Activities , Judgment , Colleagues , Specifics , National Security Agency , Cia , Counterterrorism Partner , Sourcing , Security Service , Sort , Who , Agenda , Connections , Objective , June 28th Attack , Individual , Concern , Wolfs , Government Operatives , Alert , Capability , Killing , Revenge , Whatever , Affiliate , Connection , Sympathizer , God , Source , Terrorists , Doubt , Opportunities , Patient , Officers , Terror Group , Heat , Guns , Anything , Let S Go , Barbara Starr , Contention , Staff , Chairman , Chiefs , Fareed Zakaria , Elements , Terrorist Network , Rally , Reporter , Mullen , Intelligence Agency , Services , Ties , Akani , Arm , Accusations , Isi Support , Attack , Assault , Kabul , June 28th , Interests , Context , Fire , Frankness , Wasn T , Wonder , Hand , Critics , E Wasn T , War , Afghanistan , Foreign Minister , Planning , Knees , Airliner , Killer , Woman , Isn T Wasteful Spending , Defendant , Pop Star , Game , Retirement , Heart Medication Isn T , Isn T A Simple Budget Line Item , Announcer , Benefits , Loopholes , Waste , Of Aarp , Wasn T The Agreement , Social Security Benefits , Cuts , Business , Note , Germany , Greek , 14 Trillion , 4 Trillion , Advice , Finance Minister , Others , Doesn T He , Soundness , Deficits , Jobs Program , Harry Reid , Won T , 47 Billion , 747 Billion , Affairs , Meeting , Secretary Geithner , Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone , Soldier , Troubles , Hint , Report , Reputation , Isn T , United Nation , Violence , Force , Disputing , Conflict , Security Incidents , Cost , Nato , Assets , 39 , Taxpayers , Minister , 2 Billion , 6 Billion , Viewers , Presence , Aid , Progress , Sacrifice , Human Rights , Schools , Women Rights , Freedom Of The Press , 7 Million , Girls , Roads Paved , 45 , Security Administration , Taliban , Situation , Attacks , Outside , Hotels , Military Thinking , Spectacular Act Of Swiss Side , Military Taliban , Bombing , Despair , Sign , Military , Forces , Transition , Military Personnel , Decided , 2014 , Afghan National Security Forces , Charge , Training , Bulk , 100000 , Conference , Change , Purposes , Problems , Doubts , Afghans , Sanctuaries , Middle Class Americans , Haqqani Network , Cooperation , Safety Inspectors , Washington Monument , Makers , Cracks , Clockwork , Making Tomorrows , College Education , Wedding , Medicine , Offices , Mail , Thousands , Packages , Transform Tomorrow , Transamerica , Better Financial Future , Agency , Company , Revenue , Burden , Bears , Workers , Losses , 2006 , 5 Billion , Accounts , Truck , Oer , Quifieduys , All Star , Apr , Tal Value , Thevseason , Editn , Discount , Gue Thameans Youan Dit , 000 , 6000 , 0 , Evy Aler , Gnome , Stephanie , Llan Ll Sileradmols , Jenny , Tiffany , 1000 , Customer Support , Pony , Move , Pool , Travelocity , Didn T Book , 24 7 , Room , Booking , Trip , Projects , Chevron , Energy , Australia , Size , Planet , City , Way To Go , Singapore , Conrad Murray Trial , Hearing , Phone Calls , Breathing , Frantic , Effect , Reaction , Downtown , Incident , Learning , Dead , Anesthetic , Crime , Dose , Nixon , Prison , New Jersey , Stealing The Warden , 41 , Hijackings , Ransom Drama , Black Revolutionary Group , Priest , Algeria , Dead Ends , A Million , 1 Million , Portuguese , George Wright , Dan Rivers , Resort , Portugal , 68 , Cottage , Little Village , Corner Store , Barbecue Business , Means , House Painter , Murder , Armed Robbery , Plane , Ransom , 20 , Translator , Jaw , We Weren T , Incredible , Man On The Run , Son , Long Running Drama , Extradition Treaty Dating , 1908 , Passport , Nalt , Alias , Citizen , Hijacking , Listeria Outbreak , Cantaloupes , Nation , Event , Gas Station , Uh , Boy , Chevy Volt , Gas , Bathroom , Thought , True , Don T Have , Eating Cantaloupe , Sa Sylvester , Ex Plampb , 13 , Outbreak , Listeria , Sat Cheating Scam , Jensen Farms , Colorado , 18 , Seven , Students , Emery University Student , Exams , High School , New York , Long Island , Samuel , Six , 2500 , 1500 , 500 , Veteran , Felony Fraud Charges , Misdemeanor Charges , Enforcement , Anthony Magniolone , Child Porn Charges , Appearance , Depictions , King , Conduct , Lashing , Minors , King Abdullah , Level , Lashings , Inspection , 201515 , Windows , Rappelled , Pyramid , Landmark Building , Programming Note , Eastern On Weekdays , 6 , Guess What , Sars , Airing , Erin Burnett Outfront , The American , Lowwater Mark , Gloria Borger , Nern Public , Analyst , 85 , Programs , Leadership , Groundwork , Health Care Reform , Transformational , Control , Government Number , Manner , Politician Politicians , Disconnect , World War Ii , Fdr , Mid 60s , 1960 , Vietnam War , Prosperity , Slide , Bill Clinton , Blip Up , Responders , Rescue , Spikes , What , Incomes , Vietnam , Indication , Confidence , Role , George Clooney , Essential Argument , Article , Turn , Parade Magazine , Hold On A Second , Water , Jumping , Visit , Drinking , Red Carpet , Lake , Walter Crown Nik , Charlie Rose , Coming Out In March , Privilege , Lake Naked , Dinner , Nowhere , Where , Clothes , Rest , Jumped Up , The Other Guys , Boxers , Boat , Distance , Dam Mit , Articles , Topic , Tv , Stones , Enemies , Ohio , Gloass , Dayton , Nose , Finances , Green , Bureaucrats , Greece , Opa , The Pot Calling Kettle Black , Meddling , Ron Paul , Bank , Ways , Find , Jail , Matter , Larry , Denver , Places , Borders , Battles , Trade , Wars , Et Cetera , Road , Telling , Jason , Chinese , Virginia , Page , Dollar , Laughter , Leeaps , It Isn T , Attention , Aspirations , Bounds , Companion , 65 , Conditions , Sandals , 1 , 1 800 Sandals , 800 , Comedians , Profile , Figure , Waistline A Punchline , Weight , Take A Look , Google Earth , Fat , The F Word , Bonanza , Cartoonists , Jeff Danziger , Supper , Gonna Cut The Budget , Wassed , Hamazed , 300 , Elephant In The Room , Skin , Huckabee , 110 , Presidents , Secret , Audience , William Howard Taft , Tub Made , Bathtub , Aides , Men , Town Hall , Perseverance , Voter Saw , Letterman , Mantra , Jokes , Diet , Vetoes , Cheetos , Iraq , Ihop , Choice , Look , Account , World Report , North , Yea , Jewish ,

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