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Breaking news. New video, grim details of the new terror attack by the same group thats kidnapped hundreds of school girls, at least 150 people have been killed by boko haram, the militants who carried out a 12hour assault on a village in northeastern nigeria. They fired rocket propelled grenades into a crowded outdoor market, set fire to buildings, terrified residents fled for shelter, blew the roof off of a Police Station, killing many of the officers inside. All of this is increasing calls for a u. S. Commando strike. Our reporters and Analysts Covering this story this hour. Also covering the Donald Sterling nba scandal, crisis in ukraine and more. Lets begin with pentagon correspondent barbara starr, more on the terror threat. What can the u. S. Do to help fight these militants. Reporter wolf, at this hour, the pentagon is still insisting this will not, not, become a u. S. Military operation. But make no mistake, the u. S. Military is sending some very specialized help. Mounting worldwide outrage at boko harams vicious kidnapping of 200 school girls, now leaving the u. S. To offer wide spread intelligence and military assistance to nigeria. Theyve accepted our help, a combination of military, law enforcement, and other agencies who are going in. Reporter nigeria agreed to accept u. S. Help, somewhat grudgingly, and still has to agree to the specifics. A team of u. S. Military experts along with the fbi and others are offering help with intelligencing communications and planning for a possible rescue. There is already talk of u. S. Commando raids. I think that the people on the ground have to going to have to determine if special forces are necessary. Reporter but the pentagon says, dont expect to see u. S. Troops in action. More likely, detective work. Every single thing is based on having ironclad intelligence on the target and on exactly where the girls are and how the girls are being treated. What theyll also look at is how the guards operate, what the routine is. Reporter and thats the kind of intelligence the u. S. Simply doesnt have at this point. What if the girls have already been moved . Each one is going to be in an individual house, probably in different buildings, maybe in different cities. And that makes it really difficult to do a coordinated raid to go after them at exactly the same time. Reporter without all of the raids at exactly the same time, boko haram would have advanced warning the u. S. Is coming after them. So, wolf, you see all of the challenges there of conducting some type of u. S. Commando raid. One other option may be the use of u. S. Drones. They could fly overhead and monitor boko harams movements and communications which would be a crucial first step to helping the nigerians track them down. Wolf . Absolutely right on that, barbara. Thank you. Also tracking new developments out of yemen right now, where whats described as unprecedented offensive and al qaeda affiliate killed two more militants, including a highvalue target. Mohammed jamjoon has information on this stunning raid. Reporter first, breaking news to report out of yemen. The u. S. Embassy there according to a u. S. Official and two Yemeni Government official temporarily closed to the public there, due to security threats there in the capital of yemen. In the past 48 hours weve seen several western and foreign targets in the capital attacked by aqap, according to the Yemeni Government, the strongest wing of the Al Qaeda Network based in yemen. A French National was killed there that worked for the european union, inside sana, journalists kidnapped. The government insists theyre continuing with crackdown against al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Today they say they have killed a major terrorist ring leader in yemen, who they claim actually killed the french diplomat who was murdered just two days ago. They say he was behind the kidnap of a dutch journalist, and the targeted attempted assassination of a germ. Diplomat in the past few months. This really showcases how tense the situation continues to be in yemen. The fact is, even though there are Ground Forces from yemen counterterror units in the south, trying to encircle al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, degrade their capabilities, go after training grounds, the threat is very real in the capital. Weve heard in the past couple of weeks there have been several raids against aqap targets outside the capital. Those continue even at this hour, and even though the Yemeni Government is saying they have killed a major terrorist ring leader outside the capital, theyre still fearful that more western, more diplomatic targets and more Yemeni Government installations will be targeted in the days to come. Wolf. Let get more on these terrorist threats. Terrorist organizations merging right now from nigeria, yemen and beyond. Lets bring in National Security analyst, peter bergen and bob behr. Our state Department Reporters saying the u. S. Is citing what they call Credible Threats to western interests in yemen, among other reasons, why at least temporarily they shut down the u. S. Embassy and the yemeni capital. What does that say to you. The u. S. Embassy is being target of frequent attacks, its not a new situation. That embassy looks like you know like a fortress, its a hard target. I did hear from a seen onu. Nior intelligence official there is no evidence the skillful bombmaker who got a bomb on to the northwest flight 253, underwear bomb, designed that bomb, no evidence that hes among the dead that weve seen it with serious operations, the Yemeni Government and u. S. Are mounting right now. We know groups, like al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula would like to strike a dramatic attack. Protecting embassies is more difficult than it appears. It is, wolf. But peters absolutely right. Its a fortress, the diplomats stay inside, when they go out they go with armored cars, local protect and thats what keeps them alive. The problem is it isolates us from the local population and makes it difficult for diplomats to figure out whats going on in a country they cant go out, especially the mountainous area of yemen where al qaeda is. Let me bring mohammed back into the conversation. Based on everything youre hearing and youve reported from yemen, youve reported extensively throughout the middle east, is this latest credible threat in yemen, is it part of a broader series of threats were seeing from Al Qaeda Affiliated groups throughout the region . Reporter well, wolf, thats what my sources tell me. Look, theres a lot of concern, especially in yemen because of the strength that al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula continues to display despite repeated drone attacks the past few years, despite the most recent counterterror raid against them. The fact is the group is quite strong. They are resurgent. They have proven time and again, even when leadership is vanquished or certain leaders are taken out, they still manage to recruit more and still pose a very viable threat. And when talking about the capital of yemen, where the government is the strongest, you have places like the u. S. Embassy which is like a fortress, you have places like the defense ministry, also like a fortress. Ive been there, some place you think they would not be able to penetrate but in the past several months al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula able to breach the minute tri, able to kill 52 people, thats something that was shocking to yemeni officials, well versed in the counterterrorism game in yemen. They never thought aqap would than strong. Time and again, aqap shows how resilient they are, how strong they are, how they can attack vital installations, well protected installations and thats one of the reasons why saudi arabia, talking about yesterday, yemens neighbor to the north, is so concerned because aqap has time and again tried to carry out attacks against the saudi royal family from their hub in yemen to the north in saudi arabia, and at times have been very close to being successful. Bob baer, on nigeria, special operations u. S. Led commando strike, assuming they had good intelligence, knowing where these 200 school girls are being kept, how difficult of a mission would that be . Well, as barbara said, first comes the drones, locate this group from the air, send in intercept teams to pick up low powered communications, and then you might consider at that point the special forces, what they call fix, find and finish missions to run down the leadership. I would expect by now that the hostages have been dispersed and multiple rescue operations, our militarys not capable. We dont have troops in the area. The nigerians would have to do it. We haveo remove that leadership to stop further attacks. Bob, peter, mohammed, thank you. Nba strategy meeting. How will the league force Donald Sterling to sell the clippers . Turns out he may have sealed his own fate decades ago. Ukrainian forces stepping up offensive against prorussian militants with deadly consequences. Take a look at this. Chilling video of a tornado as it tears through a southern town. Well show you more, thats coming up. My lenses have a sunset mode. And an Early Morning mode. And a partly sunny mode. And an outside to clear inside mode. New transitions® signature™ adaptive lenses now have chromea7™ technology making them more responsive than ever to changing light. So life can look more vivid and vibrant. Why settle for a lens with one mode. Experience life well lit. Upgrade your lenses to new transitions® signature™. Frequent heartburn . The choice is yours. Chalky. Not chalky. Temporary. 24 hour. Lots of tablets. One pill. You decide. Prevacid. 24 hour but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. I saw my doctor. A blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. We talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can restore t levels to normal in about two weeks in most men. 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I was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. Im going to have to rethink this thing. Its hard to imagine how much well need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. So maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. Cnn has learned new information about Donald Sterlings contracts with the nba over the years. All of this comes as the league weighs how to force the owner to sell the team because of racist remarks he made. Suzanne malveaux working the story for us. What we know is that the league has been moving swiftly to determine what they can do to terminate Donald Sterlings ownership of the team. Now today the nbas advisory and finance committee met once again, they are now calling for new ceo of the l. A. Clippers. Theyre going reconvene next week. In the meantime, we are learning more about the strategy in the days to come. Are you a racist, mr. Sterling . Reporter the nba is building its case against l. A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling to force him to sell his team, in the court of Public Opinion sterling is being slammed. Baseball legend Tommy Lasorda, a friend of sterlings for 30 years, had this to say about sterlings racist rant he just hurt himself by by talking to too much and doing things that he shouldnt be doing. Reporter and not much sympathy for sterlings girlfriend, v. Stiviano. I dont wish that girl any bad luck but i hope she gets hit with a car. Reporter the hit that is about to come is a legal punch to sterling. According to a stors familiar with his commitments the nba strategy hinges on a document sterling signed in 1981, a document that lays out reasons to terminate ownership. On several other occasions, since then he also signed separate agreements with the nba that included moral clauses. Including within the past decade, his racist comments, the source says, put him in violation of article 13 d of the nba constitution, which states, that an owner can lose the team if he fails or refuses to fulfill contractual obligations to the nba. If its true that he signed what appears to be similar in language to a morals clause, certainly the nba is on better footing. But any language in a morals clause is open to interpretation. Reporter as for stiviano, as the mask comes off a host of new revelations. Could more recordings surface . Stiviano alluded to more tape. Part of the audio in which the world heard was only 15 minutes. Theres a number of other hours that the world doesnt know. Reporter news also surfaced that stiviano is reportedly trying to adopt two teenage boys. According to the l. A. Times, her attorney said she was granted temporary custody of the teens last week. After a social worker deemed her 1. 8 million home was suitable for children. From l. A. Now to washington, the sterling controversy has now hit capitol hill. Legislation is now being introduced to block sterling from having taxpayers potentially foot this bill for 2. 5 million fine. This is a loophole that allows corporate fines to be written off just like business expenses. Now politicians involved in this as well. Certainly do. Not surprised. Thanks very much, suzanne, for that report. Lets dig deeper. Joining us, jeffrey toobin, Rachel Nichols and anger, don lemon who is joining us. Rachel, first to you. Youre well plugged in, explain the nbas mood today, another meeting as suzanne reported, trying to get a new ceo there. How confident are they that sterling is out . Well, they remain confident because you heard those moral clauses in contracts that suzanne referred to, it gives them more firm legal footing. But its interesting, too, to see how complex this is. Everyone assumes its a slam dunk procedure. The fact that the Advisory Committee a group of ten owners, a third of the leagues ownership met for a second time and it doesnt seem they have still notified sterling to start this process, tells you theres other issues theyre dealing with. We dont know if back room theyre trying to work out some sort of compromise with sterling so he done sue so he goes quietly but we know they havent announced theyve given him any formal notice which would kick off the process of a fiveday period to respond and tenday period before they decide to vote him out. The longer this drags on, the more questions are raised around the league. Ive got players asking me, texting, calling, saying is this happening yet . We were told this would happen right away. Theres this mounting concern around the nba about why this is taking as long as it has though its been a week. Other subtext is Shelly Sterling, Donald Sterlings life. Shes a coowner of the team. Though the league would love her to distance herself a little bit along with her husband, she hasnt done that. When the nba announced that they were going to appoint a ceo to run the day to day operations of the team in the interim period, Shelly Sterling individually from her Lawyers Office released a statement celebrating the nbas decision but talking about how we the clippers think this is a great decision, the clippers organization, the rest of the people, didnt know she was going to do this and theyre concerned within the team that she suddenly issuing statements. Espn had a report that she has contacted the nba about trying to remain in the Ownership Group in some way. Not going to happen. A lot of people uncomfortable with that. Don, why do you think its not going to happen . Not going to happen. Theres too much im not going to soften the blow here too much hatred for the sterlings along the league and the players. Nobody likes them. Everybody wants them to go away. I tell you why this is taking so long, its all in the planning. Its all in the planning. They know that Donald Sterlings a very rich guy, hes an attorney, and hes a litigious guy, theyre going to plan, plan, plan and then strike. We have contracts, you know this, jeffrey, rachel knows this, ive said this from the beginning, im not an attorney, we all have contracts and we all have morality clauses. Whether or not you want to believe this, he has a contract with the nba which suzanne reported on in her report and says if you bring any detrimental reports or anything on the company you work for. Then you can be fired for any reason. But he did it through a person he was associated with. So that can stand in court. I believe that. Ity thats what theyre going to do. Jeffrey toobin, senior legal analyst. What i was told by very good sources, when he bought the team in 81, there was moral clauses there. Over the years, past 30plus year he signed other agreements with nba, including within the past decade, morals clauses there, no racist talk, for example, thats the termination, thats the definition of what they want. They say article 13, clause d, termination of ownership and membership, the constitution of the nba which was released publicly for the first time last week, you can lose your team if you fail o refuse to fulfill its contractual obligations to the association, meaning the nash, members, players orhird party such a way to affect the association or its members adversely. Thats the clause theyre going to use him to force him to give up the team. There are two arguments. Its just the morals clause that he did a bad thing. All of the sponsors would quit if sterling stayed with the team, all of the players wouldnt play. Those are financial detriments to the league. The league can cite not just bad behavior but they can cite the fact that he has made the league in jeopardy, if he maintains ownership of the team. So thats those are two independent reasons why theyre going to get rid of him. Rachel. And thats why this concern among the players is real lay part of this whole process. They need to keep that pressure on, too, because that pressure gives the league more grounds to say that this is a problem if they are threatening a boycott or if that boycott is hanging er as a cloud. As a side note all of this, i would not want Tommy Lasorda as my character reference if he says i dont wish this girl any harm but i help she gets hit by a truck. I dont know if well discuss that. That was a little harsh. Very harsh. Lets play a clip, a beautiful clip. Clippers, playing oklahoma city. The mvp of the nba kevin durant accepted the award last night and he gave a powerful emotional, moving address and i want to play a clip for you right now. The odds were stacked against us, single parent with two boys by the time you were 21 years old. We werent supposed to be here. You made us believe. You kept us off the street, put clothes on our backs, food on the table, when you didnt eat, you made sure we ate. You went to sleep hungry. You sacrificed for us. Youre the real mvp. Don lemon, let me get your reaction to that because if Donald Sterling represents the worst of the nba, kevin durant and his mom, they represent the best of the nba. I cant watch that without tearing up. Im a product of a single mom and it was not easy. Listen that mom i just cant imagine sitting there what she was going through. She waited all of her life, im sure, to hear words like that and if she never accomplished anything, never lived another day, never heard another word, that was all she needed to hear in that moment was for her son to acknowledge her that way. And so that is that is the best of the league. Thats what the league needs. And they dont need Donald Sterlings they dont need v. Stivianos, they need kevin durant and more moms i congratulate him. Someone who spoken to your mom, don, i know shes shes an mvp as well. I give her a lot of credit for your success just like i give kevin durant a lot of credit for his success. She had to deal with don. She gets credit for that, too. Coming up to mothers day. A great time to celebrate mothers. Don, see you later tonight. 10 00 p. M. Eastern, dons got a special report coming up. We will be watching. Coming up here in the situation room, very different story. New clashes in ukraine as the country descends deeper and deep for in violence. Live to the front lines to get the latest. American under arrest in pakistan. Why is he being held in solitary confinement . Details. Stay with us. Youre in the situation room. Passion. Became your business. At t can help simplify how you manage it. So you can focus on what you love most. 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Pictures in, very disturbing out of middlesex county, new jersey, wood ridge new jersey, more specifically, a large brushfire erupted. Cars there. Were getting preliminary information. This courtesy of our affiliate wabc. But you can see, this brushfire clearly expanding right now. One of the problems they have is looking for a source for water to try to contain this brushfire but so far, clearly they have not succeeded. Well stay on top of the story for you and update you as we get more information. The violence of ukraine spreading west as Government Security forces push hard somewhere hard for in cities held by prorussian militants. Five militants were killed overnight, 15 more detained. But uncertainty reigns now as two sides battle for control. Arwa damon on the ground, watching battles unfold. What are you seeing . Reporter well, wolf, its been quite hard to try to figure out exactly what the Ukrainian Military strategy is because they do tend to push into these areas and hold very little ground. Surprisingly, though, we didnt hear about an initial victory in mariupol but it proved to be shortlived. Reporter the nations flag once again flying above mariupol city hall. To the rage of some and the relief of others. You cant blame the prorussians, its our government that brought it to this state, she tells us. But its the military that freed our city. But she had hardly finished expressing her support for tough action when her words were drowned out. The crowd cheering as Ukrainian Forces left the premises. Why . Orders from above, we were told. Within seconds the ukrainian flag replaced. Overnight Ukrainian Forces moved in on to the city clashing with the prorussian side on the outskirts. This building was evacuated by the prorussian protesters. But now, less than 12 hours later, they are celebrating because it is once again firmly back in their control. More hardened and enraged at the central government. Fueled even further when the crowd marched to the Police Station to free their detainees. Driven back by police nfire. I hit the ground, this man holding a bullet says. Everyone was trying to run away. A block away from city hall, life on the streets creates an aura of normalcy, something to many here crave. A new mother is terrified. We are worried every day, she says. We are worried when we are here and when we leave. The repercussions of recent events are evident. After this branch of the countrys largest bank was looted and torched, the bank decided to close all of its locations, reopening some facilities. Those here saying they would withdraw all they can. Angry crowds also swarmed the checkpoint leaving from the city to the border with russia. More for the tied than when we were here two week ago, and backed up by the military. Why are you here, this woman demands to know . What are your orders . Plea pleas to back away ignored. This is military from western ukraine. We dont trust them, this man explains. The crowd is moving towards the tanks, trying to form something of a human barricade to prevent them from moving. Tempers flaring in the short time that weve been witnessing these events. This confrontation avoided. But the countrys crisis wont be navigated so easily. And, wolf, something of a surprising statement, russian president putin urging the prorussian camp to perhaps postpone the referendum. There is going to be a vote on that tomorrow at noon local, where we are here, in donetsk but whether that will serve to ease tensions, not a lot of confidence that it will here, wolf. Im sure theres not. All right, arwa, thanks for an excellent report. Among the amid the ongoing violence, putin also says hes going to withdraw troops from the Ukrainian Border, about 40,000, 50,000 positioned there. The white house is saying thats not necessarily true yet. They havent seen any evidence of that. Lets get more with two experts on the region, julia yaffi and correspondent jim sciutto. If hes asking the prorussian ukrainians to postpone a vote on separating parts of ukraine from ukraine, part of russia, if you will, and if hes moving troops away from the border, can we conclude, julia, putin has blinked . No, we cannot. We can conclude putin is fainting, hes doing things that seem like deescalating the conflict and postponing another round of sanctions from the white house. In the meantime everybody seems to, all western officials conclude no troops moved off the Ukrainian Border which also by the way, him saying that hes going to move troops is an admission they werent there just for exercises, which putin had been maintaining for a long time. The other thing is postponing the refer den rum, he doesnt call it off, its not clear that anybody on the ground will listen to him. Furthermore its not clear if they hold a referendum putins position will win. Polls have support for being an exed by russia at only 30 . Putin himself said its easy to determine if hes telling truth about move, withdrawing troops. The u. S. , others they can watch to see if troops withdraw. And he says, go ahead and watch. Indeed, they are watching and they havent seen any indication the troops are moving back. I spoke to Senior Pentagon official this morning, he said nothing new mismorni this morni. The point from u. S. Officials theyve been burned before. Promises have turned out to be false. Remember the russian president denied Russian Forces inside ukraine, later said there were Russian Forces inside ukraine. A couple weeks ago rush bes said they had withdrawn one company of troops from the border from 40,000, 50,000, like a couple hundred guys, of course he insignificant. But u. S. Officials are watching closely. They want Something Real and ncrete. Whats his next move, putin . We dont know. He hasnt decided. Hes trying to leave room to maneuver. What happens happening inside russian, the russian machine is very unwielding and hard to stop or turn around or slow down. Hes trying to maintain room to maneuver, the russian Propaganda Machine has been constantly sounding a drum beat for war for going all out, annexing Eastern Ukraine for weeks now. How do they calm down the population if hes taking a step back . More on the story coming up, thanks very much. Jim sciuttos going to be back. Next an fbi agent under arrest in pakistan. Learning new details on what went wrong on what was suppose bed to a routine flight. Take a look at this. Beginning of a tornado nightmare unleashed on one town. The terrible destruction caught on camera. Now theres a serious new threat in the forecast. Those Little Things still get you. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moment is right. Cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Weve just received some of the most dramatic tornado video from the series of storms that tore across the south last week. Lets bring in meteorologist, chad meyers. Chad, this video shows how powerful this tornado was. Tell us about it. Notice the trees in the top right corner, theyre standing right there. This is tupelo, about 100 yards from where i was standing the next morning with all of that damage that we showed from tupelo. This is st. Lukes methodist church, United Methodist church, and the trees are now gone, just stumps. The tops wiped away. This is 120 to 140 Miles Per Hour when he rolled through here. Look how wellmade the playground is with all of this all gone, the playground is still standing. Now the trees are gone, but how dark it got right under that tornado, the debris was in the air, debris was everywhere the day after we saw it, but still flying around, wind as 130, 140 on the camera right there, wolf. What about the forecast over the next day or so . I understand we could have some problems. We could. Theres another chance tomorrow. Theres a slight chance tonight, this is denver, points northward into nebraska and kansas. Also somewhere down here in southwestern oklahoma. But likely more hail than wind than anything else. Tomorrow, talking about another area that hasnt seen any yet, so minnesota, iowa, back toward nebraska, into northern missouri, thats one area. And another one back into our oklahoma, all the way arkansas and missouri here. Two separate areas tomorrow. Now were not talking about the same type of tornadoes that we had last week. But still, you have to be on guard even if theres only a half dozen tornadoes, it doesnt matter if one is near you, wolf. Absolutely right. Well check back with you, youbsly, throughout the day. Also following the case of an fbi agent in jail right now in pakistan, possibly facing very serious legal trouble over what many believe was simply an honest mistake. Our justice correspondent pamela brown is here in the situation room. Tell us about the case. Wolf, u. S. Government sources that were talking with say the fbi agent was in pakistan with permission from the government there to work on a task force combatting public corruption. They tell us the agent did not have a gun on him when he boarded a domestic flight in pakistan but he did forget about ammunition he had in his bag and thats what got him in hot water. Reporter locked away in i pakistani jail cell on antiterrorism charges, this fbi agent from miami now finds himself at the center of an international incident. U. S. Government officials tell cnn the agent, in karachi boarding a flight back to islamabad with other fbi agents when authorities searched his bag and found 15. 9 millimeter bullets, three knives and a wrench. He did not have a gun on him. Pakistani law prohibits ammunition on commercial flights. The agent was arrested, taken away in handcuffs, cell phone and laptop confiscated. The next day in court a judge ordered him to be held in custody until the next Court Appearance in a few days. If the government of pakistan is worried about armed fbi agents in country, theyre a long way from solving their real problem. Reporter u. S. Sources tell cnn the pakistani government gave agent eugene permission to be there, working with an International Task force, to actually help pakistan battle public corruption. They say the agent did turn in his gun before boarding the plane but simply forgot to hand in the ammunition. These are fbi agents, they know who they are, what theyre doing, try to accomplish, if anything more is made out of it, then shame on them. Reporter it really was an honest mistake, said a u. S. Government official. We are coordinating with pakistani authorities to resolve this matter and we are hopeful in that regard. Reporter fbi agents are required to carry weapons on them on domestic flights inside the u. S. And again u. S. Officials are working through diplomatic channels now to free the agent. They are hopeful it will be resolved soon. Hope it will be resolved soon. Just ahead, new Surveillance Video of the teen stowaway who flew from california to hawaii allegedly in the wheel of a jumbo jet. What does this reveal about airport security. Plus, Monica Lewinskys essay about the scandal that nearly toppled the president. Her story and new pictures just released of Monica Lewinsky pictures taken. Shes now 40 years old. Frequent heartburn . The choice is yours. Chalky. Not chalky. Temporary. 24 hour. Lots of tablets. One pill. You decide. Prevacid. 24 hour or how ornate the halls are. Tall the building is, it doesnt matter if there are granite statues, or big mahogany desks. When working with an investment firm, whats really important is whether the people behind the desks actually stand behind what they say. Introducing the schwab accountability guarantee. If youre not happy with one of our participating Investment Advisory services, well refund your program fee from the previous quarter. Its no guarantee against loss and other fees and expenses may still apply. Chuck vo standing by your word, thats what matters the most. Theres new video of the california teenagers who allegedly stowed away in the wheel well of a plane on a fivehour flight from california to hawaii. Were now learning new information about whether hell be facing criminal charges. Cnns brian todd is working the story for us. Brian . What are you finding out . Wolf, police in san jose tell us theyre looking to interview this young man when will soon determine whether to file criminal charges against him. Theres continuing fallout from the incident. New details on security at the san jose airport and the new video wolf just mentioned are made public. The Surveillance Video shows the young man dropping from a rear area of the plane then walking erratically on the tarmac at the maui airport on april 20th after this immigrant stowed away on a Hawaiian Airlines flight for 5 1 2 hours inside the planes wheel well. I think its remarkable a he survived such an incident and able to get off and walk away. Reporter wheel well stowaways northwesterly norma y dont make it. The cold and lack of oxygen at cruising altitude can be a deadly combination. Now, police in san jose, california, where the plane took off, tell cnn they want to interview the teenager and may charge him with criminal trespassing and serious questions continue to be raised about security at San Jose International airport. It is an egregious violation of the airports perimeter. Reporter how egregious . The young mans believed to have hopped a fence at that airport shortly after 1 00 a. M. And stayed on the airport grounds for more than six hours without getting caught. At airports like that, what is the security layering supposed to be . Your first layer is a physical fence. Your second layer is video surveillance. Then you go into vehicle patrols, roving patrols. You go into airline personnel, airport personnel on the tarmac, themselves, all trained in security, all trained for looking for suspicious personnel. Reporter together to taccor tsa, theres no Surveillance Video at the airport showing where the teenager went over the fence. Chad wolf says this is a complete failure on all levels of security and say terrorists study these gaps. Experts say anyone accessing a passenger jet with even a small amount of explosives could rupture the fuselage. As this demonstration in the uk shows. We contacted the san jose airport to respond to the criticism of their security. A spokeswoman there said since the stowaway incident, theyve changed their operational and staff procedures for perimeter fence inspections. She said theyre also waiting for some recommendations from the tsa. Wolf . Were also told there could be some very serious longterm, shortterm medical ramifications for this young 15yearold. There really could be. Two Security Experts told us this teenager could have brain damage because of the lack of oxygen that he had to have had endured at cruising altitude. We asked the San Jose Police about that. They said they are not allowed to discuss his Health Condition right now. We do know hes in the custody of Child Protective Services in santa clara, california. Hopefully well know more about his condition soon. You say the family originally came to the United States from somalia . That is correct. He was apparently thinking if he became a stowaway, he could get back to somalia . Was that his thinking . Hes told authorities he wanted to see his mother in somalia. Whats interesting, he said when he got on the tarmac in san jose, he didnt know which plane was going where. He got in a plane hoping it would somehow take him to so maul w somalia. The battle for the control of eastern yukraine getting eve more deadly. Monica lewinsky opening up about the scandal that rocked the white house and her own life as well. We have new pictures accompanying her new tellall. Stay with us. What you wear to bed is your business. So, if youre sleeping in your contact lenses, ask about the air optix® contacts so breathable theyre approved for up to 30 nights of continuous wear. Ask your doctor about Safety Information as serious eye problems may occur. Visit airoptix. Com for a free onemonth trial. 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Vladimir putin claims hes pulling back troops from the border. U. S. Officials are skeptical. Ukraines Prime Minister said putin is blowing, quote, hot air. Plus, we have brand new photos just released of Monica Lewinsky. Cnn has obtained her tellall essay about her scandalous past and her life now. The opening line is very stunning and racy. We want to welcome our viewers in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer. Youre in the situation room. This is cnn breaking news. Lets immediately get to the breaking news this hour. Grave new concern about russias role in the ukraine crisis as the fight for control of the country gets bloodier by the day. A new audio recording appears to offer some damning evidence against moscow. The Obama White House is warning that president Vladimir Putin has his sights set on a very crucial target. Our Senior International correspondent Nick Paton Walsh is standing by in ukraine. Lets go to jim sciutto in the situation room. U. S. Senators were given a sobering closed briefing by the white house last night in the situation in ukraine. According to that assessment, russia has its sights set on the city of odessa. Its crucial for both trade and the reply of Russian Troops in the occupied transnestia region that bordered ukraine. This would create a land locked ukraine without control over what had been its key ports in odess and annexed crimea region. In addition, the u. S. Sees no letup in paramilitaries inside crew cra ukraine and special forces on the ground there. This as forces released a new alleged intercept highlighting that russian involvement. The Ukrainian Security service says this alleged intercept catches a russian official giving direct orders to a prorussian activist to proceed with the referendum on joining russia. Reporter more signs of the prorussian push inside ukraine, on a day that in one town ukrainian flag torn down, a prorussian flag paraded through the crowd. With that, one fleeting success of Government Forces in Eastern Ukraine reversed as prorussian separatists retake part. Ukraine krian trooped who moved hours earlier unceremonially marched out. This tugofwar between east and west inside ukraine is growing more intense and more deadly. Five prorussian activists killed overnight. U. S. Officials say russia remains the driving force behind the crisis. But russian president Vladimir Putin continues to sell a very different narrative. Today he claimed russia is withdrawing its troops from Ukrainian Border and called on prorussian separatists to delay the referendum on annexation scheduled for this sunday. Translator a necessary condition for the start of this dialogue is the unconditional stopping the use of any violence. For both the use of military force and the use of armed illegal units, extremist elements and forces is absolutely unacceptable in the modern world. Reporter with crucial National Elections now less than three weeks away, the administrations critics in congress are increasingly calling for tougher sanctions against moscow. I dont understand, i just i truly dont get it. Weve got 40,000 troops intimidating people on the inside. Weve got black ops, little green men doing things theyre doing on the inside. I dont understand. I really dont. I just dont understand the thinking of waiting until the damage is done. As for president putins claims it has pulled back its forces from the Ukrainian Border, a senior u. S. Military official says theres been no indication that russia has, indeed, moved its troops. U. S. Officials, of course, watching closely. The previous russian claims, wolf, as we know, have turned out to be far from the truth. Well see if they do anything, the russians, in the next day or two to move the troops back. Hard to figure that out. The u. S. Is watching satellites and resources very, very closely. Lets go to the front lines in ukraine right now. Our Senior International correspondent Nick Paton Walsh is joining us once again from slavyansk. Whats the late ef there, nick . Reporter wolf, trying to adjust what exactly Vladimir Putin meant by saying the referendum should be delayed and the may 25th elections were the right step forward. Weve spoken to some prorussian activists here, selfdeclared germans saying tomorrow at noon there will be a vote in their sort of council, if it were, revolutionary council in donetsk region. Will it go ahead on the scheduled date . I have to say, people surprised in many ways inside slavyansk. We saw barricades being built up. A lot of anger at funerals. Those being killed in the past few days. People opening their eyes on moving forward certainly. Most of the people want to see a closer relationship with russia. The key question, what exactly does the Ukrainian Army do next . They could be emboldened by seeing Vladimir Putin distance himself from whats been happening in Eastern Ukraine. We saw the Prime Minister nearby. Not sure exactly where. Talking to the troops carrying out this operation. Giving out medals. Praising their conduct saying victory was in sight. The fear many have inside slavyansk is of a broader assault. Potentially, bear in mind if that did happen, that could radically change the kremlins calculations or what it needs to say publicly. Vladimir putin looked like the peacemaker to calm things town. If we see things get out of hand on the ground which could happen, the Ukrainian Army moves every two days. People concerned we might see loss of life there, wolf. Lets hope not. That would be awful, indeed. Nick paton walsh. Well check back with you tomorrow. Thank you. Still ahead in the situation room. We have the entire essay in vanity fair released including brand new photos. Were going to show you the pictures. Shes opening up rather dramatically about her dashed hopes for her future with bill clinton and lashing out at his biggest defenders during the height of the sex scandal. And it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. Humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. Blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure have occurred. Before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. 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Though shes been hiding out for some years its clear Monica Lewinsky knows how to grab headlines when she want to. Tom foreman is joining us with all the any details. Tom . Wolf, we just obtained all this this afternoon. Complete text of this article. I must say this is fascinating. This article begins with a graphic ripping moment in the story of Monica Lewinsky then in many ways it just heats up. Do i dare disturb the clinton universe with a possible president ial candidacy looming for hillary clinton, this is one of the questions posed by lewinsky. Being a conscientious democrat and aware i could be used as a tool for the left or the right, i have remained silent for ten years, she writes. But adds its time to stop tiptoeing around my past and other peoples futures. And she does not tiptoe. Through thousands of words she describes a world turned upsidedown by the choices of a 20something and the life it has left for the 40yearold woman. A life of privacy lost. Every day im recognized, every day of jobs never had because of what potential employers so tactfully referred to as my history. I was never quite right for the position. Of a life on the edge. Turning down, she says offers that would have made millions for her because they were not right. Ive managed to get by barely at times with my own projects. Loans from friends or family. She says she does date carefully. And of the clintons, she says, i wish them no ill, but she unleashes sharp criticism about feminists who defended the actions of the most powerful man on the planet while savaging a young intern. They joined the humiliation derby, she writes. Even the issues at play, gender, politics, sex in the workplace, you think they would have spoken up. They didnt. I still have Great Respect for feminism, but given my experience of being passed around like gender politics cocktail food, i dont identify myself as a feminist with a capital f. In the end lewinsky says she once believed her involvement with president clinton was meaningful, that they had plans for a future. But she was wrong. I was too young to understand the reallife consequences and too young to see that i would be sacrificed for political expediency. I tell you, wolf, this really is a riveting tale and decidedly not laced with bitterness. A lot of people look at this say and why are we talking about Monica Lewinsky, fade off into the past . You read this article and hear a 40yearold woman say ive tried to fade off into the past and nobody will let me. My neighbors, people on the street, the media, everyone. And she finally said, i must have my say. Thats the only way i can reclaim my life. It is a fascinating read, wolf. Well worth the time. Certainly is. All right, thanks very much, tom foreman. Lets bring in our political commentator anna navarro, senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin, author of a vast conspiracy the real story of the sex scandal that nearly brought down a president. These pictures, vanity fair has given us permission to show exclusive pictures they got. I want you to take a look at these pictures. See Monica Lewinsky, 40 years old right now. What goes through your mind when you read the article and see these dramatic new pictures of Monica Lewinsky . When i see the pictures i think she looks terrific. I think the photographer did a great job. I think she looks wonderful. 30 is the new 40. I think shes got an entire no, no. 40 is the new 30. This is a 42yearold, so this is important for me. Shes got an entirely new stage in her life. You know, her life is just beginning in certain ways and shes got a lot that she can still do. And she can reclaim her life and move forward. Shes got a great smile, jeffrey. Take a look at that smile. Shes obviously a very attra attractive young woman, when i say young, 40, as anna just said is the new 30. She looks great in these pictures. You wouldnt know looking at the pictures what an awful ordeal she has gone through over the course of these many years. Its lousy. And the piece is really fascinating. And i think most people believe, certainly everyone ive talked to about this, thinks, you know, enough already. She did something wrong when she was a very young woman. Lot of people do wrong things when they are very young. But its been a long time. She should be allowed to move on. She should be able to get a job. Have a life. And since i did so much reporting about her, the saddest thing to me is this is a woman who cared deeply about getting married and having a family. And here she is 40 years old. She hasnt been able to do that. And its just its just sad and im sorry for her. Let me read a line for you, anna, from the article. The full article in vanity fair thats been released. She writes this. When i hear of hillarys perspective candidacy i cannot help but fear the next wave of paparazzi, next wave of where is she now stories . Ive begun to find it debilitating the plot out the cycle of my life based on some degree on the political calendar. How does she get over that . You know the paparazzi are going to be after her for a long time. I think shes talking about whats real politics today. Everything and anything is fair game and will come out. And i think thats part of the reason for this article. Anticipating a hillary run and trying to tell her story before somebody else does. Before it gets told. Its about reclaiming her narrative. And moving on with her life. I say we should give her the space to so and wish her luck as she goes on with her life. You know, theres a certain level of fame that is just so beyond anything else. Its like Michael Jordan trying to walk, you know, unacknowledged into a restaurant. It will never happen. Tiger woods. Unfortunately, it will never happen for Monica Lewinsky, either. And, you know, it is true that when hillary clinton, if she does declare her candidacy for president , people will want to know about her. At the Democratic Convention in 2016, if hillary becomes president. I mean, all of those milestones will. Shes very savvy, monica is, about politics. She knows all those will draw attention to her, and i dont know if theres anything she can do about it. I thing itk its interesting because when you read the article shes savvy about politics but you realize this is not political. This is not a republican thing. This is not a clinton thing. This is about Monica Lewinsky taking charge of her own future and her life. And i think wanting to shed this burden and, you know, this issue, this baggage shes carried around. For now well over a decade. Vanity fair. The article, shame and survival includes the new picture. I think its going to be on the newsstands as early as tomorrow. Shame and survival. Essay, very, very personal essay by Monica Lewinsky. Guys, thanks very, very much. Once again, i think its going to be on the national newsstands may 13th, they say, but youll be able to check it out then. Coming up, just ahead, a rare interview with lynne cheney. Our own Gloria Borger pushes the former second lady to talk about very public feud between her daughters over samesex marriage. You know, it got very tense and even ugly at times. As a parent, how did you deal with that . Mine was earned in korea in 1953. Afghanistan, in 2009. Orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once its earned, usaa Auto Insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. Because it offers a superior level of protection. And because usaas commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. Begin your legacy. 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Former second Lady Lynne Cheney has always been a political animal, also a scholar in her own right. Now shes written a book about the fourth president James Madison whom she admires as a pioneer of conservatism. She spoke to me about political divides in the country and in her own family and why disagreement can be healthy. Madison began to worry about too strong a central government. That Political Party led to an era of partisanship in the 1790s thats the equal of anything we have today. We say our gridlock today, our partisanship. Do you think it was a terrible thing . Madison wouldnt have thought so. What about you . I wouldnt think so, either. Its what happens when you is free and open debate. Id like to take the edge off it. Trust me, ive been through this. Hi, im liz cheney. Reporter most recently as a mother watching her daughters tough wyoming senate bid erupt into a public family feud over samesex marriage. Candidate liz opposed it. Her sister, mary, is gay and married. I love mary very much. I love her family very much. This is just an issue on which we disagree. Reporter mary took to facebook. Liz, this isnt just an issue on which we disagree. Youre just wrong. And on the wrong side of history. It got very tense and even ugly at times. As a parent, how did you deal with that . My underlying philosophy is that you should try to keep Family Matters within the family. And i think it was, you know, unfortunate that happened. Its hard to have two wonderful daughters who see things differently. Except you deal with it publicly. The disadvantage of it is it becomes a public dispute. I dont want to do anything to continue that trend. Its not good for families generally to do that. I dont think its good for ours. Are you fine with samesex marriage . I think dick actually had the classic formulation. He said freedom means freedom for everyone. I think people aught to be free to enter in to any kind of union they wish. And i think thats a principle we can all agree on. Is there a reconciliation . Were a happy family. Reporter these days, the andand cheneys prefer to direct their fire outside the family. As lynne cheney has done since the 1990s. On the right, lynne cheney. Good evening, welcome to crossfire sunday. And continues today. Madison was the man who said were a government of laws and not men. Obama seems to be showing us that we can be a government of man and not laws. So how could you evaluate the two of them in the same breath . I cant see. Reporter that sounds a lot like former Vice President dick cheney whos also outspoken. President obamas got a steep hill to climb. Reporter in the patriotic tradition they might say of James Madison. Former president bush, bush 43 im talking about, has decided not to comment on public policy. And you and your husband have. For him, its just speaking out because you really think theres some things that need to be said. And what do you think it is about the former president . I have no idea, but he seems to be content and happy and i look forward to seeing him and mrs. Bush next week. So you do keep in touch . Well, im going to be at the bush library talking about James Madison. Reporter and her new book in which madison is considered the prophet of small government. Madison really was a strong government man at the beginning but as soon as he and Alexander Hammilton began to have policy disputes, madison began to worry about too strong a central government. Reporter sound familiar . Ask the tea partiers. And we will restore our constitution. Reporter looking for a home among republicans. James madison and lynne cheney would give them one. You cant say just because someone is really conservative they shouldnt be part of this party. And thats what i often hear about the tea party is, oh, you know, theyre over there. No, no, we have to be

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