Quote, she, meaning katie miller, tested very good for a long period of time and all of a sudden today she tested positive. The president went on to say, this is why the whole concept of tests arent necessarily great. The tests are perfect. And then something can happen, unquote. But that doesnt actually make any sense. The testing has meant now that the white house nows that katie miller has contracted coronavirus and they are isolating her from others so it doesnt spread at the white house. President trumps own Health Officials say the opposite of what President Trump just said, that this is why surveillance testing is needed, to prevent the spread. Take a listen to dr. Deborah birx on cnn last night. Its important to test those with symptoms but really, to get out there and proactively monitor. I really want to emphasize over and over again that this asymptomatic spread is key. We have to be able to find it. Of course there is routine testing happening at the white house looking for exactly what dr. Deborah birx was just talking about, asymptomatic carriers to prevent the spread. There is not, however, that same thing for you. There is not widespread routine surveillance testing happening across this country as dr. Birx and dr. Fauci and other Health Officials want. Wouldnt you feel much safer and in fact be much safer about going to work or sending your kids to school or sending your kids to camp if those places were able to make an effort to proactively test folks there to make sure there are no asymptomatic carriers, and if there are to isolate those with the virus from everybody else . Thats what they do at the white house. But for whatever reason, President Trump refuses to invoke the defense production act to allow far more widespread testing of asymptomatic individuals. Plus today, more news out of the Trump Administration breaking this afternoon. The Investigative Office reviewing the whistleblower complaint filed by the administrations former vaccine chief, dr. Richard bright, determined there is reason to believe dr. Bright was removed directly as retaliation. The agency has also said that dr. Bright should be reinstated pending a full investigation. And we will have more on this breaking news in a minute. Lets start with the white house today. Cnns Kaitlan Collins joins me now. Kaitlan, its clear now this white house is not immune to exposure. This morning President Trump revealed the valet who tested positive this week was in the office with him on tuesday and of course just min he said publicly it was Vice President pences press secretary katie miller who tested positive. What more do we know about her contact with the Vice President and the president . Reporter well, jake, katie miller is an incredibly visible presence inside the west wing. Shes obviously the Vice President s press secretary. She often accompanies him to meetings, she attends meetings herself in the west wing and also goes with him to those Coronavirus Task force meetings, typically. And of course she is also married to the president s senior immigration adviser stephen miller. That throws another question into this, raising questions of what the possible exposure could be inside the west wing, raising questions about the president himself. Were seeing just this week, jake, just how close to home this coronavirus is really hitting for the white house. There is now a second reported case of coronavirus at the white house in two days. Shes a wonderful young woman, uh, katie. She testified, uh, very good for a long period of time and then all of a sudden today she tested positive. Reporter President Trump confirming today that Vice President mike pences press secretary has tested positive, causing air force two to sit on the runway for an hour this morning as six passengers who may have been in contact with her deplaned. Katie miller is married to another senior staffer in the west wing, stephen miller, raising questions about coronavirus protocol in the white house. Weve already put in a few protocols were looking at obviously to make sure the president and his immediate staff stay safe. Reporter a Senior Administration official said earlier that miller tested negative yesterday, then positive today after showing no symptoms. The press secretary wasnt scheduled to be on pences trip and he continued on to iowa with multiple other lawmakers and staffers in toe. It comes on the heel of President Trumps personal valet also testing positive, raising concerns about his and the Vice President s possible exposure. I can just tell you weve taken every precaution to protect the president. Reporter trump announced today his valets will wear masks but wont say why few other staffers do. Reporter is there a reason staffers arent Wearing Masks at the white house . Well, they are. Reporter theyre not, sir. People serving me are. Reporter the people around you have not been Wearing Masks for the last two weeks. Reporter the president himself did not wear a mask as he visited the world war ii memorial today for a wreathlaying ceremony with a group of veterans in their 90s. It was their choice to come here. He always puts their safety first. Reporter trump was in the middle of a fox news interview this morning when the nation learned 20. 5 people had lost their jobs in april, sending the unemployment soaring to 14. 7 , the worst level seen since the great depression. Its fully expected. Its no surprise. Everybody knows that. Somebody said, oh, look at this. Event democrats arent blaming me for that. Reporter the numbers show the scope of the damage the coronavirus pandemic has done. Analysts say it could take years to recover, although trumps aides are trying to put a positive spin on it. This president is the jobs president. He got us to a place where we had the lowest Unemployment Rate in the history of this country. Reporter now, jake, rick bright is that vaccine chief who was pushed out of his job. He filed a formal complaint this week. Now we have a new development with that because the Investigative Office thats looking into his complaint now says that early on, they do believe that he may have been removed from his job as part of retaliation which of course he alleged in that very lengthy complaint we brought you earlier this week. And they are requesting that the department of health and Human Services reinstate him in his position as this vaccine chief for the next 45 days as they continue to look into his complaint further. We should note so far hhs has not commented on this, so its not clear where this is go, but its notable, so far this office does believe he should be put back in his job for the time being. All right, Kaitlan Collins at the white house, thank you so much. I want to bring in cnn chief Political Correspondent dana bash. Dana, first of all, obviously, on a human level, this is sad, we wish the navy officer who serves President Trump and katie miller with the Vice President s office, we wish them both speedy recoveries. We hope that they are healthy and remain asymptomatic first and foremost. Absolutely. But beyond that, you cant ignore the symbolic concern, the Vice President is the man in charge of the Coronavirus Task force. Communication is a major part of that. His press secretary now has coronavirus, shes supposed to be helping with the messaging around how to stay safe, dana. Thats right. And its the message that is coming out as part of this without having to say it, just because of this event, is that its really hard to stay safe. And it really does crystallize the fact that despite the fact that the vast majority of states are beginning to reopen, most of them in defiance of the administrations own guidelines, that it is very, very difficult to stay away from this virus, even when you are in what should be the safest building on the planet, that is, the white house and the white house complex. As you said, this isnt just katie miller. Its the valet we heard about yesterday. And her as well. And it is because they have the luxury of having tests because of the valet testing positive, there are now tests being conducted pretty much on a daily basis and that is why katie miller found out that she is positive, whereas just the day before she was negative. And it shows just how quickly things can change for any individual, no matter who you are, and no matter how close you are to the levers of power. That is the message that is being communicated here by the person who is supposed to be the messenger eand in charge of messaging for the broader coronavirus strategy. But in addition to that, were also seeing surveillance testing in action, working. I mean, President Trump presumably is safe and has not contracted coronavirus because theyre doing regular testing on individuals and when they test positive, you isolate them and you get them away so it doesnt spread. Meanwhile, weve seen President Trump resist wearing a mask in public. Vice president when he visited the mayo clinic also resisted wearing a mask although since then he has gone on to wear a mask at a different event. White house officials get tested often so i understand the risk is low. But do you think that this is going to change at all, the president s reluctance to wear a mask in public . No. I really dont. In fact i just was making some calls to ask that very question before coming on with you, jake, thinking the answer was probably no, and i was right, at least the people i talked to who really know the president say that it is high unlikely that he will change his practice, for a lot of reasons, but first and foremost, he just doesnt want to be photographed that way. It is an examplesetting question. He is not setting the example, again, that his administration is putting out there in their own guidelines. But it just is unlikely, according to the people i talked to, and im guessing youre hearing the same, jake, that hes going to change anytime so soon, even with this news. And again, i just want to reiterate, we wish the best to katie miller, we wish the best to the navy officer. But once again, this idea of surveillance testing for the white house but not for the rest of the country, seems to be problematic, testing for me but not for thee. That could be a problem for the white house going forward. Yes, it could be. Look, this is why talking about testing from two months ago til today, and ramping up testing, is so incredibly critical. And we have had mixed messages from the president and Vice President. Even some of the medical professionals have had mixed messages about how critical testing is. This is proof, youre exactly right, the reason this was caught was because of very quick, very important onsite testing, that in order to have a safe society, youre going to have to have it across the board nationwide. Theres still a reluctance to do it. Dana bash, thank you so much, as always. Coming up, who gets some of the limited supply of this promising new drug remdesivir . A top doctor is sharing her hospital supply with other hospitals, well talk to her, coming up. Plus as states scramble to secure personal protective equipment, spending hundreds of millions of dollars, some of that money and some of the equipment wasnt showing up. A cnn investigation, ahead. When you shop for your home at wayfair you get way more than free shipping. You get thousands of items you need to your door fast the way it works best for you. Even the big stuff. You get a delivery experience you can always count on. You get your perfect find at a price to match on your schedule. You get free two day shipping on things that make your home feel like you wayfair. Way more than furniture. Robinwithout the commission fees. So, you can start investing today wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. You cant always stop for a fingerstick. 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Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. So, if you need to keep moving, were here for you. At carvana the safer way to buy a car. Two categories of numbers today painting a picture of unimaginable pain and devastation in the United States from coronavirus. First, 76,475 degrees and 1. 2 million confirmed positive with coronavirus. An incredible amount of suffering there. Second, 20 million. Thats the number of people out of work last month with an Unemployment Rate nearing 15 as the u. S. Continues to face this difficult balance of lives and livelihoods. At least 47 states will partially reopen by the end of the weekend as cnns nick watt reports. I have two teenagers to raise up. We have to keep up the good spirit. But were all scared. Reporter more than 20 million american jobs vanished in april alone. The worst jobs report in american history. In only 15 states, case counts are falling. But 47 states are at least partially reopening through the weekend. Some restrictions remain, which not everyone likes. I have a right to buy groceries without being forced to participate in excuse me. You need to wear a mask. Do you understand that . Youre violating my constitutional rights. This is private property. Reporter but today bars can reopen in alaska, dentists in iowa are back in business. Bowling alleys in tennessee. Tomorrow, restaurants can open in nevada and campgrounds in north dakota. Montana opened some schools yesterday. Now movie theaters will follow a week from today. Whats concerning here is that this is an experiment. No one knows whats going to happen. Reporter in texas, hair salons now a go. Were about 9 1 2 feet apart, each chair. Each chair will be disinfected after each service. Reporter there is a potential problem with such eneven openingen ev uneven openings. A survey found after georgia reopened many of their businesses, half a Million People traveled into georgia, causing a spike in coronavirus cases. In a tyson plant, the number of cases doubled, to over a thousand. One worker, reluctantly returning to work today, says he has no choice. He says, i cant beat donald trump and tyson. Im not a billionaire. Im broke. The nfl laid out a full schedule in the fall. Unclear if there will be fans in the stands. Spectatorless sports, we can add that term. Reporter social distancing enforcement clearly a work in progress. This arrest in new york city has sparked an internal investigation. And brooklyns d. A. Tells cnn that of the 40 people arrested for not social distancing through monday, 35 were black, four hispanic, just one white person. When we see disparity, were going to address it. Reporter still no vaccine, of course. And remdesivir, the drug found to shorten covid hospital stays by about four days, there are only about 200,000 courses available right now. I think there was that excitement, and then there was sadness and disappointment. Every day you dont get a drug, it means more patients are potentially going to do badly. Reporter and jake, a massive day of reopening here in california. The governor claims that 70 of the economy is now back open. But the retailers open today, including toy stores, is just curbside pickup. Here at the Brentwood Country mart, theyve hired an army of runners to bring merchandise to you in your car. Another big headline from here, every registered voter in california will get a mailin ballot this year. As the secretary of state said, this could be the most consequential election of our lifetime, jake. All right, nick watt, thank you so much. Were joined by the chief of Infectious Diseases at mass general. Dr. Wolenski, thanks for being on. Doctors are concerned about the lack of remdesivir and the lack of transparency over who gets it from the Trump Administration. Your hospital received a thousand doses of this drug. Explain how and why you decided to share that with other boston hospitals that were denied completely. Good afternoon, jake. Yeah, we were we logged on to the website on tuesday and learned on tuesday that we would be receiving this drug. That evening i had some conversations with my colleagues in different hospitals around the can i and it became very clear we were the only hospital in the city, and one of four in the state of massachusetts, to receive the drug. We had hypotheses over why we might have gotten it, because we were involved in a trial, but those hypotheses didnt bear out. It became clear we were selected but dont know why. There are vulnerable patients around the city and state and didnt feel like we should be the ones alone who seereceive t drug. We have 240 patients with covid in the hospital right now. We had courses for about 173 of them. So we already, given what we were given, didnt have enough for the patients we had under our roof today. That being said, we decided, as a hospital, as an administration, im very proud to say, to share it among the city, to give it to the state so they could equitably disturbs it across the state. Thats quite altruistic of you and mass general. Its probably too early to determine any results, but are you seeing any results from the remdesivir in the patients that youve given it to . Right, so we received it tuesday, its being distributed now. It will be given probably today and tomorrow. So yes, its too early for us to be able to say. Okay. I should say we received it wednesday. Okay. The department of health and Human Services was supposed to handle the delivery of the drug, while the White House Task force approved allocation plans. Just as somebody on the front lines, how would you describe the process of acquiring the drug . Well, i mean, it arrived in our pharmacy fine. How it was allocated is still a complete mystery. Were very frustrated, actually, to try and understand this. Certainly were you know, we in massachusetts are now allocating it. We had numerous calls over the last 24 to 48 hours to make sure we were given it out in an equitable fashion. Its been very frustrating for me and my colleagues nationwide to try and understand this. Axios is reporting that more than 32,000 doses were delivered to indiana, new jersey, new york, rhode island, tennessee, virginia, and as we mentioned, massachusetts. Axios reports those states were picked based on outdated data about where it was needed. Whats your reaction to that report . Well, you know, my reaction is, there are too many patients for the drug, for the amount of drug that we have. So certainly you would like to have a fair allocation process and thats what we were trying to do in massachusetts. As i said, because the process is completely opaque, we really dont know. Its very hard to understand how to equitably give this drug. I say that, its been very frustrating on another level as well, and that is the indications for the drug are so wide right now, its almost everybody whos in the hospital. And because of that, you know, i think theres going to quickly be more patients than there is drug. So wherever it goes, there wont be enough of it. All right, dr. Rochelle wolensky, thank you so much. Let us know how your patients are doing and well have you back soon. Thank you so much. Coming up, major questions about the accuracy of coronavirus test results in this nation. Stay with us. Managing type 2 diabetes . Audreys on it. Eating right. And staying active . 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Get ready to watch the best for free during watchathon week. Harvards Public Health institute says the United States should be testing a Million People a day. By next friday, may 15th. If there is any hope to get a firm handle on the coronavirus pandemic. Right now roughly 200,000 people are tested a day in the u. S. As cnns dr. Sanjay gupta reports for us now, there is also serious concern about the accuracy and validity of some of the tests. Reporter if youve heard anything lately about tests, its that we havent performed enough of them in the United States. Today everyone is so focused on getting tested, they miss the point that a bad test is worse than no test. Reporter and that may be another more fundamental problem. Just how good are the tests in the first place . The fda basically has created a wild, wild west environment for this testing where under their approval process on an emergency basis, theyve let tests on the market that basically have a very, very wide range of results. Reporter Michael Osterholm is director for the center for Infectious Disease research and policy in minnesota. The quality of these tests vary a great deal. Thats the challenge in terms of understanding, if you get a negative result, is it really negative . Reporter a molecular diagnostic test can determine if you have actual virus inside of you, by testing your saliva and testing it for genetic traces of the virus. How well the test can find those genetic markers is known as sensitivity. If a test has poor sensitivity, it will result if too many false negative results. That means too many people testing negative for the virus when they are actually infected. We undertook a study where we looked at over 200 specimens and tested them by all five methods, and there are differences between these tests. Reporter dr. Gary procof is head of virology. The test from the cdc and roche caught nearly all. But the now highly touted result missed nearly 15 of patients. Another study found it potentially missed 25 of infections. And thats a concern. Pause despite their negative test results, those people are infected and can spread the virus. You would never want to use that test to screen somebody in the hospital, to puppet them into a covid negative unit, because in that case you cant afford to make a mistake. Reporter in a statement, abbott said the transport media, the chemical used to carry the virus sample, could be diluting samples. We immediately communicated with our customers that they should use the direct swab method. The findings of the study are yet to be peerreviewed. Just because we need something put out emergently doesnt mean we should put out things that dont work appropriately. Reporter when asked if accuracy was sacrificed at the expense of speed, an fda spokesperson told cnn fda oversight doesnt end with an eua or emergency use authorization. We will continue to track these tests and take action if required. For those at home, sanjay, why does the quality of tests vary so much . I think there was this big rush, jake, to get these tests out there. You know, we know that the original test the cdc put out ended up being flawed, they couldnt validate some of the results. All of a sudden it became this big push and all these test makers put their tests out there. They didnt validate their results ahead of time, they werent necessarily asked to do that. That was the emergency use authorization. Now were going through thes process of validating those tests. Jake, some of these tests being widely used in some situations still have a high false negative rate. We talk a lot about the numbers of tests. Until we can make sure the tests we are using are accurate, that may be a more fundamental problem. Sanjay, President Trump just addressed the news that Vice President pences press secretary katie miller tested positive for coronavirus today. Take a listen. She tested, uh, very good for a long period of time, then all of a sudden she tested positive. This is why the whole concept of tests arent necessarily great. The tests are perfect. But something could happen. Isnt the lesson weve learned here the exact opposite of that . Yeah, i mean, theres a couple of points here. One is that obviously the test can have a false negative rate. Just leaving that aside for a second. Theyre not perfect, they need to you can test negative at one point and then test positive the next day. It doesnt necessarily mean you became positive between the two tests. Maybe you got exposed before and youre just now testing positive. The reason you test is that katie, who by the way, i know, and i wish her well, i hope shes not symptomatic, it doesnt sound like it is. Yes, of course. But she needs to be isolated so she donesnt spread this, he contacts need to be traced. Thats when you shift the strategy from just trying to slow this thing down to really saying, okay, now we have the virus on the run, were containing the virus, were boxing it in. Thats why you test. And testing is absolutely critical. I would not use that example to say testing is really not that effective or not that helpful. No, its the exact opposite. Its, now it wont spread from katie, who i agree, we all wish her well, now it wont spread, and infect, say, a man in his 70s like President Trump. Dr. Birx said to you in cnns town hall last night that the u. S. Is testing about 2. 5 of the population. Were three months into this pandemic, at a minimum. Is that enough progress at this point . I think if you look at any of these road maps to testing, 2. 5 is way too low. It just is. People focus a lot on the absolute number of tests. Another way to look at it is to say, we need to test enough people so that were only getting 10 results back positive. In that case it gives you a sense that youre testing enough people, youre getting enough people, 90 are negatives, that means youre doing enough testing. Thats another way to look at it. You interviewed paul romer from the world bank previously, and he said, you know, maybe 20 million testimonias a day, whic sounds really audacious, but the idea there is youre testing just about the equivalent of the country every two weeks, which is roughly the incubation period. So 2 is not nearly an enough, even if thats a monthly sort of figure. All right, sanjay, thanks so much, have a wonderful weekend, well see you this week. In between, be sure to listen to sanjays daily podcast, coronavirus fact versus fiction, on apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts. An Unemployment Rate this nation hasnt seen since the great dreepressiodepression, ne. And send nearly 8 billion texts every day. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. You flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief however, there is one thing you can be certain of. The men and women of the United States postal service. Were here to deliver cards and packages from loved ones and also deliver the peace of mind of knowing that essentials like prescriptions are on their way. Every day, all across america, we deliver for you. And we always will. Can match the power of energizer. Because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. Backed by science. Matched by no one. 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A record 20. 5 million jobs lost in the month of april. That number does not reflect the true amount of people unemployed, furloughed, suffering. Lets bring in cnn business anchor julia chatterley. Julia, the april Unemployment Rate is 14. 7 . But that number is a bit misleading, right . Absolutely. As bad as it is, there are just millions of people that werent counted. For a start, you werent added to these numbers if you werent actively looking for a job. How do you actively look for a job during a shutdown . People actually classed themselves in many cases as unemployed rather than absent. The truth is we dont know those absences last, and the real Unemployment Rate here is way higher. The Labor Department uses a survey to create the Unemployment Rate, the bureau of labor statistics does. 18 Million People described their job loss as temporary. That seems significant in determining how long a recovery might take, right . This could be the Silver Lining among some very dark clouds. This is almost 90 of people in the report saying, im going to go back to work soon. That confidence is key, but that doesnt jibe with predictions that there will be a 10 Unemployment Rate at years end. Were tackling the Health Crisis at the same time, and thats the conundrum here. Julia chatterley, always great to have you on, see you next week, have a great weekend. President trump called the video of an unarmed black man being shot and killed, quote, very disturbing and justice would be done. Two white men have been arrested and charged with the murder of 25yearold Ahmaud Arbery in georgia. The arrests, we should point out, did not happen until 74 days after the shooting, and coincidentally, im sure, two days after the video was released by a local radio personality. Cnn has not independently verified the video but it is consistent with police reports. The disturbing video, seen here, shows arbery jogging when the former Police Officer and his son chased him down and shot him in cold blood. You can hear three gunshots before arbery falls to the ground. This morning arberys father reacted to news of the arrest of the two men. It took a lot of stress off our family because we were devastated. These killers did that to a young man and they were still Walking Around free. It was devastating to our family. Today would have been Ahmaud Arberys 26th birthday. Coming up, one individual who was reportedly recommended by the federal government got 69 million to provide ventilators to new york and he never delivered. What happened . Stay with us. Ing. Being prepared and overcoming challenges. Usaa has been standing with them for nearly a hundred years. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. And ask your doctor about biktarvy. Biktarvy is a complete, onepill, onceaday treatment used for hiv in certain adults. Its not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. Thats when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. Research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit hiv through sex. Serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. Rare, lifethreatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. Do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. Tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. If you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. Common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. If youre living with hiv, keep loving who you are. And ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. Birthdays arent cancelled. Hope isnt quarantined. 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Pretty good deal peter sfx [blender] ebates is now rakuten, sign up today. In just one almost unbelievable example of the rush to secure medical equipment across this country, new york state paid an electrical engineer 69 million to obtain 1,400 ventilators. The Silicon Valley engineer reportedly had no history of producing or selling ventilators. Cnns drew griffin investigates how states are granting contracts for millions of dollars to unvetted companies in the middle of this man scramble. Reporter while coronavirus was overwhelming hospitals, governors across the country were in a mad scramble to find supplies. And a lot of people were making a lot of money. I cant tell you how many orders we placed with vendors who were acting basically as brokers, who just started businesses in the middle of this pandemic because they saw an opportunity. Reporter from new york to california to louisiana, hundreds of millions of dollars in ventilators, masks, and other personal protective equipment were ordered. But some of it never showed up. After stalled deals, the governors of both california and maryland say theyre looking into deals with blue flame medical, a popup medical supply Company Started by two republican operatives. Unfortunately across the country there have been some cases of fraud. It is unconscionable that anyone would try to exploit this pandemic for profit or for personal gain. Reporter an attorney speaking on behalf of blue flame told cnn the Company Fully intends to honor the contract for 1. 5 Million Masks and 110 ventilators to maryland and says the Chinese Government interfered with its ability to fulfill the shipment. In louisiana, at the height of new orleans pandemic crisis, 7 million of ppe supplies never showed. The Third Party Supplier now being charged with defrauding the va. Former federal prosecutor elie honig says its the perfect environment for wide scale fraud. Any time theres opportunity, any time theres a pot of money, dishonest people will have their hands in it. Even in times of emergency, for some people theres just no bottom. Reporter add to go ting to issue, the lack of federal leadership on supplies that forced states to fend for themselves, scouring the internet or relying on unknown suppliers. Case in point, new york state. Competition among states, there was Competition Among private intenentities this equi. The federal government was trying to buy it. Reporter receiving the most attention, a deal for 1,400 ventilators from a Silicon Valley engineer. The state paid 69 million but the ventilators never arrived. A spokesman from Governor Cuomo says hhs recommended them. The engineer behind the failed deal did not return cnns calls. Although most of the money has been returned, 10 million is still under negotiation. As a nation, we cant go through this again. Reporter to fight fraud and better their bargaining position, new york and six other northeast states have joined together to stabilize the supply chain and combat the fraud that is also spreading like the virus itself. In an ideal world, you would have had the federal government stepping up earlier. Thats not happening. So governors are getting it done. Reporter the fact is, jake, the federal government and a team organized of volunteers by Jared Kushner were behind that referral for that failed new york ventilator deal. So its not just about getting federal help, its about getting good federal help. States say theyre not getting it so theyre doing it themselves, jake. Drew griffin, thank you so much for that. Tune in sunday morning to cnns state of the union. My guests will include kevin hassett, j. B. Pritzker, and keisha lancebottoms, sunday at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, only on cnn. Coming up, a nurse days away from retirement, lost to coronavirus. And spray. And spray. Well, we used to. With new ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier, one simple application kills and prevents bugs in your home for up to a year without odors, stains or fuss. Its the modern way to keep bugs away. New ortho home defense max. Bugs gone. Stress gone. Good morning, mr. Sun. Good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. Im gonna grow big and strong. Yes, you are. Im gonna get this place all clean. Ill give you a hand. And im gonna put lisa on crutches wait, what . Said shes gonna need crutches. She fell pretty hard. You might want to clean that up, girl. Excuse us. When owning a Small Business gets real, progressive helps protect what you built with customizable coverage. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Donny, no. Oh. And im gonna eh, eh, eh. Stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. And take. It. On. With rinvoq. Rinvoq a oncedaily pill. Can dramatically improve symptoms. 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With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Theand we want to thank times, the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com we want to take a moment to remember just a couple of the tens of thousands of people weve lost in this pandemic. Dr. Joseph francis webbington had six children, 14 grandchildren. Jacqueline harris of michigan was 78 years old. She came to the u. S. From jamaica. She was a private Home Health Care worker. 65yearold barbara birchenau was just days away from retirement. She was a nurse in belleville, new jersey. Thats where she was admitted as a patient. Her son matthew says it was comforting to know his mother was cared for by friends and colleagues. May their memories be a blessing. Our coverage on cnn continues right now. Today is the 30th anniversary of wolf blitzer on cnn, be sure to wish him a happy anniversary. Thank you for watching. See you on send. This is cnn breaking news. And welcome to our viewers here in the United States and around the world. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room. Theres escalating concern tonight about the coronavirus spreading in the west wing of the white house after President Trump said that katie miller, the press secretary to Vice President mike pence, has tested positive. Shes the wife of the president s Senior Adviser stephen miller. The news comes one day after we learned one of the president s military valets has also tested positive for the virus. Many while, the economic toll has hit historic levels. The governments newest unemployment report shows more than 20 million jobs lost last month. That sent the jobless rate soaring to 14. 7 , thats the highest since the g

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