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He says dont be silly but adds, you started it. And who cares democracy is broken . It took dealt la just six days. By removing a tax break from the airline. Still no word out of washington on when well see legislation to make schools safer. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to lethe lead. Chaos has been part of how donald trump has run his businesses, how he ran the country. Is there something boris this weeks maelstrom . An ally of the president s tells gloria borg per this past week has been different and quote, something is very wrong. That advisers are scared. The president is spiraling, lashing out, out of control. The chaos is not just about staffing or the president s intemperate tweets. It has had a real policy effect, with the tariffs on steel, sending shock waves on his staffers and administration who have caught completely unawares, but around the world. The president tweeted, trade wars are good and easy to win. This on top of the extremely mixed messages from the president with what needs to change in the wake of the massacre and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in florida. It is possible some other news will break this hour, but that risk, let us take a moment to try to unpack and understand this hot mess of a week. Theres been one resignation announcement this week. Two others are considering leaving. National security adviser h. R. Mcmaster, and there are new reports that gary cohn, the top xhek adviser, is on the brink of leaving as well. Follow the hastily announced tariff announcements yesterday which cohn fought tooth and nail. It was just tuesday when we learned that Jared Kushners interim security has been downgraded significantly from the high level sci to the rather low level secret. Sparked by chief of staff john kellys new rules in the wake of the scandal, surrounding top aide rob porter who was quite blackmailable with two exwives accusing him of Domestic Abuse. Kushner feels everyone at the white house is out to get him questioning, why is john kelly out to do this . But Even White House staffers could not believe the questions raised in a New York Times story surrounding kushner meeting as a Top White House official with the ceos of two Companies Amidst those Companies Lending hundreds of millions to kushner businesses he owns a stake in. Thats jared. As for his wife, u. S. Officials are investigating one of her International Business deals. The times reports has said that jared and ivanka should have never come to the white house in the first place, they should leave, and asking for help getting them to go. But at times daughter speaks directly to his daughter and soninlaw saying they should stay. All the while, we have other stuff. The russia investigation, the president fuming over his public spat with his own attorney general jeff sessions. And the latest scandal plaguing ben carson. The tv version of the president cant even catch a break. Saying alex baldwin, correcting it, because it is important that the most powerful guy in the world weighs in. And dont forget best to lose hope. Hope hicks. A trump whisperer. One friend of President Trump said the hope hicks depart wour send the president into a tail spin which of course promise the question, she hasnt even left yet. If this isnt a tail spin, what is it . I want to bring in analyst maggie hagerman. Shes been reporting on this. Were hearing that this week does seem different. The president is more isolated and angry than ever. Do you get a sense this is a new level or will we be on to Something Else on monday . I think both things are true. Well be on to Something Else. But i think this is a deeper level of chaos and unpredictability on the president s part. On the staff part, a number of people have said they feel like this is essentially mirroring the early days of the white house when they first came in in january of 2017 and in the beginning of february 2017 when they had rollout of the travel ban, this was chaotic, and which was one side of the white house not talking to other sides of the white house. Not every one looped in. At least then the excuse was they had just gotten there. This was a new band of people who had never experienced the west wing before, protocols. Theyve had 13 months now. This is way things. Are you have had a number of departures. One thing weve seen in terms of policy, the absence of rob porter, the staff secretary who left because of spousal allegations, he was playing a facility role. Theres no one in that role. So what you saw in the chaos and the leadup to what the president bmd tariffs, thats emblematic of how empty these chairs are. You reported that privately some aides have expressed frustration that mr. Kushner and his wife are have remained at the white house plflt trump has told the couple they should keep serving in the roles, even as he has privately asked mr. Kelly for his help in moving them out. Thats stunning. As you know, he can say did i have things on different people within the same halfhour and he will adamantly believe whatever he is saying at that moment or tell you. I think he is really conflicted with his daughter. On the one hand, he is proud of her and he talks about how she has done well on the tax issue. He is very pleased with her work there. He likes having her round and he believes she is getting beaten up because of him. Jared kushner he has started to see as a liability. And on the one hand, some people have said, he has some sympathy for him. But on the other hand, this president doesnt like when other peoples headlines start to make the president look bad. And thats how this president sees it. 97 mind that it is a larger piece which is this russia probe. The president feels like the all splashes back on him and it is not really sustainable. That having been said, does that mean they will eminently leave . My understanding is they have no intention of going. We dont know what the security issue will look like in terms of his leaving the job. And people close to the president tell me, im sure you as well, that you cannot overstate importance of hope hicks to the president s emotional well being and being tethered. As he comfort zone player. There are very few people he trusts outside of the family. Home hicks is like family to him. Her departure, she hasnt even left yet. We dont know what that will look like. And it is not just the support she provided the president. She was also, despite, that i know she got a lot of criticism. She was one of the people who could deflect some of his dicier requests or things he wanted to do. She would push back and she would also absorb a lot of screaming, the venting, the anger that he would direct at reporters or at other staffers. And she would not roll it back down hill. Absent that kind of a filter, it will get uglier in an already pretty low morale situation. And is there anyone who could step in . It doesnt seem as though the chief of staff is doing it. The chief of staff is not doing it. He has made it clear that there are things he can control and things he cant. The knock john kelly in addition to how he handled the rob porter issue. The things he can control is staffing. And there are a number of people he has kept in their positions. People like peter who was promoted and now involved in the trade policy has become very controversial. A trade possible policy talked about in terms of tariffs. There are a lot of people who thought the jobs would be imperiled. He decided to take his time and hes been rocked by one controversy to another and has 97 really had time to go back at it. So you have this untenable situation. All right. Thank you for your insight. Always great to have you on. On what chief of staff john kelly said to reporters today, creating more of a controversy. Thats next. Psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. Otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Tell your doctor if these occur. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. 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And he provided the time line that doesnt line one actual time. It doesnt at all. And it was surprising to see that he wanted to revisit this and he revisited it in a way that really defied everything that we had seen and heard over the last month. He said that the very same day that the daily mail came to the white house two allegations on two separate occasions, that rob port he resigned and that the case was closed. That he repeated something we saw, he said he saw within two hours Robert Porter was gone. We know the very next day the white house defended porter in a press Briefing Room. They said Sarah Sanders went to the Briefing Room and that porter would be sticking around to provide a seamless transition. John kellys name was on that. His explanation is that it was a miscommunication and he was writing a statement based on what he knew of kellys work product. But that he wasnt aware of how big this was going to blow up and that he had not fully communicated to the rest of the staff that porter was indeed gone. But at the same time, theres lamb 24hour period before john kelly release ad new statement addressing Domestic Abuse and there was no real explanation for that and it defies everything that weve learned so far. Rob porter, according to Sarah Sanders, the day after john kelly says he first learned about it. Rob porter had the full confidence of the chief of staff and the president. He called him a man of integrity. This is not what a white house chief of staff should be doing, creating more headlines and dredging all that scandal that is about three or four weeks old. Thats right. They rt used the say chief of staff is more about staff than chief. And youre about being the leader of the staff. Not just in this case but if you look at the pattern of the last couple days and weeks, even the leak of the mcmaster possibly leaving soon. The National Security adviser. Kelly has disagreements with him that makes kelly look little stronger. So there to me having been in the white house and working a lot with reporters, it looks to me like it is kelly manage go kellys pr and kellys press. He is protecting his own tail and nobody elses. What do you make of it all . This is an important shift from when kelly first came in as chief of staff. Following the Reince Priebus era. It was a tumultuous first couple months. Where it had been. Lots of public airing of factions. The idea is that you bring in someone like general kelly who wouldnt have a faction. His faction was the president and the american people. To the spent the has disintegrated, and the president s long held views on trade that hes been canceled away, that all of a sudden, those guardrails are gone. That does concern me. And one of the things that you were talking to maggie about, is the expense there is at least as much chaos now in the white house as there were prior to when john kelly got there. There was a belief at least at the beginning that some of this had to do with Reince Priebus was a weak chief of staff. He couldnt adequately leave the building. We know theres a lot of turnover happening. A lot of policy chaos. And that hasnt totally abated. It is not clear what the solution is. Maggies theory is this is the way it is. This was not a bug. I dont think you can blame on it john kelly. It is ultimately trump. Gary cohn has threatened to resign. Chief of staff john kelly joked that god was punishing him by making him work at the white house. He also gave a briefing today that was controversial to say the least. Jared kushner no longer has access to top secret information. The president may be trying to push him and his wife out of the white house. Mcmaster may be out the door. This seems more chaotic than normal. And certainly, more chaotic, i think, possibly even more than in the beginning of the Trump Administration. Yes. Were all waiting for the jake tapper cartoon where it is donald trump in the white house. There will always be people everyone is fired and he cant use the phone. Part of chief of staffs job is to maintain stability among the staff. We learned this in the first term. There were leaks of staff leaving or possible staff departures. That creates instability. Were talking about one times ten here. By the second term weighed gentle rule of thumb that seemed floneurotic at the time but it probably a good process. If somebody was leaving, you wanted their replacement to be announced. The reason is you dont want to send a message internally externally. You dont want people wonder hearing is the next adviser. One of the things thats interesting is President Trump and guns. He came out and staked out a position. Especially during that meeting with buy lawmakers in favor of positions that were anathema to the nra. Then he met with the nra and he tweeted that he doesnt want gun control which is opposite of what he said before the cameras. This whole controversy is not surprising. Remember the chuck and nancy meetings on immigration. Issue after issue after issue. The president is fairly flexible and he likes the say things to a presume he believes will get applause and a good response. As the audience changes, the response changes. Just pointing it out. Weve got lots more to talk about. We dont know if ivanka has top security clearance. Whats Critical Thinking like . A basketball costs 14. Whats team spirit worth . cheers whats it worth to talk to your mom . Whats the value of a walk in the woods . The value of capital is to create, not just wealth, but things that matter. Morgan stanley surprise we got a laggy video call here. Hey, try the new Samsung Galaxy s9 on verizon unlimited. 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Now the Senate Intelligence meeting will hold a hearing on the entire security clearance process. 70 of americans polled are concerned about those employees who have not received a full skurnls. On 29 say they are not worried about it. This is a deal where ivanka trump was a point per and it works like these trump deals do. They dont actually tone building. In this case, the developer is a member of one of the wealthiest families. Like many of these trump properties, it is the condo portion of it. So it is be clear why theyre interested in this deal. If it has 22nd the foreign money involved or perhaps the timing. This is one of the few trump Branded Properties is open since he took office. It opened in 2017. One of the things they look for, is there any way you could have been compromised by your contacts, the financing . Thats standard in a security clearance application process. But weve seen concerns like this about Jared Kushner. There were a number of foreign governments including china that were talking about ways that Jared Kushner could be compromised because of his various entanglements. So that could be for ivanka trump, too. They said this. Cnn is wrong that any hurdle, obstacle, or red flag has been raised with respect to thats trump or her clearance application. Nothing has changed her ability to do the same work shes been doing since she joined the administration. If that looks familiar, it is because they said something very similar when Jared Kushners security clearance has been downgraded to just secret. And if she has managed to all of a sudden get a top secret clearance no, one will say. It could make the u. S. Defense system useless. Thats the claim from putin. Wait until you hear President Trumps reaction. Deyou were persecuted, and forced to flee the country of your birth. But you started a new life in a brand new world. When i built my ancestry family tree, i found your story. 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Meanwhile, President Trump is considering military action against kim jongun if north korea build as weapon capable of striking the United States. How seriously is the pentagon taking russias show of force . Well, look at it this way. Russia already has a Nuclear Arsenal larger than the United States arsenal and Vladimir Putin is making it clear he is not stopping there. Vladimir putin boasting to Parliament Days before the president ial elections in russia. Translator russia still has the greatest nuclear potential in the world. Nobody listened to us. Listen now. Reporter but his message was for donald trump. Showing video animations of what he calls new weapons he claims could get around u. S. Military defenses. Translator the ministry of defense in collaboration with the Aerospace Industry has become an active phase of testing a new missile system. Reporter one video showing warheads raining down on florida. The president s home away from the white house. Thats one of the stunning aspects of the demonstration yesterday. That he would use an absolutely recognizable part of the United States to show where the targeting was. Clearly he wanted to us see that. Reporter putin claiming the russians now have a Nuclear Powered Cruise Missile that can maneuver between mountains. A massive underwater nuclear drone. Russian video showing it attacking an Aircraft Carrier and city coastlines. And an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile can reach anywhere in the world. The u. S. Believes russias weapons are largely in development. Some already crashing in testing. Putin insists russia is more than battle ready. Translator as a matter of fact, every single weapons system discussed today easily surpasses and avoids an antimissile defense system. The white house insisting u. S. Is not surprised. President putin has confirmed what the United States government has known all along, which russia has denied. Russia has been developing destabilizing Weapons Systems for over a decade. All of this as the white house is twooching see if north korea resumes water temperatuea. The latest assessment is the regime has used the quite months around the games on improve its missile guidance but is still struggling with the technology. They are getting ever closer. They said it was a handful of months. Reporter and u. S. Officials told me today, if it did come the war on the peninsula, there isnt even a good solid estimate as to how many casualties there could be. Barbara starr at the pentagon for us. Thank you. Joining me now, the general of National Intelligence under president obama. Thank you for being here. You saw the russian presentation. How significant an advancement is it . How concerned should the u. S. Be . Well, i think it is indicative of what theyve been researching as a white house statement indicated. It is not necessarily as a new public revelation. These are developments we were aware of along with the weapon of vengeance. The long range torpedo with a Nuclear Warhead as well. To me, this was more about putins swagger than, and he was doing this for messaging purposes, more than anything else. I mean, russia has, does represent an existential threat to the United States. And between the two of us we could blow each other up several times already. It also shows putins paranoia about missile defense. Even though he understands, the russians do, ill sure, how limited our defense is now. It is not designed to thwart an all out Nuclear Assault from russia. Do you know what really struck me when i listened to putins remarks . How insecure he sounded. The idea, they didnt listen to us when we said this. We have this. Youd better listen now. It sounds like something a 13yearold would say on a play ground. It is. And it is almost like rhetorically hitting the spoon on the high chair, demanding attention like my kids would do. A certain amount of that doesnt feel like hes getting respect. Kind of the Rodney Dangerfield complex maybe. And i think it is good to put it in perspective. The fundamental weakness thats russia has. Their one claim to great power status their Nuclear Capability. Always has been. If you look at the other dimensions of russia, the picture is not too good from putins standpoint. Because of the economic challenges, the depend yenss on getting things out of the earth. The fact that their gdp is about eek twool australia. Russias population is declining. And there are about 26 Million People in australia and the gdp is about the same. Thats one reason they tout their Nuclear Capability as well as continued attempts to undermine the system. Are we closer to war with russia than a year ago . Contrary to popular view, i dont think so. I think this is just a pattern. It has more to do with putins demand for attention. And also, he is playing to a domestic audience as well. Another part of the speech that didnt get a lot of play. He was rather candid about acknowledging the considerable economic challenges and the number of people this russia that live in poverty conditions which he also acknowledged. Cnn has learned that security thats the inside the Trump Administration believe a Nuclear Armed north korea represents an unacceptable threat. Those pushing actions say beyond the threat to the us is a concern north korea would share nuclear and Missile Technology with iran, pakistan, libya, maybe even syria. Weve seen some cooperation between those. Two i know youve said that we, the United States, need to get used to the idea of a nuclear north korea. What do you think about the strike to take out these Nuclear Weapons . Well, if it were up to me, which its not. I think thats a huge gamble. If we were per emptreatmentory. People havent experienced war or combat. I think we ought to think twice about that. Youre putting a lot of people at risk. To barbara starrs point, we dont have reliable figures on what the casualties will be. But every sophisticated war game has ever been done, the casualties range into the millions. What about the risk of north korea selling to pakistan, libya, iran, syria . Well, i doubt they would have much of a market in pakistan. Thats obviously where the origins of north korea came from pakistan. I think they would be more likely to sell components. Particularly duel use where it is hard to track them. And the recent reporting about some question, syria, with chemical weapons, yes, they can move precursors, chemical components that are innocent. They will continue food because north korea will make money any way they can. General clapper, thank you for being here. We havent heard a tweet from President Trump on putin. We have a question about your brokerage fees. Fees . What did you have in mind . I dont know. 4. 95 per trade . 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When President Trump doesnt escalate something that doesnt need to be escalated, i have to give him credit for it. It is very unusual for the russians to have florida on a map on their cartoon illustrations of their bombs dropping. Thats pretty stunning. It seems like theyre trying to provoke a refraction the president which is not surprising. But kudos to the president for not saying anything. I think we, i think Vladimir Putin believes himself to be someone who knows how to psychologically play his points, and he may have been trying that now. The next step for this administration, for this white house, is to get on the same page about what the actual policy is and how they are actually going to deter or respond to the prof indications that are not the just about Nuclear Weapons but also the cyber warfare were dealing with now. Well, look. This is about the president ial election coming up on march 18. And the biggest enemy, the best booster for putin, we know what the conclusion will be. Is to hate the United States. Being a strong man against the United States. Sure, trump can be applauded except the back story here is that he loves putin. He loves strong men. He loves dictators. I dont know that this shows a newly restrained donald trump. I dont know if i would say i think President Trump loves Vladimir Putin. I think President Trump loves the idea that he won the president ial election and hates that he didnt win it fair and square and i think this president has been, has played footsie with some strong men. I think trump likes the fact Vladimir Putin has praised him. In some ways, he thinks that he and putin can be on the same level. That they share the problems of the world. So maybon a personality level. He does think that they have enough things in common that can be the foundation of a Foreign Policy toward russia. A lot of people disagree. They dont see that it way. They think putin on a very basic level has different values than the United States and we should treat minimum way. He is an adversary. Was there ever a time that you can remember when you were work president obama that putin did something and president obama was almost tempted on take bait because he was insulting the United States or doing somethinger personally provocative. Not that i can recall. And primarily because that wasnt obamas personality. I would say an example that comes to mind, the iranians during the iran negotiations, often tried to provoke the United States. Death to america. They escalated as much as they could, their own politics ixt sure trump understands this is about putins domestic politics. President obama would have underfood is as well. They had things they worked together which nobody talks about. I want to get to alec baldwin. The Hollywood Reporter asked baldwin, how much longer would he portray President Trump . He said every time i do it now, its like agony. He tweeted, alex, not alec, dying mediocre career was saved by an impersonation of me on snl now says its agony for him. Alex, it was also agony for those forced to watchful you were table. Bring back Darrell Hammond. Much funnier and a far greater talent. Of course, alec responded. You know the good stuff that weve all been waiting for. Why . Darrell hammond was great on snl. You agree that Darrell Hammond was better on snl. Yes. I would say if im thinking about favorite president ial important trails, will ferrells george w. Bush is pretty strong. Pretty far up there. Annoy idea why the president would be tweet go to alec bald went at 5 30 in the morning. I have no idea. It is so bizarre. So strange. Snl didnt ever make fun of president obama but if they ever had, i cant imagine he would have taken the bait. Right . Or any other president. Will ferrell was probably the best president ial impersonator. He made fun of him and poked at things American Public poked at him about. But george w. Bush wasnt getting up and talking about it. It does show a remarkably thin skin. And clearly theres not enough on the president s schedule to occupy his time. This is what passes on his desk first thing in the morning. Maybe hes practicing for the correspondents dinner. This is what ive heard. They love trump. They think the economy is doing well but they wish sometimes he would lay off the twitters. And i think it is this kind of thing where it is not a twitter battle against an adversary. This is just a celebrity. This is pre president is it trump that even a lot of republicans wish had not known up at 1600. Thank you all for being here. Have a wonderful weekend. Grounded. How georgia just punish ad company. What would our Founding Fathers want us to do about this president . Im tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they had just repelled an invading foreign power. So they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack. The Justice Department just indicted 13 russians for sabotaging our elections. An electronic attack on america that the chief investigator called warfare. So what did this president do . Nothing. And is he doing anything to prevent a future attack . The head of the fbi says no. This president has failed his most important responsibility protecting our country. The first question is why . What is in his and his familys business dealings with russia that he is so determined to hide, that hed betray our country . And the second question is why is he still president . Join us today. We have to do something. I know when i hand them the its gonna be scary. Car but i also know that were gonna have usaa insurance for both my boys. Its something that theyre not even gonna have to think of. 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Common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. Ready to let go of hep c . Ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. And were back with the money lead. Georgias republican krod government targeted a 50 million tax break for jet fuel after delta end ad discount for nra members in the wake of the Florida High School shooting last month. Delta tried to shake it off saying we are members of Second Amendment just as the entire constitution of the United States. A top georgian republican saying i feel for delta. At the same time, we didnt really feel like we started there. And ally raiseman is done being patient. She is calling for account sxablt now shes suing. In addition to suing the doctor who molested her shes suing usa gymnastics saying they knew he was molesting her and her teammates and did not conduct a full investigation saying, i refuse to wait any longer for these organizations to do the right thing. It is my hope the Legal Process will hold them accountable and enable the change so desperately needed. You might remember. With her after her emotional victim statement that she gave at the sentencing and i asked her about the leadership of the committee. I think that they have no character. I think that theyre not good people and they have not done right thing for a long time. I just dont think they care. Usa gymnastics said they will not comment on the lawsuit. Be sure to tune in this sunday for the state of the union. It all starts at 9 00 a. M. It all starts at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com breaking news. Not backing down. Forced out over Domestic Abuse allegations. Kelly said he has nothing to even consider resigning over, even over a growing controversy over White House Security clearances. Strayed wars. A day after sending World Markets into a tail spin, President Trump said trade wars are good. Will merge products be targeted for retaliation . Angering his allies. The president s position

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