Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. An it is 4 00 a. M. In singapore where in just hours President Trump and kim jongun will meet in an unprecedented moment in history. No matter the outcome. Never before has a sitting u. S. President met with the dictator of north korea. We now know President Trump and kim jongun will first meet oneonone with only translators in the room. That hased se officials, allies and experts given President Trumps impulsive style and declaration that he will not need to prepare ch for the summit. His aversion to details and insistence the success is about instinct than any spesive strategy. Despite the gravity of the stakes with the denuclearization and regardless of the barberism marking the regime of kim jongun and his family the dictator was applauded as he arrived at the marina base sands hotel in singapore. Kim jongun toured local sights and poised in a selfie adding to the other worldly dimensions, also arriving on the island today, former basketball star nnis rodman who has met kim before and suggested he zrerves credit for the meeting of the world leaders. Jeff zeleny is live in singapore and jeff, there was talk about the summit lasting a few days and what is the latest on that . Jake, there was. We heard President Trump last week say he would stay one day, two days and even three days if the conversations here were going well. And now we know he is planning to leave shortly after the summit. I am told by a u. S. Official here this morning that the president made that switch because kim jongun is planning to leave as well. He said his Departure Time shortly after the summit so the u. S. Also wanted to have a Departure Time in place. Now we do know the president is going to hold a News Conference after that summit. But jake, were about five hours away from that summit here. Both leaders are in singapore and this city with ripe with anticipation. It is a handshake that could make history. President trump and kim jongun coming facetoface in just hours. The first meeting of an american president and a north korean leader. The two men will first meet with know aides present. Only translators inside of the Capella Hotel on the island of sent ossa, a resort just off the singapore coast. Later they will hold a working lunch with their the u. S. Making clear the objective is the same. North korea must shutter the nuclear program. The complete and verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is the only outcome that the United States will accept. Reporter on the eve of the talks, secretary of state mike pompeo said north korea must prove its sincerity or have more pressure on the regime. Sanctions will remain until they eliminate the weapons of mass destruction programs. If diplomacy does not move in the right direction and were hopeful that it will continue to do so, those measures will increase. It is the biggest diplomatic gamble of the Trump Presidency and offering kim enormous credibility hoping his personal charm can break the cycle of stalled negotiations with north korea. Within the first minutes, ill know. How . Just my touch, my feel. That is what i do. Reporter yet the two leaders could not be more different. Mr. Trump who turned 72 this week is more than twice the age of kim. Who is 34. Only hours ago he hit the town. Spotted visiting an outdoor garden bathed in neon and then a nightclub. Trump never left his hotel. Kims family most recently his father and grandfather have frustrated a long line of american president s. Trump believes he could be the one to break the diplomatic fever. You know the way they say that you know if your going to like somebody in the first five seconds, you ever heard that one . Well, i think that very quickly ill know whether or not something good is going to happen. Reporter the outcome of the meeting is an open question. The fact that it is happening at all is a sign trump is taking a far different tact than his predecessors and from his own fiery rhetoric only months ago. Rocket man is on a Suicide Mission for himself and for his regime. Reporter it is three months since and three days since the president stood in the White House Briefing room this w this smile saying he was accepting the invitation to meet with kim jon. And since then it is a roller coaster. Ive decided to terminate the summit reporter with an abrupt cancelation and rapid rescheduling. So jake, it is an open question if chemistry could lead to diplomacy but im told behind the scenes officials from both sides have been working furiously to try and determine if they can sign a joint statement, a communique similar to the one did not sign at the g7 about a way forward. So that is one thing to keep an eye on. But we do know at least as the schedule sets now, the president and kim jongun are set to leave shortly after the summit. Jake. Jeff zeleny for us in singapore. My panel of experts joins me gordon chang, let me start with the u. S. Has not been able to get any preliminary agreement ahead of the talks as you know better than most. Usually all of the diplomatic work or a lot is done ahead of time. How concerning is that as we look ahead to the summit . Are these two nations anywhere near close tonything they could agree upon . Actually, i dont think so, jake. If you go back a month or so, u. S. Officials say there was going to be no summit unless the north koreans would give a Firm Commitment to the United States to abandon the weapons program. And now we have a very different tone from the administration. Not only from the president , but also secretary of state mike pompeo which is basically were building a relationship. Well, when that meeting occurs in a few ho we give north korea something really important, legit hiation, that solidifies his regime back home and makes it difficult to get any deal with north so you have to believe some of the air has gone out of our efforts to get the north koreans to give up weapons which suggests also that maybe we want Something Else. Maybe we want to pry north korea away from china. Maybe that is more important to us. I dont know. But clearly there is a change in the focus of the administration. And secretary of state mike pompeo reiterated the u. S. Goal is what he calls complete and verifiable and irreversible denuclearization and how difficult is that to achieve. That is difficult since the diplomacy has not been done in advance. Most seasoned diplomats in that room with the two leaders will be the interpreters. And so theye ultimately the success of the summit and it will rely on their ability to translate what donald trump, who often doesnt speak in complete sentences and kim jongun who we are unaware of what his english ability is, so what we have coming out of that and to know if anything has been accomplished are the words of the translators and potentially a joint communique and this is why the process and the work in advance is is so important so you have a common understanding going into a meeting. And the common understanding is that this is an important photo opportunity. Donald trump has since walked that back saying that it should be more than a photo on but ultimately that is what the koreans want, north korea wants a photo opportunity to sell back to the public of being seen on equal par with the United States and so they dont need to give anything up at this point to call this a win for kim jongun. And staying with you for a second, a lot of viewers might not fully realize that the u. S. Has so many troops there and it is not just because of the Nuclear Threat because of the conventional threat from north korea. President trump has long complained about the cost of basing so many troops in south korea. Hes floated the possibility of withdrawing them. How big is the concern that he might give that chip away . We dont it is a big concern. And that is unfortunate given the South Koreans are an ally and our military maneuvers in the region in the South China Sea are our posture to protect ourselves and the region from china. So this is not just a summit about the relationship between north korea and the United States, it is also involving china and japan by implicit nature of where we are. We also have a responsibility that weve given to the South Koreans, given that we have not settled an only an armistice and not a peace deal and this is part of the legacy of the korean war that could potentially be wrapped up as a result of this relationship were building with north korea. But when it comes to military prowess, it is essential that we have Pacific Command having access in this region and for trump to not understand the value of that is very dangerous. Let me ask you, gordon, what if the only thing that trump and kim agree to is to end the declared state of war between north and south korea which remains. Will the u. S. Have still failed in your view by giving the kim regime so much credibility . We certainly dont want to do that. Because once we do that, we give people in south korea, including president moon jaeins closest advisers, the argument about breaking the treaty with south korea, getting our troops off the peninsula. The reason why that is important is that south korea is part of our defense perimeter. We would rather face the bad actors in asia than off the coast of hawaii. I dont think were going to do that. Because there is just so much in the way of what she was just mentioning that it is not in our interest to do that. But nonetheless, you got people in south korea, including moon jaein advisers who do very much want us off the peninsula. What is the minimum that has to happen for this to be a successful summit in your view . The minimum. There needs to be a vague commitment to give up Nuclear Weapons or Ballistic Missiles an verification and dismantlement of the sfr for the infrastruce and accountingor the japanese abductees. I dont think well get that but nonetheless the United States has a lot of leverage to bring to bear on north korea. And we may have to actually work uphill because right now kim is on this role. Hes sort of building the links with countries in the region and that is undercutting our ability to enforce sanctions and so although we can actually work against that, nonetheless it will be hard for us to do. Much harder than it needs to be. Hes getting a rock star reception in singapore. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Is President Trump more concerned about upsetting kim jongun than americas long time allies . Stay with us. Hes got legs of r and arms of steel he eats a bowl of hammers at every meal he holds your house in the palm of his hand hes your home and auto man big jim, hes got you covered great big jim, there aint no other so, this is covered, right . Yes, maam. Take care of it for you right now. Giddyup hi this is jamie. We need some help. There is a history of injustice in this country that goes back to the very first day. But theres also a history of people pushing for justice. When we think about fighting the injustice that is this president , i think we should take pride in trying to be part of that tradition. We have a president that has lied over and over again. You know, donald trump is not a lawabiding citizen. President trump has made an abomination of the office. You know, donald trump is not a lawabiding citizen. The first survivor of ais out there. Ease and the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. The only eye drop. Appd for the signs. And symptoms of dry eye. Because dry eye can mean. More than. Just dryness. Xiidra may provide lasting relief. Starting in two weeks. One drop in each eye, twice a day. Dont use if you are allergic to xiidra. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. Dont touch container tip to your eye. Or any surface. After using xiidra, wait 15 minutes. 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Reporter to then suddenly tweeting, trudeau was dishonest, weak, saying he made false statements after acting meek and mild in meetings. And rescinding the u. S. Support of the joint statement from the g7. A twitter rant that did not stop once he landed in singapore for the summit with north korea. Fair trade is now to be called fool trade if it is not reciprocal according to a canada release they make almost 100 billion in trade with the u. S. Guess they were bragging and got caught. Minimum is 17 billion. Tax from us at 270 . And then justin acts hurt when called out. What set all of this off was a press conference on saturday where the canadian Prime Minister called u. S. Tariffs insulting and said he remains ready to impose his own tariffs right back. Were polite and were reasonable but we also will not be pushed around. Reporter the director of the president S Economic Council larry kudlow told jake tapper, he made the United States look bad. Potus is not going to let a canadian Prime Minister push him around. Push him potus around, President Trump on the eve of this. He is not going to permit any show of weakn on the on the trip to negotiate with north korea, nor shoulde so this was about north korea. Of course it was reporter and not hes to pile on our neighbor to the north. There is a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engas in bad faith diplomacy with president donald j. Trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out of the door and that is what bad faith Justin Trudeau did with the Stunt Press Conference and that is what weak and dishonest Justin Trudeau did andhat comes from air forone. Reporter and u. S. Allies reeling from how is dissolved into the g6 plus one and Angela Merkel calling his words sobering and depressing and saying International Operation cant depend on anger and small words. Lets be serious and worthy of our people. A senior diplomat said the conversations with trump at the g7 were very intense and thewe. They thought they all had consensus on the final wording of the communique and there was a lot of surprise when trump pulled away from that in the words of the source today, the whole thing doesnt make sense. Jake. Michelle kosinski. And joining me is Steven Hadley. Let me start with the words from larry kudlow and perhaps even more stark Peter Navarro talking about how trudeau stabbed President Trump in the back and navarro calling him weak and dishonest and a especially place in hell reserved for him. What is your response . Well, it is unfortunate. This is not a youthful spat. I think what happened was that they got a communique that all seven were going to join and Prime Minister trudeau was supposed to announce that and he did, but rather than sort of show the unit and response to questions he then had this point about canadians wont be pushed around. And i think what it probably looked like to President Trump and the people around him was that trudeau was trying to advance his own standing with his own people domestically at President Trumps expense. No american leader of any leader of any country likes that kind of thing and i think that triggered the kind of response you saw from President Trump. Well lets play the exact the tape. Lets go to the tape and take a listen to what Justin Trudeau actually said. Hes talking about applying retaliatory tariffs when drew the ire of President Trump. Lets play that tape. I have made it very clear to the president that it is not something that we relish doing, but it is something that we absolutely will do. Because canadians were polite, were reasonable but we also will not be pushed around. That is it. That is the whole thing. Do you think that that warranted calling him weak, dishonest for whom there is a special place in hell . I dont. I thought the reaction was too extreme but i think trudeau was unfortunate that he decided to make that sort of bid to his own public opinion. He could have rolled out the g7 statement and emphasized the importance of it and emphasized there had been cnsus and stop. It is unfortunate. These sorts of things happen. I think he probably went too far. I think the Trump Administration and those who comments went way too far. It is unfortunate. But it is not irreparable. Michael mcfaul, the former ambassador under obama tweeted if they cant negotiate a deal on milk, how will he get a deal on Nuclear Disarmament dealing with the high tariffs on American Dairy products that canada imposes. But lets talk about that. Is there any sort of correlation between how President Trump treats u. S. Allies versus how well you think he might be able to negotiate in singapore with kim jongun . Well, these trade disputes are difficult. Weve been working soft wood lumber issue with the canadians for about 20plus years. I dont think that tells you much about what is going to happen in singapore. I think the question is, one, do the two leaders establish sum sm kind of rapport, two, can they establish some kindf basic set of principles that involves denuclearization as the americans define it and, three, can they establish somed of mechanism for following up and working the details. If they could do that, it is a successful summit. Youve seen the photographs released showing what looked like very tense negotiations at the g7, the one up on screen. Youve seen it before. President trump with his arms crossed and Angela Merkel leaning forward and put out by her office and another one with the difrent angle put out by the white house. As former National Security adviser, what do these pictures say to you . Well, you know, they were intensive negotiations. I remember at the summit we had in 2008 where the issue was whether ukraine and georgia could come into nato and some very tense negottions and i remember Angela Murkle sitting at a table with Foreign Ministers and head of government mostly in russian taurk bei how we should what kind of nato summit statement should address and how it should address the issue of georgia and ukraine. So they are in tense conversations and difficult issues that need to be addressed. That is what diplomacy is about. It is not all choreographed and not all love and kisses. And i want to ask you, the president raised eyebrows when he suggested on the way to the g7 and there that russia be permitted to come back into the g7 to be the g8 and russia was kicked out after if invaded and annexed crimea in 2014. Take a listen to larry kudlow when i asked him about this on sunday. That doesnt mean we shouldnt talk to them and that doesnt mean we shouldnt deal with them. Again, russia was doing some very bad things years ago when they were part of the g8. President trump is just throwing it out there for consideration. There is nothing wrong with that. Do you agree . Is there nothing wrong with talking about how russia should be back in the g7. I think it was a nonstarter and everybody knew it was a nonstarter. My guess is that it was something that came to President Trump to sort of change the conversation and disrupt a little bit and put the g7 the other participants on the back foot. But it is basically a nonstarter until we get through our own political system, the investigations that we know exactly what the russians did with respect to our elections and i think it is also going to be very difficult until there is some progress resolving the issue of returning ukraine control and that area that russia occupies. Steven hadley. Thank you so much. Good to have you on. The president s inner circle getting smaller and smaller and wait until you hear who hes turning to outside of the white house for advice now. Stay with us. Over. Hey, want to try it . Ok here you go. Over. Under. Hey whoa, pop, pop. Your shoes untied. Ensure hes well taken care of, even as you build your own plans for retirement. See how lincoln can help protect your savings from the impact of longterm care expenses at lincolnfinancial. Com. I think, keep going, and make a difference. At some point, we are going to be able to beat als. Because life is amazing. So i am hoping for a cure. I want this, to uh, to be a reality. Um, yeah. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. 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The president is not too concerned about a potential mass exit as he relies less and less on his staff and more and more on his own instincts. Ill bring in maggie haberman. And maybe this is part of it. And politico is reporting the Top White House aide steven chung last day wasn friday and hes been on trump team since the campaign. You tweeted the purge is beginning. And it is. I think that steven chung will be the first of a couple of people from the Communications Staff which is separate from the White House Press team chungs name had been on several lists going back to 2017 of people who could be on the chopping block and it is surprising every single time he was on the campaign and he was seen as a high performer. He was one of the hardest workers. Involved in the Gorsuch Nomination and the tax effort and so it is not surprising in the sense that i think this is less about who is loyal to donald trump and who is having fights internally with other people and other factions. You will, i think, see more. I think that the president is very obsessed with leaks right now and hes being directed in a certain way toward his Communications Staff. But hes under the impression that his Communications Team is leaking to the press bad stories, damaging stories. Correct. And he has been for sometime. His constant refrain is i have the biggest Communications Staff and i get the worst press and he is the most focused on this. He doesnt see perhaps it is because the press is covering things that he said and does. He doesnt see that to cover them accurately doesnt mean youre covering him unfairly. What other highprofile aides are you talking about . John kelly the white house chief of staff who by almost all accounts is not as powerful as he once was. Right. He is looking toward his oneyear mark which is next month. He could end up staying until the midterms, a lot of people expect he will leave before that. I think there is a side of him just like his boss who doesnt want to give into what he believes is negative press coverage and to a call for his own head. The other big name looking at leaving is j hagen. The deputy chief of staff. Deputy chief of staff there at theery beginning and worked in other white houses, really knows where everything is. He knows how everything functions. And he worked in the bush 43 white house. Correct. And he is one of the few people who have seen who is seen as hard to replace if he goes he is one of the very few people who you would have seen in other administrations who works in this white house. He has attracted a lot of negative attention and questions about his loyalty because of his bush years and that is sor of the brush that people use to paint people with to seem like they are disloyal in trumps eyes. Now you reported in the story that john kelly, the chief of staff, met with some senators and call the white house a, quote, miserable place to work. You heard that directly from somebody who heard the remarks. Why is it is hard work but why is john kelly so unhappy. Hes said this to people coming in from outside of the white house and to his colleagues because it is the constant churn of chaos. Because anything hes tried to implement in terms of structure the president has generally undone or resisted because the president claims to sort of want certain systems in place but he doesnt really want those systems in place. Look, john kelly has done a number of controversial things and things for which he deserves criticism and there is no question that being chief of staff to this president is a near impossible job for anyone. And you also write that the president is taking advice from like Cory Lewandowski and dave bo bosse. And it is interesting that if you look back at around this time two years ago was when Cory Lewandowski was fired from the campaign as the First Campaign manager and donald trump didnt walely want to fire him. He was pushed jared made him do it. He wasnt the only one. Ivanka. And he has regretted it basically ever since and continued to seek Cory Lewandowskis council. He talks to him multiple times a week and i dont expect that to change. Shed light on this explosion from President Trump on air force one. The communique was agreed to and there is no disagreement with the communique from the g7 and the white house agrees with it all. Justin trudeau said what i think you heard Steven Hadley say that he went too far but it could have been ignored and yet this explosion, calling him weak and aides saying there is a special place in hell for Justin Trudeau. Tap into the trump psyche. A lot of it is what you see is what you get. He felt like he was disrespected an it is not clear that he knew that it is a tradition for the leader of the host nation to do their own press briefing. So this would happen no matter what. He may have seen it as a standing up for his own it is country. And appearance and strength and weakness is everything to him and he felt like he was made to look weak and embarrassed and he reacted this way. It is really i dont think much more than that. How did he look weak . Justin trudeau, all he said was that that the retaliatory tariffs were insulting and that canada is polite but will stand up for themselves and he didnt mention President Trumps name. And there was nothing personal or attacking nothing as was described. We have seen repeatedly the president call News Coverage going back to earlier in the segment unfair when it is not unfair. He has often described people as insulting him when they are not talking about him. He views everything through the retracted lense of himself and so this became how this would play for me and in his mind this is going to play badly. Im not saying there was anything that Justin Trudeau did that was wrong and i cant see a planet on which trump praises other leaders for defending their nation. He described this as a positive, they stand up to us and defend their country and now hes angry at trudeau for doing just that. It is not logical, but it is how his mind works. Ive been covering politics for a long time as have you, i dont know any president who insults people more than President Trump does. No. And in fact just as a matter of fact. And who name calls more than President Trump. Everything is deeply personalized. Every single time. It is constantly and people in the campaign would laugh about it during the primaries until he pointed his gun at them. He just there is just a fundamental disconnect. I dont know how else to describe it. He wont hear it or listen to it when hes told this is what hes doing, he just wont acceps hon hold when it comes to negotiations going on in singapore. Where were all hoping for the best of course. Yes. Maggie haberman, from the New York Times. Did Robert De Niro just give the Trump Campaign a jump start with the fbomb rant in front of an international audience. Stay with us. Behr presents ordinary versus overachiever. Behr premium plus, behr through it all ordinary versus overachiever. With a toprated paint at a great price. Find it exclusively at the home depot. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Mbc doesnt take a day off, and neither will i. And i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. In fact, verzenio is a cdk4 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr , her2 mbc, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. 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Except he used all four letters not just f. And simone, let me start with you, mark mckinnon, cohost of the circus on show time tweeted hollywood here is your problem and said ivanka is a c word and that is all you got. Do you have any clue as to how this plays into trumps playbook and keep it up and youll help ensure four more years. What do you think . I think he has it wrong. For the people that dont like donald trump speaking about him in that way isnt gaining him new fans or haters. People are very staunchly decided on how they feel about the president. If you love him or you hate him or you dont care either way or not. And so Robert Denero samantha bee and bill mar isnt going to affect anyones feelings about the president. What matters more is what democrats an the midterm elections are saying and doing and they are not talking about donald trump. Theyre tacking about the issues. Amanda, what do you think . This certainly mobilizes the trump voter base and it reconfirms the idea that the symbolized democrat and someone in hollywood and a liberal journalist or some kind of actor hates them an that is incredibly motivating for the trump coalition. And so i would give some free advice to anyone that wants to give a speech about trump, if you are if your message is so crude that it makes trumps twitter account looks classy, you ought to rethink your message because there was nothing in that message besides hate. This is what i call the trump chat, where people want to take on trump become like him in the worst way and if our politics becomes a race to the bottom, trump has already proven that he is the dirtiest player who will win at that game. And so thisill do nothing that backfires on him because you could sub de niro or samantha bee or whoever you want. There is no effective democratic opposition to trump right now and so the republican get out the Vote Committee is more han happy to use figures like denero who volunteer as a standin. And simone, democrats say this is this is the point that trump has started this and the editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg asked a white house official what is the trump doctrine and that is Senior Administration official responded, quote, the trump doctrine is were america, bitch. And when explaining the person said, quote, obama apologized to everyone for everything he felt bad about and trump doesnt feel like he has to apologize for anything. America does. So where america the trump doctrine and simone, that is what im hearing from people on the left. It is he started it. He did start it. But to be frank, Robert De Niro doesnt speak for the totality of the democratic party, the resistance or whoever. Neither does sam an the bee or bill mar. But the issue is we are some folks but not me but some democrats and folks on the left are allowing the right to frame this conversation so he comes out and said f trup and the democrats are waging war and we have to hunker down on the right. We cannot allow ourselves to be tricked into using the rhetoric and the playbook of the right. So, look, i dont really give a damn about what Robert De Niro says about donald trump and frankly many people feel the way that he feels but what folks care about and what will move the needle is talking about the issues and every single time we allow ourselves to get tripped up into what something or someone in hollywood said, that is playing into Donald Trumps hands and that is the game that im not going to play. Amanda . I would just say for the trump voter, the culture war is far bigger and more important than the republican versus Democratic Political war. And while people like simone are right to point out there is a difference between the hollywood actor and a elected democrat, there is but no elected democrat to focus on. There is no alternative to trump rather than the outpouring of freak statements that come out hysterical examples of what is called trump derangement syndrome and i think that is precisely because there is nowhere for that energy to go andn a positive manner. You dent see people slapping on sticker about parkland or love trumps hate because there is nowhere to go because there is no effective democratic figure for them to rally behind. And that is going to be an ongoing problem as we face the democratic primaries where there is more than a dozen people potentially running and so i expect this dynamic to get worse, not better. Everyone stick around. We have more to talk about. It may be one of the most unusual tasks of the white house taping back together the papers that President Trump has ripped up and ex white house aide talks to cnn. Stay with us. With expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. Captured lightning in a bottle. Over 260 years later as the nations leader in energorage were ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it nextera energy. Touch shows how we really feel. But does psoriasis ever get in the way . Embrace the chance of 100 clear skin with taltz. Up to 90 of those with moderate to severe psoriasis had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. Most people were still clearer after one year. With taltz, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Dont use if youre allergic to taltz. Before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. 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With the right conversation, you might find youre doing okay. So, no hot dog suit . Not unless you want to. No. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today with td ameritrade®. In our politics lead, an odd white house story highlighting concern that President Trump is showing complete disregard for the president ial records act which requires that documents be preserved. Instead he has a habit of tearing up notes and letters and news articles. According to a former white house aide had to tape them back together so as to comply with the law. Politico broke the story reporting this is part of how trump handlesocuments hes done with and just rips them up. The former staffer spent hours piecing back together his trash like it were a jigsaw puzzle. And with scotch tape. He was subsequently fired. Lets bring back the political panel. Amanda, let me start with you. White house advicers have tried to get President Trump to stop but not been able to. Does that say anything about their inabili to get just do what the law complies. Well if hes been warned multiple times that this doesnt go i compliance with the public records act, then this seems malicious. On the other hand, just ripping it up and not using Something Like a shredder doesnt seem that smart. And so this is just one of those things that i think is ironic because we spent so much time during the clinton years going against Hillary Clinton because she took so many actions republicans believed to deliberately evade the public records act in terms of keeping emails off public server and taking other actions like that. And so to see trump say im going to rip up these papers and throw them on floor and make someone else piece them together is frustrating. Simone, go ahead. Amanda snatched the words out of my mouth. This is a long list of things where donald trump is saying forget the rules, forget what im supposed to do, in terms of preserving records to be in compliance with the law when it comes to National Security and papers that pass through the president s desk and emails. Hes using his personal cell phone more and more and hes ripping up and just tossing pains into t pain tossing papers into the trash and he doesnt care and are republicans in Congress Going to say anything . I like to remind folks on a regular basis, republicans are democrats in congress and republicans in congress, independents in congress, congress is aco equal branch of government and they dont have to kowtow and so i would like to hear the allegation over Hillary Clinton email server where they dont give a damn about complying with the law and preserving painers th papers pass through the president s desk. And he said hes never had to do anything like this in his tenure. And it doesnt it seems like it is malicious because hes been warned and ripping it up doesnt do much. If they could piece itk together with scotch tape, it just seems like a mean thing to do to other staff. Amanda, the loopholes and excuses we are making for donald trump could you be that dumb to think that would destroy the document . I dont think so. But perhaps. Perhaps. Anything is possible. Well the politico report the original report suggested that he does this this is like his file system that when hes done with it, he just ripped it up and that is how you know hes done. Lardy told cnn, we used to have to piece together torn papers and we werent supposed to tell anybody when chief of staff john kelly came in they were they were leery of the leaks. I guess simone, this is also part of the issue. That the white house is so focused on leaks that the tearing up is also an issue. Yeah, i guess the white house is paranoid but again if you are running a tight ship, if you have people working for you and your office that believe you, that tom that tamps down the leaks and that doesnt include destroying records or ripping them up that are supposed to go to the archives. But jake, i think this this goes to a bigger issue. This is just goes to a bigger issue of how donald trump can literally do whatever he wants and bucks all of the norms and he meet those consequences whatsoever. Everyone stick around. We have more to talk about. Can President Trump make the deal of his life . Congressman mike mccaul will weigh in. Stay with us. To stay in control. Gar i need to shave my a1c. Weekends are my time. I need an insulin that fits my schedule. Tresiba® ready announcer tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. 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