Images as lava explodes from the earth and heads towards homes in hawaii. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. Minutes ago speaking at the Nra Convention in dallas, texas, President Trump continued his attacks on the special counsel investigation into whether members of his team conspired in the 2016 election. The president informing the crowd of a judges statement about the Money Laundering trial of his former Campaign Chairman paul manafort. On cnn, they have a headline, judge in manafort case said muellers hame is to hurt trump. Can you believe. It that is the witch hunt. That is the president trying to battle various investigations at the end of the week where a president ial credibility gap seemed to become a credibility capital expenditu chasm after Rudy Giuliani undermined that trump knew nothing about a hush payment to a porn star to whom trump allegedly had a affair and it is stunning for those trying to support trump and with fox news anchors criticizing the president. Today it got more difficult to discern the truth. Giuliani said he was disclosing th th that he reimbursed cohen but trump said giuliani doesnt know what hes talking about. Rudy is a great guy but he just started a day ago but he really has his heart into it. Hes working hard and learning the subject matter. And hes going to be issuing a statement. He started yesterday. Hell get his facts straight. All right. Giuliani has been working for the president for more than a week. He didnt just start yesterday. But that lie is inconsequential but what is more important is the truth and whether you can expect your leaders to tell the truth and whether they instead display a disregard for it. Giuliani had said that his admission that the president did indeed pay the 130,000 to keep adult film star Stormy Daniels quiet, that was, quote, carefully coordinated with President Trump. Quote, you wont see daylight between me and the president. But that cracked wide open today, though very little with illuminated. Just minutes he issued a statement on the Stormy Daniels hush money and repayment. Quote, there is no campaign violation, the payment was made to resolve a personal and false allegation in order to protect the president s family. It would have been done in any event whether he was a candidate or not. So according to friday giuliani, the cohen payment had nothing to do with the campaign. Is that right . Thursday giuliani . Imagine if that came out on the october 15th, 2016 in the middle of the last debate for Hillary Clinton. So to make it go away cohen didnt ask. He made it go away. He did his job. In the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton seems pretty specifically related to the trump candidacy. Giuliani also stated, my references to timing were not describing my understanding of the president s knowledge, but instead sorry not describing my understanding of the president s knowledge, but instead my understanding of these matters. Okay let me ask thursday giuliani. Are you talking about the timing of what you know or the timing of what he knows . He didnt know the details of this until we knew details of it which is a couple of weeks ago. Maybe not even a couple maybe ten days ago. Similar lies and confusion over special counsel mueller with the president saying this in all fairness, bob mueller worked for obama for eight years. In all fairness, bob mueller worked for obama. Here are the facts. Robert mueller is a republican sand appointed to head the fbi by republican president george w. Bush and continued to serve under president obama for five years. These are lies about the scandals. But as weve seen the president is willing to lie before all sorts of things. He even lies about his potential triumphs. This week he tweeted, as everybody aware, the past administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a north korean labor camp but to no avail. That would be a neat trick for the Obama Administration since two out of three americans were detained during the trump presidency. That tweet remains up, a monument to how much President Trump just doesnt seem to care about the truth. There has been a lot of misinformation really, people wanting to say and i say, you know what, learn before you speak. It is a lot easier. Well, on that, we agree. Cnn jeff zeleny has more on the president s day from the white house. Mr. President how is rudy doing . How is rudy doing . Reporter President Trump shrugging his shoulders before throwing his long time friend and new lawyer Rudy Giuliani under the bus. He knew it was a witch hunt. He started yesterday. Hell get his facts straight. Damning words from the president after giuliani created a fire storm this week but saying the president knew about and repaid hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels. It is actually very simple. But there has been a lot of misinformation really people wanting to say and i say, you know what, learn before you speak. It is a lot easier. Yet he never said what giuliani got wrong sparking even more confusion. Rudy is great. But he just started. And he wasnt totally familiar with with everything. Reporter traveling to dallas to address the Nra Convention today, the president fuelling the white house credibility crisis. He insisted he hadnt changed his story on Stormy Daniels even though he had. Were not changing any stories. All im telling you is that this country is right now running so smooth and to be bringing up that kind of crap and to be bringing up witch hunt all of the time, that is all you want to talk about youre going to see excuse me. Excuse me. How could you say you didnt know anything about the payment. You go back and look at what i said. Youll see what i said. You said no excuse me. You take a look at what i said. Here is what he said a month ago aboard air force one. Do you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No. Giuliani sought to clean up the confusion saying his comments about the payment were not describing my understanding of the president s knowledge, but instead my understanding of these matters. Mean while, the president all but closing the door to an interview with special Counsel Robert Mueller saying he wouldnt be treated fairly. Nobody wants to speak more than me. In fact, against my lawyers because most lawyers say, never speak on anything. I would love to speak. Because weve done nothing wrong. If i thought it was fair, i would override my lawyers. The president also offering a rare embrace of john kelly. General kelly is doing a fantastic job. There has been such false reporting about our relationship. We have a great relationship. I would just say it is an absolute privilege to work for a president that has gotten the economy going, were about to have a breakthrough i believe on north korea reporter as for north korea, the president saying today that details for his historic meeting with kim jongun had been set. We now have a date and we have a location. Well be announcing it soon. Reporter so the president seed repeatedly there is a time and place that is set for the meeting and hell disclose that at a time in the future. The white house is not putting a time frame on that but the most striking thing after a striking week here, is john kelly, the president wanted to appear with him to show that he is up in his view Rudy Giuliani of course longtermtime friend of the president is down in his views. We know things go up and down all of the time here. But as the president flies back to the white house from dallas, well see if he has more to say once he gets back here. Jake. Jeff zeleny at the white house. And lets bring in the panel, ryan lizzo let me start with you. Do you have any idea what the actual facts are about lets stick with the Stormy Daniels hush payment. What is the official story now . Because i honestly dont know. We dont know. And for everyone in the last 48 hours is debate about whether Rudy Giuliani was out there shooting his mouth off, or it was some kind of strategy behind it all. We have that debate all of the time with trump. Is there a strategy or just completely make it up as you go along. I think it is pretty clear today that it was make it up as you go along and that giuliani i mean, the only thing he said today was i didnt really speak for the president. I was just speaking off the cuff essentially based on what i thought the facts were. So he said it was a quasi retreat from hannity and we dont know whether the payments were made and the president is still sticking by the fact that he reimbursed cohen so were more in the dark than before. And the three tweets yesterday that the president or somebody put out under his account that seemed to suggest that he did know about the payments and it is nothing abnormal and everything is fine here. And now that is taken back too . Do you have any clarity of it is very unclear unless the strategy was to confuse all of us, which is a possibility. I think there are there is a plausible story where you have a fixer who fixes things and hes on retainer and you dont know what they are and they happen and you find out about them later. That is something that could happen. And that is not the story. So if you want to tell that story, tell that story, but that is the story they keep shifting which means you cant be sure what is going on. And i want to play this again because it is so stark. The president told a reporter today specifically the same reporter from a. P. Who had asked the question a month before on air force one that he didnt y say say that he no idea about the payment to Stormy Daniels. Here is the president today. You said excuse me you did not know about the payment. You take a look at what i said. You go back and take a look. Youll see what i said. You said no when i asked you if you know about the payment. Excuse me. You take a look at what i said. Lets take a look at what he said. Do you know about the 130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels . No. Then why i dont know. So is he now lying about whether he was lying before . Yes, that is what he z. It is lies upon lies upon lies. This is what donald trump does, every day. I think that there is no there is no strategy. But what hes trying to do is just survive every day. And however he thinks works for him, he will do that. And unfortunately, you tell a lie and then you have to keep up with your lies which they cant do and so they continue to lie. It probably worked wle was a b. List celebrity a minus or b plus and woe tash did he and he w talk to gossip ragz but now he is the commanderinchief and trusting him to protect the country and to tell the truth cl is like the basic things i believe for a president there is a Tipping Point weve reached, ryan, not just because it is a panel of honest conservatives and reporters and progressives talking about this. You have the wall street Journal Editorial Board which is very supportive President Trump in general, they disagree with his trade policy and warned the president that americans might stott believing anything he sextd mr. Trump is compiling a record that increasing the likelihood that few will believe him during a genuine crisis like speaking with special Counsel Robert Mueller or Nuclear Showdown kim jongun. And the New York Times editorial boards and leftleaning places have been saying that for a long time and one of the most stable polls in american politics is the percentage of people who dont think the president tells the truth and it is very high since hes been president. But that is significant. Youre right, it is a Tipping Point because what keeps trumps lies what keeps him able to get away with it, is a good chunk, 30 to 40 who supports him no matter what and republicans in congress who support him no matter what. So when significant stories and reporters see it the way everyone else sees him, that is bad for him. And whether he lied in that in that air force one moment just to be completely generous to him, if you want to take be as generous as possible not to deny that the president lies all of the time, he might have been saying he didnt know about the payment at the time. His fixer took care of it and he didnt know where the fixer got the money from. That would mean he learned about it later and then paid it back are you feeling very that is possible if you want to slice it thinly. No credibility at all. And with Rudy Giuliani and the president rebuked him and then rudy puts out a statement to try to correct the record and contradicted statements he made a day ago. Im not usually surprised when trump undercuts someone that he has put out there. I was surprised about giuliani because it seemed so very clear that this was like a gutlevel, were on the same page, this is a witch hunt, im going on offense and im sending mueller a message by doing these interviews but because he got this because he stepped in it on the Stormy Daniels stuff, clearly he was he heard it this morning and twice and the president came out on purpose to say it twice to reporters. And i was a little surprised because i would think that the russia part of this and granted they may be connected in some way, part of this would be more important and the mueller part he was backing him up on. Do you think that rudy actually was going rogue or do you think he and the president concocted this and then it failed spectacularly and then the president said, well, that didnt work out at all and you need to clean this up. I believe that was the one thing that rudy was saying that was true and that had been confirmed by the white house and others that he was he talked to the president before and after his interviews at 48 hour interviews on fox and others, and that donald trump saw the reviews of rudy and didnt like what he was hearing and so stepped in. But this is just a lesson that all of surrogates learn, if you fly too close to the sun and in Donald Trumps orbit, you will get burned. And the surrogate supporters and people who are watching and listening to him is that he will let you get on that limb and then he will saw it off. And it happens many times. It happened to Anthony Scaramucci and that is a great example of what you are talking about. Is because originally after that interview, trump was telling people, oh, i loved that what he said about that. When everyone else is like this guy is a lunatic and then when the blowback came and everyone was condemning scaramucci, then trump was like maybe this isnt the best person for the Communications Director role. So it today just giulianis day in the barrel or is his future at risk . Ill get you thoughts on that right after this quick break. Stay with us. Legendary jockey Victor Espinoza is insatiable when it comes to competing. So is his horse. When it comes to snacking. Thats why he uses the chase mobile app, to pay practically anyone, at any bank. Life, lived victors way. Chase. Make more of whats yours. 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And lets start, Mary Katherine, with the idea that bob mueller is being painted as a democrat and there are people on his team that are democrats, and Jeff Sessions is a republican, christopher wr Christopher Wray and Rod Rosenstein is a republican and bob mueller is a republican. He paints this as a Democrat Investigation of him and it is unfair and i dont know i think maybe hes base is buying it. I think part of is because it works, framing it this way. And some people believe it. Youve seen in polling that people do have more negative views in the past. I think part of that is just the length of it. And he wants to say shut it down. Finish it up. And this is the way that hes going after them. And he would behoove himself while making the political argument and getting the facts right. I dont i dont bee bruges but get it right. What was his opinion hard republican and bob friday or a law and order guy. And also added to the list, the Southern District of new york, the people running that are already republicans, the ones who raided cohens but there is a germ of truth in what he is saying in that the world thing about our politics right now is what defines being a republican in some ways is being protrump. And the antirepublican trumps dont have a home right now they are being pushed out of the Republican Party and this is this very tribal way in which donald trump is defining people who oppose him as sort of not part of the party. So i dont know that he thinks of it that way but i think his supporters do think of it that way. But could i add, the thing to that is mueller was also appointed by his own by Donald Trumps own department of justice. Right he appointed political appointee so it is insane and the argument doesnt make sense. But to what you were saying is that it works. It is red meat to his base and they love it and they want to believe it. Because they want to continue to support him. So why not say, it is a partisan issue so they could continue to back their guy. So Mary Katherine it is dangerous for justice to be viewed that way and for the president viewing people as the Justice Department if investigating things if the target are him or his friends then they are not legitimate. So Mary Katherine, we talked about this before and all of the times that President Trump steps on his own message and he seems to like it. He seems to be trolling you and me about this on this issue. He does all of this stuff today and the Unemployment Rate it fell to a 20year low today. He tweeted this just out, 3. 9 unemployment, 4 is broken. In the meantime, witch hunt. All caps. I mean wouldnt it be wiser just to focus on the great economic news, take credit for it, and not with the all caps and the witch hunt. That is jgenuinely very good news. He could have gone out to reporters and just said that and walked away. On the Stormy Daniels stuff, just gutter town all the way through. The lying and the original thing and all of it. But then politically it turns out people dont care that much because they knew trump was this guy or at least in his base which he will be worried about in the midterms and then legally what we know of so far because we dont know the underlying warrant is 130,000 possible violation which is not the biggest hurdle and fines have been twice and three times that. But my point being it is needless to mouth off about it. Why talk about it . It could just be there. You seem to be suggesting sometimes he does things that are politically unwise. Exactly. Am i reading you right . Stick around. We have more to talk about. How did Rudy Giuliani go from mr. Law and order to attacking the fbi and calling them stormtroopers. Thats next. Almost 800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. With liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. 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And he embraced theoidaf hunting down whitecollar criminals abusing their wealth and power through inside trading on wall street. Both the civil and the criminal cases helped to create a impact and to stop people from capitalizing on their special position. Reporter a drop in crime in new york city while he was mayor in the 90s and his leadership through the tumult of 9 11 would earn him a serious shot at the presidency but today you guys are so darn unfair to trump i swear to god. The former law and order champion is ripping into the very agency and officers he built his career alongside. While he once stood with the head of the fbi pointing the plan for taking down the mob, he seems to equate parts of the russia probe to the work of nazi stormtroopers. This is a completely tainted investigation. Never mind that james comey said the trump team operates like a crime family. All focused on what is best for the boss. Loyalty to the boss. And not connected to any of the ethical values outside of the boss. Reporter giulianis take i know james comey. I know the president. Sorry, jim, youre a liar. A disgraceful liar. Reporter giuliani does know donald trump. And the two new york power players have been allies for 30 years, trump supporting giulianis political campaigns and praising trump in return and even joining forces for a farcical video at a media dinner. I like that and if giuliani seems to have forgotten many of his past friends, he has no trouble remembering who his presently in charge. This is our best president in my memory. Why has giuliani gone this way . Maybe he true think thinks President Trump is right and the investigators are wrong. But it is worth noting the president has given him a path back from the political waste lands into the halls of power and the cost has always been open unwaivering and fierce support for the boss in trump land. Jake. Although, he wants to be secretary of state and trump did not nominate him. That didnt work out. Tom foreman, thank you so much. Coming up, devin nunez is demanding documents from the Justice Department and the special counsel, for which he pa a parentally got some documents he skipped one important step. What is that step . Stay tuned. And market volatility isnt top of mind. Thats because they have a shield annuity from Brighthouse Financial, which allows them to take advantage of Growth Opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. So theyre less concerned with market volatility and can focus more on the things theyre passionate about. Talk with your advisor about shield annuities from Brighthouse Financial established by metlife. My dai need my blood sugar ito stay in control. En. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I need to shave my a1c. 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House Intelligence Committee chairman nunez demands documents and records explaining what is going on. But when given the chance to read some of the high lit sensitive documents, sources tell manu raju, he did not actually read them. Manu raju bring this is story and he broke it. Hes been pushing to see the domes and you have four sources who told you he didnt read them. What is nunez or his staff say about that. They are not saying anything. We confronted nunez on multiple occasions and asked him directly, did you or not read these documents and he would not say. And then his staff, we asked did he read the documents and why didnt he read the documents and they didnt say either. Instead sending a statement criticizing us for asking the questions. But these were documents that had he been demanding for a long time, detailing the start of the russia investigation and something he threatened to hold Rod Rosenstein in contempt of congress or face impeachment and if he didnt get access to the documents but when he showed up and given access, and he and troi trey gowdy and he read the documents and that is raising questions after demanding these for so long how come he didnt read them. And what was the impact on gowdy . He has a different interpretation than nunez. Nunez came out afterwards after being briefed on the content and said there were major problems and questions about why this investigation started in the first place and there was no intelligence to back that up. But gowdy said he supports the Mueller Probe and has more questions but not going as far as the criticism of nunez. So reading documents might have an impact on what you know and think about the investigation. Manu raju, thank you. And joining me now, kim whaley and laura coats. Lets turn to the mueller investigation. The trump legal and special Counsel Robert Mueller are making a final push toward whether there will be a president ial interview and a source familiar with the discussion said there is a 50 50 chance that the two will sit down. Take a listen to what President Trump had to say about this earlier today. Nobody wants to speak more than me. In fact, against my lawyers because most lawyers say never speak on anything. If i thought it was fair, i would override my lawyers. Do you think hes setting the stage to not talk to mueller or do you think ultimately he will override his lawyers . I think his lawyers are telling as he indicates not to talk to mueller and that makes sense because there is a lot of ways to get limb sel get hims in trouble and per jer himself and make inconsistent statements and they dont understand the scope of the facts from mueller and i think what will happen is if Robert Mueller needs to talk to mr. Trump, like what happened in whitewater where i worked, he will subpoena him and then we could potentially have a constitutional showdown in the courts and maybe that is where it belongs at this point. And with article three judges who have life tenure and salary protection and are not politicized because this entire investigation is so highly politicized in terms of the integrity of the Justice Department that i think it is damaging our democracy. Do you think President Trump, given the fact that bill clinton ultimately had to offer testimony and reagan did in couldnt raw and Hillary Clinton did in her email investigation, do you think that President Trump could refuse it given the fact that the president clearly seems to be no matter who you are, man or woman, you not alove t above the law. But the court have spoken in Clinton V Jones and nixon and not only is the president not above the law in terms of whether he could commit a crime, he heads the executive branch whose job is to enforce laws as written so to say you are going to thumb your nose at due process and a quest for information in a criminal prosecution would be unheard of and misguided according to the logic but i think donald trump is anticipating the fifth amendment if he were to testify because normally it could be political suicide to say a sitting president of the United States will plead the fifth if he were to sit down. But hes establishing such political cover, laying the foundation for a witch hunt, it is not an objective arbiter or investigation, it is all been rigged. Why would i talk to you. Im pleading the fifth not because i want you infer my guilt because i want you to confirm this is not a good system. I think hes laying the found work and his lawyers are doing other work to think about that executive privilege. When you look at the what what the president is doing in terms of removing from his orbit the attorneys recommending a more conciliatory approach like ty cobb, who apparently has suggested that president should sit down and bringing in people like Rudy Giuliani who refers to the fbi as storm troopers and calls the investigation a witch hunt. Isnt that the tell. Hes changing lawyers and bringing in a team that is saying no. Dont do it. Well, there are lawyers and then lawyers. Im also a law professor and train people to do those things and i dont think really Rudy Giuliani is functioning as a good lawyer, a strong lawyer. And in that instance, the job is to protect your client from additional liability and to essentially move things forward so they could go on with their lives and that is not what is happening and were getting deeper into the muck and well see what the new lawyer from a law firm in d. C. Is whether he could bring some measured judgment and some integrity and some smarts to this process which is getting out of hand. And Rudy Giuliani this afternoon released a statement trying to clean up the muck that kim refers to. One of the things said in part, my references to timing about whether President Trump learned about the payment and the reimbursement were not describing my understanding of the president s knowledge, but instead my understanding of these matters, in other word hes saying even though the president said this or president learned this, he wasnt actually describing the president , he was talking about himself. Do you buy this at all . No. Not at all. I also dont want to buy a bag of beans to get to a giant in the sky. Because this is all complete hypocrisy and ridiculous. There is no need to give Rudy Giuliani the former District Attorney and the mayor of new york city the person a learning curve that every other lawyer has to have at day one. They are all presumed to be competent and hes trying to act like a p. R. Person and using the media and other lawyers to be his focus group. Will do you like that answer or will this stick and give me cover and believe this is not a Campaign Finance violation, okay, ill try again on the morning on fox and friends and how about now, do you like this commercial . That is not how you act as an attorney and kim is dead on is he is functioning as an adviser and you never heard from ty cobb, because ty cobb was the counsel for the office of the presidency and now you have giuliani replacing that role which means his job is to protect the actual office, not the incumbent. You are not seeing this here. Youre seeing a focus group. Thank you. You are great. Appreciate it. What do you do if you are the head of the epa and the subject of a growing list of scandals . You could have an aide plant a damaging story about a different cab let level secretary. What happened and who was the target of the rumor mill . Stay with us. Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. When i first came to ocean bay, what i saw was despair. I knew something had to be done. Hurricane sandy really woke people up, to showing that we need to invest in this community. I knew having the right partner we could turn this place around. It was only one bank that could finance a project this difficult and this large, and that was citi. Preserving Affordable Housing preserves communities. So we are doing their kitchens and their flooring and their lobbies and the grounds. And the beautification of their homes, giving them pride in where they live, will make this a Thriving Community once again. A staffer for epa administrator scott pruitt is under fire for trying to take heat off his scandalridden boss, a member of the press team tried to plant headlines about a different trump official to divert a from pruitt and not only did the media find out, so did the white house. Reporter this is just one day of headlines for scott pruitt. And an atlantic reporter has discovered that one of his communications staffers tried to take off the heat by planting a negative story about fellow cabinet member interior sect ryan zinke. A press aide at the epa was trying to pitch a story to different reporters. alleged that a press aide in the department of the interior was trying to leak damaging stories about scott pruitt as a way to prop up his own boss, secretary zinke. So this epa press aide in return tried to do the same thing. Reporter when the white house found out, the atlantic reports someone from the office of president ial personnel called enraged and wanted to find out if the staffer could be fired. A different epa spokesperson denies this ever happened. This as a cnn exclusive analysis found pruitt paid himself nearly 65,000 in reimbursement from his two campaigns for Oklahoma Attorney general, in 2010 and 2014, without properly explaining the expenses on his Campaign Finance reports. The expenditures are so vague that at times there is no way to know what they are for. An epa spokesperson said these were standard reimbursements. But an election watch dog told us they raise serious questions about legality. We also learned about the departure of the deputy associate administrator for Public Affairs who oversue pruitt s initiative sense as sensoring Climate Change science and the fourth staffer to leave unexpectedly this week alone. Meanwhile, pruitt will be back on capitol hill on may 16th potentially facing more questions about recent sara gannon, thank you. And there are concerns about what else is spewing into the air in hawaii. Stay with us. So you have type 2 diabetes, right . Yeah. Yes i do. Okay so you diet, you exercise, you manage your a1c . Thats the plan. What about your heart . What do you mean my heart . The truth is, type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. And with Heart Disease, your risk is even higher. But wait, theres good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease. Jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. Jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and Heart Disease alower your a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Soyou still just thinking about your a1c . Well no, im also thinking about my heart. Now its your turn to ask the serious questions. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Breaking news in our national lead. Now thousands of people have been forced to evacuate parts of hawaii big island as a volcano erupts. It is dangerously close to home. One woman captured images of lava spewing from a crack on a neighborhood street. The time lapse video gives another perspective. New eruptions at killa kilauea volcano. And congresswoman joins us. Were learning that the Hawaii National guard is providing security in areas around the volcano. What is your message the message of the government there to people near the volcano . What do they need to know . Well, jake, as soon as the first eruption happened last night yesterday, actually, the county and state quickly mobilized the National Guard and they were activated to help evacuate people out of this area. This neighborhood, lay lanny estated and the gardens, there are close to 800 homes and almost 2,000 residents so the focus was on mandatory evacuations to get people out of this since the first eruption, there were two others, at least one of which is still active. The sulfur dioxide gas in the air, an Emergency Alert was just sent out to cell phones here in the area to get again remind people to evacuate the area because this sulfur dioxide glass can be so toxic and thick in some areas it could be fatal, especially to those with respiratory illnesses. The so National Guard is out there trying to help people who have not evacuated but secure the area so other folks are not going into the danger area where if things continue to worsen, even First Responders will not be able to get in and help. And congresswoman, are people in the area they are well aware of the potential of this volcano. Are they heeding the warnings . So far there has been at least a few hundred people who evacuated. They are still trying to get the exact numbers on how many people may be left in the area. But it seems like a lot of folks have left and either gone to red cross shelters, local churches have opened doors move of a concern than the lava . [ inaudible ] [ technical difficulties ] the lava moved relatively slowly and in some places after the eruption, it stopped and it is not flowing further. But the the sulfur dioxide gas is very thick. The wind can push it in Different Directions so that is a serious concern given the high levels and people dont have the protective gas masks they need in the thick of this gas. Hawaii is obviously huge when it comes to the tourist industry. Is this affecting tourist destinations as well . I dont think so, at this time. Those who were coming here to visit the Volcano National park are not right now. People need to stay away from that area. But the big island is quite a big island and there are a lot of other places that folks will visit. This is a tightknit community and they are coming together and sharing their aloha with each other and donating food and clothes and thoses that left in a rush needed. I think the challenge this community is kind of used to with living near an active volcano is stress but the fact that this one is the eruptions are literally popping up unexpectedly in the middle of the community, so the unpredictability and the uncertainty of not knowing where the next eruption could occur is a reason why this entire subdivision had to evacuate as quickly as possible. Stay safe. Thank you so much for your time. Be sure to tune in sunday to cnn state of the union. My guess will be roy blunt and democratic congressman adam schiff at 9 00 a. M. And noon eastern on sunday. That is it for the lead. I turn you over to jim acosta in for wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now, breaking news. Fighting battles in a ram nl raxbling speech to the national rival association, president accused Robert Mueller of trying to hurt mr. Beyond the call of rudy. The president and his new lawyer walking back the bombshell

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