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Some point at some event. I know her i know of her, and, again, i dont want to rule out having crossed paths with her in high school. Similar to your statements about knowing dr. Ford . Correct. Okay. Senator feinstein. Judge kavanaugh, its my understanding that you have denied the allegations by dr. Ford, miss ramirez and miss swetnick, is that correct . Yes. All three of these women have asked the fbi to investigate their claims. I listened carefully to what you said. Your concern is evident and clear, and if youre very confident of your position and you appear to be, why arent you also asking the fbi to investigate these claims. Senator, ill do whatever the committee wants. I wanted a hearing the day after the allegation came up. I wanted to be here that day. Instead, ten days passed where all this nonsense is coming out, you know, that im in gangs, on im boats in rhode island. Im in colorado, you know, im cited all over the place, and these things are printed and run breathlessly by cable news. You know, i wanted a hearing the next day. My familys been destroyed by this, senator. Destroyed. And im and and whatever the committee decides, you know. Im im all in immediately. Im all in immediately. And the terrible and hard part of this is when we get an allegation were not in a position to prove it or disprove it. Therefore, we have to depend on some outside authority for it. And it would just seem to me then when these allegations came forward that you would want the fbi to investigate those claims and clear it up once and for all. Senator, the committee investigates. Its not for me to say how to do it. But just so you know, the fbi doesnt reach a conclusion. They would give you a couple 302s that just tell you what we said. So im here. I wanted to be i wanted to be here the next day. Its an outrage that i was not allowed to come and immediately defend my name and say i didnt do this and give you all this evidence. Im not even im not even in d. C. On the weekends in the summer of 1982. This happened on a weekday, im not at tobins house working out, not at a move with suzanne or at a Summer League game. I wanted to be here right away. Well, the difficult thing is these these hearings are set and set by the majority, but im talking about getting the evidence and having the evidence looked at and i dont understand, you know, we hear from the witnesses, but the fbi isnt interviewing them and isnt giving us any facts, so all we have youre interviewing me. Youre interviewing me. Youre doing it, senator. Im sorry to interrupt. But youre doing it. Theres no conclusions reached. And what youre saying if i understand it is that the allegations by dr. Ford, miss ramirez and miss swetnick are wrong. As it emphatically what im saying, emphatically. The swept ying thing is a joke. Its a farce. Would you like to say more about it . No. Okay. Okay. Thats it, thank you, mr. Chairman. Miss mitchell. Dr. Ford has described you as being intoxicated at a party. Did you consume alcohol during your High School Years . Yes, we drank beer. My friends and i, the boys and girls, yes, we drank beer. I liked beer. I still like beer. We drank beer. The drinking age as i noted was 18 so the seniors were legal, senior year in High School People were legal to drink, and, yeah, we drank beer and i said sometimes sometimes probably had too many beers and sometimes other people had team beers. We drink beer. We liked beer. What do you consider to be too many beers . I dont know. You know, we whatever the chart says, bloodalcohol chart. When you talked to fox news the other night you said that there were times in high school when people might have had too many piebeers on occasion. Does that include you . Sure. Okay. Have you ever passed out from drinking . Passed out would be no, but ive gone to sleep, but ive never blacked out, thats the allegation and and that thats wrong. So lets talk about your time in high school. In high school after drinking, did you ever wake up in a different location than you remembered passing out or going to sleep . No. No. Did you ever wake up with your clothes in a different condition or fewer clothes on than you remembered when you went to sleep or passed out . No, no. Did you ever tell did anyone ever tell you about something that happened in your presence that you didnt remember during a time that you had been drinking . No. We drank beer and did i think the vast majority of our age at the time but in any event we drank beer and and still do, so whatever yeah. During the time in high school when you would be drinking, did anyone ever tell you about something that you did not remember . No. Dr. Ford described a small gathering of people at a suburban maryland home in the summer of 1982. She said that mark judge, p. J. Smith and Leland Ingham also were present as well as an unknown male and that the people were drinking to varying degrees. Were you ever at a gathering that fits that description . No, as ive said in my Opening Statements, Opening Statement. Dr. Ford described an incident where she was alone in a room with you and mark judge. Have you ever been alone in a room with dr. Ford and mark judge . No. Dr. Ford described an incident where you were grinding your genitals on her. Have you ever ground or rubbed yore genitals against dr. Ford . No. Dr. Ford described an incident where you covered her mouth with your hand. Have you ever covered dr. Fords mouth with your hand . No. Dr. Ford described an incident where you tried to remove her clothes. Have you ever tried to remove her clothes . No. Referring back to the definition of sexual behavior that i have given you, have you ever at any time engaged in sexual behavior with dr. Ford . No. Have you ever engaged in sexual behavior with dr. Ford, even if it was consensual . No. I want to talk about your calendars. You submitted to the committee copies of the handwritten calendars that youve talked about for the months of may, june, july and august of 1982. Do you have them in front of you . I do. Did you create these calendars in the sense of all the handwriting thats on them . Yes. Is it exclusively your handwriting . Yes. When did you make these entries . In 1982. Has anything changed been changed for those since 1982 . No. Do these calendars represent your plans for each day, or do they document, in other words, prospectively. Right. Or do they document what actually occurred more like a diary . They are both forward looking and backward looking. As you can tell by looking at them, because i cross out certain doctors appointments that didnt happen or one night where i was supposed to lift weights, i crossed that out because i obviously didnt make it that night, so you can see things that i didnt do. I crossed out in retrospect, and also when i list the specific people who i was with, that is likely backward looking. You explained that you kept these calendars because your father started keeping them in 1978, i believe you said. Mmhmm. Thats why you kept them, in other words, you wrote on them, but why did you keep them up until this time . Well, hes kept them, too, since 1978, so i hes a good role model. Miss mitchell. Youll have to stop. Oh, im sorry. Judge kavanaugh has asked for a break so well take a 15minute break. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Youve been watching Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh testifying before the Senate Judiciary committee. He forcefully, angrily, emotionally, defiantly, sometimes with tears, sometimes choking back tears, denied the allegations brought forth by Christine Blasey ford and two other accusers. Hes saying hes never sexually assaulted anyone. He has gone after the confirmation process, going it a circus, calling it a witch hunt and calling it a National Disgrace and going after individual democrats, though not by name but by quote for things that they have said about him. Lets bring in my experts and take it in while we wait for the hearing to resume. Margaret hoover, first of all, tell me what your reaction is to this, and we didnt hear from you earlier. I assume, like the world, you thought board, professor blasey ford was credible and moving, yes . Deeply credible and deeply moving, and very, very believable. A lot of people are responding a lot of people on the right with responding the same way finding him incredible in. Not only do i find him very credible and moving. He was clearly emotional. Clearly indignant. Clearly angry, and one cannot understand if he believes every word hes saying in his story ju justifiably so so you have two people who have come and told their best version of the truth and now its up to People Like Us to try to determine what is that truth . Yeah. And whats going to be the future of this country, but to me i found Brett Kavanaugh to be enormously compelling and enormously honest, and this is this has been my position all along, the sense that ive had from him from the colleagues that worked in the Bush White House with me. Ive been a supporter of the me, too, movement. Ive always said that i have believed professor ford, but ive also had the sense that i wanted to hear from Brett Kavanaugh because this is not the sense of the character that i have of the kind of person he was, and and you can understand why there was that level of emotion coming from him because of the absolute slander that he and his family have had to endure for these two works and one would want to justifiably clear his name. You think hes not just responding to the accusations of blasey ford. He himself cited he called the allegation from the third woman represented by michael avenatti, he called it a farce, a joke even. He referred to some of the completely discredited allegations that were some of which were reported on network news, he went after cable news. It was network. Lets be clear about what fake news is. But he talked about all the maelstrom. He said his name and his family have been permanently destroyed. I can understand how he feels that way because he is at the epicenter of this, and i can only imagine what it must feel like to be at the epicenter of this. What continues to concern me as a citizen, as a person who is sympathetic to both of these individuals is that what we have now after two incredibly emotional testimonies is a still a series of uncorroborated, unprovable, experiences from people who seem to be telling the truth, their own best version of the truth, and i im worried that this hurts the prospects of people volunteering their Civil Service for the country when uncollaborated and unprovable allegations from 36 years previously can digs qualify from public service. Symone, what is your reaction in. You would expect there would be a lot of emotion. How do you think he did . All right. Senator chuck grassley, republican of iowa, sometimes a laconic man of few words and there he was you would expect there to be a lot of emotion. What was your reaction sym ho ne sanders to what judge kavanaugh had today . Do you believe that hes telling his truth . One, i dont believe Brett Kavanaugh is telling the entire truth, just the part that he noted about the year book entry, but we called the young woman, the alumni and show didnt know about it. It wasnt believable. He told nontruths. He lied about things. I dont think he needed to lie about but perhaps he felt he could not give any ground because he didnt want to be found culpable for anything. The most striking thing was his anger. I understand if you have if you believe you have not done something wrong and you are upset and you are angry, but the way portrayed himself at the hearing tailed he looked unhinged. He looked dismissive. He also took direct aim at democratic senators. You are auditioning for a job, sir, and its the senators job to advise and consent. Brett kavanaugh at his heart was an operative. He was a republican operative so he did not come off as someone that wanted to come out and clear his name. He came out as someone who wanted to come out swinging, punching and hitting and wanted to let you know he wasnt going to take anybodys stuff today and i dont think that helped himself at all. Doug, do you think hes helped yourself . I was emailing and texting with a million different republican operatives who worked on house hand Senate Hearings this morning, all of whom thought dr. Ford was credible and brought a lot of compassionate thoughts and also a mirror image, a lot louder of a mirror image from Brett Kavanaugh today. He did exactly what he needed to do thus far. The challenge for both of these individuals today is there are different conversations with different audiences in mind. If youre a republican youve seen what you wanted to see thus far. If youre a democrat youve seen what you wanted to see thus far and why the divide that we have in had this country is only going to get wider whatever the end result. And the big question is not just what the jurors in living rooms watching this right now or the jurors around this table believe, but what susan collins, lisa murkowski, jeff flake and then the red state democrats, manchin, donnelly, heitkamp what they think. What they think beats the hell out of me. I was struck by how similar this was to clarence thomas. Even some of the same words. Some of the same words. The level of anger, the degree to which he blamed the opposition party. I mean, a phrase that jumped out on me, that this was revenge on the part of the clintons. I mean, it wasnt even just blame as you pointed out the democratic senators. That this was revenge on the part of the clintons plural, Hillary Clinton who lost in 2016 and bill clinton whom he investigated as part of the whitewater team. As part of ken starrs team. You know, there you know, naively perhaps a lot of people think the Supreme Court should be at least somewhat divorced from politics. This was a deeply political statement designed to appeal to republicans. And he said what goes around comes around. He fears for the future. Were going to take a quick break. Supreme Court Nominee judge kavanaugh will answer questions from the Judiciary Committee committee. Stay with us. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. This is not a screensaver. Game. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. When we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. 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J. , what was the reaction in the room to kavanaughs 45minute defiant Opening Statement . Reporter incredibly defiant, jake, and just incredible to see just how angry and frustrated he was. As for the people who were in the room, similar to when Christine Blasey ford was testifying, there were people seated behind Brett Kavanaugh who were also crying, wiping away tears. He obviously mentioned during his testimony that some of his closest friends who have been with him throughout the years and have really had his back over the last trying two weeks or so, how they were in the audience so this has been an emotional moment for them has well. Jake . M. J. Lee, thank you so much. Gloria borger and dana bash are joining our panel now. Dana bash, what are you hearing from your republican sources about the reaction to kavanaughs testimony . Its such a rorschach test on social media. Really is. Liberals who loved professor ford and conservatives who found many holes in her testimony and the reverse is happening now. Conservatives who say they love to see him fighting back. Hes an innocent man and liberals in many cases mocking him. Which is exactly what im hearing and kind of what you would expect in a situation where it is his story versus her story without a lot of actual facts to help back it up which is the whole point that the democrats are making, that it would be nice to have an investigation. It was interesting to hear kavanaugh in answer to Dianne Feinstein sure, bring it on. Lets get the facts, but with regard to kind of the dynamics and the zeitgeist right now among republicans, those who were thinking that this is done this morning after hearing from professor ford are feeling a little bit better about his chances for a couple of reasons. Number one, you know, she understandably came across as incredibly emotional and incredibly credible, and they feel that he does, too, that, yes, he was crying and that showed the human side of him, that hes not some some sort of monster, that he actually, you know, feels horrible about the way that this has gone down, particularly how its made his family feel. The other side is something that is making a lot of people kind of sit back, the fact that he was yelling. He was screaming. He was fighting. He was taking no prisoners at all with the way he was talking and the language, and that was completely directed at donald trump and the Republican Base who want to see that kind of fight against a Democratic Party that they think have been railroading him. Gloria, he tried to walk a line, judge kavanaugh, not attacking professor ford but attacking her allegation. Absolutely. Pointing out that it was not only uncorroborated in his words but refuted by other people who had been there, saying that he doesnt question whether or not something happened to her at some place by someone but that it wasnt him. Did he succeed . Did he pull it off . I think he did. As we were talking earlier, theres a difference between saying that shes a liar versus saying that she is mistaken, and i think he tried to walk that line, not accusing her of lying. I mean, i think there was a really emotional moment when his young daughter said lets pray for her and thats when he kind of broke down and a lot of people ive been texting with kind of broke down. He said shes mistaken. Its not it wasnt me, and the republicans that ive been texting with say or one said to me im literally in tears watching this, just, you know, as a way you could feel emotional with her, you felt emotional with him, defending himself. Heres judge kavanaugh. Lets listen in. Judge, i wont start until you tell me youre ready. Im ready, thank you. Im going to wait for senator fine steijn. For senator feinstein. Or do you want me to go ahead without feinstein . No, wait for her. I always waited for you. I hope i showed up. The senators are waiting for the democratic Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein of california to show up, so lets just talk for a second while we ah, there she is. Never mind. Let listen in. Senator leahy. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Judge, you said before, and again today, that mark judge was a glows friend of yours in high school. Now, dr. Ford, as you know, has said that he was in the room when she was attacked. She also says you were, too. Unfortunately, the fbi has never interviewed him. Weve not been able to have his attendance here. The chairman refuses to call him. If shes saying mark judge was in the room then, then he should be in the room here today. Would you want him called as a witness . Senator, this allegation came into the committee im just asking the question. Would you want him to be here as a witness . Hes already provided sworn testimony. This allegation has been hidden by the committee by members of the committee. It hasnt been it has not been investigated by the fbi. The committee has refused to allow it to be. It was dropped on us. It was sprung. It was not investigated by the fbi and hes not been called where he might be under oath. Should have been handled in the due course, senator, when he came in. I would disagree with that. Ive been on this committee 44 years, both republicans and democrats. Ive never seen somebody that critical and not allowed to be here not called to testify or an fbi background. Hes provided sworn testimony and, senator senator, let me finish. He the allegation came in weeks ago and nothing was done with it by the Ranking Member, and then its sprung on me. Judge kavanaugh. Ive heard your line and you stated it over and over again, and i have that well in mind. Let me ask you this. He authored a book called wasted, tales of a genx drunk, mentioned someone that passed out at beach week. Is that you . Mark judge to your knowledge is that you that hes talking about . Ill explain if you let me. Mark judge was a friend of ours in high school who developed a very serious drinking problem and addiction problem that lasted decades and was very difficult for him to escape from, and and he nearly died, and then he then he had leukemia as well on top of it. Now, as part of his therapy or part of his coming to grips with sobriety, he wrote a book. That is a fictionalized book and an account. I think he picked out names of friends of ours to throw them in as kind of close to what for characters in the book, so, is you know, we can sit you dont know whether thats you or not . We can sit here and make fun of some guy who has an addiction but i dont think that really makes mr. Kavanaugh, im trying to get a straight answer from you under oath. Are you Bart Kavanaugh that hes referring, to yes or no . Youd have to ask him. Well, i agree with you there, and thats why i wish that the chairman had him here under oath. Now, youve talked about your yearbook. In your yearbook you talked about drinking and sexual exploits, did you not . Senator, let me let me take a step back and explain high school. I was number one in the class, fresh no, no, no, no. Im going to talk about my high school. No, no. Let him answer im going to talk about my High School Record if youre going to sit here and mock me. I think we were all very fair to dr. Ford. Shouldnt we be just as fair to judge kavanaugh . I busted my butt in academics. I always tried to do the best i could. As i recall i finished one in the class, first freshman and junior year and right up at the top with steve clark and eddie ayala, we were always kind of in the mix. I played sports. I was captain of the varsity basketball team, i was wide receiver and defensive back on the Football Team. I ran track in the spring of 82 to try to get faster. I did my Service Projects at the school which involved going to the soup kitchen downtown. Let me finish, and and going to tutor intellectually disabled kids at the rockville library, went to church, and yes, we get together with our friends. Does this reflect what you are. Does this year book reflect your focus on academics and your respect for women. Its an easy yes and no. You dont have to filibuster the answer. Does it reflect you already said the year book in my Opening Statement. Judge, just wait a minute. Hes asked the question. Ill give you time to answer it. The year book, as i said in my Opening Statement where something where the students and editors made a decision to treat some of it as farce and some of as exaggeration, some of the things that were celebrating that were things really the central part of our school. Yes, we went to parties, yes. Yes, of course, we went to parties and the year book page describes that and kind of makes fun of it and, you know, if we want to sit here and talk about whether a Supreme Court nomination should be based on a High School Year book page thats taking us to a new level of an sufferedity. Mi of absurdity. Miss mitchell. Do you still have your calendars. I would like you to look at your july 1st entry. Yes. The entry says go to jimmys with skis with judge, p. J. , tommy and squee. To what does this refer and to whom . So, first says tobins house workout, so thats one of the football workouts that we would have that was run for guys on the Football Team during the summer. So we would be there. Thats usually 6 00 to 8 00 or so, kind of till near dark. Then it looks like we went over to timmys. You want to know their last names, too . Im happy to do it. If you could just identify is is judge mark judge . It is. And is p. J. P. J. Smith . It is, so its tim gaudette, mark judge, tom cain, p. J. Smith, Bernie Mccarthy and chris garrett. Chris garrett is squee. He is. Did you in your calendar routinely document social gatherings like house parties or gatherings of friends in your calendar . Yes. It certainly appears that way, that thats what i was doing in the summer of 1982, and you can see that reflected on several of the several of the entries. If a gathering like dr. Ford has described had occurred, would you have documented that . Yes, because i documented everything of those kinds of events, even small gettogethers. August 7th is another good example where i documented a small gettogether that summer, so, yes. August 7th. Could you read that. I think thats go to beckys, matt, denise, laurie, jenny. Have you reviewed every entry that in these calendars of may, june, july and august of 1982 . I have. Is there anything that could even remotely fit what were talking about in terms of dr. Fords allegations . No. As a lawyer and a judge, are you weve talked about the fbi. Are you aware that this type of offense would actually be investigated by local police . Yes. I mentioned Montgomery County police earlier, yes. Okay. Are you aware that in maryland there is no statute of limitations that would prohibit you from being charged even if this happened in 1982 . Thats my understanding. Ha have you at any time been contacted by any members of local Police Agencies regarding this matter . No, maam. Prior to your nomination for Supreme Court, youve talked about all of the female clerks that youve had and the women that youve worked with. Im not just talking about them. Im talking about globally. Have you ever been accused either formally or informally of unwanted sexual behavior . No. When i say informally, i mean just a female complains. It doesnt have to be to anybody else but you . No. Since dr. Fords allegation was made public, how many times have you been interviewed by the committee . Its been three or four, im trying to remember now. Its been several times. Each of these new things, absurd as they are, they would get on the phone and kind of go through them. So have you committed to interviews specifically about dr. Fords allegation . Yes. And what about deborah ramirezs allegation . Yes. That you waved your penis in front of her . Yes. What about julie swetnicks allegation that you repeatedly engaged in drugging and gang raping or allowing women to be gang raped . Yes. Yes, ive been interviewed about it. Were your answers to my questions today consistent with the answers that you gave to the committee in these various interviews . Yes, maam. Okay. Im out of time. Senator durbin. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Earlier today dr. Christine ford sat in that same chair and under oath she said clearly and unequivocally that she was the victim of Sexual Assault at your hands. She answered our questions directly and she didnt flinch at the prospect of submitting herself to an fbi investigation of these charges. We know and im sure shes been advised by her attorneys that a person lying to the fbi can face criminal prosecution. You have clearly and unequivocally denied that you assaulted dr. Ford. With that statement, you must believe that there is no credible evidence or any credible witness that could prove otherwise. You started off with an impassioned statement at the beginning, and i can imagine try to imagine what you have been through and your family has been through and im sure i wouldnt get close to it. No, you wouldnt. Its an impassioned statement, and in the course of it you said i welcome any kind of investigation. I quote you. Yeah. I welcome any kind of investigation. Ive got a suggestion for you. Right now. Turn to your left in the front row to don gahn, counsel to President Donald Trump and ask him to suspend this hearing until the fbi completes the investigation of the charges made by dr. Ford and others and goes to bring the witnesses forward and provides that information to this hearing. Im sure that the chairman at that point will understand that that is a reasonable request to finally put to rest these charges if they are false or to prove them if they are not. You spent two years in the White House Office that approved judicial nominees. You turned to the fbi over and over and over again for their work. Lets bring them in here and now. Turn to don mcgahn, its time to get this done. An fbi investigation is the only way to get a complete investigation. Stop the clock. This committee is running the hearing. Not the white house, not don mcgahn. Not even you as a nominee. Were here today because dr. Ford asked for a hearing and you did as well. Were here because they wanted to address charges that they thought were unfair, like Sexual Assault is unfair so i want to assure senator durbin, regardless of what you say to senator don mcgahn, were not suspending this hearing. Proceed to answer the question or whatever or if the if the gentleman. I would just say this. If you, judge kavanaugh, turned to don mcgahn and to this committee and say for the sake of me reputation, my family name and to get to the bottom of the truth of this i am not going to be an obstacle to an fbi investigation, i would hope that all of the members of the committee would join me in saying were going to abide by your wishes and well have that wishes. I welcome whatever the committee wants to do because im telling the truth. Im telling the truth. I want to know what you are doing im innocent of this charge. Then youre prepared for they dont reach conclusions. You reach the conclusion. You cant have it both ways, judge. You cant say here a at the beginning i wanted a hearing i welcome any kind of investigation. This thing was sprung on me at the last minute after being held by staff, you know. Judge. And i called for a hearing immediately. If there is no truth to her charges, the fbi investigation will show that. Are you afraid that they might not . Come on. The fbi does not reach you know you know you know thats a phony question because the fbi doesnt reach conclusions. They just provide the 302s. 302s so i can explain to people who dont know what that is. They go and do what youre doing. Ask questions and then type up a report. They dont reach the bottom line conclusion. This morning i asked dr. Ford and asked her about this incident where she ran into mark judge in safeway, and she said, sure, i remember t. Six or eight weeks after this occurrence. Well, someone at the Washington Post went in and took a look at mr. Judges book, and hes been able to the run that he wrote about his addiction and his alcoholism. And they have narrowed it down to a period of time, six or eight weeks after the event and he would have been working at the safeway at that point, so the point im getting to we at least can connect some dots here and get some restaurants. Theres some dots. Why would you resist that kind of investigation . I welcome i wanted the hearing last week. Im asking about the fbi investigation. The committee figures out how to ask the questions. Ill do whatever. Ive been on the phone multiple times with committee counsel. Ill talk to judge kavanaugh, will you support an fbi investigation right now . Personally, do you think thats the best thing for us to do . You wont answer . Look, senator. Ive said i wanted a hearing and i said i was welcome to anything. Im innocent. This thing was held when it could have been presented in the ordinary way. It could have been held and handled confidentially at first which was what dr. Fords wishes were as i understand it and it wouldnt have caused this like destroyed my family like this effort has. I think an fbi investigation will help all of us on both sides of the issue. Senator graham asked for the floor, but before he does, it seems to me that if you want to know something, youve got the witness right here to ask him and secondly, if you want an fbi report, you can ask for it yourself. Ive asked for fbi reports in the past in the 38 years ive been in the senate. Senator graham. Are you aware that at 9 23 on the night of july the 9th the day you were nominated by president trump, senator schumer said 23 minutes after the nomination. I will oppose judge cav naegs nomination with everything i have. And i hope a bipartisan majority will do the same. The stakes are simply too high for anything less. Well, if you werent aware of it. You are now. Did you meet with senator Dianne Feinstein on august 20th . I if. Did you know that her staff had already recommended a lawyer to dr. Ford . I did not know that. Did you know that her and her staff had this allegations for over 20 days . I did not know that at the time. If you wanted an fbi investigation, you could have come to us what you want to do is destroy this guys life, hold this seat hope and hope you win in 2020. Youve said that. Not me youve got nothing to apologize for. When you see sotomayor and kagan tell them that lindsey said it all because i voted for them. I would never do to them what youve done to this guy this is the most unethical sham since ive been in politics, and if you really wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldnt have done what you have done to this guy. Are you a gang rapist . Is no. I cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through. Boy, yall want power. Boy, i hope you never get it. I hope the American People can see through this sham, that you knew about it and you held it. You had no intention of protecting dr. Ford, none shes as much of a victim as you are. God, i hate to say it because these have been my friends, but let me tell you when it comes to this. Youre looking for a fair process. You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend. Do you consider this a Job Interview . The advice and consent role is like a Job Interview. Do you consider that youve been through a Job Interview . Ive been through a process of advice and consent under the constitution which would you say youve been through hell . Ive been through hell and then some. This is not a Job Interview. This is hell. This is going to destroy the ability of good people to come forward because of this crap your High School Year book. You have interacted with professional women all your life, not one accusation. Your supposed to be bill cosby when youre a junior and senior in high school, and all of a sudden you got over it. Its been my understanding that if you drug women and rape them for two years in high school, you probably dont stop. Heres my understanding. If you lived a good life, people will recognize it, like the American Bar Association has the gold standard. His integrity is absolutely unquestioned. He is very circumspect in his personal conduct. Harbors no biasses or prejudices, entirely ethical, a really decent person, warm, friendly, unassumption. Hes the nicest person, the aba. And one thing i can tell you, you should be proud of, ashley, you should be proud of this. That you raised a daughter who had the good character to pray for dr. Ford. To my republican colleagues, if you vote no, youre legitimizing the most despicable thing i have seen in my time in politics. You want this seat. I hope you never get it. I hope youre on the Supreme Court. Thats exactly where you should be. And i hope that the American People will see through this charade. And i wish you well. And i intend to vote for you and i hope everybody who is fairminded will. Senator whitehouse. Shall we settle things after that . No, well take a 60second break. No, im good. Im good. One of the reasons, mr. Kavanaugh, that we are looking at the yearbook is that it is relatively consistent in time with the events at issue here and because it appears to be your words, is it, in fact your worlds on your yearbook page . We submitted things to the editors, and i believe they took them. I dont know if they changed things or not. Youre not aware of any changes . Im not aware one way or the other, but im not going to sit here and contest that. Have at it if you want to go through my yearbook. Yeah. Im actually interested. You know, lawyers should be working off of common terms and understand the words that were using. I think thats a pretty basic principle among lawyers, would you agree . It is, if youre worried about my yearbook, have at it, senator. Lets look at beach week ralph club, biggest contributor. What does mean ralph mean. Probably refers to throwing up. Im known to have a weak stomach and always have. In fact, the last time i was here you asked me about having ketchup on spaghetti, ive always had a weak spaghetti. You didnt, someone did. And this is well known. Anyone who has known me, like a lot of these people behind me, have known me my whole life k w know, ive got a peak stomach whether with beer or spicing food. So the vomiting that you referenced in the ralph club reference related to the consumption of alcohol . Senator, i was the top of my class academically, busted my butt in school, captain of the varsity basketball team, got into yale college, when i got into yale college, got in yale law school, worked my tail off. And did the word ralph you used i already answered the question. Did it relate to alcohol . I like beer. I like beer, i dont know if do you like beer, or not . What do you like to drink . Senator, what do you like to drink . The next one, i dont know if its boofed or boofed. That refers to flatulence. We were 16. Okay. And so when your friend mark judge said the same put the same thing in his yearbook page back to you he had the same meaning, it was flatulence. I dont know what he did, but thats my record. When we talked about flatulence age 16 at a yearbook page, im game. You mentioned i think the renate, renata, i dont know how you pronounce that. Thats the proper name of an individual you know. Renate. He spelled with an e at the end. Correct. And then after that is the word alumnius mean. I explained that in my Opening Statement. She was a great friend of ours. A bunch of us went to dances with her, hung out with us as a group. The media circus that has been generated by this and reported that it referred to sex. It did not. Never had any she herself said on the record any kind of sexual interaction with her and im sorry how thats been misinterpreted and sorry about that as i explained in my Opening Statement because shes a good person and to have her name dragged through this hearing is a joke, and really an embarrassment. Devils triangle. Drinking game. How is it played . Three glasses in a triangle. And and you ever played quarters . Nope. Okay. Its a quarters game. Ann dohertys. She had a party on the 4th of july in the beach in delaware. And there are like one, two, three, four, five, six, seven fs in front of the fourth of july, what does that signify, if anything . One of our friends squee said the f word, had kind of a windup to the f word and then the word would come out and when we were 159 we thought it was funny and it became an inside judge for how he would say fffff and i wont repeat it here. You want any more on the fs . Orioles versus red sox. In both you respond who won that game anyway . Should we draw any conclusion that a loss of recollection associated with alcohol was because you didnt know who won the game . Georgetown louisville, watching it on tv. Not inconsistent with not remembering. In point in essence were having a party and didnt Pay Attention the game even though the game was the excuse for getting together. I think thats very common. I dont know if youve been to a super bowl party, for example, and not paid attention to the game and just hung out with your friends. I dont know if youve done that or not and thats what we were referring to on those two occasions. Senator cornyn. Judge, i cant think of a more embarrassing scandal for the United States senate since the mccarthy hearings. When the comment was about the cruelty of the process towards the people involved, and the question was asked have you no sense of decency. And im afraid weve lost that, at least for the time being. Do did you understand youve been accused of multiple crimes . Im painfully aware from my family and me to read about this. Breathless reporting. Of course, the Sexual Assault that dr. Ford claims, that youve denied, and then the claims of a miss ramirez, that not even the New York Times would report because they couldnt corroborate it and then Stormy Daniels lawyer released a bombshell accusing of you gang rape. All of those are crimes, are they not . They are, and im im never going to get my reputation back. My life is totally and permanently altered. Judge, dont give up. Im not giving up. The American People are listening to this and they will make their decision, and i think youll come out on the right side of that decision. I will be a good person and try to be a good judge whatever happens. This is not a Job Interview. Youve been accused of a crime. If you have lied to the committee and the investigators, that is a crime in and of itself, correct . That is correct. Show in order to vote against your nomination, we would have to conclude that you are a serial liar. Yeah. And you have exposed yourself to legal jeopardy in your int interaction with the committee and the investigators. Isnt that correct . Thats my understanding. You talked in your interview with Martha Maccallum the other night about a fair process. Some of my colleagues across the aisle say, well, the burden is not on the accuser because this is a Job Interview. The burden is on you, but you said you werent there and it didnt happen. Its impossible for you to prove a negative. So i would just suggest that you have been accused of a crime and that a fair process under the United States constitution or notion of fair play means that the people who make an accusation against you have to come forward with some evidence. Isnt that part of a fair process . Yes, sir, senator. And part of that means that if youre going to make an allegation, there needs to be corroboration. In other words, youre not guilty because somebody makes an accusation against you in this country. Were not a police state. We dont give the government that kind of power. We insist that those charges be proven by competent evidence, and i know were not in a court. Ive told my colleagues if we were in court half of them would be in contempt of court. But you have been accused of a crime, and i believe fundamental notions of fair play and justice in our constitutional system require that if someone is going to make that accusation against you, then they need to come forward with some corroboration, not just allegations, and youre right to be angry about the delays and your ability to come here and protect your good name, because in the interim it just keeps getting worse. Its not dr. Ford. Its this story that not even the New York Times would report the allegation of miss ramirez, and then Stormy Daniels lawyer comes up with this incredible story accusing you of the most sordid and salacious conduct. Its outrageous and youre right to be angry. But this is your chance to tell your story, and i hope you have a chance to tell us everything you want to tell us, but the burden is not on you to disprove the allegations made. The burden under our system when you accuse somebody of criminal conduct is on the person making the accusation. Now, i understand were not this isnt a trial, like i said, but i just wanted to make sure that we understood. Its hard to reconstruct what happened 36 years ago, and i appreciate what you said about dr

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