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Shoots down the statement that donald trump is a selfmade millionaire and democrats wanting to see his tax returns if they win in november. A, quote, credible witness with, quote, compelling testimony that Supreme Court nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh assaulted her . Then he mocked that testimony. How did you get home . I dont remember. Where was the place . I dont remember. How many years ago . I dont remember. What neighbor was it in . I dont know. Where is the house . I dont know. Upstairs, downstairs, where was it . I dont know. But i had one beer. Thats the only thing i remember. Lets put aside for a second the fact that such memory lapses are not even remotely uncommon for survivors of Sexual Assault and for one men lets ignore whether or not you believe that it was kavanaugh who assaulted Christine Blaseyford. Lets take a closer look at what President Trump was doing here, provoking laughter, invoking a certain reaction from some of those in the crowd. Take a closer look. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. I dont know. Lets remember what she told the senate about her most powerful memory from the alleged assault. Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter, the uproarious laughter between the two and their having fun at my expense. Uproarious laughter, having fun at her expense. Whether or not you believe that pain was inflicted by Brett Kavanaugh. Republican senator jon cornyn said to the texas tribune, quote, i wish the president would leave this confirmation battle up to the senate and obviously, given the nature of the allegations and our desire to be respectful of dr. Ford and the other woman who might make allegations, i dont think talking about it at a political rally is useful, unquote. Now we dont know if President Trump thinks its useful to ridicule a woman claiming she was sexually assaulted or if he just did it because he thought it was fun, but lets take a moment to reflect that the president of the United States believes its appropriate. There appears to be no bottom. Lets talk about the politics of this now with cnn jeff zeleny at the white house. The white house says they dont see the president s comments at last nights rally an attack. Whether its an attack or ridicule, it certainly did not help husband case with the three republican senators on the fence about kavanaugh. Jake, theres no question about that. Being inside that rally, as i was last evening, you could hear the applause t grew very slowly and it was not uniformly. I saw several people with uncomfortable looks on their face. Like at any other rally that he does, he kept going and going and finally got the applause he was looking for. Jake, that is not the important audience here. The white house knows its an audience of three, jeff flake of arizona, Susan Collins of maine and Lisa Murkowski of alaska, all of whom condemned that. Whether theyll use this to factor in their decision or not. The white house at this moment is waiting for the fbi report. Theyre waiting for it on capitol hill as well. That could change everything. President trump may have drawn applause while mocking Christine Blaseyford at a Campaign Rally last night. How did you get there . I dont remember. Where is the place . I dont remember. How many years ago was it . I dont know. I dont know. Today three key republican senators, whose votes will decide the fate of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, werent laughing. Senator jeff flake called it appalling. Its no time or place particularly to discuss something so sensitive at a political rally. Its wrong. Senator Susan Collins equally blunt. The president s comments were just plain wrong. And senator Lisa Murkowski said the remarks were wholly inappropriate and unacceptable. At a rare white house briefing, press secretary Sarah Sanders insisted that the president wasnt mocking ford. It wasnt anything other than the president stating facts. She could not reconcile how the president s tone went from this last friday i thought her testimony was very compelling and she looks like a very fine woman to me. Very fine woman. Reporter to this last night, when he belittled that very fine woman and showed empathy for men only. A mans life is in tatters. A mans life is shattered. Reporter sanders said kavanaugh and ford are both victims and pointed the finger squarely at democrats, who oppose kavanaughs confirmation to the court. Certainly the testimony by dr. Ford was compelling, but you cant make this decision based on emotion. It has to be based on fact. Reporter but the debate on capitol hill and across the country is steeped in emotion, which is precisely what the president was also stoking 34 days before the midterm elections. Hes standing by kavanaugh but leaving the door open to distance himself, perhaps, if ultimately the votes fall short. I dont even know him. Its not like oh, gee, i want to protect my friend. So there is a sense of anticipation, jake, here at the white house and indeed on capitol hill and likely all across washington when that fbi report is going to come out, will there be any new information . And will it be released pickuply or not . White house officials here say they do expect it to be coming out this afternoon if it hasnt already. Were not sure. Theyre not saying. Then it will be assent to the senate. How will that influence republican senators votes . It will be that, the final determination, not something that the president says, because theyve heard a lot from him, jake, and the senators say theyll follow what they ask for, and thats the fbi investigation. Jeff zeleny, thank you so much. Bob corker can expect the fbi report to be released any time as soon as today. Lets talk about this all with our experts. Let me play some sound from Sarah Sanders and her reasoning as to why it was acceptable, what President Trump did last night when he was ridiculing professor blaseyford. Every single word judge kavanaugh has said has been picked apart, every single word. Second by second of his testimony has been picked apart. Yet if anybody says anything about the accusations that have been thrown against him, thats totally off limits and outrageous. This entire process has been a disgrace. Just fact check, thats not true. We have noted several times that professor blaseyfords allegations are uncorroborated and there remains no evidence of them. Weve certainly noted that. Is there a strategy here or is President Trump winging it . It doesnt appear that theres any strategy here. President trump last friday said he thought she was a compelling witness with incredible testimony and yesterday said maybe he could change his mind after he heard the fbi report and saw what was in there. Then President Trump goes to a rally and, as jeff was explaining jeff was there last night. Trump dabbled in this a little bit. He brought up Christine Blaseyford, he fed off that. That led him to go to those questions where he said i dont remember. I dont remember this. I only had one beer. Hes feeding off the crowd there. And thats the same thing we see when hes in the oval office. Hes feeding off the people who are around him. He knows what reporters and his aides want to hear. He knows what the people in that rally want to hear. I have a problem with what Sarah Sanders said. Regardless of whether you believe everything that Christine Blaseyford said was true or dont believe her at all, he did not state the facts. He said the only thing she could remember is that she had one beer. Thats not true. She remembers what she was wearing, who was in the room, remembers the laughter, reaction from the boys and she remembers a lot more than what she alleged President Trump alleged during that rally last night. To say that she didnt remember those things is not stating the facts. President trump did not lay out the case like Sarah Sanders said repeatedly that he did. Four senators whose votes are up in the air, joe manchin, democrat from west virginia, then murkowski, collins and flake. Politically it might be stupid. Yes. These votes are at risk. Sometimes they turn on weird quirks of personality or reactions to Something Like this. Collins and murkowski dont want to be seen as if on the side of someone mocking her. I said this about him for several years now. He cannot keep a lid on his id. He can go a week without doing this. Then he got in front of the crowd and this is what happened. Just shut it on this one. I disagree. Theres not a legislative strategy here. It doesnt make sense trying to influence these votes. But this is his strategy. Whether its demographic change or cultural change, voters who feel threatened by change, last night taking it to a whole new level is making this a larger debate about changing gender roles, increasing womens assertiveness and he knew what he was doing. He was speaking, as he always does, to voters who feel threatened by this kind of change. That is how they think theyll ride out these midterms by activating these voters at the price of alienating more of the suburban white collar fiscal republicans who are recoiling from this polarization and this cultural polarization. I think he knew exactly what he was doing and i think that because he has done it over and over again. Any time you get in a dispute like this, he finds the way to identify with the voters and feel threatened by the change representative in the argument. I agree. Weve seen him over and over again appeal to his conservative base and use this as a moment. This is a moment where people sitting in washington may be certainly horrified by whats happening here but he recognizes this as an opportunity to excite the people who have been asleep and have not been excited about the election. Thats exactly what he was doing last night. I dont think hes particularly concerned or should be particularly concerned about some of these republican senators. They followed verylar pattern of expressing outrage and being outraged about what trump says and then they vote with him and they are covering their own tails and allowing themselves to vote for kavanaugh later this week by saying theyve considered the investigation, by expressing outrage. We talked over the years about how much of the trump vote is linked to people who are uneasy about racial change. Its much less discussion but it is also true many of his voters are uneasy about changing gender roles. If you look at people have a gender gap on this. Theres a huge class gap among white women over this whole dispute. A poll is out right now, npr maris, where only 33 of noncollege white women said they believe bl sachltaseyford. This is the essence of how he believes that republicans can prosper in 18 and 20. Published a letter last night that kavanaugh wrote in 1983 to organize beach week. In it he describes himself and his friends as loud, objenoxiou drunks. He signed the letter by his nickname, bart. And he was asked about that by pat leahy. Listen. Im trying to get a straight answer from you under oath. Are you Bart Okavanaugh that hes referring to . You would have to ask him. Ive heard conservatives say thats not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Are you the fictional character thats based upon you . I dont know. This is the change that i react to. Its not the me too moment, which i have embraced in various ways along the way but the shift to the standard for Supreme Court justice is to prove that he was not at a party of unknown location, unknown date and questionable guest list 35 years ago, a standard to which none of us should be held, none of us could meet and i think it will endanger many good people in the future. What is the standard youre talking about . The party . Proving a negative from 35 years ago and having your high School Shenanigans piled on as evidence of the negative that you are unable to prove. I think its an unfair standard for democrat, republican, man or woman. It is not one im Comfortable Holding anyone to in public. You can give me a lot of evidence of adolescent drinking. I could give you a lot of evidence of my own adolescent drinking but that doesnt make it a fair standard despite the fact that, as a woman, i am more familiar than i would like to be with sexually threatening situations and would like to be sensitive. I dont think people have a problem with him pushing back. If you were wrongly accused, which Brett Kavanaugh thinks he is, no people have a problem they do, actually. No one should. If hes wrongly accused, he should push back. Here is the problem with that exchange with pat leahy. He said you would have to ask him. He was getting aggressive with him. Most people concluded they believed that was based on someone like Brett Kavanaugh, Bart Okavanaugh. Hes not honest . Saying maybe that is based on me. My nickname is bart, but that doesnt mean i did everything that that fictional character did. Thats the truth, the whole truth when you dont tell the truth about small things that gives democrats so much more realm to say youre lying about the bigger things. Conservative lawyers who say the oath is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And he knew what pat leahy was getting i drank. Theres no caveat that youre allowed to side step the oath if you think the questions are annoying or intrusive. The idea that hes not characterizing his high school misbehavior exactly the way that people want him to characterize is an open and shut perjury case is very silly. And thats the argument. First of all its a big difference between pushing back and claiming that the entire thing is driven by people who would not accept trumps victory, the clinton revenge or democratic conspiracy. That took this to an unprecedented level, making those partisan accusations that will trail him to the court if he is confirmed and kind of make him john roberts Worst Nightmare in that sense. Its important to remember where this all started. It all started with an accusation of Sexual Assault. If it was just about drinking, it would be democrats overstepping for sure. In that case, the evidence for the incident is the thing we should be examining, not the evidence that he was misbehaving. Hold that thought. Well take a very quick break and come back. One republican senator says the fbi report could come literally any moment. Why has the fbi not spoken to kavanaugh or ford then . Could the trump family hiding tax returns be the catalyst that forces. Hey, what do you guys want to listen to . Ooh, hiphop. Reggaeton. Edm. What about bubble trance . Bubble what . Bubble trance, its a thing. My point is everyones got different taste. 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This part is up to you. A Medicare Supplement plan helps pay for some of what medicare doesnt. Call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company today to request this free decision guide. And learn about the only Medicare Supplement plans endorsed by aarp. Selected for meeting their high standards of quality and service. This type of plan lets you say yes to any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Do you accept medicare patients . I sure do so call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. Oh, and happy birthday. Or retirement. In advance. The fbi investigation into judge Brett Kavanaugh and allegations against him could be completed as soon as today, but cnn has learned as of right now, it does not apparently include interviews with either kavanaugh or the first accuser, professor Christine Blaseyford. However, it does include looking into a party that kavanaugh himself brought up. Cnn reporter drew griffin joins me now. White House Counsel doesnt think that the fbi needs to interview either kavanaugh or ford. Why not . Jake, because the white House Counsel believes their testimony and sworn statements are enough. No need, i guess, to waste more time. Thats not exactly the same message Sarah Sanders was giving today when she said the president indicated that the fbi can interview whomever they want. More questions about that High School Party, not so much about yale. Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser, professor Christine Blaseyford may not have been interviewed yet concerning what took place at a High School Party but they are expanding interviews concerning details of a High School Gathering kavanaugh provided himself. Kavanaughs own calendar for july 1st, 1982, includes this reference. Go to timmys for skis with judge, tom, pj, ernie. Do you drink on weekdays . In the summer on tibbys house, that would indicate yes. To skis, went over for skis, thats brewskis, correct . And after thats brewskis, right . The fbi is attempting to chase down each name in his own hand. Meanwhile even more evidence is being revealed about the description of himself as a mild or aeksal drinker. The evidence is in his own hand. Written by kavanaugh in 1983, discussing plans for a Beach Weekend with friends in which kavanaugh writes, warn the neighbors that were loud, obnoxious drunks with prolific pukers around us. He signs off fffff, bart. Its the name kavanaughs best friend mark judge used in his book wasted describing a Bart Okavanaugh, who puked in someones car during beach week. Im trying to get a straight answer from you under oath. Are you, Bart Kavanaugh that hes referring to . Yes or no . You would have to ask him. What is less clear about the fbis investigation is just how seriously theyre investigating claims made by debra ramirez, the yale classmate who claims kavanaugh exposed himself. Ramirez spent two hours with the fbi on sunday, gave agents a list of 20 names of people who could possibly corroborate or provide further leads. Cnn has contacted a series of people from that list who say either they never were contacted or actually reached out to the fbi themselves only to not hear back. Jake, the fbi isnt talking to us about any of this. U. S. Government official, though, familiar with this is telling us the fbi remains in Information Collection mode, sorting through a number of leads from the public, presumably some of these calls from ramirezs friends and acquaintances yet to be returned. Yet to be returned, thank you. Breaking news. A man suspected of sending a potentially deadly substance to the pentagon and the white house has been taken into custody. What we know about the suspect and his motives, next. burke thats what we call a huge drag. Seriously, thats what we call it. Officially. And we covered it. Talk to farmers. 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Talk to your rheumatologist. Right here. Right now. Humira. According to a federal Law Enforcement official, a person is now in custody in connection with those suspicious letters sent to the white house and pentagon that initially tested positive for the poison ricin. An expert supervisory agent, josh, what are you learning about the person in custody and these letters . Indeed one person, a male, has been taken into custody in logan, utah, north of salt lake city. Cnn has a team in place right now. Our nick watt is there, gathering additional information. As we speak, the subject has been taken into custody but tactical and hazmat teams are on scene, clearing the residence where the subject was locateded, looking for additional material, obviously taking extreme caution when youre dealing with these types of substances, going through that house. Youll recall from monday where there were two letters sent to the pentagon, one addressed to secretary of defense james mattis, second to the chief of Naval Operations and a separate letter sent addressed to President Trump. Now none of the letters actually made it into the facilities that they were addressed. Both of these facilities have these male Screening Centers located offsite that are set to intercept these letters as they come in. A largescale investigation will be launched to determine what was the motive of the person who sent it. Do we know anything about motive . We dont yet. The person is being questioned by Law Enforcement as we speak. They make the distinction that they dont use the word arrest as a technical legal term because he has not yet been charged. They are questioning him, gathering additional information. Again in order to get to that motive. One thing thats interesting is that were told the residence was the address listed on the envelope. He wasnt hiding. Nevertheless when youre sending this potentially toxic material to federal officials its something thats going to get the attention of the fbi. Josh campbell, thank you so much. Lets turn to the politics, democrats on capitol hill demanding to see President Trumps tax returns after the bombshell New York Times report that he made millions helping his family dodge taxes. Senate finance committee now renewing a call for republicans to allow the committee to review decades of the president s tax returns. Tom foreman file this had report. I started with a Million Dollar loan. I built a company thats worth more than 10 billion. Okay . Reporter a selfbuilt billionaire . Not according to the New York Times, which says a steady and secret flow of cash from fred trump started very early. By age 3, the times says, donald trump was earning 200,000 a year from his fers real estate empire. He was a millionaire by age 8. After college, he was receiving the equivalent of 1 million a year from his father and more than 5 million annually in his 40s and 50s. In all, the times calculates trumps father gave him over 4 4 h 4 400 the allegations are 100 false. Reporter the president . A very boring and old hit piece on me. Money is my business, i think i keep taking, taking, taking. Reporter how could such a thing be done . The times provides details accounts of an alleged Conspiracy Theory to use shady Business Practices to when it bought Something Like a 300 air conditioner and the bill went to dad they would charge 100 more and pocket that. Reporter this would have allowed the father to give his children countless secret cash gifts disguised as business expenses. The scope is hundreds of millions of dollar. Come to the castle in atlantic city. Its more than a hotel. Its a fourstar resort. Reporter when his casino business began falling apart, his father sent an emissary who bought more than 3. 35 Million Dollars worth of casino chips and left without placing a bet. Through it all, the times claims they created a paper trail that steadily hid the money. Properties just worth over 40 million then selling them the next doc aid for 16 times that amount. A statement from the family said all appropriate gift and estate tax returns were filed and the required taxes were paid. Despite that, according to the times, all of this helped donald trump and his siblings dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in tax bills. Trumps camp says its just not true but critics have long insisted there is a reason donald trump is the only modern president who, to this day, has refused to release his taxes. Jake . Tom foreman, thank you. Kaitlyn, this is how Sarah Sanders reacted to the New York Times report today. Its a totally false attack, based on an old, recycled news story. Im not going to sit and go through every single line of a very boring 14,000word story. First of all, that sounds like the trump tweet, not an official white house statement. Second of all, youre going to have to do better than that if you want to convince me there are falsehoods in this story. It sounds like the statement they put out last night which read like it was dictated, word for word, by the president , calling it boring, old, something no one has ever done. Where are the factual errors . Navy not listed one specific thing. Sarah sanders in that response was name one thing that is wrong, one specific line in this story that is wrong. She said charles harder already did that. He didnt. He gave a broad denial. The question was, is the president still under audit . She said to her knowledge she believes some of his taxes were still under audit. Will he release his tax return . As of her awareness at that briefing there is no plan to release his tax returns. Taxes are still under audit. They have a lot more to look at now with this exhaustive piece coming out. Yeah, its something that really gets to the core of President Trump. It was a big part of what helped him win. He fashioned himself, though he was wealthy and from those higher social circles, the elite that he said hes not part of. He said he was self made. He took a small, Million Dollar loan from his father. He paid it back with interest. President trump took a will the more than that, didnt pay it back. That goes against a lot of what he inspired, a lot of his supporter, to believe he was. They could do Something Like that, he was one of them. This flies in the face of all of that. Do you agree . I never bought the myth so i knew that. A guy whose dad was this connected and had this much money undoubtedly built part of his career based on that. He ended up being a better promotional guy than his father was. Ideologically, if you wish to give your money to your children that you earned over your lifetime you should do it in the most tax advantageous way possible and not be dishonest about it. Thats the line. 3 million in chips and walking out of a casino im saying you should do that. Legally . It is not wrong to minimize your tax liability. The line here is whether they were fraudulent and dishonest about it and whether its actionabl actionable. Systematic episodes, describing the story that clearly, you know, raised questions of fraud. One is one that tom talked about, sham company to inflate billing. The other, more direct, was the valuation of the Real Estate Properties so far below what was selling comparably here, forensic accounts to recreate what Comparable Properties were being sold for and the trump accountants put a fraction of that, allowing them to massively reduce their taxes. This is the kind of thing its interesting. Probably all the voters who have turned away from donald trump because they think he is personally odeus, have done so. One thing that democrats are running on is the tax bill is this great windfall for rich people that ultimately will require republicans to come after your Social Security and medicare and i have to imagine this is going right into the stump speech, just like donald trump himself, you know, took advantage of the tax code. Thats what republicans are trying to do to you now. I dont think its a completely political insignificant event. The democrats want another reason to talk about wanting Donald Trumps taxes. For the reason you said but also because substantively, they always felt that its about following the money, relating to the russia investigation, where his vulnerables are, what his weaknesses are, that theres got to be something in there. And then politically, most moderates dont want to repeal the tax bill. That would be terrible politics for them but they need something to get progressives and getting his taxes and being able to fight on that would be a good thing for them to have and be able to fight over next year. Trump is always able to spin things in his favor. It will not be surprising if he does it with this. Even once Hillary Clinton accused him of not paying his taxes properly and he said if i did, it would be smart. That argument that hes going to make, people will buy that. Manu raju caught up with senator orrin hatch. When asked if the president should release his tax returns he said, quote, he may have to. He may have to give up those returns. Maybe he will be forced to. Maybe it does matter. It depends. If a number of republicans call on him to do so. Perhaps there are weird machinations as to how you could make him do it but i dont think theres a the house can force him . On that long list of things that theyre likely to do. If, by the way, last night as some people think, he launched a new culture role fight over the role of women and the me too you think that. I dorks among others. In order in order to distract attention that he misused the tax code to benefit the super rich, mainly himself you give him too much credit. That would be his entire presidency in one moment. That is the argument, essentially, that they provoke these culture wars but the agenda itself is kind of a very conventional top down republican economics and there it was all together one night in mississippi. Interesting. Trump the second, donald trump jr. Campaigned for a man he and his father once called a liar. Stay with us. Thats when i knew i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. Plus intense craving relief. Every great why, needs a great how. 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President trump there last night in mississippi, putting the midterm elections in rather personal terms. Lets talk about it. Is that going to work, President Trump saying, pretend im on ballot, getting his voters out . It does matter to the base. So that may matter. It may also matter after the fact if perhaps, you know, there isnt a red wave and he has to answer for the fact that he was, indeed, on the ballot, by his own reasoning. Look, i hate to be queen of conventional wisdom but i think the house is probably going blue. The senate could be in a different story. The map was so advantageous to republicans that this is a blown opportunity to pick up a bunch of seats. They may keep it. Yeah, saying this is personally about him makes his supporters excited. Whether he says it or not its true. Over the last 25 years, the mid term elections have become referendum on the president s routine, 85 of the voters who approve the president vote for the president s party. We are seeing a number of polls, the kavanaugh fight and trump beating the drums on that. But the tipoff of the effect, to Mary Katherines point, look where hes going. Do you see him in philadelphia, Orange California . He wont be in the suburbs. Tomorrow. He will be further off in more rural parts and that gives you a tipoff to where were headed. The Republican Base has not collapsed. Theyre very strong. All the groups that flock to trump. But they are suffering unprecedented erosion among white collar suburban whites, especially women. And that is likely what youll see in this election. Its not a wave. It will be more like a river. All these metro areas and inner suburban republicans, Orange County republicans or in philadelphia. Youll see them losing but democrats will have a hard time extending beyond that and youll have a divide between metro and rural. You dont think it will be an overwhelming shellac being that happened in 2010 with the republicans . I think there are enoughinte. The list of suburban seats at risk is growing where the blue collar, rural opportunities we saw earlier were shutting down. So the total number may get you have to say theyre favored now. But there is a geographic limit on their reach by the demography. Which is how things have changed since 2006 when democrats won the house. The jerry man ddering was not a bad then. One of the challenges they have now is that there are so many competitive races that they have to figure out where to put money in resources. What often happens at this time in the process is some of the candidates weve been talking about for a year and a half who were definitely going to win may not win and they have to make decisions about the next tier and they have to make the right decisions in order to win. Kaitlyn, tonight President Trumps son, donald trump jr. Will be campaigning for senator ted cruz in it the man don junior once called on twitter liein ted and a rascal and tweeting one time, amazing and true, Carly Fiorina and ted cruz will say whatever just to get elected. Still, do you think it will work . To remind people, politicians are not the people you think they are, theyre not tethered to some kind of moral compass and will flip when they need political help. Hes campaigning with donald trump jr. , mike pence and, of course, the president is coming. Donald trump jr. Has been one when the president was restrained about Brett Kavanaughs accuser dr. Ford, he was on twitter going after her immediately within days of those accusations coming out and now were seeing kavanaugh could help republicans in these midterm elections and well have to see if he will use that as a defense and help ted cruz that way tonight. Eyeing a political career himself, might run for governor. What do you think . Youre not supposed to laugh. Im sure he is. This is what i was noting, the come down from this. If you look back at the rnc in cleveland, as im loath to do, but if you look back at that and the speech that donald trump jr. Gave it was a very conventional, republican speech. Sort of a nice pitch and tone, had some interesting forwardlooking ideas. It was like oh, this is sort of what we kind of do. Standard bear. And now he is the attack dog on twitter. That is a symbol for what happened with the trump administration. Still, orourke cant be happy that donald trump and donald trump jr. Are coming to texas. Betow has to be pretty happy. He will help the congressional candidates. This may help him raise money, too. People will watch that trump junior is coming and theyll give more money to him. Thanks one and all for being here. How are a extinguished yale alum and fraternity connected to a cartoon about President Trump . Well tell you after this. So you get what you want, without paying for things you dont. Number 6. I know. Where do i put it . In my belly. vo one family. Different unlimited plans. Starting at 40 per line on the network you deserve. Traffic and roads. A mess, honestlyrents going up,le. Friends and Family Moving out of state, millions of californians live near or below the poverty line. Politicians like gavin newsom talk about change, but theyve done nothing. Skyhigh gas and food prices. Homelessness. Gavin newsom, it happened on your watch. So, yeah. It is time for a change. Time for someone new. Some of the most biting criticism of President Trump has come from satirists and in his new book, doonesbury tackles it all. A fellow alum of yale, sad, doonesbury in the time of trump. Gary trudeau joins us now. Youve been satirizing donald trump for decades. For years. Trying to warn america about this man, in your view. Put up this cartoon you did. This is Donald Trumps hair. Here are examples of President Trumps boasts. You go through all these boasts while youre looking at his interesting vortexs of hair. How do you satirize what is already so incredibly whats the word im looking for . Superlative . One of the reasons, and im glad to see you animate the hair. I think it is a living, breathing creation and its a work of art. Just like the constitution. Just like the constitution. Originally, i drew him in kind of a straight ahead fashion and there wasnt much of a caricature to it. Then as his own look evolved, i go back all the way to when he had brown hair and then he moved through other colors into the current kind of strawberry confection he has going on now. It was like lets go along for the ride. Lets be part of this. Theres a cartoon you did of a trump press conference. Here he is, talking just insulting, berating the press. If you want to read more, buy the book sad. And he calls on breitbart in the back and you see a hooded gentleman in the back. What concerns you most about the president s attacks on the president and his embrace of the more extreme members of the media . You know, it doesnt affect our profession that much. Satire is protected by the Supreme Court decision. The rest of the press has a lot to worry about. Not that he has been able to take any concrete steps to curtail the press and what it does, but in normalizing a view that the press pushing its own views and not reporting the facts any longer. He has talked about putting limits on the press but thats not going to happen. And even his partisan supporters dont want that to happen. Youll notice on fox news they dont really use the phrase enemy of the people as frequently as the president himself does. In fact, nobody does. You brought up fox news. Theres a cartoon you have here where white house chief of staff john kelly is calling fox friends control room, the morning show that President Trump loves so much, asking them to help brief the president on his Intelligence Report because he doesnt pay close attention and thinks fox friends might help. Thats just a helpful suggestion, by the way. Im an american, im a patriot. One of the things, you have a Television Reporter character who has been around for decades and is now a fox reporter. Right. When you make fun of him, how much is the problem already that its already so wild, the things that some people on that network say and do and tweet . Hyperbole is one tool in the tool kit. And my character, roland, tweets as a partisan. And so for me thats the daily challenge. I have to figure out if i were defending this latest outrage, how would i do it with a straight face . I use roland to do that. Before you go, i have to ask you, Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee, is for anybody who didnt know, he went to yale. He busted his butt to work really hard. Youre a famous yale aluminumni it wasnt a good week for yale. What do you make of the fact that drinking at yale and the culture you were there a few years before him. I dont know how similar the culture was. I imagine there were different substances. And there were different camps at the time. Right. The camp that brett belonged to was the deep camp and they were even at that time considered somewhat beyond the pale. And when i was a sophomore, one of my first gigs for the College Newspaper was part of an expose of their initiation rights in which they branded their initiates with a red hot iron on their buttocks. When this story broke the media got real involved and New York Times sent a stringer and the president of deek at the time was george w. Bush. Is that right is this. He was called upon to defend the practice and so he told the times that it didnt amount to much, it was like a cigarette burn. That always amused me that the first interview he gave to a National Publication in his life was in defense of torture. I thought boy thats not a good sign. The book is sad, doonesbury in the time of trump. Always a pleasure. Thank you very much. Tweet the show at the lead cnn, our coverage on cnn continues right now. Thanks for watching. Happening now, breaking news. Limiting the fbi. The white house expects to get the new fbi report on the Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh at any moment. And it denies limiting the probe, even on kavanaugh and his accuser have not been interviewed. What will the investigation reveal . Denying disparagement. President trump was, quote, stating the facts when he mocked kavanaughs accuser at a rally. Republican senators critical of the confirmation are condemning his remarks. Is the president hurting his own cause . The key three. Senato

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