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I will totally accept the results of this great and historic president ial election if i win. Welcome to the lead. Im jake tapper. That was donald trump earlier today, seemingly trying to use humor to deflect questions about whether he will ultimately accept the will of the voters. After that remark trump pledged to accept clear Election Results reserving the right to file legal challenges for questionable outcomes. Trump said what he did today because last night the republican nominee left open the possibility that he may not concede the race if he loses and may reject the results of the election. Saying, quote, i will look at it at the time. In minutes well hear from president obama has to say about trumps refusal last night to commit to accepting the results of the election should he lose. Justin carroll is in delaware, ohio. A new poll shows a neck and neck race in the buckeye state. Seeming to step on his own message. The headlines about whether or not hell accept the results, this cant be what the campaign wanted the headlines to be after the debate. Reporter clearly not. But its the headline thats not going away anytime soon, not after what donald trump had to say at his rally here this afternoon. Donald trump is making a new commitment today about the results of novembers president ial election. I will totally accept the results of this great and historic president ial election, if i win. Reporter that pledge comes as trump has raised unfounded concerns about widespread voter fraud. We want fairness in the election. Reporter campaigning today in ohio, trump said he would accept the result if it was clear. Of course, i would accept a clear election result, but i would also reserve my right to contest or file a legal challenge in the case of a questionable result. Reporter the gop nominees comments come hours after he refused to say whether he would respect the verdict from voters on november 8th. Not saying that youre necessarily going to be the loser or the winner, but that the loser concedes to the winner and that the country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying youre not prepared now to commit to that principle . What i am saying is that ill tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. Reporter Trumps Campaign manager trying to clarify the comments. Saying i wont accept it. If i dont win. Fundamentally thats what he said. Weve never heard it before. Chris, he did not say that. Excuse me. He did not say i wont accept it if i dont win. He said lets see what happens. Meaning lets see how close it is. Reporter trumps debate performance seen as more disciplined than his previous two meetings with Hillary Clinton but still, at times, relying on personal attacks. Interrupting clinton during her response to a question about Social Security. My Social Security payroll contribution will go up, as will donalds assuming he cant figure out how to get out it of. What we want to do is such a nasty woman. Reporter comments that could hurt trumps efforts to chip away at clintons advantage among women in the polls as he continues to face fallout from allegations of sexual misconduct. Again denying the allegations wednesday night and suggesting, without proof, that clinton and her campaign might be behind them. The stories are all totally false. I have to say that. I didnt even apologize to my wife, who is sitting right here, because i didnt do anything. I think they want either fame or her campaign did it. I think its her campaign. Reporter jake, just to circle back again on the comments trump made about the Election Results, maines governor, paul le page, who is a huge trump supporter, a man known for not mincing his words. Said the following about trumps comments. He said, quote, its a stupid comment. He went on to say, i mean, come on, get over yourself. Thanks. Joining me now is robert graham, a Senior Advisor to the Trump Campaign and chairman of the Arizona Republican party. Thank you so much for being here. Appreciate it. My pleasure, jake. Thanks. Here is some of the republican reaction. Arizona senator jeff flake called it beyond the pale. This is about the necessary necessarily accepting the Election Results. Arizona senator john mccain said conceding is not just an exercise in graciousness. Its an act of respect. Your counterparts in North Carolina said theyre, quote, not aware of Election Results being optional. Unquote. These are just the republicans criticizing mr. Trump. Wasnt this comment a huge mistake . Yeah. I think its when you have a candidate, you always want them to be on cue, and you want them to do exactly what you hope for them to do. Here is a guy who hasnt been a candidate. He is not a politician. He just says it. He was almost playful with what he said last night, about keeping people in suspense. I know were not talking about opportunities and jobs for americans, but we are talking about a few words that are not substantive in nature and theyre not doing much for the people. I would rather be talking about jobs, absolutely. Youve had close elections in arizona. If the democrat. Thats right. If the democrats were saying before the election, im not sure if im going to accept the results, that would undermine peoples faith in the process. I have to wonder if, as Arizona Republican chairman, youre concerned that he may be actually suppressing your own vote. If Arizona Republicans are told their votes wont count because its all rigged, why would they even go to the polls . All of those are valid concerns. Its interesting, when you fight we just had a primary that was incredibly contested in a congressional race. It came down to like 19 votes. Neither one of these candidates were willing to concede even though one had more votes. What they did is they dug in, they went through the process with the county recorders. One of the people came out as the clear winner. Once it was canvassed and certified, they said, absolutely. Its done. We have a history with president ial races being really close. As recently as gorge bush and al gore. After the state of florida certified it, he didnt back away from it. He still leaned into it. I think its appropriate. They invest their time, energy, money, their personal fitness and health into these elections. If they think there is something thats not appropriate thats happened, why would they take that away from the American People and just lay down, for the outcomes . No. Sure. If they think there is bad business, i think they need to actually check it out. Sure. I mean, if there is actual evidence of some improprieties. If a state mandated recount is necessary. Cnn has changed arizonas status from leans republican to battleground state. One of the reasons is the large latino population in your state. Democrats say generally its hard to get latinos to turn out to the polls as much as they would like, but donald trump is their own personal get out the vote effort to mobilize latinos to the polls to vote for democrats. Last night mr. Trump, as you know, used the term bad hom bbr to describe latinos who commit criminal acts. This is blowing up is my understanding. Are you concerned about that . Anytime you put words like that together and say bad man in spanish. In arizona more than half our population probably speaks spanish. Everything is concerning, right. When you work as a republican chairman, our mission is to get our people elected. And candidates, we have over 200 candidates in a state yeah, you want them to say the right thing at the right times. In this particular instance, the momentum is such, in arizona, that we are very confident with the turnout, the way things are happening right now, early balloting. I am getting reports every morning. Were not seeing a huge wave of democrat voters behind the democrat ballots. Its a concern. Thats why we fight in harder and dig deeper in all these communities to make sure that literally they hear the right message as it relates to the Republican Party. So how do you make sense of the latest poll out of arizona showing clinton leading trump by five points, 43 to 38 , among likely voters, 7 to gary johnson, 4 to jill stein . Do you not think that that poll is accurate . What do you make of it . Well, its funny that you say how do you make sense of it because ive been trying to understand why all of a sudden the arizona reflipublic is in t polling business. Weve made over a million calls. Both genders, educated women. What were a finding right now, consistently, even with independents, that the undecided and everything are breaking toward trump right now at a pretty massive number, to the point where the independents that were polling not polling, really surveying with a single, oneperson question, is 61 trump and 14 Hillary Clinton. So when i see these numbers, you go, okay, you dig into them, try to see where theyre sampling from. You know the Arizona Republic is not in the business. We stay true to the information we know. We are mobilizing in an incredibly aggressive way in arizona with the field offices, the doors were knocking on and the calls were making. Our information is consistent that arizona will stay red moving forward. The numbers suggest that the victory may be as close as 10 like mitt romney in 2012. Mr. Trump last night as you know called secretary clinton a nasty woman. Are you concerned at all about that affecting the turnout of women voters that you need in order to keep arizona red in the president ial election . And also for john mccain to hold on to his senate seat. He is in a reelection battle against a congress woman. Senator mccain is doing a fantastic job. He did great in the primary. Going into the general election, he jumped 17 points up in the polls. Arizonans like him. Republicans, democrats, swing voters are comfortably behind john mccain. With donald trump as it relates to his comments with Hillary Clinton, dishonesty is one of the big things we hear. A lot of people do say she is a nasty person. When you see the way she treats people, antagonizes the secret service, staffers. Its pretty consistent. I think most people thought, it kind of fits in so many different ways for hillary specifically. This wasnt a woman or a male thing. It was a Hillary Clinton comment. I think thats got to be clear to the people when they try to spin it up and make this another woman bash. Its a Hillary Clinton bash, who she stands out as a nasty person most of the time. Robert graham, chairman of the Arizona Republican party. Thank you for your time, sir. We really appreciate it. Thanks, jake. Appreciate it too. To miami, florida, right now where president obama is taking the stage, delivering remarks at a Hillary Clinton Campaign Rally. Lets listen in. You know who else i love . Weve got a bunch of elected officials here today, including some of your outstanding representatives. Frederica wilson is in the house and your next United States senator, Patrick Murphy so if you have a seat, feel free to sit down. If you dont have a seat, dont. Just make yourself comfortable, because i got some things to say here. So so so this will be probably one of my last visits to miami as president. Oh, no. Dont worry. Dont worry. Im going to come back, but i wont be president , so i can have more fun. But this is how things work in a democracy. Ill talk about that later too, how things are supposed to work in a democracy. Michelle and i only get an eightyear lease on the white house. You know, we rent. We dont own. And right now were making sure we havent broken anything, that bo and sunny havent ruined any carpets. We had been marking off how tall malia and sasha were getting on the wall. Now we have to erase it. Because we want our Security Deposit back. But obviously it has been one of the great honors of my life, the great honor of my life, to serve the American People. And look, the truth is, i couldnt have done it without florida. Florida has always been good to us. I remember campaigning here in miami in the closing days of a tough campaign eight years ago. And we had been living through two long wars. We were about to enter into the worst economic crisis of our lifetimes. On issues Like Health Care and issues like Climate Change, we hadnt really been doing anything. We had just been kicking the can down the road. And i told you then, when i was campaigning, i told you, i wasnt a perfect man and i wasnt going to be a perfect president , but i told you i would work as hard as i could every single day on your behalf. That i would fight for you. To make life a little bit easier for working families all across this country. And i tell you and i tell you what. Eight years later we can look back and we can say we fought our way back from a recession. Our businesses have turned job losses into 15 million new jobs. We have slashed our dependence on foreign oil. Weve doubled our production of clean energy. Incomes are rising, poverty is falling, the uninsured rate is at an alltime low. We brought our brave troops home to their families. We delivered justice to osama bin laden. Marriage equality is a reality in all 50 states. Weve been busy these last eight years [ cheers and applause ] by every measure, our country is stronger and more prosperous than when i came into office. But, all that progress is at stake. If we dont do the right thing these next 19 days. I know i know there are some folks who are talking about how terrible america is. But you know what, i have been to all 50 states as your president , and i see how Great America is right now. [ cheers and applause ] i see folks working hard. Starting their own businesses. I see teachers reaching into their own pocket to make sure our kids are getting the education that they need. I see doctors serving the poor and coming up with new cures. I see our men and women in uniform, our cops and First Responders running towards danger, working to keep us safe. I see the patriotism of young activists who are troubled when things dont go the way they should and call on us to live up to our highest ideals. I see all of you, americans of every faith and every race and every region of the country who know that were stronger together. Young and old, men and women, black, white, latino, asian, native american, people with disabilities or not, all pledging allegiance to the red, white and blue. Thats what i see about america. Thats the america i know. That is the america i know. And there is only one candidate in this race who has devoted her life to that better america, the next president of the United States, Hillary Clinton. [ cheers and applause ] now, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. See, thats one of the things i love about florida. Its always a rowdy crowd. Heres the good news. You dont have to wait until november 8th to send hillary to the white house. You dont need to wait until november 8th to send Patrick Murphy to the United States senate. You can vote early, starting this monday. You can find out where to vote at iwillvote. Com. Starting on monday, you can go to the polls. When you vote early, its not crowded. When you vote early, there are no lines. When you vote early, you can kind of do it on your lunch break. You can do it at your own leisure. You can take your time. But starting monday, you can reject somebody who proves himself unfit to be president every single day in every single way. You can reject his dark, pessimistic, fearmongering vision of a country where we turn against each other and turn away from our role in the world. And instead you can choose as qualified a person who has ever run to lead this country. You can affirm the america we know, a country full of optimism and courage and generosity and hope, a country where we look out for each other and dont turn on each other. Thats the choice that you can make, starting on monday right here in south florida. Ive said this before. There is nothing that can completely prepare you for the job of being president of the United States. You know, that first day after you get sworn in and they walk you in the office, and then everybody leaves and youre in the office, and youre looking around thinking, man, now what . But heres the thing. Hillary clinton, she has been a first lady. Shes been a senator. Shes been my secretary of state. Shes been in the room when tough decisions were made. She knows how those decisions can affect a veteran or a soldier or a kid who needs a great education or a worker who is fighting for a good job or a raise or a decent retirement, and i will tell you, even in the middle of a crisis, she is calm and cool and collected. And she is listening to people and she is treating everybody with respect. And here is the thing about hillary, no matter how tough the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, no matter how mean folks can be, she doesnt point fingers, she doesnt complain, she doesnt whine. She just works harder. And she gets the job done. And she never, ever, ever quits. And thats why i know she can be a great president of the United States of america. [ cheers and applause ] and, the other thing is, she actually knows what shes talking about. She has actually done her homework. So she has got real plans to address what she has heard from you. Specific ideas to invest in new jobs, to help workers share in companies profits, to reduce inequality, ideas to help kids have access to preschool and help students go through College Without taking on a ton of debt. [ cheers and applause ] she was just here in miami last week talking about what she was going to do to fight Climate Change. And then she proposed a Child Tax Credit that would help millions of families. I mean, she she loves this stuff. She is all she is just reading her briefing book all the time. She is not watching tv. She is not watching reality tv. She is not participating in reality tv. She is doing the work. And thats what you want from a president of the United States of america. [ cheers and applause ] now, she is not going to be able to do it alone, so we also have to have outstanding members of congress. And Patrick Murphy, when he is your United States senator, hes going to be doing his work. In fact, unlike his opponent, he actually shows up to work. Unlike his opponent, he didnt try to defund planned parenthood. He made sure that women could make their own health care decisions. Unlike his opponent, he didnt walk away from floridas Hispanic Community when the politics got tough. He fought for compreensive Immigration Reform and a pathway to citizenship. Unlike his opponent, patrick actually believes in science and believes in the effects of Climate Change. Just the other night in their debate, marco rubio did not accept that sea levels are rising. And if you are watching tv or you are going down some of the blocks right here in miami in the middle of a sunny day and you see the ocean coming up through the streets, how can you deny what is right in front of you . I thought he was from miami Patrick Murphy brought democrats and republicans together to Fund Everglades restoration. He knows how to get stuff done. Not just to think about what youre going to do next. And as your next senator, hell fight for this planet, for future generations. The point is, you deserve leaders who show up to work, who do their homework, who care more about you than about just hanging onto their job, who will have your back. That is who Hillary Clinton is. Thats who Patrick Murphy is. They will always be there for you, and thats why you have got to be there for them, starting monday when you go early vote and in contrast, you got donald trump. Oh dont boo. Vote dont booing doesnt do any good. Vote. And get your friends to vote. Get uncle joe to vote. Get, you know, pookie to vote and javier to vote. Vote dont boo. Trump cant hear you from hear. But he can hear you when you go to the ballot box and vote. [ cheers and applause ] i know i know trump hangs around here in florida, but you know, i dont think he represents the values of florida. Here is a guy who repeatedly stiffs Small Business owners and workers who have done work for him. In fact, he thinks thats smart. Just dont pay them. Then let them try to sue. This is a guy who doesnt release his tax returns. First president first president ial candidate in decades who wont release his tax returns, and its either because hes not as rich as he says he is or, as he admits, he hasnt paid federal income taxes in years, and he says thats smart. He thinks youre suckers for doing what youre supposed to do. But its not smart not to pay your taxes. All that means is, unlike the rest of us, despite everything that america has given to him, he doesnt feel obliged to give back a single dime to help our troops, or our veterans, or to make sure that young people get help going to college. You know, he he keeps on talking about wanting to make america great. Well, its people who avoid their responsibilities that create problems here in america. He is not part of the solution. He is part of the problem. And if you really believe that a guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no regard for working people is suddenly going to be the champion of working people, then i guess thats your guy. But if you want leaders who actually value hard work, respect working americans, who want higher wages and Better Benefits and a fairer tax code, who want equal pay for equal work for women, then you should vote for Hillary Clinton and you should vote for Patrick Murphy. And if you want somebody who is going to actually keep your family safe, in a dangerous world, then the choice is even clearer. Hillary are see to it that our troops finish the job of defeating isil. They are going after them right now as we speak. And shell do it without resorting to torture or banning religions from our country. She has got the temperament and the knowledge, the steady hand, to be the next commander in chief. Meanwhile, youve got donald trump insulting p. O. W. S, attacking a gold star mom, talking down to our troops and our veterans, praising dictators, telling our allies we might not stand by them if they dont pay up. I agree with the u. S. Senator, a republican, who awhile back said that we cant afford to give the Nuclear Codes of the United States to an erratic individual. By the way, you know who said that . Marco rubio. He also called donald trump a dangerous con artist who has spent a career sticking it to working people. You want me to say it again . He said marco rubio said this was a dangerous con artist who spent a lifetime spent a career sticking it to working people. Now, that begs the question, since were in florida, why does marco rubio still plan to vote for donald trump . Why is he supporting donald trump . I mean, we know look, i know a lot of republicans, voters, just ordinary folks, your neighbors, your friends, you know, most of them dont think the way trump does, and they re are legitimate differences between the parties. But there has to be a point where you stand for something more than just party, or more than just your own career. And here is the thing. Trump didnt come out of nowhere, now. For years, republican politicians and farright Media Outlets had just been pumping out all kinds of toxic, crazy stuff. I mean, first of all, there was the whole birther thing. Then they started saying Climate Change is a chinese hoax. And according to them, i have power enough to cause these hurricanes and im about to steal everybodys guns in the middle of the night and declare martial law but somehow i still need a teleprompter to finish a sentence. So theyve been saying crazy stuff, and there are a lot of politicians like marco rubio who know better, but they just look the other way because they figure, you know what, you know, if they really if we can just stir folks up and think that barack or hillary or others are doing all these terrible things, were saying theyre doing, thats going to help us get votes. And so well just oppose anything that theyre trying to do. And maybe well end up having more power in washington. And so they just stood by and said nothing, even though they knew better. While their base actually started believing some of this stuff. I say all this because trump didnt start all this. Like he usually does, he just slapped his name on it, took credit for it, and then promoted the heck out of it. Now, over the last couple of weeks, after those videos came out on that bus, there were a number of republican politicians who walked away from donald trump. Apparently a tape where a president ial candidate brags about actions that, if you hear what he is saying, qualify as sexual assault, apparently that was the dealbreaker for him. Or at least his poll numbers dropping after the tape came out was the dealbreaker for him. I mean, last night did you hear trump tried to run away from comments that were on a recording, and the audience started laughing when he said, i really respect women. Did you see that . But here is my question. My question is why would it take this long for republican senators and republican congressmen and republican governors and state reps and state senators, why would it take this long to figure out that donald trump shouldnt be president . If you have made if you have made a career of idolizing ronald reagan, then where were you when your partys nominee for president was kissing up to vladimir putin, the former kgb officer . You know, you used to criticize me for even talking to the russians. Now suddenly youre okay with your nominee having a bromance with putin. [ cheers and applause ] if you come from a family of immigrants, like almost everybody here does unless youre native american, where were you when your partys nominee for president called immigrants criminals and rapists . If you say you love the constitution in fact, you say obama is over reaching with his executive actions. He is violating the constitution. Issued be impeached but then you stand up and nominate and support a guy who says that he would silence reporters, jail his political opponent in the middle of a debate, deport whoever he wants i mean, i assume youve got some familiarity with the First Amendment and the fifth amendment and the 14th amendment. Why werent you offering him your pocket constitution like mr. Khan did. [ applause ] if youre a republican official or leader out there, and youve run for office on family values, family values, why wouldnt you walk away from him months ago, when you heard your nominee for president call women pigs and dogs and slobs. And grade them not for their character or their intellect but on a scale of 1 to 10. You dont have to be a husband or a father to stand up for women. You dont have to have a disability to say its wrong to mock somebody with a disability. You dont have to be a muslim to stand up for our fellow citizens who are just as patriotic as we are. You just have to be a decent person, and you just have to love this country. [ cheers and applause ] so i dont give a lot of credit for folks who are just now trying to walk away from trump. Although i will say i am even more confused by republican politicians who still support donald trump. Marco rubio is one of those people. How does that work . How can you call him a con artist and dangerous and object to all the controversial things he says and then say, but i am still going to vote for him . Come on, man come on, man that you know what that is, though . It is the height of cynicism. Thats the sign of somebody who will say anything, do anything, pretend to be anybody, just to get elected. And you know what, if youre willing to be anybody just to be somebody, then you dont have the leadership that florida needs in the United States senate. Thats not the leadership you need. Thats why you got to vote for Patrick Murphy. Thats why youve got to vote for Hillary Clinton. Thats why you got to start voting early on monday. And go to iwillvote. Com. Because because let me tell you, there is only one way we lose this election. Just one. If we dont turn out to vote. Only way. We got to do it big we got to leave no doubt. Because you notice the donald is already whining that the votes going to be rigged before the game is even over. We are just starting to vote now. Hes already like, oh, the game is rigged. Except today he said, of course, its not rigged if i win. I mean, this you know and by the way, i will say, all the republicans have not all but most have acknowledged, there is no way to rig an election in a country this big. I am i dont know if Donald Trumps ever been to an actual polling place where you have democrats and republicans who are in charge of taking the votes. But, you know, he doesnt even worry if what he says is true. This is just about him worried that he is losing. Which means he really doesnt have what it takes to hold this job. Because i will tell you, there is a lot of time in this job where things dont go your way. And when you suggest but i have made this point before. I want to repeat it here. This is more than just the usual standard lie. Because when you suggest rigging or fraud without a shred of evidence, when last night, at the debate, trump becomes the First Major Party nominee in American History to suggest that he will not concede despite losing the vote and then says today that he will accept the results if he wins that is not a joking matter. No, no, no. I want everybody to Pay Attention here. That is dangerous. Because when you try to sow the seeds of doubt in peoples minds about the legitimacy of our elections, that undermines our democracy. Then you are doing the work of our adversaries for them. Because our democracy depends on people knowing that their vote matters, that those who occupy the seats of power were chosen by the people. Even when your preferred candidate loses, even when you are the one who is running and you lose, you have got to see the Bigger Picture and say that here in america we believe in democracy and we accept the will of the people. So i am telling you, florida, your vote does matter. Your vote does count. And this whole notion of voter fraud, listen, one study shows that, out of one billion votes cast, there were 31 proven cases of voter fraud. 31 out of a billion. You are luckier you are much likelier to get struck by lightning than to have somebody next to you commit voter fraud. You would pin the powerball. And so thats why i am glad to see republicans coming out and saying that kind of talk is nonsense. After all, in florida here youve got a republican governor. Well, dont boo. Booing gets you nowhere. You got republican governors in battleground states like ohio, North Carolina, georgia, nevada, and iowa, and texas and arizona. Are they all in on this rigging . Theyre not going to rig the election for Hillary Clinton. Even even marco rubio says there is no rigging of the vote, which i would like to give him credit for, except he is refuting the dangerous, unprecedented claims of a candidate he says he is still going to vote for. Which just gives you one more bit of proof that marco seems to just care about hanging on to his job. Patrick murphy cares about you. Listen, i have lost an election before. It is no fun. Winning is better. But when you lose, you congratulate your opponent. And you look inside yourself and you figure out what did i do wrong. And enthis ythen you work harde you try to win the next time. Thats how democracy works. Thats what real leaders do. Democracy is a challenge, and its supposed to be. But you cant just look out for yourself and look out for your own best interests. Youve got to look out for americas best interests. Not just when its easy, but when its hard. And thats what Patrick Murphy understands. Thats what Hillary Clinton has done her entire life. She knows that in this big, diverse country, democracy cant work if all were about is trying to destroy somebody in the other party. If we demonize each other. If we Block Supreme Court appointments not because thats how its supposed to work but just because we didnt win. She knows that issues arent black or white, that progress requires compromise, even when you are 100 right, you still got to compromise in a country like this. She knows that nobody is perfect, but at least we should all try to conduct ourselves with the same decency and generosity and bigheartedness that we try to teach our own kids. And you know what, that kind of steadiness, that kind of responsibility, that attitude of just doing the right thing, it doesnt always grab headlines. Our politics cant always just be boiled down to a tweet. And i know in this election season sometimes politics have seemed cheap and trivial and frustrating. But right now i am here to tell you, youve got a chance to reject that kind of politics. You can reject divisive politics. You can reject meanspirited politics. You dont have to let this country go backwards. You have a chance to move it forward and elect a woman, the first female president , who has spent her entire life trying to make this country better. Somebody who has worked hard even when she has fallen short. Somebody who works hard even when she is attacked. Thats got guts. Thats got courage. So dont fall for the easy cynicism that says your vote doesnt matter. Dont believe that notion that all politicians are the same. Thats what hillarys opponent wants you to think. So you lose faith, so you give up, so you stay home. Dont do that because i promise you, your vote does matter. And if you have any doubt, ask the 20 Million People who have got health care today that didnt have it before you voted. [ cheers and applause ] and the marine who can serve this country without hiding the husband that he loves. Ask him if your vote matters. And the auto worker who saw his factory go dark but now is working a double shift. Find out from him if your vote matters. I just came from miamidade college, and theyve got students from about 100 different countries. And all those young immigrants, those dhaka kids, who have earned an opportunity to stay and study and become doctors and lawyers. Young people just like dominique, just as talented as malia and sasha, who now have a chance to contribute to this country that they love just as much as anybody. Ask them if your vote matters. They know it does. [ cheers and applause ] donald trump has nothing to offer but anger and grievance and blame. And so he his Closing Argument asks, what do you have to lose . Well, i am here to tell you, everything you know how much progress we have made, despite the opposition, despite the forces of discrimination, despite the politics of backlash, and that progress doesnt stop with my presidency. Were just Getting Started so progress is on the ballot. Civility is on the ballot. Tolerance is on the ballot. Justice is on the ballot. Equality is on the ballot. Our democracy is on the ballot. Hillary clinton will advance those things. Donald trump wants to reverse progress. Marco rubio wants to help it. You want to give me a good sendoff, you want to give michelle a good sendoff . Join us. Work as hard for hillary and patrick as you did for us. You care about our democracy, dont stay home. You got to get in the arena, you got to vote. Thats what this democracy is about. Its not a spectator sport. You want to give me a good sendoff . Go knock on some doors. Sign up as a volunteer. Make some phone calls. Go talk to your friends. And if you do that, well win this election. Well elect Patrick Murphy, your next senator. Well elect Hillary Clinton, the next president. Well show our kids and the rest of the world why america remains the greatest nation in the world. Thank you, miami. God bless you. God bless you, United States of america. [ cheers and applause ] president obama speaking to a crowd of supporters in miami, florida, a Campaign Rally for Hillary Clinton. Lets bring in our Political Panel to chew over what we heard. Republican strategist alex stuart. Hilary rosen and former Communications Director for senator ted cruz. Amanda carpenter. Strong words, alice, from president obama about donald trump. And clearly trying to wrap donald trump like an albatross around marco rubio who is up for reelection in florida. Clearly you get the sense from the speech, so much talk about the marco rubio race, he wants to add a new line to his legacy, which is a democratcontrolled senate. Also goes to show he feels pretty confident in the state of florida in terms of, in that area, hillary doing well there. So for him to loop in so much of that speech in the marco rubio race, he clearly sees an in for a democrat to win in that area. Hillary, can that work . Marco rubio has tried to distance himself from donald trump in any number of ways, though hes said hell actually vote for him. Hes said hes going to vote for him. That ultimately is the perfect endorsement. What more could you do . Well see this more and more in other states where there are vulnerable members up and where we have open seats. Were going to see the principles michelle obama, president obama, joe biden out there saying we need a Democratic Senate to do what we need to get done to keep this legacy going. Amanda, earlier in the show i interviewed the chairman of the Republican Party of arizona who said he wished he was talking about trumps job plan or trumps plan on foreign policy, et cetera. Instead he is having to defend, he didnt really offer a defense in trumps insinuations that the election is rigged. Its not what you want republicans to be defending, the american system of democracy, with so many days left. Yeah. When donald trump said i will accept the results, dot, dot, dot, if i win. Thats a joke he should have told at the Al Smith Dinner tonight, not the actual rally. Its a joke is what hes doing. Barack obamas speech was looking back at the president ial race. He assumes donald trump is done. Republicans feel that too. There are conversations about what reforms are needed. Everyone recognizes were headed for disaster. The question is how to fix it and what the Republican Party will look like in 2017. I heard from a republican congressman yesterday who said he is worried about the house even. That would be a real wave. Thats a tall order for democrats to recapture the house. Were safe in the house. There are too many seats democrats need to pick up. The house is safe. There are concerns about the senate. I think what were going to see between now and election day is a lot of these senators in these tight races, theyre going to distance themselves as much as they can from donald trump and run their own race and bring in their own surrogates to speak for them because its its a do or die from here to the finish. They are separating themselves from donald trump. I think the third debate, i think the fact that were spending the day after talking about his claims that the elections are rigged is unfortunate. Because i think there are some clear contrasts he showed last night in terms of the supreme court, which is a critical issue for a lot of voters and a stark contrast between you and hillary given that he is prolife, she is proabortion. On the Second Amendment. He is for Second Amendment rights and she is for gun control. Its a clear contrast many need to see. Unfortunately his comments about the election overshadowed that. Quickly, on the republicans losing the senate. One person desperately needs accountability and thats senator majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. He was selling them we wont lose one seat because of donald trump. He thinks he is a master tactician. Thats a giant miscalculation. You dont see Mitch Mcconnell anywhere trying to mitigate the damage he helped to cause by nominating donald trump. Even if Kelly Ayottes debate. The New Hampshire senator. In New Hampshire. She was defending donald trump. Calling him a role model. The idea that these senators are, in this last two weeks, will be able to run away from this guy, i dont think so. Instructive in the house. Nancy pelosi and the House Democrats raised twice as much money last month as paul ryan and the republicans. And the republicans control the house. So the idea that the democrats could raise that much more money, that tells you how where the wind is going here. Amanda and alice, you guys worked for ted cruz. He never warned us about anything like this happening. I am joking i am joking thank you so much, one and all. Appreciate it. Its being called a big failure. A new north Korean Missile launch is still setting off alarm bells. That story next. Stay with us. Support prop 51. Prop 51 repairs older schools and removes dangerous lead paint and pipes ensuring classrooms are safe for all students. For safe schools vote yes on 51. Teachers, nurses and firefightes support prop 51. Prop 51 will upgrade libraries, science labs, and Classroom Technology and relieve School Overcrowding creating more opportunity. And better learning for students help students succeed vote yes on 51. So we know how to cover almost alanything. Ything, even mermutts. 1940s aqua music burke and we covered it, february third, twentysixteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum well, the midnight headlight blind you on a rainy night steep grade up ahead slow me down makin no time. But i gotta keep rollin, for the mornin introducing the new turbocharged golf alltrack with 4motion® allwheel drive. Ooh, im driving my life away. Soon to be everywhere. Lookin for a better way. Welcome back. Our world lead now. Another Missile Launch by north korea. Last nights test was a big flop with an intermediate range missile exploding shortly after takeoff. Its alarming National Security experts is that the tests have become more frequent under the reign of kim jong un. The fifth launch in the past month. John kerry saying the usa will send a controversial antimissile system to south korea as soon as possible and warned kim jong un that the u. S. Has the power to, quote, wipe out north korea. Thats it for the lead. Im turning it over to wolf blitzer in the situation room. Happening now, if i win. After refusing to commit to honoring the Election Results, donald trump now says he will accept the outcome if he wins. That may be a joke, but hardly anyone is laughing. As the shock waves from his debatenight comment continue to spread. Stolen emails. Thencandidate Barack Obamas personal address is revealed in the latest batch of stolen emails published by wikileaks. Is russia behind it . How embarrassing is this for america . Another showdown. Last night they couldnt shake hands at the debate. Tonight, donald trump and Hillary Clinton will be on sta

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